Inglourious Basterds 

Inglourious Basterds 

𐌕𐌓𐌉𐌁UL𐌄 𐌛𐌓𐌏𐌋𐌄𐌂𐌕

Graphene vaccines are a weapon of genocide

The Super Vaccination Program is being implemented worldwide with the help of Genocide biological weapons disguised as COVID-19 vaccines. Alas, we must state the obvious: Covid "vaccines" are not vaccines at all; they were never meant to be. 

Each injection of Big Pharma has been designed as a highly sophisticated biological weapon designed to kill, weaken, disease, incapacitate and/or maim unfortunate victims.

To date, all the scientific, unconfirmed and circumstantial evidence clearly points to a carefully developed bioengineered "covid vaccine" that was imposed on humanity with the aim of depopulating the planet. These extremely risky experimental "vaccines" are administered without regard to a person's age, health status, allergic reaction(s), or ability to properly detoxify extremely harmful ingredients. 

Absence of mRNA (Gene Therapy) in the Pfizer Vaccine 

Spanish researchers placed the Pfizer vaccine under an electron microscope and found that it contained 99% graphene oxide and almost nothing more.

There is virtually NO evidence that this "vaccine" is a gene therapy. Zero genetic material is "present" in it: mRNA, DNA or spike protein. This means that this "vaccine" has nothing to do with the so-called virus. This product was not designed to prevent infection caused by a virus. The true purpose of this product remains hidden. No official statements have been made from governments or health agencies. The toxicity of graphene oxide (GO) is reason enough to end the global vaccination program.

Below are brief excerpts from a review of graphene toxicity studies. Review published on October 31, 2016:

Toxicity of graphene family nanoparticles: a general overview of the origin and mechanisms

Due to their unique physicochemical properties, graphene family nanomaterials (GFNs) are widely used in many fields, especially in biomedical applications. Many studies are currently investigating the biocompatibility and toxicity of GFNs in vivo and intro. Generally, GFNs can exhibit varying degrees of toxicity in animals or cell models, depending on different routes of administration and penetration through physiological barriers, subsequently distributed in tissues or localized in cells, eventually excreted from the body.


We also note that the toxicity of GFNs is determined by various factors, including transverse size, surface structure, functionalization, charge, impurities, accumulations and the corona effect, etc. In addition, several typical mechanisms underlying GFN toxicity have been identified, for example, physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy and necrosis. In these mechanisms, the (toll-like receptors-) TLR-, transformative growth factor β- (TGF-β-) and tumor necrosis factor-dependent pathways alpha (TNF-α) are involved in a network of signaling pathways, and oxidative stress plays a crucial role in these pathways.


Graphene and its derivatives include single-layer graphene, multi-layer graphene (FLG), graphene oxide (GO), reduced graphene oxide (rGO), graphene nanolayers (GNS), graphene nanofibers, etc. GO is one of the most important chemical derivatives of graphene from the graphene family of nanomaterials (GFNs), which is attracting increasing attention for its potential biomedical applications. Graphene-based materials typically range in size from a few to hundred nanometers and are 1-10 nm thick, which is also the definition of "nanoparticles" or "nanomaterials." Due to their exceptional physical and chemical properties, graphene materials are widely used in various fields, including energy storage; nanoelectronic devices; batteries; and biomedical applications such as antibacterial drugs, biosensors, cell imaging, drug delivery, and tissue engineering.


.. Recently, some studies have been conducted on the effects of GFNs in professional settings, and published data have shown that occupational exposure to GFNs is potentially toxic to workers and researchers. GFNs can be delivered to the body by:

intratracheal instillation,

 oral administration,

 intravenous injection,

 intraperitoneal injection and

 subcutaneous injection. 

GFNs can cause acute and chronic tissue damage by penetrating through:

blood-air barrier, i.e. breathing,

 blood barrier - testicles,

 blood-brain barrier, 

blood-placental barrier, etc. 

and accumulate in the lungs, liver, spleen, etc. 

For example, some aerosols from graphene nanomaterials can be inhaled and precipitated in the airways, and they can easily penetrate the tracheobronchial airways and then pass into the lower airways of the lungs, leading to the subsequent formation of granulomas, pulmonary fibrosis, and adverse health effects of exposed individuals. Several reviews describe unique properties and summarize recent potential biological applications of GFNs for drug delivery, gene delivery, biosensors, tissue engineering, and neurosurgery; the biocompatibility of GFNs in cells (bacterial, mammals and plants) and animals (mice and zebrafish) was assessed; information on the effects of GFNs on soil and aquatic environments has been collected.

The toxicological mechanisms of GFNs demonstrated in recent studies mainly include inflammatory response, DNA damage, apoptosis, autophagy, necrosis, etc. And these mechanisms can be assembled to further explore the complex network of signaling pathways that regulate the toxicity of GFNs. It should be noted that there are several factors that significantly affect the toxicity of GFNs, such as concentration, transverse size, surface structure, functionalization, etc. 

Covid Vaccine Delivers Nanoparticles for Mind Control 

It has never been a "vaccine" against the virus. 

This is a secret nanotechnology project, designed to capture and control the brain of the human population.

A biologist named Ricardo Delgado and a physician, Dr. José Luis Sevillano, hosts an online program called "La Quinta Columna," say some people's hands turn magnetic exactly where they were vaccinated. In these places, not only magnets stick, but also scissors, metal parts, tools, even mobile phones!

This phenomenon is not exclusive to the hand. Within a few days, it moves towards the chest, neck or upper part of the spine. 

They began their own research and found the following:

1. All vaccines are produced using the same nanotechnology. In Spain, it was even described as "secret nanoparticles." These nanoparticles become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body. When they remain in an environment with temperatures below zero degrees, they remain non-magnetic. 

Why are they freezing vaccines?


2. These particles must be a nanotechnology material called GRAPHENE. which is superconducting and highly integrated with neurons of brain cells


3. The European Union has invested one billion euros in a project called the Graphene Flagship


4. GRAPHENE particles can interact with brain neurons remotely using different radio frequencies (5G can be one of them), they can map the brain and transmit and receive INSTRUCTIONS remotely


Everyone knows what graphite is - it's what a pencil writes.

The substance from which the graphite rod of the pencil is made is carbon.

In the field of nanotechnology, carbon is called graphene.

Graphene is a two-dimensional modification of carbon,

formed by a layer of carbon atoms only one atom thick.

You won't believe it, but the graphene nanomaterial is the same as the atomic bean or spaceflight in the 20th century.

It's just that not everyone knows it yet.

Here's what's most important with graphene, and it's already touched many: 

1. Graphene is something that can integrate into a living organism and change it;

2. Graphene is something that may have been actively stuffing us for many years.

What for?



Graphene can turn our ideas not only about technology, but also about medicine, scientists say. 

In the appendix to the "Notes of the Observer" there are fragments of interviews with José Antonio Garrido.

For several years, he has been studying the prospects for the use of graphene in biosensorics. 

Currently, a group of researchers from Germany, France and Switzerland, led by him, created at the Technical University of Munich, is developing brain implants based on graphene.

- For several years now, everything has been only enthusiastic and they say that graphene, this layer of carbon one atom thick, will replace silicon in computer chips. However, the promised revolution has not yet taken place.

Jose Garrido may refer to: 


There was a certain euphoria, especially among electronics engineers. 

However, we are interested in a completely different possibility of using graphene, namely, its use in neuroprostheses and brain implants. 

We are also engaged in retinal implants, which will stimulate retinal cells depending on the light entering them in such a way that vision is at least partially returned to blind patients. 

Another use case for our prostheses is to control artificial arms or legs using signals transmitted by the brain, and these signals will need to be removed directly from the cerebral cortex.

- In neuroprostheses that have already managed to successfully establish themselves, as a rule, silicon is used. Why are you betting on graphene?

Jose Garrido may refer to: 

The materials of such prostheses must be chemically stable. Or, to put it more clearly: if we introduce these materials into this or that tissue of the body, it is impossible that they will dissolve in it over time. 

And it is necessary that they make good contact with this tissue and at the same time meet all the requirements that we usually impose on biosensors. 

Graphene fits these conditions perfectly; it is far superior in its characteristics to any other materials that we could use instead.

- The thickness of a graphene film is only one atom. How important is that?

Jose Garrido may refer to: 

As experience shows, patients quickly have problems with rigid implants made of silicon or metal because they cause damage to neighboring tissues, or because the human body begins to attack them. 

In addition, it is impossible to ensure that the cells of the body are in perfect contact with these implants. 

On the contrary, prostheses made of the thinnest layers of graphene adapt better to the human body. 

- So, a graphene transistor could read signals originating in the motor centers of the cerebral cortex. But with a retinal implant or an auditory prosthesis, it's the other way around, they have to respond to external stimuli.

Jose Garrido may refer to: 

We hope to construct a graphene-based interface that will take up a minimum of space and perform both tasks: stimulate the cells of the body and control the result. 

After all, if there is no feedback, then we will have to send impulses to the cells of the body literally "blindly". 

It is clear that the effectiveness of the prosthesis in this case will be low.

- Will the brain implant you are developing consist only of graphene or not?

Jose Garrido may refer to: 

Graphene for us is the last link in the chain. 

The graphene element should be located where the body tissue comes into contact with the prosthesis, where it is necessary to achieve the best contact between the electronics and the body.

PRACTICE. 2017 year

DAPRA organized a Demo Day event at the Pentagon, where it showed a fully working prototype of an artificial arm. 

The prosthesis is implanted in the remaining limb and controlled with the help of brain impulses, according to the official website of the company DAPRA.

An artificial hand can perform all the same functions as a real one, only slightly slower. 

Control of the prosthesis occurs with the help of brain impulses transmitted to the nerves and muscles of the remaining part of the arm.

According to representatives of the company, they managed to assemble the most advanced prototype of a robotic arm in the world. 

The sample is powered by a built-in battery. 

It can be replaced at any time.

The "smart" MYO bracelet is responsible for reading brain signals. 

Initially, it was created for games and mobile device management. 

But DAPRA researchers have found a use for it in a prosthesis.


One of the main goals of total acupuncture is to introduce into us precisely the antennas that receive graphene devices.

In order for it to spread through the body with the bloodstream, become a part of the body, line up the body and get into the brain.

But why?

There are many goals. Radio sound and the voice of God. Scientists have long recorded that sounds can occur in the human head under the influence of external electromagnetic, cellular radiation on the human brain.

But, alas, the experiments of the late 20th century did not reveal special prospects for this direction.

For two reasons: 

1. Then the frequencies of cellular fields were low (which means that the effectiveness of the impact of the fields is also low); 

2. The brain didn't want to be an antenna. 

In the last decade, the topic of "The Voice of God" has taken on new relevance for two reasons: 

1. The frequencies of the cellular fields used for communication have increased by an order of magnitude (10 times), which means that their ability to act on our brains has increased by 10 times; 

2. Discovered graphene. And it turned out that if you add it to the human brain, they become an excellent antenna for cellular fields, at least for six months, and there is another injection. 

That is why hundreds of thousands of new cell towers around the world are being cheerfully and quickly installed.

There are plans to stuff as much of the population as possible with graphene through an injection and try contact through the towers. The program is in development, not everything is done. The plan to start a new bright life in the form of NWO, such an explosive mixture of neo-fascism and neo-communityism. 

5. These were never "vaccines" against the virus, instead it was a secret nanotechnology project designed to reach and control the brains of the human population (we still don't know if they can modify DNA with 5G). In la Quinta Columna, they found that people had already been magnetized with graphene present in masks, PCR tests, chemtrails and flu and covid vaccines, just as covid itself is not present. It is a trademark for selling the fear of death to the public. 

6. Graphene icon - what is it? 

Take a calculator and calculate the difference of days between these dates.

Oh you are my good, but why wasn't Grandpa invited? Ai Ai Ay, it's not good to steal the ideas of your Grandpa 

7. GRAPHENE can be naturally excreted from the body because there is an enzyme called myeloperoxidase that appears to break down graphene molecules. Surprisingly, consuming alcohol or even tobacco can help increase this enzyme. That's why they want the population to be vaccinated every 6 to 12 months and be sober.

8. The interaction between GRAPHENE in vaccinated people and 5G can be fatal when 5G is fully activated in July 2021, so we would like to stop this madness in a short period of time and cancel vaccination programs once and for all.

9. Graphene Flagship speakers are mindful of AstraZeneca's guidance and are in very close contact with major pharmaceutical companies: "The University of Manchester will provide an overview of graphene and its use in biomedical devices, while representatives from AstraZeneca, Glaxo Smith Kline, Pixtium Vision, Clinatec and Multichannel Systems will talk about how this cutting-edge research in the industry is being completed and how to advance it."


10. Nanografi, based in Turkey, and not only in Turkey, produces a new nasal version of the covid vaccine for spraying directly into the nose (and easily penetrates the brain). They are also involved in nanotechnology using graphene.

11. The EU will invest 2,000 million euros in graphene research and human brain restoration, Spain is a country with a large number of working groups.

12. Bill Gates has funded Imperial College London £4.5 million for research on graphene in vaccine technology.

13. Michael L. Gordon, a national security specialist at the Wall Street Journal who publicly denounced "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq, was the same journalist who told the story of the Chinese origin of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan.

Graphene Oxide and 5G

It is crucial to understand why such a large volume of a known toxin as graphene oxide was injected into these "vaccines". From the outset, it was correctly observed that there is a direct correlation between COVID-19 outbreaks and the spread of 5G around the world. In fact, all of the first major CLUSTERS of SARS-CoV-2 have mushroomed in major metro areas that have just undergone a 5G military deployment in 2019.

See the study, the data shows a direct correlation between 5G networks and the outbreaks of the "Coronavirus"

Thus, the established link between these outbreaks of the coronavirus epidemic and the switch to 5G power grids is now undeniable. This critical data point informs the emerging scientific hypothesis, which is currently being studied by an experienced and qualified team of Spanish researchers. 

They inject graphene oxide as an adjuvant into COVID-19 vaccines.

La Quinta Columna, a team of Spanish researchers, found that the vaccines contain graphene oxide. It has an absorption band for 5G frequencies, which can also cause a magnetic phenomenon.

Ricardo Delgado may refer to: 

"Nanotechnology is being introduced into ampoules with a vaccine. Not just from COVID-19, but also from the flu vaccine. And in fact, they did it with the flu vaccine that we think caused the COVID-19 disease itself.

There is plenty of evidence of a "magnetic" phenomenon around the world. They are associated not only with the phenomenon of sticking of magnets and metal objects, but also with the phenomena of electromagnetic induction, which generates variable electromagnetic fields inside the body if you use measuring instruments, such as a gaussmeter or multimeter, which also generate alternating electric fields on a millivolt scale, but very unusual, on the order of 180 mV to 200-350 mV in some people, especially in the forehead.

We also found that graphene oxide nanoparticles are present in PCR tests, as well as in masks and possibly some other method of delivery to the respiratory tract, which is why some people exhibit magnetism in the nose area. Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) nanoparticles inside the body, which acquire magnetic properties precisely inside the body under conditions of body temperature, in contact with hydrogen and at certain angles, which are called the "magic angle" of graphene oxide. When we saw that this is a superconductor that behaves like an energy capacitor and at the same time, being a superconductor, it became clear why people emit and receive signals. " 

Bioterrorism conspiracy to commit Global Genocide of Planet Earth 

A multi-vector, multi-layered, large-scale and complex criminal conspiracy to commit mass murder should not exist any protection for any of the malicious accomplices: Big Pharma, the American Health Care System, state health agencies, the US government, other national governments, WHO, B&MGF, etc. Each of these institutions knew well and knows what they are doing. These are not vaccines, this is not a disease, this is a large-scale special operation.

Here's To You Brad A new story, and You were worried that the role of a good one hasn't been good since then. We will roll out a multi-part format here until 2050, just in time for your pension we will manage, get ready, enter the image and

look not to let our brigade and people down! Happy New Year Old Warrior )))

   𐌕𐌓𐌉𐌁UL𐌄 𐌗

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