This text below is ⬇️ remarkable in that it has a dual-use and action call. We believe everyone understands that soon 🔜 will be formalized an official request on the need to publicly provide documentary evidence for the U.S. Government 🇺🇸 as well as state governors, city mayors and other experts on agricultural rake the entire package of documents justifying their restrictions on the effect of the U.S. Constitution 🇺🇸 in the United States 🇺🇸 



And although he did not say the war against whom, we all understand that this is a war promoting pederasty, perversion, amputation of the genitals, mandatory vaccination and other terror against you and me. Well, you all know, Friends. They said it clearly, clearly, not veiledly, as it was before, and openly.



          Our recommendations.

If you are required to be vaccinated at work.

1. Ask your employer for a written statement about what injections are required of you to receive (with signatures and seals).

2. Request a written statement justifying this claim.

3. Ask for a written statement that they take responsibility for any "adverse event" after vaccination.

4. Request a copy of their medical license to certify that your employer may require you to do so. Previously, Friends, only doctors did this. consultation (none)

I think it will be enough to ask the person who makes you inject to sign a written statement that they will be responsible for possible side effects after your vaccination. Vaccination is experimental, and no one in their right mind would force or consent to a person to participate in an EXPERIMENT.

Instructions for actions in case of coercion you to vaccination (step-by-step) 


In case of threat of superiors, dismissal of you from work 

Submit the Application for Refusal of Vaccination and Participation in the COVID-19 Vaccine Trial and receive a mark of its registration. It is suggested that you submit this application before the employer's request that you be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Request a document from the employer, on the basis of which he forces you to be vaccinated. 

- Be sure to request a copy of the original document certified by the seal of the organization from which the order for vaccination came, and the signature of the head of this organization (or his deputy), signed by the head and certified by the state seal with the coat of arms. 

Step 2 

- Study your employment contract. If the contract does not prescribe mandatory vaccination, then you are protected and can apply to the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, with a complaint in accordance with the national labor law of your country (hereinafter referred to as the Code), the employer is not entitled to request information about the state of health of the employee, except for those information that relate to the issue of the employee's ability to perform the labor function. 

Thus, there is no legal basis for requiring an employee to have a certificate confirming a negative test result for COVID-19, therefore, as well as the test itself, in our opinion, the employer does not have. 

Step 3 

Record all the moments on the Audi record, according to your conversation with the employer. Warn (under the record) his responsibility for coercion to vaccination under the article of the Criminal Code of your country: "Arbitrariness and abuse of office" and your appeal to the prosecutor's office, the police, a statement of claim to the court against his actions. 

Step 4 

In case of termination of the employment contract, please contact the national Federal Labor and Employment Services. 

to the prosecutor's office, the police, 

to the court at the place of work. 

Step 5 

In the event that your contract prescribes mandatory vaccination, you need to make a request for the following documents: (Accordingly, without providing all these documents, you have the full legal right to refuse ANY vaccinations, and not only from a deadly vaccination against corona virus.)    

                                                                      1. Quality certificate for the drug. 

2. Information about the manufacturer of the drug. 

3. Documents, licenses of the manufacturer of the drug: 

a) an extract from the Tax Authorities about the manufacturer's enterprise.  

b) documents on admission and accreditation of the company. 

(c) Valid company licences. 

4. Drug testing certificates. 

5. About the side effects of the drug. 

6. Documents on insurance coverage in case of consequences and its amount.                               7. Documents of the person who makes the vaccination: 

(a) Training;

b) attestation;

(c) Admission to work;

e) medical book 📕;

(e) Certificate of absence of COVID-19 

Step 6 

Require the person who wants to make the vaccine, under the signature, a written commitment that nothing will happen to you after the vaccination has been made. It's a must!  



Head of the organization (where you work) 




on refusal to vaccinate and from participation in the study of vaccines against COVID-19 

Today, "_____

I refuse this because the efficacy and safety of this "vaccine" has not been established, its research is still ongoing, and I do not want to participate in them, which is my constitutional right. 

Already on August 10, 2020, the Association of Clinical Research Organizations (.....) stated: "It is especially worth emphasizing the high risks of registering a drug before the completion of phase III. It is during this phase that the main evidence of effectiveness is obtained, as well as information is collected about undesirable reactions that the drug can cause in certain groups of patients: immunocompromised individuals, people with concomitant diseases, etc. The developers directly state, that they want to vaccinate, including retirees as at risk for COVID-19. Although to date, there is no data on the safety of this vaccine for the elderly, often having a number of concomitant diseases and often weakened immunity. " 

Despite the fact that the letter ✍️ dated August, the situation has changed little in December 2020, except for the registration of vaccines that have not passed proper trials, and their announcement of "mass vaccination". 

Should the third phase of vaccine research be completed only by 2022-2023? 

In confirmation of the fact that this is a study, and not vaccination, is the contract of the supplier of the product and the State, as well as the message of various television and radio companies of the national media.

Even Wikipedia says, "The vaccine has not yet passed Phase III clinical trials. 

Thus, as seen on the screenshot above, all pseudo vaccines are doing. These products from an unknown undigimed virus have not been investigated and cannot be properly investigated, and their use is questionable, unsafe and ineffective. 

In the paragraph of the national Sanitary Rules "Medical immunobiological preparations. State tests and registration of new medical immunobiological drugs" says that state registration (including vaccines) is carried out on the basis of the results of all stages of testing the drug, confirming its effectiveness, specific activity and safety, as well as in the presence of approved regulatory and technical documentation. 

We make a fairly simple conclusion: the registration of these vaccines was held in violation of these rules. 

On the basis of the foregoing and in accordance with the article of the national Constitution "No one may be subjected to medical, scientific or other experiments without voluntary consent...", as well as our national law "On the circulation of medicines" allows me to state clearly and unequivocally : - I refuse to participate in a clinical trial of vaccines against COVID-19. 

I am also refusing medical intervention in the form of this "vaccination" against COVID-19 on the grounds of: 

• the national law "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens of the State"; 

• "On the basics of protecting the health of the State"; 

• "On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases" 

Article 1., Article 8, Article 9 The Nuremberg Code of 1947 

p. 16 Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association 

Art. 6, section 1., section 3. UNESCO 2005 Statement on Bioethics and Human Rights  

Date ____


Copies of all documents above are sent to the following addresses, supplementing with an individual complaint by mail: 

1) Federal National Service for Labor and Employment ( complaint ) 

(2) The Attorney-General of the Nation-State 

[or to the prosecutor at the location of the organization to enforce vaccination] ( complaint ) 

3) Letter of guarantee 

By this letter, the city polyclinic No. N in the person of the chief physician / head of _______ guarantees the citizen ______ that the vaccine (specify the name of the vaccine) does not contain substances of neurotoxic or other toxic effects and is absolutely safe against post-vaccination complications. 

City polyclinic No N in the person of the chief physician /head of _______ 

City polyclinic No N in the person of the chief physician / head of _______ 

(for adult) 

1. Excessive toxic reactions in the first three days after vaccination, accompanied by a pronounced violation of the condition (temperature rise above 39.5 ° C, chills, lethargy, sleep disturbance, anorexia, vomiting, nosebleeds, febrile convulsions, hallucinatory syndrome - $ 10,000 

2. Post-vaccination complications occurring in the form of allergic reactions of a local nature (hyperemia and swelling of tissues that spread beyond the nearest joint or to an area of more than 1/2 of the anatomical zone at the site of administration of the vaccine, as well as hyperemia, edema and soreness that persist for more than 3 days, regardless of size) - $ 10,000 

3. Post-vaccination complications occurring in the form of allergic reactions of a general nature 

– anaphylactic shock – $50,000 

– urticaria – $20 000 

– angioedema – $30,000 

– Lyell's syndrome – $50,000 

– Stevens-Johnson syndrome – $50,000 

– multimorphic exudative erythema – $50,000 

– manifestation and exacerbation of bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis in children – $ 100,000 

4. Immunocomplex diseases: 

– serum sickness – $120 000 

– hemorrhagic vasculitis – $120 000 

– nodular periarteritis – $120 000 

– glomerulonephritis – $120 000 

– thrombocytopenic purpura – $120,000 

5. Post-vaccination complications with damage to the central and peripheral nervous system: 

– post-vaccination encephalitis – $200 000 

– encephalomyelitis – $200 000 

– polyneuritis – $200 000 

– Guyin-Barré syndrome – $200,000 

6. Diseases with an autoimmune mechanism of development: 

– myocarditis – $200 000 

– juvenile rheumatoid arthritis – $200,000 

– autoimmune hemolytic anemia – $200 000 

– systemic lupus erythematosus – $200,000 

– dermatomyositis – $200 000 

– scleroderma – $200 000 

7. In children of the first half of life, a piercing cry that has a persistent (from 3 to 5 hours) and monotonous character after vaccination - $ 50,000 

8. Post-vaccination complications after administration of BCG vaccine of a local nature 

(axillary and cervical lymphadenitis, superficial or deep ulcers, cold abscesses, keloid scars) – $70,000 

9. Post-vaccination disseminated BCG infections (ostitis, osteomyelitis) – $100 000 

10. Intrauterine anomaly or malformations of a child born to a mother who received vaccination during pregnancy - $ 5,000,000 

11. Death – $10 000 000 

We guarantee payment of compensation no later than 3 months from the date of occurrence of any complications in the Citizen __ 

In case of non-compliance with the guarantee obligations to pay the specified amount within the prescribed period, we will pay a penalty in the amount of 1% of the amount of the debt for each day of delay in payment. 

Bank details for payment of compensation: _ 

Round printing 

Head physician/head of polyclinic No N________________ (signed) 

Chief Accountant of Polyclinic No N ______ 


Well, hello to you, local national administrations, comrades criminals you are ours, smuriki bastards twitching at large 📕⬇️🚩⬇️🚩

Once again we tell people temporarily occupying the oval office :- your place in a deep horse ass or in the stable at the parasha (toilet 🚽) 

They: You can't go to a concert or a football game if you don't accept it.

You: I don't care.

They: You can't go to a big mall.

You : I will survive

They : You can not drink in the bar

You : Water, tea and juices I can drink at home

They: You can't go to nightclubs.

You: I don't go anywhere at night anyway.

They: We will inform your employer

You : I am self-employed

They : You can no longer be in the city

You : I prefer to live in nature

They: You can't go to McDonald's or Burger King.

You: Yeah, it's disgusting anyway.

They: You can't eat in restaurants

You : I order something for takeaway or cook at home (preferred)

They: You can't go shopping at big grocery stores.

You: I can grow my own produce and continue to shop with local farmers.

They: You can't be part of society

You: I already understood that.

They: Your children will not be able to go to school

You : I'll teach them at home

They: You will be on your own

You: I am surrounded by my family, my classmates and all the people who come to the same conclusion all over the world.

They: You can't decide for yourself

You: I just did it.

Them: Then how can we seduce you? 

You: Nothing!!! 

Kamala, go to hui, this is the cock on which you came to the oval office. Sit back on horseback and gallop from here 🏇 in the ass. Went out mandavoshka.

If they don't have what you want, they don't have power. And then power comes to the people.

The first photo is the real Afghan Taliban and the position of the hand on the weapon. 

        CIA-trained Taliban ⬇️

      Now you know the difference. 

Just as Kamala

once delivered commercial poison with the CDC military to India on US military aircraft, now kamala aircraft in cooperation with the Sorosyatvmi (Soros) imports 🇺🇸 Afghan militants to the United States. 

Military aircraft ✈️ used for commercial purposes to save the potion manufacturer, he has nowhere to put this shit 💩, there is just a bunch of criminal offenses and violation of all conceivable U.S. laws 🇺🇸 coercion of foreign citizens with the help of military force, already undisguised social special operation and engineering with pseudo-collectivism. And ahead is a totalitarian biomedical fascist state.

Leon County School Board Meeting 27.04.21 


In Minnesota, the U.S. National Guard was deployed because of the unrest. "The Minneapolis police chief just confirmed that many of the protesters who are burning the city are not from Minneapolis. My guess is that, as in the case of Antifa, Democrat George Soros has these thugs on the payroll," commented American political activist and conservative publicist Candice Owens.

⚠️🇺🇸Auded: Killing Floyd-Theo Operation Under the Fake Flag. 

On May 25 (Monday), police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, detained 46-year-old George Floyd on suspicion of using a "fake payment" to shop at the store. The rest you know. We decided to put together a small selection of inconsistencies in this narrative.

The Obama Foundation: Michelle Obama and her brother Craig Robinson take the stage at the Obama summit. Tune in now to👇

Attorney Timothy D. Jafett of Corpus Christi, Texas, also confirms that the victim, if anything, was not Floyd. 👇

The real George Floyd died three years ago. Now is the time to reach out to your leaders... I saw a black man I played football against in college, allegedly killed on camera 30 years later... But it's not the same guy... I was his lawyer. He died three years ago...

The name that Barry Soetro chose for himself is not all right as much as his wife Michelle Obama's name, which has already been taken apart. 

Barry chose the name "Barack Obama" for his scholarship. And it's no accident. The phrase "Barack" in Hebrew means "light from the sky" or, if you like, a fallen angel, Satan.

The name of the former U.S. leader, Barack (ררק B'rq) - translates as "lightning", and the surname of ex-President Obama (O'BAM -מגן עדן) translates from Hebrew "from the sky."

Thus, we get a line from Luke 10: 18 in the name of the first black president of the United States: "I saw Satan falling from the sky (O'Bama) like lightning ("Barak")."

Whether you believe in the Apocalypse or not, it's not the point. The most important thing to understand is that elites who seek to subjugate the whole world believe in it, and who, if one concludes that strange messages are encoded in the names of some of their representatives, encourage him in every way: 

-Barack Obama - "lightning, "fallen" - AP. Luke (10:18)

-Michael LaVaughn Robinson - 666 - Revelation of John the Theologian

Strange, to say the least, coincidences. Can't you find it?

Disruption of supply chains and attempt to stop production facilities with the help of the Internet and other provocations, sabotage and attacks. 

"A good communist is a dead communist." 

🇺🇸 do you all know this cap lying in the U.S. Embassy in Kabul? 

        "Make America Great Again".

BOMBSHELLMarines Rebuke Def. Sec.: “No Mandatory Vaccinations for My Marines.”

A study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard suggests that the mRNA vaccine can change your DNA forever, Friends.

"The authors tried to answer the question of how a PCR test can detect segments of viral RNA when the virus is presumably no longer present in the human body.

They hypothesized that segments of viral RNA were somehow copied into dna and then permanently integrated into the DNA of the body's cells."

A new study by scientists at MIT and Harvard shows that segments of the RNA of the COVID19 itself will become an integral part of human DNA.

Once upon a time, it was considered almost impossible for the same reasons everyone thought an RNA vaccine couldn't do that.

Contrary to conventional biological doctrine, these researchers found that genetic segments of this RNA virus are very likely to end up in your genome after mRNA.

The study has shown quite convincingly that there is a viable cellular pathway by which fragments of the viral RNA SARS-CoV-2 can be integrated into your genomic DNA.

However, this data, it seems to me, can already be used to suggest (I would even say STATEMENTS!!!) about whether the RNA in the vaccine can potentially alter human DNA.

This text below is ⬇️ remarkable in that it has a dual-use and action call. We believe everyone understands that soon 🔜 will be formalized an official request on the need to publicly provide documentary evidence for the U.S. Government 🇺🇸 as well as state governors, city mayors and other experts on agricultural rake the entire package of documents justifying their restrictions on the effect of the U.S. Constitution 🇺🇸 in the United States 🇺🇸 

💉 On Sunday, U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer called on the federal government to crack down on fake COVID19 vaccination cards— and said "dumb" people who buy them risk spending time in prison.

"I'm calling for a federal crackdown on these fake cards and [starting] an educational campaign to make it clear to the American people that it's illegal, you can really go to jail for buying them," Schumer said, "The Federals (FBI) should step up their efforts to address this issue before it gets worse. The Department of Justice must ensure that fraud cases are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

Meanwhile, now you need confirmation of vaccination so that you can "unlock" for St. New York.

Starting Aug. 17, anyone who wants to go to the movies, dine indoors or work out at a gym in New York City will need to be vaccinated against COVID-19, according to Mayor Bill de Blasio. The document on vaccination against the new SARS will be called the Key to the pass to New York.

Businesses that fail to comply with the vaccination mandate after Sept. 13 could face fines of up to $1,000 or more. The mayor warned that anyone caught using a fake COVID-19 vaccination card could face criminal charges for forging a government document.

Against this background, censorship and suppression of doctors, who cherish their reputation and good name, is significantly increasing, and acquires more enchanting proportions. Now, in addition to branding doctors, doctors of sciences, Nobel laureates in the media, those accused of "Spreading Misinformation About COVID-19" will be deprived of their Medical License.

The Federation of State Medical Councils has deemed it necessary to issue a stern warning to all doctors in the U.S., including the likes of Dr. Pierre Cory and Dr. Peter McCullough.

"Doctors who create and spread misinformation or lies about the Covid vaccine risk being disciplined by state medical commissions, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license. Thanks to their specialized knowledge and training, licensed physicians have a high degree of public trust and therefore have a powerful platform in society, whether they admit it or not."

With all of the above in mind, Friends, I can now say with confidence that next month, at least in the states, will be different from anything you've seen before.

As the global uprising of ordinary people, doctors, phDs, Nobel laureates, academics, and others continues to resist covid vaccine passports and lockdowns, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has issued a new warning to all police departments that "rising anti-government rhetoric" related to Covid vaccines, lockdowns and rags on people's mouths could trigger an increased "terrorist threat" ahead of the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

Very soon, millions of people from hundreds of cities around the world will unite again (September 18) to confront authoritarian restrictions in their countries. The last time it happened was on July 24, a lot was burning.

All this is happening as some false version of Delta, according to the lying media, which also promotes real pederasty and other perversions, including genital amputation, allegedly causes a new wave of covid-disease in the United States, and protection against the COVID-19 vaccine weakens, and more Americans begin to protest against the obligation to participate in the BigPharma experiment, where a vaccine against false COVID-19 is tested on the plebs.

And, of course, the corporate lying media will ignore all this, but the rage of the crowd is unlikely to get any less. BigTech will also censor the worldwide RALLY. But you already know what is going on and what will happen on September 18 around the world. We are sure you understand where all this leads and how all this will end if we all give up and just go with the flow...

The Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan (Kabul) is an event that many knew very much in advance. Who understands, he will understand...

Additions to the arrest warrant 🚔

Polish doctors cunning saved thousands of lives

Eugeniausz Lazowski (pictured) and Stanisław Matulewicz worked as doctors in the Rozvadow suburb of Stalowa Wola, Poland, during the German occupation. 

Matulevich found that if you inject dead proteus OX19 bacteria into healthy people, testing for typhus gives positive results without any symptoms of the disease. 

Lazovsky and Matulevich injected dead bacteria into thousands of people, creating the appearance of an epidemic. Infected Jews were killed by the Germans, so they injected the virus into Poles living in villages around the ghetto. 

The frightened Germans did not send the infected Poles to labor camps, and eventually closed the area for quarantine. 

Lazowski and Matulevich saved more than 8,000 people, Poles and Jews from 12 ghettos from extermination and deportation to death camps. 

Lazovsky survived the war and in 1958 went to America, where he worked as a doctor until the end of the eighties, died in 2006. 

"The doctor's main job is to save lives," he said, "and that was our way of saving lives."

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