False COVID-19 😷 global special operation

False COVID-19 😷 global special operation

Fᴀlsᴇ СОVID-19 😷 wᴇᴀᴩᴏns ᴏf ʍᴀss ᴩsyᴄhᴏsᴏʍᴀᴛiᴄ dᴇsᴛruᴄᴛiᴏn

We are witnessing an information war 

Information warfare 1.0 is good old agitation and propaganda that uses new Internet tools and is aimed at erosion or change of beliefs.

Information Wars 2.0 is the brainchild of combining behavioral psychology, big personal data, and behavior-pushing interfaces. Information wars 2.0 deal not with beliefs, ideals, thinking, but with instincts, habits and stereotypes.

From this conclusion it follows that at present the goal of the "information war 2.0" on a global scale is to simplify and primitivize the individual and collective consciousness of people, i.e. their perception of the world and worldview, and if even more simply, thinking.

For this reason, as a result of the "information war 2.0" unleashed against all mankind, it can be observed that ideological propaganda no longer affects human mindsets as before. After all, many representatives of modern society do not actually have their own beliefs and ideals, or have, but the boundaries of these beliefs and ideals, as a rule, do not extend beyond the household level and utilitarian interpersonal relations. Thus, people's beliefs, ideals and thinking are reduced to the level of instincts, habits and stereotypes.)

Now before our eyes, a fundamentally new toolkit of psychosomatic wars is being implemented on a global scale. It is only partially related to informational, and to a large extent, to quite physical, material wars.

Like wars in their traditional sense, the use of psychosomatic weapons leads to material, quite physical losses in the manpower of troops and among the population. As for information wars, the false COVID-19 can be called information war 3.0, conducted with the use of viral weapons. (Viral or biological weapons are as terrible weapons of mass destruction as atomic or chemical weapons.)

Man only for scientists is divided into psyche and somatics, material and ideal, physical and mental. 

Man is one. Accordingly, a technologically accurate effect on the body can give rise to non-healing mental wounds, and the information impact, as in Vija's novel "The End of the Rainbows", can lead to physical illnesses and even terminal epidemics.

In the thirties of the XX century, the famous Canadian endocrinologist Hans Selye put forward the hypothesis of stress, based on many field studies. 

Stress is a set of physiological and psychological reactions of the body to a certain stimulus - the so-called stress factor.

The main causes of stress (stress factor) are a serious threat to life and health, prolonged conflict situations, loss of income, serious illness of a loved one, etc. At the same time, in small doses, stress can even be useful for the body and play a mobilizing role for will, thinking and other types of psychological activity.

The stress factor, as researchers have irrefutably proved in recent decades, leads to emotional, cognitive and even psychophysiological loads that are prohibitive for a person. Physical and emotional resources run out sooner or later. Among other things, stress can adversely affect the immune, nervous, pulmonary, cardiovascular and other systems of the body.

In fact, stress, along with the phenomenon of placebo-nocebo, is based on the unity of the psyche and somatics, ideal and material.

According to the science of stress, the most profound stress and the impact of information factors on somatics is caused in conditions of ever-increasing uncertainty in combination with threats to life, especially against the background of catastrophic events.

It is easy to see, this triad perfectly describes the current situation with the lying through coronavirus, which does not exist and is not isolated by any laboratory in the world. The average citizen is in a state of skillfully supported media uncertainty, persuasion against the background of the speeches of various authoritative persons in the mortal danger of the coronavirus for him. And all this - in conditions of growing lack of money and rapidly decreasing airbag.

As you know, man metaphorically has three brains: the oldest brain of a lizard (reptilian brain), the brain of an animal (limbic system) and the human brain itself (neocortex). The brain of a lizard responds to the external environment with only three types of behavior: flight, numbness and attack.

The animal brain is an emotional brain that reacts to changes in the external environment, as well as to various threats reactively, i.e. action in response to a stimulus. Finally, the human brain allows you to carry out search activity, resist fear, make more conscious decisions, etc.

Under stress, the vast majority of the population triggers the first, less often the second and very rarely the third brain. A person feels in a hopeless situation from which you can not escape and, accordingly, triggers negative emotions to the maximum, especially strong in conditions of social isolation, lack of solidarity in society and restriction of physical activity.

The reptilian brain is responsible for reflexive and instinctive response to environmental factors, including information (audiovisual) influence through the media and the Internet. Under similar conditions, the limbic system is responsible for the emotional response, since with such a reaction it produces hormones that cause people to have a certain emotional state corresponding to the nature of the perception of the influencing factors. In turn, the neocortex is responsible for rational thinking and is responsible for higher cognitive functions (speech, writing, problem solving), as well as controlling analytical thinking.

The emotional brain or limbic system determines significance, and the neocortex gives rational meaning to feelings and emotions generated by deeper, subconscious parts of the brain, trying to explain the causes and consequences of our sensations. The reptilian brain and limbic system, as an evolutionary heritage, are developed in most people approximately equally. At the same time, the level of development of the neocortex in many is "far from perfect", which ultimately leads to mass irrational behavior of people as a result of certain purposeful information influences.)

Within the framework of planned and carried out psychosomatic operations, people die as in a conventional, traditional war using fire, destructive weapons. Only this death is carried out within the framework of medical statistics, as death from certain diseases, and not death on the battlefield or during hostilities.

Along with the severe physiological consequences of stress, about 60-70% of the population caught in extreme situations of various types, man-made disasters, natural disasters, manifest serious pathovedenochenichego deviations, expressed in neuroses, psychosis, refusal of independent decision-making, the desire to find a leader.

Understanding the nature of stress and its consequences allows us to conclude that information warfare 3.0 or psychosomatic operations are aimed at triggering powerful stresses that cover millions of people. Even a preliminary analysis of psychosomatic surgery allows us to identify several technologies used against the population.

First of all, these are information cascades. Information cascades occur when individuals, making decisions or choosing a model of behavior, copy the behavior of other participants who have already made a choice, without taking into account their own information. The more participants have already made the same choice or adopted the same pattern of behavior, the more willing undecided individuals are to follow them. In fact, the technology of information cascades is a tool for generating herd behavior as the only possible one.

Another technology is glyph anchoring. A glyph is a photo or visual image that is literally imprinted in memory and turns into an installation and dominant, which determines individual and collective behavior. The glyph, unlike the meme, carries deep, based including on the archaic layers of the psyche, features. In practice, the glyph becomes a kind of semantic core, around which behavioral stereotypes, dominants, attitudes, etc. are formed.

Glyphs themselves can be both real and fake. For example, the European refugee crisis that erupted in 2012.

An example of a fake is a tent hospital for coronavirus patients, deployed in New York's Central Park.

In reality, this tent city tried to deploy one odious American sect in order to distribute food there and agitate in favor of its doctrine. Journalists and numerous hired video bloggers for several weeks talked about the facility as a working hospital, where dozens of frozen corpses of people who died from COVID-19 are also hidden.

Personally for Cuomo, so that he could more accurately calculate the 🧮 of his sentence 👇


Fake: In New York, the dead from coronavirus are buried in mass graves...

The creators of this madness are almost all in venerable age and it is softly said. 

There are combined glyphs, which are partly true, partly fake. YouTube was filled with footage of nursing homes, fake patients in hospitals, ambulances, and so on. In China, in general, the actors of the Chinese folk theater fell on the asphalt. Studios have given fake pictures of hospitals of yesterye years. 

The footage was commented on in such a way that there are no more empty places in the hospital and ambulances are waiting for instructions on where to take patients next. The reality, however, was meaningless. There were quite enough places, including those with ventilators, in the hospital. Many hospitals were empty altogether. 

As part of the PSYCHOSOMATIC SPECIAL OPERATION COVID-19, a modification of the method was used: 

Stimulated Amplification of Social Actions – SASA .


The essence of the method:

skillfully crafted content is thrown into social online communities with a level of cohesion not lower than average.

It must necessarily be recognizable by members of the community. Then, with the help of agents within the community, a lively discussion is launched, in which different points of view on the content are formed. Then an influencer enters the arena - an influential and popular person in certain segments of social networks.

He sums up a kind of discussion and makes a verdict, as they say, with a normative interpretation of the content or the main meaning of the content. After a sufficiently closed community within the echo chamber effect is consolidated around the influencer's opinion, an official enters the arena, formulating the actions that community members should take in accordance with the influencer's conclusions and the general consensus reached.

Thus, the official point of view aimed at implementing certain actions is reinforced by a pre-reached consensus within groups as a result of the actions of informal gurus.

Within the framework of the global psychosomatic special operation, infohaos technology is actively used. Its essence is quite simple, but the application is very, very effective. Any truthful, but unprofitable or undesirable information for the organizers of the special operation, especially factual in nature and supported by scientific reports, is instantly detected using advanced search engines and intentionally noisy.

At the same time, fakes and other panic-stirring plots are used to create noise.

Contradictory judgments about the subject of noise work much better. In a specific situation with the false coronavirus, there is no performance of well-known, venerable epidemiologists. Screens of TVs, computers and smartphones were flooded with dubious doctors not virologists, officials of all levels and stripes, grief analysts and other healers actors clowns 🤡.

As a result, the population found itself in a situation of global lack of reliable information, a real hunger for reliable information. Experiencing this situation in itself is also a powerful stressor and makes an additional contribution to the psychotization of the population.

The phenomenon of the influence of the ideal on the material

Along with the stress of false COVID-19, which researchers and politicians are well aware of, the false pandemic has spawned another phenomenon, Psychodemography.

The science of the impact on demography, population health, mortality rates, suicides, mental illness of such a factor as the spiritual state of the people. The spiritual state includes the experience of social solidarity and justice, the presence of stable moral guidelines, understanding and a sense of the readiness of the state and society to come to the aid of those in difficulty, the primacy of the spiritual over the material, etc.

In addition to stress and other well-known causes, the characteristics of health and demography are influenced by the "X" factor— the presence of a powerful influence of the spiritual or socio-cultural distress of the people on the health of society and demography.

The collapse of society, the loss of collectivism, the disappearance of social solidarity, the violation of morality and the collapse of ideals trigger the process of negative impact of the ideal on the material through psychosomatics and generate demographic consequences comparable to the results of wars. 

The COVID-19 special operation brought three main phenomena to psychosomatics: 

1. Psychosomatic changes are greater in persons with a false diagnosis of COVID-19, for the most part putting the human body on the brink of survival, psychosomatic changes were insignificant, which can not be said about purely physiological changes associated with the state of the lungs, cardiovascular system and so on. 

A significant part of people had an increase in the amygdala in the brain. This phenomenon is well known for the consequences of post-traumatic syndrome. An increase in the amygdala correlates with a decrease in people's confidence in their own actions, a noticeable increase in anxiety, indecision in the implementation of certain actions, with the desire to shift responsibility for their own behavior to leaders, managers, etc. 

There is a connection of artificial properties (through false COVID-19) to the provoked physiological deviation (enlargement of the amygdala) affects the mental status of the population, as a result of which people self-exclude responsibility for their own behavior, coupled with a decrease in confidence in their own actions.

In the face of ever-increasing uncertainty, this leads to the fact that in such a demoralized state, people are ready to agree to any conditions for the deterioration of freedoms and restrictions of rights if, as promised to them, they bring universal stability and certainty.

This tactic of global elites, developed by the Tavistock Institute, is mentioned by John Coleman in his book The Committee of 300. 

No wonder in this book the author states: "we react exactly as we are programmed." 

2. It is established that among people with a false test, COVID-19 increases markedly compared to those who did not fall into the millstones of the system of persons who, after the false disease of the corona 👑, began to complain of phobias, depression and other mental disorders that require medical treatment, including taking potent drugs. Although it has not yet been unequivocally established, but the first results of research suggest that changes in psychosomatics, brain structure, and, accordingly, behavior can be epigenetically fixed and thereby inherited by the next generation! 

The same is described in the above-mentioned book written 30 years ago by former MI6 intelligence officer John Coleman: "Purposefully, planned and irreversibly everything changes - from the genotype of Man and his environment to the mentality and consciousness of people, traditional, natural and habitual stereotypes of behavior." However, moreover, all these changes can be inherited in a ready-made form to new generations along with the genotype.

It should be understood that epigenetic changes are not associated with a change in the actual nucleotide sequence of DNA and may not be directly, but indirectly encoded in the genome. If genetics studies the processes leading to changes directly in genes (DNA), then epigenetics studies changes in gene activity, in which the original structure of DNA remains the same.

 Thus, there will be no changes in the structure itself, i.e. the nucleotide sequence of DNA, simply, certain genes will be turned off, while others will be activated in a constant mode, which can be considered an epigenetic fixation in the genetic apparatus of humans.

 Moreover, specialist scientists know one fact: epigenetic changes largely determine social behavior and psychological characteristics of a person. It turns out that through fake COVID-19 and fake vaccines 💉 one can invisibly and massively modify, change in the planned direction the psyche and social behavior of not just people, but also their descendants.

 3. Several groups of researchers analyzing statistical materials for the United States, Sweden, South Korea, Australia, Germany, i.e. countries with fundamentally different strategies to combat fake COVID-19 have previously established the fact.

 Almost everywhere, the false COVID-19 had a serious psychosomatic effect not only on those who received this false diagnosis, but also on those who did not fall into the millstones of the false test. It was possible to establish that in the above-mentioned, and probably in other countries, there is an effect of the influence of spiritual ill-being on the health of society.

 If during the war years in most countries of the world the incidence of cardiovascular, severe endocrine, immune and gastrointestinal diseases fell, then during the period of the false COVID-19 pandemic in families with middle and higher incomes, without a COVID-19 diagnosis, it grew. It is likely that it grew among the poor, but due to the lack of health insurance, they did not go to doctors. Accordingly, they were not included in the statistical samples.

 There can be only one explanation for this phenomenon. The false COVID-19 epidemic objectively led to the disintegration of societies, as planned by the Lockstep plan, the interruption of the usual offline connections and relationships, the atomization of citizens, their progressive loneliness. We see the growth of a pronounced spiritual ill-being, which hit physiology through psychosomatics. (During wars in societies, as a rule, the opposite process takes place, associated with an increase in social solidarity, collective mutual assistance, focus on the national task - to defeat the enemy).

In conclusion, statistics characterizing the false COVID-19 pandemic, according to the resource 


an analytical and statistical company created by retired Swiss intelligence officers.

1. In countries such as the USA, Great Britain, Sweden (without isolation), the total mortality since the beginning of the year is in the range characteristic of strong seasonal influenza epidemics; and in countries such as Germany, Austria and Switzerland, overall mortality is at the level of annual influenza averages calculated for long periods of time.

2. The death rate from COVID-19 among the population in most countries is between 0.1% and 0.5%, which is comparable to the moderate influenza pandemics of 1957 and 1968. 

During these years, no large-scale quarantine measures were carried out and, accordingly, the epidemics did not cause an acute economic crisis.

3. The risk of deaths from COVID-19 for the general population, with the exception of those of retirement age, in most countries does not exceed the risk of death as a result of a catastrophe when commute to work every day. Initially, in almost all countries of the world, the risk was orders of magnitude overestimated, since persons without symptoms or with a mild course of the disease were not registered at all.

4. The average age of deaths directly from COVID-19 in the vast majority of countries is more than 80 years. For example, in Sweden, the age was 84 years. Unlike influenza pandemics, in COVID-19, the age distribution of the risk of dying from COVID-19 is strictly consistent with the normal distribution of normal mortality. With influenza and most other viruses, the situation is different.

5. Up to 30% of all additional deaths relative to the annual average in the COVID-19 pandemic are not caused by COVID-19, but are the result of panic, fear and isolation.

Evacuation in China. The scheme will be adapted in other countries after September when children go to School.

These Beasts are preparing in the Fall what we were shown in the Movie Bird in cage Contagion.

There is no virus. 

The virus is Mask, Chemtrailers, False PCR Tests, Ventilators, 5G Antennas and Vaccine. 

Do not prepare children for School beat on Sitstema. Forget about the past Life of the Squirrel in the Wheel. 

You understood for whom they held us - for the Cattle. 

There is an order from above to vaccinate everyone by any means. And Gates' dog Hell said that Vaccinate would be Force. After Vaccination, the game will end. 

After Vaccination, they will decide how much you live with 5 G.

Save who else can be saved. 


The more Opponents the More Difficult it is for them to Realize their Luciferean Plans.

Additional information on this material in a very large and professional volume here ⬇️ 

This is the Pandemic from false tests. False tests in different countries of the world and the final result are issued only by authorized structures. These structures and their personnel are selected and prepared in advance for total falsification. This, too, is the problem of the numbers of allegedly sick and recovered. As well as falsifications within deaths for other reasons. 

Our tongue has dried up to say this for over a year. And now we have collected a reliable material on very different multi-vector falsifications and it is worth calling it one well-known plum - FAKE CROWN 👑 









Japanese machine gunners in training in 1945 to repel American troops. Almost the entire population of the country was trained.

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