New religion "Holy Medical Fascism"

New religion "Holy Medical Fascism"

We are witnessing the aggressive birth of a new world religion: Holy Medical Fascism.

🚩 Religion has its own paid priests: perhaps even some of the people - non-humans graduated from medical school. And on this basis alone, they are better, smarter, and holier than everyone else;

🚩Inde religion has its own heretics: physicians who have allowed to doubt the Great Protocol bequeathed by St. Pharma and medical non-cellables who are looking for another, alternative way or asking many questions. They are called to drive away from the profession, and even isolate, "away from sin." In any case, to deprive freedom of speech – because only the right, right word should be free;

🚩 the rights of the Medical Priests are higher than the rights of all others. Moreover, by their very command they can abolish the rights of others where the rights of others cause inconvenience to their holy mission. Because "they save society as a whole";

🚩 The new religion has its own blessed places and devoid of grace. Restaurants spread the contagion, and locked people correspond to the dogma. Moving in a private car is haram, and ordering food from couriers is kosher;

🚩 This is a jealous religion in which there is a body, but there is no man, his soul and connections between people. For example, companies and crowds are not trending now;

🚩 The human body does not belong to him. It is a vessel of medicines and a letter in a new scripture called "Public Health Protection." This body needs to be cleaned and controlled: where it goes, how long it takes, with whom it communicates.

🚩 This new religion has many adherents. They can be easily recognized by prayers: Do you want like spring 2020 in New York? Your rights end where the rights of another begin. Only thanks to oval Joe, CDC, Dr. Fauci and his doctors are you alive. 

🚩 In this religion, for the sake of the "good of society", it is customary to make human sacrifices. For example, a serious illness or the death of a child "in a very rare case" from a post-vaccination complication is such a sacrifice to the new medical gods. Inevitable sanitary losses. From "friendly fire".

🚩 On the altars of the world media and public, incense is smoked to the icons "Society as a whole", "You are not an expert", "In the interests of other people's children" and "Holy vaccine". 

By the way, do you know what the international trend is today? It's euthanasia. Because the elderly and disabled are a serious burden on the national budget. And the New Medical Religion loves to count money.

In the new religion, it is perfectly normal to stop the life of a child if he is in serious condition and it seems to doctors that he cannot be cured. Of course, it is stated that this is done exclusively in his interests and for his own good.

We all remember Alfie Evans, a kid who was forced to die in agony by British doctors and not sent to another clinic ready to save him.

And in general, your interests and your good in it are not determined by you. This is done by specialists. Received medical revelation. After all, they see better, and you "do not even have a medical education."

 "How can you allow a fool-mom to decide!"

It must be assumed that the Nuremberg Code, which prohibits medical intervention without the consent of the patient, with the victory of a new religion will try to erased from history. 

And anyone who will have at least a little doubt that all diseases in the world were defeated solely thanks to vaccination, will be put in observatories for falsifying history.

Purely medical considerations will have to determine how you live, what to do, what decisions to make, when to leave the house and where to go, and where - you can not in any case.

And all this will be done solely to protect you... no, not you, of course, but the Whole Society from Terrible and Terrible Diseases. Prophylactically. Save a lot of people's lives.

That's just who needs such a value of such a "life"?

The Nazis of Los Angeles at the request of oval terrorists came to the march🥁 

Of course, this could not have happened without the help of young Biden Yugens, associates of the party of medical fascism CNN / MSNBS / Sky. News 📰 and their proxies — advertising agents with millions of watched scenes on Instagram recommendations from experts virologists - doctors - pedics . 

The Los Angeles City Council conspired to strip people of their basic civil liberties – their right to privacy, their right to autonomy, their right to assembly, their right to informed consent.

On Aug. 11, council members voted unanimously in favour of an ordinance targeting unvaccinated people, barring them from accessing retail stores. 

Council members want to convince the people they should serve by preventing their family, friends and neighbors from getting into bars, gyms, entertainment venues, restaurants and retailers. 

City Council President Nouri Martinez and councillor Mitch O'Farrell introduced the ordinance just a week ago, promising to discriminate, isolate and prosecute anyone who disobeys. 

The only people allowed to cross the "entertainment capital of the world" are those who prick squirrels with spikes and carry "slave documents," also known as a vaccine registration card. 

The Los Angeles ordinance "requires" people to present evidence of COVID vaccination as a precondition for entering any enclosed public space in the city. 

This act of segregation will also block up to 40 percent of the revenues once enjoyed by restaurants, bars and other small businesses, while crowds of people leave the city as they seek freedom in a free state.

"Our responsibility is to protect the population, including protecting them from the unvaccinated," Nouri Martinez said in a statement. "The decision not to get vaccinated affects you. 

We have children under the age of 12 who are not yet eligible for vaccination, and someone's decision not to get vaccinated also affects them."

Nouri's partner on the advice of Mitch O'Farrell said: "Instead of fighting science, we should fight the virus. The data is clear: vaccines are safe and effective." 

O'Farrell believes that violence is science and human rights abuses are part of the scientific process. He also believes that segregation and discrimination are the newest and best tools to "fight the virus." 

O'Farrell also said "refusing to vaccinate" is "immoral." Obviously, bullying people, denying them access to basic necessities, social isolation of families and threatening people's civil liberties is a "moral" path.

Many Los Angeles residents have called a council meeting to speak out against egregious human rights abuses. "People should have the medical freedom to research and make their own health decisions. 

We as citizens have a right to privacy, especially with respect to our medical information," said Los Angeles resident Elizabeth Elliott, who called the meeting to give public comment. 

Elliott said it was "unethical to force people to inject the vaccine into their bodies." The use of public power to threaten people's privacy and fundamental civil liberties is more than an act of terrorism; it is a violent declaration of war.

the article includes the following sources:

Additional materials special operation Corona 🤴 ⬇️

Bill's friend in Japan.

Roni One of the best, most popular and successful presidents of the United States. 1989 . 

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