

Disruption of supply chains and attempt to stop production facilities with the help of the Internet and other provocations, sabotage and attacks. 

"WEF" congratulated Bill- Everything goes according to plan: 

"Congratulations to Bill Gates (Agent 437) for becoming America's chief landowner. The great reboot is going according to plan.

Top Owners of C/X Lands in the U.S.

No 1 Bill and Melinda Gates 242,000 acres

No 2 Family Ofoutt 190,000 acres

No 3 Stewart and Linda Resnick 190,000 acres

No 4 Fanjul Family 160,000 acres

No.5 The Boswell Family has 150,000 acres.

UPD: The WEF account, though parody, is broadcasting exactly what will happen next: "International Organization of Public-Private-Parody Cooperation. Everything will be owned and you will be happy!".

Just watch, Friends. 😂

Okay, we'll tell you. The devastation of rural farms and the monopolization of farmland. The rest will eat synthetics with supplements regulating fertility and generally life z 

WEF plans to introduce a social rating and predicts the next ❗️ pandemia for next year- 2022.

"Did you follow the rules during the pandemic? Wearing masks, social distancing, frequent exits or meetings with friends - all of this will positively or negatively affect your social credit rating during the next pandemic of 2022."

The WEF account, though parody, but broadcasts exactly about what will happen next: "International organization of public-private-parody cooperation. Everything will be owned and you will be happy!".

Ingenious farts 😂

Just watch, Friends.😉

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