Alfons, Alphons, Spanish Alfons, Alonso, Italian. Alfons, Alphonse, German: Alfons, port. Afonso, fr. Alphonse is a masculine given name. 

The English spelling and sound of the name also includes "Alphonzo", which came from the Gothic language, in which it sounded like "Hildefuns" (Hildefuns), the Latinized version - Ildephonsus ("Ildephonsus"). This variant is preserved in the Spanish name "Ildefonso" ("Ildefonso"). By origin - Germanic two-part name (for example, in ancient German.) 

Alphonses are men who live on partial or full maintenance in exchange for intimate relationships, as well as, more broadly, for some other personal services. The name comes from the name of the hero-lover of the play by the French writer Dumas-son "Mr. Alphonse" (fr. «Monsieur Alphonse»).



               💉8 DOSES💉 

A snapshot of the vaccine's digital European passport. According to these data, they plan to introduce a total of 8 doses. 

Meanwhile, everything is interconnected, everywhere there is a circular responsibility. 

Globalist pharmaceutical thugs (the Rockefellers), international bankers (Rothschilds/Rockefellers), military-industrial complex companies such as Boeing, Lockheed, United Tech, General Dynamics, and others tend to belong to global kahal funds such as Vanguard and Blackrock. 

Vanguard boasts that Blackrock fund advisors are in their top 10, and Blackrock boasts the same for Vanguard. 

The population and business are SLAVES OF THE CREDIT DEBT SYSTEM. Globalist cabal belongs to the US government, which manages many processes in the world, lobbyists and health systems, large food companies, BigTech are still temporarily under the control of biological terrorists of the New World Order. 

We need to figure out whose bucks are 💸 

Whether it's the Afghan president, who fled the country and took with him, or the bucks of the 💸 of the Taliban who received millions of dollars for freebies, after the surrender of Kabul to terrorists by Budget Alphonse, officially representing the United States in the Oval Office. 


The fleeing president really took with him bucks 💸, but most likely did not have time to take everything, the Taliban also got something somewhere. True, the video is old, it was recorded back in 2020. 

💉🇺🇸🤡In the states began another option of medical terror - the refusal of heart transplant surgery due to the rejection of false mRNA injection is unclear for what purposes. 

University of Washington Medical Center has removed patients awaiting heart transplantation from the waiting list for refusing to vaccinate with COVID19 mRNA

Hospital officials refuse to answer questions about their more than bizarre treatment policies. Not only that, in fact, they don't even explicitly admit that they have such a policy.

However, Jason Rantz of the KTTH channel learned that UW Medicine had removed the 64-year-old patient from the transplant waiting list due to the refusal of mRNA injection from covid. He says he's been on the list for two and a half years. 

The hospital made the decision after learning that the patient had refused to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and was told they would consider adding him back to the waiting list if he met their "compliance issues."

Last week, another patient from the same office, which is now called a medical institution, who doubts the COVID-19 vaccine, spoke. He says he was told the vaccine was mandatory if he wanted to wait and get a life-saving liver transplant.

In June, one Sam Allenus learned that his heart transplant surgery was on the verge of refusing to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Allen said he received a letter dated June 7, 2021, and it said he had been removed from the Joint Network for organ exchanges on the heart waiting list.

"Your name has been removed from the waiting list at the University of Washington Medical Center. This was a follow-up to your recent conversation with service providers regarding the heart transplant committee's concerns about complying with Covid-related policies and recommendations," the letter said.

It's also worth noting that the University of Washington Medical Center in Harborview houses the Center for Harm Reduction Research and Treatment in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. He gives addicts advice on how to get high through the "harm reduction" use model.

Now, doctors are providing much more treatment options for addicts who need a heart transplant. 


🇺🇸 U.S. weapons seized (read, courtesy of) by the Taliban.

🏴 ☠️ $85 billion in funding for the Afghan government

🏴 ☠️ 600,000 firearms 

🏴 ☠️ 75 000 Cars

🏴 ☠️ 200 Aircraft


Analysis of test sticks from surface tests in the Slovak Republic is a confirmation of genocide.


1) nylon; 

2) Darpa hydrogel; 

3) lithium; 

4) pineal gland. 

The analysis was conducted between November 2020 and March 2021 on test sticks in sets. SD Biosensor, Abbott and Nadal in an unnamed hospital lab from Bratislava, Slovakia. The test smears were from kits used for surface testing in Slovakia and in hospitals.

Anyone with at least a standard school microscope and a test microscope can check the information about the test swabs published here. All information about Test Tampons, Darpa Hydrogels and Lithium is publicly available for scientific and corporate purposes. Links to some of them are at the end of the document.

From this information it is clear that test sticks are a criminal tool of genocide of the population of Slovakia and the whole world. This is a worldwide, thoughtful and carefully prepared event.

Rice. 1 and 2. 

Hollow nylon fibers on the broken end of the test tampons.

Figure 3. 

For comparison, a photo of classic cotton wool under a microscope.

Rice. 4 and 5 .

Broken ends - their task - to destroy the epithelium (surface layer) on the mucous membrane, thereby also their rupture and subsequent leasing of the contents of the fibers - Darp hydrogel and lithium. The threads are patented by [Darpa].

Rice. 6. 

Longitudinally open fiber with a broken end and balls containing Darpa hydrogel.

Rice. 7. 

On the slide after mechanical manipulation, which is identical to a smear of nasopharyngeal material, which contains crushed nylon fibers, hydrogel and lithium. This material remains in the nasopharynx after spawning.

Rice. 8 and 9. 

Darpa hydrogel granules forming the contents of hollow nylon fibers.

Rice. 10-11. 

After the Darpa hydrogel comes into contact with organic liquids (such as saliva), they begin to form rectangular crystal structures within minutes. They gradually fractally grow.

Figure 12. 

The result of crystallization after 24 hours.

Rice. 13. 

These Darpa hydrogel crystals create a three-dimensional spatial structure and germinate through the tissues.

Rice. 14. 

Darke hydrogel crystals grow under a microscope in the direction of the magnetic field. In humans, the nasopharynx after a smear grows towards the pineal gland. The pineal gland creates a locally stronger magnetic field than the Earth's external magnetic field.

Rice. 15 and 16. 

Natural crystallization of saliva without Darpa Hydrogel. Crystals do not create three-dimensional spatial models and do not even form rectangular structures and do not grow fractally.

Figure 17 3D. 

Darka hydrogel crystals. To this was added human saliva with antibodies on the left and then ivermectin on the right. see Figures 18 and 19.

Figure 18. 

The effect of the saliva of a person who has defeated "covid" / SARS / naturally and has antibodies. Such saliva was added to the left side of the structures in Figure 17 and almost immediately led to the irreversible destruction of the structures of the Darpa hydrogel crystals.

Figure 19. 

Ivermectin was added to the right side of the structures in Figure 17, and this happened immediately after the complete and permanent disappearance of the Darpa hydrogel crystal structures. This clearly shows that ivermectin has an incredibly strong effect against what The Darpa hydrogel does in our bodies.

The effect of Darpa Hydrogel on human blood cells.

Figure 20. 

Normal live red blood cells.

Figure 21. 

The addition of Darpa hydrogel from the test rod led to the complete destruction of red blood cells.

Figure 22. 

Darpa Hydrogel forms blood clots within seconds. Subsequently, they damage and clog blood vessels.


After spawning, a mixture of nylon fiber fragments, Darpa Hydrogel remains on the nasal mucosa under the pituitary gland and pineal gland along with lithium. This mixture immediately reacts with living structures to form crystals directed to the pineal gland, which has its own electromagnetic field. The shape of the crystals determines the type of hydrogel used. Crystals are conductive due to the lithium contained in them. Crystals can receive a signal from transmitter to cell and transmit signals from cell to transmitter. They're actually nanoantennas. Lithium is an element (a reference to Li) that is not found in humans in nature. It is very toxic to the pineal gland. In small doses, it blocks it, and in higher doses it completely destroys. Aluminum and mercury also have toxic effects on the pineal gland, which is widely used in vaccines. The pineal gland produces serotonin (the hormone of happiness) and controls human biorhythms. This is crucial for higher brain activity (creativity, foresight, sixth sense, etc.) and for a person's social interactions. For more information, see (5) Grasshoppers.

Darpa Hydrogel (link) is an artificial substance that creates a transducer between an electromagnetic signal and a living cell, tissue and organ. Converts the electromagnetic signal from the transmitter into a signal that the living cell understands and responds to. (see photo of the beetle - in these nerve structures injected darp hydrogel, which was controlled by radio).

Darpa hydrogel and lithium block and destroy the pineal gland, causing a thinking person to become a controlled biorobot. Hydrogel is a carrier of the active substance, its task is to deliver the substance to the body in the desired place.

Briefly about vaccines : 

The vaccines contain Darke's hydrogel, lithium, and proprietary genetic information. mRNA is not an untested novelty. 

In breeding and for the best athletes, this type has been using doping for many years. For the best athletes 4) this doping significantly shortens life. The genetic information in the vaccine leads to the creation of a patented mutant. The dream of the dark forces surrounding the Satanists and Bill is to get these mutants, for example, through vaccination, to regularly update the computer program. 

Darpa Hydrogel hollow nylon fibers fill FFP2 plastic respirators. This Darpa hydrogel with additives slowly releases from respirators. When breathing, it enters the respiratory tract of a person. The tampons used for PCR also consist of hollow nylon fibers with Darpa hydrogel.


The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is a U.S. Department of Defense research agency responsible for developing new technologies for use in the military. Originally known as the Advanced Research Projects Agency, the agency was established on February 7, 1958, by President Dwight D. Eisenhur, USA.

Materials for acquaintance :













Source materials 


Hawaii Prosecutor Michael Green files a class action lawsuit saying the vaccine killed 45,000 people.

Michael Green filed a class action lawsuit initially representing 1200 participants, which are expected to be joined by thousands more.

Honolulu Fire Department Captain Kaimi Pelekai gives emotional testimony of losing his job because he doesn't want to inject this experimental vaccine into his body after spending the last year caring for patients with COVID19.


Attorney Sean Williams says there are already effective treatments out there, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. And according to the CDC, there's no need to test asymptomatic people because they don't spread the virus.

Professor Perronne is the head of the medical department of the Raymond Poincaré Hospital in Garchais, the teaching hospital of the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin near Paris. Since 1994, he headed the department of infectious and tropical diseases of the university, but a few months ago, as part of the growing censorship in the EU, he was dismissed from this position. He is a research fellow at the world-renowned French biomedical research centre Institut Pasteur, until 1998 served as deputy director of the National Reference Centre for Tuberculosis and Mycobacteria, chaired many top-level health committees, including the French Committee of Infectious Disease Specialists and the Supreme Council of Public Health (HCSP), which advises the government on public health policy and vaccination policy, is not opposed to vaccination and has written France's vaccination policy for many, many years, and chaired the National Advisory Group on Vaccination, also known as the Technical Committee on Vaccination (CTV).

Professor Perronne was also Vice-President of the WHO European Advisory Group, at the national level in France he headed the Training College on Infectious and Tropical Diseases (CMIT), the Federation of Infectious Diseases (FFI, of which he is a co-founder), the Supreme Council for Public Hygiene (CSHP) and the National Service of Medicine and Health, the Agency for Product Safety (ANSM, formerly AFSSAPS), which assesses the health risks associated with drugs, and is the only regulatory body in France in the field of biomedical research, until 2013 he was a member of the Scientific Council of the French Research Institute for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (IMMI / INSERM).

Despite Professor Perronn's extensive knowledge and experience in the field of infectious diseases, vaccines and vaccine policy at the national and governmental level in France, he was quickly censored, as were many other professors and even Nobel laureates, instead of whom politicians and biased "doctors" now broadcast in the EU and not only from the box, for speaking out about COVID vaccines, their declared effectiveness and their identifiable risks. In short, he was professionally suspended under censorship, his reputation was attacked, and his professional opinions were censored. 

However, the real scientist remained true to himself, despite the pressure, circumstances and caesura. He kept his good name! 

Gentlemen Anne-Marie Yim, organized this interview. Anne-Marie is also highly qualified to talk about vaccines and their effects on the body, as she has worked as an expert in protein and immune response research in the broader pharmaceutical and vaccine industries.

Excerpts from an interview with one of the most knowledgeable and influential doctors in France, who values his reputation and name, Professor Christian Perronne.

🪂I was involved in managing several epidemics and pandemics with different governments, and when I saw how the epidemic was managed from February to March 2020, I was amazed. I saw that it was utter mad. That's why I spoke in the media, but now I'm censored in the media.

🪂So, it's clear that genetic material is being injected into your body. And we shouldn't call it a "vaccine" because it's a LIE! Not just us, but many scientists say it's a genetic injection. That's why they prefer to call it a "prick" [rather than a vaccine].

🪂It's a shame. It's a scandal. Scientifically, it's a fraud, and politically it's a crime. The Indian Bar Association is now suing [WHO's chief scientist in India] for all its policies that have killed more than three million people worldwide.

🪂 more than a million reported side effects, and the number of deaths is about 1400, so this is a VERY significant damage from "vaccination".

🪂In the past with other but present vaccines, there have been crises and problems with some side effects; but neither for myself nor among friends and family, I have never seen such serious side effects as I do now. I even know of two deaths around me: the mother of my friend and the guy who was a cousin of another friend of mine who died of the "vaccine."

🪂So, many, many side effects are not reported. If a stroke happens, they say, "Oh no, it's not a vaccine; it's [just] a blow; this person was old, so a stroke is normal. He had to die."

🪂 And if we look at comparing the mortality rate in others, we find that vaccinated children may have it close. As we know, children do not develop the disease [Covid-19] to a high degree, and very few children have had severe cases, and the mortality rate [Covid] among children is generally close to zero. We now know that the risk of death and serious problems is much higher if you are vaccinated than if you are not vaccinated [as a child].

🪂This is a very serious adverse reaction, and yet the media continue to LIE and tell us: "The vaccine is safe, effective, and the benefits far outweigh the risks, so we must continue to vaccinate people"!

🪂This is just propaganda. The vaccine doesn't really work. It kills 42% of those cases, but if you put that into a random population, it means it kills all the time, it kills 100% of the time. Essentially, it triggers the aging process and cancer, and it's just the beginning. I think that's [just] the beginning of what we're going to see in the end.

🪂Thye are lying to us. They say it's safe; no, it's not safe, it kills people. It kills people. It doesn't protect against options; does not protect against transmissibility; it does not protect against disease.

🪂 One of the main [phenomena] reported is the magnetic test at the vaccination site: it sticks. Humans measured, and an electromagnetic field was designed.

🪂People dug into it and discovered that there are lipid nanoparticles that are produced by a company called Acuitas Therapeutics [from Canada] that provides them to Pfizer/BioNTech [and] Moderna.

🪂As there is also graphene oxide. Essentially, everything about this injection is poisonous: not just messenger RNA and these spike proteins that cause inflammation and that can be integrated into [your] DNA, but also graphene oxide. So, it's clear that from all points of view, it's poison.

🪂I'm all for isolating patients with only symptoms, but the restrictions imposed in many, many countries around the world are completely stupid. You will not stop the epidemic with isolation and masks on the street! This has been demonstrated in Denmark in randomized trials involving mask-wearers and non-maskers. The mask is ineffective.


Vaccinated have become a risk group.

"In addition, reports from our international colleagues, including Israel, indicate an increased risk of serious illness among those who have been vaccinated at an early stage," CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Valenski said at a white house response team press briefing on COVID19 and public health officials, Aug. 18, 2021.

If this is true, Friends, and this is true, then we are dealing with the worst scenario for the vaccinated - it suggests "amplification" (ADE), when vaccine antibodies with the help of various mechanisms increase the state of the disease. 

De facto, people were sent by injection. 

If Christian is telling the truth, he will have to isolate eight houses 🏡. I remember black beat all the staff of the house with injections and at the same time always stood next to each other in a black muzzle. 


"Vaccinated people are dangerous and must be isolated from society," said Professor Christian Perronn, a leading French vaccine expert.

Dr. John Ioannidis has fought against unsubstantiated medical allegations for years, and since his recent appointment as head of Stanford University's Prevention Center, he continues to fight against medical myths and outright Covid scams: 

"We have strong evidence that 0.1% have died 'with' or 'from' covid—probably mostly with" Covid—and 50 percent of the population has just gone crazy... It was a MASSACRE; I think it was a public health mistake of the highest proportions; probably the worst in the last century."

In turn, I would like to correct the doctor and say that what he says "a public health error of the highest scale" is not a mistake. This has been and remains a class war from the very beginning: oligarchy against everyone else.

This is a class war, Friends, and if the masses were vigilant, it would rather unite them. However, the cult of consumption, pederasty and debauchery did its job. The ignorant masses prefer to live in their hole according to the principle of each for himself, not realizing that sooner or later, everything will become bad, and it will be the worst for them. 

It wasn't a "mistake." All this was done by deepstate/global kahal in cooperation with BigPharma, BigTech, Central Banks, big tech oligarchs and, of course, the media with their puppets "journalists".

And all this scam, Friends, stands on one shaky wand, on PCR, if the creator of which had not died, the implementation of this scam simply would not have been possible. I think no doctor would risk his reputation and argue with the creator of PCR, for which he received a Nobel Prize, Cary Mullis, who said that PCR is not designed to search for viruses, that it is designed to search / collect / collect DNA (about which laws appeared almost at once in all countries), and that the swindler Fauci in view of his complete inconsistency with the high rank of "Doctor" should not occupy the positions that he occupies. 

It's obvious that Dr. Mullis has been taken out of the way by the biological terrorists of the global kahal. There are too many coincidences like his death in August 2019, just before the start of a special operation called three men in a black pandemic. 

In Singapore, the NWO has already taken place.

Briton Benjamin Glynn has been arrested after not wearing a mask on a train in Singapore. The man was given a 6-week prison sentence. One lady on the train walked away from him, another man tried to offer him a mask, and the rest of the train pestered him with questions about why he didn't wear a mask. 

A Singapore judge is also forcing him to undergo a "psychiatric examination" because he opposed the effectiveness of masks in court, which, incidentally, is confirmed by many studies. 

Many netizens, fans of masks, are calling on social networks for his deportation. 


The fact is, Friends, that at the moment Singapore is a grim reality of 1984 with segregation against the unvaccinated in some places and very harsh consequences for disobedience. Singapore has virtually no resistance and is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world. The NWO has already taken place there.

There are too many coincidences for many to continue to remain at large. 


Right now, another figure, one Devi Sridhar, is again lying to the public, claiming that "no child has died because of the Covid vaccine," once again proving that one of their main goals is our CHILDREN, Friends. Devi Sridhar, a nutritionist who masquerades as a public health expert on all issues that betrays her as much of a terrorist swindler as a friend of non-physician Gates, the swindler Fauci, is now on a mission to convince the general public that giving children an experimental vaccine is the right decision.

🇺🇸 Woman (San Diego) who quit her job because of a mandatory vaccine requirement:

"I haven't had a problem working in the health care system for the last 18 months without a vaccine, but now, suddenly, suddenly, abruptly, I'm a threat to public health?"


Now the global cahal is provoking the next health crisis, when there will be a lack of medical workers. 

And then they will blame the unvaccinated. 

🇫🇷💉"Not to buy, not to sell"

The introduction of a vaccination passport is having an effect across France, with thousands of citizens refusing to be vaccinated unable to shop in supermarkets.

Faced with this situation, unvaccinated people organized to make their way to supermarkets. Or, on the contrary, to block access to them by all. 

For more, anti-vaccination activists have blocked the entrance to Auchan because it denies unvaccinated people service:


"What we want is just to be able to go in and buy basic necessities to be able to eat ... Is the government refusing to allow mothers to feed their children? So we're going to have a blockade until they surrender."

Another islander 🏝 who went with the roof - Julia Roberts 👁🤦🏻 😂

            Psiop in action.


This pure, wonderful and joyful in her anticipation of the meeting, the baby was so waiting for her Mother, and she turned out to be an ordinary brainwashed chicken, whose heart does not have even a shadow of love for her own child. 

That's what the media has turned people into, it's just discouraging. 

Additional materials on the special operation Corona 👑 19 presents Tribule X

To the left of Bill Gates is former Soviet defense scientist Alexander Galitsky. 1997. 

Alexander Galitsky, former Soviet defense officer of the NGO ELAS and current head of almaz Capital Partners venture fund, says:

“Since the mid-1980s, I have been preparing our response to Star Wars. We have developed various systems, including for the transmission and exchange of information between reconnaissance satellites.


At the space communication station on the basis of a flat antenna-fared lattice, which transmitted information through IP protocol, 1990














United States military courts are trials conducted by the U.S. military or state military. Military field courts are most often convened to try U.S. military personnel for criminal violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which is the criminal code of the U.S. armed forces. However, they may also be convened for other purposes, including military tribunals and the observance of martial law in the occupied territory. Federal military field courts are governed by the rules of procedure and evidence set out in the Manual for Military Field Courts, which contains the Rules for Military Field Courts, the Military Rules of Evidence, and other instructions. The state military field courts shall be governed by the laws of the state concerned. The American Bar Association has issued a model of the State Code of Military Justice, which has influenced relevant laws and procedures in some states. Military field courts are adversarial trials, as are all criminal courts in the United States. That is, lawyers representing the Government and the accused present the facts, legal aspects and arguments most favorable to each party; a military judge decides questions of law, and members of the collegium (or a military judge in the case of a sole judge) decide on the fact. The State National Guard (Air Force and Army) may convene summary and special military courts to hear peacetime war crimes committed by non-federalized Guards pilots and soldiers, as well as federal military courts. The State National Guard's right to convene military tribunals is under Title 32 of the U.S. Code. In states where there is an armed force (state guard) that is not part of the National Guard, regulated by the federal government, military courts are convened on the basis of state laws. From the earliest days of the United States, military command played a central role in the administration of military justice. The American military justice system, inherited from its British predecessor, predates the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. While military justice in the United States has undergone significant changes over the years, the convening body remains a tool for selecting a panel for military field courts. Tribunals for the trial of war criminals coexisted with the early history of armies. Modern military field courts are deeply rooted in systems that preceded written military codes and were designed to bring order and discipline to the armed, and sometimes barbaric, warring forces. Both the ancient Greeks and Romans had codes of military justice, although their written versions have not survived. Moreover, almost every form of military tribunal involved a trial before a group or members of one type or another .


BOMBSHELLMarines Rebuke Def. Sec.: “No Mandatory Vaccinations for My Marines.”


U.S. 🇺🇸 👨‍⚖️ 👩‍⚖️ 

For 7 months from vaccination died almost 2 times more than 120 years before!

The false coronavirus corona 👑 brings a lot of record numbers. One of them is taken from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control's disease control database at VAERS/WONDER, where the side effects of vaccinations are recorded voluntarily. Currently, about 11,000 deaths relate to Covid-19 vaccination. This is twice as much as when searching for deaths from vaccination from 1.1.1901 to 30.11.2020 inclusive.

When requested on July 9, the database contains information on 10,991 deaths close to the time of receipt of the Covid-19 vaccine. By the end of November last year, 2020, there were a total of 6255 deaths in the database in the vicinity of any other vaccination. And since the start of registration, not as many near-vaccination deaths have been documented as there have been in the past seven months.




- Hello.

- Hello, table for two, please.

- Okay, your last name, please.

- Smith. 

- Excellent. Do you and your guest have vaccination cards?

- Hmmmm, let's get this first... can you tell us who will be our waiter?

- Most likely, Brad will be your waiter tonight.

- Thanks!!! Can you show us Brad's vaccination map?

- Hmm...

Can you prove to me that Brad does not have HIV, hepatitis A or B or some other infectious disease? It's the same with you and all the kitchen staff.

- Um...

Also, we'd rather not be served by those who use recreational drugs like marijuana, cocaine, meth, fentanyl, etc. So if you could give us a final Brad toxicity test, that would be great. I also need to see the entire medical history of your employees.

- Um... I will find a manager for you.

- That would be great, thanks!

Make sure you have a vaccination certificate and a medical card.

The thing is, Friends, that restaurants, shops and other establishments do not exist just like that.

First of all, they need us.

Therefore, WE BEGIN TO BECOME SELF-SUFFICIENT PEOPLE - MASTERS, and not trembling creatures - consumers.



RULES OF Li_Iacocca 

The basis of any business is people, product, profit. People come first. If you don't have a reliable team, then of the other factors, little can be gained.

Business comes down to three concepts: people, products, profit. 

And people come first! 

1) The importance of interaction with the client;

2) People buy individuality, not product;

3) Sales is the solution of the client's problem.



And Managers must be decisive. It's US ⬇️

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