I wonder if you will like it if they climb into your uterus secretly when you are drunk or sleeping? 

I wonder if you will like it if they climb into your uterus secretly when you are drunk or sleeping? 

TRibUlE bUReaU


Part Two Ending 👇 


Harris makes galvanizing pitch to sorority sisters on voting rights, abortion ahead of midterms


Vice President Kamala Harris, center, greets Dr. Glenda Glover, left, International President of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. before she spoke at the International Conference of the sorority Thursday, July 14, 2022, in Orlando, Fla. 

Now that Kamala has lost business and turned everything upside down, using her boat, Daleiden and Merritt could end up in prison, and "paternity planning" still kills babies for spare parts.

However, revealing videos in which family planning officials sell parts of the bodies of aborted children have shocked many: 



Depopulation technologies: family "planning", or rather how we came to mass state murder.

Since the middle of the twentieth century, under the banner of the "crisis of overpopulation", the world has been subjected to a global propaganda campaign aimed at radically reducing the birth rate and reducing the population. In most developed countries, fertility has already fallen well below the replacement level, and the number of older persons is equal to or even greater than the number of children. Marriage increasingly ends in divorce and is replaced by cohabitation. Extramarital affairs, homosexuality and transgender phenomena have acquired priority status. Depopulation, not mythical "overpopulation," has become the new reality of the world.

The founder of the idea of birth control in the world was Thomas Malthus, who expressed it in his 1798 work "Essay on the Law of Population". According to the Malthus doctrine, the population is growing exponentially, and the means of subsistence are in arithmetic, so sooner or later people will not have enough food, and according to the director of the World Bank - and water . According to Malthus, the smaller the population, the higher the standard of living.

Malthusian ideas were picked up by the feminist Margaret Sanger, who generously peppered them with eugenics and created the Birth Control League in 1921, whose task was to provide abortions and "pull out the chaff of mankind" — "inferior, mentally retarded, and genetically second-rate races." The latter included blacks, Slavs, Jews, Italians – a total of 70% of the world's population. "The most immoral practice of our time is to encourage the creation of large families that harm not only the members of these families, but also the whole society. The most merciful thing a large family can do to one of their babies is to kill him," Sanger wrote. 

Soon, under the guise of grants for scientific activities, the League begins to receive sponsorships from Rockefeller, Ford and Mallon. In a 1932 League magazine article titled "The Peace Plan," Sanger stated that for the sake of peace on Earth, "inferior human material" should be subjected to forced sterilization and segregation by placing it in concentration camps.

"By concentrating this vast portion of our population for reasons of health rather than punishment, it is safe to say that fifteen or twenty million of our population will become defensive warriors protecting unborn children from their own defects ... An attempt will then be made to slow population growth at the established rate in order to adapt the increasing numbers to the best social and economic conditions." 

The same magazine published a member of the Nazi Party, Ernst Rydin, who worked in the League as a consultant and subsequently put its ideas into practice in such demographic programs of the Third Reich as "Genetic Sterilization" and "Racial Hygiene". In 1942, in the midst of the war with Hitler, Sanger renamed the "Birth Control League" to the "Planned Parenthood Association" in order to avoid inconvenient associations, which then turned into the International Federation - IFPR (also translated as IFPS), which later received the status of a charitable organization, which allowed it to accept donations without paying taxes.

Sanger enjoyed the support of such celebrities as Julian Huxley, Albert Einstein, Indian Prime Minister Nehru, Japanese Emperor Hirohito, Henry Ford, Presidents Truman, Eisenhower and many others. The neo-Malthusian policy promoted by it acquires a worldwide scope.

In 1954, the Hugh Moore Foundation published a widely distributed pamphlet, Population Bomb, which inflated the threat of high population growth in developing countries and spoke of the urgent need to reduce the birth rate. 

In 1958, the UN began to finance IPPF programs in the Third World and soon the World Bank joined it. 

In 1959, the U.S. State Department issued a report on world population trends, concluding that rapid growth threatens international stability. A few years later, the neo-Malthusians' actions spread to America itself: the U.S. Congress allocated the first $50 million for "family planning" within the country and increased taxes for families with two or more children, while the unmarried and childless received a tax break. 


As the author of the later bestseller Population Bomb, ecologist Paul Ehrlich, explained the move: "To persuade other nations to lower their birth rates, we must be able to say 'do as we do,' rather than 'do as we are commanded.'" Another reason is the increased impact of U.S. population growth on the depletion of the world's resources. Although about 6% of the world's population lived in the United States in 1966, this country consumed 34% of world energy production, 29% of all steel production and 17% of all deforestation. Such figures lead to the rationale that each American birth makes a much greater contribution to the depletion of world reserves - "25 times more than, say, the Indian birth," says biologist Wayne Davis.


In 1964, the "Council on Sex and Education" (SIECUS) was established in the United States. Its executive director, Mary Calderón, was closely associated with IPPF and supported the ideas of the humanist Rudolf Dreikurs, which included:

• Fusion or reversal of genders and gender roles; 

• Release of children from their families; 

• Abolishing the family as we know it. 

In 1968, the American lawyer Albert Blaustein, who participated in the creation of the constitutions of many countries, points out that in order to limit population growth, it is necessary to revise many laws, including on marriage, family support, age of consent and homosexuality.


Kingsley Davis, one of the central figures in the development of birth control policies, criticized the "planners" for abandoning such "voluntary" birth control measures as encouraging sterilization, abortion and "unnatural forms of sexual intercourse." 


According to him, "even the most primitive peoples know how to limit the number of children through the interruption of sexual intercourse, extravaginal sexual intercourse, homosexual contact, abortion and infanticide." 


In addition, he insisted that without changing the social structure and the economy, a targeted reduction in the birth rate could not be achieved.

"Questions of sterilization and unnatural forms of sexual intercourse are usually met with silence or disapproval, although no one doubts the effectiveness of these measures in preventing conception ... The main changes needed to influence the motivation to have children should be changes in family structure, women's status and sexual mores. The economic system largely determines who will work, what can be bought, how much it will cost to raise children, how much a person will be able to spend. Schools define family roles and interests related to career choices and leisure activities. They can, as appropriate, redefine sexual roles, develop interests outside the home, and instill realistic (as opposed to moralistic) knowledge about marriage, sexual behavior, and population issues. When the problem is viewed in this light, it is clear that the ministries of economy and education, not the ministry of health, should be the source of population policy."

Davis's wife, sociologist Judith Blake, has proposed abolishing tax and housing incentives that encourage procreation and eliminating legal and social sanctions against homosexuality.



The remarks of this venerable couple did not go unnoticed, and in 1969 the vice-president of the IPPF, Frederick Jaffe, issued a memorandum describing birth control methods, including abortion, sterilization, over-the-counter contraception, forcing women to go to work, reducing paid maternity leave and child benefits, and encouraging the growth of homosexuality. Jaffe instructs the chairman of Rockefeller's Population Council, behavioral scientist Bernard Bereelson, to conduct research on the impact of social, housing, and economic factors on childbearing, and select the most appropriate ones.

A condensed excerpt from the memorandum:

"Full employment of the population is accompanied by inflation and therefore relatively high levels of unemployment should be allowed as necessary. Nevertheless, the relationship between women's employment and low fertility has been proven, and therefore it is necessary to establish what level of inflation can or should be risked to achieve a lower birth rate. It is necessary to change the image of an ideal family, including three or more children, which will lead to an unacceptable rate of population growth. In order to avoid coercive population regulation policies, it is necessary to create a society in which voluntary contraception can operate effectively. There is no doubt that most of the measures proposed as alternatives to family planning will not have the same impact on different segments of the population. The attached table attempts to present a primary sorting of the main measures discussed according to their universality or selectivity. Obviously, economic methods of influence will not have an equal impact on the behavior of families of the rich / middle class and the low-income population. Studies will show what methods we will need and how soon." 


That same year, speaking before Congress, President Nixon called population growth "one of the greatest challenges to the fate of humanity." He proposed expanding "family planning" services to the U.S. and creating a commission to study the impact of population growth on the nation's well-being. After two years of research, commission chairman John D. Rockefeller 3rd informed the president that further population growth was impractical:


"After two years of concentrated efforts, we have come to the conclusion that in the long term no significant benefits will be achieved from further population growth of the nation, and the gradual stabilization of our population by voluntary methods will make a significant contribution to the nation's ability to solve its problems. We have sought, but have not found, a compelling economic argument for continued population growth. Neither the well-being of our country, nor the viability of business, nor the well-being of the average citizen depend on this." 


President Nixon's scientific adviser, Dr. Dubridge, urged "all public institutions — schools, universities, the church, the family, the government, and international agencies — to set zero population growth as their top priority." 


Nobel Prize winner Dr. Shockley proposed the following plan: 

The public will vote for the desired annual population growth rate (it recommends 0.3%), after which the Census Bureau will determine how many children each woman is allowed to have. All girls will be implanted with a contraceptive capsule. Upon reaching the age of majority, each girl will receive 22 deci certificates for a child. The couple will be able to use 10 of them to remove the capsule until the baby is born, after which the capsule will be returned. After the birth of two children, the couple will either be able to sell the remaining 2 certificates, or buy 8 more on the free market to give birth to a third child. Those who don't want children will be able to sell their certificates at any time. 

Preston Cloud, chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources at the National Academy of Sciences, called for zero population growth by the end of the century and demanded that population control in the U.S. and the world be intensified "by any feasible means." In his speech, among other things, he invited Congress and the president to officially declare that all American couples should have no more than two children, that abortion on request would be legalized and available to everyone, even free of charge, and that legal restrictions on homosexual unions would be lifted .


Youth protest

The scandalous vote of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), which excluded homosexuality from the list of mental disorders, took place in December 1973. This was preceded by the socio-political events of the 1960s and 1970s. society was tired of america's protracted intervention in Vietnam and the economic crisis. Youth protest movements were born and became incredibly popular: the movement for the rights of the black population, the movement for women's rights, the anti-war movement, the movement against social inequality and poverty; hippie culture blossomed with its deliberate peacefulness and freedom; the use of psychedelics, especially LSD and marijuana, has spread. Then all traditional values and beliefs were called into question. It was a time of rebellion against any authority. 

All of the above took place in the shadow of the inflated threat of overpopulation and the search for birth control.

"U.S. Population Growth Has Become an Important National Issue"

Preston Cloud, representing the National Academy of Sciences, demanded that population control be intensified "by any feasible means" and recommended that the government legalize abortion and gay unions.

The author of the concept of demographic transition, Frank Notstein, speaking at the National War College to senior officers, noted that "homosexuality is protected on the grounds that it helps reduce population growth."

There were also those who bluntly called heterosexuality "the root cause of the world's dilemma of overpopulation":

It will take only a few years for lobbyists to normalize homosexuality to convince the leadership of the American Psychiatric Association to exclude homosexuality from the list of psychosexual disorders. "We will no longer insist on a disease label for individuals claiming to be healthy," the APA said. This change in the position of medicine regarding the diagnosis of homosexuality occurred without the provision of any scientific arguments and clinical evidence that would justify such a step.

In the Encyclopedia of Birth Control, published in 2001 specifically for "family planning" organizations, homosexuality is already openly ranked among the legitimate methods of birth control:

"Since sexual intercourse between members of the same sex cannot lead to pregnancy, tolerance or encouragement of homosexuality and lesbianism can be seen as a method of population control, if not birth control. Almost all people have bisexual potential, and the extent to which it is allowed to manifest affects, at least in theory, the number of children conceived. "

In 2004, the editor of the British Medical Journal (BMJ), Imre Lefler, wrote in his column the following:


"The value of homosexuality to human survival lies in its impact on population growth. Anyone concerned about environmental degradation caused by population growth should promote homosexuality. Indeed, it would be desirable for the majority of people to become homosexual, and only a small, select few people from each recognizable subgroup met the modest reproductive needs of the species.

The ideal social organization of humanity in this overpopulated world would be one in which most would live in homosexual monogamy. If homosexuality were to become the norm, the population would decline dramatically.

Prejudice against gay marriage will diminish once people realize that this newly created institution is the guarantor of a 'natural' demographic policy."

In 1972, the Club of Rome published the report "Limits to Growth", which presented 12 possible scenarios for the development of mankind. All favorable scenarios required political and social changes, including strict birth control at the level of natural decline.

In 1974, Nixon commissioned Kissinger to study the impact of world population growth on U.S. political and economic interests and to propose concrete action. 


Thus appeared the document "NSSM-200", classified until 1990, compiled by the National Security Council, which spoke of the urgent need to reduce the birth rate on a global scale. 

PDF National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200

National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (THE KISSINGER REPORT) December 10, 1974 ... U.N. and the U.S. Population Council, regard the range of 10 to 13 billion as the most likely level for world population stability, even with intensive efforts at fertility ...


The main goal of the document was to achieve a replacement birth rate by the year 2000 (an average of 2 children per family) and to maintain the maximum level of the population within 8 billion people. The distribution of external assistance to developing countries will depend on their willingness to accept antinatal programmes. For example, when Nigeria refused to introduce radical sex education programs promoting promiscuity and homosexuality, Western countries threatened to cut off foreign aid. There were 13 countries in which population control should be applied first.

«... the main focus should be on the largest and fastest growing developing countries, which are of particular political and strategic interest to the United States. These countries include India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Colombia. Together, they account for 47% of the current population growth." 


The document proposes to "concentrate on the education and indoctrination [sic] of the younger generation regarding the desirability of a smaller family size" and notes the need for abortion to reduce the birth rate.

In 1975, by order of President Ford, the NSSM-200 became a guide to action in the field of American foreign policy. Thus, what had previously been largely a private adventure of elitists has now become a taxpayer-funded government program. At the moment, there is no evidence that the application of the NSSM-200 directives has ceased to be the official policy of the United States.

Remember who remembers the evolution of the Nestle logo. 

Currently, the birth rate in the United States is below the level necessary for the natural reproduction of the population. According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 2017 saw the lowest number of babies born in the U.S. in 30 years. The fertility rate was the lowest on record (i.e. more than a hundred years), and the average number of births per woman fell to a minimum since 1978 of 1.76. 

Public service announcement from the UK's National Health Service: "Would you give it up for this? Beware of the child trap. Condoms and contraceptives are available free of charge."

At the UN World Population Conference held in Bucharest in 1974, 137 countries (all except the Vatican) committed themselves to reducing the birth rate, after which the growth rate of the world population went down.

From UN documents:

"WHO, as well as UNFPA and UNAIDS, fully support the Charter of Sexual and Reproductive Rights of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)... and call on ministries of health: ...


🔻Respect sexual and reproductive rights and, if necessary, review relevant laws, especially with regard to abortion and homosexuality." 

With the collapse of the USSR in December 1991, Russia, represented by the Communist Gorbachev couple under the roof of the IPPF and the inspired patronage of the Tatar Raisa Gorbacheva, penetrated into Russia and operates there in this fascist Russia to this day. Birth control also bothered them very much with these strange communists who had broken up their own country and moved to San Francisco in the same address as the WEF and Lenin's neighbor Klaus Schwab. The Tatar Raisa, a very tasteful Soviet girl to live at the expense of the budgets of the USSR, also had a harvester husband, whom she led all her life, de facto it was Raisa Gorbacheva who was the general secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, and Misha Gorbachev was under Raisa just a poodle 🐩 who shoved her once in her youth into a Tatar hole and a talking empty bash. Gorbachev was an unrequited communist who loved big money, first from the Communist Party, the onanists of the USSR, and later from David Rockefeller, when they felt that the two ideological fascists were savvy and David Rockefeller supported this wretched degenerate Gorbachev with money. Thus, the communist Gorbachev, who first destroyed one country in 1991 and fled the presidency of the USSR, in 1995 organized an international conference on the need to control the world population, at which the idea of reducing the population by 90% was voiced:

"Religious institutions bear primary responsibility for the population explosion. We need to talk much more clearly about sexuality, about contraception, about abortion, about the values that control the population, because the demographic crisis is an environmental crisis. If you reduce the population by 90 percent, then there will be no one to cause noticeable environmental damage. "


In a similar vein, Russian politician Anatoly Chubais spoke in 2011. Speaking about the need to reduce the population, he told about the establishment of a trend that will help reduce the world's population to 2.5-1.5 billion by the end of the XXI century.


Chubais 👆 announced the plans of the Russian and world elite to reduce the world's population to two or even one and a half billion people 🧍 🧍

"In the 21st century, extending the trends of the 20th is unthinkable. The scenario of continued growth is excluded. Now humanity faces qualitatively new challenges of unprecedented scale. Our country is capable of making a real contribution to solving these unprecedented challenges." 

Paradoxically, free access to contraception leads to an increase in pregnancies and the number of abortions. They spread rapidly, acquiring new and more virulent forms, such as STDs such as herpes and AIDS. Cervical cancer, previously virtually unknown in young women, is now reaching epidemic proportions, often associated with multiple sexual partners. This picture is universal:


The chief doctor of the City Clinical Hospital No. 2 of the city of Orenburg said at a meeting of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation that he had a plan-order for abortions. 

"I receive 20 million rubles a year for abortions, but not a penny for their prevention. It's good for health care for us to have abortions. Until this system changes, there is no need to wait for something." 


Sensational confession of the head doctor of Russia: I receive 20 million from the state to have abortions

Although the IPPF declares neutrality on abortion, its former president, Fredrik Say, made it clear in a speech in 1993 that organizations that are not ready to support abortion in practice or in theory cannot count on IPPF membership.

The former medical director of IPPF, Malcom Potz, argued that it was impossible to start and implement any family planning programme without widespread abortion. He also said that restrictive abortion laws are outdated and do not correspond to the modern world, and therefore can and should be violated .This worldview is formalized in the IPPF directives: 

"Family planning associations and other public organizations should not use the legislative vacuum or the presence of unfavorable laws for us as a reason for inaction. Action beyond the law, and even against the law, is part of the process of stimulating change." 

After the death of Margaret Sanger in 1966, all subsequent IPPF presidents declared their commitment to the Sanger Line. Currently, the IPPF, with an annual budget of $1 billion [32], conducts its hateful activities in more than 190 countries under the guise of good intentions. None of the declared goals of the Federation - the protection of reproductive health, the protection of motherhood, the strengthening of the prestige of the family, the prevention of STDs, etc. - was achieved. But the true goal has been achieved - the birth rate has significantly decreased.

Brainless celebrities collaborate with IPPF to promote abortion

Currently, the growing "climate movement" has included in its agenda the reduction of childbirth. Its participants also initiated the No Future No Children movement, whose members pledge not to have children until governments take serious action on "anthropogenic climate change." The German teacher gained fame after the publication of a book in which she urges German women not to give birth to children. According to her, every unborn child rids the world of 9,441 tons of carbon dioxide. Oh, and bring in 50 million Africans. Well done teacher 👨 🏫, learn from geniuses. 


A car, a beef steak, a lot of children – the ice will melt, the fields will dry up, the seas will rise. Scientists are looking for solutions, but you can help: a bicycle, veganism and fewer children.

« You won't have anything and you'll be happy « Yes, Klaus Schwab? 

The birth of a child is the greatest act of climate destruction. If you're serious about reducing your climate impact, you can't do anything more effective than deciding not to have children.

Removing the veil of empty rhetoric to protect "women's health" and "human rights," we will see neo-Malthusianism as it is — rebelling against human life, tradition and progress, exploiting the idea of protecting children, and destroying the family.


The other Crisis (1998)

Woman and the New Race (1920)

Plan for Piece (1932)

Angel of Death: Biography of Margaret Sanger, Founder of IFPS (1995)

- Carlson: Society, Family, Personality (2003)

U.S. Population Growth and Family Planning (1970)

The SIECUS circle : a humanist revolution (1973)

Kingsley Davis, Population Policy: Will Current Programs Succeed? (1967)

Matthew Connelly, Population Control is History: New Perspectives on the International Campaign to Limit Population Growth (2003)

F.S. Jaffe: Activities Relevant to the Study of Population Policy for the United States (1969)

Richard Nixon, Special Message to the Congress on Problems of Population Growth. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

Rockfeller commission on Population Growth and the American Future (1972)

The Free Lance–Star, Dec 19, 1967: Shokely Explains Baby Plan.

ALEC’s Report on Alfred Kinsey

National Security Study Memorandum 200, Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests,1974

The number of newborns in the United States fell to a minimum in 30 years

WHO: Family Planning and Reproductive Health in CEE and the NIS (2000) p.2

Sustainable development conference speaker called for 90% reduction in world population

RusNanoTech Conference, 2011

Valerie Riches: Sex And Social Engineering

Unsafe Abortion Must Be Tackled Now (1993)

Malcolm Potts (1970, 1979)

IPPF: The human right to family planning (1984)












Madonna and the Beastie Boys, 1985.


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