Let's cut sensual and high-quality off-road sex! 

Let's cut sensual and high-quality off-road sex! 

TRibUlE bUReaU

- What's the operational trick? 

- Assemble a team of pidaras and do whatever you want, with the help of sick state perverts on whom there is a bunch of sex compromising. 

Yes, David Rockefeller? 

June 18, 2018 - It is cited in more than 20,000 scientific articles and used by more than 100 countries around the world. A version of ICD-11 was released on 18 June 2018 to allow Member States to prepare for implementation, including translating ICD into their national languages.


Heterosexual attraction is a component of human health, since the behavioral realization of this attraction contributes to reproduction - reproduction is the most important indicator of health at both the ontogenetic and phylogenetic levels.

It is worth noting that violations of reproduction are recognized as a deviation from the norm by the World Health Organization (hereinafter referred to as WHO):

"Infertility is the inability of a sexually active, non-contraceptive couple to achieve pregnancy within one year." 

   And also infertility is characterized as:

a disease of the reproductive system, which is expressed in the absence of clinical pregnancy after 12 or more months of regular sexual activity without protection against pregnancy . 

What is "sex life", for example with Marina Abramovic, Mr. David Rockefeller? Well, this is not the life that you have going underground, but in the sense of sex with Marina, "sex life":

"the totality of somatic, mental and social processes and relations which are based on and through which sexual desire is satisfied"! 

Quite logically, David Rockefeller, Barry, Misha, Rothschild and company, it is completely logical that WHO experts do not give additional characteristics of a couple and sexual life from the above definitions: it goes without saying that, by default, we mean a couple of opposite-sex individuals and a sexual act between opposite-sex individuals, since this corresponds to the fundamental principles of biology and physiology.

Consequently, one of the fundamental criteria that clearly separate heterosexual attraction from non-heterosexual forms of attraction, and at the same time combines homosexual attraction with attraction to inanimate objects, to objects of another biological species, to immature objects (etc.) is the possibility of reproduction as a result of the realization of attraction in the form of coitus. The realization of non-heterosexual attraction in the form of non-heterosexual coitus (for example, between subjects of the same sex or different species) excludes pregnancy.

At the ontogenetic level, in a particular individual with a homosexual attraction, reproductive potential can be preserved. However, in this case, reproductive potential is not associated with the realization of non-heterosexual attraction. And this again equates homosexual attraction with other forms of non-heterosexual attraction: in other words, the reproductive potential of an individual with attraction to another biological species, to inanimate objects, to immature objects (etc.) can also be preserved. This fact is not an argument in favor of the normativity of "sexual craving" for children or "orientation to some inanimate objects as stimulants of sexual arousal." Therefore, it cannot be an argument in favor of the normativity of sexual attraction to objects of the same sex.

Moreover, the Ladies and Gentlemen, as mentioned above, sexual intercourse is based on the physiological complementarity of the genitals of a man and a woman:

"Sexual intercourse (coitus; syn.: sexual intercourse, sexual rapprochement, copulation, coition) is a physiological process that begins with the introduction of the penis into the vagina and ends with ejaculation and orgasm. " 

Thus, sexual intercourse [through which sexual desire is satisfied, see above] is possible only between two sexually mature individuals of the opposite sex.

"Later (Godlewski, 1977) the concept of an individual norm was introduced, in which biological aspects were emphasized. According to these criteria, it is normal for an adult to engage in sexual behavior that: 

1) for unintentional reasons, do not exclude or limit the possibility of genital intercourse that could lead to fertilization; 

2) are not characterized by a persistent tendency to avoid sexual intercourse"

In addition, the so-called substitute forms of sexual activity are even fraught with health risks: for example, the practice of eroticism, due to the anatomical unsuitability of the final part of the gastrointestinal tract to a receptive role, is associated with a number of disorders of a traumatic and infectious nature. In support of this, there is a significant base of empirical observations: Markland et al. (2016) , Yarns et al. (2016) , Rice et al. (2016) , Boehmer et al. (2015) , Spornraft-Ragaller (2014)... 

There is no consensus, there is no consensus among specialists, as well as there is no consensus among the specialists themselves, they are not observed ...

There is no consensus on the normativity of homosexual attraction among specialists in psychiatry and psychology. The affirmative consensus is observed at the level of some professional communities paid for with good money, the most famous and most cited among which are the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the American Psychological Association. However, these girls and boys and even others do not represent all American associations of specialists. Negative consensus is observed, for example, among specialists of the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice, the American College of Pediatricians, the American Association of Christian Psychologists21 and the Catholic Medical Association. Moreover, professional organizations of psychiatrists and psychologists exist not only in the United States of America. 

These descriptions and instructions do not carry a theoretical meaning and do not claim to be a comprehensive definition of the current state of knowledge about mental disorders. They are simply groups of symptoms and comments that a large number of counsellors and consultants in many countries around the world have agreed on as an acceptable basis for defining category boundaries in the classification of mental disorders.

Scientific and medical classification should be based on strictly logical conclusions, and any agreement between specialists can only be the result of the interpretation of objective clinical and empirical data, and not dictated by any ideological considerations, even the most humane. The classification of mental disorders reflects a neglect of objective evidence for the sake of ideological interests, which may affect the health and well-being of patients due to the failure to provide the medical care they need.

I'm sure you, David Rockefeller and company, know the precedent with the adapted version of the International Classification of Diseases of the 9th Revision, which took place in 1983, when Section V "Mental Disorders". 

What prevents the modern professional community of psychiatrists and psychologists from not accepting the controversial views of some American specialists on the approach to sexual desire disorders?

The empirical argument and logical component of the approach to including homosexual attraction in a variety of sexual norm have been criticized in numerous scientific publications, see, for example, Whitehead (2018) , Mayer and McHugh (2016) , Kinney (2015) , Rosik et al. (2012) , Cameron and Cameron (2012) , Schumm (2012) , Phelan, etc. (2009) , etc.

And in addition to the cultural, Ladies and Gentlemen, there are also psychopathological models of homosexual attraction: Nicolosi (2004), Liebig (2001), van der Aardweg (1985) ... 

It is dangerous to follow blindfolded into the socio-political mainstream, it is dangerous to go to a dark room, Ladies and Gentlemen, and look for a black cat in it, and even naked, dangerously. ⚠️ 

Some researchers point to the dictate of socio-political ideas over the principles of scientific logic in determining the sexual norm: Martin (2016), Jussim et al. (2015), Duarte et al. (2015), Schumm (2010), etc.

The standardization of same-sex attraction (along with a number of other deviations, the enumeration of which does not relate to the purpose of this letter) according to such opinions refers to the so-called "mainstream" science, i.e. following in the wake of certain political views of individual sofas and the so-called "political correctness".

At the forefront of "mainstream" views in sexology, the term "sexual orientation," meaning a set of "NORMAL VARIATIONS" of attraction, has come to be used in reference to an increasing number of deviations.

This includes sexual attraction to animals (Beetz (2004), Aggrawal (2011), Miletski, 2017) – the so-called "zoosexual orientation". The so-called "pedosexual orientation" refers to sexual attraction to children (Harvard Medical School (2010), Seto (2012), Berlin, 2014). This term ["orientation"] is also used to refer to attraction to inanimate objects (Marsh, 2010) or the absence of sexual desire as such (the so-called "asexual orientation", see Bogaert (2015), Helm (2016).

Indeed, the criteria by which same-sex attraction is defined as a form of the norm of sexual behavior are similarly applicable to any manifestation of sexual desire in general. In the International Classification of Diseases of the 11th revision, sexual attraction to children, to animals, to inanimate objects, etc. is the norm per se, they [these forms of sexual desire] are considered a disorder only if they cause the subject "significant stress". 

That is, the approach to all forms of deviant sexual desire essentially repeats the path "traveled" by homosexuality, when, as a result of the events of 1968–1973, same-sex attraction was first excluded from the list of deviations by a vote about the scientific validity of which there are big questions (see, for example, Sorba (2007), Satinover (1994), Bayer (1981). is a deviation (the so-called "ego-dystonic homosexuality"), and it has even been stipulated that:

«... no longer listing it on the list of psychiatric disorders, we are not saying that it is 'normal' and equivalent to heterosexuality" (1974). 

Subsequently, the same organizations changed their minds to:

"Both hetero- and homosexual behavior are normal manifestations of human sexuality (...) Lesbian, homosexual, and bisexual relationships are normal forms of human relationships" (2008). 

Such forms of deviation as pedophilia or zoophilia are at the stage of "standardization", more or less corresponding to the stage of 1973 for homosexuality, i.e. they are not yet considered a "normal manifestation of human sexuality", but are no longer considered deviations as such, but only when combined with internal stress and rejection.

Markland et al. Anal Intercourse and Fecal Incontinence: Evidence from the 2009–2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.The American Journal of Gastroenterology volume 111, pages 269–274 (2016) https://doi.org/10.1038/ajg.2015.419

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Mayer LS, McHugh PR. Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences. The New Atlantis, Number 50, Fall 2016, p. 116. http://www.thenewatlantis.com/sexualityandgender

Kinney III RL. Homosexuality and scientific evidence: On suspect anecdotes, antiquated data, and broad generalizations The Linacre Quarterly 82 (4) 2015, 364–390 https://doi.org/10.1179/2050854915Y.0000000002

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Phelan JE, et al. What Research Shows: NARTH’s Response to the APA Claims on Homosexuality A Report of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. Journal Of Human Sexuality 2009, Volume 1.

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American Psychological Association . (2008). Answers to your questions: For a better understanding of sexual orientation and homosexuality. 

When working on the gift, for you, David and Marina, we used quite a bit of this spring below 👇 


Depopulation technologies: family "planning", or rather how we came to mass state murder.


Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons and Futurama, USA, 1990.


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