Henry Kissinger as Soviet Agent

Henry Kissinger as Soviet Agent

From gary Allen's book Kissinger. - The Secret Side of the Secretary of State (1976)

Chapter 11.

    Moscow's man in Washington?

On August 14, 1975, during a press conference at the Hiatt Hotel in Birmingham, Alabama, Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger was asked the most embarrassing question. The reporter asked:

"Mr. Secretary, we have received a report that Colonel Michał Goleniewski, who was an officer of Polish military intelligence in World War II, has identified a list of KGB and GRU agents and officers who have since been arrested, put on trial and found guilty.

Colonel... also identified you, Mr. Kissinger, as working for a Soviet intelligence network — codenamed ODRA — stationed in Germany during World War II, at the same time that you were a U.S. Army military counterintelligence investigator and a lecturer at the School of Military Intelligence.

Is this really the case? And if not, how do you explain why your name is on Golenevsky's list?"

With characteristic self-confidence, the outwardly unflappable Secretary of State replied, "I don't know who Colonel Golenevsky is, but I think he should be given the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction."

But there's another story associated with that, and even, in fact, a few stories.

To begin with, as one of the highest-ranking people in charge of national security, to whom and through whom all intelligence data flows to and from Washington, Henry Kissinger certainly knew who Colonel Golenevsky was.

First, as we shall see, Golenevsky was one of the most important non-returnees from the Communist bloc's intelligence apparatus that was ever able to reach our shores. His "questioning" by the State Department and the CIA took years; during this time, Golenevsky identified hundreds of double agents, and his report was unsurpassed in accuracy.

In addition, rumors of Kissinger's recruitment by the KGB have been circulating for years, and have been the subject of hundreds, if not thousands, of requests to the State Department and the White House. It is barely possible that Henry K is the man who collected gossip in the same way as J. K. Rowling. Paul Getty, who collected paintings, would not have heard about them.

The story actually began in the early 1950s, when a colonel in Polish intelligence began supplying Americans with data on Soviet operations and agents. The man identified himself as Michał Goleniewski and said he was a staunch anti-communist.

Over the next decade, Golenevsky supplied U.S. agents with more than 5,000 pages of top-secret documents, 160 microfilms of classified reports, 800 pages of Soviet intelligence reports, the names of hundreds of communist agents in Western Europe, and much more.

Then in 1961, fearing that his espionage for the benefit of the United States would be discovered by the KGB, Golenevsky fled to the United States. He arrived in that country on January 12, 1961, in a U.S. Air Force military transport aircraft, accompanied by CIA agent Homer E. Roman.

State Department security officer John Norple Jr. testified before the Senate Homeland Security Subcommittee that among the abundant information that Golenevsky supplied to Americans during three years of polling, not a single fact was found to be incorrect or inaccurate.

It is known that Golenevsky's information led, among other things, to the exposure of the main sexual spy scandal in the American Embassy in Warsaw, the identification of the Soviet intelligence officer Colonel Kolon Molody and four members of his cell in England, the exposure of the Swedish Colonel Stig Erik Wennerström as a double agent and general in the Soviet KGB.

Golenevsky testified that British intelligence officer George Blake was a Soviet spy, and he identified numerous other KGB and GRU officers in West Germany, Denmark, and France. So valuable were his discoveries that the 88th Congress issued Resolution 5507 to thank Golenevsky for his contributions to American security and to our intelligence efforts.

The resolution stated in part that Golenevsky "cooperated with the government in an outstanding manner and under circumstances that posed a serious personal risk to him. He continues to make major contributions to the national security of the United States. His main motive in proposing to work with the government was and remains his desire to confront the threat of Soviet communism."

In other words, this person could be trusted. He was a high-ranking communist intelligence officer; he betrayed literally hundreds of communist agents in the West – people who were traitors to the countries they supposedly serve.

And what is the main meaning of this story? Exactly this: One of the people identified by Golenevsky in the early 1960s as Soviet agents was an unknown professor at Harvard named Henry A. Kissinger. Here's an incredible story described by Alan Stang, writing editor of American Opinion magazine in its March 1976 issue:

In the first days after World War II, the Soviets organized a network of agents in Poland under the code name ODRA. Its main purpose was to infiltrate British and American military intelligence. The ODRA network was led by a Soviet general, ostensibly by the name of Zheleznikov; his local leader was Colonel Kuyun (Kuzhun?).

In 1954, Kuyun was recalled to Moscow to explain the mysterious murder of a Soviet courier woman and the disappearance of important material, including 480,000 from the intelligence fund. Fearing execution, Kuyun attempted suicide, but instead ended up in a hospital run by GZI, the Polish equivalent of Russia's KGB.

The head of the GZI, Colonel Voznesensky, questioned Kuyun in detail. He kept the results of his investigation in a safe. Voznesensky was later replaced by Colonel Skulbashevsky, who was directly replaced by Golenevsky in 1956. The "Polish" agent told Stang that he had inherited Skulbashevski's office, his file and safe, the latter containing approximately 1500 pages of documents.

Approximately twenty pages of these documents were in Russian language and written in Voznesensky's handwriting. They concerned the interrogation of Colonel Kuyun in 1954 and included a list of the true names, as well as pseudonyms, of the main agents of the ODRA network in Europe.

One such spy was Ernst Bosenhard, who was hired as a clerk at the U.S. Intelligence Headquarters in Oberammergau, Germany. Bosenhard sent an unspeakable number of top-secret documents to Moscow before he was arrested and found guilty of espionage in 1951.

Another name on Voznesensky's list was agent Bohr, who worked with Bosenhard in Oberammergau. A 1954 update indicated that Bohr had returned to the United States, was now at Harvard University, and secretly cooperated with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.

According to the list, Bora's real name was Sergeant Henry A. Kissinger. Stang then reports on the following conversation he had with Golenevsky:

"Were you actually present when the KGB opened Colonel Skulbashevsky's safe?"

"Well, I opened Colonel Skulbashevsky's safe."

"Did you discover it yourself?"

That's right.

"And in Colonel Skulbashevsky's safe was a list of Soviet agents — and that list had the name: Henry Kissinger."

That's right.

Golenevsky also told Stang:

"At this time I learned about Sergeant Kissinger, Sergeant Kissinger was nobody to me. I didn't know who he was. I didn't know if he was Jewish, or if he was German, or what the hell he was. That I knew that he somehow got into the network of Soviet counterintelligence "Smersh" under the pseudonym "Bor", and this happened once in Germany after he got there with the American army. And in 1961, for me, it was one of hundreds of cases. I didn't pay attention to him. There have indeed been hundreds of such cases, as you can see."

If there is even the remotest possibility that these accusations are true, how could Kissinger have been given any government office, let alone the high position he holds today? First, remember that by 1968, Golenevsky's discoveries were buried deep in the bowels of government security departments.

In addition, Richard Nixon was so eager to get Kissinger for office that the president refused henry's normal security check. By the time the issue was raised, Kissinger was King of the Hill, as far as security was concerned; he himself ordered the investigators who to do.

Yeah, it could have happened... and it did. Thirty years ago, Alger Hiss proved by his example that a Soviet spy could sit at the right hand of the president. Only two years ago, West German Chancellor Willy Brandt was forced to resign when it was proved that one of his top aides, Günther Guillaume, was an East German communist spy. Guillaume fooled West German counterintelligence — which is very sensitive to communist methods of infiltration — for years.

There were efforts to dismiss Golenevsky's accusations as "disinformation" carefully prepared by the KGB. One author, Richard Deacon, even suggests in his book The Chinese Secret Service that the KGB was willing to sacrifice key agents like Wennerström, Blake, Molodey, and Kroger to increase the credibility of the false non-returnee.

Such an accusation suggests that the Soviets regard Henry K as a dangerous anti-communist opponent. But as far as we've seen, this is actually absolutely not the case! Henry is at least one of the most trusted friends and colleagues of the Communists.

In addition, Golenevsky's accusations appeared at least twelve years ago – long before Henry K. achieved any national position or prestige. It is a fact that Golenevsky learned of Kissinger's name as a Soviet agent so long ago, when there was no reason to pursue any selfish goals against Kissinger, so we have the right to believe that the accusation is true.

But it is strange that with the exception of a few articles in small intelligence magazines, the mainstream media refused to touch on Golenevsky's claims even with a ten-foot pole. Perhaps his plausibility was tarnished when a New York newspaper identified a "Polish" non-returnee as the son of Russia's Tsar Nicholas II.

On June 11, 1971, the New York Daily Mirror announced the exceptional publication of the Memoirs and Observations of His Imperial Highness Alexei Nicholaevich Romanov, Tsarevich and Grand Duke of Russia, son of Nicholas II and survivor of the alleged communist massacre of the Russian royal family.

His Imperial Highness Alexei Romanov and Michal Golenevsky were the same person! According to the Daily Mirror, the former head of the CIA's Division of Research and Analysis, Herman E. Kimsey, in an affidavit signed on June 3, 1965, verified the person's identity based on fingerprints (the only fingerprint), dental and medical records, handwriting tests, blood tests, and confessions and confrontations with childhood friends and relatives.

Recent documents released by the British government lend credibility to Golenevsky's claims. The Tsarist family of Russia was obviously not killed by the Bolsheviks, as the public believes. The Tsar and his family were taken out of Russia by British agents, but were afraid to report the fact that they were still alive. Undoubtedly, they hoped that the Bolshevik government would fall and they would be able to return to Russia. Little did they know that the West would critically inject food, money, and technology to keep the bloody Bolsheviks in power.

Perhaps we can get a better perspective by noting that the main witness of the prosecution, Michal Golenevsky, has already testified under oath and said that he would be happy to repeat his accusations in the trial of Henry Kissinger. While the defendant in this case, Henry Kissinger, dismisses the whole issue with a joke... and lies.

At the very least, Congress should investigate these allegations — perhaps as part of a larger study of the Kissinger report. When such a hearing takes place, we hope that parliamentarians will also study other croaking creatures in kissinger's swamp.

Among them, for example, would be Wilfred Burchett, an Australian communist who was stripped of his passport by his own government because of his aid to the Communists in the Korean War. Burchett was welcomed to Washington by Kissinger in 1971 for "consultations" on the Vietnam War. The man who helped provide false "evidence" of biological warfare from Allied prisoners of war during the Korean War was one of Hanoi's most trusted emissaries.

How fun. Only that it was said that we will never know. But for Kissinger to base any part of the negotiations on Burchett's statements is like consulting al Capone about how to rid Chicago of crime!

Kissinger's far more important contact is the mysterious Victor Louis, one of Moscow's most trusted agents — and the most important — KGB agents. Kissinger reportedly met secretly with Louis at the Soviet Embassy in London immediately after his first trip to Red China. "Victor Louis" is actually Vitaly Yevgenyevich Lui, who operates under the cover of a Moscow correspondent for the London newspaper Evening News.

Even a random study of Kissinger's colleagues and staff at the State Department shows a surprising similarity in the ways in which this crowd looks, goes, and croaks. Among the many things that unite them all are an unwavering devotion to détente, a downgrade of American defenses, damage to our national security, flirting with the Soviets, and helping the communist world.

One of Kissinger's key appointees, for example, is Helmut Sonnenfeldt, a longtime State Department official who is now in charge of trade with the Communists.

Koresh, since Kissinger's military service in Germany, Sonnenfeldt has been known to be the subject of espionage research. According to intelligence specialist Frank Capell, three former U.S. foreign service officials testified under oath that Sonnenfeldt passed classified information to "agents of a foreign power" in the 1950s. Capell says Sonnenfeldt also compromised U.S. ciphers, and that security officers recommended opening a prosecution against him.

Sonnenfeldt's appointment to the Treasury Department's high office was due to be withdrawn a few years ago when it became known that witnesses sought to testify that Sonnenfeldt had perjured himself during the confirmation hearings.

But even though Sonnenfeldt was flagged as a security threat, Henry K. "cleaned up" his buddy through the Security Office. How? Appointing Jesse McKnight as a reviewer. McKnight was a confident sympathizer — he had been identified in the past as a Soviet intelligence agent and had provided Soviet agent Judith Coplon with government reports. A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Sonnenfeldt could feel safe with McKnight in charge of catching subversive elements.

Sonnenfeldt is the only member of Kissinger's circle to attend conferences behind closed doors with Soviet Ambassador Dobrinin. Of course, Sonnenfeldt worked closely with Kissinger in Moscow during the SALT I negotiations. It was Sonnenfeldt who said that no effort should be made by us — or allowed by others — to liberate enslaved peoples, and characterized the Poles' desire to free themselves as "romantic political inclinations."

McKnight and Sonnenfeldt weren't the only security threats helping Kissinger's fake shop. Far from it. Kissinger hired William O. Hall, known to security officers as a partner and contact person of prominent communists and Soviet agents, as ceo of the U.S. Foreign Service, although he had been identified as a serious security threat as early as 1956.

Hall was confident until The Review of the News revealed his background in 1972. Hall then decided to resign, and Kissinger chose James S. Sutterlin to replace him. Sutterlin was "deeply associated" with Edward Kelly, a security officer at the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw during the sex-spy scandals involving Soviet agents and other diplomatic personnel.

While serious security threats were promoted after Henry Kissinger rose to the State Department, prominent anti-communists were expelled.

One of the "purged" people was government official John D. Hemenway. Hemenway fell victim to an apparent conspiracy that used false reports and dishonest job evaluations to fire him. Unlike many others who left quietly, Hemenway, however, filed a complaint. The hearing fully rehabilitated Hemenway, who was recommended to be reinstated, promoted, apologized, and even compensated for legal expenses. But the CEO of Kissinger's good friend William Hall reversed the board's decision. And the purge continued.

Another SALT man and high-ranking intelligence officer on Kissinger's team is Boris Klosson. It was Closson, as an American lawyer for political affairs in Moscow in 1961, who cleared the way for Lee Harvey Oswald's return to the United States. Oswald, John F. Kennedy's so-called "lone assassin," is known to have attended KGB school for nearly two years.

Given the Soviets' experience in infiltrating agents into foreign countries, it is difficult to assume that Oswald's statement about the change of views could convince such a government official. (And if Oswald really had a sincere change of heart, could it be that the Russians would have allowed him to leave the country?)

This seems less puzzling, perhaps if we note that in the recent case of a State Department appeal, a Foreign Service official described how Closson prevented him from sending to Washington a report on KGB operations against Americans in Russia.

And then there's the incredible case of Kissinger choosing the U.S. ambassador to Chile. Kissinger nominated the far-left David Popper to represent us in the country that had just overthrown the first elected communist government in Latin America.

Popper, who was associated with the subversive Pacific Relations Institute, was hired by the State Department by Alger Hiss. He also served on the editorial board of Amereishi, a magazine that was later exposed as the center of the Soviet spy network.

Our Secretary of State's choice of the U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of China (Taiwan)—that is, to Free China—was even more outrageous. It was none other than Leonard Unger, our former ambassador to Thailand, the man on stage during the suspicious overthrow of Prime Minister Tanom Kittikachorn's anti-communist government.

More than two decades ago, a former Soviet agent named Elizabeth Bentley shocked a congressional committee by testifying that the Soviets operated four networks of agents within the U.S. government. Only two of the networks have ever been uncovered. According to one security agency, one of the undisturbed networks worked in the European division of the State Department; the confidential report identified six people, including Leonard Unger, as participants.

At least one of Kissinger's close contacts admits that he was a communist. This is a man the FBI once identified as a top KGB officer — Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin, the head of all KGB operations in the United States.

It is now known that the CIA's investigation by the Rockefeller Commission (similar to how Jesse James would have investigated the Daltons) has revealed evidence of the kgb's intricate spy network on Capitol Hill. The Soviets even had the ability to intercept phone calls from Congress and the White House! What did Kissinger do when he learned of his friends' misconduct? He intervened in their favor!

On August 25, 1975, Newsweek magazine reported:

Henry Kissinger's concern to avoid tensions in U.S.-Soviet relations extended to the editing of the Rockefeller Commission of Inquiry into Intelligence Activities. Original project... The report contained a long section on Soviet espionage in the U.S., including the KGB's ability to intercept White House communications through special antennas on the roof of the Soviet Embassy. The site was cut from the Rockefeller report when it was reviewed by the National Security Council, which kissinger chairs."

By mid-1975, both the Rockefeller Commission and a committee chaired by Senator Frank Church were investigating both the CIA and the FBI. But anyone who believes that the committees were concerned about communist activities in this country is unfortunately mistaken.

In fact, the committees were engaged in purging anti-communists. What was left of American homeland security was rapidly going down the cat's tail as the Great K. gained power over the national intelligence community. The conclusion is clear: the Department of Justice's Internal Security Unit was disbanded in March 1973; the Subversive Control Board was dismantled three months later; in 1974, the Attorney General's List of Subversive Organizations was removed; The House Internal Security Committee was dissolved in January 1975.

This is what the situation looks like today this year, the year of the bicentennial of our Freedom. As the communist military threat expands due to Kissinger's secret diplomacy in the SALT negotiations, the United States has slipped — or been pushed — into second place. And as that country's communist infiltration and infiltration have increased, the ability of U.S. security forces to maintain surveillance and control of such infiltration has diminished.

Security— at least Western security — seems to bother Henry K. at all.

But with Kissinger's responsible team in power, with people like Hall, Sonnenfeldt, Klosson, Popper, Bunker and everyone else, led by an arrogant egoist who is a proven liar and an accused KGB agent, should we really worry about any foreign enemies?

It is not difficult to agree with William Loeb, independent publisher of the Manchester, New Hampshire trade union newspaper, who wrote:

"Maybe Kissinger is really a communist agent. If anything, he could not have done more harm to the United States or done more good to the Soviet Union if he had been!"

Usually everyone was accustomed to the fact that Jews, as a rule, succeeded in chess, in music, in science, finance, in business. But what in intelligence activities where exceptional courage and special military prowess are required...!? 

This somehow does not fit with the traditional ideas of the general public, especially since a topic related to Jewish heroism was vetoed for well-known reasons, in connection with which, and perhaps without any connection, perhaps on purpose, all sorts of idiotic tales were spread.

The communist authorities of the country, which aimed at the triumph of world socialism and therefore were in constant anticipation of war and opposed the "hostile environment" of the world capitalist system, played an extremely important role in intelligence, or, more simply, espionage activities.

Over time, this activity has acquired enormous proportions and spread to most countries of the world.

Historian A. Vaksberg in his book "From Hell to Heaven and Back" emphasizes one feature of this unique, flawlessly working, spy network: "all of it, with a negligible exception (and practically without any exceptions), consisted of Jews or relied on them." 

Convincing factual material has been collected in recent years in a number of sources, including Wikipedia, as well as in the articles of M. Steinberg "Jews in Soviet Intelligence", L. Ratner "Hostages", B. Ioffe "A Particularly Secret Task".

In addition, a lot of interesting things can be gleaned from the books of L. Averbukh "Declassified Destinies", M. Steinberg "Jews in the Wars of millennia", Waxberg "From Heaven to Hell and Back" and many other sources. 

Back in 1918, the Registration Office (Registerupr) was created under the General Staff, later called the GRU - the main intelligence directorate, which took over the leadership of the entire military intelligence system.

His chief in June 1919 was appointed Sergei Gusev - real name - Yakov Davidovich Drabkin - who worked in this post until the beginning of 1920. 

Then military intelligence until 1935 was headed by Jan Karlovich Berzin, a Latvian. He was replaced by Komkor Semyon Petrovich Uritsky. From September 1937 to May 1938, military intelligence was headed by Semyon Grigoryevich Gendin.

One of the first heads of another intelligence agency, the foreign department of the Cheka, was Solomon Grigoryevich Mogilevsky, who took up this post a year after its organization. But already in August 1921, the INO was headed by Mikhail (Meir) Abramovich Trilisser, who remained in this post for 9 years.

It was he who created a reliable system of illegal residencies in Europe, as well as in the United States and China. It was he who managed to lure the famous terrorist Boris Savinkov and the spy-adventurer Sidney Rayleigh (a native of Odessa Sigmund Rosenblum) to the USSR.

One of the first leaders of the newly formed counterintelligence department of the Cheka was a well-known terrorist who killed the German ambassador Mirbach in order to prevent the conclusion of the infamous Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, left-wing SR Yakov Blumkin. He then operated illegally for many years in Mongolia, India, Syria, Egypt and Palestine. He was shot on charges of Trotskyism.

In the 30s, the INO NKVD was led by Abram Slutsky. His deputies were experienced illegal immigrants, first the senior major of state security (kombrig) Moisei Gorb, then - Sergei Spiegelglas.Since 1922, he spied in France, exterminated white émigrés in Europe, operated in republican Spain. In 1938, after the death of Slutsky, he became the head of the INO. 

In 1926, the so-called Special Group was formed - a parallel INO NKVD service - for the deep introduction of agents and the preparation of sabotage in Western Europe, Turkey and China. It was led for more than 10 years by Yakov Serebryansky, a career intelligence officer and an experienced illegal immigrant.

A parallel INO NKVD espionage service was also the Department of International Relations of the Comintern (OMS), which was created and headed by Joseph Pyatnitsky. One of the first leaders of the English direction of this department was Joseph the Red (Rotstad). 

He created an illegal station in London in 1923 and recruited many agents. His wife Elena Adolfovna worked with him. In 1925 - 1928 she was the head of the English direction.

But those listed as legal functionaries, the figures of the Comintern (Third International), whose task was to ignite the fire of the world revolution, were in fact secret agents conducting, in fact, subversive activities.

A prominent functionary of the Comintern was Michael; l Borodi; n (Gruzenberg). In 1919, Borodin was the first Soviet consul in Mexico, where he stood at the origins of one of the parallel communist parties and contributed to the creation of the Latin American Bureau of the Third International.

In 1922, as an agent of the Comintern, he was arrested in Glasgow (Great Britain) and, after a six-month imprisonment, was expelled from the country. From September 8, 1923 to July 1927 he was a political adviser to the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang (China).

Being an adviser and personal friend of Sun Yat-sen (Chinese revolutionary, founder of the Kuomintang Party, one of the most revered political figures in China. 

In 1940, Sun Yat-sen posthumously received the title of "Father of the Nation") organized an alliance between the Kuomintang Party and the Chinese Communists. 

After chiang Kai-shek's treason in 1927, Borodin was recalled to the Soviet Union, holding a number of high posts.

Arrested in 1949 during the campaign against the "cosmopolitans", during the investigation he died with torture on May 29, 1951 in Lefortovo prison. 

The "great illegal" was called by the Russian special services Arnold Genrikhovich Deutsch, who became an agent of the CMI in Vienna in 1928. Four years later he joined the INO NKVD, spying in Paris, Vienna and London. 

In October 1933, Deutsch settled in England and worked there for almost five years. During this time, he recruited more than twenty young representatives of the English establishment. Of these, the famous "Cambridge Five" played a special role in further espionage operations of Soviet intelligence.

During the period when Deutsch worked in London, the resident there was another outstanding Soviet intelligence officer Alexander Orlov - Leiba Lazarevich Feldbin. Prior to that, he worked in Paris, from 1930 he was the head of the economic intelligence department of the INO.

Then Orlov became the head of Soviet intelligence, i.e. a resident in Spain and at the same time - an adviser to the republican government on security issues. He acted very successfully, as evidenced by the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner. 

After the flight of Orlov, who thus escaped the fate of most illegal immigrants summoned to the center and subjected to Stalinist repressions, his deputy Naum Eitingon headed the agent activity in Spain. The same one who, on Stalin's instructions, organized the assassination of L. Trotsky.

During the War, Nahum Eitingon was Sudoplatov's deputy and directly supervised the reconnaissance and sabotage activities of the NKVD. 

It is striking how Stalin thanked his fighters of the "invisible front". 

In total, according to Steinberg, from 1918 to 1953, 820 Jews were listed in the secular security agencies. Of these, 539 died at the fronts, 186 people were shot on the personal instructions of the leader, 12 Chekists committed suicide in anticipation of arrest, some were tortured, the rest suffered in camps. 

On the eve of World War II, stalin's executioners destroyed both the structure of the NKVD INO and military intelligence – the GRU and the Comintern. In the flames of these repressions, about 90 percent of the career intelligence officers who operated abroad illegally and under diplomatic cover were eliminated. 

Until 1937, about a hundred Jews served in the ranks of the state security intelligence service in various posts - from an ordinary illegal agent to the head of the entire special service. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, only 32 scouts of them survived. 

From September 1937 to May 1938, the GRU military intelligence was headed by Semyon Gendin. He was arrested and shot in February 1939.The same fate befell almost all deputy heads of the GRU, heads of departments and directions, Jews:

Abramov, Alexandrovsky (Yukelzon), Arkus, Askov, Borovich (Rosenstahl), Bronin (Lichtenstahl), Weinberg, Weiner, Woll. All of them were accused of treason and executed in the black years of 1937-1939.In addition to the above,50 more Jews, heads of foreign stations, illegal agents were summoned to Moscow and executed. 

The tragic ending of the career of Yakov Serebryansky, who led the Special Group, which conducted sabotage against white émigrés, is indicative. His men also ensured the supply of Soviet military equipment to the Spanish republicans in 1936-1937, for which Serebryansky received the Order of Lenin. 

But in 1938 he was recalled to Moscow, atrocious torture forced a confession of treason and sentenced to death. But for some reason they didn't shoot me. 

The war began and the experienced saboteur was released from prison. Sudoplatov took him to his group and Serebryansky again engaged in a familiar business - this time in the German rear. His detachments acted very successfully, he was repeatedly awarded, but after the war he was immediately dismissed. 

However, after Stalin's death, Serebryansky was reinstated in the service, but after the execution, Beria was again arrested and sentenced to 10 years. Three years later, Yakov Serebryansky died in prison.

Experienced scout Boruch Ryvkin, in the pre-war years operated in Iran, in Finland. Together with him worked his wife Zoya Rybkina, later the famous writer Voskresenskaya. 

During the Second World War, these spouses worked under the "roof" of the Soviet Embassy in Sweden. After the war, Ryvkin became a resident in Czechoslovakia, where he died under very strange circumstances in 1947.

For a long time, the Jewish origin of the partisan commander of the war of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel Dmitry Medvedev, was hidden. He was born in 1898 in Bezhitsa and worked in the Cheka - NKVD from 1920 to 1935.

Another saboteur of the war, the Jew yuri Kolesnikov.Unlike the cases of Kuznetsov described in Medvedev's books "Strong in Spirit" and "It Was near Rivne", Kolesnikov's exploits are little known, although they are not inferior in importance.

Yuri Kolesnikov was presented with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union three times, and - for well-known and typical reasons - his real name Chaim Herzenestein - three times! rejected. But only in 1995, just before his death, he became a Hero of Russia and received the Gold Star from the hands of Yeltsin.

Despite Stalin's almost total destruction of the intelligence network before the start of the war, a small number of Jewish spies managed to survive. It was they who managed to preserve the only network of illegal agents in Western Europe, including Germany.

Under the auspices of military intelligence, there were 5 illegal groups led by them. The first to be noted is Leopold Trepper, who founded and successfully led an intelligence group in Belgium.

The leadership of the station in this country from Trepper was taken by Anatoly Gurevich. He operated under the pseudonym "Kent". In Germany, the foundations of the resident group were laid by Max Maximov (Friedman), in France - by Yakov Rudnik and Semyon Uritsky. 

Military intelligence officer Jan Czernjak - the son of a Czech Jew and a Hungarian woman - is the champion of continuous illegal work, not overshadowed by a single failure. 

He graduated from the Prague Higher Technical School and then from the Polytechnic Institute in Berlin, where he joined the Communist Party of Germany. He began to cooperate with the Soviet military intelligence from the beginning of the 30s, created an agent group in Germany, which operated until the end of the war.

In 1935-36 he studied at the intelligence school in Moscow. Then he left for Switzerland under the guise of a TASS correspondent. From 1938 , after the conclusion of the Munich Agreement, he lived in Paris, and from 1940 - in London.

According to Wikipedia, "regularly traveling to Germany in 1936-39, Czerniak created a powerful intelligence network there, code-named "Krona". He recruited more than 20 agents, whose work he supervised from abroad through liaisons.

By the outbreak of World War II, members of his group held prominent positions in the leadership of the Reich. The information received from them was of a strategic and military-technical nature and was highly valued in Moscow. 

Chernyak's agents managed to get a copy of the Barbarossa plan in 1941, and in 1943 the operational plan of the German offensive near Kursk. Chernyak transmitted to the USSR valuable technical information about tanks, artillery guns, rocket weapons, chemical weapons development, and radio-electronic systems.

Since 1942, he also transmitted information on atomic research in England, and in the spring of 1945 he was transferred to the United States, where he was to join the work on the US atomic project.Only in 1995, in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Victory, this outstanding intelligence officer was finally remembered and awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

This happened when he was lying unconscious in a district hospital in Moscow, and never recognized, because he died without regaining consciousness.

In a conversation with reporters, the Chief of the General Staff, Army General Kolesnikov, who presented Yan Chernyak with the Golden Star at the hospital, said that "this old man is a real Stirlitz, and that from 1930 to 1945 he "worked in the same place as Maxim Isaev." 

In Austria and Germany, Soviet intelligence was carried out by the Viennese Jew Berthold Ilk, Moritz Weinstein, as well as Boris Berman, who, according to the writer Y. Semenov, became the prototype of Stirlitz. 

It was he who managed to recruit Gestapo officer Willy Lehmann and supply important information to the center.A powerful intelligence group in Switzerland was created by Leonid Abramovich Anulov, a Moldovan Jew. And his station was taken over by another Jew, a Hungarian, whose name was Sándor Rado.

Surprisingly, although the true reason is quite clear, the only one of the intelligence officers, and then posthumously, during the time of Brezhnev, who became a Hero of the Soviet Union, was Lev Efimovich Manevich, a gru colonel who was engaged in active illegal intelligence in Western Europe. 

He was arrested by Italian counterintelligence and sentenced to a long prison sentence. In 1943, he was handed over to the Germans and held in concentration camps, where he became one of the leaders of the underground. He was liberated on May 6, 1945 by U.S. troops, but died of tuberculosis soon after.

Even during the war, the spies of the NKVD and the GRU were tasked with obtaining the secrets of the atomic bomb, which was worked on in England and the United States. 

For this purpose, the resident Y. Chernyak received the task to move to London, where in early 1942 he attracted to work for Soviet intelligence the British physicist Allan May, who participated in the programs for the creation of nuclear weapons "Tube Alliance" ("Pipe Alloys") in the UK and then the "Manhattan Project" in the United States. 

For six months of close cooperation, May gave Chernyak documentary information about the main directions of research work on the uranium problem in Cambridge, a description of the production of plutonium, drawings of the "uranium cauldron" and a description of the principles of its operation.

Their cooperation lasted a little more than 8 months and during this time Allan May gave the intelligence officer data on installations for the separation of uranium isotopes, a diagram of the design of a nuclear reactor, a description of the principles of its operation and the process of plutonium separation.

Almost the entire cycle of obtaining weapons materials for the atomic bomb Allan May laid on 130 sheets of the report, which fell into the hands of Kurchatov in October 1942.

Chernyak himself, in 1943, was transferred to Canada, where he replaced the head of the "atomic affairs", but a failed resident, GRU Colonel Nikolai Zabotin. Here, at that time, several Soviet spy organizations were active, directing their efforts to obtain information about the creation of an atomic bomb.

Chernyak, who replaced Nikolai Zabotin, entered the case on the move, restructured the work of the agents, found new sources of information and soon the Moscow intelligence center began to receive large-scale information on the "atomic case".

In London, the management of intelligence activities began to be carried out by another outstanding GRU officer, Simon Davidovich Kremer. Starting from the pre-war period, for almost 4 years Kremer quite successfully coped with the tasks, recruited many valuable agents. At the end of December 1940, they included the most talented German physicist Klaus Fuchs.

Professor Fuchs, who emigrated from Hitler's Reich, at that time was involved in the work in the British uranium project, was engaged in the development of scientific justifications for the process of a nuclear explosion. 

It was he who gave Kremer those materials in which the principles of the atomic bomb were given, the approximate calculation of the required amount of the uranium isotope and the technique of its manufacture, and on their basis in December 1941 he sent a detailed report to Moscow. 

Based on this report, the head of the NKVD, Lavrenty Beria, on March 10, 1942, made a brief report to Stalin, on the basis of which the GKO issued a resolution on the creation of atomic weapons. Later, Kremer asked to go to the front and, as a brigade commander, successfully crushed the Germans and became a Hero of the Soviet Union, later - a major general. 

After Kremer's departure, Fuchs was contacted by the most experienced military intelligence officer Ursula Kuczynski, (pseudonym "Sonya"). Fuchs cooperated with Soviet military intelligence for almost 7 more years and, being sent to the United States, transmitted a huge amount of data on the work of the Manhattan Project.

In 1932, Sonya was joined in China by the famous intelligence officer Richard Sorge (it is useful to note here, adhering to the principle "no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten", that his father is a German Jew).

"Sonya" has proven itself as an illegal agent in the Far East, then in Poland, Switzerland, Germany. From February 1941 she worked for the London gru station. 

Georges Abra; movich Kova; l - Soviet "atomic" intelligence officer in the United States (conspiratorial name "Delmar" His parents at the end of the 19th century emigrated to the United States from the Pinsk district of the Minsk province. Born in the United States, here he received an incomplete education in the chemical specialty.

In the pre-war years, together with his family - succumbing to the agitation to build a happy socialist future, as happened to many Jews in the United States - he returned to the SSR and settled in Birobidzhan.

He studied at a chemical university, was recruited by the GRU and, after undergoing special training, was sent for intelligence work in the United States, a country that was considered his homeland.

In 1943, as a Native American, he joined the ranks of the American army and accidentally got into the detachment serving the project to create an American nuclear bomb (the so-called Manhattan Project). 

Then, in accordance with his education, he was hired at the Nuclear Center in Oak Ridge(Tennessee) under his real name.

In Oak Ridge, as a chemical technologist, Georges Koval rose through the ranks and gained access to increasingly valuable information. In December 1945 - February 1946, he transmitted to Moscow especially important information that prompted Igor Kurchatov's group to the idea of solving the problem of the neutron fuse of the atomic bomb.

At the end of 1948, Koval returned to the USSR and settled with his family in Moscow. In 2007, he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin's assessment of his activities is as follows: 

"... He made an invaluable contribution to the solution of one of the key tasks of that time - to the task of creating atomic weapons. I would like the memory of Georges Abramovich to be immortalized in the museum of the Main Intelligence Directorate.

of the General Staff".

Artur Alexandrovich Adams, an illegal immigrant of Swedish-Jewish origin, recruited the American scientist Kemp, associated with the Atomic Project, played a significant role in transmitting information of great importance. Kemp gave Adams about a thousand sheets of various documents and samples of pure uranium and beryllium.

During the next radio communication session with Moscow, Adams reported to the Center the information received on the development of new weapons, instructions on certain issues, reports of various departments of the laboratory, diagrams of experimental units

One of the main organizers of the operation to extract atomic secrets of the United States was Grimmel Heifetz. in 1941, he was sent to the United States, created here an extensive network of agents, very useful for penetrating the uranium project.

Heifetz operated in San Francisco and managed to make connections in the circles of atomic scientists. Heifetz's main assistant in this was Semyon Mikhailovich Semenov (Samuil Taubman), a Riga Jew who had been recruited in Latvia in 1937.

Their network included, guided by ideological considerations, American scientists, spouses Morris and Leontina Cohen, as well as Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. 

The colossal importance of their espionage activities for the Soviet state (and with a minus sign for the United States) is beyond doubt. 

No wonder the Coen spouses, who managed to escape in time, i.e. each of them, were awarded the title of Hero of Russia, and the Rosenbergs were sentenced to death by the Americans.

There were American scientists supplying the Soviet Union with atomic secrets. They did this unselfishly, for ideological reasons, being, as a rule, adherents of communist views. They sympathized with the Soviet Union as an ally of the United States in the war against fascism.

Already 12 days after the assembly of the first atomic bomb, a detailed description of its structure was obtained in Moscow, thanks to which the Soviet Union, not far behind the United States, was able to create its own atomic bomb.

There were Jews who received general ranks and occupied quite high positions in the military during the war For example, Rafail Pavlovich Khmelnitsky, who in the war until 1943 was the head of the intelligence department of the Central Headquarters of the partisan movement. 

During the Great Patriotic War, Major General Naum Sorkin was the head of the intelligence department of the 1st Far Eastern Front.

Mikhail Abramovich Milstein, Since 1930 - an employee of the Main Intelligence Directorate and in the Great Patriotic War was the deputy head of the Western direction of the GRU GSH, lieutenant general, cavalier of 6 orders.

Roman Samuilovich Pekurin headed the Communication Center of the GRU GSH from 1936 to 1946, was awarded 7 military orders and became a major general.

All this huge army of Jewish spies risked their lives, not knowing that in the Soviet Union, which they had served so faithfully, an anti-Semitic campaign was already in motion and was unfolding every day. 

At the end of the war, these loyal knights of Soviet power, heroic fighters of the "invisible front", who escaped Stalin's repressions in the pre-war period, instead of awards and gratitudes, overwhelmingly had to drink the Gulag bowl to the bottom: in addition to the standard accusations usual in such cases, they were accused of "Zionism" and "Jewish domination". 

In the case of the doctors, fabricated, there was another prisoner who was not reported in the press - the Jewish general of the MGB Belkin, at one time - the head of the SMERSH of one of the fronts.

He was accused of treachery and was forced to testify against most of the Jews in the MGB apparatus by terrible continuous torture. A general purge began in the Ministry, which spread to the General Staff. Jews were expelled from these secret services. And it is also good if they were only fired, in most cases they were repressed and many were executed.

When the official anti-Semitic harassment stopped and the survivors were released from prison, neither the Interior Ministry, nor the MGB, nor the GRU took back any of their former Jewish employees.

Moreover, from then until the present day in these special services of the USSR there was a strict ban on the admission of Jews. So since the beginning of the 50s, jews in the leading espionage structures of the USSR have been almost completely eradicated.

Thus, the Kremlin thanked the Jewish intelligence officers who made their significant contribution to the victory in the Second World War, to the extraction of extremely important scientific and technical, primarily atomic secrets. How else is it possible as not an obviously sloppy-chauvinistic expression of disrespect for the Jewish people, Judeophobia.

Anti-Semitism has always been and is a reflection, a reaction, as it were, a reverse side of the coin, of phenomenal Jewish success in any sphere.

The phenomenal significance of Jewish participation in Soviet foreign intelligence was reflected, in accordance with this rigorously acting pattern, (in another, more general formulation: good is punishable) in the phenomenal level of anti-Semitism. It is not so significant here that in this case we are talking about a specific form of anti-Semitism – Stalin's political anti-Semitism. 

Kissinger quote from letter a to the WHO Eugenics Council, 25 February 2009:


"As soon as the herd takes the mandatory vaccinations, the game is over. They will accept anything – forced blood or organ donation – "for the greater good." We can genetically modify children and sterilize them – "for the greater good." Control the minds of the sheep and you control the entire flock. Vaccine manufacturers can make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin the herd and the herd pays us for the extermination services."

Artel 2021 Kissinger, this young man the age of 20: accept a new global system. 















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