What is Stupidity 🤴 № 19?

What is Stupidity 🤴 № 19?

TRibUlE bUReaU

Total approximate losses 1939 -1945 

The most global military conflict of the 20th century involved 62 countries, 40 of which were directly involved in hostilities. Their losses in the Second World War are primarily calculated by casualties among the military and civilian population, the number of deaths is about 70 million.

Significant were the financial losses (the price of lost property) of all parties to the conflict: about $ 2,600 billion. 60% of the country's income was spent on providing for the army and conducting military operations. Total spending reached $4 trillion.

The question here is quite logical, why were these people 👇 not placed in a psychiatric hospital? 

More and more studies are linking mRNA injections from anyone not detected as a separate existing virus [COVID19] with "zombie" prion disorders, an entry on the CDC website is available. 

The WHO studied Kuru prions with the aim of reducing the population in the 50s and 60s.

The Bilderbergers are 67 years old. Or , in the Version: Bulldogs Under the Carpet 67 . 


January 29, 1874 was born John Davison Rockefeller Jr. - American oil industrialist, financier, son of the first billionaire in history and the man thanks to whom the Rockefellers became a legendary dynasty.

Year of publication - 1991, the group was established in 1972. Accordingly, "work on the subject" began in the late 1950s - early 1960s. 

The WHO Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation. Its formation, objectives and research activities

P D Griffin. Hum Reprod. 1991 Jan.

Show details


A little more detail, 1989:

"Vaccines are currently being developed to control fertility in men and women. This review discusses the development of fertility vaccines at the National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, India. 

The single injection procedure for spaying or neutering male animals depending on where the injection is administered has been field tested and is expected to hit the market in the near future. 

Vaccines that induce antibodies against human chorionic gonadotropin have passed phase I trials with satisfactory results. 

A vaccine that produces a consistently bioefactive antibody response against gonadotropin-releasing hormone is ready for phase I/II clinical trials in patients with prostate carcinoma after proper animal experiments and toxicological studies. 

Research to identify sperm antigens for inclusion in second-generation vaccines is ongoing." 

Anti-fertility vaccines

G P Talwar et al. Vaccine. 1989 Apr.


Keeping our latest storyline "Snow White" and proving otherwise makes no practical sense, we move in the direction of proving the guilt of specific defendants for the special operation of the covid 19 and continue to press charges for potential defendants. 

Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes to establish, by a narrow group of individuals - world domination and depopulation of the world's population.







The Attorney General's Office of North Dakota is investigating a land deal involving one of the largest owners of farmland in America, and one of the most prominent "epidemiologists", billionaire Bill Gates.

In a June 21 letter, Attorney General Drew Wrigley's office asked the Gates-linked Red River Trust for the recent purchase of a multi-thousand-acre potato farm.

Wrigley's office told the trust that all corporations or limited liability companies are strictly "prohibited from owning or leasing farmland or ranches in North Dakota" and "engaging in agriculture or ranching."

"In addition, the law imposes certain restrictions on the ability of trusts to own farmland or ranches," the letter says.

Gates and his Red River Trust now have 30 days, starting June 21, to respond to Kerry Helm, AG's corporate agricultural governance department, about the purchase of the farm.

"Our office must confirm how your company uses this land and whether this use complies with any legal exceptions, such as an exception for business purposes, so that we can close this case and register it in our inactive files," the letter says.

Corporations or LLCs "found to be in violation" of anti-corporate agricultural laws can be subject to severe penalties, such as a $100,000 fine and one-year deprivation of land.

AgWeek reported that in November 2021, the trust spent $13.5 million on a 2100-acre potato farm in Pembina County. North Dakota AG Commissioner Doug Goering said many people in the state were "upset" and "furious" that the billionaire was buying up farmland.

Over the years, Gates has quietly bought and amassed 270,000 acres of farmland across the country through personal investment tools, though that's still a small fraction of the nearly 900 million acres of total farm space. Gates is not alone. Other billionaires, including Amazon's Jeff Bezos, have also recently increased their ownership of farmland.

Bill Gates does not buy farmland to feed the poor. Obviously, the next "pandemic" will be food shortages, and he wants to control it completely.

The president of the Rockefeller Foundation warned that a "massive, immediate food crisis" was just around the horizon and that it was time to "change the diet."

In a document titled "Resetting the Diet," the Rockefeller Foundation predicts food shortages "unlike any of those this country [meaning the U.S.] has seen in recent generations." 


To understand what plan they have developed for the post-Covid World, it seems appropriate to familiarize yourself with at least some of the horrors that the Rockefellers promise America. 


1. All people think to one degree or another. Those who think are more intelligent, those who think less are stupid. In addition, the same people can be smart in one respect and stupid in another. Basically, everyone is stupid to one degree or another. Intelligence and stupidity are the strength and weakness of human thinking. Every person is both smart and stupid, is strong in his thinking, and sometimes weak.

2. Stupidity is a weakness of the mind. A stupid person is weak in mind, has minimal mental abilities, is minimally intelligent. Stupidity is a weakness of the mind, but not dementia! The latter is psychopathic, is a kind of mental illness. Stupidity is characteristic of a mentally normal person. However, the line between stupidity and dementia can be very arbitrary. An impenetrably stupid person is most likely to suffer from psychopathic dementia or his mental state progresses towards dementia. 

From stupidity is one step to psychopathic dementia, and from dementia to idiocy. 

You can build such a scale of misunderstanding:

stupidity - dementia - idiocy

3. Synonyms of stupidity: stupidity, ingenuity, stupidity, naivety. Stupid = unintelligent.

  1. With limited mental abilities, unintelligent, clueless. G. man. 

2. Not revealing the mind, devoid of reasonable content, expediency. Stupid article. Stupid behavior.

STUPID (not having enough intelligence), UNINTELLIGENT (with very limited abilities)... HEADLESS, EMPTY-HEADED, BRAINLESS..., LITTLE-MINDED..., BAD..., MEALY-MOUTHED..., FEEBLE-MINDED... Clueless, Unreasonable, Limited, Stupid, Dumb.

A FOOL (a very stupid person), A FOOL, A MORON ..., A FOOL, A FOOL, A FOOL, A FOOL, A FOOL, A BOOBY, AN ASSHOLE, A FOOL, A DONKEY, an idiot, a cretin... — Stupid.

3. STUPIDITY AS A MISTAKE. Man does stupid things. This means that he made a mistake, misunderstood, stumbled. A mistake can be made for a variety of reasons, for example, because of ignorance, because of ineptitude, because of negligence, because of negligence, because of intense fear, desire, because of passion. That is, not every mistake is stupid. Only that mistake is stupidity that is done out of ignorance and that other people in similar circumstances would not have done. 

Cicero said: "It is common for anyone to be mistaken, but only a fool persists in his delusion."

4. Love can be a great folly, if before that a person is accustomed to acting exclusively judiciously, coolly. Boni sings in I. Kalman's operetta "Silva":

Love is like that / Stupidity is great... 

And it really does. Something out of the ordinary, unusual from the point of view of ordinary behavior is perceived as stupidity. It sometimes seems to a person that he or someone else commits are inexplicable, irrational and even insane, i.e. stupid. 

5. A stupid person easily or often, as a rule, falls into extremes: either gullible, or excessively distrustful, suspicious, or not afraid of anything, reckless, or cowardly and prone to panic, or too strict, demanding, authoritarian, or too soft, compliant, conniving, etc. "If a fool avoids vice, he falls into another," Horace said. Or, "Virtue ends where stupidity begins" (Unknown Author). A stupid person, trying to avoid one extreme, falls into the other. 

Example: censorship and freedom of speech; some tighten the screws in an effort to suppress dissent, others oppose all censorship. Both are bad.

6. STUPIDITY INFECTS: "In a clever conversation to gain intelligence, in a stupid one to lose one." "If you contact a fool, you will become a fool yourself."


The weakness of thinking can be qualitatively different depending on which thinking ability is undeveloped: reason (logic) or mind (intuition) or both. With the underdevelopment of the mind (intuition), we are dealing with reason, incompetence. 

With the underdevelopment of reason, we are dealing with recklessness, stupidity, recklessness. 

With the underdevelopment of the mind and reason, we are dealing with general stupidity (and ingenuity, and stupidity, in a word, stupidity, misunderstanding).

Age stupidity: the stupidity of a child, the youthful stupidity, the stupidity of an old man. 

Individual and collective stupidity. An example of the latter: religion.

Self-indulgence. A fool is a person who acts on a whim, at his own arbitrariness, not counting or degrading the dignity of others.

Examples of stupidity. Jack London's story is about two gold diggers who are inept at destroying themselves because of their impenetrable stupidity.


The stupidity of the child is from the underdevelopment of the mind, thinking. Children are stupid because they know little, they are afraid of everything or, conversely, they are not afraid of anything, they are reckless. Girls are stupid because they know little, know how and are afraid of everything, they are cowardly. Boys are stupid because they know little and are desperate to the point of recklessness.


Young people are no longer children, but they are not adults in the full sense of the word. They still have elements of childish stupidity. "Who was not stupid, he was not young," says folk wisdom.


The stupidity of the old man is from the weakness of thinking caused by organic causes (senile insanity). The old man is stubborn, dogmatic to the extreme, intolerant or, on the contrary, can behave like a child, yielding and crying in everything.


Benevolence is "stupidity done with a serious look (ironic)." Philosophers say a lot of good things.


A superstitious person who is mystically or religiously minded, who believes in UFOs, psychics, astrology, divination and other nonsense, is stupid.

Superstitious man is stupid because he prefers false ideas about the existence of mysterious forces to the arguments of reason. A person experiencing superstitious fear ceases to see things as they are, he says: "something is wrong here, unclean" and everything becomes vague, stretchable, confused, as in a nightmare. 

Chinese women, on the eve of the year of the goat (since February 2003), began to give birth early (this is evidenced by the sharply increased birth statistics in the last months before the Chinese New Year). It turns out that astrologers "predicted" that a child born in the year of the goat would be unhappy. As a result, children are born before the term, not fully formed. And mothers experience mental and other traumas (cesarean section, birth stimulation and other communist horror).


To be stupid, start believing

         B. Pascal

Believers actually profess unreasonableness, stupidity. In one of Gorky's stories, there is this dialogue:

"Who knows more: fools or sages?

- Fools. The wise men doubt everything."

Believers are just like that: they know everything and do not doubt anything. 

RELIGION IS STUPID. The ministers of the church, wittingly or unwittingly, dumb down the people. Clerics are not original in their tales. The Bible gives many examples of absurdities and follies. Take, for example, this statement by Jesus Christ: "And the hair on your head is numbered" (Matt. 10:30). Think carefully, why would God count people's hair?! Does he have nothing to do? And in general, what is the point of this procedure? Only to prove that we are all completely, absolutely dependent on God?! Isn't that nonsense? Well, our every sneeze, every picking of the nose, every stumbling, etc. – all this is at the will of God and carefully taken into account by him? These words of Jesus Christ can only affect small children or very naïve and timid people.

By the way, childishness and stupidity "walk" somewhere very close. Small children are super-naïve, stupid, unintelligent. They are easily misled, deceived, fooled. So do believers. They can be childishly naïve, stupid, easily succumb to deception and fooling.

Erasmus of Rotterdam wrote as early as 1509: "Without delving into the innumerable details, I will say briefly that the Christian faith seems to be akin to some kind of stupidity and is completely incompatible with wisdom. If you want proof, then remember first of all that guys, women, old people and fools are especially fond of church rites and constantly become closer to the altar, submissive to the commands of their nature. First, let me ask: who were the founders of Christianity? People are remarkably simple-minded, cruel enemies of all scholarship. Among fools of all kinds, the most insane seem to be those who are inspired by Christian piety. They squander their estates, do not pay attention to grievances, allow themselves to be deceived, do not know the difference between friends and enemies, flee in horror from pleasure, indulge in fasting, vigils, labors, despise life and strive only for death, in short, in everything they act contrary to common sense, as if their soul lives not in a body, but somewhere else. What is it if not insanity?" (Erasmus of Rotterdam, Praise of Folly, Ch. 66 et seq.)

The stupidity of religion stems from the fact that it itself is the embodied stupidity of mankind, in other words, aggregate, organized, institutionalized stupidity. It is very difficult to fight such stupidity, because it is supported by the collective will of the people.


Polyknowledge does not teach the mind


One of civilization's greatest disasters is the learned fool.

         Karel Čapek  

A learned fool knows a lot, can speak smoothly, but at the same time is stupid. This is often seen in modern society. Sometimes stupid teachers (teachers, lecturers), researchers, politicians, lawyers, artists, priests...

If just a fool is dangerous, then a scientific fool is doubly dangerous. In fact, behind the guise of an educated and red-speaking person, one can not immediately see an unintelligent person, a tail, a fool.

Kant once wrote: "The absence of the faculty of judgment is, in fact, what is called stupidity, and there is no cure for this deficiency. A blunt or limited mind, lacking only the proper power of reason and its own concepts, can even achieve scholarship by training. But since in such cases such people usually lack the ability to judge, it is often possible to meet very learned men who, applying their science, at every step discover this irreparable flaw"

Kant I.


Seeming stupid to the wise is not terrible.    



The line between normal human stupidity and psychopathic stupidity is rather arbitrary. It is determined by expert assessments of psychiatrists. Therefore, there may be errors in one direction or another. Psychiatrists called severe forms of brain underdevelopment oligophrenia (from the Greek oligos - a few, insignificant, phren - mind). Dementia or mental retardation can be the result of birth defects of the nervous system, the result of illness or injury. Psychiatrists divide oligophrenes into morons (mild retardation), imbeciles (moderate), and idiots (profound). Idiocy, idiocy is an extreme degree of dementia. 

In the practice of word usage, idiocy is often presented as impassable stupidity, stupidity, and an idiot as a fool, a fool.

Psychopathic stupidity in the strict sense is not stupidity. The latter is the weakness of the mind of a mentally normal person. We laugh, we mock stupidity, meaning that it might not have happened. Psychopathic dementia is a disease, and the disease is not laughed at.

Dumb patients

Patient No001. One American drunkenly swallowed a doorknob. I don't know to what extent it took to get drunk to do it, but the fact remains. He walked with a doorknob in his stomach for three days , apparently hoping that it would come out naturally. It didn't come out. I had to go to the doctors. The funny thing is that when the pen was removed from the stomach surgically, the first thing the patient asked after recovering from anesthesia was: "Can I take the doorknob home?"

Patient No002. A boy was taken to the hospital with lacerations and abrasions on his hands, knees and ankles. As the patient explained to the doctors, he rode his bicycle past the rowing canal on which the races were held, holding a can of beer in one hand and constantly looking back at the participants of the competition. At the moment when the boy was driving down the hill, he decided to applaud the participants and let go of the steering wheel. What upset him the most was that he spilled all the beer from the jar.

Patient No003. A patient was taken to the clinic with a minor gunshot wound. When asked where he caught the bullet, he replied: the bullets from his gun got wet and he decided to dry them on the gas stove ...

Patient No004. A patient with lacerations in an intimate place was taken to the gynecological department. An agitated boyfriend was spinning nearby, who explained to a mute question from the doctors: they decided to have sex, but there were no condoms in the house, so they used a bag of chips ...

Patient No005. A certain nutritionist prescribed his patient diet pills, strictly punishing her to take 1 piece a day. Mamzelka was so eager to lose weight that she took a couple of pills at one o'clock in the morning, then another one at 10 am, after which she got up on the scales and called an ambulance: "Your pills do not work, I have not lost a single gram of my weight!"

Patient No006. The surgeon who told the following story will remember his patient for life. Moreover, as a souvenir of him, he received an unusual souvenir - a T-shirt with the inscription-joke "Let's play a carpenter - you will get a hammer on the head!". The owner of this T-shirt appeared before him with 10-centimeter nails stuck in the thumb of his hand and the hand itself. Finished.

Patient No007. A man went to the hospital with complaints of acute sore throat. External examination did not reveal pathologies, but the X-ray dotted all the "i" - they were stuck in the throat ... Ford car keys. As it turned out, the patient a week ago quarreled with his wife and she tried to leave him. To stop her, the fool swallowed the keys to her car...

Patient No008. The police took the guy to the hospital in handcuffs - his pants were torn into rags from the ass to the ankles. The story amused not only the cops, but also the doctors. The fact is that the guy had a significant date - a year since he dated his girlfriend. Wanting to surprise the lady of the heart, he broke down the door to the Phipps Conservatory (these are huge beautiful greenhouses in Pittsburgh, which have become a favorite place for newlyweds) to have sex in flowers. During the foreplay, the guy pressed the hidden alarm button. A couple of minutes later, the police arrived... With dogs...

Patient No009. A patient was admitted to the emergency room, whose body was excised as if he had been injured by a fragmentation grenade. But as it turned out, the patient was not in the war, he just decided to dispose of an old lamp TV in the backyard of his house and threw it into the fire.

Patient No010. At night, a 30-year-old boy was taken to the hospital, bleeding just below the waist. The surgeon needed 38 stitches to suture the lacerations on his scrotum. The patient regained consciousness and told the cause of the injury: he climbed onto the flagpole and then slid down the pole, wrapping his legs around it. The idiot forgot about the existence of a special "hook" at the bottom, on which the rope is fixed. So I ran into it.

Patient No011. Blondes often become the heroes of the rubric "The dumbest patients". One of them went to the hospital with complaints of strange white discharge from an intimate place that appears immediately after sex. The doctor asked if her boyfriend was using a condom. The answer was no.

It seems that her father also once forgot to put on a condom...

Patient No013. By the way, since we're talking about asses. A certain fool managed to miss a cricket ball into his rectum. He did not call an ambulance, but decided to get to the hospital himself. You'll never guess what he drove to the clinic... Cycling !!!

Patient No014. Cinema acts on idiots in the same way that the moon acts on werewolves. As soon as the cartoon from Pixar "Toy Story" was released, an idiot was immediately found who decided to try out the Svetik Base in action, that is, in the body. Surgeons were already removing the figurine - they did not wait for the fool to send Woody's figure to the ass to save Baz.

Patient No015. A car mechanic turned to paramedics after spilling battery acid on his shoulder. In the emergency room, a man fell in with a bag of squeezed lemons. When the doctors' eyes rounded in surprise, Duralei explained that he was trying to neutralize the battery acid with citric acid and therefore squeezed several kilograms of lemons on the chemical burns on his body.

Patient No016. And how do you like the story of a 15-year-old who came to the emergency room with a second-degree burn on his chest? And the burn had a clear outline of an iron. No, the boy wasn't tortured, he was just trying to iron the shirt on himself. To the doctor's question What the did you do? the guy replied: Well, it didn't hurt at all until I pressed the steam button...

Patient No017. An American who was admitted to the ambulance told doctors when filling out the patient's card: "I have already experienced brain death once"...

Patient No018. An elderly American suffered from bleeding from the rectum. He had heard somewhere that open wounds could be cauterized to stop the blood. He made an appointment with a doctor, but he would have had to wait so long that he was afraid that by that time all the blood would flow out of him. He decided to cauterize the wound. How? Hair dryer for hair curling! He went into his ass perfectly and the guy plugged it in. Doctors already got a hair dryer - they had to break down the door, since the patient himself was no longer able to get up from the floor.

Patient No019. An American turned to the ambulance with complaints of pain in the scrotum. Doctors took an X-ray and found a 10-centimeter nail inside. As it turned out, the fool during work put a pneumatic gun on his lap and accidentally shot a nail.

Patient No020. And what about the story of a 15-year-old schoolgirl who was taken to the hospital with terrible bruises on her leg. The injuries were so severe that she couldn't even walk. To the question of doctors: "What happened?", The girl replied that she kicked a bowling ball with all the foolishness, trying to knock out the strike.

Patient No021. The clinic was contacted by a woman who complained to doctors about "dry mouth." The doctor asked how long she had this condition. "Three hours," the aunt replied. "Have you tried drinking water?" the doctors asked. "Does it help?" the aunt wondered. As soon as she was given a glass of water, the dry mouth instantly disappeared.

Diagnosis of the Bureau: she needs a brain transplant - the former does not cope with his duties ...

Patient No023. A guy was taken to the ambulance, who was screaming in pain and pressing his hands to his groin. He was brought by two friends, who told the doctors what had happened. Three were playing in an abandoned factory and discovered industrial magnets. Oh, that craving for experimentation — two guys placed magnets on either side of the testicles of the third. Well, the magnets came in. The story is silent - managed to save the childbearing function of the guy or not.

Patient No024. A patient who went to the ambulance with complaints of pain in the penis stunned the nurse when he reported the cause of this pain. As it turned out, the idiot wanted some oral sex. He didn't have a girlfriend, but she was grazing next to him... cow. Duralei took off his pants and walked over to the animal's muzzle, well, the cow and licked. Well so licked - from the heart.

Patient No025. Our next duralei dressed too lightly during a snowstorm. After a while, he stiffened so much that he frostbitten everything he could. He considered it unnecessary to call an ambulance for such a "trifle". Instead, he went to a nearby store, bought ANTIFREEZE and... Drank. The idiot took the name "non-freezing" literally and decided that it would save him from the cold.

Patient No026. And how do you like a patient who came to the doctor and said, almost from the threshold: "The owner of the house in which I live put magnets on my floor and now my tits are sagging!!!" ...

Patient No027. Believe me, over the years of working with the dumbest patients, surgeons have become accustomed to everything. Even to this: a man tried to get a golf ball stuck in his butt during sexual games with the help of... tablespoon. He didn't expect the spoon to get stuck either.

Patient No028. The woman went to the emergency department with complaints about... six mosquito bites. Noticing the doctor's puzzled look, Madame decided that he had been surprised by her insight.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure they were mosquitoes," she began to explain to him. — because it's summer and I was outside at night. Believe me, I have seen and felt each of these mosquitoes...

When the doctor managed to insert the word, he asked: why did the patient think that mosquito bites were an emergency?

"Yes, I've been bitten by mosquitoes before," Madame pouted her lips. But I've never had six bites on one leg.

Finally, Borya the producer found himself and his place in this life. Sincerely happy for him, however, we can not get rid of the anxious feeling for the peaceful sky above our heads.



Tavistock has long been engaged in the science of manipulation, the psychology of the masses, and mind control through destabilization and chaos.

Tavistock's methodology was to keep people in a state of psychological trauma similar to the one we experience when we watch late-night news, horror movies, crime stories, and other things—something like psychic influence.

Wartime psychological warfare research has expanded to experiments on people inside the country. And all in order to find out what the boundaries are, how people behave, what can make them break ... what happens if too much is asked of them, if they are told a lie or if their confidence in something is undermined.

Tavistock's method of controlling the environment, the situation, to break people's old habits and replace them with new ones encouraged by crowd pressure.

To undermine the group you want to control, make them question their status, vacillating between hope and fear, kindness and cruelty mixed with conflicting orders and information. Remember the covid scam and the way the media presented the news, contradicting each other and themselves.

Thus, who is more, someone to a lesser extent, victims of Tavistock, working everywhere, including social networks.

Yes, the world is like a giant madhouse, replete with deception and manipulation, yet there is something inside a small part of the crowd that is immune to this madness. There's something that allows us to take a step back and distance ourselves from the trappings of the unconscious, suggestible, and ultimately driven narrative.

It is the Soul, the inner voice, the talent, the experience that instills in us the mind. You need to learn to hear it - the true measuring device of the human soul. 

Only by being blinded by idleness, dementia, and sin can we be subject to external manipulation.

A girl from the Women's Royal Army Corps (WRAC) brags about a new tattoo in front of her friends, 1943.


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