The criminal nature of the special operation corona 🤴 shows its true face. 

The criminal nature of the special operation corona 🤴 shows its true face. 

What does the White House administration impose 🏡 through the knocking of ✊🏿 on the door of 🚪 trained student killers through the vaccine? 

The American grandfather 👴 continues to live confidently in a parallel reality and as always makes empty statements of nonsense and lies, not supported by any serious documents, a specific resident of foreign intelligence and a continuous fake, otherwise we cannot comment on his daily false vyser:

Biden accused social media of misinforming users about the pandemic. Well done 👍 grandfather 👴 found the extremes. 

Social networks like Facebook are killing people by allowing "misinformation" about televirus vaccines. On the Friday before leaving for Denver on July 16, Joe. 

Journalists asked the American leader to speak out about the distortion of information about COVID-19 in social networks.

"They're killing people. The only pandemic there is among the unvaccinated. And they're killing people," Biden was quoted as saying by CNBC.

Earlier, on July 5, he said that the country is "closer than ever to declaring independence from a deadly virus," but this does not indicate a full victory over the infection.

The reason for the positive statement was the incomplete implementation of the plan for large-scale vaccination of the population: Biden originally planned that at least 70% of the adult population would be vaccinated against coronavirus infection by his speech on the occasion of US Independence Day. The communist plan of the injection is not fulfilled. We declare a party reprimand with entry into the personal file of the Communist. 

Joe's falsified data from your private CDC bureau for disease control and prevention shows 

approximately 67%.

But this is also a lie 🤥 Joe, it is enough to analyze and verifie the volume of supplies of your potion and in comparison with the number of population by state, and it becomes 35-37% you managed to infect. That's why you and your gang went to knock on the doors ✊🏿

Watch don't jump out of your pants, advertising agent. 

Now they have opened a secret document 📄 criminal Murashka from the Ministry of Health and found a sincere confession made competently in advance. Here, the recognition of the side effects of vaccination 💉 

The criminal history of this document can be extrapolated to any administration in the world, since all this farce with vaccination 💉 one big legal incident and complete obstruction. 

And if it were not for these incidents, then in vaccination points people would not be required to voluntarily consent. 

Doctors and authorities bought in advance for money 💰 💶 💵 💴 and fear of retribution for the truth, will say that in recent history this is a standard procedure for any medical manipulation. 

But we can clearly see what restrictions and state tolerance are introduced in a number of countries for the unvaccinated. In some countries, they threaten to suspend from work and thus leave them without means of subsistence. 

Therefore, the motivation of those who decide to be vaccinated against covid is very different. 

And there have already been cases when people came for vaccination and said: this is not my voluntary consent, give me a vaccination, according to the decision of the sanitary doctor. But alas, they were told: no, write that you personally agree.

We remind all figures who became doctors without a license overnight in 2020: the vaccine 💉 (liquid with unknown contents) has not passed all stages of clinical trials, moreover, it will never pass them, since it is not a vaccine 💉. And this is not a joke to you, it can not be 🚫 called a routine procedure in the medical room. 

The authorities of the countries are well aware of the level of crime in which they have already plunged down the throat of their population with biological weapons without its consent. All responsibility is automatically distributed to all branches of government and the leadership of the medical institution and to the one at whose request the vaccination was carried out. 

Let's return to the question - why, for example, it is impossible to take responsibility by order of a sanitary doctor? What are they afraid of? Of course, they fear prison after the trial and possibly the death penalty. 

For all Russian documents: letter of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 29.06.2021 N 30-4 / I / 2-9825 signed by Deputy Minister Yevgeny Kamkin "On the procedure for vaccinating the adult population against COVID-19" (together with the "Temporary methodological recommendations "Procedure for vaccinating the adult population against COVID-19"), and there in paragraph 8.8 it is said:

"For vaccines, side effects after immunization include ALL that require hospitalization or are fatal, as well as the following complications:

Abscess, phlegmon at the injection site.

Anaphylactic shock / anaphylactoid reaction.

Collapse/collaptoid reaction.

Generalized rash, polymorphic exudative erythema, angioedema, Lyell's syndrome, other forms of severe allergic reactions.

Encephalic reaction (encephalopathy).

Guyin-Barré syndrome.

Convulsions/convulsive syndrome.

Acute myocarditis, acute nephritis, thrombocytopenic purpura, agranulocytosis, hypoplastic anemia, systemic connective tissue diseases, chronic arthritis.

Sudden death, other deaths with temporary links to vaccinations."

Pdf 👇🤒

Epstein's plane flew to Antarctica on July 23, 2020. The flight of "Lolita Express" to the area of the mysterious continent was recorded on July 23:

◾️ The Sputnik V Vaccine Is sponsored by Sber, led by Hermann Gref. 

43.75% of Sberbank's shareholders are non-residents, namely American organizations.

The sweet life of Golikova and Khristenko A million euros for air travel and a golf club in Spain is a story from the life of the family of Viktor Khristenko and Tatiana Golikova. 

Lovely vaccine 💉 Health, lovely, pulls for life with the confiscation of all property to compensate the victims.  

Vaccine is part of an electronic circuit, patent (Bill/David/Barak) 

WO 2020/060606

We warned, don't jump out of your pants, advertising agent Bio - fak

Yes, training 📚 with us is expensive. And where have you seen a quality product cheaply? But what Eagles 🦅 fly away from us, not eagles 🦅 but real Falcons of the Luftwaffe. 

   Our driving school for vip assholes 🤣

Baby, why did you put your left hand on the speed of shifting gears 😂 This car 🚗 with automatic transmission 😆

Joan Carmen also studied 📚 with us. The editor-in-chief himself rode with her. 

We don't need plots and intrigues:

We all know about everything, about everything you give.

I, for one, am the best book in the world.

I consider the Criminal Code to be ours.

And if I'm not sleeping.

Or with a hangover there is no face on me -

I will open the Code on any page,

And I can't - I read to the end.


I did not give my comrades advice,

But I know - robbery is in their honor, -

Here's what I just read about it:

Not less than three, not more than ten.

And my heart 💔 aches with a wounded bird when I start reading my article.

And the blood 🩸 in the temples as frantic as garbage when they come to take.

And again comes to mind the imperishable image of a red drag with her knocking on the American door 🚪.

Sit cheap kasholki on one dock with the Russian Madame Arbidol and other junta. After all, you are in cahoots with the Russians. Not only do we know this, but we also have something to do with it. 

They are always extremely annoying until they get money in their hands, on or pussies.

Mikhail Albertovich Murashko (; born January 9, 1967 in Sverdlovsk, Russian SFSR, USSR) is a Russian state criminal, one of the organizers of the fake coronavirus epidemic, and a gynecologist by training. According to the new vocation, the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation from January 21, 2020 and de facto gynecologist became a virologist overnight. 

Full State Counsellor of the Russian Federation 2nd class.

Criminal case, money laundering, luxury real estate. What else is known about Putin's new ministers? 

Economy Minister Maxim Reshetnikov received as a gift an apartment in Moscow for 200 million rubles, Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko became famous thanks to the case of money laundering on tomographs, and Sports Minister Oleg Matytsin was convicted of illegal transfer of university lands to the Cherkizovsky market.

Minister of Economy Maxim Reshetnikov. "The second man" Sobyanin and the owner of an apartment worth 200 million rubles. Good start! 

Maxim Reshetnikov before becoming the governor of the Perm Territory was the "second person" in the office of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. He participated, in particular, in the "night of the long buckets". Returning in 2017 to his small homeland, to Perm, he successfully applied the Moscow experience and continued to fight with kiosks. He was also mentioned in connection with the scandal surrounding the departure from the Perm Opera of the famous conductor Theodore Currentzis, writes The Bell.

In October 2019, the Perm headquarters of the Navalny found Reshetnikov's elite apartment in Moscow for 200 million rubles. According to the headquarters, the real estate was presented to the official by the company "Diaretstroy" at the time of his work in the capital's mayor's office. The investigation says that Reshetnikov since 2011 earned 75 million rubles, that is, his average annual income was 6 million rubles.

Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko. Defendant in the case of money laundering on tomographs

Mikhail Murashko went from obstetrician-gynecologist to Minister of Health Komi. In this position, he was a witness in the "case of tomographs" related to the purchase of overpriced computed tomography for medical institutions of Komi in 2009. They took 197.8 million rubles from the federal budget, and the amount of unreasonably spent funds, according to investigators, amounted to almost 16 million rubles. Murashko reluctantly appeared at the hearings, so he was subjected to forced bringing to court. Appearing nevertheless, he testified in favor of the accused - according to him, on tomographs spent as much as allocated from the budget. The case ended in an acquittal.

Minister of Science Valery Falkov. Forced students to work for free and praise deputies

The new Minister of Science is a lawyer by training. He defended his thesis, but did not continue to engage in science. The theme of his work: "Improving the legal regulation of election campaigning in the Russian Federation".

In January 2019, the Headquarters of the Navalny in Tyumen wrote that the Tyumen Regional Duma signed a contract for the shooting and publication of stories about its activities for 425 thousand rubles. The only participant who declared himself won the purchase - Tyumen State University, the rector of which was Valery Falkov. He forced students of Tyumen State University to shoot laudatory videos about the work of deputies for free, and no one saw the money received under the state contract.

Minister of Education Sergey Kravtsov. Plagiarism in doctoral dissertation

Sergey Kravtsov is the former head of Rosobrnadzor. In 2013, Dissernet found large-scale borrowings in his doctoral dissertation. At the same time, Kravtsov is responsible for the Unified State Exam, SIA, All-Russian verification work, issues licenses to universities. Under him, the accreditations of the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences (Shaninka) and the European University in St. Petersburg were revoked. At the same time, The Bell, citing sources, writes about the good relations of Rosobrnadzor with the leadership of the private university Synergy. The Insider wrote about how Synergy, seizing private universities, became the largest university in Russia, and the leadership of disbanded educational institutions directly accused Synergy of raiding.

Minister of Culture Olga Lyubimova. Orthodox publicist and director of the show on the First Channel

The new Minister of Culture is a TV presenter, Orthodox publicist and former director of the talk show "Time will show" on the First Channel. Lyubimova worked in the news agency of the Russian Orthodox Church, and later shot more than 80 documentaries about Orthodoxy, in particular, broadcasts of the descent of the Holy Fire, films about His Holiness Patriarch Alexy and others, writes "KP". She worked on the Third Channel in the program "Results of the Week with Gleb Drunk". On the First channel in 2016, she became the deputy of Andrei Pisarev, whom she calls "dad in the profession." Pisarev is the deputy head of the ideological department of United Russia, on the First Channel he is "watching ideology".

And here are a few facts that Lyubimova herself told about herself:

Minister of Sports Oleg Matytsin. He was convicted of transferring the university's lands to the market

The new Minister of Sports Oleg Matytsin in 2012 was convicted because of the transfer of lands of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism under the Cherkizovsky market. The court fined him 20 thousand rubles for exceeding his official powers. According to investigators, the former rector Matytsyn from 2001 to 2006 handed over to commercial structures the land of the university on Lilac Boulevard and thus caused damage to the Russian budget of 120 million rubles. Matytsin pleaded not guilty, and his defense insisted that the lease of the university's land only benefited the state. The Moscow City Court released Matytsin from punishment in connection with the expiration of the statute of limitations.

From the history of the selection of frames:

Stalin turned his inner circle and the leadership of the ministries of internal affairs and state security (Yagoda, Yezhov, Beria, Abakumov) into his own "drive belts", into instruments of lethal reprisals against personal enemies. In this especially successful Zhdanov, Malenkov, Molotov, Kaganovich, Khrushchev. Then, after the death of the tyrant, began not over to this day the discussion, which has not ended to this day, who showed great zeal - the party apparatus, punitive bodies or the abstract System that is saving for both of them. 

Let's give Stalin his due. He was not only a leader, but also his own personnel officers. It is said: personnel decide everything, so responsible work on the selection of senior personnel can not be entrusted to anyone. All were selected by Himself. That's why in the leader's entourage everyone was like a pickup: Yagoda, Yezhov, Beria, Malenkov, Zhdanov, Khrushchev, Voroshilov, Shkiryatov, Vyshinsky - one thug is better than another, that not a person is a ghoul. True, Beria stood out in this list. 

"A party functionary and a criminal , such a harmoniously developed personality could be formed only in the Stalinist apparatus. The rivalry between Malenkov and Zhdanov at the leader's chair is not a rivalry between two criminals? Friendship-rivalry of Malenkov with Beria - isn't it in the field of bloody deeds of growing up?" **.

Although Stalin himself selected his cadres, he was hardly satisfied with them. The testimony of Georgy Dimitrov, who was present at a festive dinner in the Kremlin on November 7, 1940, has been preserved. Making a toast, Stalin suddenly sharply declared about the present members of the Politburo and the Government of the USSR that none of them wanted to study, no one wanted to work on himself, that he, Stalin, had to deal with all issues in the state. Here is what Comrade Stalin said then: "They will listen to me and leave everything as it was. But I'll show you if I get out of patience (you know how I can do that). I'll hit the fat people so hard that everything will crack. I drink for those Communists, for those Bolsheviks , Party and non-Party (non-Party Bolsheviks are usually less complacent) who understand that it is necessary to study and retrain. "

Malenkov, who at first headed the personnel department of the Central Committee, was able to advance thanks to Stalin's repressions, to which he put his own hands, elbow to elbow in blood. One of his colleagues called him "fat, sluggish, cruel toad." He did not have a profitable advantage over a constant rival who married his son to Stalin's daughter, which means, moreover, it is necessary to take others. And he took - at the cost of dog instinct, no worse than that of a bosom friend and at the same time a sworn enemy, comrade Beria. In any case, the character of the Leader studied thoroughly. Like all other fellow haters, Malenkov was paranoidly afraid of the Master and fulfilled the main unspoken covenant: no independence. 

The whole entourage of the leader, especially the "old cadres", having passed Stalin's universities, had no equal in terms of survival and competition: they knew everything, understood everything, all sat each other down, "knocked" on each other, played on the weaknesses of the Master...

Zhdanov was able to work on several fronts at once. Simultaneously with the pogrom in the writer's environment, the intrigue against Malenkov was weaved a net for Comrade Zhukov. Barely feeling Stalin's dislike for the new favorite of the people, Marshal Zhukov, to whom the rumor attributed the main merit in the victory over Hitler's Germany, Zhdanov reminded the Host that it was Malenkov who always patronized the marshal, brought to the forefront. It was Zhdanov who told Comrade Stalin about the strange, downright anecdotal superstition of the marshal. It was with his submission that Stalin told all the counter and transverse:

- You praised Zhukov, and he is not worth it, before each military operation, it turns out, he took the ground in his hands, sniffed it and said: "We can start the speech." Or vice versa: "The planned operation can not be carried out." It was Zhdanov who prepared the decision of the Plenum of the Central Committee to remove Zhukov from the post of Stalin's deputy for the Ministry of Defense. preposition? Where serious! The marshal ignored the party leadership in the army, belittled the primary role of the political administration. 

Zhdanov's henchmen organized a campaign to beat commanders and commissars who distinguished themselves in the war. So Zhdanov once again the Master, to whom this bland life, without arrests and executions, became already a burden... Here, the interests of the other two warring parties, Zhdanov and Beria, converged. Lavrentiy Pavlovich's assistants willingly complied with the new fighter directive." Competing with Beria, the Main Spider sought to entangle his web as many of the leader's close associates as possible. Malenkov Zhdanov accused that, as head of the Committee for the Restoration of Liberated Territories, he encouraged the individual construction of residential buildings, and in foreign policy did not interfere with the alliance of communists with nationalists in Eastern Europe. That wasn't the only fault. At that time, the so-called "aviators case" was being fought, the main accused in this case was Marshal Novikov, who hoped to "knock out" the testimony against Zhukov. Since Malenkov was in charge of the aviation industry, he could not stay away from the accusations. It's just that he was lucky - he was not thrown into the kutuzka. Enraged Stalin in May of the forty-sixth year sent the missing Malenkov to Central Asia. Was it not then that the disgraced vizier, under the influence of the acute bitterness of defeat, first gave rise to the idea of revenge?.. 

The career of a small sworn man with a mustache - Andrei Zhdanov - began in the personal office of the Secretary General, where he was gloriously skilled in the art of party intrigue. Zhdanov relied mainly on those "Leningraders" who, after his death, would be led to slaughter*. Having mastered the secretariat of the Central Committee, Zhdanov at first succeeded in rivalry with Comrade Beria. Zhdanov long ago understood the leader's predilection for double, triple, etc. control, suggesting that it was long overdue to supervise the "organs" of one of the secretaries of the Central Committee. Stalin liked the idea - then for the first time the purges in the Ministry of Internal Affairs began without the participation of Comrade Beria. He remembered it well, but alas, he did not have a chance to take revenge: prematurely, oh, comrade Zhdanov went to hell prematurely... Or maybe not so prematurely? Maybe Lavrentiy Pavlovich knocked him down? Maybe even then, in 1948, the technology of "sudden death" worked out well? 
Yeah, really... It was then that Kirillova, an agent and mistress who secretly supervised the laboratory of poisons, for the first time gave the marshal of state security samples of a "new medicine" - a small fraction of a drop, and there is no person. "Died suddenly." Thank God, there were no special problems with the protection, this is not your leader, everything is in our hands. In the next world, he will understand, it was not necessary to stick out, to stand in the way, to send an accomplice Yegor (Malenkov) into exile. Then the poison worked flawlessly: swallowed a beer, on you - a heart attack. There is also indirect evidence that Zhdanov was "removed". 

This, apparently, is associated with disagreements between the attending physicians and Lydia Timashuk, who took Zhdanov's cardiogram. The competitor drank the poison that caused myocardial infarction not immediately, but a few days after the attack of angina. That is why the doctors treating Zhdanov on the first day after poisoning simply could not diagnose a heart attack, because he had not yet developed, and Lydia Timashuk was called to remove a cardiogram just two days before Zhdanov's death (before that, all cardiograms of the presence of a heart attack were not confirmed). This explains a lot, in particular, her decoding of a cardiogram, clearly indicating necrosis, and the subsequent clash of an ordinary doctor with a Kremlin professor in the field of diagnostics, which then led to the "doctors' case" and to the murder of Stalin. Too much in this life is tied in a tight knot, especially when one crime piles on top of another and one necrophile tries to destroy another necrophile...

By the way, the motives for the murder of Zhdanov were not only at the party nomenclature. Sometimes Kuznetsov and Abakumov appear as performers here... 

In the last years of his life, Zhdanov became the main interlocutor of Stalin, and in the party he became the first person: Stalin signed all the main documents in the state on behalf of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, and Zhdanov - on behalf of the party. 

After the Nineteenth Congress, the party increasingly turned into an organ of propaganda of communist ideas, and Zhdanov was the most sophisticated propagandist. What are his pogroms of science and art worth? Did this suit the party nomenclature — I don't mean pogroms, but ideological elevation? Of course not: if Zhdanov turns the CPSU (b) into a propaganda organ, what then should the incompreganged "rukasty Bolsheviks" do? For them, the abrupt reorganization of the party is political death and a slow fading in retirement. Zhdanov's death delayed the reorganization, and there, you see, Stalin will die. Thus, many people were interested in the murder of Zhdanov. Perhaps we should cite an opinion on this issue about Comrade D. T. Shepilov, who was working in the Central Committee at that time: "Malenkov and Beria wanted to destroy Zhdanov. They were always dirty he was satisfied" *.

Yes, our ideologue reposed on time and by the way. Malenkov stayed in exile for less than two years, and his return and rapid restoration to his posts indicates that even the will of the leader can be adjusted if he skillfully plays on his weaknesses, especially if more and more victims are offered to Moloch. Such were the young protégés of the murdered Zhdanov. Malenkov and Beria completely eliminated the difference between such concepts as "purge", "elimination" and "murder". Now all members of the Zhdanov clan were subject to elimination. 

By the way, it was Malenkov who received the infamous Lydia Timashuk in the Kremlin, thanked her for her courage, exposing the enemies of the people of murderous doctors and presented the Order of Lenin. 

By early 1953, Malenkov had become the most informed person in the Kremlin leadership. At his disposal was even a special party "zone", opened in the spring of 1950 on the basis of one of the prisons of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - in Moscow, on Matrosskaya Tishina Street. The head of this prison was directly subordinate to Malenkov as secretary of the Central Committee of the party, and this "correctional institution" was not controlled by either the Minister of State Security Abakumov or the Minister of Internal Affairs Kruglov. The cells of the "Sailor's Silence" contained, in particular, the most important detainees in the "Leningrad case" and the former Minister of State Security, and now the "enemy of the people" General Abakumov.

Malenkov took a direct part in the interrogations of "state criminals", and sometimes they were taken to him in the building of the Central Committee of the Party on the Old Square, where on the fifth floor, right next to the meeting room of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee, a special room was equipped for this purpose. What just did not happen in a country where people breathed so freely ...

By the beginning of 1953, Malenkov became the main favorite in the race, the prize in which was absolute power. Even at the XIX Congress, he cleverly held in the Central Committee and its Presidium his supporters, who formed a majority in both these bodies. He pushed away from the state helm the old members of Stalin's entourage - Mikoyan and Molotov, not to mention the long-sent to the bench Kaganovich and Voroshilov. The main competitor of Malenkov remained Beria, although outwardly they represented a single tandem. But Beria Malenkov kept under control, deftly manipulating the Mingrelian case, understanding why it was for Stalin.

Malenkov learned a lot from Stalin, first of all, not to hurry. One by one, he placed his henchmen in key positions in the state and the party, patiently waiting for the leader to leave for another world. He also had a backup option. In the MGB there was Bureau No. 1, the list of conspiratorial employees of which was stored in the safe of the minister. According to rumors, personnel and operations were prepared here to eliminate undesirables, if necessary, and Lavrentiy Pavlovich. Beria was aware of this and on the day of Stalin's death literally broke into the Lubyanka, expelled Minister Ignatiev from there and first of all opened his safe. 

The strengthening of Malenkov's position was unprofitable for Beria, who was seriously concerned about this rise. Among other reasons, it was in his interest to hasten Stalin's death without allowing Malenkov to finally strengthen. 

September 1948 was catastrophic for the "new shoot", which turned out to be weaklings in the intrigues of the "old men" - the notorious "Leningrad case" arose, the beginning of which was laid by an anonymous letter. It talked about the fact that during the elections in the Leningrad Regional Committee mistakes were made with the counting of votes. "To understand" went Malenkov. The sad result of the "trial" was the absolutely absurd accusation of the "Leningraders" of creating a certain center opposing the party. Voznesensky, Kuznetsov, Rodionov and others were hostages of party intrigues. 

Many years later, already in disgrace, Khrushchev recalled: "The rise of Voznesensky and Kuznetsov (Zhdanov's protégés) alarmed Beria, it was he who suggested to Stalin that ... fabricated materials against them in the form of statements and anonymous letters (Khrushchev's words, not mine)." Today it is still not clear why Stalin allowed the "Leningrad affair", which undermined his course towards the rejuvenation of cadres and put him in a certain dependence on the "old guard". 


Vaccination is not legal everywhere and around the world: 

The use of an unregistered vaccine in humans, with the exception of the group participating in clinical trials, is a violation of all conceivable laws.According to the general norm, only registered drugs can be in circulation, and the available exceptions do not apply to the case under discussion. Violation of these requirements provides for criminal liability and punishable up to imprisonment for a period of six years: for the circulation of unregistered medicines and for the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, respectively.

When a researcher gives a vaccine to a subject bypassing the test group, he violates international laws and the national Constitution: the Article on the Protection of Public Health and other legislative acts. Cases are already being started in different countries of the world and are beginning to prove complications after the injection of an unreasonable patient. 

They are trying to implement and combine the effect of the interaction of graphene oxide derived from the vaccine with 5G technology.

VIDEO: «Covid-19»: Skutek interakcji tlenku grafenu pochodz;cego ze szczepionki z technologi; 5G – Uczta Baltazara (

Graphene oxide is present in anti-Covid masks, and graphene in smear sticks.

According to numerous analyses conducted by public university institutions, all Covid "vaccines" contain significant amounts of graphene oxide.

Breaking News: La Quinta Columna shares the official interim report of the analysis of Pfizer's vaccination vial

Also, the influenza vaccine used in the fall of 2019, it contained graphene oxide.

The same goes for prepared new flu vaccines and suspected intranasal Covid-19 vaccines, which contain very high amounts of graphene oxide.

Graphene oxide is a toxic substance that causes the formation of blood clots in the human body.

Graphene oxide causes blood coagulation.

Graphene oxide – by disturbing the oxidative balance with respect to glutathione stores (practically causing oxidative stress) – changes the functioning of the immune system.

Graphene oxide, introduced into the body, causes the collapse of the immune system, and then the so-called cytokine storm.

Graphene oxide, which accumulates in the lungs, causes bilateral pneumonia.

Graphene oxide is felt in the mouth as a metallic taste.

Inhalation of graphene oxide causes inflammation of the mucous membrane, and what is associated with this: loss of taste, partial or complete loss of smell.

Graphene oxide acquires strong magnetic properties in the human body. And that's what explains the phenomenon of body magnetization that millions of people around the world are filming after they received doses of graphene oxide as a result of various ways of administering it, including through Covid "vaccines."

Thus, graphene oxide is the suspected SARS-COV-2 causing a disease called Covid-19. Therefore, the actual extraction of the novel coronavirus has never been done, which is officially provided by most top-level sanitation facilities when asked.

Covid-19 disease is the result of the introduction of graphene oxide into the body, which is administered in a variety of ways.

A particularly strong interaction is shown by the aerosol of graphene oxide; it is also claimed that the so-called SARS-COV-2 virus is infected in this way.

Like all materials, graphene oxide has what is called an electron absorption throughput, which is equivalent to a certain threshold frequency, exceeding which causes very rapid excitation and oxidation. This, in turn, causes toxic graphene oxide to spread throughout the body, destroying our stores of glutathione, which is a natural antioxidant factor.

The frequency range in question is emitted by the new wireless 5G technology. That's why the installation of 5G antennas during the "pandemic" was not suspended for a moment. We suspect that graphene oxide was introduced into the flu vaccine used during the 2019 campaign, as graphene oxide was previously used in vaccines as an adjuvant.

In Wuhan, actors started falling dead in the streets, and at the end of November 2019, 5G technology was tested in Wuhan. In September 2019, Merkel was in Wuhan. The time and place coincide. And the nonsense about the lizard and the bat soup was intended to distract the attention of society from the actual terrorist activities. 

The purpose of introducing graphene oxide (into "vaccines" and other drugs) is much more suspicious than you can imagine.

Absorbing the information contained in the video and reminding you that you have a disease is more than enough to understand the whole problem.

State institutions advise society to protect itself (from illness), they contradict themselves, ordering it to do so by making people sick and die. 

We are dealing with a large-scale bioterroristic attack, controlled by States, with the participation of criminal structures with the support of their governments, against the population of the whole world, which is a crime against humanity.

For this reason, it is very important that you, who are reading this, understand everything correctly and do not build any illusions that someone from this gang of thousands of people will surrender voluntarily. 

After the launch of 5G technology, tens of thousands of people will die every day. To do this, the criminals prepared documents on mass graves and death camps of the FEMA type. The conclusion is based on the fact that currently vaccinated persons are not only elderly people in nursing homes who were given an influenza vaccine containing graphene oxide in the fall of 2019 and early 2020, but also populations that have been consistently given doses of graphene oxide. 

The human body has a natural ability to eliminate this toxic substance; for this reason, they offer you a third dose and booster vaccines 💉 once a year or half a year. The plan is to maintain a certain and constant level of graphene in the organisms of the injected and keep a clear record of their 🧾 with personal 


People continue to be pushed to an abyss that has no bottom.

We have all the necessary evidence to confirm what has been presented on our website so far so that justice can take effect if it can ever do so.

Breaking News: La Quinta Columna shares the official interim report of the analysis of Pfizer's vaccination vial

Breaking News: La Quinta Columna shares the official interim report of the analysis of Pfizer's vaccination vial

After watching our video, you will be able to understand that for more than a year you have been deceived by the highest state institutions; You will also become aware of all the contradictions and inconsistencies that you noticed when tracking the reports of television magazines.

VIDEO: «Covid-19»: Skutek interakcji tlenku grafenu pochodz;cego ze szczepionki z technologi; 5G – Uczta Baltazara (

This and other information is available on the website:

We ask you to distribute this video throughout your environment; so together we can stop the verdict that has been prepared for us – a sentence that is on the 2030 Agenda schedule.

It's all up to us; Thank you for your attention. 

The purpose of a certain group of people: the introduction of control over the behavior of society.

Graphene oxide nanoparticles contained in so-called vaccines cross the blood-brain barrier and reach the brain.

These nanoparticles, subjected to remote excitation using 5G, are able to modify neural synapses. Thus, in the near future, something like a "brain tsunami" caused by the alleged coronavirus is expected, as scientists warn.

Scientists warn ‘synaptic tsunami’ in COVID-19 patients

Scientists warn 'synaptic tsunami' in COVID-19 tons

6-month consequences of COVID-19 in patients discharged from hospital: a cohort study

The video, the content of which was posted above, is located at the link:

I ricercatori spagnoli hanno scoperto cosa ; in realt; il fantavirus


Readers of "Balthasar's Feast" are reminded that in the autumn of 2019, mass actions to combat influenza and meningitis were held in the territories of the Italian provinces of Bergamo i Brescia.

Parte oggi la campagna di vaccinazione antinfluenzale nell’ASST Bergamo Ovest.

At the same time, for the first time in Italy, on the territory of these provinces, 5G antennas began to function.

5G, Brescia tra le prime in Italia con la nuova tecnologia - QuiBrescia

Links can be read, mostly Italian. With modern translators, this is not a problem.


Tim estende la copertura 5G in Lombardia: ecco le citt; coinvolte (

Prezydent Chile ostrzega przed «urz;dzeniami b;d;cymi w stanie czyta; w naszych my;lach, a tak;e zaszczepia; my;li i uczucia w naszych umys;ach» – Uczta Baltazara (

Dlaczego niekt;re elementy anten 5G oznaczone s; jako COV-19? – Uczta Baltazara (

ZDJ; CIA ZROBIONE POD MIKROSKOPEM ELEKTRONOWYM: Analiza fiolki “szczepionki” potwierdza obecno;; nanocz;steczek grafenu – Uczta Baltazara (

VIDEO: GRAFEN – Pomiary multimetrem wykonane na g;owie osoby «zaszczepionej» – 

Uczta Baltazara (

VIDEO: Po Pfizer’ze, tlenek grafenu zidentyfikowano tak;e w fiolce “szczepionki” AstraZeneca – Uczta Baltazara (


• Walczy;! – Nie pozwoli;, by ;otry wytrzebi;y ludzko;;: «Born to Be Alive» – Patrick Hernandez

• VIDEO: Dr. Luis Marcelo Mart;nez: «Bia;ko Spike to nic innego jak grafen w twoim ciele, kt;ry oddzia;uje na tw;j organizm»

• VIDEO: Szale;cy dobrali si; tak;e do zwierz;t: «Szczepi;» je «przeciwko Covid-19»

• VIDEO: Magnetyczny kurz identyfikowalny na pozbawionej przemys;u cz;; ci w;oskiego regionu Piemont

• BARDZO CIEKAWE VIDEO: Chemtrails – Tajemnica poliszynela na mediola;skim lotnisku Malpensa (NAPISY ANGIELSKIE)

• «La Quinta Columna» udost;pnia WI; CEJ ZDJ;; TLENKU GRAFENU wykrytego w fiolce “szczepionki” AstraZeneca

• W kierunku totalnego ob;; du: «Korea P;; nocna by;a nie;le por;bana, ale nie a; tak bardzo...»

• Proponowana w Hiszpanii “ustawa o bezpiecze;stwie narodowym” pozwoli na zaj;cie w;asno;ci obywateli podczas “kryzysu” sanitarnego

• VIDEO: Po Pfizer’ze, tlenek grafenu zidentyfikowano tak;e w fiolce “szczepionki” AstraZeneca

• «Flex» zatrudnia i zwalnia: W Amazon, o losie pracownik;w decyduje Sztuczna Inteligencja

• Facebook przeciwko prawicy: “Mia;e; styczno;; z tre;ciami ekstremistycznymi”

• Ex showgirl Raffaella Carr;: “Zaszczepi; si;, by odzyska; wolno;;” – Odzyska;a... na tymtym ;wiecie!

• Czy Iran m;ci si; za ;mier; genera;a Soleimani’ego?

• VIDEO: Popatrzcie, co «szczepionkowe» szmaty wyprawiaj; z lud;mi!

• Czym r;; ni; si; re;imy totalitarne od «wolnych demokracji»?

• Ciekawe VIDEO do ogl;dni;cia

• Nie zatrzymaj; si; przed niczym i m;wi; to otwarcie: «Transformacja ekologiczna mo;e sta; si; krwaw; jatk;»

• VIDEO: Shoshana Zuboff o kapitalizmie inwigilacyjnym (NAPISY ANGIELSKIE)

• VIDEO: 98% do 99% fiolki stanowi tlenek grafenu, kt;ry jest g;; wnym sk;adnikiem tzw. «szczepionki» (NAPISY ANGIELSKIE)

• «Black Goo»: Na granicy rzeczywisto;ci i “science-fiction”...

• Szale;cy z w;oskiego Veneto identyfikuj; osoby “niezaszczepione” przy pomocy GPS-u

• Wariacki Ko;ci;; «Franka» z Argentyny: Powr;t Pachamamy

• UNIVERSIDAD DE ALMER; A, SPAIN: Identyfikacja tlenku grafenu w “szczepionce” – RAPORT PDF (po angielsku) do pobrania

• Wall Street wykupuje domy w ca;ych USA, aby z najemc;w wykreowa; klas; ch;op;w pa;szczy;nianych

• Szanta;uj; i wykupuj; wszystko: Amazon ;; da od swoich dostawc;w kawa;ka ich firmy

• Big Pharma i media s; w r;kach tych samych szemranych ludzi

• VIDEO: «Covid-19»: Skutek interakcji tlenku grafenu pochodz;cego ze szczepionki z technologi; 5G

• ODRA; AJ; CE VIDEO: Ohyda zbocze;c;w z LGBT

• Blinken wzywa do “repatriacji” oraz “rehabilitacji” cudzoziemskich jihadist;w ISIS-u, przetrzymywanych w Syrii

• Od wojny domowej do “wojny biotycznej”

• «Dead Man Switch» John’a McAfee i niewiarygodne zawalenie si; «Champlain Towers» na Florydzie

• Co – w spos;b ca;kowicie nietypowy – zmasakrowa;o m;zg Camilli?

• VIDEO: GRAFEN – Pomiary multimetrem wykonane na g;owie osoby «zaszczepionej»

• Wnioski «Uczty Baltazara»: Nie ma si; co wysila; dla polskoj;zycznego stada baran;w

• ZDJ; CIA ZROBIONE POD MIKROSKOPEM ELEKTRONOWYM: Analiza fiolki “szczepionki” potwierdza obecno;; nanocz;steczek grafenu

• O szubrawcach z BlackRock, Inc. i nie tylko...

• «Wyszczepianie» we W;oszech: Naukowcy-terrory;ci – boj;c si; na przysz;o;; o w;asne 4 litery – zaczynaj; m;wi; prawd;

• 23.06.2021: VIDEO: Niemiecki «Bild» przeciwko dyktaturze sanitarnej

• Optogenetyka: Wyposa;; nas w umys;y zast;pcze

• Prezydent Chile ostrzega przed «urz;dzeniami b;d;cymi w stanie czyta; w naszych my;lach, a tak;e zaszczepia; my;li i uczucia w naszych umys;ach»

Evacuation of Italian children in Malta using the scenario of soviet Artek in the Crimea.

Our source in Malta reported the false evacuation of healthy children, under the pretext of contracting covid, the children were placed in rooms with grilles.

🐑 pricked, fell. Meantime, the rest of the 🐑 continue to sit on chairs, waiting for their turn to 💉euthanasia☠️

A message from the prison of peoples, written by prisoners of the Gulag, was found during repairs in the wall of the Nizhny Tagil Drama Theater named after Mamin-Sibiryak.

"This theater was built not by the forces of komsomol brigades, but by prisoners. Hello to the generation to come, may your life and your era not know slavery!" it reads.

As you can see, not everywhere to this message of the "grandfathers" listened.

    Everyday life of the Editorial Board. 

            Ꮲᴀᴛiᴇnᴛs' righᴛs

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