Kissinger quote from letter a to the WHO Eugenics Council, 25 February 2009:

"As soon as the herd takes the mandatory vaccinations, the game is over. They will accept anything – forced blood or organ donation – "for the greater good." We can genetically modify children and sterilize them – "for the greater good." Control the minds of the sheep and you control the entire flock. Vaccine manufacturers can make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin the herd and the herd pays us for the extermination services."

Artel 2021 Kissinger, this young man the age of 20: accept a new global system. 

At a recent Chatham House with former British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, kissinger, 97 asked Washington to adopt a new global system, that is, an end to state hegemony :

"If you imagine that the world enters into an endless competition based on the superiority of the one who is now superior to all, then the violation of order is inevitable. And the consequences of the failure will be catastrophic."

It's time to landfill, in your own words, "older people are unnecessary eaters"

"Depopulation should be the highest foreign policy priority for the third world, because the U.S. economy will need large and growing volumes of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries." (Henry Kissinger, National Security Memorandum 200, dated April 24, 1974)

"The military are "stupid, stupid animals that should be used as pawns in foreign policy." (Henry Kissinger, quote from The Last Days)

Henry Kissinger was a Soviet KGB agent!

Michelle Goleniewsky, an anti-communist who infiltrated Polish intelligence, testified in 1961 that Kissinger was hired by a special group known as ODRA when he was a sergeant in the U.S. Army during World War II. Goleniewski extradited dozens of KGB agents in Western countries, who were then captured. However, this did not affect Kissinger, as he was a great master, playing under the orders of the Illuminati Rockefeller. All the intelligence agencies of the world MI-6, Mossad, CIA, KGB worked under the orders of the Illuminati rockefeller. 

De facto there was a world government,which few people knew only now are beginning to learn. And the Communists and Nazis are the first globalistics. 

      Yuri Shvets about Kissinger 

Putin's classmate, ex-KGB intelligence officer Shvets: Henry Kissinger, known in our department as Kisa, did not have time to officially include in the intelligence apparatus.

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissindger was an agent of the UssR State Security Committee, but was not included in the intelligence apparatus. This was reported by the ex-intelligence officer of the KGB of the USSR and a fellow student of russian President Vladimir Putin at the KGB Institute Yuri Shvets in the author's program of Dmitry Gordon "GORDON" on the TV channel "112 Ukraine".

"This is a separate story that is worthy of the pen of the great master. The situation was like this. Henry Kissinger, known in our American department as Kisa, met with our operative Borey Sedov. What is an agent at all? A KGB agent is a foreigner who consciously cooperates with the State Security Committee and voluntarily performs its tasks. And now Mr. Sedov meets with Professor Kissinger, sends dispatches to Moscow, to the center, from which it emerges that this is how it turns out - he is an agent, "said Shvets.

He noted that Kissinger was recruited just two weeks before Richard Nixon became president of the United States.

"And Kissinger (became. "GORDON) assistant for National Security (he later became U.S. Secretary of State)," Shvets said.

"The first department writes a report addressed to the head of intelligence, which sets out the essence of the case, the object is given a task ... "We ask, taking into account the above, to include the KGB as an agent in the agent apparatus." It goes upstairs, it comes to General Kirpichenko, the deputy, the most experienced master (he sat there all his life, knew everything and everything)... He scratched his head and said: "Comrades, well, you imagine, now we will sign this and report to Brezhnev, and he is appointed an assistant, and Brezhnev then calls and says: "Listen, tell your agent that America stops spinning checkers with China. I don't like this. Give him a task!" And what will we do? Let's do it, and he certainly won't. And then they will give us a hat," the ex-scout continued.

He noted that Kissinger did not have time to be included in the KGB agent apparatus.

"In short, his hand, which had already been brought in to sign, stopped. And thank God, because in two weeks Kisa becomes an assistant. They did not have time to include it in the agent apparatus," Shvets said.

Henry Kissinger was a former national security adviser to the President of the United States and Secretary of State from 1973 to 1977. He was one of the authors of the policy of "détente" in relations between the United States and the USSR. In 1973 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

In October 2016, he was elected a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Bild reported on December 26, 2016 that Kissinger was developing a plan for Trump to restore relations with Russia. According to the publication, the plan assumes that Russia "will guarantee the security of the eastern part of Ukraine", and the West, in turn, formally calling the Crimea Ukrainian, recognizes the right of the Russian Federation to the peninsula occupied by it and "will not make a problem out of it."

In the United States, a special "Club 13" was created to combat this heresy. 

George Soros and Bill Gates are part of a consortium that will buy Mologic, a British manufacturer of covid tests. According to a statement released Monday, it is an attempt to expand access to "the latest low-cost medical technology."

Joining the forgotten secrets of Soros. Because everything in this world is connected by one thin rope.

Rarely happened, that Soros himself or a handsome son opened and showed everyone their cards. This is the lot of your chosen friends and autumn confidants. George is no philanthropist, just like Gates. 

The Soros Foundation and the Gates Foundation have announced the launch of a new initiative, Global Access Health (GAH), which will aim to strengthen the assimilation of medical technology on a global scale. The acquisition of Mologic is part of that perspective. 

According to the report, the Gah consortium, which includes charitable affiliates of Soros and Gates enterprises, will invest "at least" $ 41 million in the deal.

Soros and Gates are part of a circle of billionaires who intend to direct their "philanthropic efforts" to the so-called southern hemisphere: a term that in a very broad sense refers to Latin America, Asia, Africa and Oceania. Sean Hinton, executive director of the Soros Foundation, said the pandemic had "painfully demonstrated fundamental inequalities" in public health around the world and added that a "one-time deal" for Mologic brought together charities and investors to address the problem.

One has to be very naive to think that while Gates is essentially the sole head of the WHO, the pandemic whose statistics are manipulated by the WHO through PCR will end.

Again, our philanthropist and prophet and longtime friend of Barry Obama's hot youth, Bill.


In September 2020, Hillary Clinton went on trial. The Duran article discussed the involvement of George Soros and Hillary Clinton, as well as the Clinton Foundation in the antifa-provoked Black Lives Matter riots. On June 3, A CNBC broadcast appeared on where is the Buzz, saying that Hillary Clinton had lost a lawsuit over an already nearly forgotten unprotected private email server she used to send government emails to the state.

"documents on the resurrection of the gigames chamber, the whereabouts of his body and the whereabouts of the buried Nephilims."

According to the World Ecomonic Forum, the "quarantine" and quarantine measures will end on March 25, 2025. By then, these perverts plan to send all of you, Friends, to a digital concentration camp. And it's perfectly official.

This is Hillary Clinton, known for her sensitive attitude to her sensitive body and health problems, and standing against the backdrop of a raging "pandemic" of a couid without a mask and no gloves.


CDC U.S. Disease Control Agency ?

This is the same agency that recommended the insecticide (potent poison) DDT to individuals in their homes because it was supposedly completely safe. 

The video shows how people, animals, schools, shops, etc. Were sprayed with this poison, sprayed with apartments, paint with DDT and even had wallpaper with this poison.

And by the way, somehow quite by accident these events coincided with the outbreak of the so-called polio. 

Now we certainly know about the fictitiousness of the viral theory, and polio in particular. And it was caused by massive chemical poisoning.

Then in the 1970s, it was withdrawn from sale due to its significant toxic and carcinogenic effects.

The same body recommended mass vaccinations against so-called swine flu and, despite its own internal reports, denied the neurological massive damage caused by the vaccine to people. 

This was followed by claims for damages worth $3.5 billion.

A new look 👀 on old Low Profitable Things. 

The editorial board draws up a business plan for strengthening the health of future prisoners. Our business plan involves working with world zoos under direct contracts. 

Some of the large animals we will release into natural nature, and in their place will place criminals serving life sentences. 

What advantages do we see in this humanistic project? 

1) fresh air and natural food. all this will certainly prolong the life of prisoners;

2) live communication with visitors to the zoo, and visitors children and their young parents, basically. Of course, it adds education and positive emotions to all; 

3) reduction of maintenance costs, since the diet of released animals automatically passes on the balance of the zoo to new inhabitants of the cells; 

4) we improve the attendance of zoos in the world by our conservative estimates by 666%;

5) the taxable balance of the zoo grows exponentially, as parents beat at night more and more, like Singer's sewage foot machines after visiting the zoo, and children 👶 are born like mushrooms 🍄 more and more.

We invite everyone to our project, write to the person.

🇺🇸Jo forgets the name of the congressman and then confuses whether the guest's mother is present at the event today.

"Where's mom? Mom?" the old man asked when he got confused. 

🇺🇸 Mom here Joe

True, your mother has an uncontrolled reflection of the facial muscles provoked from the outside. 

Stunned by his next dementia feil of the old man, the audience watched silently.

To protest against the "global world order," in the words of Australian politician Dan Andrews, is "selfish and wrong."

Two willing men are ready to participate in the project and called us just now. They are ready to move to the zoo right now without preconditions. 

🇺🇸 New York Governor Huamo: "We have to knock on these doors, and we have to convince people, put them in cars, take them and put this vaccine in their hand. That is our mission."

There is no doubt, Friends, that very soon the military will be fit to vaccinate the plebs in the states. In the meantime, door-to-door rounds are made by volunteers. 

Personally for Cuomo, so that he could more accurately calculate the 🧮 of his sentence 👇

Fake: In New York, the dead from coronavirus are buried in mass graves...

Public Health Ambassador Advocacy. The Knock on the Door Project to Increase #COVID19 Vaccine Intake

Unmotivated aggression, lies, and the past, where the tasks of reducing the world's population were solved, are what distinguish vaccine advocates from those who prefer not to destroy their own, natural immunity.

The video shows a CCP agent, a cnN doctor whose father was a member of the CCP, who worked for THE WHO in the family planning department, whose tasks include regulating and reducing the world's population, on CNN and at the Rockefeller Lin Wen Foundation. She is the main lobbyist for mandatory vaccination in the states in the media and now she is spreading the lie that the vaccinated suffer from the unvaccinated.

She has previously said she wants the unvaccinated to be removed from society altogether. 

Having people like this lady in vaccination lobbyists is the most telling evidence of what anti-Covid vaccination is and whether BigPharma injections are worth it.

What could be more surreal about this picture, Friends, where by no means a non-Jewish China honors and welcomes the Jew who wrote the Capital on the order of his cousin Rothschild, the son of hereditary rabbis of the Ashkenazi Jews Hirschel Mordechai and Henrietta Pressburg Haim Hirschel Mordechai, known as Marx. 

An article by the New York Times dated September 27, 1996.

💉🤡The most popular attempt by a so-called reporter, and in fact, a propagandist, to go to the advertising of the BiPharma vaccine from a racial side. 

🇨🇳In the background of Xi's talk about the multipolarity of the post-Covid world, China does not abandon the attempt to lead the world and make it unipolar, which exposes Xi as an ordinary manipulator and liar, not unlike the leaders of the United States.

China has invited Syria to join its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and with it promised generous investments in Syrian roads, railways, ports, telecommunications, hotels and more. The offer came this week from Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who was the first high-ranking guest in Damascus since Bashar al-Assad's false re-election as president. 

A New Lie from the office of the swindler Fauci. "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated"

By May, the CDC had identified 10,000 COVID19 infections in vaccinated people, so they stopped counting. I'm not kidding. It's not satire. They stopped counting.

Now the headlines read "pandemic of the unvaccinated" and "99% of new Covid cases come from the unvaccinated."

Well, obviously, if you stop counting infections in "vaccinated," then all 100% of the infection will come from the "unvaccinated."

Dr. Peter McCulloo says the reality is that about 50% of current COVID-19 infections come from vaccinated people.

"My daughter works as a nurse in the covid department, she said that hospitals exclude information about vaccines from the cards and even no longer ask patients at all if they have been vaccinated! What a bunch of lies they feed to the public," one of the users confirms to us the above information.

So, Friends, they lie and fear, they have shaking hands and feet, they have nothing left but lies and fear. Don't be intimidated, don't support lies. You see how dishonest and deceitful these bastards are. 

There are no terms other than "bastard" in the biblical sense, that is, one who does not have a heavenly Father. 

These people are pure evil.

Countries with the most vaccinated populations now have the highest incidence of false Covid.

Currently, there are statistics that the higher the false vaccination rate in a country, the higher the incidence of real cases of false Covid. 

Inventor of mRNA "experimental gene therapy" Dr. Robert Malone is worried. And rightly so. 

In fact, he said from the beginning that mRNA-like vaccines are not intended as vaccines, but as experimental cancer treatments.

Here's what bothered Malone:

Something really strange is happening: in Europe, we are seeing growth in many places where most of the population is already vaccinated. 

At the same time, the 15 countries with the lowest vaccinations don't seem to have a problem. At some point, denying this problem will become painful.

According to laboratory tests by a group of Spanish scientists that have not yet been fully studied, a vial of the Pfizer vaccine contains graphene oxide.

Graphene oxide is a poison and is used only in cancer patients in severe cases and for certain local treatments.

The results of a Spanish study show that reported deaths and "side effects" associated with vaccines 

(e.g., published in the U.S. by the CDC and the EU) are associated with the presence of graphene oxide nanoparticles contained in the ampoule of the Covid vaccine.

It is noteworthy that graphene oxide is also part of the face mask.

Graphene has electromagnetic properties that have been demonstrated on vaccinated people. These effects are properly documented and confirmed. 

The positive thing about this news is that the truth is slowly but surely being revealed.






A little Italian humor for you a day! 

♐️ ♋️👬♋️♐️

Gino and Pino live in the same building...

Gino has a Green Pass

Pinot doesn't have a Green pass.

Gino can go to the bar.

Pinot can't go to the bar.

Gino goes to the bar.

Pino fucks Gino's wife.

The end 😂

Famous plagiarism. Nothing new except the chosen technologists.

"Dark Winter": Not only was the Russian savings account spotted. 

Special operation corona and was planned. What did you want? You have a false virus 🦠, you have a false test, you have a false doctor, you have a false politician, you have a false journalist and a false media.

You are one solid counterfeit all.

     Nuremberg- Article 6, Section 3: 

In no case shall the collective agreement of the community or the consent of the community leader or other authority be a substitute for the informed consent of the individual."

So, Friends, in view of the fact that we are going to the finish line and in the autumn of 2021 it will become clear exactly on which side the historical pendulum of events will freeze, we will bring to your attention a procession algorithm so that you understand what will follow what will follow, so that you can navigate and order tickets on time, as well as effectively and correctly conduct your preparations.

🚩Classification: People are divided into "us and them."

🚩Symvolization: People are forced to identify themselves (stars, vaccination passports, etc., etc.).

🚩Discrimination: People are beginning to face systematic discrimination.

🚩Dehumanization: People are equated with animals, parasites or diseases (the media has already tried to call vaccine refusals the cause of the ongoing waves of the pandemic, and even children were called carriers of infections by the media)

🚩Organization: Governments establish special teams (police/military) to enforce genocidal policies

🚩Polarization: Governments broadcast propaganda through the media to turn the population against the target group of people.

🚩Preparation: Official action on resettlement/displacement of people.

🚩Respective: The beginning of murders, the weaning of property, judicial and extrajudicial killings.

🚩Destruction: Complete destruction of the target group and its "extermination" (not murder), because people do not

are considered human.

🚩Decornment: The Government denies that it has committed any of the above crimes.

Nuremberg was aimed at all this, because then people had a living history showing all the stages of genocide, and before the eyes of Humanity there was a living picture showing the World what follows. 

Now the authorities of all countries have decided to despise "Nuremberg" and all this will end very sadly for both people and those who despised "Nuremberg". Pushed everywhere and everywhere by various media mandatory pederasty and black-smearing, mandatory universal vaccination violates several points of the Nuremberg "code".

The epiphany of those in power, Friends, will be extremely painful and painful, and the fall of the veil from their eyes will drive many people crazy, for not everyone will be able to survive in a sober mind and memory a change in lifestyle. 

It will be very interesting to watch the throwing in the chamber of all sorts of first persons. Meanwhile, Friends, I would like to remind you once again that the Victory in the Second World War over Nazism is an integral part of world history and its latest document, the Nuremberg Code, and this makes compliance with the Nuremberg Code in the world mandatory❗️

Consequently, all those who call for the introduction of obligations and violence with vaccination 💉, are criminals calling for the violating of national constitutions of different countries of the world.

Alexandra Erinn . "The Worst Week of My Life," "The Ets Hospital," "Guys with Kids," and "It's a Disaster.

2000 continues with a catastrophe in life. 

Joan Collins and I. 

ᱬ𐍂. 𑀉ᱛ᱙𐌉ꤍ𐌳𑀉 ꤕ𐌽ᱚ ଓ+

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