The False Pandemic of Communism NWO 

The False Pandemic of Communism NWO 

TRibUlE bUReaU

Utopian communism, or did we know the degenerates of many. 10 facts about communism, which in one way or another beautifully told us the Great Ronald Reagan in anecdotes 

Communism is an ideology with a rich but short history. Based in its most sophisticated and complete form on the works of Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx, it quickly, like a virus, began to spread among European intellectuals, promising its adherents cardinal changes in life and, in the future, paradise on Earth. Starting with circles like "Emancipation of Labor", communism began to take a party form and, finally, for the first time was embodied in the form of a completely new state on the world map - the USSR. At the same time, ignoring the laws of economics and the obvious inconsistency of the way of life of communist leaders with the ideas they preached (at least in social terms - these are journalists, writers, adventurers, burghers, etc., and not proletarians) did not prevent the doctrine from winning the weak inflamed minds of many people and, through the deception of the proletariat and the peasantry, from coming to power. Here are 10 basic facts about communism that are impressive. After all, this ideology has done a lot to ensure that Russia was first a poor terrorist country, and then in the 21st century it became the whole country fascist Russia. And today there are millions of communists in the world, millions of people seriously perceive the works of Marx and Engels as economically and politically adequate, solid works, which allegedly present real data on economic relations between workers and employers, on the formation of prices, the causes of poverty and much more.

Fact 1. Communism killed tens of millions of people – in the literal sense of the word (deaths from starvation we will mention below). This is known, I think, to everyone – not only in the USSR, but in many other countries where communism seized power, thousands and millions of citizens were killed: in Cambodia, China, Vietnam, Albania, North Korea, Cuba, africa. In Russia, as a result of the Red Terror, 28,000 people were killed in the Crimea alone (winter 1917-1918 and 1920-1921), and this is the minimum estimate. In total, the Red Terror in 1917-1923 claimed the lives of up to 2 million people (it was those killed, not counting those who died of disease, hunger, lack of money, were left without a family, etc.). Throughout the 1920s, repressions continued against the opposition, peasants, church ministers - tens of thousands of repressed. In the 1930s, repression intensified many times: anti-church and anti-kulak campaigns; forced collectivization; trials of politicians, military and academics; In the early 1930s, the Gulag was created, which absorbed colonies, camps and special settlements, through which more than ten million people passed, and more than 2.2 million died. During the "Great Terror" of 1937-1938, more than 681,000 people were shot. In Spain, as a result of terror by left-wing anarchists, both before and during the civil war, at least 38,000 people were killed by communists. In Albania, during the reign of Enver Hoxha, more than 21 thousand citizens were killed (despite the fact that the population of the country after the Second World War was only one million, and by the end of the communist era - 3 million). In Cuba, the Castro regime killed more than 14,000 people, and this is not counting all the victims of repression. In Cambodia, the communists killed up to 3 million people in just three years, which was a third of the country's population at that time (and scientists still do not know the exact figure). In Mongolia, up to 35,000 people (5% of the country's population) were killed as a result of communist repression in the late 1930s. As a result of the Cultural Revolution alone, more than a million people were killed in China, and more than 5 million were repressed.

Fact 2. Communist countries were very poor as a result of communist activities. Indeed, despite the declared policy of "catch-up-and-overtake" (the name of the first Soviet machine tool DIP, copies from German, exactly how it was deciphered), not a single communist country has achieved a high standard of living for its citizens. People dreamed of escaping from the communist hell. Thousands of people fled from the GDR to the FRG. Thousands of people have fled and are fleeing to this day from the DPRK to South Korea. Citizens of the USSR were forbidden to travel freely around the world, so that they would not understand how poor their lives were (only certain categories of citizens could travel abroad). For example, the provision of the population of the Soviet Union with household appliances was minuscule. The number of refrigerators per 100 Soviet families in 1960 was equal to 4. That is, only 4 families out of a hundred had a refrigerator at home. In 1970, only 43 Soviet families in the city out of 100 had a refrigerator and only 13 out of 100 in the countryside. In 1962, 98.3% of families in the United States had refrigerators, and in Italy - 20%, in the USSR - 5.3%; in 1972, the USA - 99.9%, Italy - 85%, the USSR - 34.5%. Things were also bad with motorization. In 1965, there were only 4 cars per 1000 Soviet inhabitants, and in 1975 16. In the United States in 1975, the same figure is more than 500, in Europe - more than 250. The entire fleet of passenger cars in 1976 in the USSR was only 3.6 million units. The rest of the appliances were no better (see table). But there were enough hours for everyone – the result of a planned economy in action, when goods are produced not in accordance with demand, but on the basis of bureaucratic calculations and ideological attitudes.

Provision of Soviet families with household appliances. It is designed for every 100 families. As you can see, even in the 1970s, more than 30% of Soviet families did not have refrigerators and washing machines, not to mention a TELEVISION. Terrible, but these are figures that relate to one of the richest communist countries (it was better only in Poland, the GDR, Czechoslovakia). And what can we say about China, Korea, Cambodia, Albania, Cuba, etc. - in these countries, the communists created simply shameless poverty. During the decades of their rule, they failed to create in these countries not only a developed economy, but even a developing one. The only exceptions were Eastern European countries, which initially did not completely abandon the private economy and did not isolate themselves from trade with Western countries (not counting Albania), and were more economically developed even before the communist occupation. And how did Soviet citizens eat? In the most "communist" years of the USSR, when the "liberal" Khrushchev had not yet come, when there was no raw material money, i.e. under Comrade Stalin, the Soviet man ate ... worse than the citizens of the Empire in 1913. In 1937, on average, there were only 18 kg of meat per year – that's about 50 grams per day. Even by 1950, the meat situation was worse than before the revolution.

The bureau will shock, things were better only in Eastern European countries and worse in all other communist countries in Asia, Africa and America.

Fact 3. Communist leaders are very rich. Yes, despite the declared desire for social justice and ostentatious modesty, the leaders of the Communists never lived like the people. Joseph Stalin had 20 dachas throughout the Soviet Union. These were not typical Soviet dachas on 6 acres, but luxurious buildings for those times with swimming pools, canteens, bunkers, parks, servants, security and a car park. Here is a list of them:

The so-called "Near Dacha" in Kuntsevo. Photos taken here and here

And here is "Dalnyaya Dacha" ("Semenovskoe"). Not bad, right? Here's a description:

The dacha was created on the site of the English park of the estate "Semenovskoe-Otrada". The owner of the estate was Count Vladimir Grigoryevich Orlov, one of the five famous Orlov brothers. In terms of architecture and the location of the interior, the building was similar to Stalin's nearby dacha. This was done on purpose, so that the leader was always in his usual environment. The construction of the Far Dacha began in 1937 and lasted 2 years. A special construction department of the NKVD worked on the future residence of the leader. The dacha in Semyonovsky was immediately built of brick, in contrast to Volynskaya, which was first created from fiberboard blocks. It was even painted in the same green color as Stalin's favorite dacha - only in the early 80s Yuri Andropov ordered to paint it in light colors. All the rooms of the cottage are lined with wooden panels, decorated with fireplaces. Fireplace in the large dining room of the Far Cottage, decorated with onyx and opal. Of the four bedrooms in the house, Stalin was assigned the darkest, chinar: all the furniture in the room is made of this oriental wood. Next to the bedroom is the Small Dining Room with a grey marble fireplace. Despite the presence of a spacious dining room in the other wing, Stalin preferred to dine here. He disliked large rooms.

But it wasn't just Old Man Koba who loved to live on a grand scale. Other leaders have not lagged behind and are not far behind. North Korean leaders, or rather just a family of hereditary bandits, are very fond of luxury. The current Kim has a 29-meter yacht produced by the British company Princess Yachts International; another, larger size (about 60 m) is described by the famous basketball player Dennis Rodman, who visited Kim. He was staying with the North Korean leader on the dictator's personal island. The Secretary General also has his own personal suspension road at the Masik ski resort. Investigating the human rights situation in North Korea, the UN Commission concluded that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un eclipsed even his father, a well-known gourmet and admirer of the beautiful life, for his love of luxury. North Korea's spending on luxury goods in 2012 was $645.8 million. Meanwhile, Kim Jong-il spent an average of 330 million for these purposes. North Korean imports in the first year of Un's rule consisted of dozens of Mercedes-Benz limousines and musical instruments, including dozens of expensive pianos. The UN Commission did not find out how these and other luxury goods got to the DPRK, which, according to UN sanctions, can only be supplied with essential goods and medicines. A substantial amount cost Ng a personal cinema for a thousand spectators. The authors of the report believe that the North Korean leader is trying to buy the loyalty of his closest aides with expensive gifts and handouts. Hugo Chávez, oh the great Chavez, this Venezuelan people's leader who could spend hours chatting with citizens on the air, was also a billionaire. At least the personal fortune of his daughter Maria was estimated by the media at more than $ 4 billion. Not far behind and the youngest daughter Rosines, who with her photo in social networks, where she poses with a pack of dollars, caused a scandal - the turnover of American currency in Venezuela is prohibited. Pathological sadistic communist Enver Hoxha also had a good standard of living by Albanian standards of those years. Especially famous is its many kilometers of underground bunker, which the tyrant rebuilt for himself in case of nuclear war.

Hoxha also had a normal residence. Here it is and his personal limousine:

But that's certainly not all. There were residences and more interesting, for example, this former royal palace in Durres, where high-ranking guests were received.

Fidel Castro, as befits a communist leader, was no stranger to a luxurious life. No wonder he managed to get into the top ten richest dictators in the Forbes list, with a fortune of more than $ 900 million. The world was able to learn a lot about his way of life from the book of Castro's personal guard, who served the tyrant for 17 years - Juan Reynaldo Sanchez. He said that the leader of the Cuban revolution had a lot of real estate. In particular, he owned the private island of Cayo Piedra. There he had at his disposal a private villa with furniture decorated with ivory, a turtle farm and a personal dolphinarium. Fidel Castro's estate in Havana had its own medical center, basketball court, private jetty, and even a rooftop bowling alley. In total, the fugitive bodyguard counted twenty luxurious real estate objects from the leader of the Cuban revolution. On his private island, the Comandante sailed on his own yacht Aquarama II.According to the bodyguard, valuable species of Angolan wood were used in the design of its interiors. That's just about how this yacht was at the disposal of the Cuban leader, contradictory information comes. According to one version, this is a gift from Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev. According to another, Castro bought it himself. That Soviet leaders loved to send gifts to the Comandante is no secret. In Castro's garage there was an open car ZIL-111V, donated by Nikita Khrushchev, as well as an army SUV GAZ-69. However, there were also foreign cars in the fleet. Castro's bodyguard claims that most of all the leader of the Cuban revolution loved his Mercedes.

Let's look deeper into history and see how the gods of the communist pantheon Friedrich Engels and Vladimir Lenin lived. Here is what is known about Engels, the son of a wealthy textile manufacturer:

"Engels was the 'great decapitator of champagne bottles,' as his relative nicknamed him. Every Sunday, all the local left-wing intellectuals gathered at his home in London, and Engels fed and watered everyone. His crowning number was lobster salad. There was fun at the parties, and no one left before two or three o'clock in the morning. One day, friends sent out a comic questionnaire in which it was necessary to answer three questions: what do you consider the main virtue? Engels replied: cheerfulness. What is your idea of happiness? Bottle of "Chateau Margot" in 1848. Your motto? It's easy to treat everything." Marx taunted Engels in letters for the fact that in Manchester, where Engels's factory was located, he rotated in high society: he had fun, went fox hunting, dined in clubs. "Accept my congratulations," Marx wrote, "you have become a full-fledged and respectable bourgeois. You're not howling like a wolf yet?.." The craving for luxury of Vladimir Lenin, who lived most of his life on money and handouts of his mother, is evidenced by the place that he chose as his residence after the coup of 1917. He occupied the noble estate of Gorka and lived there without changing anything in the interior (i.e. the interior remained quite decaying-capitalist). And after his death, the chic palace was occupied by his younger brother Dmitry, who was not going to move anywhere. It was absolutely impossible to expel him: the stubborn Dmitry did not want to leave Gorki, although he had a beautiful apartment in Moscow. He only drank red wine and rode around the park in an automatic wheelchair, which was bought in England for Lenin by the People's Commissar for Foreign Trade of the USSR Krasin. In 1943, Dmitry Ulyanov died, and his family finally left the estate. Shubina said that the archive preserved a list of things that the widow of the deceased intended to transport to Moscow. The list of sets, porcelain and silver dishes takes up two sheets and is full of desperate notes of the first director of the museum: "You can't!", "Has to do with Lenin!", etc.

Gorki Manor today. It was in such a palace that the leader of the world proletariat was high.

Fact 4. The Communists did not achieve their goals anywhere, losing from the very beginning - the revolution in the developed countries with a large proletariat did not take place, but it was established in countries with a large share of the rural population and undeveloped industry. See for yourself:

There was no world revolution. Communists came to power exclusively in agrarian countries, although it was believed that it was in an industrialized country that communism was to be defeated (it was not for nothing that socialism as a formation went after capitalism, and the latter was a necessary condition for the emergence of the material and technical base of socialism). It is clear that when theorists were faced with reality, it was necessary to revise the theory, but you can not throw out the words from the song. The revolution failed to be fomented and exported to Europe. The Bolsheviks were stopped by the Poles in 1920, so they failed to bring the revolution on bayonets. The Hungarian Soviet Republic barely lasted four months in 1919. The Bavarian Soviet Republic lasted only a month. The Reds were driven out of the Baltics and Finland. No communist country has succeeded in creating a workable economy. Constant shortages and the need for Western technology and food led in most communist countries to a gradual abandonment of the basic economic principles of communism (socialization of production, rejection of money, etc.). The Communists failed to put an end to the institution of the state, its bureaucracy and exploitation. On the contrary, communism made the state comprehensive, totalitarian, centralized, and ruthless to any initiative.

Fact 5. Communism is against the traditional family, contrary to the modern image of some Russian members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation as advocates of a strong family. The Communist Manifesto declares the need to destroy the institution of the family:

Destruction of the family! Even the most extreme radicals resent this nefarious intention of the Communists.What is the basis of the modern, bourgeois family? On capital, on private profit. In a perfectly developed form, it exists only for the bourgeoisie; but it finds its complement in the forced familylessness of the proletarians and in public prostitution.The bourgeois family naturally disappears with the fall away of this addition, and both together disappear with the disappearance of capital. The introduction of a community of wives is further reported: But you Communists want to introduce a community of wives, the whole bourgeoisie shouts to us in chorus. He hears that the instruments of production are supposed to be made available for general use, and, of course, he cannot renounce the idea that women will suffer the same fate.He does not even suspect that it is precisely about eliminating such a situation of a woman when she is a simple instrument of production.However, there is nothing funnier than the high moral horror of our bourgeois about the imaginary official community of wives among the Communists. Our bourgeois, not content with the fact that they have the wives and daughters of their workers, not to mention official prostitution, see a special pleasure in seducing wives from each other. Communists could be reproached only for wanting to introduce an official, open one instead of a hypocritically veiled community of wives. But it goes without saying that with the destruction of the current relations of production, the resulting community of wives, that is, official and unofficial prostitution, will disappear. Marx wrote about the family (quoted by Engels in his work "The Origin of the Family"): "The modern family contains in its embryo not only slavery (servitus), but also serfdom, since it is associated from the very beginning with agricultural duties. It contains in miniature all those contradictions that later developed widely in society and in its state." Lenin understood perfectly well how to destroy the traditional family by tearing women away from the home and exploiting her in social production for the benefit of the state:

A woman continues to be a domestic slave, despite all the laws of liberation, for she is crushed, strangled, stultified, belittled by a small household, chaining her to the kitchen and to the nursery, plundering her labor with work to the savagery of unproductive, petty, nervous, stultifying, slaughtering. The real emancipation of women, real communism, will begin only where and when the mass struggle (led by the proletariat that wields state power) against this small household, or rather its mass restructuring into a large-scale socialist economy, begins. The second and main step is the abolition of private ownership of land, factories, plants. This, and only this, opens the way for the complete and effective liberation of women, her liberation from "domestic slavery" by moving from a small single household to a large socialized one.

That is, Lenin believed that the work of a woman on a large public farm is the liberation of a woman. It is true here that a woman employed in a no-man's enterprise (collective farm, state factory, state construction site) will simply be deprived of personal time, the opportunity to build personal relationships with the man to whom she has a sensual attachment and a desire to give the fruits of her time and labor only to him and the offspring received from him. But Lenin lied, calling this process liberation, since this process is the expropriation of the personal in favor of the party.

Fact 6. Communists are not averse to fighting their own kind. Contrary to their slogan "proletarians of all countries unite", countries with communist regimes were constantly in conflict with each other. Thus, after the victory of Mao Tse Tung in China, a new, alternative to Moscow, center began to appear in the world communist movement. China not only went to confrontation with the USSR (including military), but offered itself as the leading revolutionary force to the countries of the "Third World" - Africa and Asia. Nothing prevented China from attacking communist Vietnam, and the latter was the cause of the fall of Pol Pot's communist regime in Cambodia. At the same time, the USSR had difficult relations with Yugoslavia, which decided to go its own way. Yugoslavia was probably saved from a military attack by the USSR by a remote location and a fairly combat-ready army. Hungary and Czechoslovakia were much less fortunate. Especially interesting here is Albania under Enver Hoxha - it managed to conflict with everyone. Remaining loyal to Stalinism, Hoxha branded and brutally persecuted the "Titovites" and "Khrushchevites," and called Deng Xiaoping's regime "a gang of opportunists and mercenaries of the West." But since after the 1960s, and especially in the 1980s, there were no longer any communist regimes of Stalinist orientation in the world, Albania, due to its own principled nature, had to leave complete isolation until the death of its own tyrant. However, not only political relations between communist countries were turbulent. In personal relations between communist leaders, too, there was a constant struggle for power and recognition. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and others destroyed dozens of influential rivals during their reign. Within the framework of communism, there are so many currents generated by these proud careerists and adventurers that the spirit is breathtaking: Trotskyism, Stalinism, Leninism, Maoism, Juche, Titoism, Khrushchevites, etc. This should not be surprising, because the ideology of communism is a continuous speculation, manipulation and just charlatanism.

Fact 7. Communist regimes are very short-lived. The most durable was the Soviet one - 74 years. The Chinese Communist Party has controlled the entire country for only 69 years and the fact that they have made such a radical departure from communist doctrine since the late 1970s that it is difficult to say how seriously they take the Doctrine of Marx-Lenin-Mao. In the DPRK, the communists have been in power for 70 years, in recent years the country has been slowly moving towards market methods of doing business. In Cuba, commis have been sitting for 59 years, but in 2016 it was announced the legalization of small and medium-sized businesses. Pol Pot's regime lasted only 3 years. Communist regimes in the ATS countries lasted less than 45 years. The record holders in this anti-rating are the Bavarian Soviet Republic (1 month of life) and the Hungarian Soviet Republic of 1919 (3 months). Why are communists leaving the scene so quickly? The answer is obvious – it is impossible to engage in destruction for a long time. After all, someday it must end, exhaust what can be divided and redistributed, without creating anything. Inhuman cruelty sooner or later bothers even the Communists themselves and they either die with the regime, or gradually reform from cannibalistic regimes to ordinary socialist ones.

Fact 8. The Communist International is implicit nationalism. What was the idea of the communists in the colony? National Liberation Struggle! Pol Pot in Cambodia carried out ethnic cleansing in favor of the Khmers, and the regimes in China and Albania were guided by the destruction of everything Western and European. The communist strategy of dividing the territories was based on the ethnic principle - the creation of numerous national territorial units, an active policy to increase national consciousness on the ground. Why place such an emphasis on ethnicity within the framework of an ideology that claims universality and the unification of all according to the class principle?

Fact 9. Communism spawned mass starvation in the twentieth century, a century when scientific and technological progress in developed countries left fears of famine years far in the past. Let's list the largest and saddest episodes:

Famine in the Volga region of 1921–1922. It arose in the territories controlled by the Bolsheviks. The main causes of the famine were the criminal policy of food distribution, war communism, the inability to produce and sell food products. The victims were 5 million people. Sometimes the cause is a severe drought - but in a market economy, bad weather causes a maximum of malnutrition, but not starvation of the population. If the Communists had not destroyed the entrepreneurs (and by that time, after the "black redistribution", the peasants were already the owners of the land and could produce and sell their products), then the drought would have led only to an increase in food prices, but not to its absence. Rising prices in this situation would be a defensive reaction of the economy to increased demand and reduced supply, thanks to which food would be enough for everyone, but in a smaller volume than in well-fed years. Famine in the USSR in 1932–1933. The main cause of the famine was forced collectivization, i.e. the final destruction of peasant farms and their forced transfer to collective farms. The village was ravaged, millions of peasants fled to the cities, millions were exiled to the farthest corners of the country. In Ukraine, the Bolsheviks pursued a conscious policy of creating a man-made famine, which was Stalin's way of punishing recalcitrant regions. The Bolshevik occupiers confiscated food products from farms in the course of "grain procurement", and completely, leaving people without food at all. During the implementation of the law "on three spikelets" from August to December 1932, the Bolsheviks convicted 125,000 people and killed more than 5,000. According to the statement of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of April 2, 2008:

As a result of the famine caused by forced collectivization, many regions of the RSFSR suffered (the Volga region, the Central Black Earth region, the North Caucasus, the Urals, the Crimea, part of Western Siberia), Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Belarus. From hunger and diseases associated with malnutrition, in 1932-1933, about 7 million people died there. The Great Chinese Famine of 1959–1961 (The Great Leap Forward). In fact, it is a copy of the famine in the USSR of the 1930s, because it was caused by similar reasons: forced collectivization, the destruction of private land ownership, repression of those who resist; industrialization, for the needs of which the village was deprived of workers. Another reason was the extermination of sparrows initiated by the communist cannibalistic leadership, which was considered as pests to the crop. As a result, the ecosystem was disrupted, the population of caterpillars and locusts grew significantly, which was an additional blow to the crop. The result is between 15 and 36 million victims of red bandits. Famine in Cuba in 1990–1995. Cuba was heavily dependent on handouts from the USSR, but when such a large donor was gone, problems began in the "economy" of the island:

During this period, Cubans felt hungry: adults had an average daily protein intake of 15-20 g and lost an average of 5-25% of body weight. in Cuba, the mortality rate for the elderly increased by 20 per cent from 1982 to 1993. Thirty thousand Cubans left the country, and thousands of these emigrants drowned or were killed by sharks in the Gulf of Mexico. In 1993, Cuba accepted U.S. donations for food, medicine, and cash, and in 1994, a system of private farmers' markets was established to provide easy access to local food. Famine in the DPRK in 1995-1999. Similar to Cuba, the DPRK was heavily dependent on economic aid from the USSR and its satellites, while no attempt was made to reform the food distribution card system. The situation was complicated by unfavorable weather conditions, which, as in the case of the famine in the Volga region of 1921-1922, would not have led to starvation if there was a market system of production and distribution of goods. The result of the criminal policy of the Reds was up to 3.5 million dead and cannibalism.

Fact 10. Communism spawned a system of concentration camps around the world, through which millions of innocent citizens passed, getting there only because they were born "in the wrong family" or had "popov" or "kulak" origin. The largest was the Gulag system. Millions of ordinary people passed through the system, who at one time or another were not in the right place at the right time under the gun of the punishers. For incomplete data on the victims of this system, see the table below.

Source of the first table: Zemskov V.N.

According to the nature of the crimes, the prisoners of the Gulag were distributed as follows (March 1, 1940): for counter-revolutionary activities - 28.7%, for especially dangerous crimes against the order of management - 5.4%, for hooliganism, speculation and other crimes against management - 12.4%, theft - 9.7%, official and economic crimes - 8.9%, crimes against the person - 5.9%, embezzlement of socialist property - 1.5%, other crimes - 27.5%. All those who did not want to recognize the Bolshevik occupation were declared counterrevolutionary figures. Particularly dangerous crimes against the order of government included such "grave sins" as refusal or evasion of the call to serve active military service, evasion of mobilization into the ranks of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, failure to report reliably known planned or committed crimes, qualified smuggling, violation of the provisions on the monopoly of foreign trade, violation of the rules on currency transactions. Speculation was an attempt to exchange goods among themselves without permission from above. Thefts in Stalin's time were committed most often by starving people, deprived of the opportunity to get food in normal ways.

In the DPRK, to this day, there is a network of concentration camps in which up to 200,000 people rot alive (according to UN estimates). All these people are political prisoners. There was (and probably still is) a camp system in Cuba. According to various estimates, up to 500 thousand people passed through it. In La Cabaña alone in 1959 – and this is an ancient fortress – the loser in life Erenesto Che Guevara led the execution of 600 people. In Cuban labor camps, people were imprisoned simply for being "overly religious" or listening to rock and roll. During the rule of the Communists in Cambodia from 1975 to 1978, a network of concentration camps was also created, where victims were subjected to terrible torture (eating feces and urine, pulling out nails, chopping off limbs, tails, etc.) and executions (usually using agricultural implements to save ammunition, children and babies were simply smashed into trees). The Choeng Ek concentration camp, the Phnomsampo Caves and the "Security Prison 21" (Tuolslang) are notorious. These are the terrible facts we have to discuss today in the 21st century with our colleagues and the sources of the international investigation group Mega Crimes of the 21st Century NWO through the false pandemic of the conspirators. Very unpleasant and terrible facts for our time ... Communism still exists today and is thirsty for blood. In Russia, now millions of poor people who consider themselves communists, in fact, this is already a red-brown plague of the 21st century dressing up in the uniform of the NKVD punishers and wearing T-shirts with Dzerzhinsky and Beria. They profess the same ideology espoused by Che Guevara, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, Stalin, Hoxha and other executioners. This has long frightened and alarmed specialists, but alas, plunging into debauchery, lies and squalor of existence, the Western administrations of Europe and the US administration not only slept through everything and cocained, they themselves embarked on this slippery path of communism and fascism. And given how bloody the doctrine is communism, don't try to undermine it by denouncing false concerns about health and CO2.  We all understand perfectly well what you are really doing, the Western administrations of Europe and the United States, consisting entirely of disgusting liars of degenerates and making unprecedented efforts to deceive and murder their own population, introducing this ideology of NWO communism around the globe through chip, control, finance, 5G, Elon's satellite 🛰 and the world government of itself wretched walking dead. 

Ancient Communist Ideas


Utopian Communism 

In addition to the mass of ascetic communism, which the Tribule Bureau is not ready to describe in detail now in this material, as well as to devote precious time to various ancient sects of degenerates of revolutionary Anabaptist communism, we will go straight to the next hall of the Middle Ages and get acquainted with specific figures of slackers, at the dawn, so to speak, of modern times, which gave rise to the current situation of world madness NWO ode pandemics - materialistic communism. 

The full version of today's investigation 02/07/2022 can be read in the channel

Communist doctrine first appears in religious form: religion, with its authority, as it were, sanctifies already disappeared or disappeared forms that seemed beautiful due to the belief that the golden age is over. The kingdom of the gods, according to legend[which?], was a time of complete domination by communism. Fraternal life in communism was led by many priests of the ancient world (in Memphis, Thebes, Delphi, Eleusis, Samothrace), Gallic druids and Jewish prophets. The same regime was practiced in Buddhist monasteries. The communist teachings of the Chinese philosophers Yang Zhu and Mo-di were also distinguished by their moral and religious character, of which the latter demanded the community of property, wives and children. In Greece, communism was expressed in social novels that did not reach us, idealizing the social life of barbarians, for example, scythians, and attributing to them a communist way of life, as well as in the teachings of many philosophers. Phaleas of Chalcedon was the first, according to Aristotle, to propose a plan for the reorganization of society on the basis of full equality and common possession of land. The Sophists spread communist ideas. They were probably portrayed by Aristophanes in the comedy Women in the Popular Assembly (Ἐκκλεσιάζουσαι). Here, the Athenian Praxagoras paints a picture of life under the "communist" order, when all property will be generalized and everyone will receive his share for life; while the land will be cultivated by slaves, courts and marital relations will be abolished, children will also be considered common. Pythagoras gathered around him disciples, who together with him practiced the system of complete communication of possessions. More than 2,000 individuals in Greater Greece have internalized, according to his biographer Porphyry, the communist way of thinking of Pythagoras. The principle of the Pythagoreans: inter amicos omnia communia (among friends everything is common). The Epicureans, according to Diogenes Laertius, also led a communist lifestyle. The most complete theoretical elaboration of the communist ideal in Greece belongs to Plato. "The best state, the best government, the best laws," he says in his conversation "On Laws," "are those that fulfill the old saying: friends have everything in common, and if possible, common wives, common children, common estates." In the conversation "On the State", Plato draws an ideal, in his opinion, social system, in which the two upper classes of warriors (or guardians) and rulers (or philosophers) lead a communist way of life and have no property. Through the work of the third class, artisans and farmers, they satisfy their necessary needs; luxury and storage of precious metals are forbidden to them; their communism extends to clothing, food, housing, wives and children. "A community of wives and children will bring the greatest good. Everyone will see the other as a sister or brother, a son or a daughter, a father or a mother." The communist ideas of Pythagoras and Plato later found followers in the person of Apollonius of Tyana and Plotinus, and the latter sought their practical implementation, but without success. The real refuge of communism continued to be religious sects (Essenes, Therapists). "All believers were together and had everything in common: they sold estates and all property, and shared them with all, depending on the need of each" (Acts of the Apostles, II, 44-45). Later, communist ideas became the property of sects that had fallen away from orthodoxy, but also among the churches they were used in monasteries. At the beginning of the second century, Carpocrates, a philosopher from Alexandria, demanded a community of wives and property, resulting, in his opinion, from the laws of nature. A number of other sects originated from Egypt and Syria: the Phibionites, the Agapets and others who professed the teachings of communism. Directly from among the Christians came out in the first century the Nicolaites, who saw in voluntary prostitution the belittling of the flesh and deduced property communism from the teaching and example of the apostles.

Utopian Communism 

Municipalities in the United States

Kabe marked the blow to the United States and practically tried to introduce and implement his wet dreams as an onanist in the United States, for which in 1847 he bought a million acres of land in Texas and organized the resettlement of French workers there. Bill Gates just checks this experience, there is nothing new for us investigators. After a series of failures on the site of the proposed colony, the emigrants settled in New Orleans, where Kabe came to them, organizing a new colony of 280 people in Nova (Illinois). Thanks to the hard work of the settlers, the affairs of the Ikarian community went well and until 1855 its population increased, reaching a figure of 500 members. But this year, discord and discontent emerged against Kabe, who had arrogated dictatorial power to himself. He was arrested and deported from the colony, after which 200 people of the degenerate hostages followed him to St. Louis (Missouri), where a new hostel was founded, only briefly outliving its founder. Meanwhile, the remaining Ikarians in Nova, having moved to Iowa, set up a new agricultural colony here, on republican-communist grounds. The zemler, who visited it in 1879, tells of the desire for a poll section that was then manifested in the younger generation. Independently of Cabe, in the 20-40 years a number of other communist communities of degenerates, mainly of a religious nature, arose in America. The greatest prosperity was achieved in Iowa by the Aman society, which was composed of Germans who had migrated in 1842 and were united by religious fanaticism. There, up to 1600 people occupied and cultivated about 30,000 acres, enforcing the strict principles of ascetic communism. The same character characterizes the communities of perfectionists or biblical communists (their founder is John Noyes), who renounced citizenship of the United States, rejected property and marriage and established equality of the sexes; then the Zoarian separatist community (Ohio), the "economy" of the harmonists (followers of Georg Rapp), and many others. A common feature of all American communist experiences is their extreme fragility and the religious fanaticism of their founders; some were also particularly consistent in the implementation of communist principles, which applied not only to property but also to marriage.

Communist ideas in Belgium, Germany and Switzerland

Echoes of French communism in Belgium are the articles of Iotrand in the newspaper "Courrier Belge", in Switzerland and Germany - agitation and writings of the apprentice tailor Wilhelm Weitling. In his major work, Garantien der Harmonie und Freiheit, Weitling eclectically combined the thoughts of Campanella, Babeuf, Owen, Cabet, and Fourier. This mixture of socialism and communism led him to Desjardins' repartitional formula, regardless of the latter.*****

Marxism proclaimed the immediate goal of creating a proletarian state and abolishing large-scale private ownership of the means of production. The main principle of such a state was proclaimed the slogan "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his labor", while maintaining wages and monetary distribution of goods. A system in which the state is the owner of the means of production is usually called socialism. In the long term, Marx predicted the emergence of a system based on the principle of "each according to his ability, to each according to his needs", which was usually called communism, and some modern Marxists called complete communism. Marx himself called communism a socio-economic formation based on social ownership of the means of production, the first stage of which is socialism and the highest stage is communism. Thus, the Marxist term "communism" unites these two systems.

From the end of the nineteenth century to the present day, the most significant communist ideologies are anarcho-communism and Marxism. In the twentieth century, communist doctrines such as Leninism, Trotskyism and Maoism emerged on the basis of Marxism.

It seemed to us, a team of pragmatic practitioners of life, as well as experienced investigators, that everything was already clear on this topic for a long time, more than 100 years clear, everything is well known how ideological drug addiction and alcoholism end. But it turns out that this is not clear to everyone, not to everyone ... yeah, that's what it's all about. You say, "Don't go there a fool 😝, you're going to get killed by a high-voltage current, and don't stick your crooked hands growing out of your ass with your fingers trembling after cocaine, don't stick your fingers, don't stick your pee in there, move away from this box and do the fool's business. But no, he continues to experiment with the walking dead. 👇 

A fabulous dolboeb is a phrase denoting an extreme degree of stupidity of the opponent.

  "It's May the wizard waving his soft puff..."

Yeah, 'cause you white, motherfucker.

It's may-pamper, it's may-sorcerer

It blows fresh.

My dear! If only we could meet

In the sonorous holiday of young May -

And lilacs to breathe, and to listen to nightingales,

A world of love and passion embracing!

Oh, how happy I would be by your love,

How many dreams in my tired heart

This may-pamper, this may-sorcerer

I'd wake you up with my swagger!..

Fabulous fucking. Why was he only released from the hospital?

     All, Los Angeles Went On Pussy 



 Elon Musk – Natal Chart Calculation 🧾 

Oh, man, you know what some fucker did the other day?

You dumb motherfucker, you realize you're shooting at Marines?

Russian technology as a gift 🎁 for the New Year in the form of a graphene nanotube in the hand.

At the beginning of 2020, the Novosibirsk company OCSiAl launched a second unit synthesizing graphene nanotubes at the planned capacity.

       Wasting food, motherfucker.

There he was initially sent, but after the last phrase, they laughed and said that they could try it. A minute later CNN: "A medical expert from the CCP hijacked a launch vehicle, special signs, narrow eyes 👀, a disgusting nauseating 🤮 voice and mannerisms very similar to 紅衛兵, pr. 红卫兵, Red Guard, literally: "Red Guards", there is a sign on my chest - I am a clinical fool with a narrow pussy like the eyes - a word consonant with the word idiot. " Five minutes later, the MSNBC call is "I see a fabulous fucking guy driving down Lenin Avenue on the outskirts of New York City. Other people began to call, the fabulous chased a whole motorcade of cars and detained the police, who also listened to CNN and MSNBC. In general, everything ended happily, they arranged a huge booze (the ratings rose significantly, everyone who listened and did not listen, followed this chase, even promised to make a special program where they would report on the hijacking of missiles by the US Chinese), in the city on expensive premium cars of Mexican golodrantsy Soros and Barry Obama even began to appear different inscriptions. 


The phrase fabulous is used as a characteristic of an extreme degree of stupidity and idiocy. "Fabulous Fuckboy" does something so stupid and wild that it's hard to believe that it really happens in reality.

UNESCO has added the culture of cooking borsch to the list of national treasures of Ukraine.

So we will reach the hyugin AK-47, and there we will reach the Japanese nesting doll and the Chinese samovar a stone's throw away. And when it turns out that Jesus is a Jew, it is terrible to even imagine the brooding face of Elon Max with his mother, the NWO scrapers. 

To understand that Ukraine is an independent state and the same subject of international law as your country, one person does not need anything, and another just needs to become a world pariah and a war criminal.

This is the difference between a normal person and a violent idiot. 

Try to restrain yourself, instead of out from under my mouth write a statement and retire. From Instagram, Twitter, Facebook - Fei Shui, the screen 📺 too, push everything away, you have nothing to say for a long time, except to trade in the screen your empty stupid fuck and show the wardrobe on your hanger in the form of a mortal body. 

Not such birds were put in a cage and isolated from society and you will be imprisoned and you will sit in a cell with your books of memories, roles and songs with dances . 

And that terrorist attacks all over the world have stopped - for several months nothing has exploded anywhere? A terrorist country is busy destroying a neighboring country 

Take off all your costumes and jewelry, get confiscated property, put on a robe, and go to federal prison for a stunt. We don't need the degenerates of the island of bad luck. 

Mom Ilona Anna, what a squalor we have reached. Don't you know what fools gave these degenerates to fuck themselves all their lives? It's a shame for any decent pussy to shove those communist red carrots into themselves. Oh my God, Anna, fuck me rather Mom, I'm all grieving with impatience, I can no longer live without you Sweet 😊

Ronald Reagan, I didn't have time to run down the corridor of the left wing to Roni, after talking to Yura Andropov with bulging eyes:

"You have no idea what I learned! It turns out they ACTUALLY believe that we can attack them! Idea? And with these people I have to talk not to a psychiatrist, but to me ... 

- Roni, everything changed very coolly 😀 

Prophet or Sorcerer

It would seem that the biblical sources here are unambiguous: all magic is severely condemned as contrary to the belief in the omnipotence of the one G-d, whose will is beyond the control of man.

"Populism" of spiritual authorities

All sorts of superstitions, magical formulas, spells played an important role in the life of a simple Jew.

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