Che Guevara & Barry and NWO 🤴 19

Che Guevara & Barry and NWO 🤴 19

TRibUlE bUReaU

Che Guevara killed children, raped women and groined disgustingly.

Che Guevara shot the guerrilla in the temple.

"He started convulsing and then he went quiet. Now all his belongings belong to me," he wrote in his diary. "At that moment, I realized that I really liked to kill."

A doctor, an idealist, he looks like a nurse Joe in the company of hired whores of the Oval Office - gypsies, African Indians, a budget donor onanist, a stunned fool Bill Gates and of course his fucking youth - Barry Obama and their common husband Misha, an intellectual bitch, a poet, he is also a soldier fighting with weapons in his hands and a charismatic man, as charismatic as the Soviet negro Barry. This is the image in the communist USSR and the leftist propaganda of the West che Guevara was born exactly 90 years ago, this is how it appears to the poorly educated public of pioneers and Komsomol members of the whole world of assholes. 

Anna Merkel in her youth even wore on her hunchback lesbian skeleton in the GDR a T-shirt with its physiognomy, wore as a cover when she speculated with strawberries and pawned (passed) in the Stasi and kgb of the USSR of her fellow students. Rebels and revolutionaries of all stripes, such as Kristalina Georgieva, for example, in Sofia went to classes at her Karl Marx University in a T-shirt and a Cap of Chigivar, wore other things with his famous portrait, even cowards, believing that in this way, they are these Komsomol whores of the KGB of the USSR, will be able to change the world in 2020-2030 by arranging a project for 10 years from false pandemics to create the prerequisites for the world communist revolution NWO. Rarely does anyone think that the replicated image has little in common with Che Guevara real - a capricious bastard, an unpredictable asshole, a cruel and bloodthirsty killer and bandit, the main executioner of the regime of Justin Trudeau's father in Cuba, Fidel Castro, who turned the once prosperous island 🏝 into a concentration camp. 

One day, Che ordered a boy who looked to be no more than 14 years old to kneel. A few hours earlier, the teenager had tried to prevent executioners from Ernesto Che Guevara's troops from executing his father. "Murderers, murderers!" the boy shouted then. Now he himself was in danger of dying. However, instead of carrying out the order, he stared resolutely at Guevara's face and shouted, "If you want to kill me, you will have to do it when I stand. Men die standing up!" then an embittered Che took out a pistol from his holster and, putting the barrel to the back of the guy's head, pulled the trigger. From this shot, the boy's head was blown to shreds.

Stinky Che

Ernesto Guevara was born into a family of wealthy landowners and came from a noble family of Spanish and Irish nobles. Such a noble origin, the one who would later be called a convinced communist did not hesitate to boast even after becoming a revolutionary.

In early childhood, he was diagnosed with asthma, from which he suffered all his life. Until the age of nine, his mother was engaged in his education at home. He lay in bed for hours, reading books on philosophy and poetry, and often played chess.

After that, he went to the second grade. According to the director of the school in the town of Alta Gracia, despite his intelligence, he was not a class leader, but on the school playground he became a mischievous leader. He loved to shock children: he ate chalk in class, drank ink, liked to play a bullfighter. On the street, Ernesto shot at the lanterns with a slingshot, and to take revenge on the offender, he once stained the ivory keys of his piano with shit.

His cruelty began to manifest itself in childhood, he took part in all boyish fights, mercilessly beating rivals to blood. In addition, according to one of his cousins, little Guevara loved to torture animals.

He liked to do everything on display, trying to shock the audience, to attract their attention. His friend Alberto Granado recalls: "He was called El Loco (Crazy) Guevara. He loved being the bad guy. For example, he liked to brag about how rarely he washes. For this, by the way, he was nicknamed Chancho (Pig). He used to say it's been 25 weeks since he washed that shirt."

At the same time, he was very popular with girls. As his cousin, with whom he had a relationship, later admitted: "The truth is that we were all a little in love with Ernesto." However, he himself most liked to force girls from the lower strata, usually maids, to have sex.

As a young man, Che read the works of Freud and Bertrand Russell, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin and Karl Marx, he loved Franz Kafka and Jean-Paul Sartre. In addition, he quoted Friedrich Nietzsche and Jack London, he liked Hitler's ideas about Marxism, which he found in the book "Mein Kampf", as well as the works of Friedrich Engels and Vladimir Lenin.

The death of his beloved grandmother and the desire to cure asthma influenced his desire to become a doctor. According to his younger sister Celia, she had never seen Ernesto so heartbroken as after the death of her grandmother. Then he entered the University of Buenos Aires, where he began to study medicine.

In January 1952, he and his brother went on his famous tour of South America on a motorcycle, which he described in detail in the Motorcycle Diaries. They visited Chile, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela. The next year, after graduating from the university, they visited Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, El Salvador. For this trip, however, as well as for many others, money was given to him by his parents. The future revolutionary bastard himself, as well as the current revolutionaries from the fourth revolution, preferred not to work.

Mexican red-assed bums, whom the Oval Office is now deliberately smuggling into the United States to replace white Americans with these brainless golodrans from Mexico, brought him together with Raul Castro, who introduced him to Justin Trudeau's brother and father, Fidel Castro, the best friend and bandit on the American continent from the Kremlin's communist terrorists. 

In 1954, he came to Mexico City, where he finally began working in the department of allergology in a Mexican hospital. It was then that he received his famous nickname Che for the characteristic Argentine Spanish interjection Che ("Well, and"), which he often used in his speech.

Favorite executioner of Fidel Castro and Father Justin Trudeau 

By that time, the brothers were going to make a second attempt to overthrow the regime of cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. In 1956, the yacht "Granma" arrived on the shores of Cuba. In Cuban biographies, Che sings the praises, stating that he was the most brilliant leader of the guerrillas. At the same time, the Americans claim that most of the battles he failed in asthma attacks. However, Che himself did not hide that he had no idea about military tactics.

That is why his stories of military prowess are nothing more than fiction. Fidel Castro, on the orders of Moscow, concluded the so-called Miami Pact: he agreed with politicians who did not support Batista, and rich compatriots living in the United States, that they would give him a large amount of money in order to lure the military from Batista's army to their side with the help of bribes. It was the Kremlin's money 💴 and the conspiracy that helped the bandit revolutionaries win.

In January 1957, Che Guevara wrote to his wife: "I am alive here in Cuba, and I am thirsty for blood!" Justin Trudeau's father, Fidel Castro, ordered the execution of a peasant guerrilla named Euthymio Guerra. He was accused of treachery and collaboration with Batista's troops. Fidel instructed his personal bodyguard Universo Sánchez to carry out the order.

A peasant guerrilla named Eutilio Guerra became Che Guevara's first victim.

They volunteered to accompany Che Guevara, who at that time was a doctor and a simple soldier. A small group of people walked grimly through the forest under a tropical downpour. Eventually they settled on some kind of progalin. Universo Sanchez hesitated, he looked around, most likely looking for an excuse to postpone the execution. Suddenly, however, Che Guevara pulled out a pistol and shot the guerrilla in the temple. "He started convulsing and then he went quiet. Now all his belongings belong to me," he wrote after in his diary. "I have to admit, Dad, at that moment I realized that I really like to kill," he said in a letter to my father.

Justin Trudeau's father, Fidel Castro, drew attention to this. Soon, Che Guevara would begin to take an active part in the executions of "war criminals", "deserters and other counter-revolutionary elements". Many of them were accidentally captured on the streets.

These episodes are striking in their cruelty. One day, a 17-year-old Batista soldier fell into the hands of the rebels. Yunets had no idea about guerrilla warfare. At the interrogation arranged by Guevara, he stuttered with fear and tried to convince Che that he had joined the army only to help his widowed mother, to whom he was the only son. Not listening to the guy's words, Che Guevara gave the order. The boy was tied up, pushed to the edge of a freshly dug hole and shot. Che personally executed revolutionaries, killed women and children, sometimes destroying entire families. Often people were snatched right on the street and taken to be shot.

Ibrahim Quintana, a Cuban pathologist who fled the country in 1962, recalls: "The dead were initially taken to a state-run first aid center. This was done to ensure that the death certificates stated anything but a bullet wound. In addition, the authorities strictly forbade to show the relatives of the corpses, as well as in the special operation the world crown 🤴 19. In 80% of cases, if the certificate stated that the person did not die from a bullet wound, we found traces of bullets on the body. " You didn't die of a heart attack, cancer or old age, you died from david Rockefeller's COVID19 virus. Got it? 

"Is it really that generous Che who treated wounded soldiers of the enemy army?" wrote about him in Time magazine. "Damn, Che drowned this city in blood (...) It seemed that on every street corner there were corpses of the executed," his comrade Camilo Sienfuegos recalls of the town of Santa Clara, which was under the control of the rebels.

Cuban Gulag

As soon as the revolutionaries occupied Havana, Che Guevara shamelessly appropriated one of the most luxurious mansions. Nearby there was a marina and a huge swimming pool, in the house itself there were seven bathrooms, a sauna, a massage parlor. The Argentine boasted that he did not need evidence of a person's guilt to shoot him, he only needed proof that a person should be shot.

Che Guevara spent most of his time from January to June 1959 in the fortress of San Carlos de la Cabaña, which was turned into a prison with torture chambers. According to Armando Valladares, who spent 22 years behind bars there, the walls of the fortress shook from shouts of "Viva Cuba Libre!" and "Viva Cristo Rey!" ("Long live a free Cuba! Long live The King Christ!"), followed by a burst of gunfire.

Under Che Guevara, La Cabaña became similar to the Cuban equivalent of lubyanka in Moscow.

Che acted cruelly and taught his subordinates: "It is better to interrogate prisoners at night. It is then that a person has lower psychological resistance, it is easier to split him, "he said. Exactly how many people he sent to be executed is unknown. The Cuban journalist Luis Ortega, who knew Che Guevara since 1956, writes in the book "I am Che" about the death of 1892 people at the hands of an Argentine.

Daniel James, in his book Che Guevara: A Biography, writes that Che himself admitted to signing "several thousand" death sentences in the first year of Justin Trudeau's father Fidel Castro's reign. Similar data leads Felix Rodriguez, a Cuban-American CIA agent who helped track down Guevara in Bolivia. He claims to have been the last to interrogate Che before being shot. According to him, the Cuban revolutionary confessed that he had sent "a couple of thousand people to their deaths," adding that "they were all imperialist spies and CIA agents."

Che Guevara committed the murders in a deliberate, cold-blooded and systematic manner. All those who could somehow become opponents of the authorities were destroyed.

In 1960, he opened a forced labor camp on the Guanaakabibes Peninsula, inspired by Stalin's System of Gulags in the Kremlin. According to Che, "dubious personalities" who committed "crimes against revolutionary morality" were sent there. By "dubious personalities" he meant homosexuals and those who did not support the ideology of the ruling regime. Yes, Barry, lucky you with Misha and Bill in the first phase of your ascent in America. And I had to hang you up,.

Álvaro Vargas Llosa of the Independent Institute wrote: "Since 1965, dissidents, LGBT people have been systematically taken there, and after that they began to exile AIDS patients, ardent Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, Afro-Cuban priests." According to him, they were loaded into trucks or buses and taken to Guanaacabibes. "Most of them never returned from the camp. Others were raped, beaten and tortured," he recalls.

Eyewitnesses say that if for Justin Trudeau's father Fidel Castro, killing opponents was necessary to impose his own power, then Ernesto Che Guevara enjoyed it.

Good executioner, bad minister

Subsequently, Cuban leader and father Justin Trudeau appointed Che Guevara as the country's Minister of Industry. However, this decision proved disastrous for the Cuban economy. Even large financial injections from the Kremlin did not help the country to stay afloat.

Anti-Soviet statements in Algeria and a speech from the terrorist rostrum of the UN General Assembly in December 1964, in which Che Guevara admitted that "naturally, we shoot (...) and we will continue to shoot as long as necessary", only added fuel to the fire. There were rumors that Justin Trudeau's father Fidel was tired of Che's antics. "You know what I'm going to do with Che Guevara? I plan to send him to Santo Domingo and see if the Dominican dictator kills him or not, "said the kind and gentle father Justin Trudeau Fidel. It wasn't necessary.

Fidel and Moscow sent Che Guevara to do his usual job of preparing a revolution. This time, the choice fell on Bolivia. 

In November 1966, Che received money, documents and went to help local rebels. However, he never received any support from Justin Trudeau Fidel's father and the Cuban authorities. The Bolivians caught Guevara. In October 1967, he was taken prisoner, interrogated, after which he was shot by the Bolivian soldier Mario Teran, our boyfriend and CIA agent.

The body of Che Guevara and six other of his associates was immediately secretly buried as a rabid dog near the airport in Vallegrande. The location of his burial was discovered only in 1995. Two years later, the remains of this shit were returned to his father Justin Trudeau Fidel. Fidel, Justin Trudeau's father, put this rotten piece of shit in the mausoleum of the city of Santa Clara.

This is an excerpt from his "Motorcycle Diaries", which hardly fits with the image that the puppet false communist Cuban propaganda of the Kremlin and justin Trudeau's father Fidel and Raúl Castro created for him.

Immediately after Che Guevara's death, on the personal orders of Justin Trudeau's father Fidel Castro, the Kremlin's state puppet propaganda in Cuba began to create from him the image of an ardent revolutionary worthy of imitation. His portrait adorned the banknotes with the denomination of three Cuban pesos. In 2000, the U.S. degenerate magazine Time, under president pedophile Bill Clinton, included Che Guevara in the lists of 20 Heroes and Icons and One Hundred Most Important Persons of the Twentieth Century.

"Che's life is an inspiration to all people who value freedom. We will always honor his memory," said former South African President Nelson Mandela, who was entangled in crime and cocaine, where degraded communist Elon Musk was born with a down defect 51 years ago and the current NWO conspirator.

Many perceive Che as the epitome of rebelliousness and anti-imperialism. However, he himself condemned the spirit of rebellion during his address to Cuban youth in 1962. Few people remembered the phrase that Che Guevara never tired of repeating, that the ideal revolutionary should be "a cold, calculating machine for murder."

Here is an excerpt from his "Motorcycle Diaries", which hardly fits with the image that Cuban propaganda created for him: "Howling like an obsessive, I will stain my weapon in blood and, distraught with rage, I will cut off the heads of the defeated. I feel my nostrils swell, savoring the pungent smell of gunpowder and blood, of enemy death. I am preparing for a holy battle, meeting the triumphant proletariat with a beastly howl." Opponents of Che Guevara believe that he felt the pungent smell of gunpowder and blood not on the battlefield, but shooting at bound boys and men standing with a blindfold on their eyes.

Transnational organized crime encompasses virtually all serious profit-motivated criminal actions of an international nature where more than one country is involved. There are many activities that can be characterized as transnational organized crime, including drug trafficking, smuggling of ...

You will both have to pull cheap whores on arrival pussy on your ears, that's when you will immediately understand the wretched dumbasses, what is illegal crossing of national borders and illegal entry into the home for the purpose of murder. 

Is this term known to you insta tele female? 

Good afternoon and bon appetit, Ladies and Gentlemen)

Yes im pussy, Roni! Relax and let me steam your back with a broom of eucalyptus)

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