Project ‘’ The Mockingbirds $201’

Project ‘’ The Mockingbirds $201’


Our regular readers know that the Editors don't like to ride around on minor objects and paragraphs. If we go we go almost always to a specific address with a subject matter or staging. And now we are going just like many months ago in Nuremberg 2-0. Why are we going to Nuremberg? Because everything is clear - war criminals and crimes in this address of delivery of ➿✔️

Article 21 of the Charter of the Nurenberg International Military Tribunal states the following fundamental provision: "The Tribunal will not demand proof of well-known facts and will consider them proven. The Tribunal will also accept without evidence official government documents and reports from the United Nations, including acts and documents of committees set up in various allied countries to investigate war crimes, protocols and sentences of military or other tribunals of each of the United Nations."

One of the Gestapo leaders, Kurt Mindov, who was interrogated under oath, said: "There were small operational teams in the POW camps on the Eastern Front, the Einsatzkommen, led by the junior officers of the secret police (Gestapo). These teams were assigned to the camp chiefs, and it was their duty to single out those prisoners of war who were candidates for execution..."

The tribunal's verdict also established a mechanism for the extermination of prisoners of war: "... they should have been shot in the back of the head." 

All this was present in the Katyn tragedy. We didn't fully understand it then for reasons known to us, so we have a reason and a great desire to get together again 💲💱₽

ARTICHOK Project: Manchurian Candidate

The ARTICHOK project is a CIA project that originated from the PROJECT "BLUE BIRD".

ARTISHOK mind management program that collected information along with intelligence units of the Army, Navy, Air Force and FBI. The scale of the project was set out in a note dated January 1952, which stated, "Can we gain control over man to the point where he will comply with our demands against his will and even against the fundamental laws of nature, such as self-preservation?"

Project MKUltra is the code name of an illegal U.S. government human research operation experimenting in the behavioral engineering of humans through the CIA's Scientific Intelligence Division. The program began in the early 1950s, was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967 and officially halted in 1973. [1] The program engaged in many illegal activities; [2] [3] [4] in particular it used unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy. [2] (p74) [5] [6] [7] MKUltra involved the use of many methodologies to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture. [8]

Richard Helms' memorandum to CIA Director Allen Welsh Dulles stated that Artichoke became the MKULTRA project on April 13, 1953.

The technology that has been talked about for so long and continues to talk 🗣 everyone, including officials, maniac Gates and others has failed. The result of human trials in front of the eyes. 

Jean Marc Benoit, M.D.: "Mortality in the Vaccine Reporting System (VAERS) has been off the scale since its founding in 1990 in 2021." 



Doctor Fake

Animal Farm : A Fairy Story 

Chapter I

Mr. Jones, the master of the Lord's Court, locked the chicken coop for the night, but forgot about the loopholes for the young. The lantern in his hand was walking, a circle of light rushing from side to side, when he, writing out a venzel, went to the back of the blue, threw off his boots, pumped his last mug of beer from the barrel in the pantry, and climbed into the bed, where Mrs. Jones had already set the snoring.

As soon as the lights went out in the bedroom, all the services heard rustling and rustling. In the afternoon there was a rumor that the old leader, a prize-winning boar of the middle white breed, last night had an amazing dream and he wants to tell about it to animals. We agreed, as soon as Mr. Jones gets out, to gather in a big barn. The old leader (he was always called so, although he exhibited under the nickname Kras Willingdon) on the farm revered, and all willingly agreed to not sleep for an hour, just to listen to him.

Anthony Steven Fauci was born on December 24, 1940, in Brooklyn, New York. He is one of two children born to his mother Eugenia Fauci and his father Stephen Fauci.

Dr. Anthony Fauci's childhood years were spent in Brooklyn. As a child of fun, energetic, curious and, most importantly, a medical enthusiast legally sniffed drugs and dealt with drugs as if it were his childhood obsession.

Christina Grady went down the aisle with Fauci in 1985, and their marriage was the result of three little-known daughters. 

The names of Dr. Anthony Fauci's children, Megan Fauci, Jennifer Fauci and Alison Fauci, play an important role in the public health sector. In fact, at the time of our study of this scam, she was the head of the bioethics department of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Pictured below is a photo of Dr. Anthony Fauci's wife and children. 

Medicine was not an obsession, but a family affair of Dr. Anthony Fauci. His father was a pharmacist, and his mother and sister helped with the pharmacy.

Steven Fauci and Eugenie Fauci were parents to Anthony Fauci. They were both from an Italian family and owned a pharmacy in the Dyker Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn. Dr. Anthony Fauci's family also has Swiss family roots on the part of his mother. 

Fauci grew up and formed in an apartment above her father's pharmacy in Dyker Heights. The family later obtained an apartment in the Bensonhurst neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Joseph Goebbels received his PhD in Heidelberg in 1921, where, according to Shakespeare, Hamlet studied. Prince of Denmark reflected on the structure of the universe, about good and evil, the new philosopher - about the device of personal life with the support of evil, for he did not believe in good. He believed in natural selection, in which shamelessness takes the main place.

At 24, Goebbels was a painful chromo-like dwarf. He was despised by his peers, and he was disgusted by the young ladies. However, coming together later with Hitler, the Ph.D. quickly and excessively compensated for his flaws. He became insitoply rich, possessed unprecedented power and had undoubted success with self-serving female representatives. All critical mouths closed and some - forever.

In Goebbels' diaries, which featured at the Nuremberg Trials, many entries are devoted not to erotic fantasies, but to erotic realities of the leading propagandist of the Reich. They often mention Alma, Elzi, Anke and a number of other individuals, accurately describing where, when and under what circumstances it happened. Dates were appointed sometimes with two or three girlfriends on the same day.

For whom he carefully recorded his delights? After all, not for Magda's wife - a mother with many children. He wrote down for us - descendants. And not that to brag, he was a materialist and understood that he would not know about the reaction to his boasting. Goebbels shows us that with demonic help a man puny, premature, but shameless will always overtake healthy and attractive males.

Dr. Goebbels undoubtedly won in what is customary to call natural selection and that the majority is not questioned.

His six children he and Magda, with whom he was forbidden to divorce Hitler, personally poisoned, and then voluntarily killed themselves. No one will ever beat God and His truth. 

Beware of contact with evil spirits, whether you believe in it or not.

It is impossible for us to understand by whom and what quality of mind it is necessary to be, in order to continue all this 👆 higher below the 👇 higher in the turbojet mode of lying pulling the so much on the globe 🌎, to continue to convince huge masses of people to go and risk their health and life and to prick the experimental product indicated in all documents exactly as a product. And even without the composition and clinical trials. Someone who doesn't think much of it calls it a vaccine 👇

According to the injection of this unknown 👆the liquidity in the hand, or another part of the body risk how to lose health, lose offspring, as well as glue flippers is very large and such cases go to tens of thousands. Everyone has heard about thrombosis after Astrazeneca and even the deaths. 

However, despite this, the politicians of the first screen actors guild, the media and others, have deployed unprecedented to the village (2020-2021) in the history of the scale and intensity of a false advertising campaign vaccination. This is despite the fact that there are diseases in the world from which they really die. 

Are all those who from TV screens and their own official accounts, front pages of newspapers persuaded and continue to do so to go and risk their lives contrary to common sense and simple logic, all as one suddenly suddenly forgot about the legal consequences of these actions / omissions, and forgot about the sense of self-esteem, decency, reputation, honesty and other?

What's going on with people? 

WASHINGTON, December 29 (S.C.) Vice President Kamala Harris vaccinated her for a vaccine against coronavirus live and urged all Americans to follow suit.

"I'm now vaccinated... I want to encourage everyone to get vaccinated. It's relatively painless, it's really fast, it's safe... My husband will do it today. I'm waiting to get the second part of the vaccine. It's literally about saving lives. I trust scientists," she said after the minute-long procedure.

She said she was vaccinated with Moderna.

The minute-long procedure of Kamal's injection when reviewing and analyzing the video by professionals, turned out to be a tough divorce or a banal deception of fake 👇

🇺🇸 Article sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation

The special design of the syringe is made with a retractable needle. 

In this case, it would be difficult to determine the fake prick 👇

In our case, everyone did what they did. Actually, it's nothing new, as always.

Who sewed the suit? Who did it? I'm not going to do anything, I'm not going to scream, I just want to look him in the eye.

A hundred people come out. I say:

"Guys, who sewed the suit?

They say:

"We are!

I say:

Who is "we"?

They say:

"We have a narrow specialization. One sews a pocket, one - a run-in, I personally sew buttons. Do you have a claim to the buttons?

"No! They're going to die, you can't tear it off! Who sewed the suit? Who sewed my sleeves instead of my pants? Who sewed my pants instead of sleeves? Who did it?

They say:

-Thank you for not sewing our sleeves to the gulf.

Idea? There are a hundred of them, and I am alone. And everyone stands like buttons: to death. And I said:

"Hi guys! You're well settled!

We're still doing courses at the Editorial Building for moms and dads. Breastfeeding skills and other necessary knowledge, do not hesitate to ask. 

To the left of Bill Gates is former Soviet defense scientist Alexander Galitsky. 1997. Alexander Galitsky, former Soviet defense officer of the NGO ELAS, is now the head of the venture fund Almaz Capital Partners and much more. 

At the space communication station on the basis of a flat antenna-fared lattice, which transmitted information through IP protocol, 1990 .

Curiously, he talks about the interrogation in Washington, where they made a written commitment not to work with the enemies of the United States, but at the same time he finished the right to work for the benefit of Russia.

Founder of Almaz Capital Partners Venture Fund - in special project Revision: 

"The team of our foundation is scattered around the world, people sit in different places, together we gather twice a year. Then we celebrate everything that has accumulated during this time.

Where do you meet?

"It's different. For example, on the island of Olkhon on Baikal, in Las Vegas, San Francisco, London, Italy, Portugal... We choose places to spend time as a team. And communicate, and work, and relax. Or rather, they chose.

Unfortunately, travel has yet to be discussed in the past tense: the pandemic has made adjustments.

How many people are there at Almaz Capital?

Now it's 14. Not very much. The main base is California. Usually there is a so-called exit from our portfolio companies, but the main thing is not even in this. It is in Silicon Valley that there is a demand for our work. It so happened in the world that the consumption of innovation, at least in the field of information technology, is most in demand there. The U.S. share in this process is very significant. Especially in the first three years after the advent of some new technology.

"The U.S. is about to reach an unexpected milestone: too many vaccines, but not enough people taking it. The challenge will be to convince enough people to get vaccinated so that America can get back to normal."

Rockefeller has targeted people who do not want to take his poison, and motivates supporters of his vaccination against SARS to attack skeptics.

🇺🇸What may end the fake coronavirus outbreak in terms of the global strategy of the New World Order. And why is the current epidemic so publicized by American politicians? 

 Obama signed the FEMA Act. The North American Union, also known as the U.S. is becoming or may become the birthplace of a totalitarian world government. Since 2015, america has a martial law, where the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under certain circumstances can become the executive body of the State Military Police.

In the event of an artificial crisis, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is empowered to turn the United States into a police state and has the power to take full control of the United States. FEMA has the power to suspend the laws, move the entire population, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant and detain them without trial, impose an arrest on property, food supplies, transport and much more. 

Obviously, the real purpose of FEMA's counteractions in the crisis is to unite all the lands under one leader, omitting empty talk about the threat to individual freedom. According to the actors of the New World Order, they want the world to be largely "private land" for the sake of "sustainability", which is probably just a thinly veiled attempt to take full control of the planet. This agenda should be implemented in the period up to 2030. 

"We are on the verge of global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the new world order", - the notorious David Rockefeller broadcast at the UN dinner in 1994.👇

The question is: 'What's going on?' is definitely rhetorical for unprepared readers. Because the Editor-in-Chief himself understands the script perfectly and what really happens under the false veil of the 'pandemic' 👆

A German analyst talks about Biden's vaccination. We don't take an unscored German translation. This video is without comment by the 👇

New York 👇 Fake Troupes

A Dutch member of parliament talks about the Rockefeller Foundation's Lock Step project. He sarcastically congratulates the House of Representatives and tells them that Klaus Schwab will be proud of them! But conspiracy theorists have been shouting for a considerable time that Schwab, who thinks of himself as an elderly clown-idiot in costumes a la Darth Vader, and his cod with a paedophile whether Gates or without him soon all ringed, it's us, Friends, not this member of the Dutch Parliament.

"In the good of the beginning, can there be something bad, such as limitations. And if there is something bad in the good beginning, is it a good undertaking?"

International Criminal Court, ICC or ICCt; Fr. Cour pénale internationale; The ICC is the first permanent international criminal justice body to prosecute those responsible for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and crimes of aggression. It was established on the basis of the Rome Statute, adopted in 1998. Officially launched on July 1, 2002.

The COVID-19 documentary dossier begins in 2015. Richard Rockefeller's Dutch Patents.

Behind the masks is the suppression of the spirit and the indication of the slave status of THE WORLD.

Only slaves saturated masks - muzzles, so as not to spit in the master, that would not eat without permission, to finally suppress the spirit and will.

Masks could only be removed with permission and put on orders.

Training obedience. Or why were people forced to wear masks in antiquity?

Did you know that millennia before the introduction of the coronavirus, and even centuries before the advent of Islam, Arab girls and women wore a face mask called nijab (burka, burqa). It was worn not only to hide the face, but also to develop obedience. One of the early fathers of the Christian church, Tertullian, spoke about this in his article entitled "On the covering of the head of girls." Yes, he has such an article, or a message - Tertullian had time to circle.

For many years I studied and taught patrician (the teachings of the fathers of the church) and managed to understand and love many of them. They should also be treated - as people like you and me, who argue, get hot, make mistakes, correct, search, find or do not find. I mean, don't cling to Tertullian's words when you read. He's a weirdo, but he's a good one.

So, in this article, the Christian polemist Tertullian (today he would be called a blogger) addresses Christian girls admonishing them to cover their heads, in accordance with the words of the Apostle Paul and with "nature itself." And he does so with his inherent passionate fervor:

"Every good-hearted girl, which is shown in public, is subjected to the yotura of a kind of dishonesty... When the spirit is insulted, the veils help her to lose what she kept... Oh, sacrilege those hands that could rip off clothes dedicated to God! What would the worst be for the persecutor?.. Since you have opened the head of this young girl, she is full of hers in her own eyes."

In making his argument about the importance of covering a girl's and a woman's head, Tertullian also says that even outside the Christian or Jewish world, women covered and covered their heads. And in this context, he's talking about Arab women who have gone (or who have been led) even further, so that they cover their whole face. Here Tertullian makes an argument from Arab women - as a rebuke to women (and especially girls) Christian:

"The pagan women of Arabia will be your judges because they cover not only your head, but also the face, and so full that some even voluntarily content only with a small discovery for one (!?) eyes, preferring to see only half the light to open his whole face. A woman is more of an observer than an observer."

Tertullian does not argue that Christians should cover their faces, but it is clear that he believes that it would be better if they did so. In fact, he says that God has not placed such a burden on women, but that the inner nature of a woman (??) if she is not corrupted, tells her to hide rather than expose herself. By the way, please write to me, lovely girls and women - is it true what Tertullian says about your observance?

Addressing the Christians, Tertullian urges them to put an end to the "shame" and begin to cover, if not face, then at least the head: "Rise, truth, stand up! You've been patient for a long time. We must end this custom..." So I think, of course he's a weirdo, Tertullian. But now, society gradually went away and moved away from what was considered the norm before. The faces, the heads, and the... everything else. Poor Tertullian would have died on the spot, or would have fallen without feelings, if he had seen modern Russia, or even Arab countries.

But suddenly, Tertullian's dream that women would close their heads and face was fulfilled with a pandemic. But even then everything went wrong, as Tintullian wanted: the faces were closed not only to women, but also to men. That's how we finished. It would be no less shocking for Tertullian to see a man (men) with his face closed than to see a. The fact is that all his arguments he builds on the fact that a woman, by nature and by law, is subordinate to a man.

In this he does not invent wheels, but only follows in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul, and tradition in general. And covering the head (as well as concealing the face) is seen Tertullian not only as a sign of submission and obedience, but also as a way of forming their qualities. He notices, following the centenary experience of different nations, that wearing a mask (paranji) forms a submissive attitude in a person. For centuries, Eastern men have cultivated a submissive type of women - otherwise harems would have turned into revolutionary circles and "fights without rules."

At best, women would walk with chronically scratched faces. But wearing a burqa in public psychologically anonymized the woman, made her more submissive and executive, subordinated her will to the unconditional demands of the man. And it worked - good or bad. The East was on it, and the East, as you know, is a delicate matter. And now, the modern world, accustomed to the soling and fed up with it, decided to resort again to the services of a mask, or paranja.

Interestingly, psychologists have long, since the middle of the twentieth century conducted experiments showing that a person "without a face", that is, with a hidden face, soon loses many individual traits. When a person does not see the face of others, when he comes to understand that his face is hidden, the fine motor skills of the person's face are rebuilt, and the person acquires a less interested, more debilitating expression. And since all processes in human nature have a two-way connection, this leads to the anonymization of the person, to the transition to an even more gregarious level of existence. No living being has such an expressive face as a human being.

Suppression of external expressiveness can lead (if a person does not resist it actively) to suppression of internal expressiveness and idyviduality. And it is also noteworthy that although psychologists knew about this property of masks for a long time, at the mass level they were introduced only then (what a coincidence), when computer technology allowed to identify a person even in a mask. Previously, a masked man could rob, say, a bank, and still remain anonymous.

Today, a masked man is as recognizable as a computer as without a mask. The conclusions So was Tertullian, who in his righteous fervor cited Christians as an example of Arab women wearing masks? Let's remember that Tertullian never imposed or even offered Christian women (and especially men) the wearing of a burqa, the closure of the face. He simply insisted that women should cover their heads.

Yet he was right that hiding a person's face makes a person more submissive. However, Tertullian spoke of the virtuous obedience of women. And today this technology is used (in addition to its direct and necessary purpose) as a tamer of men and women. We did not want, did not seek that blessed obedience, which write Tertullian and The Apostle Paul - obedience to a woman to a man, protection of a woman by a man - that is, a natural symbiosis of love, which in general and inexpensively bought. And so, we found... Mask. For myself.

The last and most important thing I will say: do not be afraid to wear your mask - on its own it will not anonymize you. Does the mask form obedience? Awesome! Put it back on track - we all miss it. The obedience of God's will is what we all lack. The mask forms obedience to the authorities? Awesome! The Apostle Paul wrote:

The Apostle Paul, by the way, himself suffered from the authorities. But he was subdued and cool with them.

"Any soul may be submissive to the higher authorities, for there is no power not from God; existing powers from God are established. 2 Therefore, the opposing authority resists God's establishment. And those who oppose themselves will be condemned. 3 For the superiors are afraid not for good deeds, but for the evil. Do you want not to be afraid of the authorities? Do good, and you will receive praise from her, 4 for the chief is God's servant, to you for good. If you do evil, be afraid, for he does not wear the sword in vain: he is God's servant, the editder as punishment to the doer of evil. 5 And therefore it is necessary to obey not only for fear of punishment, but also according to conscience. 6 For this you, and pay, for they are God's servants, the most constantly occupied. 7 So, give credit to everyone: who to serve is to serve; To whom the rite is a sn about it. to whom fear is fear; to whom it is an honor."

What, too much Apostle Paul asks? I think that way sometimes. Too good an opinion he has about the authorities? I think so too. But the principle of Paul and all the apostles is the same: to listen to the authorities in everything, until obedience to them is not in conflict with obedience to God. Here, today belarusians are bullied on Batka. Does he forbid them to pray? The word of God to read? Is the church closing? Persecuting Christians? No? Then sit peacefully. And if the king turns into a persecutor of Christians (about whom it is said that touching them - touches the apple of the eye of the Almighty himself) - then the Lord himself will take care of it.

We've been saying about a single case for a long time. When citizens of the state have a moral right to express their protest to the authorities 🪧: this is when the state puts itself in the place of God. 

In 2006, John Moore wrote his article "No need for panic" in which he wrote about the four phases that we have to go through. Now, apparently, we are in the third phase.

"Phase 3 "will come like a thief in the night" when one day you will live a normal life, and the next day your world will turn over.

In the third phase, identification cards will be introduced, curfews and strict travel restrictions will be imposed."

He also wrote: "The possibility of a suspected terrorist act is very real. There is a serious danger of such a crisis as bird flu, which is either created or used (made so that it seems worse than it really is) to become an excuse for the imposition of martial law ... During the third phase, the authorities plan to implement their long-awaited New World Order or the Single World Government ... 

The fourth phase will be a military situation for some, anarchy for many and TEOTWAWKI for all!". 

TEOTWAWKI is the end of the world we knew (The end of the world as we know it)

💉Aferists and their Scam of the Century. Or clowns in the arena 

On camera, war criminals greet each other with their elbows.

Then, not knowing what they are seen, they cuddle like two lovers pedering pervert. 

Scotland Yard: "Using the latest available mortality data (until February 26), 2,207 people died within 28 days of vaccination (the number of days between vaccine and death is 0-27, where 0 is the day of vaccination)."

Summit in photos and videos below plots.

US President Joe Biden at

 got lost during the G7 summit.

 Masks 🎭 discarded, masks 🎭 discarded gentlemen...

Is Joe able to have any independent dialogue without a piece of paper with questions? 

Elizabeth 2 - Distance.

In the U.S. Senate: "The cow is a lie" and that the media are hiding the truth that #BigPharma, #BigTech, #BigMedia, WHO and others will be brought to justice.

It's not really going to be attracted. And we will contribute to this process  

If anyone is interested in the contents of Hunter Biden's infernal laptop is available here

It has everything: photos, locations, videos, letters, documents and so on 

The inventor of PCR tests Moulis, Dr. "The Bat" and her colleague and many others) have disappeared, killed or committed suicide, or disappeared without a trace, and what they call a virus is an exosoma, the release of cell fragments when it recovers itself."👇

Slave muzzles and gloves 🧤 

MASKI is the first resort that leads to the habituation of people's obedience to the world government!

GLOVES is the second way to record obedience. 

Do you people really think that the government cares about your health?? Your well-being? That you should live happily ever after? You have to be specifically crazy to believe it... The law on the mandatory wearing of masks, issued solely to crush those few people who did not succumb to a giant psychotropic attack through the media (means of manipulation of information) about the threat of the alleged coronavirus! The world government is in a rage, because despite the powerful propaganda of the virus (this is a vile false statistics about thousands of patients with the virus pneumonia and mortality) - there are many people ignoring satanic heresy! The government is simply furious at people who do not observe the regime of deceitful self-isolation. Legions of hired journalists, artists, historians and professional Internet agents (trolls) work for days on the black global PR of the virus and self-isolation. Their task is to convince people at all costs of the terrible danger of the virus! Or at least intimidate people with a deceitful pandemic! Previously, sex was obsessively promoted, everything was impregnated with it. And here the point is not to pump money from the population through the sale of masks and medicines! That's not what the government needs. A lot of people believed in the virus... Even doctors who have no idea what coronavirus really is! Shame on these doctors. By the way, blatant nonsense: therapists and doctors of narrow orientation in clinics do not work, and patients allegedly work on the virus for days supposedly biologists! And this "comedy" is obliged to believe. And even the priests believed! They are ashamed and ashamed at times more. 

The powers that have the world are interested only in one thing - to accustom people to obedience to the system! Masks - this is the first reception of "breaking" the will of a person. Through fear of infection (it is not clear what exactly), a person who has no religious education and will, will believe political psychological attacks and will accept a pseudo-protective remedy against the virus. Yes, weak-spirited people put on muzzles and closed their homes! The government rejoices heartily, they have managed to instill in the people false fear by backing up false statistics of disease and mortality. And people are not interested, for example, why all the attention of the media is focused on the problem of the crown, and not say alcoholism or drug addiction?.. And how will a person be interested, if he is not inclined to dig into the problem?? A man doesn't like to dig in! He's used to getting everything ready! He'll climb into the net and get the info ready. And the mechanism and process of making this information is not interested in a person! 

Masks are the first step in taming people to the WORLD system. The government does not need reasonable people, but sheep. The Rams who will execute any team. The goal of these commands is to execute the main, final command, adoption of electronic printing. And look, what happened? And almost everyone put on these muzzles! People do not need to be broken, five minutes of conversation about the coming epidemic of the disease on the television of the first person of the country - 90% of the human family were muzzled and sat at home. And those 10% of reasonable population of people who have given up "dog guises" and self-in-law at home - irritate world political leaders as hemorrhoids! People who continue to go to churches, communion with one bed and attached to the Holy Cross, cause unspeakable hatred among political diabolical forces! Believers are people who communion and drink holy water - do not get sick with any viruses! But these indicators are not diligently missed in the media! Instead of them, false videos with purchased doctors and "sick" are filmed. 

The leadership suffocates with malice, at those who do not obey the modes of deception. Moreover, the leadership is already trying to crush reasonable and religious people who resist the parasitic regime, introduces a mandatory "mask regime" and fines for its non-compliance. Ban on customer service without a mask. There is a strong breakdown of people who do not agree with the world deception. Will the world's evil, to break people completely? A lot depends on the people themselves. From their faith in God. Yes, you haven't heard, and you're not reading sectarian lines. The war for health and vaccine, which is now well underway, is not a political war, although it is being held at the highest political level. This is a spiritual war, and the enemy of people is not seen by the usual sight. This enemy has always preferred not to be believed in. 

In the example of masks you can see who believes in God, and who believes in corrupt medicine: who wears muzzles - he is already broken, who resists - he has a chance to survive and perhaps overpower the pressure of enemies. I will say one thing - the government needs people to voluntarily agree to chipping and electronic printing. There's nothing else to do. With a chip and a seal, a person will no longer be human. Therefore, people are gradually accustomed to obedience: we sit at home, communicate through the Internet (there is a huge, not visible to the eye negative pressure on the brain), put on gloves and muzzles. And then you start vaccinating, getting my passports and eventually printing. All this will be offered under the pressure of fear of the virus, the periods of which will be played out over the next few years. The police, with ardent opposition riot police, will work with especially dissenting people. Those people who put on masks, it is no longer difficult to impose everything else (vaccine, imun passport, electronic prints). And those who resist the world regime will be coerced, then detained and imprisoned in special prisons.

🇺🇸Who it's American-style rubbing.

Friends, remember one American clayomes, who ran for president in the United States, but never advanced. Well, what hasn't been the way to properly manage the city of South Bend, which is why he now holds the federal position of U.S. Secretary of Transportation 🇺🇸?

So, this brightest representative of the pedestrianism and in this federal position performs. Thus, having gone to some regular meeting of ministers, where he should be present at the post, at the car, he smeared near the place, unloaded the bike from the car, sat on it and went to the meeting place already on it. 

Given that Pete Buttijic is a back-up, that is, is a representative of such perversion as pederastia, the expression of fraud, Friends, played with new colors in all its senses . 

Pool in the childhood home am. journalist, TV presenter Anderson Cooper (Vanderbilt Estate), complete with ropes, because apparently in every pool there should be ropes, similar to the hangman's noose.

It is also a photograph of him and his then-brother - who later (after a suicide simulation) became Kathy Griffin - reading a bedtime story with his mother, wealthy heiress Gloria Vanderbilt. All of them on their comfortable children's bed, the wall above which is decorated with a beautiful work of art.

Get out of the bunker 

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