Murzilka 55.

Murzilka 55.

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"


There are no perfect crimes. There's bound to be evidence in every case. According to legend, a badgeman climbed into the car. In the car he spent no more than two minutes. But I've already managed to inherit. Now the main thing is to find the physical evidence and properly extract it from the crime scene.

The criminologist, as a surgeon, always works in gloves. Whatever you can do.

Colorless sweat-fat traces - so scientifically called fingerprints. They are almost everywhere. That's the main evidence in any crime. To identify them with magnetic powder, the criminologist sprinkles all the objects that the offender could touch. The prints appear within a few seconds. On them the expert sticks a daktilfilm. It looks like a regular sticky tape. Then it is removed and sealed.

Now we're checking the lock. It shows damage in the form of exposure to foreign objects. It's usually a knife or a screwdriver. You can't take that kind of evidence to the lab. Therefore, the criminologist takes pictures of her, making the shots as large as possible.

Now - work in the car. Here the expert is looking for what professionals call biological clues: hair, nails, pieces of skin. The first thing to check the back of the seat. Hair is most often left here. The specimen found is quite suitable for DNA testing.

You can't see the smell. But they, like fingerprints are always there at the crime scene. Most likely, the thief was behind the wheel and the smell of his hands still remained. The criminologist wraps the steering wheel with cotton cloth. It absorbs the smell well. And that it does not evaporate, the fabric is put in foil.

The only thing the criminologist couldn't find was the footprints. On the asphalt they are simply invisible. But in the room - on the contrary, visible well. They are removed, by the way, as well as handprints - with the help of magnetic powder and dactylfilm.

Gathering evidence is also a race against time. After all, some traces may just disappear. For example, saliva, pieces of skin are suitable for examination within 12 hours. But fingerprints, on the other hand, are stored for a very long time - up to 15 years and even more.

At least one piece of evidence found is half the success of solving a case. But to find it, the criminologist can spend a whole day checking every inch of the crime scene 😉

David Rockefeller Speaks 🖕at the UN about population control (1994)

How the Rothschilds hired their cousin Karl Marx. 

A political ideologue and extremist of the 19th century, who presented as a journalist and economist, a cousin of Rothschild Karl Heinrich Marx (May 5, 1818 - March 14, 1883) a student of his mentor Moses Hess, who created a supposedly "scientific" theory known as Marxism.

Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Prussia on May 5, 1818, in Trira, the son of Ashkenazi Jews Hirschel Mordechai and Henrietta Pressburg, who named him Haim Hirschel Mordechai. It is known that the genus Marx comes from the Talmudic rabbis, and his paternal ancestors were in the Trier rabbis since 1723 position; the last time his grandfather held this "duty."

During the Napoleonic War in 1883, Hirschel Mordechai became a Freemason, joined the Ansetic Loge L'Ltoile (Hanseatic Star) in the beautiful feudal Osnabrueck. After the war, in order to better infiltrate Prussian society, he feigned conversion to Lutheranism and pretended to be an "assimilated" bourgeois enlightened liberal interested in "freedom of thought." One of Marx's grandmothers was Nanette Salomon Barent-Cohen, who belonged to a wealthy Amsterdam family. And her cousin married Nathan Mayer Rothschild and gave birth to Lionel Nathan Rothschild, a "baron" and a member of parliament from the richest City of London.

Despite his wealthy ancestors, he lived in poverty on Dean Street in London. He visited the Red Lion pub on Great Windville, Soho, where his co-leader Friedrich Engels was once asked to write what later became the Communist Manifesto.

In his most famous work, the book Capital (Das Kapital) you will not find any mention that money is printed from the air by his cousins Rothschild.

In this regard, some of his critics suggested that Marx's mission was to merge the nascent socialist movement. The Socialist movement existed in Germany, France, Great Britain and other countries even before Marx wrote his Capital after the Industrial Revolution.

Even after the ideological base, Marx is trying, as the COB sheep say, to seize control and Marxists begin to cheat and usurp/monopolize socialism and insist that if you do not follow Marx's theories, you cannot be a socialist.

One of the adherents of the fact that Marx was an imperialist mole in the socialist environment of the international international workers, and that his goal was to seize control of the process, is the German historian-writer Wolfgang Waldner.

In his book Der preu'ische Regierungsagent, Waldner suggests that Marx originally worked as a spy and influence agent for the Prussian regime. Waldner mentions the fact that in 1843 "poor" Marx married Jenny von Westfalen, originating from the richest Prussian family. Her brother was the Minister of the Interior of Prussia (from 1850 to 1858) Ferdinand von Westfalen.

"Ferdinand, Marx's brother-in-law, was the "reactionary" who ran a vast spy network that followed the dissidents ...", Waldner writes of Marx's brother-in-law.

After Marx moved to London in 1849, he began to create his Dasital Kapital in the reading room of the British Museum. At the same time his famous cousin Lionel de Rothschild was already a member of Parliament from the City of London (1847-1868 and 1869-1874).

By the way, in 1869 Marx was very much concerned about his modern rival in the First International Mikhail Bakunin, who did not even know that Marx and the Rothschild cousins, but, nevertheless, with insight of genius wrote about the connection between Marx and Rothschild.

"This world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand, and Rothschild on the other. This may seem strange. What can be in common between socialism and the leading bank? The trouble is that authoritarian socialism, Marxist communism, requires a strong centralization of the state. And where there is the centralization of the state, there must be a central bank, and where such a bank exists, a parasitic Jewish nation, speculating with difficulty people will be found." - Mikhail Bakunin, Professor of the Democratic Socialist Russian Organization, wrote in 1869.

Given that Bakunina also did not know that the "Bund der Gerechten" (Justice League), later known as the "Bund der Kommunisten" (League of Communists), which paid Marx for writing the "Communist Manifesto" and was the predecessor of the Communist Party, was actually financed by the Rothschilds, is surprising to his insight.

But back Friends to the German writer. Reflecting on Marx and his role in Russia, Waldner suggests that perhaps the most pronounced and consistent aspect of Marx's ideology was his extreme and radical hatred of Russia, which he perceived as the last bastion of Christian civilization. He and Engels regarded the Russians and Slavs in general as inhuman barbarians.

"If he had lived to see his ideological heirs Vladimir Lenin, Leo Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev, dealing with millions, he would no doubt have choked on the orgasmic joy of the horrors that befell them." - writes Waldner, "Marx used the newspaper Neue Rheinische zeitung to try to provoke a war against Russia."

Waldner also writes that "The Soviets tried to hide some facts about Marx," quoting him as saying:

"The Jew freed himself in Hebrew, not only gaining financial power, but also because through him and without it money became a world force, and the practical Jewish spirit became the practical spirit of Christian nations. The Jews went so far that Christians became Jews. Yes, the practical domination of Judaism over the Christian world has reached its normal, unambiguous expression in North America <....> What was the real basis of the Jewish religion? God of practical need and selfishness is money. <....> In its final meaning, the emancipation of the Jews is the liberation of mankind from Judaism. ©Carl Marx, Marx People's Newspaper, April 16, 1856, History of Idea, 1981.

"The main mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary Holocaust." ©Carl Marx Di Neuinish Tseitung, N'R, January 1849.

It should also be understood that the 35th British Prime Minister Henry John Temple, Lord Palmerston, who was hired by Marx to write his manifesto, was the main instigator of the Crimean War, the uprising in Taipei, the American Civil War and various difficulties in India/Burma, which killed 35 million people.

Lord Palmerston hired Marx to come up with a new system of governance and economics specifically designed as a response to the National Bank of Lincoln. Lord Palmerston and his bank staff believed that Lincoln's national bank was a direct threat to British hegemony and imperialist predatory banking.

The British regal banking cartel sought to turn the Russians against Germany and replace nationalist tendencies with a fake system called communism, hoping to maintain its hegemony.

Russian Economy Minister Sergei Witte worked on incitement at the National Bank of Russia, while Bismarck did so in Germany.

If we talk about today's day in the light of the foregoing, we can testify, these guys realized that their fathers and grandfathers Marxists did not finish the work. And now we're going to show you that. 

Born in Hamburg, Germany, on July 17, 1954, to Horst Kasner (1926-2011) and Gerlinda Kasner (1928-2019). Horst Kasner, who had Polish roots and had his surname Kazmerchak three years before Hitler came to power, studied theology at the University of Heidelberg and Hamburg.

Angela Merkel's paternal grandfather and grandmother, 1919

Angel's grandfather, Ludvik Kazmerchak (son of Anna Kazmerchak and Ludvik Wojciechowski), a policeman from Poznan, served in the German army during World War I, was captured in France, where he joined the Polish army of General Jozef Haller. He participated in the Polish-Ukrainian and Soviet-Polish wars. In 1923 he moved to Berlin, where he served in the police (since 1943, in the rank of Haupt-wahmistra in the security police of the Berlin district of Pankov). Angela's mother, Gerlinda Yench, was born in Danzig (now Gdansk) and lived in Elbing (now Elblong) until 1936.

A few weeks after Angela was born, her family moved from Hamburg to the GDR, where Horst Kasner was assigned to the parish of the Lutheran Church of Berlin-Brandenburg in Perdeberg. Three years later, in 1957, the Kasners moved to templin. There, Angela's father no longer served as a pastor, but participated in the establishment of an intra-church educational center, for a long time led a college for pastors and held a prominent position in the Lutheran Church of Berlin-Brandenburg. His wife worked as a Latin and English teacher. In addition to Angela, the couple had two other children: Angela's brother Marcus (born 1957) and sister, Irena (b. 1964).

Kasner was one of the members of the church that supported the GDR government and the SED's policy towards the church. The Kasners enjoyed certain privileges, they were allowed to travel west, but Gerlinde Kasner was denied a job in the school system, and the former teacher devoted herself to the children, so Angela Kasner did not attend either kindergarten or the extended day group at school.

In 1961 she went to the first class of the secondary polytechnic school in Templin. In school years, according to the memories of classmates and teachers was inconspicuous . In 1973, she passed the "excellent" final exams for full high school.

During her school years she was a member of the pioneer organization and then the Union of Free German Youth (SNM).

She passed the exam to the Faculty of Physics of the University of Leipzig named Karl Marx 💉 and in 1973 moved to Leipzig .

During her studies in 1974 at a youth exchange meeting with physics students from Moscow and Leningrad, she met her first husband, a physics student from Foggland, Ulrich Merkel. The wedding took place in Templin Church on September 3, 1977.

Angela Merkel defended her thesis "Influence of spatial correlation on the speed of bimolecular elementary reactions in a dense environment" in June 1978. During her studies, Angela actively participated in the work of the SSNM (the analogue of the Soviet Komsomol). 

Work in the Academy of Sciences of the GDR (1978-1989). 

After being denied employment by the Ilmenau Graduate Technical School, Merkel's wife moved to the capital. As a certified physicist, she was a graduate student at the Central Institute of Physical Chemistry at the Academy of Sciences of the GDR, located in the Adlershof district of Berlin.

Once upon a time there was a modest girl Angela Dorothea Kasner. The real name of her priest father was quite Polish - Kazmerchak, but just in case he changed it to German. In 1954, just after the birth of his daughter, he and his family left Hamburg for the GDR. It was an extravagant act, as the flow of Germans at that time sought in the opposite direction - to the West.

Let Angela Kasner was familiar to a girl from communist Germany - was a pioneer, then joined the Union of Free German Youth - the analogue of the Soviet Komsomol. She entered the Faculty of Physics at the University of Leipzig named Karl Marx. 

Merkel's surname was given to her in 1977 by her first husband, whom she, by the way, met during a trip to the USSR. "We got married," she recalled, "because everyone was getting married. Today it sounds silly, but I approached the marriage without the necessary seriousness. I was deceived."

The last phrase is thrown in passing, without bitterness. I forgot and I forgot. And there's no time to grieve. The Angels had a lot to do. After university, she worked at the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the Academy of Sciences. And in the academy itself - the secretary of the Committee of the Komsomol on ideology. The girl was frisky, she did not sit at home - then on one business trip, then in another. There was an Angel in the USSR. By the way, she once dreamed of going all the Union - from west to east.

Angela felt like an Angel in Moscow, Leningrad and other Soviet cities quite freely, the benefit of a schoolgirl won the Olympics in Russian. Maybe she was sitting by the fire with Komsomols from the USSR and inspired to the guitar hummed: "Friendship - Freundschaft! Friendship - Freundschaft! / Unity of thoughts and feelings and inviolability of fraternal ties! / Forever Friendship - Freundschaft! Friendship - Freundschaft! / We are always together, always together, the GDR and the Soviet Union!"

There is an innuendo in Merkel's biography. Or a mystery, as you like. It is connected with Donetsk. Here Merkel, like her other compatriots, practiced in Russian language in one of the universities. And at leisure I inspected the city and even went down to the mine on a tour

Merkel recalled when she visited Kiev on an official visit in August 2014. But - casually, without details. But to the place - then in the Donbass already brewed bloody porridge. And Merkel may have remembered how quiet and calm it was. And, frowning, looked at the photos of houses and schools of Donetsk smashed with bombs...

Maybe she has more than once remembered that city and represented its present - destroyed, dispossessed. Or, discarding sentimentality, preferred, as it is peculiar, purely business, mercantile approach to business. It seems that Merkel chose the second varitest... 

Kristalina Ivanova Georgieva (born August 13, 1953 in Sofia) is a Bulgarian economist, World Bank Chief Executive Officer, European Commissioner from Bulgaria and Expert on Sustainable Development, Managing Director of the IMF from 2019. Vice-President of the World Bank (March 2008 to February 2010)


Kristalina Georgieva was born in Sofia on August 13, 1953. Her mother was originally from the city of Lubitz, and her father was the grandson of a revolutionary and politician from the city Elena Ivan kyrszovsky (bolg.) Russian. She completed her high school education at the 7th High School of the Holy Students. She received a higher education in political economy and sociology at the Karl Marx 💉 Institute (now the University of National and World Economy in Sofia), graduating in 1976. She began her scientific work at the university in 1977, where she later became an assistant professor. In 1986, she completed her phD in Environmental Policy and Economic Growth in the United States. She studied economics at the London School of Economics (1987-1988), the University of the South Pacific (Fiji) and the Australian National University, where she lectured on countries in transition. She received additional specialization in corporate finance at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the World Bank's human resources training programs at Harvard Business School.

In 1993 she joined the World Bank. From 2000 to 2004, she was Head of Sustainable Development at the World Bank. From 2004 to 2007, she was head of Russia, and in March 2008 she became Vice President of the World Bank, responsible for sustainability issues.

Meet another socialist with experience.

The former Prime Minister of the Portuguese Government, former President of the European Council, former head of the Socialist International and UN High Commissioner for Refugees - briefly the track record of the Portuguese Antonio Guterres . There if you dig deeper in the eyes darkens and in the ears of the international plays . 

Guterres was born in Lisbon on April 30, 1949. He became interested in politics in his youth - a few years after graduation he joined the Socialist Party of Portugal. Guterres has not changed the idea of socialism since then: he was a member of the Portuguese parliament, secretary of the Socialist Party for organizational issues, its secretary general, and from 1999 to 2005 he even headed the international Socialist International.

And now meet already and the terrorist and it is also very brief . There is a dossier on this pepper and it was published earlier 👇

American economist David Steinman filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court against the head of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghereyesus. According to The Times, Mr. Steinman accuses him of involvement in the 2013-2016 genocide in Ethiopia.

Mr Tedros Adhanom is the head of WHO in 2017. He headed Ethiopia's Ministry of Health from 2005 to 2012, and he was the foreign minister until 2016 and one of three high-ranking officials in charge of the country's security forces. David Steinman was a consultant to the U.S. National Security Council and was a senior foreign adviser to the Ethiopian Democratic Movement for 27 years. According to him, Dr. Tedros was primarily responsible for making decisions about the actions of the security forces while working in the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry, and "these actions included killings, arbitrary detentions and torture of Ethiopians".

According to the complainant, Dr. Tedros was involved in "intimidating opposition candidates and opposition supporters". In addition, according to Mr. Steinman, the head of WHO monitored "the killing, infliction of serious bodily harm and mental harm to the representatives of the amhara, conso, oromo and Somali peoples in order to destroy these peoples whole or partially". In the years when Tedros Adhanom headed the Foreign Ministry, the plaintiff notes, the regime was characterized by "massive and systematic crimes against humanity committed by his subordinates."

Meanwhile, in November this year, the Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian Army, General Berhanou Jula, accused the head of WHO of trying to put weapons in the rebellious Tygray region, where an armed conflict broke out in early November, and called on him to step down. Dr Tedros then denied all the accusations, saying he "does not take sides in this conflict." "It's not true, I want to say that I'm on the only side, and this is the side of the world," he said.

Don't choke on the keys. 

Putin's classmate, ex-KGB intelligence officer Shvets: Henry Kissinger, known in our department as Kis, and did not have time to officially include in the agency.

Henry Kissinger was recruited by the Soviet State Security Committee just two weeks before Richard Nixon became president of the United States, and he became an assistant for National Security, said Yuri Shvets, a fellow russian President Vladimir Putin and former KGB intelligence officer of the USSR.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was an agent of the Soviet State Security Committee, but was not included in the agency. This was reported by former KGB intelligence officer of the USSR and a fellow of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the KGB institute Yuri Shvets in the author's program of Dmitry Gordon "GORDON" on the TV channel "112 Ukraine."

"This is a separate story, which is worthy of the pen of the great master. That was the situation. Henry Kissinger, known in our American department as Kisa, met with our opera operator Borey Sedov. What is an agent? A KGB agent is a foreigner who consciously cooperates with the State Security Committee and voluntarily performs his tasks. And now Mr. Sedov meets with Professor Kissinger, sends dispatches to Moscow, to the center, from which it seems that it turns out that it turns out - he is an agent," Shvets said.

He noted that Kissinger was recruited just two weeks before Richard Nixon became president of the United States.

"And Kissinger (became. "GORDON) is a National Security Assistant (he later became U.S. Secretary of State)," Shvets said.

"The first department writes a report to the head of intelligence, which outlines the essence of the case, the object is assigned a task ... "We ask, taking into account the above, to include in the KGB's agency apparatus as an agent." Goes up, comes to General Kirpichenko, deputy, the most experienced master (he sat there all his life, knew everything and everything)... He scratched his head and said, "Comrades, well, you can imagine, now we're going to sign this and report it to Brezhnev, and he's appointed an assistant, and then Brezhnev calls and says, "Look, tell your agent that America will stop twisting with China. I don't like this. Give him a job!" What are we going to do? We will, and he, of course, will not do it. And then they'll give us a hat," the ex-intelligence officer continued.

He noted that Kissinger did not have time to enter the KGB's intelligence apparatus.

"In short, his hand, which had already been brought in to sign, stopped. And thank God, because in two weeks, Kisa becomes an assistant. They didn't have time to include it in the agency," Shvets said.

Putin's classmate, ex-KGB intelligence officer Shvets: Sobchak, Yanukovych and Azarov are KGB agents. Text version of the interview

Henry Kissinger was a former national security adviser to the President of the United States and Secretary of State from 1973 to 1977. He was one of the authors of the policy of "discharge" in relations between the United States and the USSR. In 1973 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

In October 2016 he was elected a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Bild reported on December 26, 2016, that Kissinger was developing a plan for Trump to restore relations with Russia. According to the newspaper, the plan assumes that Russia "will guarantee the security of the eastern part of Ukraine," and the West, in turn, formally calling Crimea Ukrainian, recognizes the right of Russia to the peninsula occupied by it and "will not make a problem out of it." 

 No comment.

George Soros, Weng. Soros Gy'rgy, Gyorgy Shorosh, birth name: Gyorgy Schwartz Weng. Schwartz György; August 12, 1930, Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary).

Don't show george these open sympathies to everyone, don't thank you, we know you're happy and you're going quietly without getting attention. It's an old man 👴 a gift 🎁👇

Humanly we understand you well Joe, you were very lonely in such company with this star-studded striped flag behind your back. We thought that this new image - the image you will fit more, try on the French, please 🙏👇

The beginning of The World Civil Disobedience from February 1, 2021


The time has come to put an end to the madness and for the world to reopen, we can no longer allow the globalists to continue to destroy lives and livelihoods, we must all peacefully unite in a massive act of civil disobedience, because the future of all humanity is at stake. 

Say no. 




🔹SPMED BY 2030


It's time to include messianism, Friends, you won't have another chance soon. 

Beautiful Vienna in early February 2021 when glorified by poets and modern "police", and de facto state bandits begin to walk in civilian clothes side by side with protesters against the blockages and participation of their government in a coe scam promoted on a physical level by a friend and associate of paedophile Epstein, with whom they collected sperm on the first island, Gates, on the theoretical non-philosopher.

The methods of provocateurs are known to us and we even know the main authors. 


1 . Protesters march to the Russian embassy in Berlin, calling for the release of Navalny collaborator. Police support the protest. They just accompany them. 

2 . But look what the German police do when the Germans protest for the Gatesk covid and its own locks, against the reanch of their human rights and other...

We hope you understand whose side Merkel's personal guard is on.

We will not place all the protests from our archives, there are so many of these archival videos, but we will give one more. They are quite easy to catch, if you know where and when... 👇

Bill Gates warns us again that the next pandemic could be 10 times worse. 

And this autistic, mentally unhealthy collector and sperm collector for the removal of super-people, a friend of a paedophile, Epstein, eugenicist, author of a plan to reduce the population of the planet by vaccination are funded from the U.S. state budget 🇺🇸 and should listen to the world of 🗺 ...

ATOMIC BOMBSHELL: ROTHSCHILDS PATENTED COVID- 19 BIOMETRIC TESTS IN 2015. AND 2017. by Silviu "Silview" Costinescu OCT 04 2020 by Silviu "Silview" Costinescu It's not disputable, since the information comes from of몭cial patent registries in the Netherlands and US 👇

Fact check: World Bank website does not show COVID-19 😷 

Social media users are sharing posts claiming the World Bank's website shows that COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018, implying prior knowledge of the outbreak. This is false ...

Medical Test kits (300215) exports by country in 2017

Additional Product information: Diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: Medical Test kits/ Instruments, apparatus used in Diagnostic Testing

The data here track previously existing medical devices that are now classified by the World Customs Organization as critical to tackling COVID-19

Change selection (Reporter, Year, Trade Flow, Partner and HS 6 digit Product)

In 2017, Top exporters of Medical Test kits are Switzerland ($23,684,716.51K , 2,538,500 Kg), Germany ($17,464,406.19K , 7,242,210 Kg), European Union ($16,927,532.77K , 8,952,880 Kg), United States ($8,283,146.64K , 7,020,260 Kg), Ireland ($6,356,054.92K , 590,259 Kg).

Medical Test kits imports by country in 2017

US Patent for Coronavirus Patent (Patent # 10,130,701 ...

US Patent for Coronavirus Patent (Patent # 10,130,701 issued November 20, 2018) - Justia Patents Search DISCLAIMER: Coronavirus is a broad name for a family of viruses. This patent is NOT for the new COVID-19 virus and The Pirbright Institute does not currently work with human coronaviruses.

Biden bans use of the phrase "Chinese virus"


President Joe Biden has signed an executive order banning the phrase "Chinese virus" as part of an anti-racism plan that many Asian Americans faced during the pandemic.

Under the directive, federal agencies - such as the Department of Health and Human Services - will be instructed to investigate whether such xenophobic language appeared in any current rules, directives or government websites under the Trump administration. 

"Today, I instruct federal agencies to combat the xenophobia that has increased dramatically during the pandemic, especially against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders <...>. "This is unacceptable and not American."

The directive is part of a package of executive action to combat inequality. Other of its orders deal with issues such as affordable housing, private prisons and tribal self-government.

Three advisers familiar with the plan told CBS News that Biden's transition team and the White House Domestic Policy Council had been preparing executive actions for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders for weeks. 

No action applies to us, so we will continue our xenophobia. 

What a horror on Elm Street we observe, Friends ...


To hell with the mask

Covid scam

Stop being sheep.

😷🇺🇸 The Centers for Disease Control, run by the notorious Doctor, issued a new order requiring passengers on all forms of public transport in the United States to wear double masks.

The CDC announced it late Friday, and the order takes effect at 11:59 p.m. Monday.

The order states that "masks must be worn while waiting, landing, travelling and disembarking. The coating should consist of at least two or more layers of breathable tissue attached to the head with ties, ear loops or rubber bands - scarves and bandanas do not count."

The CDC also said it reserves the right to enforce the order through criminal penalties, and that Fauci "strongly encourages and expects widespread voluntary compliance" with the order. And it is worth noting that this is done with the permission of the White House administration 🏡 

🐏👮🇺🇸 In a video from Texas, a police officer threatens to stun a man for not wearing a mask at a gas station.

Where's your mask?

What mask?

-The mask you are required to wear by city order.

The policeman then tells the man to leave the store: "Don't argue with me, it's very simple."

When a man follows orders and leaves the store, the policeman takes out his weapon and says, "I'll tell you now!"

Despite the fact that the man left the store and he no longer needs to wear a mask, he is still detained and asked to raise his hands: "Raise your hands. Dude, you're just stupid, you've got to obey!

"It was simple, all you had to do was go outside and put on a mask," the cop says, picking up the man's gun, before declaring that the man "refuses to cooperate" even though he is standing with his hands on his head. 

It's just enough to really 👇

🇲🇲In a video, a Myanmar 🖕government official arrested by the Tatmadaw (Myanmar Armed Forces) in the city of Bago during a military coup.

UK 🇬🇧 begins door-to-door testing on Covid in early February

Mass testing for coronavirus will begin in parts of Surrey due to fears that the South African version of the coir, causing panic through the media around the world, is spreading in society.

Door-to-door smears will begin in the Goldsworth Park and St. John's areas of Waking, whether people have symptoms or not.

This happened after two residents of Woking tested positive for this option of the coyid, despite the lack of tourist links, and were the first two cases not directly related to South Africa.

The level of lies has scaled all known limits, oh long you have to sit, for a very long time. After all, this is a real information biological blackmail and terrorism of its own population. 

Austria 🇦🇹 in early February and several photographers and journalists were attacked and beaten by anti-blockade demonstrators yesterday at around 6:25 p.m. on Karl-Renner-Ring for catching up with the media hysteria, several police cars were driving past the incident, and the police shouted something like "L'genpresse sons of bitches" where L'genpresse can be translated as a journ.

A reminder to be a neat journalist on the street, now it's not safe for you. 

James (he calls his last name on the video) is a CNA (certified nurse assistant) and he recorded this video as a whistleblower because he could no longer remain silent.

James reports that in 2020, very few residents of the nursing home where he works, fell ill with COVID, and none of them died in all of 2020. However, shortly after the introduction of pilot injections of MRNA Pfizer, 14 people died within two weeks, and it reports that many others are on the verge of death.

The video is long (47 minutes) and it is obvious that James suffers from emotional stress and he admits that he is likely to lose his job because of it. But he makes it very clear that these were patients he knew and cared for (he is also a "worldly pastor"), and that after the injection of mRNA, guests who used to walk on their own can no longer walk. Residents of the nursing home, who used to have "smart conversations" with him, could no longer talk.

"They're dying like flies."

His superiors explain that the cause of death was a "super spreader" COVID19. However, according to James, residents who refused injections are not sick.

He says that as a Christian he can no longer live with his conscience and that he can no longer remain silent. He's not against the vaccine, he's just sharing what he knows is true of people he's cared about for more than 10 years.

This is a very clear picture. Inject older people with mRNA injections and then blame the virus for their illnesses and deaths. 

Western media are guilty of not covering this genocide against their own elderly, James argues, because people are more concerned about political news about Donald Trump and Joe Biden, while grandparents and others are dying from these injections.

James encourages other CNA, nurses and family members to speak to the public and tell the world what is happening with these experimental COVID mRNA injections.

If you know what's going on but don't talk about it openly, then you're part of the problem, you're a criminal 👇

The devastating impact of lockdown measures on our young people. 😢

From Mike Stringer

There’s no point planning for a job

I don’t care about getting a flat, it’s not going to happen anyway

Why can’t I see my friends?

I don’t want to get up anymore 

Nothing has any enjoyment anymore 

I’m fed up

I feel like killing myself

I can’t even kill myself because it’ll just make others sad, I’m totally trapped

I’m so scared of the future 

I’m terrified of the police 

I hate the government 

There’s no point

I can’t see a time when I’ll be happy again

My parents are so worried 

There’s no way out

Things will never get better 

Everyone lies

I don’t know what to believe anymore

I don’t know who to trust anymore

What’s the point in going to uni, I’m just looking at a screen in my room

I hate looking at a screen all day

I don’t look forward to the day

I’m not excited about my life

I’m not looking forward to the future

I don’t want to do anything 

I can’t stand it anymore

No point


Just a few of the things my younger clients (aged 13-18) have said this week. It’s utterly bleak.

Prior to melvin Capital's founding, Plotkin was a trader at SAC Capital, where he managed a portfolio consisting mainly of client shares worth about $1.3 billion. 

In its first full year, Melvin Capital showed a yield of 47%, ranking 2nd on the Bloomberg list with the best performance for 2015.

According to the federal prosecutor's office, while working for SAC Capital Plotkin was the recipient of illegal insider information. Reuters named Plotkin as the so-called "portfolio B manager" in a securities and exchange commission civil lawsuit against Michael Steinberg, a SAC colleague who was arrested on charges of trading Dell's earnings on the basis of insider information.

SAC Capital Advisors is a hedge fund group founded by Stephen A. Cohen in 1992.

Cohen through Point72 Asset invests $750 million in hedging, fund falls into the trap of a surge in GameStop shares

Stephen A. Cohen (born June 11, 1956) is an American billionaire, hedge fund manager and majority owner of a Major League Baseball baseball team in New York City. He is the founder of hedge fund Point72 Asset Management and the now-closed SAC Capital Advisors, based in Stamford, Connecticut.

On January 25, 2021, Melvin Capital Management announced that it would receive $2.75 billion in investments from Citadel, a Chicago-based hedge fund led by Ken Griffin, and Point72 Asset Management, billionaire investor Stephen A. Cohen.

The infusion is expected to help stabilise the hedge fund, which has been hit hard by a number of short bets this year. 

It seems to us that it is all a scam and they are trying to make everyone believe that it is all organized by a bunch of amateurs. 

All the trails lead back to this Stephen Cohen, whoever he is. They transfer money from one pocket to another and at the same time as if destroy/wash them. 

Why do you think Microsoft filed a patent 666 for cryptocurrency mining? Maybe it's all part of their plan. 

The name Point72 Asset Management also attracts our attention.

Point 72, if translated into Russian. What's point 72? Maybe a pentagram. Five dots of lines of them, located from each other at 72 degrees.

Perhaps 72 and pentagram are just a coincidence, but these coincidences immensely fascinate our time, symbolism is already abound, so we still decided to say about this aspect. 

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