Murzilka 35.

Murzilka 35.

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"

 The most interesting thing is that opium was regularly used in the royal circles of Britain. In 1032, one of the favorites of these circles, the writer Coudenhov-Kalergi, published the work "Revolution through technology", in which he outlined a program for the return to the world of medieval society in order to reduce the population of the planet ...


 One of the influential members of the "Committee of 300" is, as already mentioned, G. Kissinger, who fulfills the duties of a strategic analyst and diplomat in this secret government. He uses the gigantic intellectual, informational, economic, financial, political and organizational potential of the world government, that is, in fact, he has tremendous power.

 End of quote.

 Umberto Eco writes: “In the seventeenth century, another story arose - the story of the Rose and the Cross. The Brotherhood of the Rose and the Cross first appeared on the scene in the descriptions contained in the Manifesto of the Rose and the Cross (Fama fratemitas, 1614; Confessio Roseae Cruris, 1615). Formally the author or the authors of the manifestos are unknown, as those to whom the authorship was attributed denied it.The manifestos gave rise to a violent activity of those who believed in the existence of the brotherhood and expressed an ardent desire to join its ranks. Apart from a few hints, no one admitted to belonging to the brotherhood. because it was secret and the Rosicrucian writers, as one, asserted that they were not Rosicrucian at all.


 Within this romantic framework, Freemasonry, which emerged in the eighteenth century, called itself temple or occult, was beautifully accommodated; Masons not only considered the builders of the Temple of Solomon to be their ancestors, but also argued that the builders of the Temple were related to the Templars (templars), whose secret rituals were passed on to modern Freemasonry through the Rosicrucians. These secret societies, as well as the alleged existence of the Unknown Sovereigns ruling the destinies of the world, were the subject of heated debate in the days immediately preceding the French Revolution. In 1789, the Marquis de Luchet warned that “under the cover of the deepest darkness a certain community was formed, a community of new creatures who knew each other, although they had never seen each other ... The community borrowed this blind obedience from the Jesuit system of government; took over their rituals and ceremonies from the Masons; the Templars have their underground mysteries and great audacity "(Essai sur la secte des illumines, 1789)".

 The secrets of the Bavarian Illuminati were not immediately revealed, because this secret society carefully concealed the real goals. To understand the meaning of the doctrine of Adam Weishaupt, who became the prototype of the main character of Shelley's book "Frankenstein, or the new Prometheus", and what is the ideology of the Bavarian Illuminati, you need to consider a document known as "Satan's New Testament." The Illuminati kept it in the strictest secrecy, and it became available only in 1875, when a courier of the Bavarian Illuminati on the way from Frankfurt to Paris was killed by lightning.

 So, here are excerpts from Satan's New Testament, vividly reflecting the "mysteries of the Illuminati":

   The first secret in managing people is mastering public opinion, and you need to sow discord, doubts and plant conflicting views for so long until people are completely lost and do not lose their orientation in confusion, and do not decide that it is better not to have at all in political issues. own opinion. Popular discontent must be aroused; to spread unspiritual, unclean literature. The task of the press is to prove the inability of anyone other than the Illuminati to do something in any area of ​​state and religious life.

   The second secret is to prioritize people's weaknesses, all their bad habits and mistakes - until people stop understanding each other.

   First of all, it is necessary to fight the strength of the individual, since there is nothing more dangerous than it. If she has creative spiritual energy, she is able to achieve more than millions of people.

   Through envy, hatred, strife and war, through deprivation, hunger and the spread of infection (for example, artificially obtained diseases like AIDS - ed.), All peoples should be brought to the point that they will no longer see any way out, besides how to completely surrender to the Illuminati.

   If a state is undermined by a revolution or, as a result of a civil war, faces the danger of an attack by an external enemy, then this is always a favorable course of events and works in our favor.

 The power of money must become the only force driving trade and production so that industrialists can gain political power through money. Along with the Illuminati, the millionaires who depend on them should fall into this category; the police and soldiers must remain indigent.

   Through all these activities, the peoples should be pushed into the idea of ​​inviting the Illuminati to the role of world rulers. The new world government must be seen as a beneficent, screen-based leadership that is resorted to completely voluntarily. If any state objects to him, his neighbors will start a war against him. The creation of such a government requires the organization of a world war.

 The content of this program is almost identical to the well-known "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", which are noisily contested by stakeholders. Adam Weishaupt organized the Order of the Illuminati, as mentioned above, on the instructions of the Rothschilds. The question arises: why did the Rothschilds, who represent the richest part of Jewish circles, take such steps? The origins of this mystery of the Illuminati must be sought in ancient times.

 However, before Adam Weishaupt, the Rothschilds and others like them did not have access to Freemasonry and the then existing Illuminati society. The Bavarian Illuminati solved this problem by gradually subjugating these secret societies. Here is what clause 11 of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” says about this: “The conspirators possessed knowledge of the strength and influence of the already existing lodges of free masons; now they began to systematically penetrate them and seize control over them ”. The Masonic Lodges, which were already under the control of the Bavarian Illuminati, were designated by the term “Lodges of the Great East”.

 It should be especially noted that in mondialism a special geopolitical role is assigned to the United States of America and the cultural and social archetype that at this stage has finally formed in this superpower. "Americanism" is the starting point of Mondialism, since it was the United States that became the strategic and ideological center of post-industrial capitalism. The United States, according to the author of The Committee of 300, John Coleman, is a proving ground for the methods needed to create a New World Order. These methods, as conceived by the strategists of mondialism, should ultimately be implemented on a worldwide scale. Anti-mondialist conspiracy theorists (Jan Moncomble, Jacques Bordier, Henri Coston, Georges Virbeau, Beau de Lomney, Pierre Fontaine, Jacques Ploncard d'Assac, from Russian authors - publicist A. Kuzmich) concentrate their attention on such secret organizations as the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group.

 Mondialism preaches a new type of world order called post-capitalism or a special New World Order (NWO). The New World Order is based on the dominance of the technocratic elite, as well as total control over every natural social process.

 At the same time, a ban on national, state, political affiliation will be introduced, up to absolute numbering, chipization, equating a person to a serial number (a start has been made - TIN). The total "electronic concentration camp" will be controlled from Brussels, where a super-powerful computer has already been built.

Do we think enough is enough for cooling? And later we will continue delicate personal topics ...

In India, in December 2020, Apple, Microsoft and Lenovo employees set fire to and destroyed the offices of their factories. They smashed the bosses' cars and stormed the objects. 

"Fighting is the only way out," they shouted.

It should be understood that Apple, Microsoft, Inditex are essentially slave owners, and contain in India a real hell of slavery, including the exploitation of children, producing such a macaroon their products at a ridiculous price.

💉BBC: Vaccine news. 

"This vulnerable NHS NHS staff will be vaccinated first"

A fake syringe, a fake needle. There is a natural question. Everything we see means that there are special fake syringes to deceive the public. In turn, this hardly makes any sense if vaccination is harmless. Don't you?

In 2019, the founder and president of the Davos Forum, Klaus Schwab, presented Putin with his book about the "fourth industrial revolution" that we are now witnessing. 

Then Putin told Klaus Martin that Russia is working in unison with Davos

"For our part, we are holding similar events, which, of course, are aimed primarily at establishing business contacts with Russia's partners. You know, here in St. Petersburg, we hold the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, in the Far East, Siberia, and in southern Russia. So we're taking your example. And I hope we do not let you down, but work, so to speak, in unison," the Russian president concluded.

An expert in corrective🖕 underwear, comfort, safety, functionality and maximum camouflage by Dani Adams.

💉American Frontline Physicians gathered at the CDC to clarify the situation:

-Experimental vaccines should never be sanctioned or imposed by business or government. This choice should always remain between the doctor and the patient.

Video by Dr. Simone Gold

In Vietnam before the New Year 2021 (video 1) 👇the same scenes as in China (video). 

In Asia, Friends, kovida was no longer : open clubs, loud music, dancing, champagne by the river all without masks and gloves and without consequences of their not wearing 👇

December 2020 and the covid is not in Brazil, in China and Vietnam, we posted the beginning of the material

"Hi from Brazil, where we are like flies. Listen to where your prudence and sanity are. Don't you realize you're committing suicide? Or maybe you're right, maybe the problem is not the virus, but your government, this treacherous shit, My friend" - a piece of such a conversation was caught at the entrance to this place in Bolsonarov Brazil.

Social distance in the subway of Japan👇

🇺🇸💉 Medical Worker in Tennessee, who was given an anti-vaccine non-fake syringe with a non-faceted needle, instantly catches cruel byes, loses consciousness and falls like a fly ...👇

💉🇺🇸More clear, full video of a swooning from the Gates anti-tic-shaped poison👇

💉 Here's Norman Fowler, the Speaker of the House of Lords, also decided that citizens of the country can be led by the nose. Fowler, as it happened there, pretended to get a boiler vaccine. 

A man in a white apron, acting as a medical staff, holds the needle part of the syringe with his fingers, pretending to give him an injection. Have you ever seen that honey. staff put such a macaroon injection: with fingers on the needle and a cap on it.

December 2020. 

Apparently, the leaked and published earlier plan of blocking from Canada for 2021 was not fake. The same kind of leak comes from France. The leaked "Office of the High Commissioner's Program" on the covid closely follows the already described Canadian hard lockdown plan in 2021.

🔹In February 2021, France will announce that Covid 19 has mutated into a more deadly Covid-21 strain

🔹Thiser's lockouts and restrictions will roll back in April 2021

🔹 To fight protests and dissidents in July 2021, the military will be deployed on the streets of French cities.

🔹Janar-March 2021- Total and total deterrence (much more stringent than stage 2 restrictions)

🔹April 2021, the introduction of a universal basic income program

🔹Indrively Covid-21

🔹economic supply chain breaks, food shortages and other.

1. Introduction of the second lockdown. Late Nov.

The establishment of isolation centres in all countries and municipalities. Until the end of December 2020

3 Daily number of repeated COVID-19 infections are growing so fast that overall. End of November 2020.

4. Complete and final blocking (tightening of restrictive measures). Until Late 2020 - Beginning Of January 2021

Reforming unemployment benefits, as well as the Gartz IV program, and programs for universal basic income. Schedule: 1 quarter 2021

6. Mutation coVID-19 into a more dangerous form with the name COVID-21. The new virus triggers a third wave of infection with a higher mortality rate and higher infection rate. Schedule: Until February 2021

7. Growth of daily new COVID-21 infections, Schedule: 1. to 2. 2021

8. Introduction of the third lokadown with extended restrictions (full of the same). 2 2nd quarter 2021

9. Introducing all individuals into the universal basic income programme. Schedule: In the middle, 2nd quarter 2021

10. Greater economic instability leads to a rupture of supply chains and, consequently, to a shortage of goods in stores. Schedule: 2-3 2021 (hunger).

11. The Internal Operations of the Bundeswehr inside major cities and on highways. Schedule 3 of the 2021 quarter.

Citizens are invited to terminate all loans under the so-called "Word Dept" (global debt reset program) the state receives the necessary funding from the IMF (International Monetary Fund).

To join this program, the citizen must renounce all claims for possession of existing property, as well as for future property, and the citizen undertakes without resistance to take vaccinations COVID-19 and COVID-21. With the new vaccination passport, all restrictions will be lifted for these citizens, and citizens who oppose vaccination and debt withdrawal programmes become a "risk to the health of others" and will not be exempt from the restrictions of the ban until they wish to accept a debt repayment programme and are vaccinated. 

Information - this document is based on information leaked from Canada and is only a rough basis of IMF plans.

💉After the speech of U.S. front-line physicians to the CDC: "Experimental vaccines should never be sanctioned or imposed by business or government. This choice should always remain between doctor and patient" - more than strangely look repeated cases of manipulation of public opinion. In the stories about the benefits of urgent vaccination are often fake syringes. A fake syringe, a fake needle. All this has a place to be.

Presumably, this is the first vaccine at the University Medical Center of El Paso.

There is a natural question. Everything we see means that there are special fake syringes to deceive the public. In turn, this hardly makes any sense if vaccination is harmless. Don't you🤦🏻 

⚠️💉Medestra had to be vaccinated twice in the states. (in the video, one in five medical staff who played the role of vaccinated)

When watching a video of the first five nurses receiving the vaccine in the U.S., CBS4, as we saw, was strange. A video taken by a CBS4 photojournalist during a public vaccination of El Paso's first nurses at El Paso University Medical Center on December 15, 2020 shows that the syringe used for the second nurse was empty. The syringe was empty and the piston had already been pressed. When a needle appears to enter his arm, the person injecting the vaccine does not move the syringe piston.

When watching the videos of other nurses, it turns out that the syringe used for their vaccine was still full, but the piston in each case still was not pressed. honey. employees, in fact, simply participated in a theatrical performance.

When CBS4 asked UMC what happened Tuesday night, and what it was like to have an empty syringe and non-moving pistons, UMC issued the following statement Wednesday afternoon:

"After many reports on social media that one in five nurses who received the vaccine on Tuesday did not receive a full dose of the vaccine, we want to remove any doubts that it has not been fully vaccinated and further build confidence in the vaccination process. The nurse mentioned today was !!️ ina vaccinated.

😂 UMC confirmed to the U.S. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) that re-vaccinating a nurse will not cause side effects. The nurse will need to return in three weeks to get a second dose." 

The FBI covers ⛔️ a satanic hangout in a private dwelling. 

An FBI raid in 1998 covered a brothel where satanic occult rituals were performed. Human parts were found at the site of the temple, women's blood parts, a bowl of blood, a severed head in a drawer and other.

Hopefully, Friends, you will remember that Mellinda Gates, like Hillary Chelsea's daughter Chelsea Clinton, wears an upside-down Crucifixion, and understand why the latter was "married" in a satanic temple, and why Lake Worth City Council opens with prayers for Satan and Allah among others. 

💉 The official poison vaccination card from the infamous vaccine-famous, which makes memes from the company's victims online, Pfizer, the predecessor of covid-ID, which will allow you to return to society as soon as you get your second vaccine and the label in the "passport": 

"COVID-19 vaccination registration card. Please keep this registration card, which includes medical information about the vaccines you have received."

🇺🇸Thercerth Amendment was passed in response to the abuse of an aid order, a kind of general search warrant issued by the British government. 

The Fourth Amendment was introduced to Congress in 1789 by James Madison along with other amendments to the Bill of Rights in response to anti-federalist objections to the new Constitution. 

On March 1, 1792, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson announced that it had officially become part of the Constitution.

However, by introducing vaccination passports in the states, the Fourth Amendment is severely flouted, making the U.S. Constitution something that can be rubbed: 

"The right of the people to the integrity of their identity, dwelling, papers and property from unreasonable searches and seizures cannot be violated, and no warrants are issued other than if there are sufficient grounds, confirmed by oath or confirmation, with a special description of the place of search and persons or things to be seized."

🇨🇦 One of the senior health officials in the Canadian province of Ontario is very ashamed now.

Dr. Barbara Jaffe was going to hold a conference on the covid and shifted the papers when, without noticing that the microphone was already on, told her colleague Dr. David Williams that she was just saying something she was told to say: 

"I don't know why I take all these documents with me. I never look at them. I'm just saying what they want."

On Wednesday, Andrea Horvath of the New Democratic Party of Canada said that this painful moment with Dr. Barbara Jaffe's file will make people wonder who is actually running the country.

"Every time Ontario Premier Doug Ford speaks in front of a microphone, he says he accepts the advice of a wide variety of experts, but there is growing evidence that this is not the case," she said.

 🤡 Imagine that you are giving a specially prepared and memorized speech in front of the co-workers, but no one pays attention to you, as if you are an empty place, no one looks at you, and no one answers you. 

This is what Health Minister Alain Burset looked like at Neuenburg Hospital, where he visited the mannequin ward instead of the boiler room, after which, according to media reports, he "remained rather vague on the issue of re-blocking".

The State of New York has no record of the effectiveness of wearing masks and no studies of the safety of long-term mask wear: 

"Dear Mr. Houston:

This letter is in response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIL) request of October 12

2020, in which you asked:

Copies of all records that indicate:

(a) The effectiveness (pro/con) of wearing masks (facial coatings) by the general public is an effective method of stopping the spread of infectious diseases such as influenza or COVID - 19.

b) Any safety risks associated with prolonged wearing of masks or facial coverings by asymptomatic or healthy people.

Please keep in mind that after careful search no records are in check

no request was found..."

Demonic Canadian advertising "Covid Christmas").

The same is true in Britain, where the government's fear propaganda machine does what it does best, causing its citizens to shake panic and obey. No one wants people to gather, discuss or organize, because they will understand who their real enemy is and what their real enemy is. It is already obvious that today's young children will grow up retarded and will not have as much evidence of government conspiracies as we have now...

Against this backdrop, it is no longer surprising that YouTube bans the use of the word "Christian" in a targeted advertisement for the founder of the Christian War Veterans Recovery Program, which was rejected on YouTube for using the keyword "Christian"

Chad Robisho, founder of the Mighty Oaks Foundation, a charity that supports those suffering from military trauma, was told he could not use the label "Christian" to promote his ads.

🤡💉Schey one vaccine clown. 

London Mayor Sadiq Khan allowed himself

get a flu shot with a cap on a needle.

The quotes "THE GREAT RESET" by Klaus Schwab, founder of the WEF. 

🔹Crisis COVID-19 will plunge us into the most difficult times we have faced for generations. Millions of companies will die. The shock caused by the lockdown for the world economy is the most serious and sharpest in economic history. There will be a global crisis in the labour market of enormous proportions.

🔹One of the biggest dangers to the post-pandemic period are social unrest. In some extreme cases, this can lead to the disintegration of society and political collapse. For many of these States, the pandemic will be an exogenous shock that will lead them to failure and cause them to sink even further.

'🔹This the most obvious impact on the richer parts of the world as economic suffering is that there will be discontent and hunger that will cause a new wave of mass migration in their direction.

🔹Reth of normal business will not happen, because it can never happen.

To let smoke 💨 into the eyes or to let the fog - a figurative expression of deception . This video shows the figuratively👇

Intergalactic Cosmonaut Klaus speaks during the July WEF and says there will be a cyberattack such that the pandemic of the coyde will seem like a flower.

In German, with the feeling and expression of neo Marx, as if the poems about the war reads, for the Westerner convincingly, apparently 😂

The International Monetary Fund of the IMF proposes and will use the history of your browser, Friends, in order to more accurately determine your credit rating. 

The IMF stresses that "governments should closely monitor the technological transition in finance and carefully support it." 

For technical illiterates such as We - "incognito mode" when browsing in the Browser does not solve anything in terms of anonymity, except that other people with whom you share your computer, do not see your search history. Incognito mode does not hide anything from "big technologies"

Colleagues said that their credit rating for the night fell from 830 to 100. But all they were looking for was a swab, Gates and other paedophiles. Apparently, to quickly solve the problem with their credit rating they had to connect to the search for the narrative "I Love BLM" and use this query in their browser at least 30 times a day.

We do not use such inconvenient systems as Google, so we can not say anything, neither good nor bad. As about the dead - nothing. 

Grand County, Colorado: 40% of COVID deaths were actually victims of gunshot wounds

A coroner in Grand County, Colorado, said 40% of coronavirus deaths in the area were actually victims of gunshot wounds. According to Coroner Brenda Bock, two of the five COVID-19-related deaths were from gunshot wounds:

"It's absurd that they even put it there. Would you like to go to a county where there are really many deaths? You'd like to go to this county because they're contagious. You know, I can get this, and I could die if there were a lot of deaths in one county. But we don't have that, and we don't need to inflate those numbers. It's absurd that they even put it there."

Expressively and powerfully speaks, all over the feeling is a decent honest official. As far as the official can of course be generally honest. Such qualities are rather nonsense, in general then ...

⚠️💉There is now conclusive evidence that:

1. Covid-19 is primarily a vascular disease

A new explosive study by scientists at the prestigious Salk Institute casts doubt on the current crop of gene vaccines that can pose a serious threat to public health. The article, entitled "The spike protein of the new coronavirus, plays an additional key role in the development of the disease", shows that the "distinctive "spike" protein SARS-CoV-2 ..." damages the cells, confirming that COVID-19 is primarily a vascular disease. »

2. That is, the main culprit is spike protein.

If Covid-19 is primarily a vascular disease and if the main tool of physical damage is spike protein, why is plebs injected with billions of adhesive proteins and forcing their bodies to reproduce these spike proteins that kill them? 

If the study's findings are correct, then it turns out that plebs are simply killed by injecting them with mRNA, Friends. I wonder how nurses and other honey will live with this knowledge. Duty/service personnel who have introduced such vaccines...

💉😈PASPORTA VACCINATIONS ARE THE ROOTS IN SATANIC 1800-YEARS: We are definitely on a path that we have been put by idiotic Satanists, sometimes not even telling us what medvedev is, what it is and where it is coming from.

1,800 years ago, people had to have a special certificate confirming their loyalty to the Roman emperor and the pagan gods. It was called the Certificate of Sacrifice, or libellus, and it is very similar to today's Covid medical certificates.

The edict stipulated that everyone in the Empire, with the exception of the Jews, make sacrifices and exclaim the incense to the gods and well-being of the emperor in the presence of a Roman magistrate and receive written permission and a certificate that it was done, signed by a judge and witnesses.

That is, in the reign of the Roman Emperor Dezia (249-251) the early church faced persecution throughout the empire. The only way to avoid persecution was to sacrifice the pagan gods on behalf of the emperor. This was mandatory for all citizens and was put in place at the local level. As soon as you made a sacrifice, you were given the Certificate of Sacrifice, which was the ticket of life. 

That is, the certificate testified to the loyalty of the "gods." 

"Commissioners of sacrifices from Aurelia Demos, who does not have a father, daughter Elena and wife Aurelius Irina from the neighborhood of Ellinium. I have always had a habit of making sacrifices to the gods, and now I am also in your presence, in accordance with the command, made sacrifices and libations and tried the offering, and I ask you to confirm my statement. I, Aurelia Demos, submitted this declaration. (Aurelius Irina wrote for her, as she is illiterate). I, Aurelius Sahin Pritanis, saw you make sacrifices. "

Grief to the People, led by the ignorant, most of whom likened to leading him, becoming as idiots as leading him to Hell to be slaughtered.


"The vaccine makes us all more attractive."

That probably explains why the White House has teamed up with dating apps. It's hard to believe that this has actually become real in 2021, but it is, and from this sura you can just go crazy. 

💉🌎They have adopted an act supported by the Gates Foundation and other agencies, including the WEF: "The ACCESS to COVID-19 (ACT) Tool Accelerator is a revolutionary global collaboration aimed at accelerating the development, production and equal access to tests, treatment and vaccines #COVID19."

What is interesting is that it is already in place, and most governments follow it, which in turn means that governments follow The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, CEPI, FIND, Gavi, The Global Fund, Unitaid, Wellcome, The World Bank), which in turn means that it is not elected officials, which means that everyone has been put under some other power, and this is openly stated. 

Marionette Gates, Hamit-Ethiopian does not do badly, driving the country after the country into bondage.

What a wonderful design of the Act with fibers resembling nanoparticles or morgulloons that someone probably found in masks, PCR tests.

🤡Some of the "predictive" cartoons of The Simpsons.

It is naive to believe that the creators of cartoons are geniuses, prophets, and that they predicted events led by the spirit of truth, truth, and more. If you look at things soberly, the explanation of this kind of coincidences of cartoon plots with the events that took place after the release of the cartoon, simple and trivial-creators knew what kind of plot they should do. Which tells us that there is a plan for the future and a plan is being implemented, as long as society is dozing in the face of consumerism and ignorance, led by the media and finally snuring journalists, sometimes carrying to millions of audiences such nonsense that you wonder that after this they and their colleagues do not cease to consider them for decent people.

🤡💉Friend paedophile Epstein Eugenist-technocrat Gates, The head of the CDC conman Fauci, who heads the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who funded scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology to study the increasing functionality of bat coronaviruses, also found to have funded the most horrific and strangest experiments you can imagine, friends, including those where the scalps of aborted human babies were vaccinated. to try to save the rats' lives.

Unhealthy interest in abortion tissues, Friends, as we see, BigPharma shows also in vaccines, forcing the public to be vaccinated with a solution with tissue abortion. a baby who does not even have original sin, which is why the injection can be called anti-participation to some extent.

🤡 It is always important to understand what is under what we see on the surface.

This clearer perception helps us to understand that the issues presented and discussed in society/society for their initiators, who have thrown them in for discussion, have no meaning and are like the tip of the iceberg with much deeper and darker goals lurking beneath the surface. 

🤡 "Conspiracy Theorist" next to the queen loves her "conspiracy theory" so much that she even went into undue expenses and bought a strap with the appropriate "conspiracy" buckle. 

According to Pfizer's documents, it is reported that vaccinated people continue to distribute spike proteins that can sensitize others to ADE, and take into account statistics that cause kovid to be vaccinated in the areas most vaccinated, and which does not indicate any reduction in co-vaccinations since vaccination, it gives the enduring impression that the true motives of WHO/FDA/CDC/Pfizer/Moderna/Fauci/Gates/Gates/Schwab are to kill, kill and kill again, which, in fact, the latter two have always dreamed of, and that have been repeatedly expressed as well-proposed, when offered to conduct a depopulation of the planet.

When Pfizer and Moderna conducted small clinical trials, their reports showed robust antibodies against spike proteins. But why didn't they run the antibodies of the subjects against human tissue to make sure there is no cross-reactivity, while the inst. Salt and MIT reported that spike proteins have many homologous human tissues. If this is true, it is a planned murder.

Why the mainstream media is still promoting vaccines, ignoring the simplest safety issues. We don't understand why these people are still not in prison.

Because of the unprecedented scale of the advertising of kovidiosis, which no one alive has ever seen or even imagined, many are now skeptical of vaccines and are deeply skeptical of vaccines #COVID19, because they were launched in response to the politicized exaggeration of the threat posed by what, for most of us, at worst, is a trivial cold. If the covid were really dangerous and everywhere, as the deceitful media show, there would be "mountains of corpses" and "morgues of India" while "on the coast throws out thousands of bodies, dead co-workers", "wouldn't be able to dispose of the bodies," we'd run around the corpses of dead relatives, acquaintances, treat sick loved ones and relatives and seek salvation and vaccine, and wouldn't let ourselves beg to come and make a vaccine and give us gifts if we came and did it, and the Indian wedding would never get on a plane to celebrate a wedding if they were in the country so horrified that the media would have been so horrified.

Whether vaccinated in the next year or two, whether they have offspring or not, and if they do, whether it's with or without abnormalities, there's no evidence that much of this has a positive answer, that, for any sober-minded person who is used to critically approaching decisions about themselves, their children, and even more so, the health of their children, is reason enough to avoid vaccines.

In any case, the unvaccinated will be able to meet their end naturally as a result of their FREE choice. Vaccinated have nothing to fear unvaccinated, as they are vaccinated and the covid does not pose any serious threat to them.

It's foolish to put life at risk by taking huge risks by trusting bigPharma psychopaths and Eugenit-Swabians from BiThech, whose Big Reboot still doesn't start, which may produce experimental, designer chemicals (or weapons biological drugs).

Mortality from the virus itself is greatly exaggerated due to the false and deliberate connection of many unrelated deaths, but the blockages did kill many. This is done intentionally to maintain a general sense of fear, anxiety and paranoia, and to use tactics to further divide us along racial, political, medical and other grounds. This is achieved by deception through manipulation (social) media and villainy over disobedient ugly people, who are always ashamed, accused and other, mole de hesitant to go to vaccination - selfish and dangerous (full nonsense) for others. 

Incidentally, Americans should be aware of Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" scheme for illegal actions in the speed of introduction of a product called "vaccine" and undue federal spending. Trump has been pushing for vaccination 💉 to this day, despite tens of thousands of known cases of injuries, injuries and deaths.

Republicans have been in the media over Trump's collusion with the Russians for four years, one of which was to monitor vaccine safety. In 2019, the Trump administration quietly dissolved the office specializing in this work and merged it with the Office of Infectious Diseases., which led to long-term efforts to ensure the safety of coronavirus vaccines were fragmented among federal agencies and left without central guidance.

"Coordinated guidance of these things is likely to come from the National Office of the Vaccination Program," said Daniel Salmon, who served as Director of Vaccine Safety in the office from 2007 to 2012, overseeing coordination during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. "We don't even know who's in charge now."

That is, Trump's office for vaccine safety in 2019 allowed, among other things, to quickly introduce vaccinations, bypass legal procedures and safety tests, study the effects of vaccines on animals, allowing for the transition to human experiments bypassing animals, and giving an added zero liability bonus to all involved.

Usually everything That Trump has proposed, the left is furiously attacking and trying to debunk. However, not now. Now they credit the introduction of vaccines to themselves and support "Trump vaccines."

"Now the powerful in the database have your DNA from PCR smears, in a database associated with artificial intelligence, which will determine the best time for human death, and this will happen for a "natural" reason, such as a stroke or heart attack," one of our readers wrote of his vision, "A certain frequency will resonate with the purpose. Skynet sends frequencies, not droids."

In connection with all this and the incessant talk of compulsory vaccination, although all talk of coercion should be forever buried after the clear results of the Second World War and Nuremberg. 

Forcing any citizen, any country to any medical intervention is a violation of Nuremberg. The right to opt out of an emergency experimental vaccine, such as the vaccine against kovidiosis with off. a coeff. survival of more than 99.9 per cent, implementing the internationally agreed legal requirement of informed consent established in the 1947 Nuremberg Code. As established by the Nuremberg Code, everyone should "have the freedom to choose without interference with any element of force, fraud, deception, coercion and abuse or other covert form of coercion; and must have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the elements of the subject in question to allow a person to make an understandable and informed decision" with respect to any experimental drug, such as a vaccine against kovid. The Nuremberg Code even prohibits the military from requiring soldiers to administer such experimental vaccines.

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