A limited-to-mailed 📃 

A limited-to-mailed 📃 

Yes, and you did not have so little with the New Status. Well, everyone chooses his own future ...

A few hours ago, our initiative group, and today it includes military generals and special services officers of several states, made a confident decision to reclassify the actions of the White House administration in bioterrorism. 

We've been long enough with a documentary 

we are witnessing this criminal group and the deliberate release of unknown compositions of potions and its persistent distribution around the world using state powers. These compounds are variously banned agents and are electronic stuffing and bacteria modified in the U.S. by U.S. companies. In addition, we have reliable information about prepared various scenarios of accidents, false attacks on the Internet, man-made disasters, disruption of supply chains, other collapse to create autumn- winter food shortages in different countries of the world (EU 🇪🇺). Yes, we are aware of general plans for agribusiness in the U.S. and a number of countries around the world. He has indeed already suffered losses and will have more forest fires near agricultural land, including aircraft. We take the scenario of U.S. government terrorists and the vulnerability of the world against these actions against agriculture quite seriously. The calculation is clear - to seriously undermine small and medium-sized businesses, de facto ruin and put people in dependence on state aid. All this is painted by the ideologue of terrorism American citizen Klaus Schwab having the patronage of the White House administration. The last days show the nervous activation of destructive activity activities in the agricultural sector. We consider it a subtype of agro-terrorism. 

Wikimedia has not yet had time to correct and it gives the definition of Bioterrorism - the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, toxins or other harmful agents in order to cause disease or death of people, animals or plants. These agents are commonly found in nature, but can be modified or modified to increase their ability to cause disease, make them resistant to existing drugs or increase their ability to spread in the environment. Biological agents can spread through air, water or food. Biological agents are attractive to terrorists because they are extremely difficult to detect and do not cause disease from a few hours to several days. Some bioterrorism agents, such as smallpox virus, can be transmitted from person to person, and some, such as anthrax, are not. Bioterrorism can be approved because biological agents are relatively easy and inexpensive to obtain, spread easily and can cause widespread fear and panic other than real physical harm. 

Our military colleagues have spoken confidently about the use of "vaccines" as the primary and mass use of biological weapons to increase deaths, and against this background, the announcement of the 📣 of the New Wave of the Delta virus "Gamma" and further up to 2030-2050 until all the plans described in our materials are ⬇️. Biological weapons are used by terrorists as a method of killing people and creating mass panic and destruction of a State or country. Bill Joy also talked about these technologies. He warned us, and that's what we're seeing right now - genetic engineering in the hands of bioterrorismists. 

Some of our vip readers and you know perfectly well who, changes the status to an accomplice /member of a terrorist group bioterrorism. And we move on to a different plane of work on this group 👇


U.S. Army issues order to prepare for mandatory vaccination

According to the Army Times, the U.S. Army is preparing to introduce mandatory vaccination against televirus for military personnel from the beginning of September.

A report released on Saturday said: "The Army instructed commandos to prepare for the introduction of a mandatory VACCINE against COVID-19 as early as 1 September.

The Ministry of Defence denies any plans for mandatory vaccination.

Army spokesman Maj. Jackie Wren said: "Vaccination is still voluntary." "If the Defense Ministry instructs us to change our attitude, we are ready to do so," Ren added.

The military does not want to be vaccinated, as does the population as a whole. This is sure to continue as new research links heart problems and chest pain in soldiers with mRNA vaccines.

The latest study, published Tuesday in the journal JAMA, found that 23 male soldiers (including 22 classified as "previously healthy") between the ages of 20 and 51 "had an acute onset, pronounced chest pain." 

The case study included patients who sought treatment for chest pain in the military health system after vaccination, and were subsequently diagnosed with clinical myocarditis.



      So you don't feel lonely, darling. 

     👑           👑

Is it very important for someone to have the "6uild 6ack 6etter"- 66 and the CERN-666 logo on the agenda? 

Okay, but we're going to draw our 'logo', 066. 

Most diseases have already been digitized, and remote treatment has long been and secretly used by the special services for "official purposes" (including actively worked on the victims of psiterror). Psychotronic technologies can be secretly used in Operation Coronavirus, including the personal wave "infection" of ostentatious patients (public people, doctors, politicians) chosen to prove the existence of the epidemic. The special services are professionals in the organization of "performances" and everyone remembers the explosions of the Twin Towers in 2001, which were necessary to strengthen control over terrorism by mankind.

The same thing is happening now 👇

Covid is a global crime, a mega adventure of biological - medical terrorists of the 21st century.

Corona_Fakten: Liste der wichtigsten Artikel 


Ich möchte für alle die wichtigsten Artikel (werden kontinuierlich erweitert) und Posts noch einmal hervorheben. Diese sind die Grundlage, um zu verstehen, warum es keinen Nachweis für krankmachende Viren gibt. Mit diesen Informationen müssen alle Maßnahmen mit sofortiger Wirkung beendet werden. Bevor man Fragen hat, bitte ich diese Artikel zu lesen, in den allermeisten Fällen beantworten sie alle Fragen. 

Corona_Fakten Artikel:

1. PCR test not validated 


2. DNA test becomes a tool of manipulation 


3. Cheating with masks debunked


4. Exposing fraud at the meat factory T'nnies 


5. Sweden's facts refute belief in the crown 


6. Leading coronavirus researchers admit that they have no scientific evidence of the virus's existence.


7. Court records confirm that there is no scientific evidence of measles virus.


8. Scientific Fraud by Professor Christian Drosten (Video) | "Podcast"


9. Misinterpretation of antibodies 


10. Tangled, confusing, antibody tests 


11. Additional analysis of the 4th meeting of the Corona Committee 


12. Vaccines that can destroy our genetic structure | "Podcast"


13. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. proves to Alan Dershowitz that vaccination is ineffective and dangerous 


14. Corona_Fakten and Samuel Eckert deny corrective action in measles test 




16. RKI openly admits its ignorance - civil inquiries, Part 1 


17. On unsubstantiated viral statements, futile tests on the crown and the unsuccessful search for noble intentions. 


18. Vaccination myth: statistics 📊 


19. Henle-Koch postulates in terms of universal biology on the example of lung cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis 


20. Stefan Lanka - Die Impflüge ❗️


Diese Heft Ausgabe ist aus dem Jahr 2001 und könnte nicht aktueller denn je sein. Es wird auf genau die Fragen eingegangen, die uns derzeit beschäftigen. 

21. How do you recognize "inadequate" posts and incorrect images of viruses? "Podcast"


22. The end of virology is separated by only one control experiment.


23. Open Letter - Ways Out of Crisis 


24. Exclusive interview with the doctor. Stefan Lanca (PDF)


25. Dr. Stefan Lanca - Pandemic Theatre (2009) (backup available)


26. Interview mit Dr. Stefan Lanka !❗️


In diesem Interview spricht Dr. Stefan Lanka (Gewinner des Masernprozess) über einige hoch interessante Fragen, welche sich viele immer gestellt haben. Seine Weitsicht auf die Biologie und Sicht auf das Leben ist einzigartig.

Hier 2020 (PDF und Audio) and Hier 2017 (Audio)

27. Dr. Andrew Kaufman - The Inconvenient Truth About the Covid (German)


28. Rolf Kron - Do we make ourselves healthy through vaccinations? AKASHA Congress Back2Health 2016 (backup available)


29. Polio in the context of the vaccination review (backup available)


30. Vaccination recommendations are unconstitutional (backup)


31. Tetanus vaccination - risk and benefit analysis (backup)


32. ❗️Die Spanische Grippe, hat kein VIRUS als Ursache❗️

Wer kennt sie nicht, die behauptete spanische Grippe von 1918, bei der die Aussagen existieren, dass es 20-100 Millionen tote gab, die einem Virus zum Opfer gefallen sein sollen.

Was an sich schon fragwürdig wäre, da erst in den 1940ger Jahren das Elektronenmikroskop erfunden wurde, mit dem man so kleine Partikel sehen kann, denen man die Größe von angeblichen Viren zuschreibt. 

Andere behaupteten es wäre ein bestimmtes Bakterium. Die ganze Sache hat so viele Ungereimtheiten, dass sich viele die Mühe gemacht haben, herauszufinden, was da wirklich passiert ist.

und jetzt kommt es, es wird euch aus den Latschen hauen. Denkt immer daran was ich gesagt habe, es gibt keine krankmachenden Viren.

ExpressZeitungs Ausgabe 32 Seite 70 - 73


33. On the viral church of ⛪️ 


34. Die „Wissenschaft“ vom Virus, das einfach nicht nachzuweisen ist


35. Wie die Theorie von den tödlichen Mikroben in Medizin und Gesellschaft die Macht ergriff ❗️

Dass sich in den letzten hundert Jahren die Mikroben-Killer-Theorie in aller Breite etablieren konnte, wäre ohne Täuschung und Betrug in der Forschung, ohne Korruption in den staatlichen Gesundheitsbehörden, ohne das üppige Geld der aufstrebenden Pharmaunternehmen und, nicht zu vergessen, ohne die unterstützenden skrupellosen Medien in dieser Weise nicht möglich gewesen.

Dieser Artikel ist ein weiteres faktenbasiertes Puzzlestück, um endlich den notwendigen Paradigmenwechsel in der Medizin einzuleiten, der längst überfällig ist.


36.Censored research reveals the dark secret of the crown and 5G (Oliver Janic)


37. "Statistics on 25.10.20 - total" | (Europe) | (Germany) | (Austria) | (Switzerland)


38. A real pandemic or staged pandemic 


39. Measles - Using Universal Biology (Part 1/4)


40. Measles - Using Universal Biology (Part 2/4)


41. Measles - The Use of Universal Biology (Part 3/4)


42. Measles - Using Universal Biology (Part 4/4)


43. Interview with Professor Marcel Tanner | "Video" "Back up the video"


44. Format: You ask, we answer 1-80


E-Mail: coronafaktenfragen@gmail.com

45. Vaccination myth: vaccinated victims 


46. PCR: Bad, worse, daily news 📰 


47. Myth refuted 


48. Professor Strek and his convoluted thesis on the crown 


49. These questions make every virologist nervous 


50. RKI confirms that no existential virus studies nor control experiments have been conducted 


51. How one misinterpretation has baffled the world on 10 January 2020 


52. Corona: a clear and verifiable refutation of claims about the virus 


53. Mistakes of virologists and Binder's laboratory


54. A large request to Professor Ulrike Kemmerer 


55. Viaveto - PCR - important consideration (German)


56. Auf hauchdünnem Eis 


Die Pandemie-Erzählung steht hinsichtlich ihrer wissenschaftlichen Evidenz auf tönernen Füßen, was die Kritiker der Panikmache zu wenig in den Blick nehmen.

57. CoronaFakten refutes German press agency regarding Corona - Part 1/3


58. CoronaFakten refutes German press agency regarding Corona - Part 2/3 


59. CoronaFakten refutes German press agency regarding Corona - Part 3/3 


60. Influenza vaccination is not only useless, the creators know 


61. Diseases: where do they come from or what is it? 


62. Influenza vaccination is a crime - and has been going on for 78 years 


63. Have the studies cited by the Doctors Explain team proved the existence of SARS-CoV-2? Under no circumstances 


64. The culprit - The effect and significance of a non-existent coronavirus 


65. Allegations of the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus are clearly refuted 


66. Proposal that Prof. Dresten, Prof. Thiel, Prof. Strek and Binder-Lab cannot refuse 


67. Project Immanuel - a series of films refuting the alleged existence of viruses (still in development)


68. Is an attack on the PCR test enough? Not really. 


Now consultations are under way between the administrations of countries on sovereignty and the need to renounce greater national powers in favor of a new world state, or the New World Order. The globalist provokes negotiations and leaks, uses shady contacts (diplomacy) and maintains tensions in case of emergencies ... 

Next, the materials of the Editorial Without numbering, you can read from top to bottom ⬇️, from the bottom up ⬆️, you can read even diagonally. 

The meaning of this will not change . 















Doctor sounds the alarm: vaccinated women have miscarriages, babies have blood clots from the vagina

Famous American doctor Christian Northrup paints a gloomy picture. This indicates that the spike proteins and SM-102, the ingredient in the Moderna vaccine, accumulate in the ovaries.

Things we've never seen before.

Northrup conducted a study on the effects of televirus vaccination on pregnant women. "Many women had miscarriages, began bleeding profusely, 18-month-old babies had blood clots coming out of their vaginas after 

"They were next to their recently vaccinated grandparents, the little boys had a scrotum rash that we never saw," the doctor said on Ickonic's Right Now show.

In addition, in one case, a spike in protein in breast milk caused thrombocytopen - a platelet deficiency - in a child who later died. 

"This vaccine has never been tested on pregnant women, they should never take this vaccine," Dr. Northrup said.

20 percent of vaccines contain salt?

She advises women who are trying to get pregnant or pregnant to avoid contact with vaccinated people, at least until the end of pregnancy, especially intimate contact such as cuddles.

Northrap went on to say that vaccinated people are in trouble and that 20 percent of vaccines are actually salt.

Don't take revaccination!

Currently, people are afraid of the Delta option, so they will be revaccinated. "Don't take revaccination!" the doctor warned. 

"Who knows what dark forces have put into the booster prick. Don't do this. "The Delta option is a fake with fear. Every virus mutates, that's how nature works."



Russians in the U.S. Army

Is it hard for a Russian to serve in the U.S. Army? How much money does he make and what do Americans call him? About girls, books, decompression and six seconds - about this and not only we talked to “X”.

U.S. Army

Tell me what you need to do to join the U.S. Army. Is it difficult?

- It is much more difficult to get into the U.S. army than to join the Russian army, because it is necessary to pass the selection there. The U.S. Army is only holding on to volunteers. First, you need to pass the medical commission, the test for the I.I. - after you give a list of specialties that you can enroll. I, for example, "XXX" - a combat engineer with the function "S4", which means paratrooper.

For some specialties that are not popular or for which there is no recruitment, a bonus is paid. For example, if a person goes to a civilian specialist, he is paid an additional bonus of $45,000.

How long does the training last?

"All my training as an engineer took 14-15 weeks. I went to airborne school for three more weeks.


Attitudes of Americans to Russians

Have you ever faced a negative attitude on the part of Americans?

"I didn't have any problems, I was respected. However, the nicknames "KGB" and "Special Forces" were fixed behind me. When we were called on the radio, it was usually like, "I need two soldiers, and bring "KGB."" That's my name until now. My family and friends call me "XXX" because they can't pronounce my name correctly, and I can't listen to them anymore, it sounds terrible. So I suggested they call me that. They asked me a couple of times if I was a spy.


Russian expat who became a corporal of the British army ...

Russians in the French Foreign Legion ...

The Bundeswehr accepted Russian soldiers into its ranks.

Bundeswehr - the army of the Federal Republic of Germany and recently soldiers of the Russian army can serve under contract in military units of Germany ...


  In the hope that all readers understood us .

That's where we started working. And we work from two countries and always to the end. 


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