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Temperature measurements on the forehead, guards, which appeared in the spring of 2020 everywhere, are nothing more than a dress rehearsal. 

Putin and his Chabad-Kremlin Kahal are consciously involved in this crime and helping the Antichrist take over the world. Look below and you will understand everything yourself.

This item was presented to Stalin in 1949 on his 70th anniversary. The gift is a phone in the shape of a globe. His tube was made in the form of a hammer, the lever - in the form of a sickle.

More than sixty years ago, two graduate students came up with a symbol with black and white stripes to provide product information during checkout checkout. Bernard Silver and Norman Joseph Woodland became famous for the invention of the first barcode, patented by them in 1952, but it was not before 1973 that the barcode took a form that could be used commercially, George J. Williams. Laurer invented a unique barcode of the product (UPC, Uniform Product Code). The UPC code had simpler symbols that could be decoded by technical devices of the time. A year later, on June 26, 1974, the first barcode scanner developed by Spectra-Physics (now part of the Datalogic group of companies) was installed, and the first product from which the barcode was read was a pack of Wrigley's chewing gum at the Marsh supermarket in Troy, Ohio. At the moment when its price was displayed on the display of the cash register, and bar coding appeared.

For example, in Japan, QR was used in the automotive industry of Japan. Full decoding of the abbreviation QR-code - Quick Response code, that is, the code of rapid response, abbreviated, in fact, QR code. A QR code allows you to read product information much faster than the same barcode, but a qr code is a type of matrix two-dimensional barcodes. The main purpose of complete information about the product is sewn into the marking and high-speed scanning and quick receipt of all information about the product. At the Japanese plant "Denso", which produces automotive components, it began to be used as an element that speeds up work. In 1994, the same began to use the auto giant "Toyota".

Assigning codes to people

Humanity has a very negative experience of assigning different number systems to people. For example, in the infamous concentration camps, people were assigned not just a serial number, but their number could mean the country, race, origin of a person and his belonging to a certain group. The rooms were needed to facilitate the work of the staff, so that they quickly understood who was in the camp. Above in the text is a brief description of the commodity barcode, so, it's all the same, especially knowing how and at what cosmic level of lies and money is carried out a special operation pandemic, then you do not need to be a professor or a doctor, toads to understand what is what. And we are talking about the broken destinies of people, including unborn children. 

The released children, former prisoners of the Auschwitz concentration camp, show camp numbers tattated on their hands. Brzezinka. Poland. February 1945 

The number of Nazis in the concentration camp meant segregation, that is, the separation of people on any grounds. A person with one assigned number could enjoy some privileges and rights, and with another - was a disenfranchised slave. This number replaced the prisoner's name. Now restaurants and swimming pools also do not care who you are and what your name is, they are only interested in your qr-code, that is, your serial number. QR code will save us from infection? 

Yeah, you the doctor. 

How can the number be saved? Who can tell? Matrix code will save you from fashionable television disease? Would you say that those who received a "fashionable injection" are not carriers of infection and therefore they can go everywhere and rest, and they also do not get sick? Yes, even the creators of this "fashionable injection" will refute you, not to mention the fact that everyone now has knowledge and experience, as well as many interesting examples from life that say the opposite.

The phone was presented to the tyrant of the USSR Joseph Dzhugashvili Stalin in 1949 on the anniversary of 70 years. The basis of the receiving device is in the form of a globe, and the tube is made in the form of a hammer, a lever in the form of a sickle.

Putin and his Chabad-Kremlin Kahal are consciously involved in this crime and helping the Antichrist take over the world. Look below and you will understand everything yourself.

All the structures of the world anti-Christ government of the WHO, the UN and others, through the media controlled by them, convince all of humanity that COVID-19 fell on our heads from nowhere and quite unexpectedly. In fact, this is a blatant lie! This sabotage was carefully planned and carried out strictly according to plan. Here's simple but irrefutable evidence. From the official statistics of export-import operations for trade in goods between countries, we see that tests for the determination of COVID-19 have been purchased by countries since 2017, when no one had heard or thought about the coronavirus. Below, let's not be lying around and look at the tables with data on these purchases.

We open a specialized site wits.worldbank.org: 


"Use WITS to obtain commodity trade statistics (exports, imports) by country from UN COMTRADE, tariff profiles from UNCTAD TRAINS and WTO CTS IDB. The World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) software provides access to data on international trade in goods, tariff and non-tariff measures (NTM). View the Country Profile section to get country statistics on exports, imports and tariffs, as well as relevant development data." 

So, let's begin:

Import of COVID-19 testing kits (300215) by country in 2017 (click on the link to verify) 


Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 Test Kits / Diagnostic Testing Tools, Equipment

Please note that in the table the product COVID-19 Test kits, which were imported by countries, including the Russian Federation, the code is indicated: 300215. When the criminals realized on September 5, 2020 that they had been caught, they changed their name from COVID 19 to Test kits within 24 hours, but after we catch it is too late to drink 🥤 Borjomi, count the kidneys have already fallen off the main body. See the directory of HS codes (HS - commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union, classifier of goods used in customs operations).

DIRECTORY OF HS codes, code 300215  


Description: "Immunological products packaged in dosage forms or in retail molds or packages."      

So there is no discrepancy. Immunological products, coronavirus tests have been purchased since 2017! And what's more important: in the name of the coronavirus, the number 19 (COVID-19) does not carry the meaning of the year 2019, when this virus was allegedly detected. After all, its name was given to it long before the onset of 2019.

By the way, here we can see how much, where and for how much Covid-19 tests were imported in 2017 by the Russian Federation:



Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 Test Kits / Diagnostic Testing Tools, Equipment

The Russian Federation imported COVID-19 testing kits worth $40,161,150 and 179,789 kg.

Let's look beyond 2018 and 2019, when the purchase of tests was already made in large volumes.



Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 test kits / Tools, diagnostic testing equipment.



Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 Test Kits / Diagnostic Testing Tools, Equipment

This item was presented to Stalin in 1949 on his 70th anniversary. The gift is a phone in the shape of a globe. His tube was made in the form of a hammer, the lever - in the form of a sickle.

At the space communication station on the basis of a flat antenna-faroed array, through which information was transmitted through the IP-protocol, 1990. Galitsky could transfer a number of high technologies directly to Bill Gates and we are sure sure he did, although this is denied.. By the way, denies the transfer of the US 🇺🇸 And Bill Gates is only an individual and a private entrepreneur, although Bill is a big entrepreneur, we make this conclusion looking at his financial condition, nevertheless, Bill is not the US 🇺🇸, Bill postophys. Solution and a small sick bastard. 



As we’ve shown in previous exposes, the whole Covidiocracy is a masquerade and a simulation long prepared by The World Bank / IMF / The Rothschilds and their lemmings, with Rockefeller partnership.

"Dark Winter": Not only was the Russian savings account spotted. 


"Dark Winter": Not only was the Russian savings account spotted. 



- And what do we have comrades Nazis in the end? Only those who have received a fashionable injection of an unknown state potion from an unidentified fashionable virus can now gather in certain cultural places and only they can enjoy certain privileges. And what does this have to do with the disease comrades of the Nazis? 

- Yes none. All this special operation is a cheap run of the Nazi concentration camp, with the only difference that it is a plan for all nation-states to introduce bill Gates and Alexander Galitsky on the new technological basis of the electronic - electrode method. 

But even the Nuremberg Tribunal recognized the assignment of numbers to people as the greatest crime.

The 21st century and 100% repetition of history in the embodiment of the wet fantasies of mental and physical degenerates in the form of QR codes or just a code again assign the goods to living people. And only people who have them can enjoy the modern benefits of civilization. Where does this lead? It is known to what ! You have gone too far in applying the assignment of various codes to a person and the history of the world tells us well and quite clearly tells us and shows what you do. 

The shareholder of CRPT Galitsky sees in the labeling a chance for the emergence of new startups. December 2020.



According to the investor, the labeling is beneficial to both the state and people, since it "cleans up the business" and improves the quality of goods. 

To the left of Bill Gates is the former Soviet defense scientist Alexander Galitsky. 1997 year

MOSCOW, December 9. /TASS/. The creation of a digital system for labeling goods in the Russian Federation is a good basis for the emergence of breakthrough innovations and high-quality start-ups, Alexander Galitsky, co-founder and managing partner of the international venture fund Almaz Capital and one of the shareholders of the Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies (CRPT), said in an interview with Andrei Vandenko as part of the TASS special project "First Persons".

According to the investor, in general, the labeling is beneficial to both the state and people, since it "cleans up the business" and improves the quality of goods. "It is critically important to be sure that the pharmacy sells you exactly the product whose name is indicated on the package. Or take food. You can not write "Fresh milk" if it is made of powder. These are different statuses in price, quality, impact on the health of the buyer. The codes will allow you to label products and track any counterfeit," he explained.

At the same time, Galitsky continued, the labeling of goods is a chance to create startups. "For example, why not create a "smart" first-aid kit, which will collect information about what kind of medicines a person has at home, how to take them correctly when the expiration date expires? All information - based on scanned codes. This is more convenient than reading the instructions printed in small letters," the investor said.

"Again, innovation needs the right motivator. I am convinced that when launching a public-private partnership, when a socially important task is being solved, something new will surely appear. It used to be that budget funds were invested in technologies to solve state tasks - the same defense industry served as a driver of development. Now it's a different story," Galitsky summed up.

The Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies was created for the implementation of large-scale projects in the digital economy, forms the necessary expert and technological infrastructure for such projects. CRPT is a joint project of USM Holdings (Peter-Service, 50%), Rostec Group (Avtomatika Concern, 25%) and Elvis Plus Group (25%) of Alexander Galitsky.



© Personal Archives of Alexander Galitsky

With Appolo-9 astronaut Russell Sfaikart, his wife Nancy and John Gage at Sun Microsystems, California, 1993


What are these new startups of Sergey? 




1987: Soviet-American Campaign for Peace

"How to Lie With Statistics" by Darella Huff (1954), a book that talks about various ways to abuse statistics in order to deceive the audience and manipulate their opinions, is a desktop book by a friend of paedophile Epstein Gates.

Personally for Cuomo, so that he could more accurately calculate the 🧮 of his sentence 👇


Fake: In New York, the dead from coronavirus are buried in mass graves...


The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates.



The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates. And the Bulgarian international revolutionary terrorist chief doctor of the world hospital 🏥 (bank 🏦) Kristalina Ivanovna Georgieva  is one of the main sponsors of national biological - agricultural state terrorists. 
Well, what are the warriors of darkness? Fought 😂

British troops are sent to the Western Front, England, September 20, 1939. 





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