Murzilka 64.

Murzilka 64.

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'

n the interview below, the journalist interviews Dr. Stefano Scoglio, who studies vitamin supplements at the University of Urbino, Italy. In 2017, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize for scientific achievements in his field, but the point in this case is not this nomination, but that he is not afraid of any discredit from colleagues for his view of this "pandemic of coronavirus". 

How much is absolutely sure of the correctness of his arguments and evidence. The interview with him did not hang on YouTube and three hours. He's been blocked. Stefano Skolo is interviewed by Italian television channel Byoblue24. The interview provides the mechanisms and consequences of testing the non-undelified SARS-COV-2 virus (i.e. nothing) with PCR tests, statistical manipulation mechanisms and censorship. The consequences of mass vaccination in Bergamo and the consequences of improper treatment of pneumonia are also mentioned, among other things. 

Invented pandemic 😷 and false tests. 

Nobel Prize nominee in medicine Stefano Skolo "The fictional pandemic, the absence of a dedicated virus and the deceitful tests on Covid19". Bachelor of Science, Research Researcher, M.D.


journalist. Good evening, this is a new interview on Byoblue24 in which we will answer a really important question for the present time - the release of the virus that caused COVID 19 disease. To isolate the virus means to separate it from the organism in which it was detected to be able to study it in depth in the laboratory. But the question I'm going to ask now, and to which our guest today answers, what if the virus that caused COVID 19 was never isolated?

I present to you our guest, the scientific researcher Cefano Scoglio. He is Director of the Research Center at the University of Urbino.

 Doctor, you are the author of a document called The Invented Pandemic. A new pathology of asymptomaticity and false tests for COVID 19 "Before we start talking about this document in more detail, I want to read you one example from a recent article in a scientific journal:" Now in San Raffaele, Italian strains of a new virus have been isolated. Samples of the virus isolated around the world, and in Italy at Spallanzani, Sacco and now in San Rafaella, are needed to enable researchers to study the pathogen, test possible anti-viral drugs and vaccines, and better understand their origins. "

 I don't think you doubt the importance of such a step as virus isolation. Chances are, you doubt that this virus has actually been isolated. So why is that?

 Stefano Scoglio. Yes, I believe that this topic is of fundamental importance, because we are talking about the topic of viruses, and this topic will remain important for the next 10 years. And also because over the past 20 years we have been moving from one pandemic to another.

 Why do I say that this virus has not yet been isolated, although there are many centers around the world - hundreds, perhaps even thousands - that claim to have isolated the virus? This, in turn, is a problem because they have all isolated a virus that is slightly different from those that have been isolated by other researchers. It turns out that we have a mutation problem - many different viruses, but they are all SARS-COV-2.

 Well, how can you know which of these different 70,000 sequenced viruses (viruses in which researchers have determined the amino acid sequence in DNA or RNA) is the virus that you should use to create a vaccine against it or a test for its determination ?

 But we have an even more radical problem, because all these scientists, when they say that a virus has been “isolated,” are referring to a procedure that is standard procedure in virology and that does not actually isolate the virus.

 I will try to explain this in a language accessible to all, despite the fact that this is a very technical topic.

 And I'll start with Koch's postulates. What was Koch, who was the great microbiologist of the early 1900s, talking about? He said that in order to check whether a certain pathogen (an object causing the disease) is really the cause of the disease, it is necessary to isolate this pathogen from the fluids of a sick patient, place it in a culture, then take this culture in which (in this case, bacteria ) multiplied strongly, inoculate (inject) it into a healthy organism and check whether this (no longer related to the first patient) culture of the pathogen causes the same symptoms as in the sick person from which this bacterium was isolated.

 Some virologists say: all these principles are applied in bacteriology, but cannot be applied in virology, then that a virus is different from a bacterium - the virus cannot multiply by itself, it needs host cells for proliferation (for proliferation by division).

 But the point is that Koch's postulates are logical postulates. If you want to say that something is a pathogen and it causes a certain disease, then you have to take that pathogen in an isolated state, then put it in a culture, and then prove that this culture causes the same symptoms as that disease. that you are studying.

 And many virologists say: yes, yes - we have fulfilled Koch's postulates. We isolated the virus, and so on. But to understand what the main problem is, we need to understand how the virus is isolated and sequenced - the definition of its genome.

 A liquid is taken from the throat, or the patient's bronchoalveolar fluid. Then it is placed in a centrifuge. This is necessary in order to separate the heavier parts from the lighter ones, the larger molecules from the smaller ones, such as viruses and virus-like particles.

 Then they take this so-called centrifugate supernatant (the liquid above the heavier sediment obtained in the centrifuge) and tell us that it is a virus!

 But this is not a virus! Because inside this supernatant, according to my calculations, in 150 microliters of supernatant (which was used in the same Chinese Zhu study), there are about 30 billion "virus-like" molecules.

 When I say virus-like, what exactly do I mean? I'm talking about the fact that for over 50 years there has been research into what we call "extracellular vesicles." (Vesicles are relatively small intracellular organelles, membrane-protected sacs, in which nutrients are stored or transported.)

The so-called "exosomes" are an important part of the family of vizicles.

 (Exosomes are microscopic extracellular vesicles (vesicles) with a diameter of 30-100 nanometers (the size of coronaviruses is determined at 100 nanometers), secreted into the intercellular space by cells of various tissues and organs. The exosome cavity contains proteins, RNA and lipids. Exosomes are found in various tissue fluids of the body, such as serum, cerebrospinal fluid, and in urine, saliva, and breast milk.)

 Exosomes are absolutely identical to what we call viruses. Our body produces them for important physiological functions, for example, to remove cellular debris, in the case of cellular oxidation to stimulate and transport molecules important for the immune system, and so on.

 Journalist. And are they indistinguishable from viruses?

 Stefano Scoglio. Yes, they are indistinguishable from viruses.

 I want to read you an excerpt from a 2018 document that provides an overview of exosomes discovered over the past 50 years. It says that since exosomes have the same weight, size, and function as viruses, there is simply no method to distinguish viruses from exosomes.

 You have a fluid that consists of 30 billion particles of "viral", bacterial, exosomes, extracellular vesicles and so on, and you are trying to identify and get a virus from there. How do you know if what you have found is really a virus?

 How do you choose the virus you are looking for?

 You will do this using PCR.

 But what is PCR? This is a polymerase chain reaction. Polymerase is an enzyme that in a certain way participates in DNA replication in our body (replication is the process of creating two daughter DNA molecules based on the parent DNA molecule).

 Kari Mullis, the inventor of PCR, has always warned against using PCR for diagnostic purposes. What then was completely ignored and forgotten by the scientific world.

 So what does PCR do? You have to take DNA, which always has 2 strands (and RNA has only one strand). You heat this DNA by exposing it to a high temperature, divide it into these 2 strands that make up the DNA. After that, with the help of the polymerase enzyme, you add genetic bases there, the so-called nucleotides, and the polymerase attaches them to these single chains in the right place. Thus, from 2 separate strands, you get 2 whole DNA. That is, from one single DNA, with the help of polymerase, you create 2 DNA, then you carry out the second cycle and create 4 whole DNA, then you carry out the third cycle, create 8 copies, and so on.

 But there is another problem with viruses. Very few viruses are made up of DNA. For the most part, the so-called viruses are composed of RNA. Including SARS-COV-2, which is the COVID-19 disease virus. And if you start with one strand, that is, with RNA, regular PCR cannot do anything with it. Because PCR can only work with DNA that has 2 strands!

 Therefore, pre-use is what is called reverse transcription. This one strand of RNA is taken ... and then the researchers start to act at random, starting with the assumption that this RNA should be exactly the RNA of the coronavirus. And what do they do next? They take what is called a primer, which they create themselves. A primer is a minimal genetic sequence of amino acids, and they design and create it themselves in the laboratory. This primer attaches to the desired region of one RNA strand, thus producing two strands. This is how RNA turns into DNA.

 But what exactly are these so-called primers? The same researchers say: “If I knew exactly what the virus I’m looking for consists of, then only then would I have a primer, ie. a genetic sequence that matches exactly the virus I'm looking for.

 But if this is a new virus, and I don't know anything about it, then how can I figure out which primer, that is, the genetic sequence, should I use to find this virus among the billions of virus-like particles in the liquid I use? It's impossible!"

 And let's not forget that the primer that is used to search for the virus and its isolation is a sequence of only 18-24 nucleotides (molecules of phosphorus esters of nucleosides). But at the same time, they claim that the SARS-COV-2 virus has 30,000 nucleotides. So you, with your 18-24 nucleotides, are trying to search for a sequence of 30,000 nucleotides in a sea of ​​hundreds of billions of different nucleotide sequences ??

 Therefore, I always give an example: if you want to find an elephant, relying on a tiny gray hair, as a primer, then who can you find? A gray cat, a dog, a donkey, and so on. Besides the elephant. You simply cannot use a PCR test to pick a virus out of this liquid.

 Therefore, when scientists say that they have isolated a virus, in fact they are talking about a laboratory design, created by them using artificial primers, i.e. artificial genetic sequences that have fished something out of this sea of ​​billions of virus-like particles, exosomes. And then they tell us that this is the virus!

 This is why there are already 78 different PCR tests, each of which uses its own technique i.e. each test looks for what it wants from you. It's not just me who say this - the researchers themselves admit it, those of them who are honest and tell the truth. They clearly say: "Since the replication of these particles catches absolutely everything - human genes, bacterial genes, exosomes, viral particles and so on, then trying to look for one single particle in this way is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

 Simply put, an infinitely small part of a kind of virus is created in the laboratory, in which the scientists themselves invented the genetic sequence. They, by this artificially created part, joined something in this sea of ​​billions of nucleotides, and what came out of this was called a virus.

Absolutely - this cannot be the virus that you are talking about also because you have never seen it. You don't know him. It was generated only by hypothesis. A hypothesis that you have confirmed only with genetic sequences created by you in the laboratory!

 The PCR test is irrelevant for many reasons.

 But before we talk about that, I want to give you an example. There is one landmark study by Vao and colleagues, published in Nature and cited by everyone as proof of the pathogenicity of the virus.

 They took bronchoalveolar fluid i.e. a suspected virus-infected fluid and tested it in mice. (Note - it was still the same liquid, consisting of 30 billion different particles, and not the virus itself). However, if you took this liquid from a patient, then it is assumed that if this virus is really there, then it will be proliferated (multiplied by division) in the patient to a large extent. And then, of course, this liquid will be a source of infection.

 But when they tested the mice, they used 2 groups of mice, normal mice (i.e. wild, natural) and genetically modified mice. Therefore, when they inoculated mice with this liquid, which is supposed to contain a large amount of virus, then the effect was zero in normal mice. Nothing happened to them. No harm!

 Minimal effects were observed only in genetically modified mice. And this "terrible harm" that the deadly virus inflicted on them was a little tousled hair and a weight loss of 8% in one week. These are the effects of SARS-COV-2 infection!

 And all these effects can be very simply explained by the fact that these mice were genetically modified in order to produce the ACE2 enzyme (enzymes or enzymes - complex protein molecules, RNA or their complexes that accelerate chemical reactions in living systems). And we are now being told that the virus uses this enzyme to enter cells.

 But this enzyme has its own effects. One of them is the suppression of the hormone ghrelin. Ghrelin is a hormone that makes you feel hungry. And since he is depressed, then you can lose weight. This effect is explained even without the virus.

 But on normal, non-genetically modified mice, the effect was zero! However, this study is cited as proof of the pathogenicity of the virus!

 So what is a PCR test? You take the liquid from the throat that the virus is supposed to be in, and we are immediately faced with the same situation that I talked about earlier. After all, you take a liquid that contains hundreds of billions of virus-like particles. And you subject this liquid to PCR polymerase chain reaction, and with the markers that you have, you are trying to find something.

 But PCR must have a standard - it is an isolated virus. And when you put this liquid in contact with the PCR, which contains the isolated virus, then the PCR will be able to reproduce the virus and check if it is in this liquid.

 But again the same problem arises: if the virus has not been isolated, what standard is used?

 No! This is done at random.

 On April 16, 2020, the European Commission published the document I am citing here, which states that as of April 16, 78 different types of PCR tests and 110 different types of serological tests (looking for antibodies in the blood) were circulating in Europe. None of them are verified, not approved. To the point that most of those doing these tests did not even report what kind of genetic primer sequence they use in their PCR tests.

 Therefore, inside there may simply be water and an algorithm configured to produce 70% negative and 30% positive results. All of these tests are criminal, illegal and have no scientific basis!

 And this is a document from the European Commission itself!

 And I must say it amazes me deeply when I published all this information, then no one was outraged and no one filed a complaint. I am ready to participate in filing complaints, and if there is someone from the audience who wants to file a complaint, I am ready to help with this with my knowledge and competence. All of these fake tests must be appealed. Damage in the amount of 200 billion euros or more has already been made, and all this still continues, only on the basis of tests, which are the only reason for the pandemic.

 Nor is there a single test that is based on the gold standard that has been tested and judged! Now there are up to 150 such tests or more, but all of them have not been tested and can contain anything. 

This is what is being used to shut down an entire nation in isolation!

 In serological tests, you draw blood instead of bronchopulmonary fluid. You centrifuge this blood, take serum and test it for antibodies to antivirus.

 Now we will also clarify a very important point. Because here, in the same way, the words of virologists are misinterpreting the mass media, and are transmitted to the people with a meaning completely opposite to what it should be. They tell you: a serological test tests whether you have antibodies to the coronavirus. To SARS-COV-2.

 But this is not so because we cannot have 100 billion antibodies, each of which is specific for each type of virus. We have only 5 types of antibodies, immunoglobulins, and in this case, only 2 types are tested. Only 2 - IgG and IgM! IgM starts earlier, it is considered preliminary. And IgG is more recent. And they are the same for all people! And these antibodies are produced if you catch a cold, cut yourself, if you have a bruise, if you are depressed, if you are stressed. They can be generated for a million different reasons.

 Therefore, the fact that you have elevated levels of IgG and IgM does not mean anything in itself. Again, what should scientists do? They must take this serum with IgG and IgM antibodies, and must put it in contact with the virus. And see if the antibodies were activated upon contact with the virus. And then it will mean that the antibodies have recognized the virus and they can be specific for this virus. But if the virus has not been isolated and is not present at all, how then can you put the serum in contact with the virus?

 So the antibody test doesn't matter either.

 Yesterday I published a post in which I talked about why in the PCR test it happens that you have 5% 6% or 3% positive results, and all the rest are negative. Maybe that's why.

 I have already talked a lot about exosomes and extracellular vesicles. It has been noticed that when we are in stress, depression i.e. we are in a pre-pathogenic state, even if we look healthy. We are producing an increased number of extracellular vesicles and exosomes. Perhaps when you produce many more exosomes, the primers in the test attach to one of them and you get a positive result. But this does not in any way indicate the presence of a virus. In addition, we are almost always talking about positive asymptomatic. About people who test positive, but without any symptoms associated with respiratory illness, with what is considered COVID-19.

Journalist. By the way, Donald Trump made a certain decision regarding the tests, didn't he?

 Stefano Scoglio. Yes exactly!

 It is interesting to observe that a week ago, all the news channels shouted every day: "50,000 new cases of COVID-19 in America, 60,000 new cases ..." And within 4-5 days America disappeared from the news. Nobody talks about her. Because Trump did the right thing to finally take control of the CDC and the FDA. He established that the test should only be done by the sick. Only for those with clear visible symptoms of COVID-19.

 And after that, all talk of positive results in the United States abruptly disappeared. This is what we must do in Italy as well.

 In addition, we must join forces and file legal action in connection with these tests. Because it's a shameful thing. We have official docs that these tests mean nothing. They are unreliable, not verified by anyone. What are we talking about?

 Journalist. At the end of your article, you quote the numbers: "All the media in the world are shouting that this alleged pandemic has led to more than 650 thousand deaths, but we know that this figure was also very inflated." Can you explain this statement?

 Stefano Scoglio. Now the figure has increased to over 800 thousand. But we all know that, at least those of us who do not rely only on official news channels, that the Higher Institute of Health said 3-4 months ago that only 3 to 4% of deaths from COVID-19 do not had other serious progressive and concomitant pathologies. They reported that the average age of the deceased was 81 years old, and 60% of them had at least 3 serious pathologies. Such as tumors, heart disease, diabetes and so on. 25% of them had two serious pathologies, others (15-16%) had one serious pathology, and only 3-4% had no serious pathologies that could cause death.

 That is, these 3-4% of deaths could somehow be attributed to deaths from COVID-19, if the SARS-COV-2 virus existed.

 Recently, the CDC (after Trump took control) released a document that does the same analysis. It says that if we look at all the deaths in America, then only 6% of these deaths did not have other serious progressive comorbidities that could have been a cause of death other than coronavirus. Therefore, if we take these 3-4 in Europe and 6% in the USA, then we get 4-5%. Therefore, out of these 800 thousand, we would get only 40 thousand deaths from the coronavirus.

 But even if we assume that all 800,000 deaths were due to the coronavirus, a simple calculation shows that by the end of the year we will have 1 million or 1.2 million deaths attributed to the coronavirus.

 The coronavirus, despite the fact that other pathologies are now being attributed to the coronavirus, in fact, it is pulmonary pathology, bilateral pneumonia, interstitial pneumonia, and so on. They scare us: 850 thousand deaths, 1 million, 1.2 million! Do you know how many people die of pneumonia every year around the world? 7 million!

 When we talk about deaths from coronavirus, we are talking about 10-15% of deaths from pneumonia, and since we know that many deaths from pneumonia, flu and other diseases were recorded as deaths from COVID-19, it becomes clear that this million is included in the 7 million deaths that already occur every year.

 In addition, I will add one more thing.

 There is a report on statistics from EuroMomo - the European agency for death control. On July 31, they published a document stating that in all of Europe, with the exception of Spain and Portugal, which have minimal increases, in France, Germany, Italy, there is no increase in mortality. Zero increase in mortality!

 In addition, I conducted research and prepared a document that was very popular 3-4 months ago, and in which I expose the data of the National Institute of Statistics, which claimed that in March there were 49 thousand more deaths in Italy than usual. I have shown that this is not the case, based on their own calculations. And that in January 2017 and January 2015 there were much more deaths than in March of this year. Therefore, even from an epidemiological point of view, the numbers do not converge and there is absolutely no epidemic.

 Also, do not forget that when Bill Gates proclaimed the next great epidemic back in 2018, he was talking about the minimum figure of 30 million deaths. And where are they? There is none of them! There are 800,000 deaths, most likely due to other causes, and in any case, fit into the annual cases of respiratory disease. And in Italy and Europe there is no increase in mortality!

 The only thing that keeps this pandemic afloat is that it is being pumped up with fear by the media, using positive asymptomatic people who only appeared thanks to a completely false test.

 Journalist. Do you know what is the most shocking thing of all this fantastic terror story? Nobody is excluded from this story. From this fantastic story that does not look at the numbers that you quoted and analyzed just now. Nobody is excluded! Everyone decided to participate in the writing of this terror fiction. Every government in every country on this planet!

 Stefano Scoglio. Every government, every media, TV, magazine ... Unfortunately, this is so. It is also frustrating that the opposition forces, the so-called opposition, are completely aligned with the central narrative.

 And now many hope for Trump and that he can somehow influence this whole absurd story. In Italy, TV channels even today show caravans of the dead in Bergamo - they intimidate people.

 There is also a lot to say about Bergamo and Bresni. We know that these are the territories that received the highest number of vaccinations in the months leading up to deaths. 185,000 flu vaccines and 85,000 Menningococcus vaccines have been made. There are many studies that prove that these vaccines trigger a cytokine storm that leads to interstitial pneumonia.

 Not to mention another criminal phenomenon that should be analyzed and challenged as soon as possible - the fact that during the first 3 months all patients underwent intubations (they were connected to a ventilator), which killed patients! Because, as it later turned out, when they began to do autopsies (which they initially refused to do and the government recommended not to carry them out), they saw that it was not ordinary interstitial pneumonia (diseases of the lung tissue manifested by inflammation and disruption of the structure of the alveolar walls, etc. .).

 It was pulmonary thromboembolism (blockage of the pulmonary artery). Blood clots have formed in the lungs. And when you have blood clots in your lungs, which are essentially congestions, and you supply oxygen at high pressure, what happens? Your pulmonary arteries will just explode. But this was done for 2-3 months, without checking anything at all!

 And this is not the fault of the doctors, because they simply followed the prescribed protocol, which was assigned to them by the Ministry of Health. But nevertheless, this is a serious case. As serious as the recent case, which should be brought to the attention of the court. That within one week the Italian government approved the intravenous use of interferon. When the instructions for interferon clearly indicate: do not inject intravenously. Deadly dangerous! Within one week it was used intravenously and it is not known how many people they killed. A week later, they saw all these dead people and stopped, canceled the intravenous use of interferon. This is another criminal thing.

 Journalist. This is blatant. No one else can be trusted. If you are hospitalized you only need to pray!

And this is the result of experiments 👇

Lost people in terrifying because of the degree of their madness costumes, in society sick of false fear. 

And yet, the crazy conspiracy theorists in the foil hat, it's us, not these poor people, because of the significant number in society whose world is so hard to say goodbye to this coilous history of lies. 

Does anyone see this as a movement into a brighter future, the prosperity of societies and scientific progress? 

💉 The Vesto-Digital Iceberg friends of paedophile Epstein Gates and other mops with the name "Great Reboot."

26/10/20 Singapore stops using flu vaccine after 48 deaths in South Korea

27/10/20 Vaccination in Darmstadt-Dieburg begins in Asbah - Number of covid deaths in Darmstadt-Dieburg explodes 

01/01/21, Israel - 4 people died and 240 contracted COVID-19 in Israel after injecting experimental MRNA vaccine Pfizer 

04/01/21, Iceland (tiny country) - 3 deaths after receiving the Covid19 vaccine in Iceland 

04/01/21, Portugal - "Perfectly healthy" 41-year-old resident pediatrician dies suddenly after injecting experimental Pfizer vaccine

05/01/21, Israeli woman was diagnosed with facial paralysis after receiving the vaccine from Covid-19 

05/01/21, 27-year-old Canadian nurse faints and suffers multiple seizures after receiving experimental Pfizer vaccine

05/01/21, USA-Hundreds Sent to Emergency Room After Receiving Vaccine

05/01/21,32-year-old Mexican doctor suffers convulsions and is paralyzed after receiving Pfizer vaccine 

06/01/21, Norway investigates death of two people receiving Pfizer vaccine

07/01/21, "Very Healthy 56-Year-Old" Obstetrician from Miami Dies After Pfizer Injection

07/01/21, at least 21 Americans suffered a life-threatening allergic reaction to the Pfizer COVID vaccine.

08/01/21, Norway - 82-year-old resident of Sola nursing home dies a day after vaccination

10/01/21, Israel - A young man develops "rare life-threatening syndrome" after being vaccinated with Covid-19.

10/01/21, Germany - 10 deaths in Germany within 4 days of Covid-19 vaccination; investigation ordered

11/01/21, USA - Nurse developed facial paralysis after Covid-19 vaccination 

11/01/21, India - 44-year-old Indian dies after vaccination

12/01/21, USA, New York-24 crown deaths at New York nursing home after vaccination 

12/01/21, Germany - 55-year-old German dies 10 days after vaccination 

12/01/21, Israel - Explosion/covid outbreak after vaccination 

13/01/21, Israel - A 75-year-old Israeli woman was found merthite just hours after the second dose of the Vaccine Covid-19

13/01/21, Germany - An 89-year-old man dies about an hour after receiving a coronal vaccine

14/01/21, USA, Louisiana - Woman suffers uncontrollable seizures after receiving experimental Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine 

14/01/21, USA - Victim of Modern, cramps all over the body 

14/01/2021, USA - A woman suffers full-body cramps after receiving the experimental vaccine Moderna COVID-19 

14/01/2021, Germany - Ten people die after vaccination against Covid 

15/01/21, Germany - Paul Ehrlich Institute: as of 10/01/2021, 7 people have died as a person due to vaccination. So far, 51 serious reactions to vaccination. 

15/01/21, France - Severe adverse reactions in 30 cases after vaccination Covid-19. 

15/01/2021, France - Man dies just two hours after vaccination

15/01/21, Israel - 4,500 infected with covid after vaccination

15/01/21, France, Nice - 50 dead at home after vaccination 

15/01/2021, USA - The Public Health Agency has confirmed 29 dangerous reactions to the koida vaccine.

16/01/21, Israel - 13 Israelis suffer facial paralysis after receiving Pfizer Covid vaccine

16/01/2021, Germany - Bavaria: explosive cooida outbreak in nursing home after vaccination campaign 

16/01/21: Belgium - 82-year-old man dies after vaccination

16/01/21, Germany - Two elderly pensioners die on the same day after vaccination

16/01/21, France - A man living in a nursing home dies 2 hours after being vaccinated against a cooid

16/01/2021, Norway - Scandal in Norwegian nursing homes: 23 deaths after Covid vaccination 

17/01/2021, USA - 55 people have died after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and 1,388 are in emergency departments.

... and that's just a small part of what some media dared to write about publicly. 
American actress, singer, known as Divine Miss M, The Grammy, Emmy and Tony winner, two-time Academy Award nominee, who is considered by the BBC to be the most successful artist of all time, Bette Midler performs at her New York Restoration Project (NYRP) "HULAWEEN" gala and celebration of her 60th birthday at the Waldorf Astoria on October 31, 2005 in New York City. where there was also her girlfriend, a child trader who was held in slaves by Gates' friend paedophile Epstein, Giselle Maxwell (pictured in a wig). 

Incidentally, in one of her tweets, which Twitter, predictably, did not delete, this actress publicly offered to join the paedophile project Maxwell The Terramar Project, which was presented to the plebs as an environmental non-profit organization, founded in 2012 by Giselen Maxwell:

"Today is Ocean Day at home. Become a citizen of the oceans; The Terramar Project, the seas need you; all hands on deck!"

If you break the cycle of irrational fear, you will break the cycle of psychological control and manipulation.

If you fill yourself with facts and knowledge, you give your voice and inner humanity real power.

If you stand up for your fundamental freedoms, you defend your innate rights and freedoms.

No one can force you to breathe with lint and bacteria, which your body gets rid of when exhaling. 

No one can force you to walk at the risk of bacterial pneumonia by wearing a rag on your face from a kovid, which is nothing but a "grid slave" for smoke, which is also, despite what you are told in the media and by the box, just a testament to your ignorant, and therefore imaginary, fantasized personally by you favor, supposedly saving the lives of others. 

God gave us the right to breathe the Pure Air and told us to wear and honor the image we carry in us with all the attention and reverence.

Which of the people above Him is so likely to prohibit what He gave you at birth - the right to breathe? 

Who is so brazen that in the fissage of God demands to close with a rag His image in you ? 

How will people see his image in the larvae of their loved ones and distant ones, if their face is covered with a rag, abolishing his image in us, and empathy and, as a result, in the future the opportunity to love all "as himself", as commanded to us by our Father?

Not heeding this with all seriousness, only a sober-minded person is capable of which, the death awaits the inevitable and what has been described as a "worm", "teeth gnashing" in the darkness of the outer is their lot. 

Although, I think many of us can still wash away the shame and shaming that have caused them by their squalor or ignorance, who gave birth to panic and hysterics, unworthy of the proud title of the Creation of God ! 

A political ideologue and extremist of the 19th century, who presented as a journalist and economist, a cousin of Rothschild Karl Heinrich Marx (May 5, 1818 - March 14, 1883) a student of his mentor Moses Hess, who created a supposedly "scientific" theory known as Marxism.

Once again, the COVID-19.👇 testing method was patented by Rothschild

2010: Rockefeller's 'Operation Lockstep' Predicted 2020 . 
In 2010, in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, the Rockefeller Foundation, one of Our major "philanthropic" organs, convened what is called a "scenario planning exercise" where future events that we may or may not be planning are "gamed". Ostensibly, future and scenario planning is simply prudent, especially as regards public health, so it [...]

In 2015, Richard Rothschild, together with a Dutch government organization, patented the COVID-19 testing system and method four years before the introduction of the covid-19. Also, millions of COVID-19 testing kits were sold in 2017 and 2018. So it was called COVID-19, which is, in their words, an acronym for Corona Virus Disease 2019, not CowID. 
Atomic Bombshell: Rothschilds Patented Covid- 19 Biometric

Edward Bernays (1891-1995) is considered the father of "public relations." In the 1928 book 📖 "Propaganda" he created the current and present basis of modern communication management.

Born Bernays in Vienna (Austria 🇦🇹 ) nephew of Sigmund Freud. He took advantage of his knowledge of the modern man and his gut and put them at the service of governments and corporations. In propaganda (a term he later renamed himself "PR"), Bernays describes all the basic methods of influencing public opinion: the use of "neutral experts" to make the statement plausible and other meanness.

He worked for Edison, Ford and the CIA. 

He polished their image tainted by ties with the Nazis and improved their market opportunities. 

Maybe the "Propaganda" this guy wrote about is a good start, which is in doubt, but the fact that statistics lie in the same plane, if you take its ability to manipulate. And we were well demonstrated in 2020-2021, to deny it is ridiculous and stupid.

"How to Lie With Statistics" by Darella Huff (1954), a book that talks about various ways to abuse statistics in order to deceive the audience and manipulate their opinions, is a desktop book by a friend of paedophile Epstein Gates.


Personally for Cuomo, so that he could more accurately calculate the 🧮 of his sentence 👇

Fake: In New York, the dead from coronavirus are buried in mass graves...

The creators of this madness are almost all in venerable age and it is softly said. 

The brain 🧠't have a heart 💔 it doesn't transplant. And did not take into account the very flag-free modern factor of the Internet and communications. To block the information of the main media, to block Facebook, Instagram, YouTube was not enough. We went in, broke up all your snake's nest and showed it all. Relax, it's going to the denouement. 

The denouement in the Editorial version is check and mate 👇

Amazing time to live, hysterical. 

𝓔𝓭𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓼

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