ᝨᜠᜧẞᝀ᠘ᠻ ᜣᜠᝪ𐌋ᠻᢗᝨ

Ꮀrᴇᴇdᴏʍ ᴩlᴀnᴛᴇr dᴇsᴇrᴛ,

Ꮖ ᴄᴀʍᴇ ᴏuᴛ ᴇᴀrly, ᴛᴏ ᴛhᴇ sᴛᴀr ᴏf 🌟 

Ꭺ ᴄlᴇᴀn ᴀnd innᴏᴄᴇnᴛ hᴀnd

Ꮖnᴛᴏ ᴛhᴇ Ꭼnslᴀvᴇd Ꮢᴇins

Ꭲhrᴇw ᴀ lifᴇ-giving sᴇᴇd —

Ᏼuᴛ Ꮖ lᴏsᴛ ᴏnly ᴛiʍᴇ,

Ꮐᴏᴏd ᴛhᴏughᴛs ᴀnd wᴏrᴋs ...

Ꮐrᴀzᴇ, ᴩᴇᴀᴄᴇful ᴩᴇᴏᴩlᴇs!

Ꭹᴏu will nᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀwᴀᴋᴇnᴇd ʙy ᴛhᴇ hᴏnᴏr ᴄry.

Ꮃhy dᴏ hᴇrds nᴇᴇd ᴛhᴇ gifᴛs ᴏf frᴇᴇdᴏʍ?

Ꭲhᴇy shᴏuld ʙᴇ ᴄuᴛ ᴏr ᴄuᴛ.

Ꭲhᴇir inhᴇriᴛᴀnᴄᴇ frᴏʍ ᴄlᴀn ᴛᴏ ᴄhildʙirᴛh

Ꭹᴏᴋᴇ wiᴛh rᴀᴛᴛlᴇs ᴀnd ʙᴇᴀᴄh.

ᝯ᠘ᠻᝣᝯᜬ᠗ᠻᜠ ᜣᝀ𐍃ᜨᜥᜧᜬ

Girls 👧 I'll tell you a secret 🤫 All that is below ⬇️ is horse racing 🏇, but not on a horse, it's racing on a hyu (cock) galloping. These fools have picked up their and believe they are participating in a long race 😂. Fu$king assholes, 100% idiots, all those who hope that on such a raw Mega lie you can go somewhere far away and keep it for a long time - there are 100% degenerates. While we're not surprised to see many characters on screen, yes, they are 100% certified degenerates. Such in history was not a little, so what? Yes nothing, it's a moment, on an abradable scale it's a moment. You are nobody and your names are not - gavno on a stick. 

Mountains of false coffins with covid corpses in Bergamo.

Normal people are afraid of pictures of torment, death, but even more they are afraid of pictures of mass death. Probably many have seen impressive footage from Bergamo, Italy, with hundreds of coffins with, as the media explained, victims of covid.

Footage of the coffins was taken in 2013 on Lampdusa, not in Bergamo. In those beautiful years, only those initiated into the upcoming special operation and the nearest registration of COVID19 testing methods in the Netherlands 2015-2016 heard about covid. The harsh and harsh deception with these and a host of other cadres was part of the same plan and scenario of selling fear to the population of nation-states and the world as a whole. Absolutely all the photos and videos of those time there is one big production of a single mass lie. Goliwood nervously smokes on the sidelines, although apparently not everyone smokes on the sidelines, since it was the filmmakers who were engaged in some of these fakes. These photos were presented as photos with coffins from a covid hospital. All these false pictures of the print media and TV are written en masse and only in order to instill terror in people, in most cases they managed to commit this crime.


Hopefully everyone knows the numbers of the national articles of the criminal code for such reports? 

Putin and Evil's aide on his desk. November 20, 2020. 

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit. 

Minions-helpers of Evil and without serving it lose interest in life and become apathetic. Minions can hardly be called full-fledged, since they do not have children and pensioners. The question remained whether the minion on the table was Putin's warning that he was not in the mood, or a warning about his evil intentions about something (then Dr. Putin spoke about vaccination), or whether the minion was accidentally left on the table by the cleaner of Neo Marx. 

Central banks have mistakenly decided that there is an easy panacea for their bankruptcy, they strangely want to get rid of cash and introduce centralized digital currencies, tying these currencies to digital identity cards.

That is why governments have a great need and an unspoken obligation among themselves for vaccine passports and the sudden illegal change of national constitutions and the deprivation of citizens of fundamental rights and freedoms, that is, a segregation method for those who do not want to follow the agenda of the new unconstitutional rules of the new life introduced by these demons.

They want to track and track every digital dollar spent, turn people on and off their ability to spend money, and link it all to changing people's behavior to fit them into a new slavery, a new MOST CLEAR AND OUTRIGHT fascism, a Chinese-style technocratic social credit system.

Boris Johnson: "I will ask world leaders to take action on coal, cars, cash and trees – to keep the prospect of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees. KS26".

2 main Mega events of preparation of the special operation pandemic - COVID-19: GLOBAL SUMMIT and EVENT 201. 

1) the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has never been isolated by protocol;

2) PCR tests cannot be criteria for assessing the presence of the disease;

3) Covid-19 mortality statistics are grossly falsified and eventually distorted to a state of 100% falsehood; 

4) suddenly and suspiciously in all countries against the background of covid completely disappeared the diagnosis of influenza; 

5) the criteria for the formation of herd immunity were secretly rewritten by WHO for the benefit of "vaccine immunity";

6) all measures to combat the false pandemic are absurd from the scientific and medical profession and illegal from civil constitutional legality;

7) a state injection through coercion in one of the hands of a person, called the hype false formula "vaccination" is imposed by force and imitates some false panacea for health and in the spring of safety and youth from an incomprehensible disease, instead of the available known treatment for influenza;

8) the liquid in the syringe named vaccine is not a vaccine and cannot be, it is an experimental composition with genetically engineered drugs that have not been properly studied;

9) all compositions were approved with flagrant violations of all existing rules and principles;

10) post-vaccination complications are numerous, dangerous and generally such that Covid vaccination should be considered a crime against humanity.

All this is absolutely true and the list can be continued indefinitely, because the large-scale and unprecedented LIE that accompanies the fake "pandemic" is so total and grandiose that whatever "coronavirus fact" you take for verification, it will turn out to be completely fake and slapped quite clumsy, apparently in the hope that society has completely degraded, blinded in both eyes and is unable to distinguish between black and white. But all these denials and revelations do not go to any comparison with two egregious facts that completely reveal the entire coronavirus scam, which lie on the surface and can be easily seen and verified by anyone with minimal time and effort. 



2. EVENT-201 (2019)

Rockefeller Plaza, New York October 2019.

So, all those who continue to falsely about "conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists" deny absolutely immutable and visible to the naked eye facts. 

Namely, the two events that preceded the so-called pandemic are command and staff exercises on the organization and conduct of the pandemic. Moreover, these exercises were attended as supranational structures such as the Ethiopian WHO, the Bulgarian MB, the WEF neo Max, but also the private foundations already known to us from the false pandemic, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as government officials of countries that later became actively involved in covid, as well as "scientists" and "media" that are more suitable for the name of the mass disinformation media. it was they who, on command, later became the mainstay of the conspirators and promoted the false project "Covid-19 pandemic" around the clock. 

All of the people who appeared at the two events later became active figures and faces of the COVID brand marketing campaign. That is, to talk about the notorious "conflict of interest" in this case is to say absolute platitudes. He is not just present - he cries out for himself and only a blind / or biased subject can not see him.

Total. In 2019, staff exercises were held on the eve of a world war unleashed by globalists, owners of money, the world government, transnational corporations (you can choose the right one for taste and color) against the peoples of the whole world. 

Wars involving: 

1) Almost all governments, including "independent democratic states", which actually turned out to be puppets at the head of the districts or corrupt to the bone by officials who surrendered a considerable population for bribes to the experiments of Bigpharme, Bigtech and Finkapu, in the name of obtaining those superprofits; 

2) And also - all the "independent and non-performing media", acting as a collective Goebbels, who drove the peoples of the world into a trap of monstrous propaganda in its falsity; 

3) And also - many scientific institutions and scientists, medical organizations and physicians who violated all the commandments and ethical principles, betrayed science and medicine, in order to receive dividends and geshefts on the giant scam of the "Covid-19 pandemic";

4) And also, alas, some church organizations that took an active part in the promotion of the project and gave their areas and their authority to encourage their flock to fulfill the misanthropic plans of the globalists-transhumanists. 5) And also - world and local media, which participated in the escalation of panic, a campaign of misinformation about a fake pandemic, and then persuaded fellow citizens to be vaccinated with dangerous experimental pharmaceuticals-"vaccines";

5) And also numerous ordinary citizens, unable to see beyond their noses, determined to have their small benefits of Covid payments, acting as propaganda for Covid-19, first helping to stir up panic, and then provoking vaccination.

Plandemic: Plans to issue "vaccine passports" were available 20 months before the COVID-19 outbreak

The rationale currently used by governments and health agencies to prepare the public for COVID-19 "vaccine passports" is that they are necessary due to the current COVID-19 "pandemic" and that without such passports, life cannot return to normal.

Of course, anyone smart enough to turn off their corporate media news long enough to seek the truth about these experimental injections, which are illegally called "vaccines," will soon learn that Big Pharma and their puppets in the corporate media are lying to us. .

They have no intention of allowing people to "return to normal life" at all, because these "vaccine passports," if people obey and allow the rules requiring these passports to be used to participate in society, will simply lead to even more. loss of confidentiality and increased influence of the government and loss of freedom to promote the tyrannical state of the medical police.

People who have already been vaccinated are told to continue wearing masks and practicing social distancing, and every day we read more and more reports of fully vaccinated people who have tested positive for COVID-19.

That is, if they survive the injections, as thousands of people have now died after experimental COVID injections and hundreds of thousands have been injured, according to numerous government reporting systems around the world that track adverse reactions after vaccination.

Paul Anthony Taylor, writing for the Dr Rath Health Foundation, reports that the European Commission, Europe's executive body, first published a proposal for vaccine passports on 26 April 2018, and that a "Global Vaccination" was also carried out. A summit for religious vaccination fanatics was held in Brussels, Belgium, on September 12, 2019, just 36 days before Event 201.

We're not kidding about calling the Global Vaccination Summit religious fanatics. take a look at the titles of their three presentations at their roundtable, on which the summit was based:

In vaccines we trust 

The Magic of Science

Vaccines protect everyone, everywhere

These are statements of a lightweight faith that is not based on knowledge and science.


Anyone who wants to do one of these experimental COVID injections and then proudly carries their ID to prove their involvement is participating in a religious cult rather than science.

For these religious fanatics, those of us who refuse to participate in their cult are labeled "indecisive against vaccinations," and we are "non-believers" who need to be attacked and silenced.

This is the new religious persecution of 2021, and these religious fanatics are being found in all areas of our society, including many Christian churches that are now becoming "vaccination clinics."

European plans for "vaccine passports" were put in place 20 months before the pandemic. Coincidence?

Paul Anthony Taylor

Dr. Rath Health Foundation

As the world is told that so-called "vaccine passports" will be required for all international travel in the future, and in many countries even to enter shops, restaurants, bars, gyms, hotels, theaters, concerts and sporting events, it seems that we are generally accepted that this measure is a direct result of the coronavirus pandemic.

However, in Europe, home to 8 of the top 10 pharmaceutical exporting countries, vaccine passport planning began at least 20 months before the COVID-19 outbreak began.

Apparently, the pandemic provided European politicians with the "pretext" they needed to present the idea.

The European Commission, Europe's executive body, first published a proposal for vaccine passports on 26 April 2018.

This proposal, deeply rooted in a document on "Strengthening Cooperation in the Fight against Vaccine-Preventable Diseases," was ignored by the mainstream media.

The roadmap document, issued in early 2019, subsequently outlined concrete plans to implement the European Commission's proposal.

The main action indicated in the roadmap was to "explore the possibility of developing a common vaccination card/passport" for European citizens that is "compatible with electronic immunization information systems and recognized for use in other countries."

The plan aims to have a legislative proposal issued in Europe by 2022.

Interestingly, the roadmap uses several terms that, although relatively rare in most countries before the pandemic, have since become heard daily in the mainstream media.

Perhaps the most notable of these is "vaccine hesitance." The support of European countries in "countering doubts about vaccination" is indicated in the document as one of the key points of action.

The possibility of pandemics and "unexpected outbreaks" is also mentioned in the roadmap. It is significant that a specific reference is made to support for the authorization of innovative vaccines, including against new health threats. 

Stating that the "vaccine industry" plays a key role in achieving the goals described in the document, the roadmap lists improving the EU's production capacity 🇪🇺 and stockpiling vaccines as further actions that need to be considered.

In terms of strengthening existing partnerships and cooperation with international actors and initiatives, the roadmap also mentions the global summit on vaccination, which took place in September 2019.

Attention is drawn to the personal composition and careful study of the participants in the subject of this meeting.

Global Vaccination Summit 2019

On September 12, 2019, the Global Vaccination Summit was held in Brussels, Belgium, which was not reported by most of the mainstream media.

The meeting, organized by the European Commission in cooperation with the World Health Organization, took place just 3 months before the start of the coronavirus outbreak.

Notably, this was just 36 days before the infamous coronavirus outbreak simulation exercise, which was held on October 18, 2019 with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, hosted at rockefeller Plaza, New York.

The invitation-only vaccination summit included political leaders, high-level representatives of the United Nations and other international organizations, ministries of health, leading scientists, academics and health professionals, representatives of the private sector and non-governmental organizations.

The summit was organized around three roundtables titled: "Vaccines We Trust," "The Magic of Science," and "Vaccines That Protect Everyone, Everywhere."

Notable members of the group at these round tables included: 

Nnett Cosero, global president of Pfizer Vaccines; 

Dr. Sethe Berkeley, CEO of GAVI, the Global Vaccine Alliance, an organization that has received huge funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; 

Joe Serrell is managing director of global policy and advocacy for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

This summit clearly demonstrates pandemic planning and even paints the roles of project participants and curators. Key documents distributed to participants included reports "Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Planning", "Pandemic Influenza Exercises for the European Union", "Pandemic Influenza and Influenza Preparedness Planning", "Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Planning", "Towards Adequacy of the Pandemic Influenza Vaccine in the EU" and "Public-Private Partnership" for Pandemic Influenza Vaccines in Europe".

All of these documents repeatedly emphasize the goal of strengthening cooperation with the pharmaceutical industry, as well as the message that a global pandemic is now inevitable.

Vaccine passports: who really benefits?

Who really benefits from vaccine passports?

Of course, these are not ordinary people for whom the exchange of their medical records and other personal data may soon become mandatory simply to participate in society. Instead, the main beneficiary will be the multinational pharmaceutical industry.

With global drug and vaccine sales already projected at $1.5 trillion this year, pharmaceutical companies and their investors are flowing from the prospect of vaccine passports be made mandatory worldwide.

The total COVID-19 vaccine market is projected to be $100 billion in sales and $40 billion in after-tax profits. Annual vaccinations against coronavirus mutations could further increase these numbers. If we don't resist vaccine passports and instead vote for reason, drug and vaccine manufacturers could put the world in a long-term economic and political dependence. Therefore, our urgent goal should be to replace the greed-driven pharmaceutical "disease business" with a healthcare system based on truly preventive approaches. Accepting an alternative to the pharmaceutical industry is simply unthinkable.

Read the original material in its entirety on the Dr. Rath Health Foundation website.




As you can see, Friends, their training is quite serious and global, as well as consistent, everything is carried out punctually and pedantically, with the involvement of all mechanisms and levers, with the involvement of all forces and administrative entities that can influence the success of the planned grandiose criminal plan of the world elites-globalists who invested huge funds in the project "Covid-19 pandemic" and made powerful efforts to implement it. The preparatory work carried out by the initiators of the Covid-free project is worthy of applause and admiration for its scale and effectiveness - and the way all the governments of the national administrations of the world, as well as non-governmental beneficiaries in the form of foundations and other organizations participating in the project during 2020-2021, irrefutably proves that the conspirators control all subjects of world politics, economy and Ideology. National administrations have turned out to be absolutely non-subject, they diligently perform the roles written for them by the main members of the club of the first persons of the world government. The incredible mirroring, synchronicity and uniformity of their actions gave their brilliant organization immediately, back in March - April 2020. The rest of the fixation was just a matter of technique. 

Is it possible to invent and manufacture vaccines against coronavirus, or the ADE phenomenon?

Now that the whole world has been developing a coronavirus vaccine for two years and dozens of companies around the world, and some of them have already started clinical trials, bypassing the stage of animal testing, it's time to ask the question: is it even possible to create a vaccine against coronavirus? To answer it, we need to get acquainted with the phenomenon of "antibody-dependent increase in infection."

The phenomenon of antibody-dependent increase in infection (ADE) was described by Hawkes in 1964. He found that in the presence of specific antibodies, some viruses multiply faster. Subsequently, it was shown that when antibodies that do not neutralize the virus sufficiently attach to viral particles, this leads to more effective infection of cells, and, as a result, to increased viral replication and pathogenicity. Subsequently, this phenomenon was observed for many other viruses.

1. Coronaviruses

The coronavirus family includes 40 viruses, of which 7 viruses are capable of infecting people. Of these seven, four viruses (229E, NL63, OC43, HKU1) cause the common cold, and are responsible for 10-15% of colds.

229E and OC43 were discovered in the 60s, another (NL63) was first discovered in 2004 in the Netherlands, and the last (HKU1) in 2005 in Hong Kong.

The fifth coronavirus (SARS) was responsible for the SARS epidemic in 2002, which began in China, and the sixth (MERS) was responsible for the Middle East respiratory syndrome epidemic that began in 2012 in Saudi Arabia. The seventh virus (SARS-CoV-2) is responsible for the current 2020 pandemic.

Coronavirus SARS at the initial stage of infection does not infect macrophages (immune cells). But when the immune system begins to produce antibodies against the virus, they help the virus penetrate the macrophages, leading to a more severe infection.

Work on a coronavirus vaccine has been intensive since the beginning of the SARS epidemic. In a 2006 study, the SARS coronavirus vaccine was effective in young mice.

But in older mice that were vaccinated against SARS and then infected, vaccination led to immune lung disease. Immune pathology was observed with different types of vaccines (with and without aluminum), and was caused by the bias of the immune system in Th2. The same results were obtained in studies. 


and 2012

with several types of vaccines. Immune pathology of the lungs was also observed in preclinical trials of the vaccine on ferrets and monkeys.

In a 2008 study, the SARS coronavirus vaccine led to severe pneumonia after infection. In a 2004 Canadian study, FERRETS vaccinated against the SARS coronavirus who were subsequently infected with the coronavirus had significantly more severe liver inflammation (hepatitis) compared to unvaccinated ferrets.

All these failures in trials are attributed to the phenomenon of antibody-dependent increase in infection. ADE has also been found in several in vitro studies. For example, in a 2007 Chinese study, the SARS coronavirus vaccine performed well in animals, but on the human cell line, the vaccine led to increased cell infection.

These results have been confirmed in other studies. [1] [2] [3]

Immune pathology that is caused by SARS vaccines has been observed with different types of vaccines (based on the whole virus, subunit vaccines),

with different methods of inactivation of the virus, and with different substrates on which the virus is grown. A similar pattern was observed with the MERS coronavirus in a 2016 study. The vaccine led to immune lung disease in mice when infected with the coronavirus.

In a 2017 study, rabbits vaccinated against the MERS coronavirus had increased pneumonia.

And when uninfected and previously unvaccinated rabbits were transfused with the blood of vaccinated rabbits, they also had the same increased pneumonia when they met with an infection.

Phase I clinical trials for the SARS vaccine have been conducted in humans, and the vaccine has been found to be effective and safe. But only young people participated in them, safety studies were short-term, and immunogenicity (i.e. antibody production) was tested instead of efficacy. [4] [5]

The ADE phenomenon is also observed for the feline coronavirus (which, by the way, did not occur until the late 1950s).

In a 1990 British study, kittens who were vaccinated with recombinant

(genetically modified) cowpox vaccine (in which the coronavirus protein was inserted) died faster from feline coronavirus, compared to kittens from the control group, which were vaccinated with a wild strain of cowpox (8 days vs. 29 days). 

40% of the kittens in the control group survived, while in the group vaccinated with a recombinant vaccine, there were no survivors. 

In vaccinated kittens, numerous injuries were observed in the brain, liver and spleen.

In the Hungarian study 2013

The vaccine was effective for cats raised in sterile conditions. But when it was tested on regular cats, it led to "early death syndrome." As in the previous study, those vaccinated died from the infection faster than the unvaccinated. A more severe course of the disease and early death syndrome in vaccinated cats has been found in other studies. [6] [7] [8]

Some researchers believe,

that the ADE phenomenon may have caused increased mortality from the novel coronavirus in Hubei province, due to the fact that the population has already had other coronaviruses, and that disease therapy and vaccine development should take this phenomenon into account.

2. Dengue fever

Some of the most studied viruses in the context of antibody-dependent infection enhancement is a group of four viruses that cause dengue fever. Antibodies to one of the serotypes of this virus not only do not neutralize other serotypes, but are also cross-reactive with other serotypes. When infected with other stereotypes

these antibodies increase the risk of increased infection and more severe forms of the disease (dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome).

Vaccination, like natural disease, also leads to more severe forms of the disease when infected with other serotypes. Work on a vaccine for dengue fever has been underway since the 1920s, but the first vaccine (Dengvaxia from Sanofi Pasteur) was licensed only in 2015. A clinical trial of this vaccine involving 10,000 children that used a real placebo (saline!),

showed excellent results in terms of safety. However, in practice, after mass vaccination in the Philippines, it turned out that the vaccine increases the risk of severe disease and hospitalization in those who have not had dengue fever before. After more than 600 people died, the Philippines banned the vaccine, and in other countries vaccination is recommended only for those who have already had dengue fever.

3. Influenza

For influenza, the phenomenon of antibody-dependent increase in infection was first discovered in 1980. It has since been proven in other in vitro and in vivo studies. Antibodies to influenza proteins (HA and NA) have been shown to lead to increased cell infection. In several studies, an inactivated swine flu vaccine led to more severe illness and lung damage when infected with a different type of flu in pigs. [9] [10] [11] [12]

Vaccination of ferrets against swine flu led to increased mortality and lung damage when infected with the usual strain of influenza. [13] [14]

Observational studies in humans have shown that the 2008/9 flu vaccine appears to have led to more severe illness when infected with pandemic swine flu. [15] [16]

4. Other viruses

In 1969, a vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) led to a severe form of the disease.

and hospitalization in 80% of vaccinated infants, compared to 5% among unvaccinated infants. The phenomenon of antibody-dependent increase in infection in vaccinated against RSV has also been established in monkeys, rats and mice.

Because of ADE, the first measles vaccine (inactivated) resulted in atypical severe measles.

Also, antibody-dependent increased infection aggravates the course of an infectious disease caused by a closely related microorganism if cross-reacting antibodies are present in the patient's blood. For example, antibodies against Japanese encephalitis can lead to severe dengue fever. And antibodies against dengue fever can lead to severe West Nile fever. [17] [18]

The phenomenon of antibody-dependent increase in infection detected

and bacterial infections. It is possible that this phenomenon is responsible.

and for the development of type one diabetes, due to antibodies to the Coxsackie virus.

Studied infectious diseases, which are accompanied by the phenomenon of antibody-dependent increase in infection, also include HIV, Ebola, Marburg fever, yellow fever, hepatitis C, tick-borne encephalitis, rabies, parvovirus B19, tuberculosis, immunodeficiency of cats, infectious anemia of horses, streptococcal and staphylococcal infection and others.

Given that not conducted until the end of the study 🔬 unknown until now in the composition of the substance, called the vaccine, from a new, not isolated by anyone in the gold standard Koch coronavirus, moves in the form of a state injection under duress, this substance 

will pass the phase of animal trials, and in clinical trials in this substance will not use an inert placebo, knowing all such, or another substance (vaccine) against an unidentified coronavirus will be licensed? Are you okay? 

Is this algorithm of actions legitimate? Such an action has already brought more harm than good, and it will be generally creepy terrible. You'll see! 
In St. Petersburg, several dozens of scientists, doctors, lawyers and activists conducted a conference for two days, where they thought about it.


 There were also measures for counteracting an adult infectious disease and lethality:

 - not scientifically necessary;

 - generally erroneous, not in conformity with the international and domestic laws of the countries;

 - violating the rights and freedoms of citizens and threatening their life and health.

 Maccovoe PTSP-tectipovanie for vyyavleniya zapazivshixcya SARS-CoV-2 ocuschectvlyaetcya nedoctovepnymi tect-cictemami and yavlyaetcya nenadlezhaschim cpocobom vyyavleniya infektsionnyx bolnyx COVID-19 pockolku IT'S zabolevanie vyzyvaetcya kopotkotsepochnym PHK-vipucom in verily On Time kak metod polimepaznoy tsepnoy hazardous reactions pazpabatyvalcya for dlinnotsepochnyx peptidnyx pocledovatelnoctey ...


 Testing and "vaccination" of children from corona virus is promoted by the participants of the conference (and which makes part of our general public) enjoyable as a pleasant experience

 No one vaccine against COVID-19 has gone through the previous phases of clinical research to prove the effectiveness and safety of its use, it is good to know

 According to our opinion, the growth of excess mortality among the adult population in 2021 is, in our opinion, unambiguously associated with the aggressive and masculine "vaccination" of COVID-19.

 We are convinced and asserted that it is the proper natural immunity, and that the vaccine immunity is not assumed in the result of vaccine immunity is the best and most reliable protection against the occurence of the occurence


 • issuance of normative legal acts restricting our rights due to the "threat of disease", which replace (before) the existing scientific and legal norms;

 • the use of mass and unnecessary testing by people with unreliable test systems for the diagnosis of COVID-19;

 • continuation of the mass "vaccination" from COVID-19

 • inclusion of "preventive vaccination against COVID-19" in the National calendar of preventive vaccinations;

 • early certification "vaccine against COVID-19" as a result of supposedly successfully completed clinical studies;

 • segregation of people on the "vaccine" status and the introduction of QR codes (the so-called COVID-passports)

 • unjustified transfer to distant education of schoolchildren and students;

 • illegal "lockdowns" and "self-insulation", as well as against the use of penalties for non-observance of illegal and scientifically unreasonable.


 1. Get back to scientific approaches in the field of epidemiology, virology and immunoprophylaxis;

 2. Return to the implementation of the constitutional and international rights of citizens who are limited in the result of a hypothetical, but there is no real threat of health because of an epidemic

 3. To carry out diagnostics of COVID-19 not on the basis of the results of PCR testing, but on the basis of the clinical picture of the sick;

 4. Bvidu cuschectvennogo chicla poctvaktsinalnyx letalnyx icxodov and tyazhelyx poctvaktsinalnyx oclozhneny, cfopmipovat bazu dannyx pegictpatsii and ctaticticheckogo uchota poctvaktsinalnyx oclozhneny and cmeptelnyx icxodov in pezultate vaktsinatsii any immunobiologicheckimi ppepapatami, a eo vedenie popuchit nezavicimoy From ppavitelctva and fapmatsevticheckix kompany obschectvennoy opganizatsii;

 5. Octanovit obcuzhdenie in Gocudapctvennoy Dume pf zakonoppoekta o vnecenii "ppofilakticheckoy ppivivki From COVID-19" in Hatsionalny kalendap ppofilakticheckix ppivivok (in ctatyu 9 Fedepalnogo zakona "Ob immunoppofilaktike infektsionnyx bolezney" From 17.09.1998 goda № 157-FL) do okonchaniya shipokogo obcuzhdeniya this question is at the invitation of independent scientists and doctors;

 6. He ocuschectvlyat docpochnuyu ceptifikatsiyu vcex ekcpepimentalnyx ppepapatov (tak nazyvaemyx vaktsin From COVID-19) do obnapodovaniya pezultatov klinicheckix iccledovany, THEIR detalnoy ppovepki and pocleduyuschego vcectoponnego obschectvennogo obcuzhdeniya;

 7. Transfer the functions of the epidemiological service from the Supervision Department to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.


 • Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Pavel Andpeevich Bopobiev

 • Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Alexandp Alekceevich Redko

 • Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Vladislav A. Shafalinov

 • Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Igor Alekceevich Gundapov

 • Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Ivanov Denis Viktorovich

 • Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Galina Bopisovna Kirillicheva

 • Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof., Acad. PAH Yuri Vladimirovich Lobzin

 • Doctor of Economics, prof. Valentin Yuryevich Kataconov

 • Doctor of Biological Sciences, Ph.D. Epmakova Irina Vladimirovna

 • Ph.D. Irina Viktorovna Zhuzhgova

 • Ph.D., doc. Sergei Anatolievich Anufriev

 • Ph.D. Anna Viktorova Schwabauer

 • expert PAH Aleksandp Vladimirovich Caversky

 • lawyer of Natalya Ivanovna Hovakova

 • doctor-therapist Sophia Alekkandrovna Haumenko

 • polo, candidate for the presidency of Bulgaria Plamen Paskov

 • CEO Dean Sergeevna Gibcon

 • CEO Dmitry Vyacheslavovich Kazakov

 • the head of the committee for the protection of children from the destructive content at the head of the PF Andrey Bopisovich Tsyganov

 • Leader of the Public Organization "Union of Orthodoxy" Anatoly Apturovich Aptyux

 • Public Authorized Family Protection Officer in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast Olga Nikolaevna Baranets

 • human rights defender, coordinator of the CTOPBAKTSIZM movement Denis Alekseevich Shulga

Genetic passport - individual DNA database, individual genetic number, DIGIT.

Francis Collins is director of the Institute of Human Genetics in the United States, head of the Human Genome Program, and last summer he was elected director of the US National Institutes of Health. Here's how he told Time magazine about the medicine of the future: "We're going to have individualized preventive care with personalized risk scores based on DNA analysis. By this time, each person will have information about the complete nucleotide sequence of their genome. The cost of sequencing an individual genome will be less than $100. This information will be an integral part of our medical record. Almost all medical appointments will take into account our genetic characteristics." 

This was said in 2003. 

The year of birth of the genetic passport can be considered 1997: it was then that this term was first heard in my report at the school of genetics in Peterhof. From the very beginning, we imagined the genetic passport as an individual DNA database that would reflect the unique genetic characteristics of a person, his predisposition to certain hereditary and multifactorial diseases. 

For Russian governing bodies, it means establishing a kind of individual genetic number. This is what is discussed in the decree of the government of the Russian Federation, came out in February 2021. To obtain such a number, six seven genes with high polymorphism, that is, a variety of alleles, are taken. This variety can be written as a series of two-digit numbers, each of which is the "number" of the allele found in a given person at a certain locus. You get a twelve-digit or fourteen-digit number. Unlike, for example, TIN, it is not accidentally generated and corresponds to the human genome, since it reflects its characteristic and unchanging features. 

Russian Journal 📓 Chemistry 🧪 and Life 1 2011 . The Russians clearly already knew something.

File : Chemistry and Life – XXI Century No01 2011.

On the Russian. At the very beginning, the first three pages are especially interesting in light of what is happening: the content, reviewers and symbolism, people have been preparing for a long time.

Marilyn Monroe, Santa Monica Beach, 1962.

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