"Black Stalin": why the African dictator was called so...

"Black Stalin": why the African dictator was called so...

Tedros Adanom Ghebreyesus (Amh. ቴዎድሮስ አድሓኖም ገብረኢየሱስ; 3 March 1965, Asmara, Ethiopia) is an Ethiopian statesman, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia (2012–2016), Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) (2017-present).

Member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Tigray. A province of Ethiopia with a compact residence of Ethiopian Jews.

The party actively participated in the civil war against the DERG-RPE regime. She advocated the independence of the Tigray region. 

Ethiopian Jews call themselves "Beta Israel" (House of Israel) and live mainly in the areas of Amhara and Tigray in Ethiopia.There was a whole special operation to export Jews from Ethiopia, because the current authorities did not want to let them go. That's why they provoked the conflict and the tigray separatism of Ethiopia in general.

So pay attention to the name of this Ghebreyesus.

In Italian Jew-Ebrey=Ghebrey_sous. At the head of the WHO from where you are fed a non-existent Coronavirus with a beautiful logo of the WHO and in general medetsina is the Serpent of Eden, an example with the company Apple (advanced in digital technologies) and the bitten Eve apple.By the way, this logo appeared from the Order of the Hospitallers during the Crusades. The order was actually called the Order of Ioannites-John the Baptist, who is the son of the Devil-Paul.

They are now everywhere and lead everything. All scientific institutes and organizations and states.

Until the Second Coming of the Son of Man and the final solution of the issue.

In general, historically from the tribe of David all were red 🧑 where there Ethiopian negroes in the Jews squeezed incomprehensibly? 

Tedros (this is his name, most Ethiopians do not have a patronymic and surname, Adhanom - the name of his father, Ghebreyesus - the name of his grandfather) was born in 1965 in what is now Eritrea. To study medicine (he is not a doctor) he was persuaded by the death of his younger brother, who died, most likely, from a curable contagious disease. He was educated in Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom. There he looked at what modern health and care systems looked like.

This came in handy when he returned to Ethiopia, where he first worked on the development of a health service in one of the provinces. Then from 2005 to 2012 he was the Minister of Health of the country.

For ten years, while he sat in government, China's influence grew in Ethiopia. It is this state that has become the main partner in trade relations between states located on different continents. It is from China that one-third of Ethiopia's total imports originate.

Considerable investments of China went to the construction of urban railway transport in the capital, a railway to the neighboring state of Djibouti, which has access to the sea. It was the very first express line built with contradictory estimates, but in the direction of the headquarters of the African Union.

Tedros was good friends with Beijing. For what purpose did the Chinese support his candidacy for the post of WHO Director? Well, since the spring of 2020, we know that it was China that 🇨🇳 arranged a theater 🎭 with actors falling dead pretending to be sick and corpses from the new virus. 

The first scandal was the transfer of the honorary title of WHO Goodwill Ambassador to the long-time dictator of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe. The hail of criticism, which immediately sounded, forced him to back down, but, as they say, the strong smell of lard meat remained. The next case did not have to wait long. A few months later, after the Mugabe scam, he appointed a representative of Russia unknown to the world of health care, who cannot be counted among the vanguard of specialists fighting this disease. Her nomination for the position angered infectious disease experts to the point where they published a letter of their doubts in the prestigious journal The Lancet. However, the appointed Russian remained in her chair.

In the seventeenth year of the pandemic, life began to bounce back. Protests against mandatory weekly vaccinations have died down; The cameras installed in each apartment made it possible to ensure compliance with the mask and glove regime at home, and QR code scanners in the entrances finally deprived the unvaccinated of the opportunity to go out. It seemed that a little more - and the virus will be defeated.

 That all changed when WHO's director, ageless Tedros Ghebreyesus, awarded the Nobel Prize for his successful fight against the pandemic, announced the emergence of a new strain. What is the thousandth? Two thousand hours? Nobody counted, and there is no need: there will be vaccinations more than once a week, but two - is there a big difference?

 But the gallant Ethiopian was determined this time. As it turned out, neither vaccinations, nor lockdowns, nor masks, nor tests provide 100% protection against the virus. This means that the time has come for more effective measures. Studies have shown that the probability of infection from a buried or cremated corpse is zero. Here it is, the end of the pandemic!

 Of course, there was no question of any executions. The head of WHO was referring exclusively to voluntary death.

 America was the first to respond to the call. Speaking on the Black House lawn, US President Fatima Abdelhamid al-Raisi called the voluntary euthanasia of white, male and cisgender populations an important step in the fight against white supremacy, misogyny and transphobia. Within half an hour, the EuthanasiaSavesLives tag went to the top of Twitter, which immediately banned 300 million users for spreading fakes about the dangers of euthanasia. Facebook did not lag behind: in every post, banners happily announced that euthanasia drugs undergo many safety and efficacy tests, and their use is carefully monitored.

 Russia also did not stand aside. The great leader, cloned back in 2034, in his televised address called for understanding the difficult decision, recalling the victory over the Tatar-Mongols and Teutons. For the convenience of citizens, registration for euthanasia has become available on public services; To sweeten the pill, a car was raffled among those who signed up, and the QR code issued after recording allowed them to visit restaurants and cafes until the appointed date. The mayor of Moscow signed a decree on the compulsory euthanasia of 60% of cultural and tourism workers, but after 17 years of closed borders and the absence of concerts, they seem to be not very upset about this.

 Other countries have taken similar measures. It cannot be said that mass euthanasia was met with unanimous approval: the anti-euthanasists, of course, tried to resist, but the ubiquitous censorship on social networks and administrative measures had the desired effect: in a matter of weeks, everyone was euthanized, except for politicians, doctors, workers in the pharmaceutical industry and basic enterprises. The coronavirus has begun to recede.


 In the ninth circle of hell, Lucifer scolded subordinates for excessive zeal. “Have you gone crazy? Who asked you to instill the idea of ​​universal euthanasia? 7 billion souls in 3 weeks - where can I get so many boilers? Do you want to arrange a pandemic in hell? Send back immediately! "

 The dead who crept out of the graves quickly finished off the survivors. The coronavirus was destroyed: 8 billion dead, but absolutely healthy zombies lived on the planet.

Ethiopia 🇪🇹

On the coat of arms of another African country that has experienced the influence of communism, there is no Soviet assault rifle - but it can be found on city monuments: soldiers depicted in the best traditions of socialist realism raise kalashnikov's creation above their heads.

Among African countries, Ethiopia may have most accurately reflected the Russian experience: the overthrow of the empire and the murder of the monarch, the socialist dictatorship and more than 100,000 victims of the full-scale red terror.

The junta that came to power in 1975, known as the Derg, received significant assistance from the USSR in the war with Somalia and the separatists of Eritrea, and in return launched a full-fledged communization. Mass executions and arrests affected thousands of real and imaginary opponents of the regime, including adherents of Marxist-Leninist movements: enmity between ideological associates was already on a national basis, Ethiopians fought against the separatism of the Eritreans. The transition to a planned economy was announced, which naturally caused famine and the need for help from Western countries.

Ethiopia was located close to key oil transportation routes, making it an important ally of the USSR. Perhaps that's why her efforts to achieve communism were so highly appreciated: Ethiopian functionaries actively communicated with members of parties in other countries. The Stasi, the GDR's intelligence ad service, helped colleagues from Addis Ababa control the population, and sculptors from North Korea took part in the construction of a red star stele in the city center.

However, the people of Ethiopia still did not like the communist policy. The regime of Menhistu Haile Mariam, the head of first the junta and then the Communist Party, collapsed, he had to seek asylum from the dictator of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe. Absentee sentenced to death Mengistu still lives there ? 

Monument to red terrorists posing as freedom fighters in Ethiopia

Muslim states

The successes of the red ideology in Black Africa can not be called impressive - but even less was achieved in the Middle East. The Communists had some popularity due to their anti-colonial pathos, but they were not able to destroy the foundations of Islamic society.

Communist parties created in Arab countries with the support of the USSR did not gain much popularity. And the success they achieved could disappear in the blink of an occu.

This, for example, happened to the communists of Iraq, whose "big brothers", the Baathist socialists, at some point simply squeezed them into an illegal field.

However, the Soviet Union still participated in the politics of the region. At first he supported the creation of the state of Israel, and then changed his position, returning to anti-Zionism: the Bolsheviks considered Jewish nationalism a special case of bourgeois chauvinism.

South Yemen was the only country in the region where the communist government managed to gain power.

Now only a few Yemenis yearn for those times. In 1990, the country reunited with its northern part, and left-wing movements there became as unpopular as in the entire region.

Palestine and others

Having gained power, the Yemeni Marxists established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, China, Cuba... There were not so distant neighbors on this list, namely the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The association representing Palestinian Arabs has now become a legal political party.

The PLO opposes itself to other "fighters against Zionists" - Islamist groups, but until the end of the 80s it openly included terrorists of socialist views. Among them is Fatah, which only in 1988 officially refused to attack civilians. Its fighters, known for hijacking planes and joint terrorist attacks with the German "Red Army Faction", not only received explosives, weapons and money from the USSR: many of them studied for free in the Soviet Union.

Fatah fighter on march in support of Mahmoud Abbas, 2007

Fighters of the first line of the "fight against world Zionism" (it was on enmity with Israel, the enemy of the Arabs and an ally of the United States, the Palestinians and the Soviet Bolsheviks came together) underwent many months of practice in a terrorist camp in the Crimea (Soviet Ukraine). They learned tactics, mine-subversive business, reconnaissance and sabotage and everything else that is useful for military affairs. Together with them in the 165th training center near Simferopol, soldiers from many southern lands studied: they came to gain wisdom from former Portuguese colonies (Angola, Portuguese Guinea, Mozambique), countries of "socialist orientation" and even such states as South Africa, where the Communists were in an illegal position and waged a guerrilla war.

The Collapse of Ideals

Simultaneously with the collapse of the socialist empire of the USSR, red flags were predictably lowered around the world. Africa and the Middle East are perhaps the clearest examples of how communist ideology from the very beginning was only a convenient way to gain international support for its own political goals. Behind the sleeping red veil, nationalist movements were found – pan-African, pan-Arab or at the country level.

Even those Africans who called themselves Marxist-Leninists would rather like not Leninist internationalism, but the views of another Russian politician, the Tatar Communist Islamist Mursaid Sultan-Galiyev. Within the framework of the system of oppressors and oppressed established by Marxists, he proposed what later became a common place for socialists: to attract to their side first of all not the working class, but national minorities, allegedly affected by the colonizers. Sultan-Galiev went so far as to suggest that representatives of the "oppressor nations" should not be allowed to govern at all and encourage such trends as pan-Turkism - this did not contradict the Bolshevik ideology of equality of peoples at all. Now he was replaced by the mayor of Tatar Kazan of the Russian Federation 

In 1928, Sultan-Galiev was arrested and sentenced to ten years in camps, and in 1940 he was shot for counter-revolutionary activities and "national deviationism" - within its borders, Stalin's USSR was able to eliminate millions. 

But outside the borders of the former Russian Empire, the forces to suppress dissent were simply not enough, and the ideology for export was used by its "buyers" as they pleased.

Communist forces in Africa predictably did not remain: the parties retrained as leaders of international organizations, or in social democratic on the ground, or naturally lost all supporters. It is unclear whether African peoples could even be believed to have a dream of universal equality, but monuments to that dream still tower over their cities. 

            Negus Killer

Mengistu Mariam 

We will tell you what the most terrible dictator of Africa did after the Second World War as an object under the strict guidance and close attention of Moscow. The Kremlin was aimed at spreading communist ideology in the liberated colonies of Africa. In turn, the African revolutionary leaders focused on the Soviet bloody teachers. 

In the recent history of the continent, there were two leaders awarded the nickname "Black Stalin".

Mengistu's reign ended in the spring of 1991. The USSR was experiencing its own difficulties and was no longer able to support the Ethiopian leader, who was attacked by Eritrean separatists. Now living in exile in Zimbabwe, Mengistu Haile Mariam does not admit accusations of genocide against his people, and blames the victims on the "class struggle". In the homeland of the "red negus" in absentia was sentenced to death.

The second "Black Stalin" is the president of Mozambique, Machel Zamora, who came to power after the country's independence in 1975. Prior to that, he headed the Marxist armed group FRELIMO, which fought against the colonizers. In the same years as his Ethiopian "colleague", Zamora reigned supreme over the former Portuguese colony, pursuing a left-wing extremist policy. He nationalized land, industrial and commercial enterprises. The People's Republic of Mozambique was among the most loyal allies of the USSR in Africa. However, the expulsion of white settlers, among whom there were many skilled professionals, created a huge problem for the young country. The dominance of the planned economy also did not raise the living standards of Mozambicans, many of whom preferred to go to work in neighboring South Africa. Trying to contain discontent, Zamora launched a mass repression. However, he failed to suppress the opposition renamo party, and in 1984 the country was swept by civil war.

Zamora died in 1986 when his presidential TU-134 crashed while flying to Zambia. The Soviet Union and South Africa mutually blamed each other for the organization of this plane crash. According to one version, shortly before his death, "Black Stalin" following the example of Gorbachev decided on political and economic liberalization of the regime, but did not have time to do anything. It is noteworthy that in the life of Machel Zamora did not correspond too much to the image of a cruel dictator. U.S. President Ronald Reagan, who met with the Mozambican leader, noted his excellent sense of humor. 

The Ethiopian lieutenant colonel resembled Stalin was given not only by a thick mustache, but also by cruelty. Rumor attributed to him personal participation in the massacre of the last emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie I. An aristocratic officer served at the imperial court as quartermaster and accumulated a lot of resentment against the monarch. In the group of other soldiers who staged the coup d'état of 1974, Mengistu Haile Mariam initially stood out little. However, it was he who strangled the deposed and sent under house arrest of the former Negus with a pillow. Menhistu was then appointed deputy head of the Provisional Military Administrative Council of Ethiopia, Aman Andoma. And after his removal, he gradually concentrated all power in his hands. Mengistu established a ruthless regime in the country. Like Stalin, he physically eliminated former associates, and personally shot them with a machine gun. At first, nothing connected the dictator with the left movement. However, because he could not buy weapons anywhere but the Soviet Union, he declared himself a Marxist. Ethiopia paid a heavy price for building socialism under the leadership of the hastily created Workers' Party. The economic development of an already impoverished state has been reversed thanks to the announced collectivization. The victims of the famine that broke out in 1984 were 1 million people, which several times exceeded the scale of a similar disaster that preceded the fall of the regime of Haile Selassie I. However, Mengist was little concerned about the suffering of the people - he was much more concerned with the fate of his own power. During his years in leadership, he killed 100,000 political opponents.

The Ethiopian Empire existed for almost 660 years (from about 1314). In 1941, the fifty-year-old Emperor Haile Selassie I from the oldest solomonic family, direct descendants of King Solomon, ascended the throne. Prior to that, from the autumn of 1916, he was the regent of the empire with the title "ras" (an analogue of the title "duke"). So haile Selassie was at the head of the country for 25 years and even commanded the guerrilla war of the Ethiopians against the Italian occupation (1936 - 1941). After the war, already as emperor, he achieved in 1951 the formation of a federation of Ethiopia with the former Italian colony of Eritrea - a small neighboring territory that blocked Ethiopia's approaches to the Red Sea, and through it to the World Ocean. The renewed state received recognition by the UN.

In December 1960, the Emperor went on a state visit to Brazil. This was taken advantage of by the conspirators and on December 13 tried to overthrow Haile Selassie I and ousted his eldest son. The rebellion was suppressed, but the day of December 13 was a turning point in the fate of Ethiopia - the people for the first time doubted the expediency of the monarchy.

Eritrea joined the federation as a younger brother. Language problems and ethnic discrimination began. Eritrean discontent grew. Then the emperor decided to end the game of federation: he dissolved it, and in 1962 declared Eritrea the 14th province of Ethiopia. 

The dissolution of the federation was a fatal step for the empire. On September 1, 1961, a detachment of the Eritrean Liberation Army (13 men in total) under the command of Hamid Awate Ascari* entered into battle with the regular army of Ethiopia for the first time. The civil war began and lasted for thirty years.

* Askari - Aboriginal soldiers in the service of the colonizers. Hamid Avate served in the troops of the Italian fascists.

The Emperor of Ethiopia enjoyed the highest authority throughout the world. He became one of the leaders of the non-aligned movement. He took the initiative to establish the United States of Africa. He became the first chairman of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), established in 1963, the predecessor of the African Union...

In 1972, a drought occurred in the northeastern provinces of Ethiopia, and famine broke out. Almost 100,000 people died. In addition, in 1973, the world began the oil crisis. In Ethiopia, inflation increased, there was a massive impoverishment of the population, the military quickly became poorer. To regulate the financial relations of the army with the state, 120 junior officers (lieutenants, majors and captains) of the 4th Infantry Division established in June 1974 in Adis Ababa the so-called Derg - the Coordinating Committee of the Armed Forces, Police and Territorial Army. By that time, the power of Haile Selassie I had weakened so much that in the press and especially on television there was an open campaign to discredit the ruling elite: the imperial family and the highest aristocracy were accused of waste, corruption, venality against the background of disasters and the extinction of the people.

On the night of September 11-12, 1974, the Ethiopian calendar celebrated the New Year.

at 6.00 a.m. representatives of the Derg came to the palace, read out the act of abdication of Haile Selassie I from the throne, arrested the emperor and took him to the barracks of the 4th Division. At the same time, the deposed declared: "If the revolution is carried out for the good of the people, then I am on the side of the revolution, and therefore they will not oppose renunciation." 


At the head of the country stood Derg. At first, it was led by Ethiopian Defense Minister Lieutenant General Aman Andom. On March 21, the monarchy was abolished, and Ethiopia became a republic. It was announced that communism would be built in the country. General Andom soon fell out with most of the members of the Derg. On November 17, 1974, at the General Assembly, he was removed, Lieutenant Colonel Mengistou Haile Mariam became the head of state. Six days later, he ordered the execution of 59 people from the highest Ethiopian nobility: mostly generals, including Rear Admiral Iskander Desta, the grandson of the emperor. On the same day, Mengistu sent a detachment of murderers home to Andom, where they killed both the general and all his guards. 

In Ethiopia, a bloody power struggle between parties and factions unfolded. In September 1976, Menhistu cracked down on the Ethiopian People's Democratic Party. He was answered by killing a number of Derg ideologues. The Kei Shibir, the Red Terror, began. Then there was the defeat of the All-Union Socialist Movement (Marxist-Leninists). Then it was Derg's turn. 

On February 3, 1977, at a meeting of the standing committee, a firefight began between the factions. For an hour, the rulers hunted each other. 58 senior officers were killed, but Mengistu finally established himself in power.

Derg's main concern was terror and the Civil War. 

Over time, it degenerated into another hotbed of hidden confrontation between the USSR and the United States. The USSR fueled the Derg with money, weapons and Soviet troops, up to aviation and advisers. Both sides sent military advisers, weapons, and ammunition to Ethiopia. The White House had only one goal — to eliminate the communist hotbed on the shores of the oil-bearing Red Sea.

On July 13, 1977, the Somali army invaded Ethiopia's predominantly Somali-populated Ogaden region. Somalia also supported the USSR, and Justin Trudeau's father, Fidel Castro, sent fighters from Cuba. In March 1978, the confrontation ended with the victory of the Ethiopian Communists. The Civil War could continue for many years to come. But in March 1985 in the USSR came to power Gorbachev - Yakovlev. The policy of moving away from the international communist terrorism of the USSR began. 

Having lost the support of the Communists of the USSR, the mustachioed Mengistu Haile Mariam deflates like a soap bubble and was unable to resist the onslaught of the people of Ethiopia supported by the United States and other NATO countries. On May 21, 1991, he emigrated from Ethiopia. On May 28, 1991, rebels from the Ethiopian Revolutionary Democratic Front entered Adis Ababa. The war ended leaving the Ethiopians with a ruined economy and country.

When you read about the crimes of Mengistou, you are horrified by the millions of victims who were tortured in the most terrible way. The beginning of the history of Ethiopia is also that Cambodia 🇰🇭 taken under Pol Pot. And there are red freaks terrorists. Now you imagine who our international doctor from Ethiopia was. 

The world's oligarchic clans, which launched the "coronacrisis" project, no longer hide the fact that the world after the coronabesium will never be the same again. Along with the mass vaccination against COVID-19, electronic immune passports (vaccination certificates) are imposed on humanity, tied to a person's digital identifier (personal ID, can be recorded in the form of a QR code) and his biometric data. Such immune passports are passes to the usual life, guaranteeing a person the preservation of basic capabilities. But as for rights, freedoms and legitimate interests – the architects of the new world order propose to forget about them. The next step after checking the immune status and vaccination will be strict social segregation of those who refused to enter the digital stall. All these processes are described in detail in international documents and are carried out right before our eyes. 

And now let's turn to the old comment of the "philanthropist" and fighter against climate change by reducing the population of Bill Gates of his grandiose projects. On March 18, 2020, Gates attended the AMA (Ask Me Anything) conference on Reddit titled "I Am Bill Gates, as co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, where he answered questions about the pandemic.

A Reddit user named RemoteControlledUser asked a question:

"What changes will we have to make to business schedules to support our economy while ensuring social distancing?" 

Bill Gates' response:

"The question of which businesses should continue to operate is a complex one. Of course, this is primarily the supply of food and the health care system. We still need water, electricity and internet. Supply chains for important things need to be preserved. Countries are still figuring out what to do next. 

We'll end up with some digital certificates showing who has recently recovered or been tested, or when they've received the vaccine that we're going to have." 

Everything is said very clearly. It is necessary to introduce several officially tested digital certificates around the world that determine the COVID status of a person, and on this basis give him the right to move freely, go to work, buy products in the store, attend mass events, educational organizations and health care ... The list goes on and on. All coronavirus restrictions, officials say, remain with us indefinitely – so de facto this "high alert regime" for each of us is introduced forever. 

In mid-May 2020, the British media reported on the launch of the international project COVI-PASS: 

"A British cybersecurity company from Manchester, in collaboration with several technology firms, is implementing COVI-PASS in 15 countries around the world ... It's an international digital health pass that will store your COVID-19 test history and other "relevant medical information." According to the company's website, the purpose of creating a digital pass is "a safe return to work, life and travel passport is 'safe return to work and resumption of social interactions by providing authorities with up-to-date and verified medical information.'" 

Among the countries that have expressed a desire to implement COVI-PASS are: Italy, Portugal, France, Panama, India, USA, Sweden, Spain, South Africa, Mexico, UAE and Holland. The projected coverage is 50 million digital "health passports". 

The official website of the project already says about 80 million applications for COVI-PASS, from here we learn about its principles of work:

1. The smartphone user downloads an application in the online store for Android, sets a secure password, and also enters personal data: name, address of residence, age. He must then undergo biometric identification (!!!) through a fingerprint or face scan. 

2. Once identified, you can enter any health information into the app. But in the foreground, of course, is the covid status of the person: it is proposed to upload the test result to the application in order to confirm it at the first opportunity.

3. When a person needs to confirm their Covid status or other health information, they open an app that generates a QR code that can be read at a distance of up to two meters.

It is also reported that in May, the British company VST signed an agreement with an international firm in the field of digital health technologies and the owner of COVI-PASS - circle Pass Enterprises (CPE) to integrate the application into BIOMETRIC passes (!) with RFID support, which can be accessed through a mobile phone or key fob. The devices will flash different lights, indicating whether a person has tested negative or positive for coronavirus, on the basis of which they will be allowed or denied entry to public places. 

In answers to key questions, the creators of COVI-PASS in every possible way promote their offspring, stating that its main task is "to store all information about the health and covid status of a person in a safe place in order to present them at any time." They believe that paper test results are inconvenient to carry with them, in addition, their program allegedly uses completely secure blockchain technology and military encryption algorithms (!). Where do the "simple IT specialists" of military technology - a separate question. 

The authors of the idea of a digital pass also can not sanely answer the question of what to do with the short time of relevance of the coronavirus test and possible false results. After all, it is theoretically possible to get infected anywhere and several times a day, what is the guarantee of safety for skipping a week, two weeks, a month ago? In response to this, they simply offer to "consult a doctor at the place of residence in case of any problems." Naturally, the real victory over the virus is the last thing they are interested in.

And, very importantly, the developers directly point to the connection of their digital health identifier with the upcoming vaccination against the coronavirus: 

"Until a COVID-19 vaccine is available, our pass can be used to store test results. Since our device is digital, it can also be used to store the results of other tests and vaccinations. Some people have vaccination cards. It's the same thing, only in digital format." 

COVI-PASS lobbyists are happy to inform us that their biometric pass-identifier has received the "Seal of Distinction" from the European Commission and is used in various UN projects. Well, we had no doubt that the globalists had long seized political power in international institutions – for this purpose they created them.

It is necessary to clearly understand that obtaining immune passports tied to a person's personal (biometric) identifier is part of a global plan for the transformation of civilization, which has already been given a methodological justification. Vaccination here is an important, but not a key aspect. The main thing is the immersion of humanity in the "new normal", a system of total accounting and control with punishments and incentives. Quite simply, the transformation of the majority of citizens from the "unoptimized contingent" (about 7 billion people) into managed biological facilities, digital slaves, service people - choose what you like best (although all this is equally inhumane). 

On April 20, 2020, the Center for Ethics at Harvard University published a report titled "Roadmap to Resisting the Pandemic." The main sponsor of the report was the Rockefeller Foundation (!), and among the team of authors are mainly Harvard teachers, the Santa Fe Institute and employees of Microsoft Corporation (another greeting from its founder Bill Gates!). Actually, the authors do not hide the fact that in their main specialization, many of them are social engineers, that is, they are systematically working on reformatting society. 

We will not overload readers with copious quotations of the 56-page manual, but a few phrases from there are simply necessary:

"COVID-19 is a grave threat to our democracy, comparable to the Great Depression and World War II. What we must do together, together, is to fight this terrible contagion, protect human lives, our institutions, and prevent the destruction of our economy. How well we do this will determine whether a free society proves its resilience in the face of an emergency. 

We need to do much more than most people realize. We must significantly expand the scope and scope of testing, contact tracing, strict isolation and quarantine measures. We must do everything to involve every person in these processes. Broad and massive access to tests is vital to monitor, control the spread of the disease and respond quickly to official authorities." 

What a cynical cunning: the threat to democracy is called not mass violations of the basic rights and freedoms of citizens in the framework of allegedly anti-Covid measures, but the coronavirus itself. At the same time, a clear message is given about the inability of a "free society" to effectively deal with the pandemic. And then, of course, a full advocate for restrictions on rights and tightening the screws in the form of strict isolation and quarantine. The essence of the manual is that social engineers of human souls are radically not satisfied with the simple adherence of citizens to the recommendation "stay at home". After all, then they will not collect the necessary data of the entire population - and they really need them for accounting and control - including biometric and genetic.

"A system of testing, tracking people's routes, movements, and selective isolation should replace home quarantine," the authors, "inspired" by the Rockefeller Foundation, write.

In the "know-how" offered by Harvard and Microsoft to combat the coronavirus, we see the usual electronic certificates (at the first stage - for those who have been tested for COVID-19, then - for those who have been vaccinated):

"Testing programs (for coronavirus), being sectoral or universal, will require to provide test taker with an ID card that will be read in private companies, schools and social services institutions. For those who have installed an application on their phone that warns about contacts with an infected virus, you can also provide a function for storing up-to-date medical information in it. At the end of the report, see appendix, which describes in detail how such ID cards-certificates can work. " 

And on the same day, April 20, when these recommendations to the US authorities from the "shadow government" were published, another report was published under the stamp of the same Center for Ethics at Harvard University, returning us to the main topic of the material. It's called "Immune Certificates: If We Have to Have Them, We Have to Do Them Right." The author of this text is a very interesting lady named Dakota Gruner. She is the executive director of the ID2020 project, a digital system for identifying personalities across the planet (it will store key, including biometric information about the inhabitants of the Earth, in scale it clearly goes beyond the framework of nation-states), approved within the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030. And of course, this project is also closely connected with Bill Gates through the participation of Microsoft Corporation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in it (for more details, see the section "Bill Gates and ID2020" of the aforementioned Katusha material). Also investing in ID2020 is the global alliance of GAVI vaccinators and..., of course, the Rockefeller Foundation. As they say, bingo.

"The ability to confirm who you are is a fundamental and universal human right. We live in the digital age, so we need a reliable way to verify identity in the physical world and online.

For more than a billion people around the world, access to basic rights and services is difficult, if not impossible, due to the lack of verified identification. With a "good" digital identity, people will be able to enjoy the benefits created by a number of government agencies and institutions in order to gain access to a variety of services, while maintaining privacy and control over personal information, "Ms. Gruner and her team tell us a "bright future". 

We can only add that in the future, according to the "digital transformation" of all states, governments and society announced by the World Bank, the OECD, the UN and other offices of the globalists, 100% of the interaction of a citizen with state bodies and commercial structures will take place in digital form. And in Russia, including all departments, with the filing of the government, officially announced the complete rejection of paper documents, they almost daily issue relevant decrees and resolutions on the "digital transformation" of the country.

Where does this end up? In 2019, at the annual summit in New York, held in collaboration with the government of Bangladesh, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), as well as with new partners in government and academia, the ID2020 alliance spoke about a new digital identity program. The programme uses immunization as an opportunity to establish a digital identity identifier. Next, a direct quote from the resource. : 

"We are implementing a forward-thinking approach to digital identity that gives people the ability to control their personal information while building existing systems and programs," said Anir Chowdhury, a policy adviser at a2i.

"The Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the development of digital identity systems has far-reaching implications for people's access to services and livelihoods, and we are committed to implementing this approach." 

What does the phrase of a politician from Bangladesh mean in this context? Re-read it again: "The development of digital identity systems has far-reaching implications for people's access to services and livelihoods." Everything is extremely simple – after the "digital transformation" of humanity, a person without a digital identifier will not be able to access any service and livelihood. You can refuse as much as you like, but everything happens strictly according to the Revelation of John the Theologian ("And he (the Antichrist) will do what all, small and great, rich and poor, free and slaves, will be inscribed on their right hand or on their forehead, and that no one will be allowed to buy or sell, except he who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" Revelation of John the Theologian, chapter 13, verses 16-18). 

And the slogan of Dakota Gruner remains unchanged: she says about a universal digital ID of a person exactly the same as about an immune passport (customers and executors of these world projects, as we see, are completely identical): "We have the right to get a "good" digital ID, and we must do it correctly." 

Everything is clear for a very long time and Mrs. Gruner frankly and thesis talked about the plans of the globalists to take under the hood every person on the planet. It is explicitly said about the creation of a supranational system of people management, in which everyone will have to regularly confirm their status through new vaccinations or an immune test in order to be able to exist normally in society (work, travel, use public transport, go shopping, etc.). It is explicitly stated that this system is associated with the global project ID2020, with universal digital and biometric identification for the issuance of appropriate "passes to life" to obedient biological facilities. Moreover, it is stated that all leaders and "elites" of world states should coordinate their efforts to introduce such an approach to the management of society. In the approach to vaccination are present: assigning each vaccine brought to a person, a unique code, as well as an application that will put the immune status of the population under strict personal control. So far, there are not enough instructions to undergo mandatory biometric identification before being vaccinated for COVID-19, but within the framework of various "experimental legal regimes" legalized with the light hand of digital insects, all this has already entered our home. 

The plans of the builders of the electronic concentration camp are not just voiced, they are being implemented with great speed forcing the population to obtain the immune status of a slave. National authorities put the population and each person before a choice: freedom or slavery.




Monica Bellucci built the barricades back in 1993 and waited all the while. 


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