New Socio-Economic Formation - Caputinism

New Socio-Economic Formation - Caputinism

Tribule investigations 

  Let's sum up the results of the 2020-2022 battle of this crowned criminal pahan. 

  ‘’Putin's Cocktail’’ 

Capitalism is dead, socialism is kaput, and I don't feel good about it anymore... (c) Putin

Therefore, in order to save the world in general and for "this country" in particular, we declare the New World Order and the entry into the era of a new socio-economic formation - Caputinism!

Well, multiplied by the material below 👇 is all the stale racial Orthodox values of Putin, his personal interests, presented as the national interests of the collapsing aggressor country, the Nazi nationality, bonds and spirituality - at the exit from this rattling cauldron we get exactly where "this country" is rapidly moving europe and the rest of the world, and which has already been officially announced - Orthodox national socialism. He is Orthodox fascism, if not crooked. 

The material of this investigation is very voluminous and is not included in this block. Read the full material without abbreviations, as well as other materials in our Telegramm channel 👇

Beginning of the story 👆 

End of story 👇

It's kind of a shame 🙈, however. Where do the intelligence services and NATO look? 

The similarity of the letters "V" and "Z" emanating from Russian terrorists and their vaccines from the Gamaleya Center "Sputnik V" with the company AstraZeneca fascinates and excites us as a young girl Dhoni & Barry excites us. And what is the connection in this set of unrelated things and objects (letters, a girl and two old assholes, one red and the other black), you may ask and whether there is any connection between the Russian state institution, headed by Alexander Gunzburg, and the manufacturer of the vaccine, which appeared in a number of high-profile scandals.  The Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca is the manufacturer of the vector vaccine (AZD1222), which has become involved in several international scandals. In particular, in the spring of 2021, Portugal, Slovenia, Latvia and Cyprus suspended the use of the vaccine of this company, indicating that there are extremely serious side effects. Prior to this, Germany, Spain, France and Italy temporarily refused to use the vaccine from AstraZeneca due to cases of thrombosis in vaccinated people. In the official Twitter account of the Slovenian authorities, the head of the country's Ministry of Health, Janez Poklukar, then noted that "due to numerous doubts about the AstraZeneca vaccine, we asked the expert group to once again review all the details. She concluded that there were no professional objections to continuing the vaccination."

37-year-old Alexey Repik is a very successful player. He participates in European poker tournaments. 16 years ago, he founded R-Pharm. And he's playing a super-successful game on public procurement. In 2017 alone, Repik's companies won 37 out of 52 tenders for HIV-infected drugs.

An interesting device called Pulsoxymeter. It can be painlessly measured blood oxygen saturation. Just put your finger in the device.

Recommendation: Measure before wearing a mask and then after hours wearing a mask to compare the performance of the result. In the case of unsatisfactory data, in person in your perception, it is possible to write a statement to the police, to sue a specific number of persons who are trying to harm your health / causing harm to your health.  Remember Giuliani in the lobby of the hotel with two Ukrainian - American prisoners, who gave greetings to this guy in a hat. Video 2018-2019, laziness to look 🔦

Some of you had this info, the clown 🤡 had too. But all this is useless to give to children. And also a photo of Trump with the same two Ukrainian women - American businessmen crime. Their main boss sits in Austria, you can not pick it up for 5 years.

And there is a Russian Alexey Repik, apparently, with his wife and in the closest circle. It's amazing how a Russian businessman who is part of various councils under Russian President Vladimir Putin suddenly found himself in such close proximity to President Trump.

   I'm not a communist, I'm just a fool.

           William Henry Gates III

What is the vaccination 💉? When instead of promotional scenes photos and videos with injection we will see documents from what you prick and what do you advertise

Henry Kissinger (Kisa) according to the Soviet intelligence officer Yuri Shvets - a Jew and Nobel laureate once in the autumn made a sensational statement to the New York Post that, most likely, in 10 years Israel will cease to exist as a state. Who's the 🇺🇸 in the U.S. ? Is he the real creator of modern history? Or did his senile zabes someone planned at a very high political level, higher than the level of leaders of individual countries ?

What does Kisa's statement mean? Is the political configuration changing in the Middle East?  Pictured below is Moscow, November 2009, the jubilee of the leader of the Luberets YPG, Mark Milgotin, nicknamed "Marik." Marik and his friends meet guests in the lobby of the Ritz Hotel in central Moscow.

A pathos 300m from the Kremlin

The FSB of Russia and an Israeli citizen owns the Russian civil service system. Announcement .The FSB monitors people on SORM. This is a system of wiretapping the Internet and phones. SORM for the FSB is set by a private monopolistic firm. It's called the Citadel. It belongs to Vladimir "Ivan" Streshinsky, the husband of the tatler diva "Aunt Moti". Streshinsky hides, but he and the whole family are citizens of Israel. See for yourself.

Shareholder of the Citadel. Streshinsky Vladimir Yakovlevich, 02.10.1969. The surname in the Israeli passport is סטרשינסקי. Name ולדימיר. Teudat Zehut number 317902278.

Son. Streshinsky Vasily Vladimirovich, 06.06.1997. Surname סטרשינסקי. Name וסילי. Teudat Zehut 317902302.

Father. Streshinsky Yakov Romanovich (Rumanovich), 31.01.1937. Surname סטרשינסקי. Name יעקב. Teudat Zehut 313678583.

Mother. Streshinskaya Larisa Ivanovna, 29.03.1940. Surname סטרשינסקי. Previous surname בלוצרקובסקי. Name לריסה. Teudat Zehut 313678575.

Daughter. Streshinskaya Anastasia Vladimirovna, 03.07.1995. Surname סטרשינסקי. Name אנסטסיה. Teudat Zehut 317902294.

The mother of the children. Streshinsaya Varvara Yurievna, 17.12.1967. Surname סטרשינסקי. Name ברברה. Teudat Zehut 317902286.

Brother. Streshinsky Dmitry Vladimirovich, 14.09.1962. Surname. סטרשינצקי. Name דמיטרי. Teudat Zehut 303441760.

Brother's wife. Streshinskaya Suzanna Viktorovna, 06.03.1966. Surname סטרשינצקי. Previous surname קןסיצקינה. Name סוזנה. Teudat Zehut 303441778.

Niece, 10.02.2002. Country of birth - France. Surname סטרשינצקי. Name לילני גוי. Teudat Zehut 209949718.

These Israeli citizens were registered at two addresses. Tel Aviv-Jaffa, הרב קוק ##-#. Kfar Saba, פינס #-2. Streshinsky's foreigners in Europe have real estate and money vulnerable to sanctions. The Israeli owner of the Russian SORM is an ideal target for recruitment. Our materials should alert all the special services of the world, but apparently these are all the same KGB of the USSR, what will the whole sensible world say? 

The citadel contains the son of Russian FSB General Sergei Korolev, businessman Boris Korolev. So the national service generals are facing a question in all our big growth. Or you continue the state name with money from the Russians and from Israel and we send you to retirement and close the Citadel shop. And it will be difficult to build SORM for the Russian Federation without foreign citizens, the "Solntsevo" brotherhood and other friends of the Italian-Swiss resident Alisher Usmanov nicknamed "Uzbek".

Putin has a mistress and two confidants. This is the humorist Vladimir Vinokur with rapper Timati. Vinokur gave his daughter for a slave Timati, he bought just a brain-carrying fleet. The money was helped by the leader of the gang of killers Aslan Gagiev aka "Jako". And his show The Reality Academy, to which Aslan wrote 47 lamas of rubles. And now to Vinokur's cars. Hold your jaws. I'm serious.

How Lavrov's Israeli Relatives Get Billions on [Vaccines]

The famous Armenian Russian drug lord and warrior with Europe and the United States from the Russian Foreign Ministry, Sergey Lavrov, has the highest admission to state secrets, and his grandchildren are Israeli citizens by birth, because they were born from an Israeli.

The daughter of Minister Lavrov is married to Alexander Vinokurov. With the help of his father-in-law, he received hundreds of millions of dollars from the state. And like almost everyone in the Lavrov-Vinokurov family, he has two citizenships. Below are their Israeli passports. Fans of Sergey Lavrov say that the numbers of his family's Israeli passports were planted on me by the CIA and Azerbaijani intelligence. He he. The internet leaked. A base of Israeli immigrants has been lying in it for many years. Surnames in Hebrew. But, kamon, google translate. Take from wiki the birthday of Lavrov's son-in-law, Alexander Vinokurov. The date is in the database. We get his Israeli ID with the address on King Solomon Street. Look at the address. We see six more Israelis from the Lavrov family there. Their second citizenship was included in the registers of companies. The Lavrov-Vinokurovs conduct business in London, they themselves live in Monaco. The husband of Sergey Lavrov's daughter became An Israeli in April 1990. And in December, in Israel, his brother was born. Moshe Vinokurov, in the photo. The Russian Foreign Ministry retroactively christened him Moshe Semyonovich:

͏͏Israel son-in-law of Sergey Lavrov earns in the criminal business - trash with false vaccines (the new coke of the Russian Foreign Ministry). The authorities of the Russian Federation force citizens to be vaccinated with Ultrix. And this is an extremely dubious drug. For Ultrix, Putin's Russia pays Israeli citizen Alexander Vinokurov, the son-in-law of Minister Lavrov. The money goes to Western banks and offshore companies, so that the Israeli grandchildren of the Russian Foreign Minister do not deny themselves anything. 

Passports of the Lavrov-Vinokurov clan: 

🚩Lavrov's son-in-law, Vinokurov Alexander Semenovich, 12.10.1982. Citizen of Israel. Teudat Zehut number 304201023. The surname in the Israeli passport is וינוקורוב. Name אלכסנדר. An Israeli brother. 

🚩Vinokurov Moshe Semenovich, 19.12.1990. He was born in Israel. Surname וינוקורוב. Name משה. Teudat Zehut 305522401. 

🚩My sister is Israeli. Vinokurova Larisa Semenovna, 11.06.1998. She is an Israeli citizen by birth. Surname וינוקורוב. Name לאריסה. Teudat Zehut 302238142. 

🚩His father is An Israeli and a resident of Monaco. Vinokurov Semyon Leonidovich, 27.05.1960. Surname וינוקורוב. Name סימיון. Teudat Zehut 304200926. 

🚩The Mother is Israeli. Vinokurova (Itigina) Alla Ilyinichna, 19.01.1963. Surname וינוקורוב. Previous surname איטיעגין. Name אלה. Teudat zehut 304200975. 

🚩Grandfather is Israeli. Itigin Ilya Isaakovich, 05.01.1937. Surname איטיגין. Name איליה. Teudat Zehut 304201080. All when applying for Israeli citizenship were registered in the city of Netanya. Address שלמה המלך 15-80. 

🚩There's also another Israeli woman. Marina Lvovna Khodorkovskaya, 20.04.1954. Surname חודורקובסקי. Name מרינה. Teudat zehut 317876092. 

🚩The grandchildren of Minister Sergey Lavrov are citizens of Israel. And there could be no other. Katya Lavrova's last man is Pavel Mashchitsky, who still touches her for different places. 

🚩The state of the Russian Federation gave Pavel and his family a billion dollars. These friends of Lavrova received it. 

🚩The groom is Israeli and English. Mashchitsky Pavel Vital'evich, 04.01.1983. The surname in the Israeli passport is משיצקי. Name פבל. Teudat Zehut number 309821064. On the British passport of Pavel Machitski .

🚩Brother-Israeli and English, collector of lamborghini. Mashchitsky Leonid Vital'evich, 04.01.1983. Surname משיצקי. Name לאוניד. Teudat Zehut 309821072. On the British passport of Leonid Machitski. The ID number 914757226. 

🚩The Mother is Israeli. Mashchitskaya Irina Viktorovna, 08.06.1963. Surname משיצקי. Previous surname חוטורנקו. Name אירינה. Teudat Zehut 310010160. His father is Israeli. Mashchitsky Vitaliy Lvovich, 02.06.1954. Teudat Zehut 310040522. Surname משיצקי. Name ויטלי. 

🚩My grandmother is Israeli. Mashchitskaya, 10.06.1930. Surname משיצקי. Previous surname גיטלינה. Name פניה. The Israeli address of all five is Ra'anana, 17 הסנונית. 

🚩There is also an Israeli Natalia Leonidovna Kanash, 09.05.1951. Surname קנש. Name נטליה. Teudat Zehut 313917619. She ran the Granit firm, which received under a hundred million dollars from Putin's Russia. Lotteries, export of jade and other frauds with the help of government officials of the Russian Federation and Israel.

The waste of the country of the Russian Federation is controlled by the drops of Vitaly Mashchitskiy. He is a childhood friend of Sergey Chemezov from Rostec. Mashchitsky received several billion dollars from his State Department, withdrew to the West. He has two sons there. In Russia, both do the largest business on state contracts. The sons, of course, are English. On August 14, 2008, Pavel Mashchitsky received a British passport 099095350. Leonid Mashchitsky - 099095351. The brothers are registered in London at 18 Holland Villas Road, W14 8BT. The guys took an oath: "I swear by Almighty God that if I become a British citizen, I will be faithful to Her Majesty. I will give my loyalty to the UK, I will defend democratic values, I will conscientiously fulfill my duties as a British citizen." Patriotic, nothing to say. There are no sanctions against Pavel & Leonid Machetski. And this is the result of communication with MI6. Mossad, and the Mashchitsky brothers are also citizens of Israel? It is impossible to arrest Chemezov's friends.What does our dear Mossad think?  🚫 Because? 

One of the most expensive was the wedding of foreigners Pavel Mashchitsky and Karima Nigmatulina. There were ex-fiancés: singer Alsou and Katya Vinokurova, the daughter of Minister Lavrov. And the voracious horde of the director of the state corporation Rostec Chemezov, the sponsor of the Mashchitsky family. Rostec ballerina Nikolai Tsiskaridze came through the State Department. Rostec PR specialist Tina Kandelaki. And her husband, the top of Rostec Vasily Brovko. Mashchitsky is a subject of Israel and Britain. The bride is good too. Karima Nigmatulina is a U.S. citizen. This caused a scandal when she was the first deputy in the general plan of Moscow and was caught on a second passport. But Dr. Mayor Sobyanin said he had two citizenships. And the American does not work with guests. Karima's nightmare ended, for the wedding she became the gendir of her father-in-law Vitaly Mashitsky in Vi Holding. This is an office for pumping Chemezov's pension money to the West.

"Stoloto" will begin to sell tickets in the stores of the network "Magnit". The head of Rostec Sergey Chemezov and the shareholder of the network Alexander Vinokurov will launch a new "laundry"?

Is Sarkissian a nominal character?

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ' • April 21, 2021

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

****** Shortened version 

Our material today is extremely important and we take our work to the level of national security of the United States 🇺🇸 

We take the liberty of stating and stating quite defined and not ambiguous: 

U.S. national security 🇺🇸 is at critical risk due to the colossal damage to the fake "pandemic" and irreparable exactly undetectable quantitative harm to the health of the American nation as a human population. After conducting a large array of inquests, as well as studying and preparing a large body of our research, including the latest work below, we came to an unequivocal conclusion. The health of America's population, the younger generation, the future worship of Americans is at great risk. For the most part, it's a planned and very dodgy plan. In some parts it is unprofessionalism and outright ignorance of a large group of media persons.

We allege the new U.S. administration intends to mislead U.S. enemies 🇺🇸 and is moving its domestic vaccination policy in a very dangerous direction. 

We will give a fragment of December 18, 2017, another "U.S. National Security Strategy." This document is based on four foreign policy priorities of Donald Trump ("protecting the homeland, Americans and the American way of life," "ensuring America's prosperity," "strengthening peace through strength" and "spreading American influence"), which position the United States not as a global superpower, but as a powerful nation-state competing with other nations in the "zero-sum game."

We consider this provision to be extremely unprofessional and harmful in terms of underestimating a terrorist attack. In this document, such an option is excluded altogether. And the virus 🦠 COVID-19 is a terrorist, biological, informational attack on the U.S. 🇺🇸 and the world as a whole. That's how we formulate the crisis 2020-2021 and no other way. 


"The key position of the National Security Council 2018 is that the competition between the great powers, which was previously considered a bygone, has returned. America is opposed by Russia and China, the "revisionist powers" that challenge the prosperity of the United States and seek to undermine their security - they "intend to make the economy less free and honest, to increase their military capabilities, to control information and data, to repress their societies and to spread their influence." One of the main tools to deter U.S. adversaries will be nuclear weapons, which the document calls "the basis of the American strategy to preserve peace and stability, repel aggression against the U.S., its allies to confront Russia the U.S. will be including in cyberspace. In early December, President Trump's national security adviser, Herbert McMaster, stated that Russia had mastered "the methods of countering a new generation" and "used misinformation, propaganda and cyberattacks to divide the societies of the two countries and pit them against each other, create a crisis of confidence."

If Russia is accused in the document of trying to "change the status quo in Georgia and Ukraine," China, according to the authors, is trying to do the same in Southeast Asia. The United States will support its partners and allies (Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia) in a territorial dispute with China in the South China Sea. China has been called a "strategic rival" by the United States.

North Korea is listed in the document as the third enemy of the United States, engaged in the development of not only nuclear, but also chemical and biological weapons. The greatest threat is missile weapons, "which is the most likely means by which countries like the DPRK can threaten the United States." The United States "reserves the right" to apply all available measures against North Korea.

Unlike the 2015 National Security Council, which was adopted under Barack Obama, where the environmental theme was almost a key focus, this time the U.S. administration declared an approach to climate change "based on a balance between the requirements of energy security, economic development and environmental protection." This emphasizes that international environmental agreements are not an absolute priority for the United States over the needs of the economy.

On January 19, 2018, the U.S. Department of Defense unveiled a new U.S. National Defense Strategy. The document stated that the main issue for U.S. national security would no longer be terrorism, but strategic rivalry between states. The five main threats to American security were mentioned in the document by four states (China, Russia, North Korea, Iran) and the continued activity of terrorist groups. Russia, in particular, is accused of violating the borders of neighboring states, blocking their economic and diplomatic initiatives, seeking full regional domination, wants to destroy NATO and tailor the European and Middle East economies and policies.

In February, a new U.S. nuclear strategy (Nuclear Posture Review) was unveiled, changing the 2010 doctrine adopted under the Obama administration. The new strategy shows that the United States considers Russia and China to be key rivals. To counter them, the U.S. is willing to invest in new weapons systems, including a low-power nuclear warhead for Trident D5 maritime ballistic missiles, and upgrades to old programs, including Tomahawk sea-based cruise missiles in nuclear equipment. The new doctrine also states that the United States will generally actively modernize its nuclear triad (strategic aviation, intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear submarine-launched missile carriers) and will coordinate its policy of Russia's nuclear deterrence with Britain and France. In January 2019, U.S. President Donald Trump unveiled an updated strategy for the development of the U.S. missile defense system. In addition to Russia, China, North Korea and Iran are among the U.S. rivals. The document states that the latest Russian military developments "defy the existing defensive systems" of the United States, making it necessary to modernize them significantly in order to create means of intercepting enemy missiles "at all stages of flight after launch."

According to the document, "Russia considers the United States and NATO the main threat to its current revisionist geopolitical ambitions" and assists other adversaries and rivals of the United States (supplying the S-400 complex to China and S-300 to Iran, promoting the development of the DPRK's mobile air and missile defense system)." Trump's vision has not materialized and will not be justified. This doctrine is superficial and does not take into account the mass of aspects. We have presented our vision in previous materials. This is done intentionally, or because of the low level of professionalism of the staff to judge not us. We only draw your attention and bring to your attention our materials based on documents and scientific research. The editorial office is not a state organization and is not under anyone's influence. We are not a dependent body that belongs only to our mind, knowledge, and heart. Yes, of course, as a body of Freedom we have our own personal preferences for democratic traditions and procedures. But in case of a possible danger to democracy and peace, we do not stop and will not stop in giving our point of view neither to the state apparatus of any country in the world, nor to any officials, if we see malicious actions carried out for various reasons. Perhaps misleading, perhaps intentional actions of which we have noted a lot in the address of former President Trump. 

There is nothing dirtier and more disgusting than Lies. "Is it necessary for a decent man to lie?" One could quote the wise indefinitely. But despite everything, all of us - strong and weak, proud and uncharacteristic, bold and cowardly (including philosophers) - lied, lie and lie, sometimes just not realizing what pushes us to these transgressions. 

Lies have wings, not angelic and not even swans, crows, black crows with gray shard ... Lies - barely born, to fly around almost the whole world 🗺 Lies of the guise has a pretty, attractive. If it had been otherwise, it would not have been able to become a sought-after thousand and a thousand inhabitants of our Planet. She was born at the same time as homo sapiens. Only her motives changed - from the primitive desire to eat, drink, just survive and multiply to skillful in its sophistication of the present. To some generations it passed genetically, others, later, was given by the accumulated centuries of experience. It is immortal as long as man reigns on earth. 

Pathological liars: what makes them lie?

They lie as they breathe. Cheating is their life credo. They do not notice the boundaries between truth and lies. 

Pathological lies, mythomania or Pseudologia Fantastica (Latin), causes a lot of controversy among psychologists and psychiatrists. Some believe that this is only a symptom of a more complex disorder (e.g., borderline personality disorder, sociopathy or narcissism), others are convinced that this is a deviation in itself. There is an assumption that this is a special form of addiction: a person cheats under the influence of psychological impulse, like an alcoholic, a smoker or a player, reacting to specific triggers. However, the fact remains that some people are constantly lying. Their deceit can be called chronic, because it is observed throughout life, or habitual - in the sense that it becomes second nature.

Pathological liars are not so easy to recognize, especially in superficial acquaintance. People of this type always act under the influence of internal motivation, not external factors. In other words, they lie not so much to avoid the unpleasant consequences of the truth, but for the sake of "sporting interest".

Pathological liars are not so easy to recognize, especially in superficial acquaintance or at the beginning of a relationship. They can seem interesting, smart, company, charming. Their true face opens only with time, and then communication becomes strained. Endless lies can destroy friendship, love, working relationships and even family.


The two types of lies have their own peculiarities. How do you know who you're dealing with?

Pathological liars:

lying for a specific purpose, invent fantastic stories that can be supplemented with new details without end, they believe everything they've come to, indignant when they are suspected of deception, to strengthen their authority, do not blush or feel awkward.

Compulsive liars:

seriously believe that they are obliged to lie: either because they do not know how to do otherwise, or if the truth is inconvenient, often lie for an incomprehensible reason and without any benefit, often lie for an incomprehensible reason and without any benefit, compose fiction on the move, not really thinking about plausibility, prefer the "holy" lie that others are thought to want to hear, people's distrust tends to feel , when they are found, they confess that they have lied, but continue to fool the head of others.

These differences are very conditional, because cheaters easily change masks.


There is no clear scientific explanation for the propensity to report false information. This behavior is due to many genetic and external factors, but this set is unique for everyone.

Among the most common causes:

1. Personality disorders. As mentioned above, the manner of lying at every turn can be a symptom of a mental disorder.

2. Brain features. A number of studies indicate structural abnormalities in the brains of pathological liars. One such work revealed an increased volume of white matter in three areas of the prefrontal cortex. The authors of another paper believe that a steady propensity for untruths is formed as the inhibiting emotional response of the amygdala weakens. Earlier studies have found 40% of pathological liars have central nervous system damage caused by epilepsy, head injuries or dangerous infections. The costs of parenting. As children, we all learn what is good and what is bad. At an early age, a person can lie for fear of punishment or for profit, and this subsequently becomes an unconditional setting.

4. Chemical dependence. Addicts and alcoholics often trick to hide their problem and at the same time lure money: addictions "disable" the conscience. Other psychological problems. Anyone who often lies may suffer from depression, anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Such behavior may be associated with fear, guilt or shame, unwillingness to recognize one's condition. It is important to understand that not every person with such a diagnosis is a pathological cheater! 


If you suspect that you are regularly fooled, pay attention to the characteristic signs of lies.

1. The stories of liars are absolutely incredible. If you notice that you often shake your head, refusing to believe fables, it seems that you came across just such a person. Does someone tell you how to have dinner with Tom Cruise or set a world record for eating sausages? You're not wrong.

There is a desire to attract attention. If someone lies to arouse interest, and climbs out of his skin, trying to prove their own importance - before you pathological liar. They practice two ways of attracting attention (see paragraphs 3 and 4).

3. You are lying to fill your price. Instead of admitting their mistake or honestly saying that they got into trouble, such people carry nonsense, just to look sinless.


4. They make a sacrifice. To gain sympathy and support from others, they complain of imaginary misfortunes. Illnesses, death of loved ones, someone's cruelty and other catastrophes in which they allegedly suffered.

5. Liars have low self-esteem. In itself, it does not indicate a pathological or compulsive lie, but in combination with other features complements the portrait of an unabashed deceiver. Usually low self-esteem occurs in compulsive liars: behind it hides anxiety and uncertainty. If the liars feel that they are close to failure, they immediately backfire and change the meaning of what is said.

6. The last word should be left to them. Arguing with a pathological liar is like banging your head against a wall. He will make the most ridiculous arguments until you get tired of bickering, just to get out of the fight victorious. It is easier with compulsive liars: they are embarrassed when they are exposed and do not insist on their own.

7. They are extremely dodgy. They manage to quickly invent plausible versions for all occasions, create a suitable lie literally out of thin air and present it in a convincing form.

8. They know how to turn everything upside down. If the liars feel that they are close to failure, they immediately backtrack and change the meaning of what is said. But catching them at the word is useless: they will object and say that you have not heard or misunderstood.

9. Their lives are messy and full of tragedies. They get out as they can, trying to seem honest, but people sooner or later realize: there is something wrong. Relationships collapse, another job is lost, friends turn away, but the pathological liar still rushes in search of simpletons, which can hang noodles on their ears.

10. Do not know how to keep secrets and love to gossip. The concept of decency is not familiar to them: they discuss with delight the details of someone else's life, including intimate ones. There is nothing sacred to them. Accept as a fact: lies will happen again more than once . Pathological or compulsive liars do not always control their speech. Therefore, it is wiser to admit that they are like that and it is necessary to live with it somehow. This does not mean forcing yourself to believe the fiction or to consider their behavior the norm. The main thing is to realize that not every lie is told with malice. They can't but lie. Anyway, now, given some circumstances. Of course, no one forbids to fight against it, but you will not change anything. Try to look at it philosophically and not take it personally. When it makes sense to ask for help . If the propensity for lying appeared in the interlocutor relatively recently, you guess what is the matter (depression, addiction in the initial stage, childhood psychotrauma) and the person you care about, try to persuade him to consult a therapist.

Tried? Doesn't it help?

Then contact the law enforcement agencies with a statement about misleading and causing harm . The way the Editorial is simple. Destroy a liar's comfort zone. Pathological liars like to work creating a warm bath around them from the insignificant many of the people. They are so comfortable, only when they feel relaxed, they can carry out outright lies. In comfortable conditions, their inventions are born with double the frequency and manic conviction. 

Fraud as a hoax: article XXX Criminal Code

Fraud is separate from other types of criminal offences. The reason is that it is quite specific about implementation. To be specific, as a result of fraudulent actions, the victim almost of his own will gives his own money or belongings to the person who deceived him. There is an article in the Criminal Code that provides for punishment for criminal acts of this nature. This is an article numbered xxx, quite likely in your code entitled .


The fraudster lies to the victim about his intentions, deliberately misleads him. This type of fraud is considered cases when the fraudster receives a fee for a certain service, doing some work, money in debt or property for temporary use. Although in fact no services are going to perform, as well as return things and money. Police and lawyers consider so-called "cyber fraud" to be a type of full-fledged fraud. The essence of such deception is that the attacker with the help of computer technology, and the TV 📺 this technique, receives personal data of the victim or spreads knowingly untruthful information, in order to seize someone else's property or money. And the theft of money from national and local budgets on a space scale is a particularly serious crime committed by a group of persons under preliminary collusion. So we solved all the obscure questions about the responsibility of the persons, assuming that they are not in business. At the same point, obtaining personal data fraudulently by medical means or by means. 

Milky Way zek. 

This is a kind of good option above, it seems to the Editorial Board, for those wishing to jump off articles about war and state crimes. For those interested and willing to take at once an assortment of criminal articles, the Editorial Board offers a good package from the Criminal Code: St 111, 112, 115 and 116 - articles of the Criminal Code on harm to health q 113, 114, 116.1, 117, 118 of the Criminal Code. Rooms can be any and even with sub-points and additions taking into account the geographical features of the area. Aluminium adjuvant in vaccines causes motor neurone disease deaths, which can manifest in 10 to 30 years as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig . For those interested and willing to take at once an assortment of criminal articles, the Editorial Board offers a good package from the Criminal Code: St 111, 112, 115 and 116 - articles of the Criminal Code on harm to health q 113, 114, 116.1, 117, 118 of the Criminal Code. Rooms can be any and even with sub-points and additions taking into account the geographical features of the area. 

Aluminium adjuvant in vaccines causes motor neurone disease deaths, which can manifest in 10 to 30 years as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig .

A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of truth.

Albert Einstein

1. Most people believe that vaccination is simply a weakened or dead virus/bacteria. The immune system produces antibodies on the injected dead virus, and subsequently, if a person becomes infected, his immune system already recognizes the virus, and reacts quickly to it. This picture is so simplistic that it can be said that it is completely untrue.

2. If everything was so simple, the vaccination would give lifelong immunity, which usually gives the disease. This, however, does not happen. Immunity from vaccination usually lasts 3-5 years. The most effective vaccinations give immunity for 10-20 years. What exactly does the word "immunity" mean in the context of vaccinations this topic is addressed in the previous big material. That is why today's material started with the topic of deception and articles of the Criminal Code above. Our immune system is not stupid at all. She realizes that a fragment of a dead virus or bacteria poses no danger, and poorly produces antibodies against it.

How do smart scientists solve this problem? They add an adjuvant to the vaccination. Adjuvant is a molecule that the immune system recognizes as very toxic, and reacts strongly to it. In addition, it responds to the virus, and, most unpleasantly, also to all the other ingredients of the vaccine, and not only to them. This, in turn, leads to allergies and various autoimmune diseases. That's why immunologists call aluminum "immunologist's dirty little secret."

The ingredients of vaccinations are, for example, egg white (ovalbumin). The immune system may well learn to respond to the virus as a threat. This may be an allergy to eggs.

Peanut butter in vaccinations may have led to a common peanut allergy.


The authors use Hill's criteria, and conclude that the link between aluminum in vaccines and autism is likely cause-and-effect. This article is also worth reading in full. Continuation follows...

 8. Aluminum hydroxide injections lead to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration. (Shaw, 2009, J Inorg Biochem) (translation)


Summary and the ending of a great professional material about U.S. national security 🇺🇸 and the safety of the U.S. population in the third part of our material .

Project No. The COVID-19 Strategic Training and Response Programme has been developed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Association for International Development. The program involves 25 projects at the 1st stage.


Special operations corona 👑 virus 🦠 

is a worldwide conspiracy of certain rituals, many elements are recognizable and very symbolic. People are led as unwitting participants, having no idea how they unconsciously support a deeper agenda (for example, cooperating with their own enslavement, agreeing to ridiculous restrictions and even actively controlling their fellow citizens 👑). Survivors testify and expose some of their satanic rituals. These include rape, hunting people as animals, mass, drinking human blood, cannibalism and sacrificing children. 

SCOOP - October 13, 2015 Patented covid-19 testing method 😷 EUROPE, ROTHSCHILD.

LIES OF A GLOBAL SCALE EXPOSED! Tests on Covid-19 were purchased by countries from 2017! Documents and evidence base of two parts a real bomb 💥 of the 21st century !

Special operation and lies of universal scale! Tests on Covid-19 were purchased by countries from 2017! (evidence below). Enjoy the beauty of the Friends plot

We move on to the main known to date defendants in the future criminal case. The plan of the epidemic they inscribed in October 2019 .

We can't call a ram 🐑 cow 🐄 as it's a 🐑 ram!!

We will remain vigilant, sober mind and cold heart towards you criminal Satan - Contagion . We're moving into a slightly different format of work. Consider: Bolshevism and fascism you will not go. 

AstraZeneca in Russia

In addition to established business ties with R-Pharm, Gamaleya, RDIF, AstraZeneca has its own legal entities in Russia. Thus, since November 2005, astraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, a trading LLC owned by AstraZeneca Travel Limited (Great Britain), has been listed in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The revenue of this LLC for wholesale trade in pharmaceutical products for the first year of the false pandemic amounted to 28.238 billion rubles against 19.9 billion rubles a year earlier with a net profit of 2020 - 1.678 billion rubles and 168 million rubles in 2019.  Putin's Klondike, Putin's El Dorado, Russian fascists have found a substitute for crack and cocaine for supplies from Seryozha Lavrov from the Russian Foreign Ministry. And if you also accept the pandemic agreement and give the Soviet Ethiopian terrorist WHO the national constitutions of the states of the world, then the Kremlin has a chance to replace the retired income from crack, cocaine, oil and gas together with the stacked ones. Bravo 🙌 

Certificate from the Russian Federation: from January 1, 2022, 22 new drugs were included in the state lists of medicines for medical use and the minimum range of medicines necessary for the provision of medical care (VED). One of them is Calquences from AstraZeneca. The same firm also introduced its killer cocktail of antibodies – [anti-COVID drug AZD7442]. 

It's kind of a shame 🙈, however. Where do the intelligence services and NATO look? 

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