Mega Crime of the 21st Century 

Mega Crime of the 21st Century 

Tribule Project 

 I'm not a communist, I'm just a fool. 




🇺🇸 Elon Musk's ex-wife Grimes decided to prepare and enters the role of a rock opera based on the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx. 

     All, Los Angeles Went On Pussy

Ethiopian terrorists know their business tightly and want legal grounds for countries to sign a new Covid-19 😂 treaty with them.

In this treaty, the "WHO Constitution" will take precedence over the country's constitution during natural disasters or pandemics.

This will enable them to make their terrorist guidelines binding on all signatories. And there are about 195 countries ? 

Тhᴇ hᴇᴀrᴛ ᴏf ᴛᴇrrᴏrisᴛ vᴀudᴇvillᴇ wiᴛh ʍusiᴄ frᴏʍ Кlᴀus' hᴀrʍᴏniᴄᴀ ᴀnd Еᴛhiᴏᴩiᴀn ᴀᴄᴄᴏrdiᴏn Тhᴇᴏdᴏrᴇ

       Whᴏ ᴀrᴇ WНО ʍᴇʍʙᴇrs?

WНО hᴀs 194 ʍᴇʍʙᴇrs, whiᴄh ᴀrᴇ grᴏuᴩᴇd inᴛᴏ siх rᴇgiᴏns: Аfriᴄᴀ, ᴛhᴇ Аʍᴇriᴄᴀs, Sᴏuᴛh-Еᴀsᴛ Аsiᴀ, Еurᴏᴩᴇ, ᴛhᴇ Еᴀsᴛᴇrn Мᴇdiᴛᴇrrᴀnᴇᴀn ᴀnd ᴛhᴇ Wᴇsᴛᴇrn Рᴀᴄifiᴄ. Еᴀᴄh hᴀs ᴀ rᴇgiᴏnᴀl ᴏffiᴄᴇ. Тhᴇ Еurᴏᴩᴇᴀn Rᴇgiᴏnᴀl Оffiᴄᴇ, whiᴄh inᴄludᴇs ᴛhᴇ Russiᴀn Fᴇdᴇrᴀᴛiᴏn, inᴄludᴇs 53 ᴄᴏunᴛriᴇs.

Аll МЕМВЕR СОUNТRIЕS ОF ТНЕ UN ᴄᴀn ʙᴇᴄᴏʍᴇ ʍᴇʍʙᴇrs ᴏf ᴛhᴇ WНО ʙy ᴀdᴏᴩᴛing iᴛs ᴄhᴀrᴛᴇr ᴀnd ᴄᴏndiᴛiᴏns.Оᴛhᴇr ᴄᴏunᴛriᴇs ᴄᴀn ᴀlsᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀdʍiᴛᴛᴇd ᴛᴏ ᴛhᴇ ᴏrgᴀnizᴀᴛiᴏn if ᴀ ʍᴀjᴏriᴛy ᴏf ᴛhᴇ ʍᴇʍʙᴇrs ᴏf ᴛhᴇ Gᴇnᴇrᴀl Аssᴇʍʙly ᴏf Нᴇᴀlᴛh vᴏᴛᴇ fᴏr iᴛ. Тᴇrriᴛᴏriᴇs ᴛhᴀᴛ ᴀrᴇ nᴏᴛ suʙjᴇᴄᴛs ᴏf inᴛᴇrnᴀᴛiᴏnᴀl rᴇlᴀᴛiᴏns ʍᴀy ʙᴇ ᴀdʍiᴛᴛᴇd ᴛᴏ WНО ᴀs ᴀssᴏᴄiᴀᴛᴇ ʍᴇʍʙᴇrs.

There is no question of any "conspiracy theory" here. We present to your attention the official documents of WHO.

And we do not need to tell about the subtleties of a particularly rich vocabulary of the English language. We don't need to talk about "mistranslied", "misunderstood" - "this is different". We perfectly distinguish white from black and vice versa unlike many. Terror is planned under Barry. These are his problems, and the WHO is only an operational medical terrorist with the support of the largest funds and the World Bank. 
Article: "Globalization trends continue to gain momentum. The goal is to eliminate democratic control by citizens in individual countries. We are already seeing democracy and fundamental rights being trampled upon, and health ministers being trampled upon by WHO orders, like autocratic dictators who single-handedly dictate and rule.

 The courts still partially protect us, but they also want to cancel this. How this should come to is described by the guest author Birgit Falkensteiner. "


Here we definitely need our ability to disidentify ourselves and the "paper man of the system".

The results of the study are published in the journal ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Stebunov et al., Highly sensitive and selective sensor chips with graphene-oxide linking layer).

MIPT scientists have created a graphene biosensor. 

This event is scheduled for the date of 2030, on the prototype of a single identity card, for a single world PASSPORT.

On August 27, 2021, the WHO, run by the puppet of pedophile Epstein's friend Semite Gates, Ethiopian Gebreyesus, who is waiting for a criminal charge of genocide in his homeland (no joke), published technical specifications and guidelines for the introduction of a prototype of a single identity card, NWO passport, vaccination passport. 

Graphene oxide is cytotoxic, genotoxic and magnetotoxic. The image below shows a liposomal capsid containing graphene oxide in the Pfizer "vaccine." Liposome delivers graphene oxide to certain organs, glands and tissues, namely the ovaries and testes. Also, graphene is obtained by the nervous system, heart and brain.

Also found in the Pfizer injection was Trypanosoma cruzi, a parasite whose several variants are lethal and which is one of the many causes of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS. It is not known if this was a random ingredient or if it was specifically added and will be present in all Pfizer "vaccines".

Analysis of test sticks from surface tests, in the Slovak Republic

Analysis of test sticks from surface tests in the Slovak Republic - confirmation of genocide.


1) nylon;

2) Darpa hydrogel; 

3) lithium; 

4) pineal gland. 

The analysis was conducted between November 2020 and March 2021 on test sticks in kits. SD Biosensor, Abbott and Nadal in an unnamed hospital laboratory from Bratislava, Slovakia. The test swabs were from kits used for surface testing in Slovakia and in hospitals. Anyone with at least a standard school microscope and a test microscope can check the information about the test smears published here. All information about test tampons, Darpa hydrogels and lithium is publicly available for scientific and corporate purposes. Links to some of them are at the end of the general material.

From this information it is clear that test sticks are a criminal instrument of genocide of the population of Slovakia and the whole World. This is a worldwide, thoughtful and carefully prepared event.

Rice. 1 and 2. Hollow nylon fibers on the broken end of test tampons.

Figure 3. For comparison, a photograph of a classic cotton wool under a microscope.

Rice. 4 and 5 Broken ends - their task is to destroy the epithelium (surface layer) on the mucous membrane, thereby also their rupture and subsequent leaching of the contents of the fibers - Hydrogel Darp and lithium. The threads are patented [by Darpa].

Rice. 6. Longitudinally open fiber with broken end and balls containing Darpa hydrogel.

Rice. 7. On the slide after mechanical manipulation, which is identical to the smear of nasopharyngeal material, which contains crushed nylon fibers, hydrogel and lithium. This material remains in the nasopharynx after spawning.

Rice. 8 and 9. Granules of Darpa hydrogel, forming the contents of hollow nylon fibers.

Rice. 10-11. After darpa hydrogel comes into contact with organic liquids (e.g., saliva) for several minutes, they begin to form rectangular crystalline structures. They gradually fractally grow.

Figure 12. The result of crystallization after 24 hours.

Rice. 13. These Darpa hydrogel crystals create a three-dimensional spatial structure and germinate through tissues.

Rice. 14. Darp hydrogel crystals grow under a microscope in the direction of the magnetic field. In humans, the nasopharynx after a smear grows towards the pineal gland. The pineal gland creates a locally stronger magnetic field than the Earth's external magnetic field.

Rice. 15 and 16. Natural crystallization of saliva without Darpa Hydrogel. Crystals do not create three-dimensional spatial models and do not even form rectangular structures and do not grow fractally.

Figure 17 3D. Darp hydrogel crystals. To this was added human saliva with antibodies on the left and then on the right ivermectin. see Figures 18 and 19.

Figure 18. The effect of the saliva of a person who defeated "covid" /SARS/ naturally and has antibodies. Such saliva was added to the left side of the structures in Figure 17 and almost immediately led to the irreversible destruction of the structures of the Darpa hydrogel crystals.

Figure 19. Ivermectin was added on the right side of the structures in Figure 17, and this occurred immediately after the complete and permanent disappearance of the structures of the Darpa hydrogel crystals. This clearly shows that ivermectin has an incredibly strong effect against what darpa hydrogel does in our bodies.

Effect of Darpa Hydrogel on human blood cells.

Figure 20. Normal live red blood cells.

Figure 21. The addition of Darpa hydrogel from the test rod led to the complete destruction of red blood cells.

Figure 22. Darpa Hydrogel forms blood clots within seconds. Subsequently, they damage and clog the blood vessels.

After spawning, a mixture of nylon fiber fragments of Darpa Hydrogel remains on the mucous membrane of the nose under the pituitary gland and pineal gland along with lithium. This mixture immediately reacts with living structures to form crystals directed towards the pineal gland, which has its own electromagnetic field. The shape of the crystals determines the type of hydrogel used. Crystals are conductive due to the lithium they contain. The crystals can receive a signal from transmitter to cell and transmit signals from cell to transmitter. They're actually nanoantennas. Lithium is an element (a reference to Li) that is not found in humans in nature. It is very toxic to the pineal gland. In small doses, it blocks it, and in higher doses, it completely destroys it. Aluminum and mercury also have a toxic effect on the pineal gland, which is widely used in vaccines. 

The pineal gland produces serotonin (the hormone of happiness) and controls human biorhythms. This is crucial for higher brain activity (creativity, foresight, the sixth sense, etc.) and for human social interactions. More details in the link (5) grasshoppers.

Darpa Hydrogel (link) is an artificial substance that creates a transducer between an electromagnetic signal and a living cell, tissue and organ. Converts an electromagnetic signal from a transmitter into a signal that a living cell understands and responds to. (see photo of the beetle - darp hydrogel was injected into these nerve structures, which was controlled by radio).

Yuri and his partners saw the light at the end of the tunnel and enthusiastically began to come up with such products. Quite quickly, they agreed that we need to focus on materials, energy and their transformation – there is nothing more fundamental. As a result, six ideas were formulated. In fact, all technological ideas were formulated by Predtechensky, the rest analyzed them for implementation and prospects as a business.

Analog-to-digital converter with self-control


Patent number: 930657

Published: 23.05.1982

Authors: Zhivilov, Leshchev, Pavlov, Prechistensky, Fremke

IPC: H03K 13/17

Tags: analog-digital, self-control

..."Start" starts control unit 5 and the input signal O 1 is converted by means of a comparison unit 6, a 7code-voltage converter and a register 8. The result of the transformation M 1 = M + d 1, where d 1 - the error of the transformation is written from register 8 to register 9. Then, on the command from control unit 5, key 1 is opened, key 4 is closed, Voltage is supplied to the input of the comparison unit 6O = O, p O , where or reference nap 1 charge, numerically equal to the limit of transformation, which is encoded by a similar image and the result of the transformation M = MO MO + B 2 summieP EZ is observed with the code M stored in the register 9, using a digital adder 10. With the output of the adder 10 codenums equal to M M + M = ir d 9 Sch enters the input of the block G...

Soyuz ipl: n: no-t1: hninknd1


Patent number: 329669

Published: 01.01.1972

Author: Prechistensky

IPC: H03K 17/06

Tags: ipl, no-t1, union, hninknd1

... the clamps of which are connected to the emitters of transistors b and 7, and others to the ungrounded bus 12 of the reference voltage source 5; resistors 13 - 15 and diodes 16, 17.When the control voltage inputs 8 and 9, respectively, negative and positive polarity relative to the common bus 4, the diodes 16 and 17 are locked, 15 and the control transistors 6 and 7 are unlocked, ensuring the saturation of the second key transistor 2 along the circuit: power supply 11, emitter-collector transition of the first control transistor 6, resistor 13 and junction 20 oase are the collector of the second key transistor 3, since the second key transistor is 2. In this case, the load resistor 3 is connected to an ungrounded bus 12. Since diodes 16 and 17 are locked, the currents...



Patent number: 300957

Published: 01.01.1971

Authors: Prechistensky, Simkhovich

IPC: H03M 1/38

Tags: i-techshpeskdyabiblioteka

... 17 transistors 20 and 22 and locking through diodes 16 transistors 21, 23 polarity switches 5. As a result, the reference diodes 24 and 25 are disconnected from the input of the operational amplifier 4, and the input of the amplifier is under a potential close to zero. With some delay 35 40 45 I 55 bo b 5 koi potential, close to zero, will also be installed on the ungrounded bus 7 of the voltage source 3.At the same time, the locking voltage applied to the transitions base - the collector of the tra, the nzistors of the switches 2 connected to the ungrounded bus 7, is determined by the potential of the Y bus equal to the voltage of the Junction of the locking voltage source 10. From the output 1 of the trigger 15 to the input of the match scheme 26 comes the resolving potential and, with the arrival of the second command...

Digital-to-analog converter


Patent number: 278252

Published: 01.01.1970

Authors: Prechistensky, Simkhovich

IPC: H03M 1/66

Tags: digital-analog

... the voltage value of the reference source, and through the resistors - , with the transistor bases of the switches connected to the grounded bus of the reference voltage source. The emitters of the key transistors are connected to each other, the collector of the other key transistor is connected to the grounded bus and through resistors to the bases of the switch transistors connected to the ungrounded bus of the reference voltage source with resistors, each of which is connected through one diode from the outside. Earth tire source reference spring278252 Subject of invention VõhOd Compiler L, Alexandrova Editor L. A. Utekhina Techred A. A. Kamyshnikova Correcor L, B, Badylama Order 3154/5 Circulation 480 Subscription Research Institute of the Committee for Inventions and Discoveries under the Council of Ministers ...

              The X-Files

In the room where Graphetron 1.0 stands, it is strictly forbidden to take pictures. Graphetron can't even be seen – when I walk into a room, it's covered with black matter, like a rock in the Kaaba. An exception is not made even for a university friend. I haven't seen such secrecy even in munitions factories." Therefore, the logical question is how OCSiAl is going to protect its technologies. "OCSiAl has an umbrella patent," says Yuri. When an invention does not have a fundamental feature, they try to invent a strange design, patenting, for example, a synthesis mode or a catalyst. Any such patent will necessarily be bypassed - it is impossible to close everything by a hundred parameters. A classic example: hovercraft were invented in the USSR, and the patent specified the angles of attack. Immediately came the English patent, in which all other angles of attack were patented. "Do you know what the singer sewing machine patent sounds like, which has never been bypassed? Koropachinsky laughs. - "Needle with an ear on the front". All. You can't make a sewing machine without such a needle. We have such a patent. Roughly, it sounds like this: 

"In any conceivable and unthinkable way, you create a true nanoparticle that flies in the stream of any hydrocarbon gas in any modes and a single-walled tube grows on it." If yes, then our patent, if not, then no. This means that we can not disclose anything: neither catalysts, nor the method of manufacture, nor the modes. " "Of course, Predtechensky, - I am infected with Koropachinsky's laughter- and who else on the planet could come up with such a patent?!".

He flew to Akademgorodok for a summit on nanomodified materials at the invitation of Yuri Koropachinsky. He is his university buddy and now president of OCSiAl. 

Hydrogel Darpa and lithium block and destroy the pineal gland, causing the thinking person to become a controllable biorobot. Hydrogel is a carrier of the active substance, its task is to deliver the substance to the body in the desired place. Briefly about vaccines. Vaccines contain Darpa hydrogel, lithium and proprietary genetic information. mRNA is not an untested novelty. In breeding and for the best athletes, this type has been using doping for many years. For the best athletes 4) this doping significantly shortens life.

The genetic information in the vaccine leads to the creation of a patented mutant. The dream of the dark forces surrounding Bill Gates is to force these mutants, for example through vaccination, to regularly update a computer program.

Darpa Hydrogel hollow nylon fibers fill plastic respirators of FFP2 class. This supplemented Darpa hydrogel is slowly released from respirators. When breathing, it enters the human respiratory tract. The tampons used for PCR also consist of hollow nylon fibers with Darpa hydrogel.


The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is the U.S. Department of Defense's research agency responsible for developing new technologies for use in the military. Originally known as the Advanced Research Projects Agency, the agency was established on February 7, 1958, by President Dwight D. Eisenhur, USA.


Title: The DARPA Difference: Pivoting to Address COVID

Updated March 19, 2021

Published: 28 August 2019

OrgaQuant: Human Intestinal Organoid Localization and Quantification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Timothy Kassis, Victor Hernandez-Gordillo,

The Odd History of DARPA's Cyborg Insect Sentinels

The next time you see a moth, dragonfly, or other winged insect, go in for a closer look. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has been developing insect cyborgs for the past seven-plus decades, and a recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from San Jose State University Lecturer Dr. Susan Maret’s blog “secrecy {fragments}” shows just how sophisticated these futuristic, dystopian bug drones have become.

Lithium’s antiviral effects: a potential drug for CoViD-19 disease?

Andrea Murru, Mirko Manchia, ... for the International Group for The Study of Lithium Treated Patients (IGSLi)


Psychiatric disorders, and especially severe mental illness, are associated with an increased risk of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection and COVID-19-related morbidity and mortality. People with severe mental illness should therefore be prioritised in vaccine allocation strategies. Here, we discuss the risk for worse COVID-19 outcomes in this vulnerable group, the effect of severe mental illness and psychotropic medications on vaccination response, the attitudes of people with severe mental illness towards vaccination, and, the potential barriers to, and possible solutions for, an efficient vaccination programme in this population.

Lithium as a candidate treatment for COVID‐19: Promises and pitfalls

Ravi Philip Rajkumar

Lithium Inhibition of Adenylate Cyclase Activity: Site of Action and Interaction with Divalent Cations

Authors and affiliations


S. Devi, A. Rao

Published 1982

Biology, Medicine

Indian Journal of Psychiatry

The pineal gland in ma.i is an active endocrine gland throughout life (Wurtman et al., 1964 ; Tapp & Huxley, 1972 ; Cardinali, 1974 ; Reiter et al., 1975 ; Reiter, 1978). It elaborates several... 


2. feb 2009 o 10:41

Kobylky fičia na droge šťastia

Vedci zistili, že v premene bežne neškodných, samotársky žijúcich púštnych kobyliek na až niekoľkomiliardové roje, ktoré pustošia úrodu a vegetáciu najmä v rozvojových krajinách, hrá kľúčovú úlohu neuroprenášač sérotonín, nazývaný aj „droga šťastia".

Tribule Add-ons 

A parasitic organism dubbed "The Thing" has been found in COVID vaccines. Dr. Frank Zalewski: "That's why egg-feeding graphene is added to vaccines."

"Something like this will develop within you."

Many people may already be aware of the strange "hydra" like the parasite that has been found in COVID vaccines by Dr. Carrie Madei and several other researchers/scientists – Carrie Madei has been an ardent supporter of vaccines and has appeared in many interviews. and measures to warn the public about these dangerous injections.

Dr. Alfred R. Wallace (England)

Alfred Russell Wallace

Vaccination is a hoax 

Forcing it under penalty of punishment is a crime. 

Proved by official evidence in the reports of the Royal Commission 

London, 1898

Wallace Alfred Russell (1823-1918) - the famous English naturalist and scientist, one of the founders of zoogeography, who simultaneously created the theory of natural selection with Charles Darwin.

Original here


This essay is written with the aim of influencing Parliament and ensuring the swift repeal of unfair, cruel and harmful vaccination laws. To that end, I had to speak directly of the ignorance and incompetence shown by the Royal Commission, the evidence of which I provide from its Final Report and from the materials it has collected and printed.

I strongly convince our legislators that this is not only a matter of Freedom for the British, but also an issue affecting the lives of their children and the health of the entire community, and that legislators will be personally responsible if they do not study this topic on their own, without accepting the statements or opinions of other people.

So that they can do so with the least amount of time and effort, I have brought to their attention the basic facts, in almost all cases taken from the reports of the Royal Commission or the Civil Registrar's Office, with links to pages, questions and paragraphs, so that they can verify for themselves every allegation I have made. By doing so, I provide ample evidence that, first, in passing all previous laws, legislators were misled by false facts and figures, as well as promises that have remained completely unfulfilled, and that similar false claims have characterized all official vaccination protection from Jenner's time to the present day. Thus, I declare that all official approvals regarding vaccination are not credible.

Further, I show that all smallpox mortality statistics without a single exception, whether they apply to London, Scotland, Ireland, well-vaccinated continental countries, unvaccinated Leicester or re-vaccinated army and navy, prove the absolute uselessness of vaccination. And I am sure that any unbiased person who carefully reads this small number of pages and checks those of my statements that seem most improbable to him will be forced to come to the same conclusion.

I oppose the apologists for vaccination against medicine and bureaucracy and appeal to the reason and common sense of my compatriots, and I call on the latter to insist on the immediate repeal of all legislation that imposes or supports this useless and dangerous operation.


Additional voluminous documents on the topic of special operation World Crown 🤴 19

NOAA, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which is cited by carbon sectarians, overestimated long-term forecasts of a 30-50% increase in global temperature due to the incorrect location of climate stations (they were located in urbanized areas with higher temperatures or showed incorrect data due to the effect of heat sink through artificial materials, such as asphalt and concrete.) The study was conducted by the management itself after massive criticism of their department for non-compliance with its own rules.

All U.S. climate data from the last 40 years is FALSE 🤥

On the second anniversary of the Great American Eclipse (21/8/2019), Donald Trump made the following statement:

On the same day, he tweeted that he likened himself to the "second coming of God" and "the king of Israel.

Dhoni, the king needs a new model. Here's to you hold.

Report Page