⏳ ተ𐍂𐌉ଓ𐌵𑀉ꤕ ⚖️ Ⴝ𐌳𐍅Ⴝ 🎙

⏳ ተ𐍂𐌉ଓ𐌵𑀉ꤕ ⚖️ Ⴝ𐌳𐍅Ⴝ 🎙

           ϮɍϊƀυƖє Ӽ

Friends! Are you apparently familiar with the term word? The term is very important for the specification of something, agree? 

We can't call a ram 🐑 cow 🐄 as it's a 🐑 ram!!

Pandemic" - if the word is translated literally from the ancient Greek πανδημία, you will get "the whole people." This word is called the spread of any disease on a global scale. This usually happens when a new virus occurs. He hasn't had time to come up with drugs yet. We haven't conducted tests, we don't have enough knowledge to create a vaccine, there's no time to prevent the spread. That is why it can be assumed that the entire nation may be infected. 

Do you have irrefutable and accurate figures about the infection of the entire American people, or at least 1- to 2% of the total population of the United States? 

People do not have immunity to the disease because they have not yet encountered it. Don't confuse pandemic with Epidemic. The epidemic tends to flow locally. Within one area or country.

On 11 March 2020, The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, stated that the spread of the new type of coronavirus (2019-nCoV) "could be regarded as a pandemic".

What is this formulation from the mouth of this Marxist with no medical education? What is it 'can be regarded'? Who? When? Under what circumstances? Assessment algorithm? The act of reconciliation? Other documents on the table ! The 📺 documents in the screen! Stamp highlighted in the screen 📺. Where is it all? 

According to the Great Russian Encyclopedia, the epidemic is the spread of an infectious disease, far exceeding the level of normal morbidity in the area. A pandemic is an epidemic characterized by the spread of infectious disease throughout the country, the territory of neighbouring nations and sometimes many countries of the world. 

Do we have irrefutable evidence of such data? Or do we have wet dreams 💭 the world's leading media? 

In 2005, WHO developed the International Health Regulations (IHR) and a scale that included six phases of epidemic occurrence and development, from Phase 1 (low risk of infection) to Phase 6 of pandemic. According to this scale, an outbreak of H1N1 ("swine flu") virus was declared a pandemic in 2009. However, this decision was criticized, the organization was accused of creating panic, many countries purchased vaccines in volumes far exceeding the real need for them.

WHO has therefore stopped using the six-tier scale. 

"Senit" (Public Health Emergency of the International Concern, PHEIC). Such situations are considered "extraordinary events that pose a health risk to other States" and "potentially require coordinated action by the international community". Do we have proven and irrefutable above situations? Or do we have one artistic equilibrium of phrases on TV? According to who classification, an emergency situation can have minimal consequences (1st grade), moderate (2nd grade) or significant (3rd grade). There is no information on how many countries must register the disease in order to state an international emergency of one class or another. The decision is taken by the IHR Emergency Committee on a case-by-case basis on the geographical prevalence of the virus, the complications it causes and its impact on society as a whole. Was that a decision made? Who signed this decision? 

In the 21st century, the spread of swine flu in 2009-2010 was recognized as a pandemic. According to WHO, it has reached 214 countries and territories of the world and has affected 30% of the world's population. Is this documented? 

 In 2012, scientists, including WHO experts, concluded that about 284,500 people died as a result of the disease. Is this documented by an act? They usually walk to B from "A" point. How does WHO conclude this? Tell me the algorithm of this walk of WHO officials ! These estimates, obtained using a mathematical model, are 15 times higher than the number of laboratory-confirmed deaths reported by WHO (18.4 thousand).

Since 2009, WHO has declared five international emergencies - in 2014 for polio and the Ebola virus, in 2016 and 2018 - for the zika virus. 


What did Ethiopia announce on January 30, 2020? 

My data for September 2020 

Why do I still believe that there was no pandemic in 2020-2021. This is my personal opinion confirmed by mathematical calculations. Why do the world's media platforms consider it possible to broadcast a terrible attack on humanity without confirming their words with anything that can be believed by a specialist? Why is this happening? What is this new unproven moveton in 2020 fell on us? 

Data for early September 2020: 

I'm sick of talking 🗣 on this subject, I want not to include, not to see and not to hear anyone. And I also want to stuff the face of someone, at least some way out negative emotions.

It's a pandemic. What is happening in 2020 and already in 2021 is Putin's special operation and mockery of common sense around the world.

You sit down if you stand or lie down and let's look again.

How many people live on our dear planet? Well plus or minus : Eight billion people (8,000,000,000). Is that what it seems? 

How many people have contracted it so far? NOT dead! It's the one that's got infected! It's important! Is the 👑 virus 🦠?

Who charged the stats at google? Three guys working on a voluntary basis (I gave this material). Are these the guys from Hopkins? How the statistics 📊 got into Google ! Well 👌 we do not know how the figure got there ... 

Google gave in September somewhere plus or minus 25 million people.

screenshot with official statistics from google

Are these just cases? Who signed this report? Who is responsible for 25 million people ? Do you think it's possible to do that? To issue data without assurance by the state authorities? I'm sure not, so do it illegally.

Okay, we put a bolt on the law. Then let's load as many people as possible, let's multiply by 2 and even 3. What's going on? Walking around like this 

At that time September was 6 months of mass hysteria. I watched Trump get off the airwaves with his ventilators, even Putin sent him a plane ✈️ with some shit 💩. Six months since the beginning of hysteria, the crown 👑 hysteria, let's assume that it's not 20 million who really got sick, but all the bitches of 60 million have been snatched. 

More than 3 times from official or incomprehensible what broadcast data . Did you get 60 million? No $US1 🇺🇸 dollars. People 60,000,000

And now in February 2021 already all 120 million ! Again not U.S. dollars 🇺🇸, please do not confuse the money 💵 with the number of patients


Boys and Girls are only 1.5% of the world's population... Is it a pandemic? Are you serious? Then why do you use a confusing and intimidating term? 

By comparison, a Spanish country has sickened half a billion people on Earth within a year. This looks like a real disaster.

The pandemic 😷 this clogged area with sick beds. Instead of gyms, stadiums or markets - infirmaries and hospitals;

Pandemic is a non-stop ambulance rushing back and forth;

a pandemic is when all the adult, working population is mobilized to factories and factories to collect hospital beds, ventilators and ship medicines;

The real pandemic of Spanish influenza in 1918 is pictured above. The fact that MSNBC and CNN twisted falsification with filled actors and extras of hospitals, as well as footage of past years hospitals from Spain and Italy, posing as New York we already know . It remains to investigators to find out why they did it and how much money was taught 💵 

Is the stamp highlighted? Did he get him charged? Was the disease new? Is it so serious and justifies stopping the world's economy? Does it justify the illegal decisions of the authorities on the constitutional restrictions of the population? Violations of legitimate algorithms in making various procedural decisions, including expedited procedures for registering incomprehensible unscomprehensive substances and other statutory data for vaccines? 

Judging by the numbers and rates of distribution, it wasn't worth the action. Why were they blocking the borders? Why did they destroy the entertainment industry and mock their own population with useless measures? Why and on what legal basically imposed 100% requirement for harmful rags on people's face? In Russia and Moscow, is it also a pass mode? What was it all about? 

In today's time of the Internet it is medieval methods, with the help of them plunged into fear the population of the planet . Have you tried to fight with what? With the plague epidemic? Stockings from the CDC on my head now cause me bewilderment and homeric laughter 😂 . 

Who are you doing this game with journalists? 

You're not journalists, you're a cheromanty. 

Victims of "Black Death" looked like that in a cart lying. And your refrigerator trucks in New York with troupes part of a special operation to sell fear of death to gullible citizens. Do you know what these acts are called? No? Ignorance of the laws does not absolve you from responsibility. 

Then they cleaned up the plague of air in an infected area or a house. 

Herds of horses or cows were driven through the cities to clean the atmosphere.

Put saucers with milk in the room of the deceased, so as to absorb the infection.

For the same purpose, spiders were bred in the houses, which, according to the belief of the time, can absorb the poison spilled in the air.

They burned bonfires in the streets and smoked fragrant herbs or spices. Sometimes grass in the fields or trees was set on fire en masse. It was believed that the infection is afraid of the heat of the underworld.

In order to disperse the air infected with the plague, bells rang and fired from guns.

There were victims of choreomania, who for no apparent reason began to jump, shout and make ridiculous movements, really resembling a kind of frenetic dance. The obsessives flocked to crowds of up to a few thousand people; it happened that the audience, up to a certain point just staring at what was happening, themselves joined the dancing crowd, unable to stop. The obsessives could not stop dancing on their own and often covered the distance to a nearby town or village, yelling and jumping. Then they fell to the ground in utter exhaustion, the benefit now can Madonna see falling on stage . And then these even fell asleep on the spot standing. 

I'm not talking about the fact that in houses right in the hallways and rooms dumped on the floor manure or rotting meat. People naively thought that the smells of defecation could "frighten and drive away the plague contagion."

Probably our descendants, in 50 years will also look back and twist your finger at your temple, remembering how hundreds of millions of literate people of ancestors went crazy in one month around the globe. It's you morons on the screen who convinced everyone to engage in a mass psychosis called "The Pandemic of Coronavirus 2019", during which all in a row imposed absolutely useless measures to counteract the disease such as wearing masks, gloves and closing the borders between states.

First of all, friends, in the case of a pandemic, you need to close the central city transport hubs in the form of airports, subways, railway stations. Because it is a closed room, where neither masks nor gloves will be saved from the probability of getting sick 🧤 

It is sad, very sad to watch this cheap performance with the Russian production of 🎭 putin's special services. They bred the whole world like suckers ...

Have any of you U.S. journalists presented death statistics compared to past years? 

Then I'll introduce:

Compare eye-👀 mortality statistics from all causes for 2018 and 2020 in the United States.

Officially, according to mortality data provided on the website of the U.S. Department of Health (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), we see two eyes 👀, maybe one eye of the zones also sees the number of deaths from all causes in America in 2018, this number 2, 839, 205 people.

Statistics Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC 2018. Illustration from the website of this federal agency of the Ministry of State, USA

At the same time, the number of deaths from all causes as of 03.12.2020 was 2, 644, 024 people. It's March, then the corpses were being transported by refrigerators around New York. Or what was it? Hollywood's vaudeville? 

Statistics Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC data for the current 2020. 

Illustration from the website of this federal agency of the Ministry of State, USA

That is, if we assume that there is still a month left and add for a month, we barely reach the same number of deaths that happened in 2018. But you were screaming about the sea 🌊 the corpses of satrap. 

Where did you get so many dead people? Are these unemployed actors of musicals? 

As for the number of coronavirus-related deaths, according to the same CDC as of 03.12.2020:

In absolute terms, this number is 251,428. 

In relative relation to 9.5%.

You were engaged in a scam manipulating data. While you nailed the creepy along with Gates and Fauci, the crooks fumbled in the pockets of Americans. So did the Odessa import to the USSR and Moscow in 1990 street crooks 

You blew off the economy, ruined and closed businesses, devalued assets, intercepted government-level management to corporate levels. De facto you were engaged in anti-state activities sitting with Rockefeller Plaza, for example. 

A hapless American hanging up his ears listening to your fake and advertising of hand-washing with masks. You have infected politicians with this fear as well. 

A graceful pattern of delusion? Or is it not misleading?

You do not have a single weighty argument to present to citizens, write, say ... You have nothing convincing but convincingly brazen faces. 

ϒ𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔍𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔯 🃏

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