Aluminium in the vaccine 💉. We go through the chronology of research without emotions. The end.

Aluminium in the vaccine 💉. We go through the chronology of research without emotions. The end.

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

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Aluminium compounds are used in medicine - aluminium hydroxide with increased acidity and stomach ulcers, as well as aluminum sulfate to stop bleeding. Industries that use aluminum products:

Aluminium is an impact on health. Is aluminum harmful?

Aluminium accumulates in the human body with age. In the body of newborns its share is on average 0.2 mg / kg of body weight, and in the elderly - 0.6-0.7 mg/ kg of body weight. The body of an adult accumulates 50 to 150 mg of aluminum, 50% of which is in the lungs, 25% in the bones and joints and the remaining 25% in soft tissues. Aluminium accumulates in the tissues because its Al3 ions are very similar in size to the Iron Ions Fe3 and can therefore be replaced instead of iron in various proteins or enzymes. After passing through the mucous membrane, aluminum is incorporated into the protein transferrin (transporting iron ions), which is absorbed by each cell of the body. Inside the cells, the transferrin releases the bound ion and returns to circulation. Thus, aluminum enters the brain, lungs, bones and other tissues. Aluminium is a toxic element for the human body. This link is particularly noticeable among patients on dialysis because the device used for dialysis does not remove aluminum ions from plasma as effectively as kidneys. People undergoing dialysis suffer from impaired coordination, muscle twitching, involuntary movements or dementia, which appears as early as 15 months after the onset of dialysis. The toxic effect of aluminium mainly affects the nervous system, bones and blood. 

The main symptoms of aluminium poisoning include:

📥related intellectual functions


📥problems with concentration

📥singness of speech

📥 personalitychange

📥translatable mood



📥rative and auditory hallucinations

📥orthomaulation and more frequent bone fractures

📥 motor disorders

📥Sability, fatigue


📥epileptic seizures

Aluminium penetrates the blood-brain barrier and accumulates, especially in the hippocampus. This is the cause of diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, senile dementia, Parkinson's disease and, to some extent, Alzheimer's disease. In the brains of older people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, higher concentrations of aluminium ions were found than in people who died for other reasons. In addition, epidemiological studies show a direct proportional relationship between the content of aluminum in the environment and the number of people with senile dementia.

Aluminium - food additives containing aluminum

Aluminium-containing additives approved for use in food:

📥E 520 - aluminium sulfate

📥E 521 - sodium-aluminium sulfate, acidity regulator, binder

📥E 522 - potassium - aluminium sulfate, acidity regulator, binder

📥E 523 - ammonium aluminium sulfate, acidity regulator

📥E 541 (I, II) - sodium and aluminum phosphates (acid and alkaline), baking powder

📥E 554 - sodium aluminosilicate, anti-sticking agent

📥E 555 - potassium aluminosilicate, anti-sticking agent, carrier

📥E 556 - calcium silicate with aluminum, against a tracking agent

📥E 559 - aluminum silicate, anti-sticking agent, carrier

However, independent scientists have come to a relatively unanimous opinion that heavy metals, injected directly into the body, can be very dangerous. Protests organized by activists and parent associations eventually led to the abandonment of mercury in vaccines. But now they use aluminum - one poison was only replaced by another.


Aluminium contributes to the development of Alzheimer's disease

In July 2013, a study by Lucia Tomlenovic and Christopher Shaw of the Canadian University of British Columbia, on the neurotoxicity of aluminum, i.e. its poisonousness to the human and animal nervous system, was published in the journal Immunologic Research.

Scientists have found in adults aluminum can cause age-related neurological disorders similar to Alzheimer's disease.

It was also possible to find a link between the effects of aluminium on the body and one of the variants of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a degenerative disease of the motor nervous system, which is expressed, among other things, in muscle weakness and muscle twitching.


Aluminium in vaccines increases risk of autism

In addition, in young children, the researchers noticed a clear association between the number of aluminium-in-vaccine vaccines introduced as an auxiliary substance and the level of autism or autism spectrum disorders.

For several years, there has been speculation about a link between autism and aluminium, as the number of new cases of autism has not decreased since the change in the composition of vaccines.

As early as 2011, the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry published the results of research on this subject:


The more aluminium, the more likely autism to occur

In countries with the highest incidence of autism, children's vaccines contain the highest amount of aluminium. The increase in aluminium-based auxiliary in the United States is clearly linked to an increase in autism cases, a two-decade increase in autism, a data that has been documented for two decades.

In addition, there is a marked correlation between the amount of aluminium that preschoolers have received and the prevalence of autism today in a total of seven Western countries. This applies primarily to children between the ages of 3 and 4 months.

Based on this data, the scientists concluded that there needs to be a strong rethink about the safety of vaccines that contain aluminum.


Autism after vaccination of children susceptible to aluminium

The specialized magazine Entropy also published an article, the authors of which report a constant increase in new episodes of autism disease after the amount of mercury in vaccines was reduced and the aluminum content increased.

The researchers explain these observations as follows: children who have developed autism disorders or other health problems as a result of aluminium-containing vaccines are particularly susceptible to poisonous metals, such as aluminum and mercury, because of their reduced ability to detoxify (as indicated, for example, by low levels of glutathione).


Autism after the introduction of the non-aluminum vaccine for measles, rubella and mumps?

In addition, scientists have identified a link between autism and vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps. The statistics clearly confirm this connection. Since the vaccine does not contain aluminium, another factor seems to have played a role here.

Children with autism are thought to be particularly susceptible not only to poisonous metals such as aluminum, but also to acetaminophen. It is an antipyretic, which is often prescribed even to infants at high temperatures, better known as "paracetamol."

Many children react to measles, rubella and mumps vaccinations by increasing temperature. If they are prescribed acetaminophen in accordance with the accepted practice, children with special susceptibility may develop symptoms of autism.


Scientists demand a review of the accepted practice of vaccination

In the specialized journal Lupus, researchers from the University of British Columbia, in July 2012, expressed serious doubts about the safety of vaccination, which is currently being practiced, and stated the need to revise its principles as soon as possible.

In an article titled "The toxicity mechanism of aluminum adjuvants and autoimmune reactions in childhood patients," L. Tomlenovic and K. Shaw wrote about the fact that the burden on the immune system, for example as a result of vaccinations, at an early stage of human development can lead to long-term adverse changes in the brain and in the immune system itself.


Vaccination increases the risk of autoimmune diseases

Experimental data, such as those reported by scientists in Canada, show that when only two or three adjuvants are injected into the body at the same time, genetically engineered resistance to autoimmune reactions is overcome. This is a very interesting observation in light of the rapid increase in the number of autoimmune diseases of various kinds.

Recently, a special concept has emerged to refer to such diseases that have a result of vaccinations or under the influence of adjuvants that make up vaccines. This is the abbreviation "ASIA"

(autoimmune syndrome induced by adjuvants). Adjuvants include ancillary substances contained in vaccines, such as aluminum, other drug supplements or even mold fungus.

If the combination of just two to three adjuvants in vaccines can cause autoimmune problems, how can we explain the fact that in many developed countries, a total of 126 antigens are introduced during standard vaccinations, along with a large amount of aluminium?


No studies on vaccine toxicity

According to the article, vaccine safety checks, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, often do not include sufficient studies of their toxicity, as in general vaccines are considered not poisonous.

However, in assessing the toxicity of adjuvants used in vaccines for children, the authors recommend that two important factors be taken into account.


Babies get more aluminum than adults

For toxicological risks, infants and preschoolers should not be considered "little adults" because poisons can harm their health much more than adults' health. However, as a result of vaccination programmes, more aluminium is regularly injected to children than adults, i.e. more poisons.

But if in adults aluminium in vaccines causes a number of serious autoimmune diseases and inflammatory phenomena ("ASIA"), how do you think this metal affects our children? Especially those who are susceptible to aluminum?

It is often assumed that the response of the peripheral organs of the immune system to vaccinations does not harm the functions of the brain, but it is a very frivolous approach. After all, it is well proven that the functions of the immune system and the brain are closely related, and the interaction between them affects both sides.

Consequently, increased pressure on the immune system during vaccination can cause disorders in the brain.


Aluminium is found in almost all vaccines

The assumption that aluminium is used only in vaccines for adults, but not for infants, is completely wrong.

At least 19 vaccines are used in Germany, which contain aluminium and are also used for primary vaccination of infants and preschoolers. Vaccinations against tetanus, pneumococcus, meningococcal C, hepatitis A and B, tick-borne encephalitis, as well as combined from three, four or five diseases - all of these vaccines usually contain aluminum.


Detox from aluminium

If the question of how to remove aluminum from the body does not arise earlier, it arises at this stage.

All the measures that Dr. Tinus Smiths uses as part of THE CEASE therapy for autistic children can help. CEASE therapy covers, in addition to general instructions on healthy, natural nutrition, the treatment of environmentally friendly ingredients, as well as homeopathic and orthomolecular treatment. Vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and magnesium are used. In addition, the child, according to these principles, should not eat sugar of industrial production, and drink mainly water.

Supplying the body with a large amount of silicon helps to remove aluminum.


Don't think they're only going to get stabbed now. These people are determined and intend to prick every year until they bring out their stated population figure serving them (1.5-2.0 billion people) instead of 8.0 today. All these plans have been announced for a long time and they intend to implement them. 

All the rest of the cover of the special operation - the disposal of the population of the earth and the gradual abolition of democratic norms of life - medical dictatorship - medical fascism . 

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