Genetics 🧬 spun Gates in a waltz with Putin's daughter Katerina and genome editing.

Genetics 🧬 spun Gates in a waltz with Putin's daughter Katerina and genome editing.

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

News from the category of stunning only for amateurs, in general - it's not news at all. Even in open sources and publications in the press a lot, but that's just such a kaming-out with a public discussion of Putin's daughter and drunken cleric Putin and other semi-mifical figures in the status, it has never been. In itself, the revealing public speech of two such figures shows: everything is more than serious - and the project 😷 eugenic, it is driven personally by Putin with seven-mile steps. The genomic editing was openly stated in the program "Smart City 2030", the project was adopted by zeroing and came into effect on July 1, 2020, all extremely consistently, all as taught in the KGB of the USSR .Russian scientists discussed editing the human genome. 

Putin's personal confessor (Metropolitan) Tikhon Shevkunov participated in the discussion, and Putin's daughter was the moderator. Everything is fine in this story. 

19:41, October 16, 2020 , fact fixation (easy to find in YouTube I do not want to waste time) 

Footage from the conference broadcast

On October 16, a roundtable "Editing the genome of sexual cells and human embryos: socio-humanitarian examination" was held in Moscow, the event was held by Putin's second daughter Maria Vorontsova, Putin's eldest daughter.

The roundtable was held within the framework of the conference "Bioethics and Genetics: Challenges of the 21st Century" which was held in the press center of the RIA Novosti agency (Alina Kabaeva) with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Journalists were not allowed to attend the event, and the event could only be watched by video broadcast. The conference was opened by The Minister of Science Valery Falkov.

Vorontsova moderated the discussion as a leading researcher at the Scientific and Medical Research Center of Endocrinology of the Russian Ministry of Health ( what a fuck). Participants of the roundtable among others: the head of the genome editing laboratory of the Scientific and Medical Research Center named after V. I. Kulakov Denis Rebrykov, as well as Metropolitan Pskovskiy and Porkhovsky Tikhon Shevkunov, whom the media call "Putin's spiritualist."

Rebrykov, in particular, in his speech spoke in favor of the admissibility of editing of the human genome at the level of zigota. The other participants of the roundtable, including Metropolitan Tikhon Shevkunov, held a more conservative view. This is a planned discussion for a general throw to the masses ... 

"I would like to ask you, Lord, with this question: how much does a person have the right to do so, and how much do we take on ourselves at all by interfering in the genetic code, in evolution, in some creation of God? 🎭 Is there a position of the church on this issue?" asked Vorontsova at the Metropolitan.

Tikhon is a 100% bandit, a friend of Sasha's Hawks (criminal authority, a connection with the former rector of the university "Friendship of the Peoples" to the position of rector planted his son, the village of Seytsevo, the village of Yamishchevo). A village on land obtained by the university in the late 90s. University forge recruiting African and other students (huge materials). 

Portrait from the confirmed data: 

Metropolitan Tikhon spoke about the hacking of the email. He refused to pay 10 million rubles for the return of correspondence - now it is published in telegram posted letters from Medinsky and a conversation with Mikhalkov

The film "Rain" about Bishop Tikhon Shevkunov - "Putin's spiritualist." A brief retelling

Responding to the question, Shevkunov began by saying that members of the Church's Biomedical Ethics Council, "without denying the importance of scientific research in the field of medical genetics," express concern about the "ethical side of manipulation of live embryos", among the consequences of which he called "the risk of forming a market economy attitude to designer embryos, and then to the child as a commodity." However, Metropolitan Tikhon noted, if scientists can find some acceptable way to influence the embryo for treatment, "it would be wonderful."

Shevkunov emphasized that he was amazed by the high level of discussion moderated by Vorontsova. "Thank you very much to everyone who organized this conference," he said.

Oh, my God, the criminals have become dramatic actors and play better Hollywood stars without doubles, live.

Summing up the results of the roundtable, Vorontsova named several problems related to genetic editing, which are faced by scientists and society. According to her, it is a responsible attitude to genetic technologies and the question of the inheritance of genetic changes that doctors make. Vorontsova also said that society should be protected from any undesirable consequences of new technologies and that Russian scientists should join international research in this area. "Cooperation in this matter is very important," she concluded.

Footage from the conference broadcast

A year ago, the problems of editing the human genome were discussed at a meeting at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It took place shortly after the journal Nature criticized one of Denis Rebrikov's ideas. Then Rebrikov worked with a couple who did not want their child to inherit their pathology - deafness. He suggested correcting pathology by gene editing. According to Bloomberg, Maria Vorontsova was also a participant in the meeting.


It was too dangerous to edit the human genome. A new discovery could change everything

Maria Vorontsova is a member of the board of the Federal Research and Technology Program "Development of Genetic Technologies." The roundtable, which was attended by Rebrikov and Tikhon Shevkunov, was organized as part of the program. The state plans to spend 127 billion rubles on it by 2027. It all fits with the World Bank's plans. 

The technology partner of "Genetic Technology Development" is Putin's suitcase-carrier Sechin (Rosneft Corporation). The BBC Russian Service reported in April 2020 that Rosneft would invest up to $1 billion in the project under the conditional name "Genome of Russians" and that it would be supervised by Maria Vorontsova (in fact, it is most likely behind Katerina Tikhonova, Maria. I think so. 

Rosneft later stated that the BBC Russian Service article "contains an unsized lie against the company and persons not involved in this project" and threatened legal action. The article was partially rewritten. Oil spokesman is an alcoholic and a liar Misha Leontiev. This is some kind of parade of nominations of complete morons and scoundrels. 

On October 16, when one of the participants of the roundtable, Andrei Vasilyev, director of the Institute of Development Biology, said that Vorontsov should develop genetic editing technologies in Russia: "We have become a living person. We are working on this to bring our domestic research into the public sphere." What technologies? The technology of stealing budget money is being worked out new. It's Klondike, it's eldorado.


Putin's eldest daughter Maria Vorontsova will become the curator of a project on genetic analysis of Russians. Rosneft will invest up to a billion dollars in research. 

Chief of the BBC Russian Service investigation

Putin was asked when he publicly recognized his daughters. The president answered for three minutes, but never responded.

Well, a talented young scientist is fine. Much has been said about this and many, and some wonderful program Smart City-2030, where genomic editing of the population of the Russian Federation (exclusively in the name of humanity and in the interests of Russian society, of course) is directly spelled out, dealt with evidence and with documents on hand, for example, here -

The laws of the New World are written before our eyes. Where and how we will be led.

Dmitry Peretolchin: What is written in Sergei Sobyanin's "Smart City" project and how Bill Gates is connected with it. What is the "internet of things" and how it will manifest itself in the future. 

Here is a screenshot of this program, where in the last line everything is spelled out openly -

Here is a screenshot of the page of this program, where in the last line everything is written and quite openly 

After a heated and indignant discussion of it in Russian society and social networks, after the release of a number of extremely hard materials from leading analysts-reviewers, the program is carefully cleaned up by valiant Kremlin rf-eugenics and laid out in the pdf elsewhere: 


however, copypasta and screens from the old version remained in the posts of impressed bloggers, as well as in the Google cache:

Some quotes from the Moscow Mayor's Official Website:

"... Wearable and implanted medical digital devices:

Wearable digital medical devices and smart clothing will be further developed, which will support the desire of Muscovites to lead a healthy lifestyle and help prevent disease;

Wearable devices, sensors and sensors in the clothes of citizens will send a signal in advance to the city medical information and analysis system about the alleged deterioration of health or sudden accident, will call a doctor at home or an ambulance to the scene;

Based on data on the lifestyle and health of Muscovites obtained from sensors, insurance companies will calculate the amount of insurance payments;

The world's facial recognition devices for blind people are being improved;

For the treatment of cognitive and other disorders will be used nanorobots - devices the size of a blood cell, functioning inside the human body; (!!!)

Exoskeletons, including receiving signals from the brain, will help low-mobile Muscovites to walk and replace wheelchairs;

Gene therapy and genome editing:

Gene therapy and genome editing will be an integral part of the medicine of the future; (!!!)

Gene therapy will lead to a new level of treatment of hereditary, acquired and infectious diseases;

The development of gene therapy drugs and the execution of gene manipulations will be accompanied by work on their computer simulation using high-performance digital platforms;..."

Based on the axiom "To our health they all put from the high bell tower" - a simple question: does anyone believe that this is all the power plans for the happiness of the people?

This question is logical to address all the authorities !!!!!

Prospects for many knowledgeable citizens seemed extremely dubious and unpleasant (these are just bloggers who do not have a holistic picture of these world criminals and are not able to bring together their malicious acts). They expressed opinions and faint hope that this whole thing is not today. 

Hope in vain, we all know about these criminals. It is hundreds of billions of dollars in only one Russia, in the big horizon of time, business, political redrawing the map of Europe and the world. This is commonly referred to as strategic planning and geopolitics. Only these words require practical saturation by specialists, not charlatans in uniform, after the resignation of working lawyers of the Russian mafia. The level of decline in morality and professionalism of the collective west has fallen below the level of the urban sewerage system of New York. It's the bottom, it's the bottom of the swamp.

I'm going to tell everyone !!!

If someone, no matter who, what his position, bank account, no matter the member of which elite club this pizdot. If this intends to edit the genome of the 🧬, and it is quite clear the decision is made on high damage and executive puppets from the media and other quass of state entities such as the police and special services zealously took up the task, By pretending not for self-interest, but for the good of the true - we are in no doubt, looking at all the actions of the world authorities over the past year of the Covid-19 pandemic are under no illusions about the sinister direction of this program. We will all sit down in the end here 👇, sit in even rows, not enough space and halls, we will spend the accelerated procedure in the stadiums, as once there was Santiago !!! And absolutely certainly, it will be the army and the generals. It is likely captains and lieutenants will become generals in one day. If anything, I'm a wartime colonel. This is the form of Soviet reserve. And I can only command a platoon !!!

𝚼𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕵𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖗 🃏

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