Convincingly show and debunk the incredible volume and scale lies of the international gang of information state biological and agricultural terrorists world crown šŸ¤“ 19-21Ā 

Convincingly show and debunk the incredible volume and scale lies of the international gang of information state biological and agricultural terrorists world crown šŸ¤“ 19-21Ā 

tRIbULe edITioN

Ā Ā A graceful pidaras dance, but not for us.


The introduction of QR is their job in the form of a world special operation pseudo epidemic 19. Today is the first highest degree of intensity since the Second World War. 75 years have passed since then, and the resistance in the world as well as then was the result of insidious actions to enslave nation-states and the population of the world. In our case, today these are national administrations consisting of state biological terrorists.Ā 

This degree of intensity in the sea does not imply the sober-minded actions of absolutely everyone, the atmosphere in the world portends us a bloody and merciless riot. No one has the right to make a mistake anymore, as the World stands at the last line.Ā General strikes and direct actions of disobedience and mass protests. The authorities of the nation-states have gone through lawlessness in relation to the population, they have gone like a gang of robbers and murderers, they want to determine the policy of genocide without listening to their population. They are doing what they have long written in their plans, getting closer and closer to the end goal. But we get loud from this brazen abnormality and go further and further.Ā Don't let ANYONE intimidate you to the full silence and make you afraid to tell the truth. Publicizing their criminal activities is the sword that will scare them. Everything has become too obvious and no one else will tolerate mass humiliation and mass crimes against the individual and the people of the planet. Bold diode point .Ā

It is naĆÆve and irresponsible to believe that 666 Soros is investing in plebs races for prosecutors' chairs, filling up the combustible mixture of the hill hearse and not donating to the covid special operation and other terrorist activities to eliminate the US state, including the climate scam.

Looking unclouded at one of the amounts issued to one of the national projects of the United States that are no longer in number, in fact, only an idiot can believe that such young men as Soros, Gates with his patent ID, cost the US budget and American taxpayers $ 666, 000.

Source: Campaign Finance Reports, Tax Returns, Foundation Reports and Interviews...

Rothschild office goes All-In and also begins TO LIE

It is simply impossible to explain this level of lies, when geoengineering disasters, the destructive consequences of locks, "climate change" are linked, and all this is presented as a challenge, in fact and in fact necessary for demons as a pretext for further control of the plebs. Rothschild (a paternal schwab) also warns through the WEF that global warming will destroy the financial system and "freeze" bank accounts.

Obviously, state terrorist attacks and deliberate disruptions to the critical infrastructure of nation-states are planned, and climate change will be blamed.

Full videoĀ

šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øOn one of the tasks assigned to the chief nurse of the United States, to make energy expensive.

Secretary of Energy Biden on rising gas prices: "We're working on an energy transition ... The reality is that it takes us some time to get rid of oil and gas, we recognize that. It's a transition period."Ā 

Feedback is important to us

The method of testing for COVID-19 was patented by Richard Rothschild in 2015 and 2017.

Look, here is a copy that opened the office of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Moscow under the general approval and drool with the screeching of the šŸ™Œ of the Russian government. So, this revolutionary young man dreams of dying 6/7 of the world's population and bringing down the entire world economy to what?Ā 

The black aristocracy at one time did not spare his family (and after all, before the Second World War, many Jews left Europe in advance!). And the Schwab family are not ordinary Jews, but Jews with such well-known surnames... what drives this subhuman?Ā

šŸ¤” In 1994, 160 countries agreed to reduce the world's population to 800 million by 2030. The Salvation Committee hopes Vladislav understands why all their plans are until 2030 and why Klaus Schwab opened the office of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Moscow.Ā 

Pfizer America will bury many in this mortal world. I wonder who will pay for this White House banquet šŸ”Ā 

Pfizer's instructional document on vaccinating children aged 5 to 11 years admits that their clinical trial was too weak to detect myocarditis. At the same time, children are already being stabbed, while myocarditis has already become a frequent side.Ā 

"The number of participants in the current clinical development program is too small to identify any potential risks of myocarditis associated with vaccination."

The clinical trial involved 2268 participants (1518 vaccine recipients and 750 placebo recipients), which is more than not enough when it comes to injecting these billions! And this clinical NEDO ingestion is used to justify vaccinating 26 million children (in the U.S.), while the incidence of myocarditis in children can reach 1 in 5,000.


šŸ”¹01 placebo

šŸ”¹02 mRNA injection

šŸ”¹03 other (unthinkable for any person, but normal for those who play with life and death)

New evidence suggests that newfangled nonche mRNA shots can reprogram your immune system to make it favorable for cancer growth. Even more worryingly, this new model study shows that the spike protein has a high affinity for the anti-cancer proteins p53 and BRCA 1/2.Ā 

These findings suggest that it is likely that a spike protein (produced by the body after its "training" by an mRNA shot) can bind to these tumor suppressor genes in the body and inactivate them. P53 may be the genome whose activity is most important in the body to prevent cancer. Its role is to make sure that all DNA damage has been properly repaired before the cell divides. If the damage is too great to be repaired, it signals suicide to the cell. BRCA 1/2 plays a similar role in breast tissue. Obviously, the inactivation of these genes will lead to the fact that cells with DNA mutations will continue to divide and thrive, which is one of the most important steps in the development of cancer.Ā

In this regard, additional investigative measures and studies of these acts are urgently needed, although, it seems, for many people, this will not help anything to determine whether these interactions really occur in the cells of people with influenza and the fashionable diagnosis of šŸ©ŗ or those who have been injected and persistent from the newfangled SARS, with cofe. survival rate for "70-" is over 99%, a newfangled vaccine.Ā 

The Kremlin is completely goohy and hisĀ 

Roskomnadzor ordered foreign companies to open offices in Russia without fail. Putin wants to buy and blackmail foreign citizens at the place of his location and not to spend money on business trips of GRU killers.Ā 

Among the future victims are identified: Google, Apple, TikTok, Telegram, Twitch, Spotify, Facebook, Zoom, Viber, Pinterest, Likeme, Twitter, Discord.Ā 

The main task is recruitment, setting tasks, implementing the Kremlin's policy and paying tribute to the Kremlin in the form of multimillion-dollar fines for not retrieving information.Ā 

In just one year, the Kremlin charged 180 million rubles. Yes, the amount is not large, enough only for the maintenance of a few Kremlin dishes, it is necessary to increase this item of income and this is quite realistic by putting people next to Putin's Kremlin.

Liberal analysts report that in Russia there may be interruptions in the supply of goods and higher prices due to the migration crisis on the border of Belarus and Poland. At one of the checkpoints, a traffic jam of trucks with a length of 25 km was formed.

Hi Soros Greta, what do we have with farting šŸ„ import substitution?

Jeff Bezos donates $100 million to the Obama family.Ā 

To be precise, any deepstate foundation, including the Gates Foundation, has a money laundering machine. This madman is asking the Obama Foundation to rename the plaza at his presidential center in Chicago in honor of the late congressman and civil rights leader John Lewis.

The Contribution to the Common DeppState pot of the Barry Foundation by Amazon's founder and owner of The Washington Post, helps him create the right image in the eyes of the not always picky plebs "eating", rotten canned food šŸ„« media outlets from their rotten box is the largest fraud in history disguised as "charity". We are sure and so we can even argue on this topic in the amount of this amount personally with Barry and this bald degenerate - a lover of fishing šŸŽ£ from a yacht šŸ›„ in the company of Russian fishermen near the Suez Canal during the accident there is a container ship.

And the state of this bald guy is so great that the entire Deepstate commons account for less than 0.1% of all Bezos assets, estimated at $ 210 billion.Ā 

By the way, in September, standing next to the so-called climate envoy John Kerry, Bezos promised to allocate $ 1 billion from his moshna to the climate scam. To do this, he uses another deepstate commons, essentially the executive committee of demonic globalists conducting qrhabism, neo-fascism with a medical accent and a new paranormality, the Earth's fund.

At the same time, the representative of the Barry Obama Foundation spoke out and said that I plan to name the demons streets, bridges, cities and so on in honor of their greatest figures. At least, that's what he said when he said the foundation is seeking to "change the paradigm of naming public places" so that places are named after the mega-rich donors who funded the commons, that is, their foundations.

"We believe there is incredible power in raising the names of the outstanding agents of change on whose shoulders we all stand, and we are thrilled with Mr. Bezos' proposal to name our magnificent square after John Lewis," said Obama Foundation CEO Valerie Jarrett, who is almost a member of the family of these blacks.

Jarrett's persona and identity is known, a de facto accountant cashier of a commonsman founded in honor of Barry Obama. We have some events, details and nuances of this gay couple of color and their close friend and assistant Jarrett in the archives:

Michelle Obama ambitiously dreams of becoming at least once the first black woman president of the United States.Bush dad, son Bush, husband-wife one Satan. This is America baby, a hereditary disease of power.Ā Why rent a house with Barry and collect grandmothers šŸ¤‘ during the presidential campaign?Ā 

It's a villa and secret headquarters, just two miles from the White House. In the villa, a family member lived assistant Valerie Jarrett.

"Third company ?? Valerie Jarrett is reportedly moving with Obama to Washington." FOX & friends tweeted.

Michelle is self-centered, he always thinks that every black person in America loves her. And whites, in her opinion, are obliged to love her because of her "blackness", because blacks are a priori persecuted and oppressed.Ā 

That's why when a black TV presenter posted a video in which he criticizes her without choosing expressions, completely demoralizes and shocks her.

According to GOP The Daily Dose, while Michelle was still first lady, she gave a kaukyu speech on some occasion at Tuskejah University, where mostly blacks study. In her speech, she, according to the source, cried and whined, saying that she was a victim of racism and other nonsense. When TV presenter Alfonso Rachel saw this, he decided he had to do something.

"If knowledge is power and you end up with the power of knowledge, then how can you tolerate this agitator convincing him that he is a victim despite the power with which she has finished," Rachel said, addressing Michel directly. - "You're the fucking first lady of the United States and you're still the spoiled ass of a victim whining about injustice."

"You're not interested in representing the United States, you're not interested in representing the entire people, your interest was in representing the black community as first lady, and you've portrayed us as bad and flawed," he added. "The only hope is that people like you, Michelle Obama, will be as pathetic as you."

Jarrett played a vitalā€”if at times hiddenā€”role in the Obama presidency. She lived in the White, dined with the Obamas, and help shape his domestic and foreign policies

All this gay hustle and buster planned to buy a house in Hawaii, as well as in Chicago, where the so-called Presidential Library of Barack Obama was built. But Calorama is the main base.

Barry plans to be reborn as a politician on the national stage of the theater of the absurd.Ā 

For the fall of 2020, this is a good video.Ā 

Obama and his staff were developing a strategy to return the effigy to the numb in this life but to play plays and sing šŸŽ¤ the Black Leader of the destruction of the United States behind the scenes, it is impossible to release this shit to the official level of the stage in 2021 and beyond. He was actually a voter.

2020 shaking their headstocks out for the needs of criminal communist party members.

Ā Ā A graceful pidaras dance, but not for us.

Agricultural terrorism of Putin and the Kremlin. In addition to the actual physical destruction of livestock private farms in Russia, private sown fields, there is a legislative terrorist act for the organization of famine in Russia and given its size and old political and economic connection with the former republics of the USSR throughout the post-Soviet space (1/6 of the land). These are issues of strategic security and geopolitics, if someone in the United States and Europe still remains from knowing the meaning of these understandable meanings of words - food security of the territory.Ā 

While the discussion on the labeling of people with QR is in full swing, a bill on QR for livestock, pigs and other living creatures was very quietly submitted to the State Duma.

Last week, a scandal broke out in the Altai Territory, where a peasant was forbidden to sell homemade meat. So, this is not even a run-in, but an easy run-through of the new bill, which was submitted to the Duma on November 17.

What is provided for there is a total labeling of all agricultural animals in the country, from the word at all. And then, as befits the social rating system, "the bill regulates the definition of the zoo-status of objects."

"Objects in this case will be understood as land plots, buildings, premises, structures, structures, with the use of which individuals and legal entities carry out activities for the maintenance and breeding of animals, slaughter of animals, production, processing, storage of controlled goods," the bill says.

It is envisaged that the classification of objects as unprotected objects, objects of low, medium or high level of zoo-protective protection is carried out at the application of the owners of these objects exclusively on a voluntary basis. But as shown in Altai, this principle works exactly the same as the voluntary nature of vaccination. Meat there has risen in price by 200 rubles.

If you want to sell, mark and pay for the recognition of your "middle level" barn, otherwise no governor will allow you to trade. To invest and build a house object that meets all the standards is unrealistic.

Greta is satiate with joy with her Nazi grandfather Soros. After all, it is that long-awaited Holodomor of 1933 that is returning.Ā 

Hooray šŸ™Œ comrades Nazis of the White House and the Kremlin. The Kremlin was the first to strike at the peasant in the LPH and KFH, and at the same time to fulfill the promise of a wild increase in food prices.

A more complete analysis will be in one of the next materials.


Few people in the country were surprised when it turned out that the Rusnano Corporation is an actual bankrupt, lying 71.5 billion rubles. People were surprised when they learned that chubais and Co.'s "banquet" would be paid for, as usual, at the expense of the budget, and among the "lost" through schemes involving American "partners", 70% of the money was from the country's Pension Fund. The question remains: after the publication of the whole story with the next mega-rapill, following the privatization and RAO UES, will the main beneficiary, Chubais, be attracted? And it is necessary to imprison such people at least for the sake of preserving at least some faith that in general there are still US special services šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø and the US state, and not just a bunch of sawn and agents Rockefeller / Rothschild with Big Pharma.Ā 

To the point.

Dr. Tess Lori: "The term 'follow science' has been used to push people toward a grim vision of a divided and controlled society"

Mega Scandal in Slovenia:

Yesterday, a big scandal broke out in Slovenia, and today the whole of Slovenia is talking about vaccination.Ā 

The head nurse at the University Medical Center, a clinical center in Ljubljana, who takes care of getting the vials and manages everything, quit, went out in front of the cameras and took out the vaccine vials.Ā 

He showed people the codes on the bottles, each containing 1, 2 or 3 digits of the code, and then explained the meaning of those digits.

Number 1 is placebo, saline.Ā 

Number 2 is a classic RNA vial.Ā 

Number 3 is an RNA rod that contains an oncology gene associated with an adenovirus that contributes to the development of cancer. Here's an example of coding it all.

For these bottles, the number 3 suggests that people who have received them within 2 years will have soft tissue cancer.

She says she personally witnessed the injection of all the politicians and tycoons, and they all received the number 1 shot.

In our latest materials below, we convincingly show and debunk the incredible volume and scale of lies of an international gang of information state biological and agricultural terrorists.Ā

Moreover, this increase is annual and I hope you understand, the increase is due exclusively to the poor countries of the "third world", also providing a corresponding annual increase in total mortality in the world.Ā

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