The CDC does not have a single "gold standard" for isolating any virus. And that means there are no viruses.

The CDC does not have a single "gold standard" for isolating any virus. And that means there are no viruses.

Never has a single virus been purified, isolated and scientifically tested by the 4 Koch postulates and their existence as pathogens has not been proven. Over the past few months, we have asked the CDC for evidence of the isolation and existence of all viruses without exception, including SARS CoV –2, MERS, influenza, polio, measles, HIV, XMRV, HTLV. -1, HTLV-III/LAV, HPV, Ebola, Zika, and these are just some of the so-called viruses disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). These written requests were made by Ms. Christine Massey to the CDC/ATSDR FOIA Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Robert Andoh, requesting to find and provide ANY records, studies, or conclusions for ANY "viral" isolation and purification (by anyone, anywhere, and worldwide) from a patient sample by maceration, filtration, and/or the use of ultracentrifugation or what is called the "gold standard" for the isolation and identification of a pathogen or nanoorganism. The "gold standard" for isolating and identifying microbes is determined by the postulates of Koch and Rivers, which was established many years ago. Mr. Roger Andoch provided direct answers to each of our requests, acknowledging in writing that they had NO SAMPLES for the following so-called phantom "viruses", including SARS-CoV-2, HIV. , HPV, XMRV, HTMV-1, HTMV-111 / LV, measles, influenza, MERS, EBOLA, ZIKA, POLIO. June 7, 2021: The CDC acknowledges that they have no records of any SARS-COV-2 virus cleared of any patient sample by maceration, filtration, and use of an ultracentrifuge by anyone, anywhere, ever:

June 7, 2021: The CDC recognizes that they have no records of any "HPV virus" – a pappiloma virus cleared of any patient sample by maceration, filtration, and use of an ultracentrifuge by anyone, anywhere, ever: June 7, 2021: The CDC admits that they have no records of any "measles virus" cleared of any patient sample by maceration, filtration, and the use of an ultracentrifuge by anyone, anywhere, ever! They have no isolation, no cleaning and no identification of the measles virus!

June 10, 2021: The CDC acknowledges that they have no records of any "MERS virus" cleared of any patient sample by maceration, filtration, and use of an ultracentrifuge by anyone, anywhere, ever:

June 11, 2021: The CDC recognizes that they have no records of any "POLIO virus" cleared of any patient sample by maceration, filtration, and use of an ultracentrifuge by anyone anywhere in the world, ever. March 15, 2021 CDC FOIA Response: There are no records of "Ebola virus" being isolated or purified from a patient sample by anyone, anywhere in the world, ever:

The live SARS-Cov-2 virus has never been seen. As the CEO, Mr. Roger Ando, stated quite clearly in his letters to CDC FOIA: "Since there are currently no quantitative isolates of the 2019– nCoV virus available, the assays [diagnostic tests] designed to detect 2019–nCoV RNA have been tested using characterized stocks of full-size RNA transcribed in vitro..." That is, the original diagnostic primer was obtained simply on a computer. As Rappaport stated: "Since it is so that there are no quantitative isolates of the virus, how can you be sure what is being determined?, since COVID-19 is actually COVID-19?" YOU CANNOT USE A CHARACTERIZED SOURCE OF A GENETIC SUBSTANCE OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN, CULTIVATED AND CONTAMINATED IN THE CELLS OF AN ABORTED PERSON, FETAL CELLS, BAT CELLS, OR MONKEYS, WHEN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A PURE ISOLATE, YOU NEED TO USE A PURE ISOLATE OR EXCLUDE ITS VIRULENCE! YOU ALL THE SYMPTOMS OF COVID ARE RELATED TO THE SYMPTOMS OF CHEMICAL AND RADIATION POISONING, NOT FROM ONE THEORETICAL VIRUS. THE CORONA VIRUS IS NOT A VIRUS, BUT A SYMPTOM OF CELL MEMBRANE DEGENERATION I CALL THIS THE "CORONA EFFECT"!

© Dr. Robert O. Young

Last year, when Covid skeptics said there was "no such thing as the Covid virus," I strongly disagreed. As a nutrition scientist, lab owner, and inventor of two published patents based on mass spectrometric analysis, I knew that SARS-CoV-2 had been genome-sequenced. Of course, I mistakenly thought he was isolated, cleaned up, and identified as the cause of COVID-19. A year later, the skeptics were right. And the warnings of people like Dr. Thomas Cowan, Sally Fallon, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, John Rappoport, David Icke and others have proven accurate.

Mike Adams

How did I come to the conclusion that all this was fabricated by medical and scientific institutions? And what is the explanation for the very real disease that people are experiencing? I'll share that story here, but in short, cold viruses and monkey virus fragments found in flu shots are erroneously labeled "covid," and there's a biological warfare weapon with spike protein that is spread by vaccine injections. It's all real. But there is no such thing as a real, physical, isolated covid-19 virus that has been derived from patients and has demonstrated the ability to infect other people and cause them to become ill. Now it seems like we're really seeing three different things here: Cold viruses and monkey virus fragments found in flu shots are erroneously labeled as "covid," and there is a biological warfare weapon with spike protein that is spread by vaccine injections. It's all real. But there is no such thing as a real, physical, isolated covid-19 virus that has been derived from patients and has demonstrated the ability to infect other people and cause them to become ill. Now it seems like we're really seeing three different things here:

1) A mixture of cold viruses labeled "covid" that circulate and cause illness in some people, most likely due to the lack of exposure of wild-type viruses to the immune system during all global blockages.

2) A poisonous nanoparticle of spike protein, used as a weapon, which is injected into people as a "clot injection"... and it probably stands out, causing harmful side effects in other, unvaccinated people.

3) A completely fraudulent "random" PCR scheme that is designed to label almost any person as "positive", almost entirely based on how many cycles are instructed by pcR sample preparation tools, thereby amplifying the noise of the instrument to "positive". Almost anything can be marked as "positive," including fragments of genetic material from flu shots in previous years. These three things — combined with mass media hysteria programs — have reached a level of global fear and psychological terrorism that the world has never seen before. But it turns out that all this is based on lies. And here's how we find out. There are no certified reference materials for the isolated SARS-CoV-2 "covid-19" virus. As a laboratory owner, scientist, and mass spectrometry analyst, I am very familiar with the process of using certified reference materials (CRM) to validate analysis methods and instrument calibration sequences. (I've spent too many evenings creating serial dilutions of standards with a Gilson pipette, trust me...) Here's how this process usually works in a real science lab: Step 1) Get the CRM of what you want to test ("analyte"). This means obtaining a purified insulated standard with a known concentration, usually in a carrier such as water or in dry powder form. For example, when I check the mercury content of food, I have a certified mercury standard with a known concentration of mercury dissolved in water, nitric acid, and hydrochloric acid. Step 2) Run CRM as a sample at different concentrations to build a "curve" that effectively shows the tool what the analytic looks like and how the instrument detector responds to different concentrations of the analytic. The end result is a "quantitative curve" that will be used in step 3. NOTE. The tools will "match" what you're looking for in a variety of ways, filtering out anything else that doesn't match. In mass spectrometry, molecules are identified by their molecular weight, the nature of ion fragmentation, and the elution time on chromatographic columns. In order for a substance to conform, it must meet all these parameters. In PCR testing, a "match" is a genomic sequence consisting of base pairs defined in a digital library that may or may not have met a real physical standard in the real world. Step 3) Run unknown samples through the device (blood serum, urine, saliva, water, food sample extracts, etc.)  And see if the unknown sample contains any of what you were looking for (analyte). Since you have constructed a quantitative curve, you can also determine the concentration of the analyte in the original sample. This is usually expressed as a mass-to-volume ratio, e.g. ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter). A nanogram is a billionth of a gram. When we test products for glyphosate, we can detect as little as 1 nanogram per milliliter, which tells you something about the extreme sensitivity of high-end instruments. It's the process of testing something and determining how much something is found in another. For example, if you were going to determine if someone had "covid," you'll need to determine the concentration of covid-19 viruses in their blood (i.e., "viral load"). It's Science/Biology 101. So what's the problem then? You'd be stunned if you realized how deep scientific fraud really goes. Note these critical points: Item #1: There do not appear to be isolated purified certified reference samples for SARS-CoV-2 "covid". I've seen companies claim to sell "isolates" containing Covid viruses, but in their own description they explain that their vials contain genetic material from "host cells" (human cells) as well as bovine serum cells, which means a cocktail of unknown things. And yet it's called "isolation." Case in point: BEI Resources, which offers what they call the "isolate" of covid-19, which you can find at this link. As stated in the description for this covid-19 "isolate:"

... Its product is not suitable as a whole-cell antigen drug because the protein content is largely dependent on the host cell and fetal bovine serum used during virus reproduction. In other words, most of the genetic material in the "isolate" actually belongs to human cells. So it's not an insulator at all. The covid virus is not isolated. In fact, this "isolate" contains viral genetic material, human genetic material, and cattle genetic material, as well as any other viruses present in the blood of humans and cows. These can be millions of different nanoparticles, each containing its own sequences of genetic material. Item #2: If you don't have isolated certified reference materials, you won't be able to develop a legitimate analytical test. And that's exactly what the FDA recognizes in its own documents, which state that because covid-19 viruses weren't available to develop a PCR test, they "modeled" it using human cells and gene bank coronavirus fragments. From the FDA's own document:

Because quantified 2019-nCoV virus isolates were not available for cdC use at the time of test development and this study, assays designed to detect 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of full-size RNA transcribed in vitro ... added to a diluent consisting of a suspension of human cells A549 and a viral transport medium (VTM) to simulate a clinical sample. In other words, they faked the Covid virus using gene bank cells that were intentionally and falsely labeled as "Covid." This is how the PCR test was developed. The FDA recognizes all of this. A PCR test is a scam. Item #3: If you don't have a CRM isolate, you won't be able to calibrate the tools according to a known pattern. This means that PCR tests are not calibrated for anything real and physical. Instead, they rely on downloaded digital libraries provided by none other than the CDC, the same big Pharma dummy group that is spearheading this covid scam. Item #4: PCR tools do not allow quantitative analysis. "Positive" hits are nothing more than amplified background noise. No PCR tool can tell you how much genetic material was found in the original sample. It can simply detect the presence of material based on a yes/no basis. In laboratory studies, this is called "qualitative" rather than quantitative analysis. In qualitative analysis, the key factor is the "detection limit" (LOD) of the device. What small part of the sample will still create a "punch" for the instrument? In all instruments, for LOD to be scientifically sound, it must be something that exceeds background noise, or it's scientifically meaningless. All instruments produce background noise, which can be said to be "peaks" or "bumps", which represent the static noise of the detector. They exist at the background level, even when you don't run anything in the tool. To show you what it looks like, consider the following picture. It shows some mass spectrometry results in a wide range of masses. On the horizontal axis here is postponed m/ z (mass over charge), which for general discussion is simplified to "mass". This is the mass of detectable molecules or particles. Note the red and orange lines at the bottom of each chart. It's basically "background" noise in all masses. Then notice the very high orange peak that rises above the background. That's the mass of the molecule they're looking for. It can be a pesticide, pollutant, nutrient, etc.

It's important to note that if I increased the gain of the detector, the "background noise" at the bottom of the screen would expand vertically to fill the screen. The entire screen will be a "blow" to each mass, because the gain is greatly increased. This is equivalent to what PCR instruments do when they do more than 30 cycles. They amplify the noise and then pretend to be "caught" in the covid. But because they've amplified it so many times, they've destroyed any ability to say with certainty what they have or even how much they have. Because lod (detection limit) is scientifically invalid if it can't isolate peak from background noise. Usually, when testing a method, your LOD should be at least three times higher than background noise, which means that the "peak" should be three times higher than the background. Anything smaller than that is considered bogus background noise. And when you're doing quantitative work, you usually need a signal that's at least 10 times higher than the background. However, PCR instruments take background noise and amplify it until they achieve a "positive" result. This "positive" is then absurdly called the "covid case," even if it literally means nothing in terms of legitimate science. The whole process that is used today with PCR is a solid garbage that would not pass even the most fundamental laboratory audit. That's why, by the way, most of these PCR companies are not ISO accredited. They could not pass a single check. (My lab is ISO accredited with an annual audit, including blind quantitative accuracy tests using mass spectrometry tools to make sure we meet our accuracy goals.) Dr. Judy Mikowitz confirms all this in a recent interview.

Dr. Judy Mikowitz, author of The End of the Plague (,

confirmed all this in a recent interview with me. Not only did she confirm that there is no isolated covid-19 virus that has been obtained and cleared of a sick person and proven to cause illness in another person; she also confirmed that Dr. Fauci specifically selected an armed laboratory sample that was infected with a cocktail of coronaviruses to use as a basis for research into the increased function through the Institute of Virology in Wuhan. In other words, Dr. Fauci knew he was creating a Frankenstein viral stew that the rogue CDC and the involved scientific community would simply brand as "covid." Amplified by media hysteria, they could push much of the population to use vaccines that were designed to inoculate the population with biological weapons with spike protein, also developed under Fauci's leadership and funding directives. So the real story is that Fauci and the CDC used common coronaviruses to mimic the covid pandemic to inject humans with a real biological weapon: enhanced spike protein. It is important to note that Dr. Mikowitz confirms that all of this originated under the United States military, which means that both U.S. and Chinese military institutions have been involved in the development and deployment of these global biological weapons of population reduction (spike protein):

Dr. Jane Ruby offers an outstanding explanation for the covid hoax in a recent broadcast by Sti Peters.In another horrific video, Dr. Jane Ruby,

participant of the broadcast by Sty Peters (StewPeters.TV ),

further confirms this whole story by showing that the covid-19 virus has never been isolated, cleaned up and shown to cause the disease covid. Plandemia was falsified:CDC FOIA documents do not show the existence of an isolated "covid-19" virus. Finally, there are new FOIA documents showing that the CDC has never isolated the covid-19 virus. A Canadian woman named Christine Massey has reportedly filed several Freedom of Information Act requests with the CDC, under the Freedom of Information Act: All studies and/or reports owned, stored, or controlled by the CDC and/or the Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry Agency (ATSDR) describing the cleanup of any "COVID-19" virus (including B.1.1.7, "B.1.351," "P.1," and any other "variant") (through maceration, filtration, and the use of an ultracentrifuge; sometimes also referred to by some people as "isolation") directly from a sample taken from a sick person, where the patient's sample was not first combined with any other source of genetic material (e.g., monkey kidney cells, also known as Vero cells; fetal bovine serum). In a response letter dated June 7, 2021, the CDC responded: A search of our records did not reveal any documents related to your query. Specifically, the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases reports that the CDC does not clean up or isolate any COVID-19 virus as described by the applicant. FoIA request is designated as No. 21-01075-FOIA. In other words, the CDC has never isolated or cleaned up any covid-19 virus. On Dr. Robert O. Young's website

there are additional documents showing that the CDC has never isolated or purified HPV virus, measles virus, MERS virus, Zika virus, or polio virus, among others. (We are working to contact Christine Massey to confirm the scope of her Freedom of Information Act requests and invite her for an interview.) On July 21 of this year, the CDC announced it was withdrawing its authorization for the current PCR test for covid-19.

stating that the PCR test will no longer be considered a reliable science after December 31 of this year. It then says the new PCR test will "make it easier to detect and differentiate sars-CoV-2 viruses and influenza," meaning the new test will reportedly be able to tell the difference between covid and the common cold. That means the current test — the one used to stoite global COVID-related pandemic hysteria — doesn't allow for that differentiation. In fact, it seems that the CDC has for decades fabricated the science behind global "pandemics," using the media to spread mass hysteria where there was no pandemic. One of the best and most recent cases is the recent Zika virus, where the mainstream media shouted that babies born to new mothers in Florida would be born with stinked heads (microcephaly) due to the Zika virus. Just as with the covid scheme, billions of dollars have been sent to pharmaceutical companies to research a vaccine against the Zika virus, which turned out to be nothing more than fictional hype.

CDC Director Walenski acknowledges that the covid vaccine does not prevent covid infection or transmission of the Delta variant. In addition to uncovering this covid-19 vaccine hoax, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Valenski has just acknowledged something surprising on CNN: Covid-19 vaccines DO NOT prevent covid-19 infection. They also don't stop people from transmitting the "delta variant" of what the CDC calls the Covid virus. In fact, Walenski simply admitted that vaccine passports are meaningless and do not prove anything. If a "fully vaccinated" person can still contract and transmit the coronavirus, then the vaccine passport is nothing more than proof of obedience, not proof of immunization. Here's Dr. Walensky saying all this on CNN, and no, it's not a "deep fake." This is an open reception:

The covid-19 virus is a hoax, but the spike protein used as a weapon is very real and deadly. While the covid-19 virus appears to be nothing more than renamed cold viruses or common monkey viruses, the toxic spike protein nanoparticle — now administered with vaccines — is a lethal biological weapon created in the U.S. and then amplified in Wuhan at the expense of U.S. taxpayer dollars.  It now seems obvious that the whole purpose of covid hysteria was to get people to take spike protein (spike protein) injections, which are deliberately erroneously called "vaccines." These spike proteins, which make covid vaccination now called a "clot prick," cause blood clots, neurological injuries, strokes, heart attacks, spontaneous abortions, and widespread vascular damage, even according to the main Salk Institute.

From their article on spike protein and its devastating effects on the human cardiovascular system: A major new study shows that the spike proteins of the virus (which behave quite differently than those safely encoded by vaccines) also play a key role in the disease itself. ... [This] article provides a clear confirmation and detailed explanation of the mechanism by which a protein first damages vascular cells. It is increasingly recognized that SARS-CoV-2 affects the vascular system, but it is not known exactly how this happened. Similarly, scientists studying other coronaviruses have long suspected that the spike protein contributes to damage to vascular endothelial cells, but this is the first time this process has been documented. In the new study, the researchers created a "pseudovirus" that was surrounded by a classic corona of studded SARS-CoV-2 proteins but did not contain the real virus. Exposure to this pseudovirus caused damage to the lungs and arteries in the animal model, proving that a single spike protein was enough to cause disease. Tissue samples showed inflammation in the endothelial cells lining the walls of the pulmonary artery. Spike protein was developed as a biological weapon to cause widespread symptoms, which can then be mistakenly labeled "covid" and then cited as prompting even more vaccine injections containing more biological weapons from spike protein. The "virus" of covid-19 is simply a cocktail of monkey viruses and cold viruses, while the spike protein that vaccines contain as an antigenic target causes vascular damage, infertility, damage to the immune system, etc. What's the point of all this? Of course, depopulation. This is all an instrument of depopulation for the mass extermination of mankind. Spike protein is a weapon of depopulation. The "vaccine" is a Soylent Green-style extermination/suicide shot that has been repackaged as a "cure." The "pandemic" was caused by media hysteria caused by panic and widespread demand for a vaccine so that people would not resist the injections of destruction. And that means that many who gave the shot will soon die, because the whole point of this fake plandemy was to rid the world of billions of people. It also means that anyone who agrees with this is complicit in the murder of genocide and crimes against humanity. This includes journalists, scientists, doctors, governors, FDA/CDC/WHO officials, and even local pharmacists and nurses who take fatal shots at men, women, children, and even the elderly. Compared to their crimes against humanity, the Holocaust of World War II looks like child's play. The Holocaust of the covid vaccine could lead to the mass murder of billions of people before the criminals are stopped. Essentially, you are witnessing a global campaign of mass destruction disguised as a public health response to the pandemic. This is the most sinister and diabolical scam with "science" ever committed in the history of a known civilization. By any honest measure, this is a globalist attempt to achieve the extinction of homo sapiens, a kind of "ethnic cleansing on a planetary scale" to rid the world of humans and make room for any crazy scenario they hope will follow. The time has come for all people who want to preserve humanity to rise up peacefully and confront this genocidal attempt to exterminate humanity. That's why U.S. Sen. Rand Paul is now urging Americans to resist lockdowns and masks, saying:

"We do not need to accept the mandates, blockages and harmful policies of petty tyrants and helpless bureaucrats. We can just say no, but not again." He continues: They can't arrest us all. They can't keep all your kids at home from school. They can't keep all government buildings closed — though I have a long list they should do. We do not have to accept the prescriptions, restrictions and harmful policies of petty tyrants and helpless bureaucrats. We can just say no, but not again. President Biden — we will not accept the instructions of your agencies, nor your statements about blocking," Paul said. "No one should follow the anti-scientific prescriptions of the CDC. ... We won't let you hurt our children again this year. We've all been fooled, folks. None of this has anything to do with public health, saving lives, or preventing any pandemic. It's an elaborate, coordinated theater of action aimed at cornering people with biofeeding injections so they can remove several billion people from the planet while promoting their tyranny and authoritarian control over the survivors. It could also be a cover for their planned financial reset, which would bring down the world's fiat currencies, destroy all of people's foreign exchange assets, and unite ownership of everything in the hands of the globalist elite. That's why the world's governments are now holding their citizens hostage, demanding vaccine quotas to unlock limited "freedom," which of course will be completely abolished once the next "option" is identified.

Turning flu cases into COVID through manipulation is easy

5.08.2021 / John Rappoport 

Since 1988, I have pointed out that the re-labeling and repackaging of diseases is a standard surgical procedure in the field of "pandemic medicine." And now we have this from FOX News (7/25/21): "But while COVID-19 cases have skyrockped across the country, hospitalizations and flu deaths have declined." "According to data released by the CDC earlier this month, flu-giving deaths during 2020 were significantly lower than in previous years." "In 2020, there were 646 deaths from influenza among adults, while in 2019, the CDC estimated that between 24,000 and 62,000 people died from flu-related illnesses." You might want to read these numbers again. The decline in flu deaths has been miraculous. Perhaps the Vatican has a clue. Rochester Regional Health released a flu report covering the same time periods: "According to the latest CDC data, the 2021 flu season has affected far fewer people than usual in all major regions of the U.S." "Here are some numbers to sum up the 2020/2021 flu season, which runs from October 1, 2020 to April 1, 2021 ... 646 deaths were related to influenza." "Final data on the [previous] 2019/2020 flu season were released by the CDC in April as COVID-19 continued to spread across the U.S. Between October 1, 2019 and April 4, 2020, the flu claimed the lives of between 24,000 and 62,000 people." "Hi Bob, could you do me a favor? I need a lot of numbers of deaths from COVID. Can you put some of your flu death numbers here? » "Of course. No problem, Bill. We work in the same agency. We're all in this together. But if I give you thousands of numbers of flu deaths, I want something in return. Part of your FUNDING for COVID research. Our flu money these days could hardly be spent on a picnic for a dozen of us in the Bahamas." "My poor cousin. Transferring funds to research is not easy. Too many eyes. I'll tell you what. How about a steak and lobster lunch, two nights at a local hotel and one of the prostitutes sitting in the bar? » "Three nights, all expenses paid."

"Done." Here are two previous articles I've written about the shell game with disease re-labeling/repackaging:— Disease switch; medical school doesn't teach that — I've mentioned this shell game hundreds of times in articles and lectures over the years. Here, I want to reduce that to a protocol that has brought trillions of dollars to the medical cartel. Let's start with a "flash." We are told that somewhere on Earth there is a group of unusual cases of disease. The key word is "unusual." Otherwise, who cares? Instead, people said, "Forty people in Wuhan have lung congestion." And it won't generate interest. In Wuhan, it was "unusual pneumonia." How so? There is no convincing answer. Some people refer to "frosted glass" in photos of patients' lungs. This refers to gray areas or opacity. Another claim: the patients had severe shortness of breath. But clouding and shortness of breath were mentioned and described in the medical literature long before COVID. Something else needs to be proposed to justify the term "unusual cases". And we understand this almost immediately while we are still trying to figure out what makes the disease of these patients new and special: It's a virus. Never before seen virus. Switching is already happening. In fact, there is nothing unusual about the wuhan case group. And once we realize this, we are struck by a "new virus." And then we forget that there was no reason to look for a new virus at all. Deadly air pollution has long been hanging over Wuhan. This explains all sorts of lung infections, including pneumonia, the main symptom of COVID. By the way, in China, about 300,000 people die from pneumonia every year. Trumpet the "new virus." But, of course, as I've shown many times, it wasn't really found. No one isolated him. The so-called genetic sequencing was a fictional lock in the air based on assumptions. How could it be otherwise? No one has an isolated and purified sample of the virus to analyze. Accepting the "new virus" as a fact leads to this situation: the list of well-known clinical symptoms can now be called unique, because the cause is unique. Suddenly, coughing, chills, fever, fatigue, nasal congestion, shortness of breath, which are called the flu, or just infections, or other names, are COVID. It's a big switch. Going even further — as I've written in several articles — the three major clinical trials of COVID RNA vaccines have been designed to prove only one thing: the vaccine can protect against cough, chills, and fever. You can call it the mild flu vaccine. Next step: Perform a diagnostic test for a "virus" that will automatically give out false positives like water from a fire hose. It's PCR. I parsed PCR in six different ways and exposed it as a scam. With PCR in your hand, the switch becomes deeper. This list of familiar symptoms of the disease, taken together with the test, paints a picture of millions of cases of the "new plague". It's all fabrication in order: "Hi Jim, the sales of our #6 widget are in the toilet. What can we do? If... let's call it widget number 7, put it in a new drawer... » People say, "But there are mysterious cases of COVID that can't be explained by repackaged lung infections..." Of course there is. When you make the network large enough, there will be groups of cases that seem inexplicable. But when you get close enough, you'll find, for example, new vaccination campaigns against toxic substances, toxic pesticides, and fecal sumps on giant pig farms. There are these and other similar causes of disease and death. I first learned about switching in 1987 when I was conducting research for my first book, AIDS INC. Scientists in Africa investigated a "new" outbreak among people who, "by the way," suffered from protein and calorie malnutrition, hunger, and starvation. Scientists who were cheap scammers called it "exhaustion syndrome," then "Slim's disease," and finally "AIDS." They announced that the cause was HIV, a virus that no one had isolated. And in the background, if you needed another cause of illness and death, was the World Health Organization's infamous campaign for mass vaccination against smallpox in Africa, one of the most dangerous mass medical experiments ever conducted on a population. This campaign culminated in the injection of millions of people a few years before the "discovery of AIDS". The campaign was so dangerous that at a secret WHO meeting in Geneva, it was decided never to use this vaccine again because it caused smallpox (or something similar to it). In 1987, I looked through volumes of medical journals in the UCLA bio-med library and found that the single most common cause of T-lymphocyte depletion ("AIDS") in the world is MALNUTRITION. Malnutrition, hunger, starvation, toxic vaccines, abhorrent poverty, wars, fertile farmland stolen from people by large agricultural corporations, toxic medicines... all of this is repacked as a new disease caused by a new HIV virus.I then went on to study each so-called high-risk group for AIDS. I have found that in each group all the "symptoms of AIDS" can be explained by non-viral causes. At that point, I realized that I was looking at a classic secret intelligence-type operation used in the medical universe. The virus was a legend. It was used to cover up current state and corporate crimes. For example, forced starvation.

A minus is a minus. Only the names of diseases are changed to protect the guilty.

Here's the second article on the scam:

—Many flu cases renamed to COVID cases

The number of COVID cases has been falsified in a variety of ways.By far the biggest strategy is re-labeling. The flu is called COVID.To see this, we don't need charts and graphs. It's right in front of our eyes. Identifying a COVID case allows the flu in the door. There is nothing unique about this definition. For example, coughing or chills and fever is a "mild case of COVID." You will also need to test positive for SARS-CoV-2, but as I showed in my recent series of tests, getting a false positive is easy. All you need to do is run the test for more than 35 cycles. Most laboratories conduct the test in 40 cycles. The cycle is a qualitative leap in the increase in the smear sample taken from the patient. When you run the test for more than 35 cycles, false positives spill out like water from a fire hose. So... with the usual flu symptoms plus a false positive PCR test... voah, you have a case of COVID. Keep in mind that in the vast majority of COVID cases, the lungs are. In other words, they are indistinguishable from the common flu. But there is a rabbit hole here, and we can go down into this hole much further. The next question is: What is the flu? What is it really?Researcher Peter Doshi has done a lot to answer this question. In December 2005, the British Medical Journal (online) published his shocking report, which caused a shiver in the halls of the CDC, where "experts" usually told the press that 36,000 people in the United States die each year from the flu. Here's a quote from Dosha's report: "Are flu death rates in the U.S. more PR than science?" (BMJ 2005; 331: 1412): "[According to CDC statistics], 'influenza and pneumonia' claimed 62,034 lives in 2001, 61,777 of which were related to pneumonia and 257 to influenza, and only 18 cases of influenza virus were identified." Boom. You see, the CDC created one common category that combined deaths from influenza and pneumonia. Why? Because they insincerely believed that death from pneumonia was a complication caused by the flu. This is an absurd assumption. Pneumonia has a number of causes. To make matters worse, of all the deaths from influenza and pneumonia, only 18 have detected the presence of the flu virus. Thus, the CDC can only say with certainty that 18 people died of the flu in 2001. Not 36,000 deaths. 18 deaths. Doshi went on to continue his assessment of the CDC's published flu mortality statistics: "From 1979 to 2001, [CDC] data show an average of 1348 flu deaths per year (range 257 to 3006)." These numbers refer to influenza separately from pneumonia. That death toll is much lower than the old figure of 36,000. However, when you add the reasonable condition that laboratory tests should actually detect the flu virus in patients, the number of annual deaths from the flu drops dramatically. In other words, it's all promotion and hype. But we're not done yet. Because... what test did the researchers use to decide that there were 18 cases of real flu in which the virus was detected and identified? Answer: unknown. It is likely that the test did not isolate the flu virus at all. He only identified some marker that, without evidence, was ACCEPTED as unique to the flu virus. If so, no cases of real influenza have been found in the population. Instead, we had a "flu-like illness." Chills, cough, congestion, fever, fatigue; ubiquitous symptoms describing about a billion cases of the disease annually worldwide. The reason for this billion cases? There is no single reason. Instead, there are many factors, from sudden weather changes to air pollution, malnutrition and poor sanitation... and so on. In this case, we can now say: many, many cases of False Flu are being renamed FAKE COVID. Now we are confronted with reality. The medical cartel "detects" (sells) a huge number of so-called unique diseases - each disease with an alleged specific cause: virus A, virus B, virus C ... For each virus, there should be at least a few high-yield drugs that supposedly kill the microbe. And there should be a vaccine for every microbe that prevents the disease.Billions and trillions of awards follow.And CONTROL too. Mind control. Because the population is set up with continuous propaganda to believe in a tough idea - one disease - one microbe. And when the time comes, the medical cartel may even claim that a new microbe is destroying the world, and they must "destroy the village to save it." This is psychotic fiction, in the center of which we are now. The Holy Church of Biological Mysticism needs your support. Give them your time, your money, your livelihood, your future, your devotion, your faith, your health, your life. If so, you are their most important product.

The pandemic that happened in early 2020 in the television screens of the national media is not just a mistake of journalists, doctors or some hapless politicians. Pandemic 19 is a well-planned large-scale information biological attack on the population of nation-states and the world as a whole. The absence of a single virus, false tests for Covid19 delivered to the countries of the world in 2017-2019 have a clear and conceited plan in advance.  Nobel Prize Candidate, Bachelor of Science, Research Fellow, MD and Director of the Research Center for Nutriotherapy in Urbino, Stefano Scoglio in a long interview confidently stated a long time ago: "SarsCov2 has never been isolated." Although there are studies whose authors claim otherwise, the professor, with data and documents in his hands, explains that the process of isolating the virus was never carried out: "I studied all the studies whose authors claim to have isolated and even tested the virus, but they all did something completely different: they took the pharyngeal or bronchoalveolar fluid of patients, they centrifuged it to separate larger molecules from smaller molecules, such as suspected viruses; They then took a supernatant (the top of the centrifuged material) and called this extremely complex matrix 'isolated virus.'" The fact that SarsCov2 has not been isolated negates any credibility and effectiveness of PCR tests and serological tests, Skoglio explains, revealing another extremely serious fact: "There are 78 types of PCR tests, some of which are imported from China; none of them have ever been checked, evaluated or authorized by anyone. This is stated by the European Commission itself, in its working paper of April 16." Klaus Martin Schwab , born 30 March 1938 . 

Abolishing Humans and What Biocyfrequence Is and How It Relates to Covid Ideological justification of schwab's "great zeroing"?  In February 2020, just before the introduction of the global pandemic regime, the Canadian government company "Horizons of Politics", engaged in forecasting the future, published the most important document - "Studying biocyfrequer convergence".

It is written as an invitation to dialogue about the future of mankind, but in fact it represents a worldview program of a new world order, the construction of which even the Pope himself calls for. What are its features, how does it relate to Covid, and what is the connection with ancient Gnostic teachings?  In the writing of this malyava all-seer program participated again familiar names directly related to the same Marxist criminal circle neo Marx VEF, the head of the circle recently unveiled the program of "great zeroing" or "great reset". For that, Christel Van der Elst was the head of the strategic forecasting department of the WEF, and Nicholas Davis was a member of the wef executive committee. There are no such facts about other authors, some of them appear in the Canadian authorities, but this is not so important. All such documents come out of some national structures, after which they acquire a global scale. What do the authors want? The word "convergence" means rapprochement, up to and including connection. Such systems of hybrids in history have been experienced a lot, this convergence has always ended in blood and collapse. Now another one has been announced. It is not announced directly, but simply promoted as an supposedly inevitable future. The main idea of biocyframe convergence (BCC) is to completely unite people with digital technologies. "Digital technologies and biological systems are beginning to come together and merge in a way that could lead to a profound destruction of our ideas about society, the economy and our bodies. BCC can change our understanding of ourselves and force us to reconsider what we consider human or natural," the manifesto said. That is, the goal is declared to be nothing less than to replace a person with a biocyclus object.

"Change people – our bodies, minds and behaviors. Change or create other organisms," the authors urge. By what means should this be achieved? There are three.

1) Full physical integration of biological and digital objects. It means that digital technologies are embedded in organisms, and biological components become part of digital technologies. The creation of new hybrid life forms is mentioned."That is, it is not just about the fact that implants are inserted into a person, and the robot becomes humanoid, we are talking about creating a new hybrid form. And this is something more monstrous than the XX century, with such a world has not yet encountered in its history. 

2) Coevolution of biological and digital technologies, that is, the joint evolution of the "number" "under the human body" and the body under the "digital". Most importantly, pay attention: in fact, no distinction is made between man, animal, plant, Earth. The declaration of transhumanism, such was written back in 2002, which said that it is necessary to respect all "intellects", wherever they come from - from a person, from a robot, from an artificial person or from an animal. That is, it is really the destruction of the human in man. By the way, which administrators of nation-states have subscribed to the principle of unified human and animal health with the coordinating role of the WHO? We know some of the names of some state administrations, add your national variants of the names of officials.

3) Conceptual convergence of biological and digital systems. It proclaims a departure from the idea that living and non-living organisms are fundamentally different. Living through technology is subject to digital control. What does conceptual mean?  The concept is changing. They do not just experiment on people and introduce new technologies – the very concept changes, in which the concept of morality and morality actually disappears. Most importantly, it is actually about blurring the line between biological and digital systems, living organisms and non-living organisms.  A deep restructuring of all concepts about a person is carried out. How is all this done in practice?  For example, through changing the human genome, which is mentioned as one of the "noble" goals, the creation of artificial organs, connecting the brain to a computer, "turning organisms into biocomputers" (quote), growing artificial food. The latter is a struggle for climate, because cows and animals in general emit carbon dioxide and participate in increasing the average temperature on the planet. And therefore, humanity, in the plans of the "global demiurges", will have to give up meat. '' BCC includes the ability to create food and produce meat without the need for arable land. Lab-grown meat is the cells that develop to produce muscle cells," the document says. About the rejection of meat for the sake of saving the planet say many talking heads. Part of human existence can be biodesign, that is, the design of biocyframe objects, according to Canadian oracles. At the same time, two very disturbing statements are noteworthy. "BCC relies on a wide range of biological data that can change the attitude of citizens to enterprises providing services. Relationships between firms and individuals may require a higher level of trust as firms seek access to very intimate data about our lives and bodies." We are talking here about erasing from life those who do not want to surrender their biometric data and put their private lives under digital management, by the way this also applies to strategic enterprises of national importance. It is impossible not to notice that, together with special operations, the pandemic and vaccination have dramatically intensified the processes of digital migration of people with the persecution of those who are trying to preserve their freedom. And it's no coincidence that the quote says trust. This new religion is a new demand for a new world order. For example, you need to believe in a vaccine, that is, it does not have to prove its usefulness, and people must believe in it a priori, otherwise you are an unbelieving "anti-vaccination", "anti-vaxer" and "covid-dissident". This is how science and rational knowledge in general are dismantled. And here's the second statement, which has the most direct relevance to Covid vaccination: "Countries could start competing based on the rigor and speed of regulatory approvals." Well, as for strictness, this is a form of state dictatorship, but the race in simplified vaccine registration is exactly what happened in 2020. As a result, all the liquids of the named vaccine were registered on an emergency basis in violation of all procedures known to the village as immunobiological drugs. State tests and registration of new medical immunobiological drugs" did not pass proper clinical trials, and their registration was carried out before the end of the results of all stages of drug trials proving efficacy, specific activity and safety.  Of course, the COVID special operation is only a remedy. First, they staged a large-scale falsification and a mega scam, and then by the type of fight against the information virus, they launched an attempt to anthropological transition recognized at the conference in Santa Fe in 2018 as one of the desirable options for overcoming the global crisis of capitalism.  The conference was held at the Institute of Complexity under the auspices of the NSA. "Anthropological Transition" . This concept implies the division of humanity into two groups with a level of inequality and differences that resembles the differences between species. By the way, the fourth industrial revolution of Neo Marx, which Klaus Schwab talks about all the time, implies this action. "The fourth violent manufacturing revolution is different in that it doesn't change what you do. It changes you. If you, for example, apply something that changes your genome (well, a vaccine), then you become modified. And, of course, it has an impact on your identity" – excerpt from Schwab's book with comments (in parentheses) That's the point. It's about biocyfraization, about changing the genome. In October 2019, Gates talked about creating a certain RNA complex that needs to be massively tested. So they're testing it now. For Schwab and the people whose interests he represents and expresses, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a genetic change in man. By the way, in which city did the Fourth Industry office open? Does it seem to be Moscow? Oh yes, from October 15, 2021 in Moscow operates a center for the study of the fourth industrial revolution", the office is a more correct name. By the way, who knows the physical address of the location of this center? Is it Skolkovo? Is it the Old Square? Is it Krasnopresnenskaya embankment? Is it the Mausoleum on Red Square? Or where is it...!?

We found this place. The source has just given information on the location of the office of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Moscow . Office on the Island 🏝 Serebryany Bor and owned by private individuals.  

On October 13, the Government of the Russian Federation and the WEF signed a memorandum on the establishment of this center in Russia.

The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity is an international treaty governing the movement of living modified organisms (vaccinated?) resulting from the application of modern biotechnology from one country to another. The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety is a trap for humanity. This international instrument was created to restrict the movement of so-called "living modified organisms". Most of humanity may soon fall into this category, in the very text of the treaty hidden pitfalls. Very secretive and dangerous is the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and for what purposes it was adopted in general is clear. Currently, 172 States are parties to the Cartagena Protocol.

🔹vaccine + person = "biorobot-physical person-slave".  Please note that it is written in vitro method that is mentioned in the injections, and also pay attention to the genome of the human 🧬. It's time to talk about this: the delivery of the DNA vaccine is carried out by superparamagnetic nanoparticles. The delivery efficiency of DNA vaccines is often relatively low compared to protein vaccines. The use of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONS) to deliver genes through magnetofection shows promise in improving gene delivery efficiency both in vitro and in vivo. 

About what Putin was an athlete, Vashchilin told earlier on Online812, but his human attitude to him, the stuntman, who got into the cinema from SAMBO, spoke only now.

Vashchilin admitted that watching all these years with Putin, he is in a state of shock from the unwitting comparison of his current one with how he was remembered by the stunt director in his youth. In his student years, he walked in cloth bots, under Sobchak frightened honest citizens in a crimson jacket and suddenly... I consider his rise to power a miracle. But this miracle is not from God, but from some other force... Maybe from Kashpirovsky or Chumak, fashionable among the Soviet people and witched on central television, - Vashlini argues on Vashchilin notes that Putin has always been a brazen yard boy who "fought with fury." And he remained the same, only unspeakably grew up from permissiveness, - the stuntman concludes and as an example of "yard and arrogance" tells about the favorite hooligan act of the future president. Putin, Rotenberg (pictured) and his friends had a favorite joke: to spoil the air on the bus when we returned from training, and jump out. And people sit and look with their eyes: "Who is so stinking?" According to Vashchilin, Putin's desire to get into the KGB also matured in the process of yard life. I understand why he wanted to become a spy, to work in the KGB. He himself writes that once he was given in the forehead so that sparks flew from his eyes. And he realized that he needed to look for some kind of force that could help him. And such a force in the USSR was only the KGB. Vashchilin admits that he has personal reasons to dislike the president with whom he had a tense relationship since the days of filming. He and his friends were away from filming, could even hide in the bushes. And I kept making comments to them. Vashchilin is sure that in 1982 it was on the initiative of Putin that he did not go to Paris at the personal invitation of Belmondo, because he was suspected of having links with a friend of the criminal authority Jap. The stuntman admits that he was threatened with prison, but he decided to write a letter to the head of the KGB Andropov and, thus, avoided imprisonment. Vashchilin is also convinced that due to the fact that Putin appeared in his complaint, he was then sent "to work" not in the more pleasant for the life of a german intelligence officer or Austria, but in the GDR.

Prison castes in the countries of the former communist camp. Here is a lady and gentleman typical Diver. 

"Divers" - when the thug has a natural need to release gases from his intestines and, more simply, to fart, then the authority casually pronounces the phrase "The boy wants to feather" and this time does not hesitate for a second the diver is obliged like a dog on all fours to run up to the owner and inhale all his gases with his mouth, after which he needs to quickly deliver them to the window of the chamber and repeat this procedure until the air is clean, thus performing the role of a kind of air conditioner.  But if the air in the opinion of the blatant in the cell will still be spoiled, then the diver for a poorly done job is waiting for a cruel punishment, as a rule, this is a beating.

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