Capture 21. Part 2 . 

Capture 21. Part 2 . 

Ꭼdiᴛᴇd ʙy Ꭲriʙulᴇ Ꮻʙviᴏus Ꮖnᴄrᴇdiʙlᴇ

The first part of the material

"On October 18, 2019, the WEF in partnership with... The Gates Foundation and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted a high-level pandemic event known as Event 201. Event 201 simulated how the world would react to the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the planet. The simulation presented the deaths of 65 million people, mass lockdowns, quarantine, censorship of alternative points of view under the guise of combating "disinformation" and even put forward the idea of arresting people who question the narrative of the pandemic.

This is not a conspiracy theory, as they say from the TV screens of under-journalists, chewing a fraction of a small fraction of their hands rotten, this is a conspiracy against humanity. 

It's a war. They are against us. Demons against Angels for the souls of men. And no one is hiding anything. It's just that a lot of people aren't going to see it and don't want to know it. They're already doing well. The stronger the sleep, the more painful the awakening. They believe in God, but they follow Satan. They want power, but they have become like demons. The road to hell is always wide and always leads down the slope.

The world isn't very tired of them making him sick yet. Otherwise, demons would have been arrested a long time ago. 

By the way, now they're talking about smallpox. Probably waiting for smallpox? I once read somewhere, Gates owns the only remaining smallpox samples. If this is true, then how could it happen that an outsider had it, why would HE be allowed to take possession of such samples, and for what purpose? The longer this shit goes on, the harder it will be to solve.

Because they want nothing to do with God, the Lord has made them mad. And now they are all flawed, beyond reason and their actions beyond our comprehension. They are pure evil incarnate. 

It is impossible not to say that, according to Candice Owens, they conduct the same simulations as the viral, but concerning the shutdown of the power grid. I remember Swaabian "dark winter".

It is worth knowing and remembering that all the Pious comes naturally, while evil must be constantly replenished and requires worship. Telling the truth has never saved any country. The struggle saved countries and actions. On 11 and 12 November, the WEF held a two-day meeting entitled "The Great Narrative" in Dubai. They discussed "long-term prospects" and "jointly creating a narrative that will help guide the creation of a more sustainable, comprehensive and sustainable vision of our collective future." At the event, the WEF brought together futurists, scientists and philosophers from around the world to come up with their vision of how to reset the world. 

Discussions will be collected and published in the upcoming Swab masterpiece The Great Narrative (January 2022).

"The ultimate goal," Wood says a little earlier, "is to put everyone who belongs to her in jail, and that's a lot of people who have been in government and have come out of it for decades. In an ideal world, I'd like to see John Durham's report come out and people go to jail. I would like to see people associated with Jeffrey Epstein and Giselen Maxwell go to jail. I'd love to see what's in Hunter Biden's laptop and see how these people go to jail. I'd love to see what's on Anthony Weiner's laptop [internet pedophile sentenced to 8 months, husband of Humma Abbedin, Hillary Clinton's helper], and I'd like to see a lot of people go to jail. And then, when we get to the final stages of election fraud, I'd like to see a lot more people go to jail. And once that process really starts, a lot of bombs will be dropped that will shake the world. Thus, potentially the "Great Awakening. The truth has to come out, and I believe... Every lie will be revealed. This country will be shocked when it learns the truth about who occupied the Oval Office for several years. They will be shocked by the level of pedophilia."

      13 OCT, 16:50

The Cabinet of Ministers and the WEF signed a memorandum on the establishment of the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

In 2022, together with the WEF, it is planned to deploy projects in the field of application of experimental legal regimes, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, deputy prime minister Dmitry Chernyshenko said.

MOSCOW, October 13. /TASS/. The government and the World Economic Forum (WEF) signed a memorandum on the establishment of the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia. The signing ceremony was held at the Coordination Center of the Government of the Russian Federation, tass correspondent reports from the scene.

On behalf of the government, on behalf of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, the document was signed by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, on behalf of the WEF - the president of the forum Berge Brende.

"Today, Russia is in the active phase of the formation of the digital economy, which affects all industries, the social sphere and public administration. <...> The main goal of creating the Russian Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution is to increase Russia's recognition in the world expert community and the opportunity to exchange with the WEF and its partners around the world the accumulated experience and expertise," the Deputy Prime Minister explained.

Chernyshenko added that next year, together with the WEF, it is planned to deploy projects in the field of application of experimental legal regimes, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. The first of them will be launched before the end of this year in the field of unmanned vehicles, medicine and data processing.

"Russia, by the way, has been actively introducing artificial intelligence technologies for the past few years. To date, there are more than 800 such solutions in the country, and some of them are already visible in international markets. In general, cooperation with the WEF will be carried out in various areas - data policy, urban mobility, export support and promotion of Russian IT technologies in foreign markets," he said.

The Deputy Prime Minister added that the Center will be created on the basis of the ANO "Digital Economy". A corresponding agreement was also signed between the autonomous non-profit organization and the WEF. According to him, the Center will begin work on October 15, and its key tasks for the next two months will be the formation of the executive committee and the preparation of a work plan for 2022.

If someone is not familiar with this in the photo above, who sat down with evil on his right hand, then we explain - this is a bloody mass murderer, terrorist and sadist Putin. 

And we begin to consider Klaus Schwab-Rothschild as the ideologist and right hand in the international arena of this international bloody criminal with his world revolution according to Lenin and return to dokovidnost: 

"It won't happen because it can't happen" - Some quotes from The Great Rothschild (Schwab) Reset.

📝 "cycling and walking instead of driving to keep the air of our cities as clean as it was during the blockade, rest closer to home[...] can lead to sustainable reductions in carbon emissions" (p. 142) (I can even imagine the author of the Great Reset on a bicycle... enchanting, must be a spectacle) 

📝 "[Mobile devices] help us on many different fronts, anticipating our needs, listening to us, and discovering us even when they aren't asked to..." (p. 152) (or ask, but not the owner, but, for example, the global kahal or, more simply, the owner of the owner of the mobile phone)

📝 "[Instead of] going to a remote family meeting for the weekend using a "WhatsApp family group" that isn't as fun, but again safer, cheaper, and greener" (p. 155)(WhatsApp is cooler, greener than family and family gatherings)

📝 "[Robots] save nurses three hours a day" (p. 159) (vaccinated people will also have to be fired, dance on.)

📝 "just as the terrorist attacks of September 11 caused greater and constant security in the name of public safety" (p. 168) (Sounds like a confession. So that's what the attacks were for. Okay, thank you for letting us know the old man...) 

📝 "It's not going to happen because it can't happen" (p. 173) (the old man in Darth Vader's costume talks about industry leaders who may want to go back to the old way of doing business and doing business) 

📝 "It is likely that markets or consumers, or both, will punish those companies that have not handled social issues well (p. 188).

📝 "Simple pleasures such as sniffing a melon or squeezing a fruit will be condemned and may even be a thing of the past" (about meat, Friends, probably many already know that it will become a luxury)

📝 " if we, as humans, do not cooperate to confront our existential challenges, we are doomed. Thus, we have no choice but to call upon the best angels of our nature" (p. 217). 

In other cases, the old man speaks of man as a "social animal" demonstrating the Darwinian way of thinking, but here it sounds quite religious. 

Typical mental disorder, unrelated speech, contradiction to their own postulates of utopian thought. None of the professionals of the world is the genius of evil Klaus Schwab his own in the Kremlin pen of diamond balaboloks and slackers.

By the way, with his delirium, the old man resembles exactly the same ridiculous shuffling of Putin in the economy and politics. These two are standing there and they have clearly found each other and we can clearly see it.

Klaus: "If in the future we abandon the position of self-interest that pollutes so many of our social interactions, [ ... ]" (p. 224), (this has not happened in the last thousand years, why did this barely jaw-moving potz decide that this would happen right now, with his remaining small piece of life, which can be considered an error, given his age? The author of the terrorist masterpiece is not familiar with psychology and knows nothing about the character of human beings, and indeed in his knowledge of the World and its structure in the broadest sense of the word. The world is already rushing into the abyss at the end of the second year from This unprecedented social experiment of lies, and if you let them continue, the world will not get out from under this old man and his henchmen, who pressed the World with their covid scam to the edge of the abyss. 

After clarifying the devastating psychological consequences of isolation and fear due to isolation, high suicide rates, depression, mental disorders, this evil clown dares to see something positive in it:

"What the pandemic has achieved in terms of mental health [...] raised public awareness of the seriousness of the problem. [...] In the post-pandemic region, these issues can now be given the priority they deserve" (apparently, Rockefeller/Rothschild proposes to resume the institution of forced psychiatry that existed in the USSR)

What a great consolation for all the mentally ill, but the author gives us even more reasons to "cheer up": He writes that "in times of high pressure and need, a lot of good world literature was written, because such times are so inspiring." (No kidding, see page 234, for the sake of the new and good books that this unicorn is going to burn sooner or later, because, according to Orwell, the books are evil, covid was worth it to be) 

Subsequently, Rothschild reminds us of how good it is to have more time now, as many of us are unemployed or work in a home office (p. 236), and how some of us can learn to appreciate being in nature. 

He then touts a minimalist lifestyle (Marie Kondo style), which is likely to soon become not a free choice of some people, but a mandatory adaptation. 

Stirring books and vicious views, they are murky and illogical, instead of living in a "dark future of technototalitarian state surveillance" (p. 170), we will all enter a "new era of prosperity" (p. 249)

One in all seriousness writes, the second in all seriousness opens an office in Moscow and looks this psyche in the mouth. It is bitter to see who controls the world processes, at the same time it is gratifying to know, the World has become more open than it has never been, and people with a clear conscience, an unclouded consciousness, a broad Soul and the right attitude will not be difficult to lighten up this Nazi evil spirits and pull everyone out to one of the offices for the court. And how quickly a fair investigation of what happened depends only on us, Friends, and on the goals that we set for ourselves for the future of the World! 

Sbertop Andrey Kurpatov introduces boss German Gref to a young lover Alexei Ievsky. The guy is 21 years younger than Daddy.

The bald mission hung in a state of weightlessness between 80-90, it is Klaus Schwab's decrepit chomping on a French galosh and his long-suffering Nazi idea of ​​childhood and adolescence, set to the music of Putin, became known as "The Great Restart" with an office in Moscow in the form of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The paradox of this nonsense is three, that since 1917 time in Russia seems to have stopped. This country missed the general world civilization market and development by making no revolutions at all in the evolution of growth. Apparently, the people in the Kremlin, having peeled off coke, decided to immediately go to stage 4, bypassing the previous 3 industrial revolutions. Reading this nonsense below, we cannot refrain from two opposite feelings at once - laughter and tears in half. We propose to share this fun and sorrow with us at the same time.

 To understand the way of thinking of the insane Nazi communist perverts-globalists, who decided in their narrow quarters to proclaim themselves not less than gods prophets and the mission of mankind, our tale is now.

 Klaus's Red Book is good proof that these people live in a soap bubble, having lost all connection with reality and people:

 1) The free market is responsible for all evil, we need stronger governments, preferably the same "democratic" as in China. The book is full of praise for the Chinese way of life.

 Several quotes from the book:

 "[The situation could trigger changes such as] an increased search for the common good as a political goal, the notion of justice gaining political power, radical measures of social security and taxation, [...]" (p. 18)

 "Confucianism, prevalent in many Asian countries, places a sense of duty and solidarity between generations above individual rights; it also attaches great importance to measures and rules that benefit society as a whole."

 "The Covid-19 pandemic has made government important again. Not just powerful again, but vital again [...]" (p. 89, Author quoted by John Micklethwaite, British journalist, editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News, Trustee of the British Museum)

 "Acute crises add to the power of the state. It has always been this way, and there is no reason why it should be any different with the Covid-19 pandemic." (p. 89)

 “[...] the role of the state has been significantly reduced. This is a situation that must change, because it is difficult to imagine how an exogenous shock of such magnitude [...] can be eliminated by purely market solutions” (p. 91)

 "On a dial that measures the continuum between government and markets, the needle has moved decisively to the left."

 “This is the first time [...] governments have gained the upper hand. [...] Instead of just fixing market failures when they occur, they should, as the economist Mariana Mazzukato suggests,“ move towards actively shaping and creating markets that provide sustainable and inclusive growth. "

 "A significant element of the new" larger "government (World Government, its outlines, author's note) already exists thanks to significantly increased and almost immediate state control over the economy" (p. 92).)

 “Looking into the future, governments will most likely [...] decide that it is in the public interest to rewrite some of the rules of the game and constantly increase their role (to turn their countries into dictatorships, author's note)” (p. 93).

 "the role of the state will grow and at the same time significantly influence the way business is conducted. [...] business leaders in all industries and in all countries will have to adapt to greater government intervention. [...] Taxes will increase, especially for the most privileged "(p. 94)

 "Whereas in the past the United States was always the first to arrive with aid where it was needed, now China has that role." (P. 123)

 2) Being nothing more than a visual example of a moral-moral-mental pervert, Schwab is imbued with love for the concept of mass surveillance and writes:

 "Containing the coronavirus pandemic will require a global surveillance network" (p. 33)

 “We will see contact tracing as having incomparable potential and quasi-essential place in the arsenal needed to combat Covid-19, while at the same time being positioned as a mass surveillance tool” (p. 153).)

 "An important lesson can be learned from the experiences of countries that have proven to be more effective in tackling the pandemic (China in particular): technology in general and digital technology in particular is helping. Successful contact tracing has proven to be a key component of a successful Covid-19 strategy." (p. 159)

 "Therefore contact tracing and surveillance are critical components of our public health response to Covid-19" (p. 160)

 “China, Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea have implemented coercive and intrusive digital tracking measures. They have decided to track people without their consent, using their cell phones and credit cards, and even used video surveillance. countries) "(p. 160)

 "The most praised and talked about digital tracking solution was TraceTogether, operated by the Singapore Ministry of Health. It seems to offer the 'perfect' balance between efficiency and privacy considerations [...]" (p. 160 )

 "No amount of voluntary contact tracing will work if people are reluctant to share their personal information with a government agency that monitors the system" (p. 164)

 "[...] we will corporately move towards stricter oversight; we will observe and sometimes record what their workforce is doing." (p. 165)

 "[...] any digital experience we have can be turned into a 'product' to monitor and [...] our behavior can be predicted." (p. 166)

 "Then, when the crisis is over, some may realize that their country has suddenly become a place where they no longer want to live."

 Even after mentioning all the dangers of constant surveillance, the old man concludes that surveillance will always be, "the genie of technical surveillance will not be put back in the bottle" and he really believes that "dystopian scenarios are not fatal."

 How we can avoid this dystopia he does not explain, but that does not seem to be the purpose of his writing. In any case, it is rather a praise for mass surveillance, snitching, atomization of society, and so on.

 At the same time, the author acknowledges that "the health and mortality consequences of Covid-19 will be mild compared to previous pandemics:" At the end of June 2020, Covid-19 killed less than 0.006% of the world's population "(p. 247) and" the average age of those who die from Covid-19 is almost 80 years "(p. 221), but this does not change Schwab's opinion, and he will continue to advocate total mass surveillance of the plebs and the need for blocking.

 Bald uses surprisingly positive language during his local history analysis of the situation:

 "The possibilities for change and the resulting New [World] Order are now limitless and limited only by our imaginations" and "we must seize this unprecedented opportunity to rethink our world" (p.)

 He uses phrases such as “not letting the crisis go to waste” (p. 145 and / or p. 142) and “making good use of the pandemic” (p. 145).

 The impression from the reading of this perky young man is such that the guy and the author of the masterpiece is very pleased with the hell arranged by the coronavirus and its induced capabilities. Between the lines, one can easily guess the great happiness of the surging feelings in the heart of Klaus, and he certainly praises his brainchild.

 He also says the crisis "is accelerating progress towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals" (p. 248).

 And his comments on unemployment, work and poverty are adorable. On one page, he praises the new jobs created by the crisis in the digital / online / robotics industry, but on other pages, he also sees the danger that millions of people will be out of work. We have been talking openly for a long time and will say it again, this guy, this young man, this author is a real schizophrenic, and his warning about danger sounds like a real advertisement for danger, and it looks something like this: "it's good that the ship is sinking, because we will create workers places where the sunken ship will have to be lifted out of the water. "

 Throughout the book, he paranoid continues to talk about the "social safety nets" needed to prevent the turmoil and chaos of the unemployment that would result from blockages.

 The main message of the book is that we need global governance to be better prepared for such situations in the future. Virus, CO2 problem, climate change, etc. can be solved, in his opinion, only with global leadership. First, the very climate agenda in the mouths of these people is the greatest lie. Secondly, everything is ridiculous, stupid and practically unattainable. What is this obstruction and how could a world government change the spread of covid that no scientist and no laboratory in the world could identify? More surveillance and more blocking? How will this reduce CO2 emissions, which also disappear into the stratosphere? Banning industries and supplying 80% of the world's population in a pose of cancer crawling on their knees in search of food, de facto old man sees people kicked out into the street? How will this reduce climate change?

 In the place where neo Marx writes about the virus and blockages and the fact that they ruined "the whole world", he completely forgot to mention that they were arranged intentionally, or because of stupidity and ignorance, and some countries did not have blockages at all. Many of his theses can be debunked simply by looking at Sweden, Tanzania, Madagascar and some other countries. Not surprisingly, the author never mentions any of these countries in the entire book. On page 45, he talks about two studies that “simulated what could have happened without blocking,” instead of just looking at a real-life example from Sweden.

 Schwab often speaks of "clean energy" (eg, p. 145) and explicitly condemns fossil fuels while wanting a future full of (electrical) sensors and "remote devices", surveillance cameras, etc. that need power. He does not explain anywhere where this energy should come from. There is an evolutionary development of scientific and technological progress. All normal changes in our life come in an evolutionary way. The old is being replaced by the new, and this is quite natural and understandable from all points of view. Why suddenly a certain group of people just now decided to carry out violent experiments, breaking entire countries, branches of the economy, breaking living lives of people for the sake of mythical delusions of their personal horizons, a very primitive vision of solar power and wind power?

 Unfortunately, these technologies cannot yet replace traditional energy sources. They are not entirely efficient and unstable energy sources. Nuclear energy and coal, most likely, are also not appreciated by the author. What is left at the exit? Maybe Schwab knows something that industrial engineers don't know.

 and other industry business professionals? A fan of electrical devices should know how batteries are made before writing their ravings of a crazy old man and how much damage to the environment is caused by their production cycle. Here is another "environmental" quote: "a group of green activists could hold a demonstration in front of a coal power plant" (p. 149)

 The old man is so confused in his vision of the future of the economy and large numbers of science that he makes a huge mass of stupid assumptions in this book of his. Especially in those vicious places where it comes to human, social behavior. Some of them are especially entertaining:

 "Because consumers may prefer automated services over direct interaction [...]" (p. 55)

 "changing course will require a change in the mindset of world leaders to place greater emphasis and priority on the well-being of all citizens and the planet" (p. 58)

 "The idea [of helicopter money] is attractive and feasible" (p. 68)

 "[Central banks] will have to define an upper limit at which inflation becomes a devastating and real problem" (p. 69)

 “The post-pandemic era will mark a period of massive redistribution of wealth from rich to poor and from capital to labor” (p. 78).

 "In America, as in many other countries, African Americans are poorer and more likely to be unemployed or underemployed and victims of poor housing and living conditions. As a result, they suffer more from pre-existing conditions such as obesity, heart disease or diabetes." page 80) (Here the old man gets confused again. In fact, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes are mostly caused by overeating, poor diet or unhealthy lifestyles, not social inequalities.)

 “the three things that matter most to the vast majority of us: housing, health care, and education” (p. 96) What about family, friends, peace, and the like?

 "calls for more spending (and therefore higher taxes) will continue to grow louder" (p. 99)

 "A growing number of scientists are proving that it is the destruction of biodiversity caused by humans that is the source of new viruses such as Covid-19" (p. 138) (of course, this has nothing to do with the Wuhan laboratory, where Soros invested ...)

 Not only that Klaus, in fact, with this book, after writing and publishing which it is difficult to consider him as an integral, sober, adequate person, signed his insanity, the book also has problems with the printing itself. The font is of very poor quality (you can easily see the letter-pixel resolution, making it difficult to read). There is an image on page 24 that should be in color because the text below it says that some elements are represented in red, green, purple, etc., but the image is black and white, which makes its description completely useless. The other figure on page 199 is also difficult to read due to the poor print resolution. It doesn't look that unprofessional, it looks cheap and gibberish.

 The book and everyone who touched this evil ignorance, as well as at a certain stage filmed videos and circulated videos to advertise this reboot, is a valuable witness to the modern utopian madness and complete professional degradation of a part of the national authorities and financial elite groups echoing this madness of a sick old man who organized a club Marxist sexual perverts with the implementation of Nazi ideas in the most direct and literal sense.

       Daddy's Blessing 

😈 6️⃣ uild 6️⃣ ack 6️⃣ etter

The Pope called Mark Benioff and the main usurers of the Planet, the CEOs of Mastercard, Visa, BofA, Allianz, CalPERS, Merck, JNJ and BP "Guardians of Inclusive Capitalism" under the leadership of epstein's famous friend and the Bilderberg Club Lynn Forester de Rothschild.

The Pope blesses the Business Plan of the new initiative, which, in fact, will unite the Vatican and the CIA.

Former State Duma deputy, opera singer Maria Maksakova filed an application to the Minister of Internal Affairs Kolokoltsev to bring her former civil husband, thief in law Tyurik (Vladimir Tyurin) to criminal liability under Article 210.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (occupying the highest position in the criminal hierarchy).

On such a steep step Maksakov pushed the fear of physical violence because of the apartment in the house opposite the building of the Government of Russia, worth more than 150 million rubles, which claims Tyurik.

Recently, he filed a lawsuit in the Presnensky court, demanding that the singer give the property to their common children, and federal judge Artem Kuzmichev imposed interim measures on her, which is very atypical for the courts, in principle. 

The judge's bias can be evidenced by the fact that the thief in law parked in his car on the territory of the court, and after the meeting the bailiffs covered him from the press.

The leader of United Russia Andrei Turchak accepted the bribe of the thief in law. Mafioso paid for the deputyship of his mistress, singer Yulia Volkova from the group t.A.T.u. Turchak puts himself as Orthodox. He goes to Mount Athos, prays in Insta. And Edroska Volkova is an apostor. She became a Muslim when she lived with criminal billionaire Parviz Yasinov. From Yulin's interview: "I accepted Islam because I felt that it was closer to me. The world has opened up to me in a new way." Christian Turchak does not warp ? Or did he also discover Islam?

Entry into the Russian State Duma from the United Russia singer Yulia Volkova could pay for her man. This is the thief in law George Zarandia aka Dia Galsky. Julia lived with him, but with a US resident. In response, George broke the soloist t.A.T.u. jaw. Recently, Volkova realized the mistake. Edroska abortiond, killed an American child. Duma places EdRa for sing mistresses - a popular thieves' gift. The lawyer Tyurik gave a bribe to take the mother of his children to the parliament - singer Maria Maksakov. Deputy Masha explained the choice of the faction by thieves: "United Russia is the only real political force of society."

Yulia Volkova thanks the thief in law Sia Galsky for the purchase of the deputy mandate. The sponsor of United Russia Georgy Zarandia is the lover of the singer, relatives of the thief Beso. He controlled badgers and burglaries. He lived on fake passports. Detentions 2003, 2012, 2014, 2016. Being tried and expelled from the Russian Federation, he brought a couple of lyamas $ to Andrei Turchak. Now the thieves' heifer will be in parliament.

Meet Dina Nizamutdinova, former PR head of the state concern KRET Nikolai Kolesov. Dina and Nikolai personally killed hundreds of people defective ventilators Aventa. And it all began when Kolesov's grandfather took his aunt out of Kazan and began to ride five Maybachs on Rublevka. Not far from the palace of the chinushi Nicholas in Discord, Dina's iPhone was cut for a piece of $. The reaction of the cops is instantaneous:

"10.03.12 at 19:40 nizamutdinova Dina Maratovna appealed. Unknown in the shopping center Europark (Rublevskoe highway, 62) from the pocket of her vest secretly stole a cell phone "Ai-fon" and fled. Damage 32000 rubles. 10.03.12 at 19.45 employees of 13 otd 3 ORCH CID GU MVD in Moscow together with the UR OMVD, at the house 62 on the Rublevskoye highway detained Karabanenko Raksana Valerievna, 1989, liquefies Ryazan street Rechnaya 2#. The stolen goods were seized. WOOD No. 82138 under Article 158 Part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Detained, not previously convicted. Investigator Novikov."

Back in June 2020, Rostec and its state concern KRET planned to spend 8 billion rubles on Aventa M ventilators. Aventa is iron. Because of which several hospitals burned down in Russia. "Avent" was banned by another bloodthirsty degenerate Dhoni, who managed to get a gift from Vova's friend - this is a ventilator from Moscow. Well, what a dumb blot they are. And on the photo the car of the director of KRET Nikolai Kolesov. Beautiful number of the car - E777KE77. This is a fit for Kolesova from a friend of Alik Gold (here is Bentley Gold with the same number). Once Alik was not allowed into the club Soho Rooms. After that, the director of the institution, Dmitry Braude, was beaten. The injured person told the police: the attempt was ordered by "a mountain Jew Alik Gold, who considers himself very cool" and working with a Chechen gang. In addition to the E777KE77, Kolesov also has a beautiful phone 9852272727 in the traffic police database. Fashen as a lifestyle. Telegram is installed on the phone. So, every reader can send a dick and write to Kolesov saying that with a drink on a false coronavirus, he is clearly wrong.

Large list of budget laundries 

In addition to his sons, Rostec bought a maybach to a girl Dasha. Blatnoy A332MR77, with him went two more Rostec Maybach. The new s560 is owned by Radiopriobsnab LLC. 0.2% in LLC from the young headmistress Daria Khorkina. The rest of Rostec, through its daughter JSC Radiopriobsnab. Sharagoy was run by veteran Edra, top of Rostec Semyon Levy. Dasha is his personal slave. Was. Levi' 65-year-old owner has died in covid. The legitimate daughter of Katya Levy, the same age as Dasha, rostoshka managed to give a collection of Porsche. Country houses. Hotels. Apartment in the complex Golden Keys. Neighbors status - Medvedev and "Putin's pussy". The head of the deceased on the Rostec concern KRET Nikolai Kolesov posted a huge obituary on Levi. He called Semyon a friend, a like-minded person. Kolesov has half a hundred Maybachs. Nicholas beat the office to the ceiling with gold. His patron Sergei Chemezov stole the doha of green $ yards. Another couple of years of state work will become the richest in the Russian Federation.

About Maybach 18-year-old son of The Director of Rostec Sergey Chemezov. Model Maybach S 560 4Matic. The sister of the "breaking stereotypes" child has two bentleys and a five-hundredth gelding. For example, Bentley Mulsanne extended Wheelbase E390OT799. Chemezov-father forces people to pay for miscarriages of his Avtovaz. And the money received is spent on the elite German-British automotive industry. The economic arrow doesn't turn.

With the number A332MR77 rolled three Maybach state managers of Rostec. Models: s560, 62, s500. Some were bought by the state corporation and its KRET concern. Others - families of Rostecov. Let's leave the tops of those who stole, they said. Such steals will be less, they said.

The manager (not the main one!) of the state corporation Rostec Nikolai Kolesov has a lot of Maybachs. Nicholas gained fame when he ordered himself to repair the office. The budget was supposed to fall off $ 4 million on it. The amount included: stucco for $ 75 thousand with the requirement to cover everything with gold leaf (blya). Parquet for 112 thousand $. 36 inlaid Retro radiators for 56 thousand $. Curtains for 75 thousand $. Kolesov's mahogany table pulled for 130 thousand €. More personal elevator, jacuzzi. And a whole fountain. In short, in the Gypsy lore, paradise looks like this. Numbers of Maybachs and Gelikov of Nikolay: К77АЕ777, Т777РК777, Р003МК16, Е565ОА777 and E777KE77. The latter is a gift from Kolesov's friend, the near-Chechen bandit Alik Gold. UPD And more Maybach.

This is the daughter of Nikolai Kolesov from Rostec. She officially owns 27 apartments. Anastasia Kolesova is a deputy from "EdRa". Everything is herself, girl, everything is herself.

The project in the story about the palaces of Kadyrov with the guys who "use machines when solving problems and go unpunished," mentioned Alik Gold. Here it is on the right. This is a secular mafia, tried to kill the director of the club Soho Rooms, shot his driver. Gold presented a beautiful number E777KE77 with Bentley to his friend, the director of the state concern KRET Nikolai Kolesov. And he, being the main bearer of Rostec's state secrets, now rides on it. The Russian state mafia manner and kich to travel around Moscow on funeral hearses.  Here Senator Valery Ponomarev has Ferrari, Gelik, Cayenne and in Moscow alone - three Bentleys. Here on one of these hearses with the amazing number O100OO99 Valera goes to do real things "United Russia", the party of real affairs.

And the English daughter of the richest senator Valery Ponomarev is an aunt from a huge palace in Marbella, which the Spaniards confuse with the very dacha of Putin. In Russia, the British Zoya Ponomareva produces numbers. With their father, they steam them to the state at an unconscionable inflated price. So the family fucked up the country earned about 10 billion rubles only on state contracts. Between Kamchatka and departure to the UK, Zoya landed in Moscow on Dmitry Ulyanov Street, 32, apartment 4#. Kamchatka deputy Vasily Polukarov lives there. My grandfather is 70 years old, sewn regional edros. And in the garage there are two bentleys, helics and other hell of an urbanist.

Since then, there have been even more assistants on Maybach in the KRET concern of the state corporation Rostec.

Mercenaries, "athletes" and friends of Putin. Secrets of the clinic "Sogaz"

U.S. Radio opened a clinic where Putin's friend Yuri Kovalchuk tested prostitutes before sending them to large clients. Valentina Matvienko, generals of the FSO, Putin's neighbors were also treated there. Secrets of VIPs the clinic wrote to the database that leaked to the Americans. The most mysterious VIP from the base is Leonid Stepanov, a top-secret FSB. It's in my kidnapping file. Leonid is married to an elite psychiatrist Olga Stepanova. She helps grandfathers with panic attacks. For the reception takes a modest 5 tyshch. If you are in trouble with the tower - go to Olga. The daughter of the FSB is named Julia Shavel. Instagram star, puts in Moscow events. Here is a photo of Stepanova-Shavel. My aunt's husband works for Kovalchuk in the Bank of Russia.

In the FSB, I often see majors with iPhones that merge themselves into the Internet. But Leonid Stepanov from the scandal with the testing of Kremlin whores for HIV is not like that. In addition to the story of the abductions, Stepanov in the bases and leaks is almost there. Leonid was merged into the Americans by FSB General Viktor Komogorov. He runs the Otdushin Sports Club. Members of the club from the FSB officers are posted on the Internet. For the convenience of the CIA and colleagues - with full dates of birth. In the list of birthdays Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, Komogorov himself and Stepanov. Grandfather Nicholas was spanked by a collage for his 70th anniversary - what a beautiful outlet. Komogorov and Patrushev adore the anthem "An outlet is our high honor, a man's faithful friendship beginning." The motto of the FSBshnikov club: "The main victory is victory over yourself." I feel sorry for Leonid Stepanov. Man has conquered himself. I made a brain and effort - left no trace. But the bosses fell for him.

Alpatov from the FSB, Antonov from Timoshkino

The acting head of the Economic Security Service, Sergei Alpatov, is one of the most secretive people in the entire FSB. On the Internet, you can not find any of his photos or details of his biography: he seemed to have immediately appeared in the FSB's Own Security Department as the head of one of the services, and then - already in the rank of general - headed the Department "M" and engaged in high-profile cases (for example, the case of billionaire colonel Zakharchenko). 

But, if you search well, you can still find something. For example, the Dossier Center found a chic mansion (or rather even three) on the Novorizhskoye highway belonging to the general's family. On the set from the drone in our new investigation, you can see the houses and landscape design in all its glory. And inside for the fighter against corruption could equip a whole entertainment basement with a cinema, billiards and hammam.

Despite all this, the interlocutors of the "Dossier" call Alpatov a decent person, especially, as several of them said at once, "against the background of Ivan Tkachev." One can only hope that the new position and the accompanying opportunities will not turn Sergei Sergeyevich into Ivan Ivanovich.

OlegIn 1795, Russia, Austria and Prussia made the Third, final, partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: Courland and Semigalia with Mitava and Libava (modern Southern Latvia), Lithuania with Vilna and Grodno, the western part of Black Russia, Western Polesie with Brest and Western Volhynia with Lutsk went to Russia; to Prussia - the main part of Podlyasia and Masovia with Warsaw; to Austria - Southern Masovia, Southern Podliace and the northern part of Lesser Poland with Krakow and Lublin (Western Galicia). Stanisław August Poniatowski abdicated. The statehood of Poland was lost, its lands until 1918 were part of Prussia, Austria and Russia.

Recommendation: real estate to sell and buy desert land near water bodies, transferring to the trust management of the company Tribule. Red flag 🚩 sell everything as quickly as possible Girls and Boys, sell everything, buy vacant lots and transfer to our professional management. 

Lou, as I promised you earlier last weekend to finish the bottle and label, I'm done. The general concept agreed with the Pope, I just now flew from him to You dear 🥰. There will be two labels: one face with you, the second on the back of the bottle with brief information about the vineyard, cultivated grape varieties, a scheme of the method of production and the composition of the wine product 🍷. The inscription on the bottles is punched with a stamp when blowing out the bottle, by squeezing letters with floral paint glowing in the dark inside the glass. Everyone makes convex, and we will be the original Kid in this, we will put them into the glass these your letters. Also I came up with a completely new marketing ploy girl and it is definitely a very expensive platinum bottle series for vip alcoholics. We have accumulated for life a lot of gold and diamonds dear, You know it yourself and suffer sweet. Remember, a month or two ago you told me that there is too much and you do not know where to store it all with more expensive meters of property maintenance. So native, Know-how involves grinding your jewelry from gold, silver, emeralds and diamonds to the state of powder for spraying different objects. It's just cute and not expensive at all. We'll need a small hand-forging press and a sledgehammer with one good blacksmith. He will do this noble deed of grinding your jewelry 💎 dust and spray bottles and possibly some other products on the inscription. I calculated Lou's economy, we're kind of going to sell all your gold reserves 1:16 in the moment of even 1:26. Agree, Sweetie, it's a great business. I am sure things will go very well and we will still open a purchase for the starving hunger strikers of Golivuda. Now do not thank, I will soon 🔜 will be with you and I want to personally bathe in your emotions of gratitude for such a wise solution to your golden question burdening you with sweet daily indementing pain migraine 🤕 

Dovnadtsat Stulyev is a novel by Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, written in 1927 and is the first joint work of the co-authors. In 1928 he was published in the art and literary magazine "Thirty Days" (Nos. 1-7); in the same year he was published as a separate book. The plot is based on the search for diamonds hidden in one of the twelve chairs of Madame Petukhova, but the story told in the work is not limited to the framework of the adventure genre: it still gives a mirror and global image of the era of fools.

              Morons Blya

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