U.S. Communism 2021 

 U.S. Communism 2021 

Elite Degenerates 21 .

What is needed to take over the world and establish NWO by a narrow group of criminals? Not so much needed. All this has already passed 30% of the way, about 70% remains. 

To plant communist terrorists in international institutions has been carried out for many decades and especially in recent years. 

Their UN priorities 🇺🇳, UN committees with mayors of the world's national cities, WHO, the International Bank 🏦 (they need strong funding for the seizure of the nation-states of the world and money to conduct an with epidemics until 2028). Perhaps it is still officials of the OSCE, the Council of Europe, de facto buy deputies separately and in a package of factions, buy judges, varnish this purchase and action with bribery for the military support of NATO generals, the central apparatus of NATO headed by the socialist and KGB agent Jan Stoltenberg, throughout the special operation 2020~ 2028 actively pour into the national elites unaccounted money 💰 through assistance and programs. finally criminalize national governments, deputies and entire parliaments, the national police, army generals, doctors and other national structures. The whole method is built on bribery and blackmail with real physical threats to the individual and seventy. 90% accepts the rules of the game, take bribes on the stream, every month, this is the second salary. These rentals involve a total gross violation of national Constitutions and international laws. Thus, the administrative apparatus of nation-states becomes state criminals quite easily controlled by bribery and blackmail. Local criminal elites terrorize their territories and national states with epidemics for another 5-7 years mirror in all countries, thus finally demoralizing the power structures of states and its business, population, de facto these actions destroy national economies, transport, logistics, agriculture, business is ruined except for Mega concerns, national institutions come to complete paralysis of power and are de facto a single structure and corporation of the mafia. and in 2025-2030, the UN 🇺🇳 announce the New World Map and the New World Order. All. 

And if 90% of the current US establishment sitting in the white house and the Capitol is already under complete control and are mentally defective degenerates perverts, then your task of capturing the US and the world is greatly simplified.

🔊 the NWO (New World Order) Project, by the un. 


JULY 4, 2025

1. Countries will be RENAMED and NUMBERED 

2. Those WHO resist the orders established by the UN will be allowed to SHOOT at any time of the day. 

3. CHILDREN who have reached the age of 5 will be TAKEN FROM FAMILIES to schools. PARENTS will be allowed to see them EVERY SIX MONTHS, for a period of 3 DAYS.

4 Judicial and enforcement power will be eliminated. 

5. On July 5, 2025, you will begin TO REPAINT SHIPS, AIRCRAFT, VEHICLES into BLUE ("blue") UN COLORS. 

6. ... 

7. ... 

Diary of Ashley Blazer Biden (alleged). Full version. A poor girl who was unlucky with her families! Judging by the description, she was raped by several relatives including the President of the United States. Horror!













You're complicating things too much. Stop making yourself very smart and important. All criminals are clear and they are ordinary individuals and are subject to arrest. The only difference is that the arrest of 🚔 should be carried out by military units by conducting a large-scale military special operation, with all the ensuing consequences!!

Neither the U.S. nor Europe are democracies for a long time. Leaders and parliamentarians are state criminals subject to immediate arrest. The functions of the Office of the State are temporarily taken by the Military Committee of National Salvation from honest generals and civilians of the United States and Europe. All. 

The crisis must be solved in this way.

In The Fourth Industrial Revolution (2016), neo Marx Klaus wrote with satisfaction that people voluntarily give up their archaic habits born of the prevailing notion of private property. Like, only the one who is the owner can use the object (thing), and this is wrong. In the age of digitalization, it becomes possible to increase the "coefficient of useful use" of the object, the thing can be transferred for use to other people. Enclaves of the so-called sharing economy, sometimes also called the on-demand economy, have sprung up in a number of countries.

Let us not dwell now on this confused delirium of an old man who has survived from the mind, who consciously mixes the concepts of property and use. The sharing economy today is no longer exotic in other countries. One way or another, this is related to the digital economy. 

On the website of the World Economic Forum, the mountain ski resort of Davos, /sharing economy/ is actively promoted. Ida Auken from Denmark, another environmental activist from the George Soros net, the eldest mentor of the girl Greta, as well as part-time Minister of the Environment in 2011-2014 proposed a model for creating a world without privacy (and private property) by 2030: shopping and ownership will become obsolete, everything that was once a product will now become a "service". People will have free access to transportation, housing, food "and everything we need in our daily lives." As these things become free, "ultimately it doesn't make sense for us to own much." There will be no private property in the houses, and no one will pay rent, "because someone else uses our free space when we don't need it"... And who will pay taxes and replenish national budgets? 

This is pure war communism, about which Marx and Engels wrote, or "brave new world" according to Aldous Huxley. 

A Swiss professor of virology and meat specialist believes that the "sharing" model can be applied to the production sector. Like you can do business, create new value, without having tangible assets (property). 

Like, you can carry out entrepreneurial activities by renting all the necessary means of production, and leave behind the digital management of factors of production and the sale of the finished product: "The economy on demand raises a fundamental question: what is more valuable - owning a platform or an underlying asset?"

Ok. Some owners will be "freed" from private ownership of "basic assets" (in Marx's language – will be expropriated) and will focus exclusively on the digital side of their activities. However, beyond the scope of Klaus's reasoning, the question remains: in whose ownership will these very basic assets be, who will dispose of them? Or does Klaus expect that the issue can be obscured so much that it won't arise at all?

However, the casket opened simply: the bulk of all property ("underlying assets") should be concentrated in the hands of a very narrow group of people: "According to data presented in the Credit Suisse report "Wealth in the World in 2015", half of all assets around the world are currently controlled by only 1% of the richest representatives of mankind, while "the lowest income half of the world's population collectively owns less than one percent of the world's wealth." In the hands of this percentage, the concentration of the property that is still in the hands of other people and the state will take place.

In Covid 19: The Great Reset, Klaus touches on the question of ownership forms under "inclusive capitalism" with only a slight touch of a pen: "The world will no longer be the same, capitalism will take a different form, we will have completely new types of property, in addition to private and public. The largest multinational companies will take on more social responsibility, they will participate more actively in public life and bear responsibility for the common good." In general, such promises are called fairy tales.

And although Klaus says that "inclusive capitalism" is the capitalism of all stakeholders, with knowledge it is perfectly clear: in the hands of a few will be TNCs remaining in the world after the communist lawlessness with a false epidemic, which is part of the plan for the "great reset", and everything will be like the Communists in a narrow circle of property managers - industrial capacities, economic infrastructure facilities, land, natural resources. This is the expropriation of the remnants of the property of individuals and small medium-sized businesses, while all this is in the hands of individuals. Depriving citizens of the last crumbs of property (housing, land, vehicles, etc.) will ensure that they lose the remnants of economic and social independence. The same applies to the ownership (underlying assets) of small and medium-sized businesses.

A "pandemic" and a man-made lockdown were planned.

Klaus Schwab is so about it - contribute to the "great reset": small and medium-sized businesses go bankrupt, its property (assets) passes to the largest corporations and banks. This is the so-called cleansing of the economy.

"Sweeping" is also taking place in the household sector. By the way, the American so-called Democrats, who surrounded old Man Joe from all sides, offer the following from different angles: most American households have accumulated huge debts to the state and it is necessary to forgive them their debts, but at the same time they must part with their property and start life "from scratch" sowing on a guaranteed income from the US budget 🇺🇸. That's when we will heal the hearse honks, that's when the "new life" should begin. Where should it start – on the bench in the park, in the shelter, the COVID camp FEMA, or prison? Aunts and uncles are not standing around the grandfather do not specify.

Plus, they plan to get into the camp of the rich at night and raise the tax, as well as gradually eliminate state property and transfer it to the hands of the "global elite" and the territory of the United States 🇺🇸 under the jurisdiction of the UN mechanic 🇺🇳 Guterres. In a 2018 interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, The Rape of Russia: Could it happen here? (Rape of Russia: is it possible here?). Yes, it is already raping the U.S. population. Exactly the same robbery, or "rape" we are now seeing in America.

The result? Let's try to think and tell for Klaus. The owners and owners of all the means of production in the world will be the largest corporations. 

They can no longer be called "transnational", because there will be no nation-states and national borders. Tangible assets related to consumption will become the property of a narrow group. I recall a phrase from George Orwell's novel "1984": "The so-called "liquidation of private property", which took place in the middle of the century, actually meant the concentration of property in the hands of a narrower circle of people."

And in conclusion, why Klaus Schwab still does not reach Karl Marx. For the last relative of Rothschild, the rejection of private property implied the "expropriation of the expropriators" by the dictatorship of the proletariat. 

In the young novice Professor Klaus, modern expropriators (the largest TNCs) complete the expropriation of the remains of the property of citizens, small and medium-sized businesses, the state by the dictatorship of the "global elite". Bankrupt in all respects, the criminal elite staged a cascade of national coups d'état with a multi-vector cascade of national and international state criminal offenses of Mega scale. 

It is clear why the US Congress is silent. They got their envelopes and sit quietly. And the responsibility for the decisions of two idiots Dhoni and Joe lies fully with each individual. We have a collection of Democratic and Republican degenerates in one building under the dome and its name is the most expensive circus in the world 🎪 on Capitol Hill. 

The basic law of the United States states that no money can be withdrawn from the treasury in circumvention of the decision of Congress. Since 1921, when the Budget Act was passed, each president of the United States sends a document within a year with the estimated income and expenses for the next year. A distinctive feature of the American budget is the so-called cash principle. That is, income and expenses are reduced on the basis of actual transactions between the supplier and the recipient. Federal agencies cannot spend money unless specifically authorized to do so by the relevant appropriations commission. These aunts and uncles used the Natural Disasters and Emergencies Act without good reason, which is how Congress gave the right to emergency use of the potion by opening Pandora's box. 

This is their 100% fault of making an emergency decision to allocate funds for the elimination of the consequences (state commercial injection of an unknown liquid from an unknown disease). Military operations and the financing of foreign contingents of troops are also financed by special solutions. Who will pay for the loss of equipment in Afghanistan not during combat use, but with a careless attitude to their official duties of two degenerates of the sample 2016-2021? 

In 2017, the expenditure part of the US budget in figures was $ 4 trillion, and the revenue part is only $ 3.3 trillion. Compared to the previous year, the expenditure part of the budget increased by $ 128 billion. The bulk of spending went to health care (1 trillion 77 billion), social security (939 billion), and non-defense government spending (610 billion or 15% of the total budget). 

In 2017, revenue grew by 1.5% compared to fiscal 2010, that is, by $ 48 billion. The main source of revenue for the federal government is the individual income tax, which brings more than $ 1.587 billion to the treasury, which is about 48% of the total budget. Another 35% or 1.162 trillion comes from Social Security revenues. Corporate taxes account for only 9% of the budget, or $297 billion. The remainder of the U.S. budget revenue comes from excises, gift tax, and property taxes. 

Tax revenues account for about 17% of U.S. Gross Domestic Product. But despite the colossal volumes of tax revenues, the state budget has a hole in the budget (the deficit in 2017 amounted to $ 665 billion, which is equal to about 3.5% of GDP. ) 

Budget and Structure of the revenue side of the US budget is the basis of statehood. 

The main source of budget revenue is taxes paid by individuals, so all US citizens are directly related to the financing of the most important government programs, which means that they have the right to participate in decisions on the distribution of federal budget funds. And all the talk of the chief orderly of the United States in the spring of 2021 about free injections of happiness is nothing more than a child's babble of a student of the 1st grade of the parochial school 🏫 

 U.S. citizens control their money through elected representatives sitting in both houses of Parliament 💵?

- No, they no longer control even their freedom and their own lives. Their lives and the lives of their children now belong to the old marasmatic perverts gathered in two locations in Washington with a huge fleet of armored hearses. 

According to non-specialists, not CIA professionals, the country ranks 36th in the world in terms of the ratio of public debt to government GDP. In absolute terms, the American national debt looks frightening, the country has long turned into a communist dump, year after year flooding its unprofessionalism with unsecured dollars and the debt has long been oversaw for $ 15 -17 trillion dollars. Despite the deplorable state of the economy, the grandfather again asks to increase the debt, and his girlfriend Nancy regularly decides to further increase the debt. And only thanks to the possibility of almost unlimited borrowing in the international and domestic market, this country still exists, although, apparently, this thoughtless empire has come its term. The American government today is a club of elderly marasmatics with mental disorders and other incurable diseases. 

Anecdote: Rockefeller, Rothschild and Gates enter the vip hospital and make a round in order to select the new head of the United States 🇺🇸. In one of the wards, David points his finger at one of the hospital beds and says: "This one will be the next president of the United States. Two people ask David why he decided to do that. Habitually squinting stouched or hunchbackEd David as always charming and resourceful, he responds to these two : - he is still moving. Two, Richard and Bill understand the wise decision and all three go to a dinner party to Soros, as there is already waiting for them with the decision of the permanent fighting friend and girlfriend Nancy. 


A short list of proven and possible side effects that occur after vaccination against COVID-19: 

1. Antibody-dependent increase in infection (ADE). It was opened in 1964. The essence of the mechanism is to aggravate the severity of the disease in a previously vaccinated carrier, and to strengthen the damaging abilities of the virus when infected with vaccinated and further spread. Already in the 21st century, ADE has been experimentally proven for known coronaviruses, including through research on coronaviruses in animals. In 2020, a paper was published showing that ADE can manifest itself when vaccinated with any SARS-CoV-2 vaccines tested in both in vitro and in vivo models.

In this regard, it is puzzling that the CDC and Tony Fauci's statement that there is no ADE for COVID-19, and works on the topic have ceased to be published since the second half of the twentieth century. This is despite the fact that the ADE phenomenon itself was discovered in the 1960s. Therefore, here is a question for the competence of CDC researchers and other White House doctors. Or it is their attempt to hide this phenomenon from people vaccinated with their vaccine, i.e. a crime - see the US Criminal Code 🇺🇸 

2. The phenomenon of antigenic imprinting (AI). The essence of the phenomenon is in the production of antibodies by B-cells of human memory, but not to the current virus-pathogen, but to an antigenically similar strain with it, which a person has previously encountered. In this case, the immune system vaccinated with its response to the virus aggravates the course of the disease.

3. Pathogenic priming (the term was introduced in 2020) is an immunological phenomenon in which antibodies to the virus antigen introduced with the composition of the vaccine cross-interact with human organs and tissues. As a result, specific autoimmune and auto-inflammatory reactions occur.

4. Specific toxicity of spike protein, the only antigenic component of COVID vaccines. It is proved that S-protein penetrates into the blood of the vaccinated and spreads throughout the body, specifically interacting with the ACE2 receptor. It is toxic and causes vascular pathology (thrombosis and myocarditis) and the human brain, besides it has the properties of prion protein. Such complications have numerous confirmations not only in the studies of scientists, but also in the data of VAERS, an organization that collects information about post-vaccination complications in the United States.

5. COVID-19 induced vaccine mimicry syndrome (the term was introduced in 2021) is a particular manifestation of the specific toxicity of adhesion protein circulating in the bloodstream synthesized in the cell nucleus as a result of vaccination with vector vaccines. The result is thrombosis of cerebral venous sinuses 4-14 days after vaccination, as well as thrombosis of internal veins.

6. Possible connection with prion diseases and neurodegeneration. It has been experimentally shown that the S-protein has a prion effect, i.e. causes improper stacking of proteins of neuronal cells and damages the neurons of the brain. In the blood, it induces the formation of insoluble amyloid clots that interfere with blood flow and cause vascular thrombosis. In the long term, the development of prion diseases of the brain in vaccinated. Ignoring this property of the S-protein will lead to the fact that in a few years tens of millions of vaccinated Russians will be diagnosed with dementia and neurodegenerative diseases of the brain.


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