We go to the finish line and load the cartridges and the F35 also warm up. Well, what else did you want? It's about life and death. That's the question. Capture 21.

We go to the finish line and load the cartridges and the F35 also warm up. Well, what else did you want? It's about life and death. That's the question. Capture 21.

Ꭼdiᴛᴇd ʙy Ꭲriʙulᴇ Ꮻʙviᴏus Ꮖnᴄrᴇdiʙlᴇ

All Vova, quietly and imperceptibly 🥷 the pussy came, this time no one will save you. 

1. National puppet governments engage in a dirty criminal medical game together and under the strict guidance of Mr. Globalist. 

2. National governments have betrayed their peoples and deceived their constituents by proposing a false agenda pandemic, lockdown, face-wristing regime, distance, removal of the population from life and now a new requirement in the form of a pass into ordinary human life through the Nazi QR.

3. All this vile and wild for the 21st century lie serves one devil - the establishment of a new world totalitarianism NWO in the form of war communism on the basis of false medical fascism throughout the globe.

4. Your insidious conspiracy is fully revealed and we demand the voluntary resignation of all national administrations and heads of international institutions of the UN, WHO, MB, Council of Europe, OSCE, NATO and the appointment of a special national and international prosecutor to investigate the hell that has happened and the hell that has occurred in the last two years. 

5. You will hear our loud demand very soon 🔜. At Christmas 🎄 it will sound in all capitals of the world, in all countries of the world loudly, creatively and in an unusual way.


Global elite uses 3 giant financial companies to control 88% of the corporations listed in the S&P 500. With this concentration of wealth, government and the private sector have essentially merged. The three financial companies are BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street.

In January 2021, the Big Three had nearly $18 trillion in assets under management. Collectively, the "big three" represent the largest stakes in the 88 percent of companies currently listed on the S&P 500.

Blackrock $8.5 trillion

Vanguard $6.7 trillion

Fidelity $5 trillion

State Street $3.1 trillion

Blackrock, a key figure/tool in the New World Order, who pairs big farm with Vanguard and actively buys up all the housing to give it back to you ("You won't have anything..."), also using its gigantic financial clout to enforce the zero-carbon program – AbsoluteZero, which manages $7 trillion in assets, is making climate change a centerpiece of its investment strategy for 2021. 

BlackRock Inc (BLK. N), the world's largest asset manager, said Thursday it has raised more than $250 million for its climate finance fund to invest in selected countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa.

BlackRock's climate finance (CFP) partnership will focus on investing in areas such as renewable energy generation, energy storage solutions, electrified transportation services, and aims to generate at least $500 million, the company said.

The consortium of ten investors included the governments of France, Germany, Japan, as well as other charitable organizations and institutional investors.


Blackrock, among other things, is buying up thousands of new homes and entire neighborhoods. Blackrock is the world's largest asset manager and a leading supporter of the Rothschild (Swab) Great Reset. 

They want to redistribute $120 trillion by abolishing the middle class as a phenomenon. An example is the 124 new residential neighborhoods purchased entirely in Texas. It is a redistribution of wealth and redistributes not the wealth of rich people, but the wealth of the ordinary American middle class. Now their assets are being funised into the hands of the world's most powerful organizations and individuals, and the traditional financial mechanism is disappearing, I think, forever. Sustainability is the name of the game for today's investors. While equity is the main financial element that middle-class families use to create their wealth, the Fed-funded Black rock financial institution buys up all the homes so that young families can't create their wealth. The private blackrock shop is funded by the Fed. Think and comprehend. They use tax dollars to get the lower and middle class, that is, the taxpayers of Americans. This is a fundamental communist fascist reorganization of society. The position of the average American after some time, when each house/neighborhood is bought up entirely, they can be positioned as peasants. In the U.S., owning a home is often the 1st and most important step towards building your future and securing, acquiring your own. the wealth and success of future generations. But as permanent, guaranteed tenants, Americans lose lifetime capital and mobility, and simply become serfs. The Great Reset, and the de facto communist revolution is real. And it's happening before our eyes right now. If this happens, it will be the greatest transfer of national wealth to a narrow group of people and the greatest consolidation of power in the history of mankind. If they get away with it, a popular revolution on a global scale will be the only way out, and even then not a 100% cure. Either way, what's coming will be terrible. It's time to wake up, it's time to be active. It's a war. This should stop. It's an even bigger threat than the onset of pederasty, BLM, feminism and other nonsense combined, these promoted perversion standards are just components, just like Covid. And in general, this is the format of the global agenda, the purpose of which is the redistribution of assets and the consolidation of wealth and power. 

Blackrock ($8.5 trillion), Vanguard ($6.7 trillion), Fidelity ($5 trillion), State Street ($3.1 trillion) and some others control assets worth more than $20 trillion. Blackrock alone has a surplus of $10 billion a year. This means that with a decrease of 5-20%, they can get mortgage loans for 130-170 thousand homes every year. Or they can directly, without mortgages, take and start buying 30 thousand houses a year. Now imagine, every major institution does this. It can be so fast and sweeping that the 15-25 years needed to accomplish the Great Reset will be squeezed into one,two, five years. They can achieve complete world feudalism by 2030, and is written in their plans. 

You might say, "They can't just take and spend money to buy tens of thousands of homes. It will be a colossal loss." 

No, you couldn't, and they can. They work with the Fed and are financed by an absolutely endless stream of fiat money created by the Fed.

Banks are controlled and are in the same bed with the same clique, buying everything in a row. A clique known as Mr. Global Kogal. 

To think that the current crisis can be corrected by market forces, the entire financial and political movement is moving by the same clique that prepared and is carrying out a large-scale world special operation corona 🤴 19 and hides the truth.

The world continues to move into Hell. Until the people, the only legitimate authority under national constitutions in their countries and the World as a whole, declare their rights to the future of the World and their children, as well as to their own future, in the spring of 2022 it is unlikely to jump out of this boat rushing to Hell without major cataclysms. 

They intentionally commit chaos, as chaos is their way to NWO, NWO is built from below, for the most part everything is painted a long time ago.

The covid scam is painted in the Bulgarian world bank until 2025 and this fact is pointless to dispute or disagree with. Moreover, the Bulgarian world bank financed the scam long before the unification of such and it began in 2017 with the supply of PCR tests of covid, de facto it is illegal deliveries of combat missiles Pturs. We have leaks and we have been working with them since spring 2020. Here's one such leak from Cuban Chinese Canada by Castro Trudeau's son.

Phase 1: 

Simulate a threat and create fear. (December 2019 - March 2020)

- Arrange a pandemic in China.

- Kill tens of thousands of elderly people.

- Increase the number of cases and deaths.

- From the very beginning, position vaccination as the only solution.

Focus on Covid-19.


 (almost) general panic

Phase 2: 

Sow tares and divide. (March 2020 - December 2020)

- Introduce many unnecessary, liberticidal and unconstitutional coercive measures.

- Paralyze trade and the economy.

- Observe the obedience of the majority and the resistance of the rebellious minority.

- Stigmatizing the rebels and creating a horizontal split.

- Censorship of dissident leaders.

- Punish for disobedience.

- Summarize PCR tests.

- Create confusion between cases infected, sick, hospitalized and dead.

- Disqualify all effective treatments.

- Hope for a life-saving vaccine.


 (almost) general panic.

Phase 3: 

Bring an insidious and deadly solution. (December 2020 - June 2021)

- Offer a free vaccine for everyone.

- Promise protection and a return to normal life.

- Set a target for immunization of the herd.

- Simulate a partial economic recovery.

- Hide statistics of side effects and deaths from injections.

- Pass off the side effects of injections as the "natural" effects of the virus and disease.

- Restore the concept of variant as a natural mutation of the virus.

- Justify the preservation of coercive measures by not applying the threshold of herd immunity.

- Punish health workers for illegal care and treatment.


doubts and a sense of betrayal among vaxx, discouragement among opponents.

Phase 4: 

Set apartheid and QR code. (June 2021 - October 2021).

- Voluntarily plan for a deficit.

- Introduce a vaccination pass (QR code) to encourage the vaccinated and punish those who resist.

- Create apartheid of the privileged against the rest.

- Deprive the unvaccinated of the right to work or study.

- Deprive unvaccinated basic services.

- Impose PCR payment tests on the unvaccinated.


the first stage of digital control, the impoverishment of opponents.

Phase 5: 

The establishment of chaos and martial law. (November 2021 - March 2022)

- Take advantage of the shortage of goods and food.

- Cause paralysis of the real economy and closure of factories and shops.

- Allow an explosion of unemployment.

- Apply the third dose of the vaccine (boosters).

- Engage in the murder of living old people.

- Introduce mandatory vaccination for all.

- Reinforce the myth about options, vaccine effectiveness, and herd immunity.

- Demonize opponents of vaccination and hold them responsible for the dead.

- Arrest opposition leaders.

- Impose digital identification (QR code) on everyone: Birth certificate, identity card, passport, driver's license, health insurance card...

- Establish martial law to defeat the opposition.


the second stage of digital control. Imprisonment or elimination of opponents.

Phase 6: 

Debt cancellation and dematerialization of money. (March 2022 - September 2022)

- Provoke economic, financial and stock collapse, bank bankruptcy.

- Save the losses of banks on the accounts of their customers.

- Activate the "Great Reset".

- Dematerialize money.

- Cancel debts, credits and loans.

- Enter a digital portfolio. (Digital Wallet).

- Seize real estate and land.

- Ban all global medicines.

- Confirm the mandatory vaccination every six months or a year.

- Introduce food rationing and a diet based on Codex Alimentarius.

- Extend these measures to developing countries.


the third stage of digital control. Spread of N.O.M. to the whole planet.

Perhaps the best way to bring to the consciousness of people still capable of analysis a brief history of the New World Order is to use the words of those who for centuries sought to make this fairy tale a reality or reality. You'll be amazed at how far this grand plan has come and how many similarities there are at the beginning of the 21st century compared to the 1990s of the last century, when two presidents from the Bush family were in power.

- 1912 – Colonel Edward M. House, a close adviser to President Woodrow Wilson, publishes Philip Drew: The Administrator, in which he promotes "the socialism that Karl Marx dreamed of."

- 1913 – The Federal Reserve (neither Federal nor Reserve) is created. This was planned at a secret meeting in 1910 on Jekyll Island, Georgia, by a group of bankers and politicians, including Colonel House. This transferred the power to create money from the U.S. government to a private group of bankers. It is probably the largest debt generator in the world.

July 28, 1914 – World War I is caused by the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria.

May 27, 1916 – President Woodrow Wilson, in a speech to the League for Peace, proposes in the League of Nations the creation of a world government necessary to prevent the recurrence of such a war.

November 11, 1918 - the end of the First World War, after the signing of the armistice at 11-00, 11th of the 11th month.

May 30, 1919 – Prominent British and American figures found the Royal Institute of International Relations in England and the Institute of International Relations in the United States in a meeting organized by Colonel House, which was attended by various Fabian socialists, including the famous economist John Maynard Keynes. Two years later, Colonel House reorganized the Institute of International Relations into the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

December 15, 1922 – CFR supports the World Government in its journal Foreign Affairs. Author Philip Kerr states:

"It is obvious that humanity will not have peace or prosperity until [the Earth] is divided into 50 or 60 independent states, until some kind of international system is created ... The real problem today is the problem of world government."

- 1928 – An Open Conspiracy: Blue Imprints of world revolution by G. Wells is published. Former Fabian socialist Wells writes:

"The political world of the Open Conspiracy must weaken, erase, incorporate and replace existing governments ... The Open Conspiracy is the natural heir to socialist and communist enthusiasm; he can control Moscow before he gets control of New York... Now the nature of the Open Conspiracy will be clearly manifested... It will be a world religion."

1931 — Students of the Lenin School of Political War in Moscow are trained:

"One day we will begin to spread the most theatrical peace movement the world has ever seen. Capitalist countries, stupid and decadent ... fall into the trap that the opportunity to make new friends offers. Our day will come in 30 years or so... The bourgeoisie must be lulled into a false sense of security."

1932 – New books are published calling for a new world order:

To Soviet America by William Z. Foster. The head of the Communist Party USA, Foster points out that the National Department of Education will be one of the means used to develop a new socialist society in the United States.

FS Marvin's "New World Order", describing the League of Nations as the first attempt at a New World Order. Marvin says that "nationality should be below the requirements of humanity as a whole."

 Does the school dare to build a new social order? Published. Educator-author George Grafs argues that: “... teachers should consciously strive for power and then make the most of their achievements” in order to “influence the attitudes, ideals and behavior of the next generation ... The growth of science and technology has brought us into a new era where ignorance must be replaced by knowledge, competition by cooperation, trust in Providence by careful planning, and private capitalism by some form of social economy. "

 The "Peace Plan" by the founder of the American League of Birth Control Margaret Sanger (1921) published. She calls for forced sterilization, compulsory segregation and rehab concentration camps for all "dysgenic groups," including blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Catholics.

 1933 - The first humanist manifesto is published. Co-author John Dewey, renowned philosopher and educator, calls for a synthesis of all religions and a "socialized and cooperative economic order."

 In 1930, the co-author of the contract K.F. Potter said, “So education is the most powerful ally of humanism, and every American public school is a school for children's humanism, is it possible to stop the tide of the five-day humanistic education program?

 1933 - The Face of Things to Come by H.G. Wells published. Wells predicts World War II around 1940, resulting from the German-Polish dispute. After 1945, there will be a growing lack of public safety in "criminally infected" areas. The Modern World State plan will succeed on its third try (circa 1980) and will emerge from something that happened in Basra, Iraq.

 The book also says: "Although the world government has clearly come for several years, although endlessly feared and murmured, it has nowhere to find a prepared opposition."

 1934 - The book by Alice A. Bailey "Externalization of the Hierarchy" is published. Bailey is an occultist whose works were transmitted by his spiritual mentor, the Tibetan master [demonic spirit] Djual Kulya. Bailey uses the phrase "points of light" in connection with the "New Group of World Servers" and claims that 1934 marks the beginning of "the organization of men and women ... group work of a new order ... [c] progress defined by service ... the world of the Brotherhood ... the Forces of the Light ... [ and] a new world order must be built from the plundering of all existing culture and civilization. "

 The book is published by the Lucis Trust, originally registered in New York as the Lucifer Publishing Company. The Lucis Trust is a United Nations non-governmental organization that has actively participated in recent UN summits. Later, UN Assistant Secretary General Robert Müller was credited with creating his Worldwide Basic Curriculum to teach the foundational teachings of Djual Kuhl through the writings of Alice Bailey on the subject.

 October 28, 1939 - In an address by John Foster Dulles, later US Secretary of State, he invites America to lead the transition to a new order of less independent, semi-sovereign states bound by a league or federal union.

 1939 - HG Wells' New World Order proposes a collectivist one world state or a "new world order" consisting of "socialist democracies." He defends "universal conscription and declares that" nationalist individualism ... is the disease of the world. " He continues:

 "The clear need for some collective global control to eliminate war and the less generally recognized need for collective control over the economic and biological life of humanity are aspects of the same process." He proposes that this be achieved through "universal law" and propaganda (or education). "

 1940 - The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace publishes the New World Order and contains a select list of references to regional and world federation, as well as some special plans for a world order after the war.

 December 12, 1940 - In The Congressional Record, an article titled "New World Order" by John G. Alexander calls for a world federation.

 1941 September 11 - Construction of the Pentagon officially begins. 60 years later, on that day, September 11, 2001, the Pentagon was about to come under attack.

 1942 - The Left Institute of Pacific Relations publishes Postwar Worlds by P.E. Corbett:

 "World government is the ultimate goal ... It should be recognized that the law of nations takes precedence over national legislation ... This process should be facilitated by the removal of nationalist materials used in textbooks and their replacement with material ones, explaining the benefits of wiser communication."

 June 28, 1945 - President Truman in his speech supports world government:

 "It will be as easy for countries to live in a republic of the world as it is for us to live in a republic of the United States."

 October 24, 1945 - The UN Charter enters into force. Also on October 24, Senator Glen Taylor, a Democrat from Idaho, unveils Senate Resolution 183 urging the US Senate to formally declare support for a world republic that includes an international police force.

 1946 - Alger Hiss is elected President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Hiss held this post until 1949. In early 1950, he was convicted of perjury and sentenced to prison following a sensational trial and congressional hearing in which Whittaker Chambers, a former senior editor of Time, testified that Hiss was a member of his communist party cell.

 1946 - Former NEA (National Educational Association) editor Joy Elmer Morgan's The Teacher and World Government is published. He says:

 "In the struggle to create an adequate world government, the teacher ... can do a lot to prepare the hearts and minds of children for global understanding and cooperation ... At the heart of all the bodies that will bring about peace, government must support schools, teachers and the organized profession."

 1947 - The American Educational Fellowship, formerly the Association for Progressive Education organized by John Dewey, calls for:

 "... the establishment of a true world order, an order in which national sovereignty is subject to world power ..."

 October 1947 - NEA Deputy Secretary William Carr writes in the NEA Journal that teachers should:

 "... talk about the various proposals that have been made to strengthen the United Nations and establish world citizenship and world government."

 1948 - Walden II behavioral psychologist BF Skinner proposes an “ideal society, or a new and better order,” in which children are raised by the state, not their parents, and are taught from birth to exhibit only desired behaviors and characteristics. Skinner's ideas were widely used by educators in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s as value clarification and results-based education.

 July 1948 - British Sir Harold Butler in the magazine International Relations CMO sees the formation of a "new world order":

“How far can the life of peoples, who for centuries have considered themselves different and unique, to merge with the life of other nations? To what extent are they willing to sacrifice a part of their sovereignty, without which there can be no effective economic or political union? ... Out of the prevailing confusion, a new world is being formed ... which can point the way to a new order ... This will be the beginning of a real United Nations, no longer a personality crippled by schism, but held together by a common faith. "

 1948 - UNESCO President and Socialist Fabian Sir Julian Huxley calls for a radical eugenic policy at UNESCO: its purpose and its philosophy. He claims:

 “Thus, while it is perfectly true that any radical eugenic policy of controlled human reproduction will be politically and psychologically impossible for years to come, it will be important for UNESCO to ensure that the eugenic problem is dealt with with the utmost care and that the public is reasonably aware of what is at stake. problems, that much of what is now unthinkable can at least become conceivable. "

 1948 - A preliminary draft of a world constitution is published by American educators advocating the creation of a regional federation on the way to a world federation or government with England in a European federation.

 The constitution provides for a "World Council" together with a "House of Guards" to enforce world law. Also included is a "Preamble" urging countries to surrender their weapons to the world government, and includes the right of that "Federal Republic of the World" to confiscate private property for federal use.

 February 9, 1950 - Senate Subcommittee on Foreign Relations introduces Senate Joint Resolution 66, which begins:

 Whereas, in order to achieve universal peace and justice, the current Charter of the United Nations must be amended to provide a true constitution for a world government.

 The resolution was first introduced to the Senate on September 13, 1949 by Senator Glen Taylor, Idaho. Senator Alexander Wiley (Rhode Wisconsin) called it "the completion that is truly desired" and said, "I understand that your proposal is to either change the United Nations or change or create a world order through a separate convention." Senator Taylor later stated:

 "We would have to sacrifice significant sovereignty of the world organization to enable them to levy their own taxes in order to support themselves."

 April 12, 1952 - John Foster Dulles, later Secretary of State, in a speech to the American Bar Association in Louisville, Kentucky, says that "contractual laws may prevail over the Constitution." He says treaties can take power from Congress and transfer it to the president. They can take powers from states and transfer them to the federal government or some international body, and they can also violate the rights given to people by their constitutional Bill of Rights.

 The Senate amendment, proposed by GOP Senator John Bricker, would stipulate that no treaty can replace the Constitution, but it cannot be passed with one vote.

 1954 - Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands founds the Bilderbergers, international politicians and bankers who hold secret annual meetings, even to this day. The 2003 meeting took place over the weekend May 15-18 in Versailles, Paris.

 1958 - World Peace Through World Law is published, advocating for the UN as the governing body of peace, global disarmament, world police and legislature.

 1959 - Council on Foreign Relations calls for a new international order. Study # 7, published November 25, states:

 "... the new international order [which] must respond to the world's aspirations for peace, social and economic change ... the international order ... including states calling themselves 'socialist' [communist]."

 1959 - The World Constitutional and Parliamentary Association is founded, which later develops a world government scheme in accordance with the Constitution of the Federation of the Earth.

 1959 - The Mid-Century Challenge to US Foreign Policy, sponsored by the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, is published. This explains that the United States:

 “… Cannot escape and must really welcome… the task that history has imposed on us. This is the task to help form a new world order in all its dimensions - spiritual, economic, political, social ”.

 September 9, 1960 - President Eisenhower signs Senate Joint Resolution 170 promoting the concept of a federal Atlantic alliance. The questionnaire and treasurer of the Atlantic Union Committee, Elmo Roper, later delivers an address entitled “The Purpose - Government of the World,” in which he states:

 "As it becomes clear that the first step towards World Government cannot be completed until we move along four fronts: economic, military, political and social."

 1961 - The US Department of State publishes a plan to disarm all nations and weapons to the United Nations. State Department Document No. 7277 is entitled "Freedom From War: The United States' Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World." It details a three-phase plan to disarm all countries and arm the UN in the final phase, in which "no state will have the military power to challenge the gradually strengthening UN Peacekeeping Force."

 1962 - New calls for world federalism. In a study titled A World Effectively Governed by the United Nations, CFR member Lincoln Bloomfield states:

 "... if the communist dynamic were significantly weakened, the West could lose all incentives for world government."

 The work of the author Nelson Rockefeller "The Future of Federalism" is published. The former governor of New York argues that current events urgently call for a "new world order" as the old order collapses and "a new and free order tries to be born." Rockefeller says there is:

 “The fever of nationalism ... [but] the nation state is becoming less and less competent to carry out its international political tasks ... Here are some of the reasons that motivate us to energetically lead order towards true new world building ... [with] voluntary service ... and our selfless faith in brotherhood of all mankind ... Perhaps sooner than we can imagine ... the foundations for a federal structure of the free world will develop. "

 1963 - J. William Fulbright, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, speaks at a symposium sponsored by the Foundation of the Republic, a left-wing project of the Ford Foundation:

 "The case for an elite government is irrefutable ... running the people is possible, but highly unlikely."

 November 22, 1963 - President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. He was killed according to the occult number eleven [11]. He was killed in the 11th month, on the 22nd day and the 33rd parallel. He was also assassinated in Masonic Dealey Plaza, the most powerful secret society in the modern world, for which the number 11 is extremely important. See Cutedge for details.

 1964 - Guideline II Taxonomy of Educational Objectives published. Author Benjamin Bloom states:

 "... much of what we call 'good teaching' is the teacher's ability to achieve affective goals by challenging students' established beliefs."

 His Results Based Learning (OBE) method will first be piloted in Chicago schools as a Mastery Learning. Five years later, test scores of Chicago students plummeted, which angered parents. OBE will leave a trail of wreckage wherever it is tasted and by whatever name it is used. At the same time, it will become critically important for the globalists to rethink the education system in order to help change the attitudes of schoolchildren.

 1964 - Visions of Order by Richard Weaver published. He describes:

 "Progressive educators as a" revolutionary clique "engaged in a systematic attempt to undermine the traditions and beliefs of society."

 1967 - Richard Nixon calls for a New World Order. In Post-Vietnam Asia, Nixon writes in the October issue of Foreign Affairs about the propensities of nations to develop regional approaches to development needs and to the evolution of a "new world order."

 1968 - Joy Elmer Morgan, former editor of the NEA Journal publishes The American Citizens Handbook, in which he says:

 "The emergence of the United Nations and the urgent need to transform it into a more inclusive form of world government places an increased obligation on citizens of the United States to make the most of their citizenship, which is now expanding to active world citizenship."

 July 26, 1968 - Nelson Rockefeller vows to uphold the New World Order. In a statement to the Associated Press, Rockefeller promises that "as president he will work to create a new world order internationally."

 1970 - Education and the media promote world order. In Reflecting on the New World Order for the 1990 Decade, author Ian Baldwin Jr. argues that:

 "... The World Law Foundation has launched a worldwide research and education program that will introduce a new and emerging discipline - world order - into educational programs around the world ... and will focus some of its energy on providing basic peace to re-streamline media concepts at a global level."

 1972 - President Nixon visits China. In his toast to Chinese Prime Minister Zhou En-lai, former CFR member and now President Richard Nixon, expresses "the hope that each of us should build a new world order."

 May 18, 1972 - Speaking of the arrival of world government, Roy M. Ash, director of the Office of Management and Budget, states that:

 "Within two decades, the institutional structure of the world economic community will be created ... [and] aspects of individual sovereignty will be transferred to supranational power."

 September 11, 1972 - The world was exposed to terrorism at the 1972 Munich Olympics. 11 Israeli athletes were killed. Exactly 29 years after this attack, another, more hideous horror occurred - the September 11, 2001 attacks.

 1973 - Trilateral Commission established. Banker David Rockefeller organizes this new private organization and selects Zbigniew Brzezinski, later President Carter's national security adviser, as the Commission's first director, and invites Jimmy Carter to co-found.

 1973 - Humanist Manifesto II published:

“The next century can and should be the century of humanism ... we are at the dawn of a new era ... of a secular society on a planetary scale ... As non-theists, we start with people, not God, nature is not a deity ... we regret the division of humanity on nationalistic grounds ... Thus, we are looking at the development of a system of world law and a world order based on a transnational federal government ... A real revolution is taking place. "

 September 11, 1973 - Chilean President Salvador Allende is assassinated in a brutal military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet. Henry Kissinger was heavily involved in this attack, and if he had ever been brought before an international court, it is likely that he would have been charged with orchestrating this coup and ordering the assassination of Allende.

 April 1974 - An article by former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Trilateral Commissioner and CFR member Richard Gardner, "The Difficult Road to World Order," published in Foreign Affairs, where he states:

 The "House of World Order" will have to be built from the bottom up, not from the top down ... but the end of national sovereignty, destroying it piece by piece, will lead to much more than an old-fashioned frontal attack. "

 1974 - The World Conference "Religion for Peace" is held in Louvain, Belgium. Douglas Roche presents a paper entitled "We Can Achieve a New World Order."

 UN Calls for Redistribution of Wealth: In a report entitled The New International Economic Order, the UN General Assembly outlines a plan to redistribute wealth from rich to poor countries.

 1975 - A study entitled "The New World Order" is published by the Center for International Studies, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Studies, Princeton University.

 1975 - In Congress, 32 Senators and 92 Representatives sign the Declaration of Interdependence, written by historian Henry Steel Commager. The Declaration states that:

 we must unite with others to establish a new world order ... We must not allow narrow notions of national sovereignty to limit this obligation.

 Congressman Marjorie Holt refuses to sign the declaration, stating:

 “He calls for the surrender of our national sovereignty to international organizations. He states that our economy should be regulated by international authorities. He invites us to enter a "new world order" that will redistribute the wealth created by the American people. "

 1975 - Retired Navy Admiral Chester Ward, former US Navy Attorney General and former CFR member, writes in a critical review that the CFR's goal is "to subordinate US sovereignty and national independence to an almighty one world government."

 1975 - Kissinger on the Couch published. Authors Phyllis Schlafly and former CFR member Chester Ward state:

 "After the ruling CFR members have decided that the US government must adhere to certain policies, the very substantial research capabilities of the CFR are being used to develop arguments, intellectual and emotional, to support new policies and to refute, intellectually and politically discredit any opposition ..."

 1976 - RIO: Changing the International Order is published by the Club of Rome Globalists, calling for a new international order, including the economic redistribution of wealth.

 1977 - "The Third Attempt to Establish World Order is published." Author Harlan Cleveland of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Research urges:

 "Changing the attitudes and institutions of Americans" for the sake of "complete disarmament (excluding international soldiers)" and "the individual right to food, health and education." [Sounds like America today?]

 1977 - Published by the Imperial Brain Trust by Lawrence Shoop and William Minter. The book takes a critical look at the Council on Foreign Relations, with chapters such as "Forming a New World Order: The Council's Global Hegemony Plan 1939-1944" and "By the 1980s: Council Plans for a New World Order."

 1977 - The trilateral link appears in the July issue of the Atlantic Monthly. Written by Jeremiah Novak, it says:

 For the third time this century, a group of American schools, businessmen and government officials are planning to create a New World Order ...

 1977 - Lead Educator Mortimer Adler publishes Philosopher at Large, in which he says:

 ... if local civil government is necessary for local civil peace, then global civil government is essential for world peace.

 1979 - Barry Goldwater, retired Republican Senator of Arizona, publishes his autobiography No Apologies. He wrote:

 In my view, the Trilateral Commission is a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power - political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. All of this must be done in the interest of creating a more peaceful and productive world community.

There are top members of the Trilateral Commission and they agreed to create a world economic model of the type of superpower, in the sick imagination of elderly degenerates, this power should surpass the political institutions of nation-states and their governments. We are now witnessing the involvement of national governments in this utopian dead project. Someone is captured by the great idea of not leaving the political sky until the end of his life, someone is bought and blackmailed, who is just a crazy degenerate from birth and there are not a few of them, all these are modern national administrations of the states of the world, their special services, the Police and even the army in the face of generals. They believe that the abundant materialism they propose to create will overcome existing differences. They will become managers and creators of the new system and will become immortal creators and rulers of the future new world passing power and money to children.

And Putin in Moscow is not in vain opened the office of the Fourth world evacuation from the neo Marx Klaus Schwab. There in general all the most interesting things come. The law on QR codes the Russian Duma sent to think in the Russian regions for 1 month. This bill distracted the attention of the population in order to slow down the speed of the Russians, they are already there ammunition loading according to our source from the spot. 

The room of this squash ecstasy itself is 02/04/10-21/00121625


On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" 30 March 1999 No. 52-FZ

PROJECT Passport

Project ID 02/04/10-21/00121625

Date of creation 18.10.2021

Public discussions are completed on 16.11.21.

Developer Rospotrebnadzor

Responsible employee Petrova Julia Nikolaevna

The basis for the development of the draft act is paragraph 3 of the Action Plan ("road map") for the implementation of the mechanism of the "regulatory guillotine", approved by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2019 No. 4714p-P36. Item 1 of the instruction of the President of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2020 No Pr-891 on development and strengthening of sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation in order to maintain timeliness and effectiveness of response to threats to sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and biological safety of the Russian Federation.


1. The concept of sanitary investigation

2. Sanitary-border cordons and inspection of persons and vehicles, quarantine

3. Checks schools for compliance with the requirements of on-load tap-on-load tap-cash

According to the bill on codes, they will not be allowed into the store and transport. But this bill will be more terrible, but for some reason all the top bloggers are silent about it. According to this bill, a healthy person can be on any pisulka of the chief sanitary doctor, not on sanpins, not on sanitary rules, but on any pisulka simply locked in the sanitary zone and will be there somehow processed or even sterilized.

Art. 29 Sterilization

Art. 31 Unimpeded entry into the premises

There are still many interesting things, including the lack of a signature and a stamp, which in fact has long been the trademark of all documents. 

You can still vote against this bill. To do this, you need to register for regulation (it is not necessary to have public services) and press the red dislike button. You can still leave your comment there. 


Well, that pidaras, took over the world? Yes, you are just wretched freaks and not even auto locksmiths. You clean the 🧹 streets, we will not trust. We go out one by one, the barrels and knives 🔪 throw away, the door 🚪 at gunpoint, a step to the left 👈 a step to the right I regard as an attempt to run 🏃 shoot immediately between the legs on the 🥚 🥚 without warning. 

Well, what can I say? Good moms and dads, caring, but not our parents. Dreaming is not harmful, it is harmful not to dream. Only in our case it is not free artists 👩 🎨 and their crazy dreams in canvas. These are people burdened with public office and oath, oath, these are state people committing Mega national state crimes and coups d'état in their states bypassing national constitutions, the will of their citizens, bypassing referendums and still hiding their anti-state acts under the false medical agenda of the pandemic. Whoever tried to tell us and whatever songs about viruses and strains we sang, we are adamant, we unequivocally, we firmly and clearly declare: - You commit a state Mega crime and be sure to appear before the national and world military tribunal. Dot.

Everywhere we look, we see one communism and clear traces of the 👣 criminal boots of the Russian Federation and China. In 2015, Richard Rothschild, along with a Dutch government organization, patented, four years before Covid, "The System and Method of Testing for COVID-19."  Also, millions of kits for testing for COVID-19 were sold in 2017 and 2018 As we know, the new covid-19 disease appeared in China by the end of 2019. Why was it called COVID-19? This is, in their words, an abbreviation for Corona Virus Disease 2019, not CowID?! Data from the World Integrated Trade Solution shows hundreds of millions of COVID-19 testing kits were delivered worldwide in 2017 and 2018 – two years before COVID-19. These data were discovered on September 5, 2020, published in a telegram, from where they went viral on social networks, they became viral. And on September 6, WITS actually changed the original designation "COVID-19" to the vague "Medical Test Kits" overnight. As you know, this is generally unacceptable in trading in international markets and on such a scale, because you always have to be specific as there are many types of test kits for different diseases. Which gives us the fact that they removed the COVID-19 specification after that data became known around the world. Also, records were removed from the website of the Moscow mayor's office is again Russia about "nanorobots in the veins" of Russian citizens "by 2030" and "AI", with the help of which the Kremlin degenerates were going to diagnose patients, also the record from the UN website about the "New World Order" by 2030 disappeared after our letter to one of the household members of the oval office.  However, the criminals forgot to remove one detail: the product code for these "Medical Test Kits" is 300215, which means "COVID-19 Test Kits." In fact, we see that two years before the COVID-19 outbreak, the Russian Federation, the United States, the EU, China and countries around the world began exporting millions of diagnostic tools for COVID-19, a disease that did not even exist then. As indicated on the World Bank's website, COVID-19 is a project that is scheduled to be extended until the end of March 2025.  In 2017, swindler Anthony Fauci made a very strange prediction in which he confidently stated that during the first term of Trump's presidency there will necessarily be a sudden outbreak of an infectious disease: "There is no question whether there will be a problem for the upcoming administration in the field of infectious diseases. 

There will be a SURPRISE EXPLOSION. 


Fauci de facto gave us guarantees of a sudden outbreak during the first term of the Trump administration.  What did this Dr. Menge know that we don't know then?  In 2018, Bill Gates publicly announced that a global pandemic was looming that could wile off the face of the earth 30 million people, saying it would happen within the next decade. Melinda Gates then added that the artificially created virus poses the greatest threat to humanity, and assured that in the coming years it will hit humanity. "The global pandemic is ON ITS WAY. ENGINEERING VIRUS is the greatest threat to humanity. It's going to happen in the NEXT DECADE." - said the same Bill in 2018, who is very concerned about the densely populated world.  Plus "Event 201" - "Planned pandemic", exercises conducted by the Koch Institute, whose statistics are now used by all states and even the WHO, and the Gates Foundation a year before the outbreak. Plus, the same person - the head of the CDC, each other pedophile Epstein Gates swindler Fauci, who guaranteed a sudden outbreak of the virus in the next two years, gave almost $ 4 million to the laboratory developing coronaviruses in China in Wuhan, in which Soros also invested, and at the opening of which the son of the head of the French Foreign Office, a country ruled by the protégé of the puppeteer Macron, was present ...

🇨🇳 Chinese virologist and defector, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, tells the obvious about China's plans to use COVID19 for world domination. "In the next five years, the CCP's national plan, which they have already confirmed, is that they need to use the control and prevention of new diseases, as well as biotechnological innovations, to achieve their global dominance. They wanted it to be by 2035, but now they think it could be sooner." This presentation took place at the global summit on covid and it once again highlighted the Soros-Gates-WHO-CCP/China link.

Lady and Gentlemen, Pre-Christmas Herald 

          Speaks to You 😗✊🏿🤝

UN Directive 001, dated 4 July 2025. </span></p>

United Nations Directive 001

All of the United States of America will be immediately known under the new name and the corresponding number. For example, the former nation of Canada will now be called America Area 0001, the former United States of America will now simply be known as America Area 0002. The former Central America, including the former nation of Mexico, will now be known as Central America 0003, and the rest of the former nations of South America will together be called America 0004. The former nations in Europe together will continue to be called Europe 0010, with a new map to define the boundaries between Europe 0010 and Asia 0020. All the new names of former nations on various continents of the world are listed in an addendum to this directive, along with new maps to establish the boundaries and location of the main United Nations Centers of Control (UNCC), which will govern all future governmental, administrative, military and police functions. On March 17, 2025, the former United States of America has transferred its military and police force to the United Nations for control and responsibility, and it will be disbanded or integrated into our global United Nations force as soon as possible. The former United States of America, as the last country to cede power to the United Nations Security Council, has created incalculable problems and delays for the plans of the United Nations and will soon feel the brunt of the rapid and decisive changes necessary to achieve our planned goals and those of one world government. The entire executive power of the former Government of the United States is hereby revoked, since the united Nations leaders we have elected will assume those responsibilities, together with an approved administrative board that will assume those responsibilities. The judicial branch of government is also dissolved immediately, as United Nations judges have been selected and are waiting to take on their task. However, the legislative branch will remain in office until these persons are progressively relieved of their duties by United Nations representatives who have not yet been elected or appointed to perform these duties. Matters relating to this directive should be deferred until United Nations representatives have arrived in your area to resolve all possible organizational problems. At the moment, you can continue your life as you did in the past, however, the instructions below are not in doubt and are not disputed. Everyone will have plenty of time to understand and follow these and future directives, orders and regulations as they are formulated and issued. Please don't panic and you will find that our new world is transforming into a society of planetary perfection. The post-totalitary system touches people at every turn, but it does so with its ideological gloves. That is why life in the system is so thoroughly saturated with hypocrisy and lies: the government of the bureaucracy is called the people's government; the working class is enslaved in the name of the working class; the complete degradation of the personality is presented as his or her final liberation; depriving people of information is called providing it; the use of power to manipulate is called public control of power; and arbitrary abuse of power is called compliance with the legal code; the suppression of culture is called its development; the expansion of imperial influence is presented as support for the oppressed; the absence of freedom of expression becomes the highest form of freedom; farcical elections are becoming the highest form of democracy; the prohibition of independent thought becomes the most scientific worldview; military occupation becomes fraternal aid. Since the regime is in thrall to its own lies, it must falsify everything. (c)Vaclav Havel's essay "The Power of the Powerless", 1978.


A smart face is not a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All the nonsense on earth is done with this facial expression 👑19 🩸 

The end of the inscribed plans to capture the world in the second part of the material ⬇️ 


Children play with a toy guillotine, France, 1959.


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