Murzilka 63. 

Murzilka 63. 

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'


Reboot from Gates: Vaccination from Covid-19 will reduce the world's population. 

We've gathered enough material and analyzed many publications on versions of the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic, as well as the possible role of certain U.S. circles and Microsoft founder Bill Gates in the process. Until recently, the publication that Gates is the creator of the covid-19 coronavirus brought a smile, now it is serious evidence . 

What did the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have to do with the "Event 201" pandemic teachings? What do the "Green New Deal" of the United States have in common with Gates' "Renewal to zero" proposal? 

How safe is the vaccine, developed by incomprehensible by whom and when, it is unclear from what, it is unclear with what content of emulsion, it is unclear why this liquid and the companies of its spilling legislation of the Usa? Also, we do not understand the million prizes for injection and in general we do not understand anything. 

Pandemic Teachings "Events 201"

Since the entire human population is susceptible to the disease, in the first months of the pandemic the total number of cases increases exponentially, doubling each week. And as cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and social consequences become more serious.

In 18 months, 65 million people have died from coronavirus. The pandemic is starting to slow down due to a decrease in the number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue until an effective vaccine is available or until 80 to 90% of the world's population is infected. From now on, it is likely to become endemic childhood disease."

Doesn't it remind you of anything? In his defense, Bill Gates then said that yes, they say, they warned about the inevitability of the pandemic, but the current situation is to blame for the government of states that did not allocate the necessary sums for research in this direction.

It's time for Green New Deal

But a year before that, another event had taken place. Peaceful and without fear. In the name of ecology. And again in the United States.

February 2019. Democrats in the United States have proposed a Green New Deal.

We can build a better future, today is the time for Green New Deal, the motto of the "green" movement in the United States, intending to turn "the old gray economy into a new sustainable and environmentally friendly". The movement announced its intention to solve the climate crisis and achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

By the way, the resolution of the "Green New Deal" was introduced in February 2019 by a member of the U.S. House of Representatives Alexandria Ocacio-Cortez. Green New Deal is "a 10-year plan to mobilize all elements of the American social system on a scale not seen since World War II. Its goal is to reduce greenhouse emissions to zero and achieve economic prosperity for all," the resolution said.

Oh my God, what climatologists scientists 👩 🔬 gathered, in the eyes of ripples ...

"This means that the government will tell people where they can fly and where they can't. And I think that means our California colleagues are going to ride bikes to their constituents," said U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Cheney. 

The plan also called for "meeting 100% of electricity demand" using clean, renewable or zero-emission sources.

The resolution proclaimed not only the goals of ecology, but also of the economy. Thus, along with ensuring clean air and water, de-coaling transport and industry, etc., the document referred to the creation of "millions of good high-paying jobs," modernization of industry and "every building in the country" in favor of energy efficiency, provision of "high-quality health care" and higher education for all.

Most of these goals the movement intends to implement within 10 years.

As for the main goal of the world, the world should have achieved zero emissions by 2050. The United States should have taken the "lead" role in implementing the plan.

Add that Green New Deal got its name from the largest government program known as the New Deal, which was initiated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt after the Great Depression.

At the same time, the resolution used two UN reports and US scientists as a guide to action...? 

Who are these scientists 👩 🔬? Names in the screen 📺 

"Refreshing to zero!" from Gates

What does Bill Gates have to do with this? In addition to his intention (after leaving Microsoft), more time is devoted to philanthropy - the development of global health, education, and the problem of climate change.

So here we are. At a closed conference in California at the 2010 TED2010 conference, he delivered an interesting "Update to zero!" speech in which he proposed artificially reducing global CO2 emissions to zero by 2050.

So to speak, a brief version of the aforementioned Green New Deal.

"There are 6.8 billion people in the world today. That number will rise to about 9 billion. Now, if we really do a lot of work on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we're going to reduce it by maybe 10 or 15 percent."

What do we have today? Doesn't it remind you of the "Green New Deal of the United States"?

Paralyzed airspace, stopping cars, industry, and "effective work" on the remote (or benefits for doing nothing) and so on, and another miracle of miracles - the rebirth of nature: animals got better not only on land, but also at sea. The air is cleaner. Horses, deer, wild boars, bears and foxes took to the empty streets. That's the benefit of the pandemic.

He went to save the world, or...

Speaking of vaccines and the idea of forced vaccination by Bill Gates. He left Microsoft at the height of the coronavirus pandemic. He left beautifully, saying that he intends to devote himself to saving humanity from epidemics and pandemics. Recall that the priority of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the development of new vaccines and vaccination of people with created drugs.

But details of Gates' terrible record on vaccines that leave a trail of death and serious injury can be found in a report by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., published by Child Health Protection on April 9, 2020, under the headline "The Gates Globalist Vaccine Program: A Win-Win for Pharmaceutical and Mandatory Vaccination."

Here is an excerpt from the article:

"Promising $450 million out of $1.2 billion to eradicate polio, Gates took control of India's National Immunization Advisory Group (NTAGI). Indian doctors blame Gates' campaign for a devastating epidemic of acute non-vilactic flaccid paralysis (NPAFP), which has paralyzed 490,000 children. In 2017, the Indian government canceled Gates' vaccination program. Investigations by the Government of India have shown that Gates-funded doctors have been forcing village girls to vaccinate, intimidating parents, forging consent forms and refusing medical care."

Today, Bill Gates declares the need (read - forced and, of course, in the name of saving the world and the environment) to vaccinate people against Covid-19. Wouldn't that lead to a "population reduction," as Bill Gates had hoped back in 2010?

And what should we think about this virologist's statement 👇

 Bilderberg 2009:

From 14 to 17 May, another meeting of the Bilderberg Club took place in Greece, in the Athens suburb of Vuljagmeni, held, as always, in a highly secretive environment. The meeting place was guarded by coast guard ships, a special group of scuba divers, two F-16s and a police helicopter.

Since, however, the activities of the group have long been under the scrutiny of independent researchers, the common agenda and the main decisions taken at the meeting became known immediately after its completion. The basic information about the world government, as in previous cases, comes from John Tucker and David Estulin.

The list of participants, which fell into the hands of journalists and was published in the Greek newspaper To Vima, are David Rockefeller, the queen of the Netherlands Beatrix, the queen of Spain Sofia, the Belgian Crown Prince Philippe, the Minister of Finance of the United States Timothy Geithner, the President of the World Bank Robert Szellik, the Director General of the WTO Pascal Lamy, the U.S. Special Representative in Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrook, the President of the European Central Bank Jean-Claude , European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

Former Chairman of the U.S. Defense Policy Council, fellow of the Institute of American Entrepreneurship Richard Pearl, fellow of the same institute, former head of the World Bank Paul Wolfowitz, Commander of the U.S. Central Command General David Petraeus, head of the Brussels think tank "Bruegel" Jean Pisani-Ferry, responsible for joint operations to maintain peace in Africa UN-AS Romano Prodi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of "British Petroleum" ter Souterland, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Royal Dutch Shell J. Van der Weer, former director of the British service of MI6 Richard Darlov, official historian of the Rothschilds and G. Kissinger, economist Nill Fergusson and many others.

It is significant that the Meeting was attended by the Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, and in this regard the choice of Greece is not accidental. Sweden will assume the EU Presidency in July, and it intends to pay special attention to the issue of EU enlargement and accession to the EU of Turkey and Macedonia (the Swedish leadership has already expressed its agreement to start negotiations on the latter's accession), which requires a solution to the Cyprus problem and the settlement of relations between Athens and Skopje2. If Greece complicates negotiations on Macedonia's accession date, it will face serious legal challenges, and the country's leadership is currently under intense scrutiny and pressure from the European Union. The secret meeting was attended by 11 Greek representatives, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Economy and Finance, the head of Greek industrialists, etc.

With regard to the agenda of the meeting, Estulin and Tucker reported that the main issues were the further development of the economic crisis, the establishment of an international ministry of health and the international ministry of finance. The brochure, previously sent to the participants, stated that the world elite faced a choice between protracted and short (but deep) depression.

The first condemns the world to decades of stagnation, decline and poverty, the second means a sharp economic downturn that will open the way to a new world order based on the affirmation of the principle of efficiency by significantly limiting national sovereignty. According to Tucker, Geithner and Bildt were in favor of an intense short recession, as protracted litigation could hit the interests of the Bilderberg Group's industrial groups. The current euphoria of economic recovery is deceptive and is only a prelude to the enormous losses that the world will face in the near future.

At the meeting, Bildt gave a speech in which he called for expanding the functions of the World Health Organization and the International Monetary Fund, transforming them into world ministries within the framework of the Un. These proposals are fully in line with the decisions of the G20 in London to strengthen the role of the IMF and are directly related to the scandal raised in the wake of the swine flu epidemic. It is actually a campaign of intimidation and intimidation of the population, which is intended to justify the strengthening of control by international organizations. According to Tucker, this choice represents a significant progress towards the creation of a world government planned by the Bilderbergs.

In order to centralize their power, they hope to emphasize the importance of the problems created by the economic crisis and the threat of a pandemic in order to justify the centralization of the power of the "global elite". The media, widely represented at this time at the meeting, have a key role to play in the coordinated policy of fear-mongering. The leaders of the most influential Western publications were present: the American Washington Post and Newsweek, the English The Economist and the Financial Times, the French Le Point and Nouvel Observateur, the German Der Standart and Die zeit, the Spanish El Pais and Prisa (publishing holding), the Turkish Milliyet, the Greek Kathimerini, the Finnish Talouselama, the Swiss media corporation Ringier.

As Tucker points out, the meeting also discussed the issue of climate warming and the establishment of a tax on fuel carbon, an issue that represents a major item on the Bilderbergs' agenda and is part of the international environmental control program. It is planned to transfer this tax to the UN, but it should be introduced gradually, perhaps in a hidden form. The issue of drafting legislation on this tax at the international level has long been dealt with by U.S. Senator John Kerry, a presidential candidate in the 2004 elections, who, although not on the list of participants, but presumably attended it.

Kerry participated in the World Economic Forum, as well as the preparatory meeting in Rome, dedicated to the climate change negotiations to be held in Copenhagen in late 2009, at which the issue of a carbon tax will be considered. Kerry also played a major role in the Obama administration's proposal to impose a tax on any carbon dioxide emissions (even from human breaths). This issue is also on the agenda of the Bilderbergs, the purpose of which was expressed by peter Souterlan, chairman of the Board of Governors of British Petroleum, who stated that he wanted to use the campaign of fear over global warming to raise taxes and control people's lifestyles.

During the discussion of the Lisbon Treaty, which is of fundamental importance to European elites, the participants of the meeting made their intention to send their representatives to Ireland for negotiations with the country's political leadership in order to ensure the ratification of the treaty. The country has been in a state of heavy public opinion, and a recent poll has been published in the media, with 52 per cent of Irish people saying they would say yes to a referendum due before the end of 2009.

According to Tucker, the meeting of the group members this time took place in a gloomy atmosphere, as the geopolitical situation is not the best for them, and their program meets serious resistance. According to Estulin, who has always been accurate, the Bilderberg Club is seriously concerned that the situation could deteriorate so much that they would lose control of events.

In recent years, they have pursued a policy of "demand destruction" that is carried out through the deliberate dismantling of the world economy, and the current economic crisis could lead to results in which two or two generations will see a two-thirds of the population shrink dramatically. This will be the result of famine or a pandemic that can take on such a wide scale that it will have unintended consequences, dangerous and for the elites themselves, who will be on the verge of destruction. This prospect causes panic among the Mondialists themselves. As Estulin emphasizes, this story was discussed at the meeting for a very long time.

Everything shows that the ruling elites of the West are indeed facing a decisive choice, and they do not have unity of opinion, and this once again proves the false nature of the idea of the omnipotence and cohesion of the supranational center of government. This "omnipotence" is based solely on blind belief in the boundless influence of the "global elite". Meanwhile, the broad middle layer of managers in the West itself is a hostage and a victim of the criminal policy of the financial elite.

It is significant in this regard that the next meeting of the Bilderberg Group took place after another secret meeting, which was held, as reported by the British weekly The Sunday Times, on May 5 in Manhattan at the home of the President of Rockefeller University, curator of closed projects in the field of genetic engineering Paul Ners. It was attended by the richest people of America: David Rockefeller himself, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg (Mayor of New York), media mogul Ted Turner and several other people.

Of all the topics discussed at the meeting, the main problem was the same problem of "overpopulation of the Earth." The discussion took place behind closed doors because, as one person present explained, "no one wanted to involve the Governments of developing countries in the discussion and did not want the participants to be presented in the newspapers as an alternative government of the world". However, the views of these figures are quite well known. Ted Turner's recent assertion that global warming is caused by too much of the planet's population ("too much material"), which needs to be reduced by two-thirds to 2 billion people, which will ensure a high standard of living for the remaining 4. Strangely, he didn't mention the "golden billion."

It is these figures, who are in the hands of the management of financial flows, who determine the world agenda, but since their anti-human projects are already available to the world public, it is criminal to consent to the voluntary subordination of their actual or imaginary power.

Well, who will comment on Putin's closest friend and accomplice Chubais. He said in 2011: about the hopeless radical scenario of reducing the population of the earth to 2.0 and maybe up to 1, 5 billion people. 

It's easier for us to zero you down, which is just 0.666% of the world's population 👇

📹 Chubais on reducing the population of planet Earth from 7 billion to 1.5 billion people 

"THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: Billionaires are shrinking the world's population, the report says.

The meeting of the Great and The Good (or the Richest and Most Greedy) last week could not but cause criticism. The New York meeting of billionaires Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller, Eli Broad, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah, Michael Bloomberg and others was described by the Chronicle of Philanthropy as an informal gathering aimed at promoting philanthropy. Just a few billionaires get together to have a drink and dinner and have a friendly chat about how to promote charity.

We were told there was no agenda. And no plan for a follow-up meeting.

But in the era of fallen idols of wealth, the meeting of the minds of billionaires inevitably attracted attention. Of course, all this money and power in one room was supposed to cause trouble for everyone else.

An article in the Times of London, headlined "The Billionaires Club in an Attempt to Rein in the World Population," stated that the issues discussed at the top-secret meeting included health, education and, of course, the most controversial - the slowdown in global population growth.

"Following Gates's example, they agreed that overpopulation was a priority," the report said, "this could be a challenge to some Third World politicians (including Putin, who in the face of cosmonaut Schwab at Davos Webinar rejected the idea of a billion dollars) who believe that contraception and women's education weaken traditional values."

Such a position would not be surprising. Gates, Buffett and Turner have been quietly worried about the problems of the Maltsian population for years. Mr. Gates in February laid out a plan to try to limit the world's population to 8.3 billion, rather than the projected 9.3 billion, at which the population is expected to peak. 

But some right-wing blogs have started attacking billionaires as a kind of secret sterilization society or a giant ATM to fund abortions." 

It's important to note here, in this pornography "opening the eye of the billionaires" and their plans to reduce the population of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL deliberately distort the figure that makes the author of the plan to reduce the world's population by vaccination, a friend of paedophile Epstein Gates, not a mass murderer, but merely as a spotter of numbers for the benefit of all of us. After all, according to the article of the publication, Gates with other Schwab is going to leave on Earth not 1-0.5 billion people, but 8.3 billion people. 

💉🇺🇸 "We have now purchased enough vaccines to vaccinate all Americans. When I took office... this country didn't have a plan." 

Replica from the audience: "If 50% of Americans say they don't want it, why would you buy it if your plan isn't to force or coerce them?"

What kind of misfortune did you decide to stab Americans and the rest of the world 🗺? 

Italian with Russian translation, translation of the interview into English 👇

In the interview below, the journalist interviews Dr. Stefano Scoglio, who studies vitamin supplements at the University of Urbino, Italy. In 2017, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize for scientific achievements in his field, but the point in this case is not this nomination, but that he is not afraid of any discredit from colleagues for his view of this "pandemic of coronavirus". 

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