Mueller's Office 

Urgently give Boris, we found him a house 🏡 He does not pick up the phone and we begin to get nervous, because Borya .

Oh, cute gentle forever shaggy bear Boryusik. Our communist joy and the fascist pride of good old England, William you are our pugnacious plucked... 

👩 Ah, what a woman

In the noisy hall of the restaurant 

Joy and deception 

The Poet's Work 

Near the table 

You're sitting around. 

All in the light of the night 

So it was the same as the result. 

That the words were with the gyb 

Zakpyzhilo golovy intoxicating 

Gender is not under itself 

Between Heaven and Earth 

As in a dream with you dancing 

Apomat dykhov so beckons 

Intoxicating and dyp'tanite 

Oh, how sweet in it tone I 

Our bodies are so close 

And the unsmembered words 

No shame you whisper I 

Sauna flushing department. Detached building on the plot, the total area of the object is 666 kV.m. On Thursdays, the bath day 🧖 for the corpses of the home drama theater "Barvikha". Last Thursday, a realtor was allowed to take one picture of the corpses of the actresses being washed to raise the level of torpedoed advertising. Our young sales company has learned to do a lot over the past year and a half. We borrowed the whole concept of advertising from older advertising agents of politicians. Although, of course, we have not yet achieved such a mastery of home sales compared to the popular goods of the first persons - the 🦠 virus / syringe 💉 / injection / cemetery 🪦. We will try, we have, because of our invigorating blood 🩸 in the veins of youth is still ahead.

did not make a deposit on the reserve and we had to pay $ 666,666 for a reserve for 6 days and 6 hours from 00:00 now. 

This is the best option for Boris and his sweet girlfriend. Oh, hang out, Borya is always jealous of us, although we never get closer than 166 meters. 

Ah, what woman, what woman 

I'm like 

You're going to go with me I know 

He's been caressing you for a long time. 

And I don't give you home. 

Burns in the stronger fire 

Not my you, not mine 

So why am I going to 

How much wine do I have? 

To make a look out of memory 

And forget your dreams 

     Platform for helicopters 🚁 MIG 

Sunday sightseeing group flights with other people's children for hire. Photographer, prompter, translator, other people's gold products on the hands, legs 🦶, neck and other branches from the main body are included in the general price of payment. The price is negotiable, the price of 💲 varies from 66.6 thousand to 166,666 in local currency (Tunguska tugriks). There is also a team of exclusive children working in a special genre, they go outside the price list and the general queue, they can be ordered through our agency, Borya. 

Housemates are all kind and sympathetic criminal people of the first guild of Satanists. All as you love native. 

Neighbors will meet with bread salt, vodka, bath 🧖 with heifers. Borya will wash away all this Western crap at once. 

One of the usual scenes before visiting the flushing department on Thursdays. The work of 66 actresses concubines is not easy but beautiful in content, Borya. You will be satisfied and happy all 24 hours a day. And we give 25 frames after full payment and crediting money 💵 to the account of the 🧾. 25 hours a day is within the framework of our bonus program, Borusik. 

A small part ⬆️ ⬇️ of the corpses of the home drama theater '' Barvikha ''

Farmers 👨 🌾 at the congress of the dacha cooperative '' Lake '' 

$74 million – this is the price of the most expensive house on Rublevka, which only we have now managed to find for Boris at the moment. It is located in the village "Gardens Meyendorf" (former Sanatorium Barvikha UD Central Committee of the CPSU). In 2010, the palm was at another mansion in Barvikha. We sold it to the fugitive Vitya Yanukovych for $ 66 million. And two years ago, the most expensive house was the estate "Eurasia" worth $ 100 million, located in Gorki-2. But today "Eurasia" is already a sucker, it is only the fifth in our top for vip fugitives. Since the end of 2010, we have lowered the price and the house is already for sale for $ 57 million.

The village is well guarded and also has its own shopping street with premium boutiques, the world's best brands on one street. On weekends, various competitions and charades, other entertainment on the shopping street for true connoisseurs of high art. For example, the best Nazi contest and the burning of books and laptops at the stake. According to the results of the competition, the winners are always determined and exclusive expensive prizes are awarded. 

On the territory of the cooperative '' Lake '', on the shore of the natural lake there is a sports zone transformer, the workers of the village for a short time from the tennis court build other sports structures to maintain the shape of the inhabitants of the village. That is why all the residents of this location are young, cheerful, healthy and cheerful. 

Top Rublev exclusives we can not give you, because of the complete confidentiality of the object. You know, such proposals are not made openly. They cannot be found in real estate databases. Moreover, not every curious person will even be able to get to the lookouts. Sellers carefully check everyone who reports their intention to purchase such a homestead. And not everyone eventually agrees to show the house. New tenants must necessarily correspond to the already established environment, that is, be major criminal authorities. 

A huge natural lake, beach 🏖, boating and camels are included in the price of utilities 

Nudist beach 🏝 for lesbians borders a nudist beach for transgender ⚧. In turn, the beach 🏖 transgenderism is adjacent to the beach of homosexuals. The beach 🏝 for straight people in terms of construction, the project is under consideration for the second year by local authorities, since all sexual directions are supervised by the administration of this territory. They also regulate the diet of food, the hours of ⏰ meals, the time of sleep 🥱 and the morning wake-up. 

For example, in the same Barvikha there are residences of a major criminal Vladimir Lisin, the owner of the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant, vodka king Rustam Tariko (Russian Standard holding), Nikolai Sarkisov, co-owner of the RESO-Garantia insurance group. 

When we said that our fugitive criminal Borya himself, they sent a motorcade with security for viewing. Here's what we can give for transmission through you Borusik!

Cost of 1 sq. m.: 30 833 USD.

Distance from MKAD: 7 km. House area: 2400 sq.m.

Plot area: 100 acres Description: The house is on closed sale, shown only to those customers who are really able to purchase such an object. 

We have details in the archive. In order for Borya to more easily survive the farewell to his homeland, give him in words briefly. The sale amount includes a home drama 🎭 theater with 66 seats and 6 attached on the sides for security. The same amount includes the corpse of the theater of 66 actresses, they live in the theater and are not a detachable living architectural decoration of the estate. Perform the functions of a harem. Hurry up to please our shalunishka, a new life for Bori is just beginning.

      Your cooperative today, Boris. 

The son of the former Chekist Lebedev infiltrated the House of Lords

The Queen of Great Britain with the filing of Prime Minister Bori Johnson granted Evgeny Lebedev the title of "Baron of Siberia"

Evgeny (left) and Alexander Lebedev

British entrepreneur Evgeny Lebedev, the son of former co-owner of the National Reserve Bank Alexander Lebedev, became a member of the British House of Lords with the official title "Baron Lebedev of Hampton in the London borough of Richmond upon Thames and Siberia in the Russian Federation". The title was given to him by Queen Elizabeth II, a message about this appeared in the official publication of the British government. This was also reported by the British editions of The Evening Standard and The Independent owned by his family.

He was nominated for a lifetime peerage in the House of Lords in July this year by Prime Minister Boris Johnson. As The Evening Standard wrote, he was awarded the title for services to the media industry and charitable activities. Evgeny Lebedev, along with his father, is a co-owner of The Evening Standard and The Independent. He was the organizer of several charity events, which raised more than £ 75 million (about $ 100 million) to protect the environment and support vulnerable social groups.

"Baron Hampton and Siberian: the British Queen titled the son of Russian businessman Lebedev": The fact that the publisher of The Evening Standard and The Independent, Evgeny Lebedev, was on the list of 36 people to whom Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain will assign a lifetime peerage title became known in early August 2020. The inclusion in the list of the name of a businessman of Russian origin was unexpected, wrote then The Guardian. The publication recalled that in 2018, Lebedev held a party with the participation of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, when he was still foreign minister.

In addition, after winning the election, the current head of government was in the London house of Lebedev at the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the businessman's father - Alexander Lebedev, who in the past served in the KGB, Notes The Guardian. Alexander Lebedev previously told Forbes that Johnson and his son have been friends for about 12 years, in particular, they together raised funds to help homeless former employees of the British army. [...]

In addition to Yevgeny Lebedev, in the list of people who received the right to a seat in the House of Lords of Britain, another 35 people. Among them are the brother of Prime Minister Joe Johnson, who previously left the government of the country because of disagreement with boris Johnson's views on Brexit, as well as former finance ministers Philip Hammond and Ken Clark, and the husband of former Prime Minister Theresa May Philip. Membership in the upper house of the British Parliament has 773 people. 

Boris Johnson and Evgeny Lebedev (right)

Speaking shortly after his appointment, he said he felt 'great pride' in becoming the first peer from Russia and would use his position to fight for free speech," Standart wrote.

Information about Lord Lebedev is already on the website of the British Parliament. He has been attending the house of Lords since 19 November.

Sources 24.11.2020 :

"Businessman Evgeny Lebedev received from Elizabeth II the title of Baron of Siberia": Although formally Lebedev is already a peer, to become a member of the House of Lords, he still needs to go through the procedure of introduction to the House. During the ceremony, its new member, accompanied by two guarantors and dressed in the so-called ermine mantle, actually trimmed with rabbit fur, is introduced to other parliamentarians. After that, he is obliged to swear allegiance to the monarch, obtaining the right to participate in the meetings of the house and vote.

As previously reported by the British media, according to the current rules, peerage titles must contain an indication of some locality - almost always within the United Kingdom. In cases where the toponym included in the title is not British, the London Heraldic Chamber must obtain consent for its use from the authorities of a foreign state.

A lifetime peerage in the United Kingdom title system cannot be inherited by the descendants of the holder of the title, but they will be able to title themselves as "hon.

Sources 24.11.2020 :

"Businessman Evgeny Lebedev received from Elizabeth II the title of Baron of Siberia": Evgeny Lebedev received British citizenship in 2010. Together with his father, he owns the company Lebedev Holdings Ltd, which owns the British newspapers Evening Standard and The Independent, as well as the television channel London Live. Lebedev's other business projects include the Japanese restaurant Sake no Hana on St James's Street, London, designed by Kengo Kuma, and the Palazzo Terra Nova boutique hotel in Umbria, Italy.

Sources 24.11.2020 :

"Elizabeth II gave the son of a Russian businessman the title of Baron of Siberia": British media reported earlier that Lebedev wanted the word "Moscow" to appear in his title, but according to the rules, permission to use a foreign geographical name in titles must be given by the government of the relevant country.

The number of members of the House of Lords is not limited, currently there are about 800, which, according to critics, is too many. The House of Lords, although formally the upper house of Parliament, does not have the authority to reject a bill that has received the approval of the House of Commons, but can significantly delay its adoption and even convince deputies of the lower house to revise it. Unlike elected members of the House of Commons, members of the House of Lords are appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister. There is also a relatively small group of hereditary lords. 

The state of his father, Alexander Lebedev, Forbes estimated in 2016 at $ 400 million In the ranking of "200 richest businessmen of Russia 2015" he took 188th place. Lebedev Sr. is a graduate of MGIMO and the Academy of Foreign Intelligence. Lebedev himself admitted that in the Soviet years he worked in the KGB, but pointed out that he was no longer related to the special services. "I don't have any special services connections, stop. That was in 1992. I resigned, and there is no KGB a long time ago," the businessman said in an interview with Forbes.

In the 1980s, he worked at the Soviet embassy in London with future VTB President Andrei Kostin. Together with him in the early 1990s, he began to engage in business.

In January 2009, Lebedev bought 75.1% of the British newspaper Evening Standard. The purchase cost £ 8.3 million In March 2009, he reported that £30 million had already been spent on the Evening Standard.

Founded in 1986, the British newspaper The Independent Lebedev acquired in March 2010 for a symbolic £ 1 because of its debts (about $ 42 million at the rate of 2010). The businessman took on the debts of the publication, and the previous owner of the publication paid Lebedev £ 9.25 million ($ 14 million), which went to finance the activities of the newspaper.

Evgeny Lebedev manages Lebedev Holdings Ltd, which owns the publications, and is a co-owner of the publications. He was born in 1980 in Moscow, moved with his father to London in 1987 and in 2010 received British citizenship.

"Russian Air Force Service", 31.07.2020:

"Russian Lord: Newspaper Publisher Lebedev Will Get a Seat in the British Parliament": Yevgeny Lebedev and his father Alexander were discussed by the British media not so long ago - in connection with the long-awaited report on Russia's influence on the British elections, which was published just a week ago. [...] However, even before the publication of the report, the Sunday Times called several names of Russian businessmen who were mentioned by the authors of the document. In particular, according to the publication, Alexander Lebedev appears in the report. [...]

Alexander Lebedev himself reacted to the Sunday Times article: "Just laughter. I think Donald Trump also laughed about the so-called Steele dossier. 

The worst experience of Russian journalism has become the standard of reporting by major Western newspapers." 

[...] Most of the attention was attracted by the name of Yevgeny Lebedev, but the nomination of the brother of Prime Minister Joe Johnson and the husband of former Prime Minister Theresa May Philip May also caused a lot of indignant comments in the press and social networks.

"This is how the Prime Minister imagines levelling up (one of Johnson's election slogans): this is the distribution of lifelong shtetls in the unelected House of Lords to his cronies /.../ and relatives," said Peter Whichart, a member of the House of Commons from the Scottish National Party.

"The list of new peers is just complete shamelessness," Guardian columnist John Grace @JohnJCrace wrote on Twitter. 

The liberal newspaper discusses in detail the other nominees, and calls Lebedev's candidacy a surprise.

"I'm not saying it's a banana republic, but we have a peerage for Boris Johnson's brother and a knighthood for Theresa May's husband," Financial Times political correspondent Jim Picard @PickardJE tweeted. 

What is the name of the British title "Baron of Siberia"? - Borya! 

This is when Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain awarded businessman Yevgeny Lebedev a number of titles, making him Baron Hampton and Siberian. Then the British media clarified that the entrepreneur wanted the word "Moscow" to appear in his title, but this was impossible to do, since permission to use a foreign geographical name must be given by the government of the relevant country.

Apparently, everything here rests on the reluctance of political excesses and complete discrediting of the Chamber! Yes Boris? 

Although from the point of view of the European tradition of titles, the use of names like "Moscow" or "Siberian" does not mean a claim to these lands, modern society, unfamiliar with ancient customs, can, what is called misunderstand?!

And why unnecessary scandals to Boris?

Especially in the British tradition, the mention of the territory in the title means the fact of owning it (at least in the past), only if it is the title of the hereditary peer and lord, belonging to the number of ancient aristocratic families of England. 

And for life peers who receive the title for services to the state and society, the title does not indicate feudal possession, but only the place of residence or the place where the lord comes from.

So the generally accepted title of life peers is very simple - it is "Lord Lebedev", or "Baron Lebedev". 

And no "Barons of Siberia".

of banker Alexander Ledebeev and in his spare time for the KGB of the Siberian Peer of the House of Lords of England. 

Shooting an of banker Alexander Ledebev and 2 escorts in the suite of his Kiev hotel Ukraine can be studied here with us.

This KGB veteran abandoned his wife of the same age for a 17-year-old drug addict arrested for trafficking in amphetamines. The elderly daughter of a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences Natalia Lebedeva was rewritten real estate and part of the business, and Alexander refused to divorce.

The new darling, drug dealer Elena Perminova, undressed for Playboy, starred in the videos "Say no to drugs!" and agreed to a group emancipation.

The banker paid for the harem of prostitutes, the most expensive cost $ 10 thousand per evening.

Lebedev, who never married the girl, forbids Perminova to drink coffee because of fears of drug relapses and pays for advertising of her brand "Len & Buckwheat" for the delivery of "gluten-free bread" to Muscovites.

After all, in this case, a logical and natural question of Borya arises: "Siberian" is an honorary title, and what did Evgeny Lebedev distinguish himself in Siberia before Great Britain? 

Thief in law Sergey Lipchansky as Sibiryak 

Sergey Lipchansky as Sibiryak


Name Lipchanskiy Sergey Dmitrievich

Nickname Sibiryak

Criminal status Thief in law

Date of birth October 5, 1968

Place of birth Bratsk, Russia

Nationality Russian

Coronation date May 1993 (at 24 years old), in Moscow

Who crowned Dlugach V. Ya.

Date of death August 6, 1996 (at 27 years old)

Place of death of Balashikha

Cause of death Killed

Buried cemetery in Balashikha

In Sergei Lipchansky, nicknamed Sibiryak, saw the criminal leader of Russia. He was predicted great things, perhaps he would have become on the same level with the Jap himself. So authoritative was this young thief.

Sergey Lipchansky was born in 1968 in the Irkutsk region. He was the fifth child in the family. By the age of 15, he had already formed a leader who ruled in the company of his peers. The Siberian was engaged in what many of the most authoritative thieves began. He organized the thefts, and he himself took part in them. At the age of 16, Lipchansky was still caught stealing, and appeared before the court. But fortunately, the teenager received a suspended sentence.

Left: thief in law Sergey Lipchansky (Sibiryak) and authority Sergey Mamsurov (Mansur)

After some time, Lipchansky again returns to the old craft. And as usual, he is again caught stealing. This time the court was not so humane, on Sibiryak still hung a suspended sentence. Now he is given a real punishment - 2 years, which Lipchansky from call to call serves as a minor. There it didn't break, as it does with many. On the contrary, Sibiryak gained in the zone of the authority that he lacked. Freed, he returns to his native Bratsk, where he gathers a team of strong guys. Theft, this is already a passed stage in his life. Now Sergei Lipchansky with his brigade, engaged in extortion.

Ahead on the left are thieves in law: Sergei Lipchansky (Sibiryak) and Stanislav Tishba (Paka). Behind the authority Sergey Mamsurov (Mansur)

Having vacated in Bratsk, Sibiryak takes up Irkutsk. In this field, he succeeded. Many businessmen of the region pay him for protection. Also, Sergey constantly travels to Khabarovsk, Chita, Vladivostok, where, together with his associates, he "shakes" merchants.

On the left is the thief in law Sergey Lipchansky (Sibiryak)

I must say that the group of young authorities was small, but it had a great influence in the criminal world. Putting himself on the criminal map of Russia, Sibiryak in 1989 goes on a "tour" to Moscow. Here he comes across, in four articles at once.

Gathering in Butyrka

Lipchansky was imprisoned in pre-trial detention center No. 2, Butyrka prison. Here he immediately felt like a master, was independent. At that time, such authorities as the thief in law Valery Dlugach (Globus) and the authority of Leonid Zavadsky were in prison. Rumor claims that they were the mentors of the famous later thief in law Sibiryak.

Center: Sergey Lipchansky (Sibiryak)

In Butyrka, Lipchansky sat in a separate cell. If he wanted to "warm up" someone, then he did not skimp on money. He was always honest. When Sibiryak was taken for interrogation, no one searched him. Still, he was already in a position. And after a while, in the same prison, he was crowned. By the way, in the cell where Sibiryak sat, there was a computer, a TV. He did not eat like all prisoners, food was brought to him from the restaurant. Naturally, the order in the prison, Sibiryak kept appropriately. Many blatant people could follow him. If Sibiryak had told the prisoners to start a hunger strike, they would have complied with his request. By all this, it is already possible to judge how authoritative this person was.

Right thieves in law: Stanislav Tishba (Paka) and Sergey Lipchansky (Sibiryak)

So, Sibiryak came out of Butyrka, where he spent four years, already an authoritative thief in law. Lipchansky was met at the exit not only by his associates, but also by the guards of the detention center, who had a day off that day. They stood in a small bunch, not standing out. The guards received money from Sibiryak, because they gave him the opportunity to move freely throughout the detention center.

On the right are thieves in law: Sergei Komarov (Komar) and Sergei Lipchansky (Sibiryak) on the grave of Leonid Zavadsky

Although he was young, he did not approve of the thieves of the new wave. The Siberian belonged to the thieves of the old formation. His name became well-known after the famous gathering, which Sibiryak organized in Butyrka. On May 20, 1994, Sibiryak gathered a group of 30 authorities and thieves in law. At night, they freely entered the gates of the prison, which was specially opened for them. Sibiryak with his comrades wanted to visit his friends thieves in law, who were at that time in prison.

Thief in law Sergey Lipchansky (Sibiryak)

Under the leadership of Lipchansky, the authorities went to a specially prepared room for them. There was already a table there, which the guests immediately set. Soon came the thieves in law who were in prison - Shakro the Old and Rezo Tbilisi, as well as other authorities. But Sibiryak did not know that the information about the gathering would fall into the RUOP.

Operatives have long been developing an operation to detain the participants of the gathering. Therefore, when the prisoners, whom they came to visit, appeared in the doorway, the operatives immediately arrived. Everyone was laid on the floor. Among the detainees was a thief in law Sibiryak, several of his associates, as well as such authorities as: Avilov, Tengiz Pitsunda, Tamma and others. Among the detainees were six employees of the detention center, who helped Sibiryak to organize this gathering. All the detainees were immediately placed in the Lefortovo and Matrosskaya Tishina pre-trial detention centers.


Shortly after his arrest, Sibiryak was released. No crime, as it turned out, in his actions was not. After all, he did not storm the insulator, did not bribe anyone to get there. The Siberian just visited friends, despite the vigilance of the guards. Employees of the detention center lost their jobs, the authorities were released. Everyone was satisfied, only the name of Lipchansky once again surfaced in the press.

After this gathering, Sibiryak again engaged in crime. He becomes the curator of one of the Moscow criminal groups. Also converges with many thieves in the law of the old formation. He is respected by both Russian and Caucasian thieves. The opinion of this thief in law is listened to. The Siberian in general, unlike many authorities, is distinguished by the fact that he tried to solve all the problems in words, peacefully on the descent, and not with the help of weapons, as others did.

Whatever it was, but some time after the famous gathering in Butyrka, Sibiryak disappears. No one knows what happened. Lipchansky tries to find his friend and associate, a thief in law named Komar. He specially from the capital goes to Irkutsk to hire a detective there. Having paid him an advance, Komar flies to rest in Cyprus. There he receives information from a hired man that he came on the trail of Siberia. The detective and the thief in law decide to meet immediately. The meeting was to take place in the twenties of October 1998. The mosquito arrives in Russia. What the detective said at the meeting remains a mystery. The mosquito was killed a month after that meeting.

Grave of Sergei Lipchansky — Sibiryak

There is some information that Sibiryak is not alive. Allegedly, he was accused of rat-ratting. And then the thieves' messengers executed the sentence. The Siberian took a cruel death. According to rumors, he was doused with gasoline in one of the garages, set on fire, and thrown on the wheels, which was covered with the floor of the garage. After that, the killers closed the garage, leaving the thief in law alone with a cruel death.






   We are waiting for you Dear Comrade Boris! 

And these are residents of the neighboring village of "Liberty Island 🗽". Their inhabitants are extremely depraved and idly spend time on weekends; play golf ⛳️, dance and take other liberties. In the evenings, they arrange various pernicious entertainments and constantly rust over the inhabitants of the village cooperative "' Lake ''. Here she is Borya this future eternal life of yours. 

Պᤇ. Թჩჿէჿᤚᤇձթჩᤉᤇ ձከძ Ҟყ꤈𐌠ᤉ 🥰

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