USA Funeral Home 


The FDA gets 45% of its annual budget from BigPharma. The WHO gets roughly 50% of its budget from private sources, including Bill Gates and BigPharma. The CDC is a vaccine company; owns 56 vaccine patents and buys and sells $4.6 billion a year for vaccines

Children's programs. 

It's not "science". It's a business. 

Their agenda is REAL. 

Their profits are REAL. 

Their psychopathy is REAL. 

Their puppets are REAL. 

Their satanic cult is REAL. 

That they will come for US and Our CHILDREN is REAL. 

The danger of everything they do is REAL.

 The CDC has added 6,000 new deaths to VAERS following the COVID19 vaccination in the U.S.

The total number of deaths has more than doubled compared to last week.

DEATHS in the U.S. after COVID injections in 4 months.

COUNTER Vaccine Deaths have been reported more than in the last 15 years. 

What is happening in 2020-2021 has no analogues in the history of mankind. Huge masses of people dutifully and meekly agreed to the role of guinea pigs in the trials of experimental vaccines, which were approved for use with a mass of flagrant violations of all laws, divine and human. Intimidated by dishonest participants in the grandiose project "pandemic-vaccination". Not receiving TRUTHFUL INFORMATION about the composition of vaccines and their true purpose. Duped by Goebbels' propaganda of corrupt officials, opinion leaders and the media - people-victims dutifully go to the slaughter. Meanwhile, the true picture of what is happening is monstrous and is able to reason with anyone. 

Those who are aware. Know!

The CDC provided death data recorded in the Vaccine Side Effect Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. government-funded database tracking injuries and deaths caused by vaccines after experimental injections of unknown composition from unknown and undocathed COVID disease, with 3486 deaths reported from December 2020 to April. At that time, COVID mRNA injections from Pfizer and Moderna received Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the FDA.

To get an idea of the extent of covid-related deaths reported to the CDC, the CDC recorded only 3445 deaths after all vaccinations from 1/1/1/11/30/2020 over a 15-year period.

pending the FDA's issuance of emergency use authorizations for experimental COVID injections in December 2020.

3186 of the 3486 COVID injection deaths were included in today's VAERS data summary, which also included 86,080 injuries with 1217 permanent disabilities, 12,374 emergency room/doctor visits, 6,282 hospitalized and 1906 life-threatening injuries.

The distribution of deaths per EUA injection is as follows.

Pfizer/Biontech - 1476 deaths (Source).

Moderna - 1540 deaths ( Source ).

Johnson - 155 deaths (Source).

According to the CDC's COVID Vaccine Tracking Data, the latest statistics on how many doses of each COVID vaccine have been administered to the population are as follows.

Pfizer / Biontech - 116,754,631 doses

Moderna - 97 353 734 doses

Janssen - 8,040,727 doses

J&J Janssen has the highest percentage of reported deaths, with Moderna in second place.

Janssen's injections are currently suspended by the FDA due to reports of "rare" blood clots. According to the CDC, these reports only exist for 8 people, all women.

However, specific cases of blood clots are very narrowly defined by the FDA and CDC, considering only "thrombosis of the venous sinus of the brain in combination with thrombocytopenia." (Blood clots in the brain combined with low platelet counts.)

But many other types of blood clots have also been reported after injections, many of which have been fatal, beyond simply "venous sinus thrombosis of the brain."

If we look for death from any kind of "thrombosis," the numbers go up. Here are the search results for "death" and all cases of "thrombosis" (blood clots).

Obviously, blood clot-related deaths are recorded for all three EUA vaccinations, but the percentage of vaccinations given along with deaths and blood clots is significantly higher with the J&J vaccine.

Another thing to look out for is the age range in which these deaths and blood clots occur with each shot.

Of the 27 blood clot deaths among Pfizer patients, only 1 occurred before the age of 65.

Of the 19 blood clot deaths among Moderna patients, 5 occurred before the age of 65.

Of the 13 blood clot deaths among J&J patients, 8 (62%) of these were among those under the age of 65, including one between the ages of 17 and 44.

Thus, the J&J shot affects young people who have virtually no risk of dying from COVID-19, much more than the other two images.

And yet today's news says the CDC and FDA are preparing to resume injections of J&J. (Source.)

COVID Shots: Mass Killings and Biological Weapons

The decision to continue to allow emergency use of the J&J injection or either of the other two injections is largely made by just a select few doctors and scientists, all of whom are hired by the U.S. government and have close ties to pharmaceutical businesses. industry.

Other doctors and scientists who don't work for the government or the pharmaceutical company that makes and sells vaccines strongly disagree with government health bureaucrats, and we've introduced many of them here in Health Impact News.

Not only is there disagreement about whether these experimental injections are safe or effective, many now claim that these injections are specifically designed to infect and kill people as part of a global plan to reduce the world's population.

The fact that very well-known scientists and doctors like Dr. Michael Yidon, Pfizer's former vice president and chief scientist for allergies and respiratory diseases, are talking about this should be a headline, even if their views are not supported by others.

But instead, they are under attack and censored by the corporate media, which is mostly funded by Big Pharma and does not engage in investigative journalism at all when it comes to vaccines, but simply acts as marketing agencies for Big Pharma.

J. Bart Klassen, MD, an immunologist, just published an article in the journal Microbiology & Infectious Diseases titled:

COVID-19 RNA-based vaccines and prion disease risk


There's an old saying in medicine that "a medicine can be worse than a disease." The phrase can be applied to vaccines. This paper expresses concern that RNA-based COVID vaccines could cause more disease than the COVID-19 epidemic.

This article focuses on a new mechanism of potential side effects that cause prion disease, which may be even more common and debilitating than the viral infection that the vaccine is designed to prevent. While this paper focuses on one potential adverse event, there are many other potentially fatal adverse events that are discussed below.

Over the past two decades, some scientists have expressed concerns that prions could be used as biological weapons. More recently, there have been concerns that ubiquitous intracellular molecules may be activated to cause prion disease, including Alzheimer's disease, ALS, and other neurodegenerative diseases.

This problem arises from the possibility of misuse of research data on the mechanisms by which certain RNA-binding proteins, such as TDP-43, FUS, and others, can be activated to form disease-causing prions.

The fact that this research, which can be used to develop biological weapons, is funded by private organizations, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Allison Medical Foundation [2], without national/international oversight, is also a cause for concern. (Full study.)

The decline of the world's population can no longer be considered a "conspiracy theory" because globalists themselves, such as Bill Gates, have publicly stated that we need to reduce the world's population, usually in the name of climate change and "saving the earth." ”

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, there are now more deaths after experimental COVID vaccinations in the first four months of the market than deaths recorded after all vaccinations in the last 15 years!

Yet the official position of the CDC is still:

A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsies and medical records, found no evidence that vaccination contributed to the death of patients. 

For those who objectively follow the data, which now include statements submitted to the corporate media by the CDC explaining that thousands of people who are fully vaccinated are still getting COVID infections and dying, it is clear that it takes MUCH more faith to believe that these injections benefit us than it is believed that these injections only benefit Big Pharma and can cause serious harm and injury, and should be completely avoided.

As more and more people in society begin to realize that evil motives lurk behind these experimental injections, will politicians and directors of pharmaceutical companies be held accountable for mass killings, as were the German doctors at the Nuremberg trial?

Most of these doctors were executed after being convicted in trials, and if the same moral and legal principles apply today, shouldn't the same thing happen?


It was information about the United States, and here is Europe, the same thing is happening there, because the same criminals rule the districts, who sentenced humanity to a painful death in the name of preserving their power and capital, in conditions when the parasitic global capitalist system built by them came to its natural collapse. They have found a great way out - to instill horror in the pandemic inflated by their pocket governments and the media, to construct killer vaccines, to force, by deception and blackmail, to use them. For the second year now, a well-thought-out and impeccably executed program by their accomplices from among officials, doctors, journalists has been successfully implemented. Bigpharma makes billions in profits. The super-rich become richer, the poor become poorer, the poor become poorer, the prickly ones die. 

Everything is going according to plan.

6662 DEAD 299,065 injuries: European Database of Adverse Reactions to COVID-19 Drugs "Vaccines"

April 16, 2021

[Click to read]

The European database of reports on suspected drug reactions is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following experimental COVID-19 "vaccines."

Here's what EudraVigilance says about its database:

This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide open access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These reports are sent to EudraVigilance electronically by national drug regulatory authorities and pharmaceutical companies holding registration certificates (licenses) for these medicines.

EudraVigilance is a system designed to collect reports on suspected side effects. These reports are used to assess the benefits and risks of medicines during their development and to monitor their safety after their approval in the European Economic Area (EEA). EudraVigilance has been in use since December 2001.

This website was launched in accordance with the EudraVigilance Access Policy, which was developed to improve public health by supporting the monitoring of drug safety and increasing transparency for stakeholders, including the general public.

The Board of the European Medicines Agency was the first to approve eudraVigilance's access policy in December 2010 revision A was adopted by the Council in December 2015 on the basis of legislation in 2010 pharmacovigilance. The policy aims to provide stakeholders, such as national drug regulatory authorities in the EEA, the European Commission, health professionals, patients and consumers, as well as the pharmaceutical industry and research organizations, with access to reports on suspected side effects.

Transparency is a key guiding principle of the Agency and is crucial to building confidence and confidence in the regulatory process. By increasing transparency, the Agency can better meet the growing needs of stakeholders, including the general public, for access to information. (Source.)

Their report through April 10, 2021 listed 6662 deaths and 299065 injuries from the injection of four experimental COVID-19 vaccinations:





Health Impact News subscriber in Europe ran reports on each of the four COVID-19 shots, including us here. This subscriber volunteered to do so, and it's a lot of work to compile tables for each injury and fatal response, as there is no place in the EudraVigilance system we found to sum up all the results.

Here's a summary of data up to April 10, 2021.

Total reactions to the experimental mRNA vaccine Tozinameran (code BNT162b2, Comirnaty) from BioNTech / Pfizer: 3760 death s and 134,606 injuries 10/04/2021

10,021 Diseases of the blood and lymphatic system, including 31 deaths

6,413 heart diseases, including 442 deaths with

44 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders, incl. 2 deaths

3620 Ear and labyrinth disorders, incl. 2 deaths s

93 Endocrine disorders

3,997 Eye diseases, incl. 5 deaths

30,091 gastrointestinal disorders, incl. 196 deaths s

93,635 Common disorders and conditions at the injection site, incl. 1279 deaths

171 Disorders of the liver and biliary tract, incl. 14 deaths

2,808 Disorders of the immune system, incl. 15 deaths

8,451 infections and inasions, incl. 380 deaths

3210 Injuries, poisonings and procedural complications, including 66 deaths

6,560 investigations, incl. 147 deaths

2,207 Metabolic and nutritional disorders, incl. 79 deaths

48571 musculoskeletal and connective tissue incl. 40 deaths

109 Benign, malignant and unspecified neoplasms (including cysts and polyps), incl. 7 deaths

59,021 Disorders of the nervous system, incl. 335 deaths

152 Pregnancy, postpartum and perinatal conditions, incl. 6 deaths

70 Product problems

5,208 mental disorders, including 52 deaths

807 Kidney and urinary tract disorders, incl. 57 deaths

806 Diseases of the reproductive system and breast, incl. 1 death

12,075 Respiratory, chest and mediastinal diseases, including 432 deaths

14,257 Skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases, incl. 31 deaths

352 Social circumstances, incl. 5 deaths

101 surgical and medical procedures, including 5 deaths

6,996 vascular diseases, incl. 131 deaths

Total response to experimental mRNA vaccine mRNA-1273 (CX-024414) from Modern: 1801 deaths s and 13,426 injuries to 10/04/2021

631 Diseases of the blood and lymphatic system, incl. 12 deaths

6871 Heart disorders, incl. 180 deaths

5 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders, including 1 death

267 Ear and labyrinth disorders

18 Endocrine disorders

415 Eye diseases, incl. 2 deaths

2,987 gastrointestinal disorders, incl. 60 deaths

9634 General disorders and conditions at the injection site, incl. 795 deaths

56 Hepatobiliary disorders, incl. 2 deaths

379 Disorders of the immune system, incl. 1 death

1075 infections and invasions, incl. 93 deaths

568 Injuries, poisonings and procedural complications, including 36 deaths

862 investigations, incl. 52 deaths

382 Metabolic and nutritional disorders, incl. 33 deaths

4443 musculoskeletal and connective tissue incl. 37 deaths

38 Benign, malignant and unspecified neoplasms (including cysts and polyps), incl. 5 deaths

5738 Disorders of the nervous system, incl. 193 deaths

37 Pregnancy, postpartum and perinatal conditions

7 Product issues

641 Psychiatric disorders, incl. 28 deaths

218 Kidney and urinary tract disorders, incl. 18 deaths

83 Diseases of the reproductive system and breast, incl. 1 death

1,657 Respiratory, chest and mediastinal diseases, including 158 deaths

1,625 Skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases, incl. 19 deaths

121 Social circumstances, incl. 5 deaths

88 surgical and medical procedures, incl. 10 deaths

839 Vascular diseases, incl. 60 deaths

Total reactions for the experimental vaccine AZD1222 (CHADOX1 NCOV-19) from Oxford/AstraZeneca: 1086 deaths s and 150,863 injuries on 10/04/2021

4092 Diseases of the blood and lymphatic system, including 44 deaths

5911 heart diseases, including 140 deaths

52 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders, including 1 death

3886 Ear and labyrinth disorders

112 Endocrine disorders, incl. 2 deaths

5,994 Eye diseases, incl. 4 deaths

47,881 Gastrointestinal disorders, incl. 40 deaths

117,802 General violations and conditions at the injection site, incl. 363 deaths

162 Diseases of the hepatobiliary system, incl. 6 deaths

1,499 Disorders of the immune system, incl. 5 deaths

8,809 infections and invasions, incl. 84 deaths

3095 Injuries, poisonings and procedural complications, including 11 deaths

7,336 investigations, incl. 14 deaths

6,078 Metabolic and nutritional disorders, including 10 deaths

68519 musculoskeletal and connective tissue incl. 7 deaths

97 Benign, malignant and unspecified neoplasms (including cysts and polyps), incl. 3 deaths

92,586 Disorders of the nervous system, incl. 154 deaths

71 Pregnancy, postpartum and perinatal conditions

39 Product issues

7934 Psychiatric disorders, incl. 9 deaths

1,446 Kidney and urinary tract disorders, incl. 8 deaths

1328 Diseases of the reproductive system and breast

12.49 Respiratory, chest and mediastinal diseases, incl. 109 deaths

19,069 Skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases, incl. 6 deaths

256 Social circumstances, incl. 3 deaths

322 Surgical and medical procedures, incl. 7 deaths

6136 vascular diseases, incl. 56 deaths

Total reactions to the experimental COVID-19 vaccine JANSSEN (AD26. COV2. S) from Johnson & Johnson: 15 deaths and 170 injuries as of 4/10/2021

(No schedule yet)

3 Disorders of the blood and lymphatic system

20 Heart disorders, incl. 5 deaths

11 Ear and labyrinth disorders

1 Endocrine disorders

9 Eye diseases

39 Gastrointestinal disorders

109 Common disorders and conditions at the injection site, incl. 7 deaths

2 Hepatobiliary disorders

8 Disorders of the immune system

17 Infections and invasions

9 Injuries, poisoning and procedural complications

- 33 Investigations

7 Metabolic and nutritional disorders

37 musculoskeletal system and connective tissue

88 Disorders of the nervous system, incl. 1 death

1 Product issues

- 18 Psychiatric disorders

5 Disorders of the kidneys and urinary tract

4 Reproductive system and breast diseases

30 respiratory, chest and mediastinal diseases, including 1 death

19 Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue

- 4 Social circumstances

1 Surgical and therapeutic procedures

28 Vascular diseases, incl. 1 death

This is publicly available information funded by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and anyone can use the EudraVigilance system and verify this data.

These are serious numbers, but we don't know of any news organization, whether corporate or alternative media, that have published anything about it other than Health Impact News.

Please share this information everywhere and feel free to copy and republish everything that is in this report.

And here are some of the cases from the latter, these are units out of tens of thousands that got into the press and drew attention to themselves, the links are in the original text, you can go through them and personally see the veracity of these stories, which are scattered throughout the pages of the regional press and never get on the pages of central publications funded by bigpharma, promoting vaccination. This is a drop in the bucket, because it is impossible to write about each of the tens and hundreds of thousands of victims who have already happened, especially since no one can predict how many will die in six months or a year after injecting a pharmaceutical product. It is only known that this will certainly happen, as warned tirelessly by all the remaining honest doctors and scientists.

How many old people died in the houses of the shooters, we will never know, we only know that there is a compulsion to vaccinate completely defenseless and often incapacitated people, abandoned by society to the mercy of fate, given into the clutches of farm and medical fascists, which completely deprives the right of this society, which did not care about the fate of its grandfathers, to be called human. 

Bigpharma, with the help of corrupt officials, doctors and journalists - kills. The first, for a share in the profits, gave her carte blanche for a giant experiment on the population, the second, for covid surcharges, carry out criminal orders, the third, for additional financing, advertise vaccination and hush up the deaths that occurred as a result of it. Snout in the cannon of everyone involved in the Covid scam. And only the people, duped by bastions who make their disgusting geshefts on death, go to the execution meekly and obediently. 

Appalling numbers – the higher the vaccination coverage, the more cases of the so-called coronavirus.

So-called vaccinations act as an aggravator.

Source: Our World in Data

The Covid fascists deserve only one thing: their Nuremberg!

The apology of socialism. Take away and divide.

There are good reasons for issuing an arrest warrant 🚔 and investigation into the activities of well-known defendants - officials, representatives of the private sector for "genocide, crimes against humanity, mass murder, manslaughter, conspiracy to commit a coup d'état and all of the above.

All who are silent are involved in the crime. It is necessary to break the conspiracy of silence around what is happening, it is necessary to make public every case, because those who are called upon to convey to people information about the DANGER of experimental vaccines are in the share and therefore do not tell the truth. The truth for criminals is deadly, it entails a Nuremberg 2: 0 and a harsh sentence for large-scale genocide. Apparently, therefore, many have decided to go to the end to their personal scaffold and continue to hide the TRUTH and will hide to the last the facts of MASS MURDER through vaccination. American, European, any peoples of the world. 

Slave trader's office in Atlanta. USA, 1864.

Once again, we remind everyone. 

Vaccination 2021 and the Nuremberg Code of 1947

On November 19, 1945, the victorious Allied Powers established the International Military Tribunal, within the framework of which the trials of war criminals, supporters of Nazism, who held senior positions in the political, military and medical spheres, were held. We recommend everyone to update the lawyers, assistants and assistants of the presidential administrations of the world, as today's ones have large gaps in knowledge if they have brought you to the status of suspects in especially serious crimes. New personnel need to know that the first trial conducted by the Nuremberg Military Tribunal in 1947 became known as the "Doctors' Trial," in which "23 doctors from Germany's Nazi Party were convicted of crimes against humanity for the brutal experiments they conducted on prisoners of war and civilians." Many medical experiments were conducted in the Auschwitz concentration camp, where Slavic and Jewish prisoners were tated with the help and with the participation of IBM identification numbers - a kind of prototype of modern QR codes. 

We will not remind you - who was the first and where, in 1895 came up with the "campos de concentracion", who and where first began to "chip" people as animals. But the current "health" activists should remember, the trial of doctors was officially called "The United States of America vs. Carl Brandt et al." 

The setting is the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany. Of the 23 accused, 16 were found guilty, seven of whom were sentenced to death and nine received prison sentences giving them 10 years to life imprisonment, and only 7 were acquitted. But how many such "healers" have eluded the justice of mankind?! 

How many such doctors are operating in modern prisons, special hospitals, mental hospitals, "state security agencies" around the world today? How many of these members of the peaceful profession serve as instruments of political assassination?


This trial led to the creation of the "Nuremberg Code", having developed at the international level ten ethical principles permissible for experiments on people. They read:

1). The voluntary consent of the subject is required.

2). The results of experiments should be of great benefit to people.

3). Human experiments should be only after animal experiments.

4). Experiments should be conducted without human suffering and harm.

5). No experiments should be conducted if death or disability is possible.

6). The risk should not exceed the possibility of benefit.

7). Experiments should be carried out in equipped laboratories.

8). Experiments should be carried out by qualified specialists.

9). Test subjects should be able to opt out at any time.

10). The head of the experiments should be ready to refuse further experiments at any time.


Based on these international principles of the Nuremberg Code, several fundamental documents were later adopted, which became fundamental unchanging principles of good clinical practice (GCP). Without it, it is simply inconsthible not to provide everyone who participates in such research with the protection they deserve. With the advent of digital technologies in clinical trials, new challenges against human health, many practices have "evolved": scans, electronic records, signatures and much more. They, of course, have created some new legal circumstances, but should be aimed solely at ensuring the safety of research and experiment data. 


Over the past 75 years, the Nuremberg Code has been supplemented by the Declaration of Helsinki, the Belmont Report and the Common Rule, yet the basic ten principles have remained unchanged. The main goal has always been and will be - to conduct ethical clinical trials and protect people!


And we do not understand at all - what do politicians, officials, the media and "doctors without pharmacological boundaries", "running ahead of the locomotive" of unfinished research count on? Today you offer QR colas, and de facto electronic passes (passport of movement), restricting the natural human rights to "freedom of movement" depending on a particular medical procedure it is not clear from which disease, experimental vaccine 💉 with unidentified contents. 


Why are so many media personals involved in a conspiracy against the population? 


Who gave you grounds to implement non-Constitutional actions in relation to the citizens and States headed by you? 


Why at the UN level declare international laws and projects depriving all citizens of basic rights – "the right to choose life or death"?


Who gave you the right to pour chemical and other waste from planes ploughing the blue sky on our heads, turning a bright day into a joyless carcinogenic smur?


Who among you created our planet and humanity to destroy it in such a barbaric way? 


Who gave you the right to own the resources of the earth for their own selfish interests, destroying the "living water", without which we all living beings can not live?


Who delegated to international officials the right to act as "vicars of the Creator"?

Presidents answer our seven questions to your citizens, otherwise many of you will sit in the dock before all mankind even before meeting the Creator!

We look at the Nuremberg Code and the Guidelines for Covid19 vaccines and throw in the indictments. 

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