Documentary Tale of 'Madness' Chapter 7.

Documentary Tale of 'Madness' Chapter 7.

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'

Artel 2021 Kissinger, this young man the age of 20: accept a new global system. 

New World Order.

At a recent Chatham House with former British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, kissinger, 97 asked Washington to adopt a new global system, that is, an end to state hegemony. :

"If you imagine that the world enters into an endless competition based on the superiority of the one who is now superior to all, then the violation of order is inevitable. And the consequences of the failure will be catastrophic."

"If we do not come to an understanding with China on this issue, we will find ourselves in a situation similar to the one before the First World War, in which there will be constant conflicts, which are resolved immediately, but at some point one of them gets out of control."

By the way, Friends, this fossil was born only 6 years after the end of the First World War and this so-called man would need a little more nap to ensure that he is responsible for as many deaths as bill of All but Bill Gates, not a few more.

Frankly, it is strange that this ancient dummy, a war criminal is still given some attention at all, but he says obvious things.

On the one hand, however, neither the U.S. military nor the Fed will ever acknowledge this inevitability, which promises that, for sure, someday everything will get out of control, and everyone will eventually point the finger at someone else.

On the other hand, the so-called president does not create foreign policy. Kennedy tried to do it, but it didn't work out. and everyone knows how it ended up for him. Foreign policy is managed by international bankers and other similar, you know, Friends, Bilderberg Group, Davos, all these little meetings in Switzerland, etc. Who understands, he knows what I'm talking about, Friends.

Bilderberg's servants are doing their job...

The November 2020 exclusive exclusive.

Fox 11 exclusive: We got photos of Gov. Gavin Newsom at a dinner party in Napa, where he is staying. The photos cast doubt on how open the dinner was. The witness who took the photos tells us that his group was so noisy that they even had to close the sliding doors. We checked the metadata in the photos to confirm their legality. The picture was taken on 6.11.2020 at 6:20 p.m. with a location tag in the French laundry. We questioned the witness. We also reached out to the governor's team for an answer, and we got it.

On Monday, Newsom apologized for what he called a "serious mistake" when attending a birthday party that violated the very boiler rules he was talking about and which he himself injected to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

However, what you need to pay special attention to, Friends, in connection with the boiler theme, is the figure in a white dress with puffins, standing in the photo next to Newsom.

This is Hillary Clinton, known for her sensitive attitude to her sensitive body and health problems, and standing against the backdrop of a raging "pandemic" of a couid without a mask and no gloves.

If up to this point anyone could remain in doubt that the covid is a scam, and that it is not particularly dangerous, then obviously, be present at each of you, Friends, though a bit of common sense and critical approach to reality, after a photo of Hillary Clinton without a mask, standing at a noisy party close to the two potential carriers of the cow, they should not remain.

Is Hillary Clinton looking for a nephilim burial site?

Shocking discovery in the release of FOIA of State Department emails: Clinton's emails are revealed "with a request for documents relating to Gilgamesh's resurrection chamber, the whereabouts of his body and the whereabouts of the buried nephilims." On the FOIA website, the first file "Department of State FOIA log 2018" is on page 470, number F-2019-02110.

"documents on the resurrection of the gigames chamber, the whereabouts of his body and the whereabouts of the buried Nephilims."

Giants or nephilims (ivre. נפילים "The Fallen") are biblical characters mentioned in the Pentateuch (the first five Old Testament books). According to some theologians, they were the sons of Sif, for the righteous way of life are called the sons of God, after mixing with Cain's daughters they were born giants.

We cannot guarantee that this is indeed related to Hillary, as the request is marked with the name of the applicants as Denetra D Senigar and the date of 12/13/2018. It should be understood that this is the date the file was received, not the actual date of the letter/request. The search for The Denetra D Senigar does not bring anything significant and may be a pseudonym, as in the virtual reading room of Clinton's emails to search for nephilim zero results. However, if you are looking for the name Denetra D Senigar, you will get 12,726 results. So it looks like this name may well be some type of satanic code name.

We linked this request to Hillary because of a media report on her interests in this matter: "Hillary Clinton called Gilgamesh and buried nephilim."

And you call us obscurantists, Friends, while this term is more appropriate for perverts from a deep state.

Here, we showed you. And don't tell me when it's over and you're going to be where you're going to be, that we didn't warn.

Interesting Rothschild Patent: European Patent Office/RESVS US2020279585A1

"The way the user captures and transmits biometric data is analyzed to determine whether the user is suffering from a viral infection such as COVID-19.


The procedure involves the use of a pulsoxymeter to detect a percentage of heart and oxygen saturation in the blood, which is transmitted wirelessly to the smartphone. To make sure the data is correct, the accelerometer in the smartphone is used to measure the movement of the smartphone and/or the user. Once the exact data is collected, it will be uploaded to the cloud (or host), where the data will be used (alone or along with other vital functions) to determine whether the user is (or probably suffering) from a COVID-19 virus infection. Depending on the specific requirements, the data can be used to alert medical staff and take appropriate action."

The CPC sent Trump congratulations on "666" on the occasion of his ancesty.

A video posted by the official account of the #Weibo of the CPC Youth League, in which the audience sends pop-up messages of congratulations due to Donald Trump's infestation with covid -19, the main idea is the narrative:

"The virus has finally found someone who understands it best. You'll be buried in front of the White House. Know, know, know! I got it. Yes, yes, yes! You got it, you got it, you got it. Now get out of bed and laugh. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Husband and wife." 

Interestingly, in the report, the CPC uses a figure that is present in Gates' patent for the chip and in the address of the laboratory in Wuhan, where Gates/Soros and Franz invested. government, and where the Chinese covid came from:

"... 666❗️ ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 666. Can you still breathe? I feel a little better!".

China (CPC)-Pure Evil, Friends.

Journal of Neurosurgery: "Preliminary report of the study on the surgical mask causing deoxygenation during surgery, revealed a decrease in the saturation of arterial blood with oxygen"

(NEJM) New England Journal of Medicine: "We know that wearing a mask outside medical facilities does little, if any, protection against infection."

Annals of internal Medicine: "... both surgical and cotton masks appear to be ineffective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV-2 from coughing patients with COVID-19 into the environment."

Journal of Life and Environment Science: "This study showed that the effectiveness of filtration of facial masks was relatively lower, and washing and drying methods worsened efficiency.

Journal of Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses: "None of the studies have found a conclusive link between the use of a mask/respiratory system and protection against influenza infection."

American Journal of Infection Control: "The use of a face mask in health care providers has never shown benefits in terms of symptoms of cold or flu"

Journal of Epidemiology and Infection: "There is little evidence to support the effectiveness of face masks in reducing the risk of infection."

British Medical Journal: "... laboratory-confirmed virus was much higher in the group of fabric masks. The penetration of particles into tissue masks was almost 97%... This study is the first RCN of fabric masks, and the results caution against the use of fabric masks... moisture retention, reuse of fabric masks and poor filtration can all lead to an increased risk of infection."

University of Edinburgh: "Conversely, surgical and hand-made masks and facial flaps create significant jets of leakage that have the potential to scatter virus-infected fluid particles by several metres... it is important to be aware of this jet in order to avoid the false sense of security that can arise when standing on the side or behind a person wearing a surgical suit or mask"

(JAMA) Of the American Medical Association: "Healthy people should not wear face masks to protect themselves from acquiring respiratory inf. because there is no evidence that face masks worn by healthy people are effective in preventing human disease."

Respiratory acidosis develops when air inhaled and exhaled from the lungs does not receive adequate replacement of carbon dioxide from the body for oxygen from the air. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common group of diseases that are particularly common in respiratory acidosis.

Breathing problems can lead to inefficient gas exchange and the development of pH imbalance in the blood. Respiratory acidosis means high levels of acid in the blood due to elevated levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the body.

CO 2 is a spent gas that is usually exhaled by a person with a healthy respiratory system.

If it stays in the body, CO 2 can change the normal balance of acids and bases in the body by making it more acidic. It is mixed with water in the body with the formation of charcoal acid.

In chronic respiratory acidosis, the body partially replenishes the remaining CO 2 and tries to maintain an almost normal acid-alkaline balance. The main reaction of the body is to get rid of more carbon dioxide and keep as much bicarbonate base in the kidneys as possible.

Respiratory acidosis can also be acute, rather than chronic, suddenly developing as a result of acute respiratory failure. In severe acute respiratory acidosis, a person will need emergency medical care to:

???? restore normal breathing

???? restore acid-alkaline balance

???? to eliminate the cause of respiratory failure

When the level of acid in the body is in balance with the level of lye in the body, the blood pH is about 7.4. The lower pH reflects a higher acid level, and the higher pH corresponds to a higher base. The narrow pH range considered normal leaves 7.35 to 7.45.

Acidemia, which is very acidic blood, occurs when pH blood is below 7.35. Alkaliemia, i.e. blood with a high base level, refers to pH of blood above 7.45.

Doctors call elevated CO2 levels in the bloodstream as a result of respiratory acidosis hypercapnies.

Asidosis 🖕

When will the co-shaped Hell end? 

Did you ask, Friends, when today's Hell is over? 


According to the World Ecomonic Forum, the "quarantine" and quarantine measures will end on March 25, 2025. By then, these perverts plan to send all of you, Friends, to a digital concentration camp. And it's perfectly official.

In the illustration part of the document - a screenshot of page 6/63:

-Project Approval Date 02.04.2020,

-The closing date of the program is 31. 03. 2025.

Link to the World Bank document about it in pdf format

Everything for our Readers is on a plate with a golden snr. 

Again, this time mark is 666.

1986. This Dutch newspaper refers to a chicken and a vaccine that fights coronavirus but causes a new disease as a result of a coronavirus mutation under the influence of a carpet vaccine.

Surprising conclusion of the University of Utrecht: Vaccine against coronavirus causes new diseases.

"The vaccine really controls the disease,. but it's in the vaccine itself. The vaccine is also likely to cause a new virus that will appear within two to three years. We are talking about a live virus that is able to change its new vaccine genetic material and actually incorporate genetic material from there... In this way, it can form a whole new virus..."

Another interesting coincidence. If we take for granted the truth that four out of five letters in the name "COVID-19" are actually Roman numerals, and one of them is as code as ASCII (American standard code for information exchange), then we are again, Friends, as with the address of the laboratory at Wuhan WuXi AppTec at 666 Goaxin Road, funded by gates/Soros, as well as the Gates patent with "666" number 060606, as in the case of the House of Representatives, are also brazenly numbered "HR-6666" (creating a mass surveillance system), stumbleing upon three six.

The Roman number "C" is early 100, V'5, I'1 and D 500. According to the ASCII codes, O is shown as 79. If you add up those numbers to 100, 79, 5, 1 and 500, we get 685. Taking into account the fact that the number 19 is negative in the name "COVID-19" we will subtract "-19" from the received 685. It turns out 666. Perhaps in this way even reality tells us the place of History, where we are now and what the trait of humanity is worth. 

🇩🇪"It's not for Bill Gates, for the president and for Lisa ... it's for us, and it's the beginning of slavery" - this is the text of Robert F. Kennedy's speech in 29.08.2020 Berlin:👇

-In the United States, newspapers claim that I came here to talk to 5,000 Nazis. And tomorrow they will confirm that this is what I did: that I spoke to between 3,000 and 5,000 Nazis.

When I look into the crowd, I see the opposite of the Nazis. People who want another government, people want to have leaders who don't lie to them.

We want politicians who care about the health of our children, not about the profits of the pharmaceutical lobby and their own profits - it's the opposite of Nazism. I see people from all nations, of all colours, I see people for whom human health is important, the health of their children, and who are here for the sake of freedom and democracy.

Governments love pandemics - and they love them for the same reasons they love war because it allows them to establish controls that otherwise we will never accept. These are the institutions, the mechanisms that require our sub-cubism. And now we know that people like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci have been planning this pandemic for the decades they've carried over us. But now we know that they can't even explain what a pandemic is. .... they invent numbers, they invent a pandemic, so we get scared. They invent these figures, which we read in the press, see on TV - and when we see these figures, we are horrified.

But you don't even have a reliable PCR test. What they are good at is to create fear.

You then asked Hermann Goering how people follow the Nazis. He said: very simply, it has nothing to do with Nazitoum. This can be done under socialism, under communism, with democracy. It's in human nature. We just have to put people at bay, and then they'll follow us.

Fifty years ago, my uncle John F. Kennedy came to Berlin. Berlin was a front against totalitarianism. And today again: Berlin-front against totalitarianism. And so today I am proud to say again: I am a Berliner. 

And I also want to say one thing: you have not done a good job of protecting the health of the people. But they did a "good job" to bring 5G into our community. And they created the beginning for the digital currency - and it's the beginning of slavery. Because when your bank accounts are controlled by them, they control your behavior.

We all see ads on TV that say: 5G comes to your community. And they say that 5G should be delivered everywhere, that it will make our lives much better. And the danger is that we just take 5G. And quadrillion dollars go to 5G. It's not for Bill Gates, zuckerberg and for Lisa ... it's for us. With his companions, Bill Gates will be able to control every square inch of the globe. And they're using it to spy on us using facial recognition.

This pandemic is for the elite so that it can dictate to us everything it wants. They use the pandemic to control and control us. They use this to pass on the entire well-being of the population to a handful of elites. And we shout to them: you will not get our freedom, you will not get our children, and we will save our democracy.

Corona-False Anxiety? If the federal government makes a mistake, it will "bend." If the suspicion increases that the economically harmful Corona-Lockdown was wrong, the federal government will get big problems. There is now a risk that the policy will establish a skilful causal link between the virus and ethnic "minorities" to justify their actions. Most of the population can buy into this deception...

The WEF-Denmark partnership in San Francisco (the heart of Silicon Valley) aims to create new global alliances between a host of stakeholders, including the private sector, among others. technology companies, governments and civil society, and should help shape and develop the modern approaches, policies and rules of tomorrow to take advantage of the opportunities created by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

"Our mission is to form the Fourth Industrial Revolution in a way that benefits society. Denmark has committed itself to being a leader and to pilot the innovative frameworks and policies jointly developed at the Centre. We look forward to working closely together and sharing results across our web," said Murat Sonmez, head of the World Economic Forum's Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution....

WeF and Denmark will cooperate in identifying and implementing a number of pilot projects in Denmark that could potentially be scaled internationally.

The implant, created by Columbia University engineers, is record-breaking, but it opens up new possibilities and can exist as a fully functional electronic circuit, the total volume of which is less than 0.1 cubic millimeter.

The injectable chip can serve as an "early warning" system for future outbreaks. Such tiny chips can be implanted into the human body and then transmit measured information and data wirelessly via ultrasound. Currently, the device can only measure body temperature, but eventually it can also control breathing function, glucose levels, blood pressure and much more. 

We hope now you understand what was meant by "robot in veins" that will treat you and consult with AI without your participation, and that has been described by our Editorial Board dozens of times. 

The impact of vaccination on couidiosis mortality #COVID19 in every country in the world.

Medical 🖕professionals behave like bots and refuse medical care to a three-year-old because his mother is medically exempt from wearing a mask. 

They ignore the mother of the child, as if they are not people, but ignorant and ill-mannered animals. It is not clear how Mama managed to maintain her composure and remain sane in such a situation. Sometimes I think that everything that's going on now is really some kind of show.

While the whole intensive care unit is clogged, and every minute the reception room is brought to the funeral, when the ventilator is not enough, and the crematoriums do not cope with the disposal of coe corpses, doctors and nurses have made a minute for rest👇

Mortality 🖕has increased in almost all countries since the start of the vaccination campaign. But since no "news" in the MSM shows this, the ignorant masses remain blissfully ignorant. (animation @britishbennyboy on Twitter)

Video about the production of cotton buds for PCR tests, Friends, all have already seen and all have already been announced. 

Let's now bemovorable by the conditions of production of sterile muzzles.., sorry, masks, of course 👇

A mocking and joking about people who are afraid to give themselves experimental injections of BigPharma, which has launched an unprecedented advertising campaign of its vaccines, which are not broadcast except irons - a shot of experimental vaccine-death. This order of events, Friends, is becoming a trend in the West. Another man followed this path. The 57-year-old U.S. citizen was the third Polish doctor to abuse his patients and make blunt jokes about people who fear vaccinations and an American dentist, in my memory, who went down this path. 

Ronald Babb Sr. and his wife, Rose, received an experimental vaccination from the Johnson and Johnson couid on April 12, ronald reported on his Facebook page at the Walmart store on Genessey Street in Camillus, New York, about 14 miles west of Syracuse. Babb posted a "vaccination card" on Facebook issued to him and his wife, accompanying the photo with a caption that they now expect to "turn into robots."

"Rosie and I got vaccinated against the cooids. We are waiting to turn into robots. Lol," Mr. Babb joked.

However, "joker" Babb did not have time to turn into a robot, as he died seven days after the injection, on Monday, April 19.

Incidentally, the Walmart store where the couple vaccinated against the couid mixed up both day and year on Mr. Babb's card, signing that he had received a shot from couidosis in 2012. 

Walmart also incorrectly recorded the name of the company whose vaccinations were given to the pair - "Johnson and Johnson" was named "Janssen Johnson and Johnson".

To think, injections are now put in stores, in this gathering of microbes, viruses, bacteria and other dirt. Apparently, we all have to wait, Friends, when vaccinations will start to be put in public restrooms.

We all reap what we're doing. We just hope that his death made others think twice before doing something and saying that there is a case too.

There are people and there are many of them who feel that something is wrong and even know that it is a scam, but they keep turning a blind eye and agree with everything. why? Because they know how much they depend on the system and they don't want to change and adapt. And, if they continue to be what they are - fearful sheep and/or ignorant lemmings, then instead of a badge with a yellow star this time there will be a mask that will be used as an identifier, and in the future a kovid passport. This is done so that the public can control themselves, each other, implementing the principle of "divide and rule" because the police will not be enough for everyone.

The planned and deliberate banality of the dynamics of evil in this case may eventually lead all of us, Friends, to the next concentration camps. 

Scientists believe that the blockages will take far more lives than the fake 😷 

There is a deadly combination of exponentially increasing number of suicides, drug overdoses, murders, alcohol consumption, calories, deferred screenings for cancer, etc., tuberculosis and other. The researchers concluded that this combination will outweigh the number of deaths from COVID.

The data very clearly show that the locks were not only completely ineffective, but potentially were ten times more lethal than the covid itself with a survival rate of more than 99%.

According to the UN, an additional 10,000 people die per month, another 550,000 children are malnourished, and 1.4 million will die from untreated tuberculosis.

Nearly 7,000 scientists, virologists and infectious disease experts recently signed a declaration against ( isolation measures urging citizens to live a normal life and saying that isolation rules cause "irreparable damage"

According to all available data, the mortality from infection from the virus itself is either equal to, or much lower, than in most age groups.

The Infection Mortality Rate (IFR) is the total number of deaths divided by the total number of people carrying the infection, regardless of whether they have clinical symptoms or not. IFR is a chance of death after contracting a virus.

According to the CDC (table 3, link in the TV channel) about deaths from February 2 and August 22, only 6 percent of the 161,392 reported as coe-like deaths were listed as just from #COVID19. All other deaths in the U.S. had an average of 2.6 additional medical conditions, including flu and cardiac arrest. Other conditions included sepsis, diabetes, kidney failure and Alzheimer's disease.

According to all available data, the mortality from infection from the virus itself is either equal to, or much lower, than in most age groups.

The Infection Mortality Rate (IFR) is the total number of deaths divided by the total number of people carrying the infection, regardless of whether they have clinical symptoms or not. IFR is a chance of death after contracting a virus.

Continuation follows.

ℰ𝒹𝓂ℴ𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓈 .

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