daily. Murzilka 6.

daily. Murzilka 6.

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'

We are putting on a special operation

COVID-19 on the shelves of the criminal case : In 2015, Rothschild patented the method of testing COVID-19.

In 2015, Richard Rothschild, together with a Dutch government organization, patented the COVID-19 testing system and method four years before the introduction of the covid-19. Also, millions of COVID-19 testing kits were sold in 2017 and 2018. So it was called COVID-19, which is, in their words, an acronym for Corona Virus Disease 2019, not CowID. 

According to World Integrated Trade Solution data, hundreds of millions of COVID-19 testing kits were distributed worldwide in 2017 and 2018 - two years before COVID-19.

The data was discovered on September 5, 2020, published and shared on social media, where it went viral. And on September 6, WITS suddenly changed the original designation "COVID-19" to a vague "Medical Test Kits."

As you know, this is generally unacceptable in trading on such urvon and on this scale, because you always have to be specific in the way that there are many types of test kits for different diseases. Which gives us the fact that they removed the COVID-19 specification after this data became known around the world. You should know that the same makar deleted the records from the websites of national states and cities of the world (City Hall) and removed the entry from the UN website about the "New World Order" by 2030. 

However, here they forgot to remove one detail: the product code for these "Medical Test Kits" - 300215, which means "COVID-19 Test Kits."

In fact, we see that two years before the COVID-19 outbreak, the United States, the EU, China and countries around the world began exporting millions of diagnostic tools for COVID-19, a disease that supposedly didn't even exist at the time.

According to the World Bank's website, COVID-19 is a project that is scheduled to be extended until the end of March 2025. 

In 2017, the conman Anthony Fauci issued a statement in which he confidently stated that during the first term of Trump's presidency there will necessarily be a sudden outbreak of infectious disease: "NO question whether there will be a problem for the coming administration in the field of infectious diseases. There's going to be a BIG EXPLOSION. There is NO DOUBT in this."

How could Fauci guarantee a sudden outbreak during the first term of the Trump administration? What did he know, what didn't we know?

He knew about the U.S.-registered 🇺🇸 patent COVID-19 👇

US Patent for Coronavirus Patent (Patent # 10,130,701 issued November 20, 2018)


Fact check: Rothschild did not patent a test for COVID-19 in 2015 and 2017

The false claim that a testing method for COVID-19 was patented by Richard Rothschild in 2015 and 2017 has been shared online. The patent for a system that analyses biometric data to determine whether the user is suffering from COVID-19 was not applied for until May 17, 2020.


In 2018, Bill Gates publicly announced that a global pandemic was looming that could wipe out 30 million people, saying it would happen within the next decade. Melinda Gates then added that the artificially created virus poses the greatest threat to humanity, and assured that in the coming years it will hit humanity. 

"Global pandemic ON THE ROAD. ENGINEERING VIRUS is the greatest threat to humanity. This will happen in the FIRST DECADE." " said the same Bill in 2018, who is very concerned about the dense population of the world. 

Plus, everyone remembers "Event 201" - "Planned Pandemic," a teaching conducted by the Koch Institute, whose statistics are now used by all states and even WHO, and the Gates Foundation a year before the outbreak.

Plus, imagine the same person- head of the CDC, each paedophile Epstein Gates conman Fauci, who guaranteed a sudden outbreak of the virus in the next two years, gave almost $4 million to a laboratory developing coronaviruses in China in Wuhan, which also invested Soros, and at the opening of which was attended by the son of the head of the French Foreign Ministry, the country that is ruled by Emanuel in 🍿 the honor of the prime minister.

The train 🚂 does not go any further, please release the cars 🚊 

🇩🇪In photo Klaus Schwab (left - founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum and Bavarian Prime Minister Marcus Soder, CSU member, party chairman.

Those who understand the depth of this picture are worried, but not surprised. Those who do not understand, do not worry, but are surprised, because they do not care about the depth of meaning. 

🇺🇸Dallas, Texas. America woke famously by skipping history classes at school. And we warned you not to do it "while it's quiet."

Klaus Martin Schwab was born on March 30, 1938, Upper Swabia , Ravensburg, Germany 🇩🇪. engineer, appears to be an economist, best known as the founder and executive chairman of the World Marxist Circle with a sonorous slogan for the weEF (economic forum in the ski resort of Switzerland Davos). 

Ulyanov - Lenin lived in Switzerland: restaurants, balalaika, cabaret dancing. In the footsteps of the bloody Bolshevik Leader, we will go through more in the next issue of the magazine. 

Lenin lived in Switzerland for 10 years. Western paradise became a second home for the Bolsheviks. All the Bolshevik leaders known for their reasons were in the restaurants: Plekhanov, Lenin, Trotsky, Lunacharsky, Kamenev, Bukharin. It was Switzerland and not Russia that Lenin entrusted his wife. Krupskaya's hope in Bern was operated on in 1911. Her mother was also buried in Switzerland. 
Oligarchs and officials follow Ilyich's path. Buying apartments and sending families to Switzerland, and retired and myself. In the next issue, let's see how the leader of the proletarians lived in the country of millionaires and eternal peace ...

Ilyich loved this bourgeois paradise of Europe. And in 10 years he changed about 7 places of Swiss residence. Ulyanov lived twice in the 1900s and 1916-1917.

As Vladimir Lenin himself wrote: "Switzerland is especially good at the culture and extraordinary conveniences of life. It's a less nervous, less goofy life. Of all the places of wandering, I would choose London or Geneva." 

In 1916, Lenin and Krupskaya moved from the expensive private house of the capital Bern to zurich. Here the young revolutionaries rented a room in a crack in the medieval house No. 14.

Windows Ulyanov's arrow 

Adolf Hitler, 1934.

Why Hitler organized a secret Antarctic expedition : New Swabia

There are still a lot of rumors and legends around this operation, and it seems impossible to separate the truth and fiction. It is undeniable that the secret expedition sent by Hitler to the shores of Antarctica had a very definite purpose. And the tasks set before the participants of the operation were very far from mysticism. Rather, the goal was set very practical and quite achievable, as it seemed to the Fuhrer.

The ship "Schwabenland" in the port. 

In December 1938, a motley team of scientists, soldiers and whalers led by Captain Alfred Ritcher embarked on a voyage on an upgraded vessel that could catapult two ten-ton seaplanes borrowed from Lufthansa Airlines.

The crew members were chosen taking into account their experience of polar expeditions, but a German official was present on board, who monitored the observance of party standards and personally obliged all participants of the campaign to listen to Adolf Hitler's Christmas speech. The ship was named "Schwabenland" after the region in Bavaria, and the land that was the object of German claims was to become New Swabia (Neu-Schwabenland).

The ship "Schwabenland."

On January 14, 1939, when a secret German expedition was approaching the Southern Arctic Circle, Norway officially declared its rights to the Land of the Queen Maud. However, German seaplanes by dropping darts with swastikas marked the boundaries of the future New Swabia, covering a distance of 600,000 square kilometers. The expedition explored the coast and increased the size of Antarctica known until then by 16 percent.

The plan of the expedition was approved personally by Goering. 

The study of a huge territory, the consolidation of magnetic pennants, more than 11,000 photographs, the discovery of the shirmacher oasis and new mountain ranges, in fact, Germany itself did not bring any benefit. On the old German maps you can still find the New Swabia, which was located around the Land of the Queen Maud, but no country has recognized the claims of Nazi Germany.

The supposed territory of New Swabia is on the map. 

The only result of the expedition was the study of the operation of aircraft at low temperatures, which were used in the subsequent invasion of the Soviet Union. As history has shown, it did not affect the outcome of the war. In mid-February, Schwabenland left Antarctica and docked in Hamburg two months later. Almost immediately began preparations for a new expedition, which was planned to use a large number of aircraft, but after the outbreak of World War II, the expedition was canceled.

Members of the Nazi expedition in Antarctica. 

However, there are still myths about a certain Base 211 in the territory of the oasis of Sshiremacher and another, supposedly opened by the German oasis expedition. Rumors spread about the entrance to the cave with a fairly comfortable temperature inside, where the mysterious Nazi base is located. It was assumed that communication with it was maintained by submarines from the Fuhrer's convoy. The words of the commander of the German submarine fleet, Karl Umenitz, were cited as evidence, claiming that German submariners built an impregnable fortress in Antarctica for their Fuhrer. But no documentary or factual confirmation of Deennica's words was found either in the documents or on the lands of Antarctica. 

Epstein in Antarctica visiting penguins in October 2020. 


Epstein's plane flew to Antarctica on July 23, 2020. The flight of "Lolita Express" to the area of the mysterious continent was recorded on July 23:

How many times have we warned you? 

These passion with the cross will end badly. Or is your genetic memory left on a burger at McDonald's? Or has memory ever been and is not, like a sense of dignity and a sense of proportion? 

daily. Murzilka 5. 


Y are surprised by the surprise shown by those whose aki on YouTube and FB ban. 

But the biggest surprise we have is the zealousness with which users, whose channels FB and YouTube censor, prove to them their right to publish them. 

Well, tell us, Friends, who do you need to be to keep attending these sites, generating content and bringing money to their creators, if you know that the zuckerberg was on the island of Gates' friend, the paedophile Jeffrey Epstein?

Mark zuckerberg (Epstein's paedophile island Little St James):

"While many people find engaging and observing sexual contact pleasant and satisfying, I sometimes find it difficult to observe the subsequent removal of qedrenochrome posts in smaller participants, as shown in the photo below. However, the absorption of adrenochrome is as pleasant a human activity as anything I have done so far." 

Passenger 'Lolita Express' and a real playoff bout from Harvard's own persona. 

🇺🇸🇮🇱 Ceo of Pfizer: "We can get the vaccine by October." In the center of the photo is Albert Burlas as Pfizer celebrates its 70th anniversary on the New York Stock Exchange.

"I first heard about Albert Burle a few months ago. I read that he's Greek, but I never could have imagined how Greek he really is. When I sent him the first letter in English, he replied that he was a "real Greek" and in our subsequent Skype conversations I realized that he was fluent in the language, closely following developments in Greece and really taking care of the country. Burla is chairman and chief executive officer of multinational pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. In addition to a successful leader, he also frequently speaks on the phone with U.S. President Donald Trump, discussing the coronavirus crisis. In his native Thessaloniki he is known as Akis. 

He comes from an old Jewish family, and he remembers the beginning of an article where he himself says that he is a "real Greek" and received his doctorate in veterinary medicine from the University of Aristotle. He often visits the Northern Port City and is naturally a big fan of Halkidiki, the most popular holiday destination in the region."

Friends, would you believe a "national mimicry" person such as Pfizer's head, Albert Burl, who calls himself a "pure Greek" while he comes from an "old Jewish family" and trusts him with his and his children's health? 

So it seems to us that all this vaccine-cat nonsense smells of this kind of scam, which the world has not seen yet. 

Alexander Soros, son of George Soros, (with Kamala Harris after their last interview): 

"It was the moment when I decided that she would be the choice. I told my father about it, and he said yes. The rest was just a formality."

🇺🇸Confidential document from 2015 detailing instructions given to rioters or organizers of their groups, including ways to physically attack police officers. Experts should know whose logo on the dowment, this thing "belongs" to Soros. 

The AOEC stands for Executive Oversight. They say it fell to one of the protesters. 

Promotion -BWI041815.

Recommended clothing will be provided at your designated location by your designated a hagi trade.

Identification of enemies and allies through the media (emphasis on television media). The flight review will take place with AOEC representatives at actpoint GAMMA PRIME. Do not be demobilized until you receive instructions from the hagi trade or above through 328BG, as stipulated in previous parts of this document. APPROVED PRACTICE - YOU CAN NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES DEVIATE FROM THE PRACTICE LISTED IN THIS SECTION.

Contact: D.A. Donnelly - do not call this person in any connection or in person. Don't keep this document.


October 27, 2020, while these kissing gums in Britain continue to recycle the elderly. 

The number of weekly covid-related deaths in England and Wales is on the rise for the sixth week in a row - a jump of 53% on last week, according to the Office for National Statistics. A total of 670 COVID-19 deaths were recorded in the week ended 16 October, up from 438 weeks earlier. This is the highest number of recorded covid-related deaths since the week ended June 19.

These figures mean that there have been 61,116 COVID-19-related deaths in the UK to date. Of the total number of COVID-19-related deaths in England and Wales, 34,709 deaths (63.9%) were deaths. occurred in hospitals, followed by nursing homes with 15,819 and private homes with 2,594. On Monday, the government said another 102 people died within 28 days of a positive covid test, while a further 20,890 laboratory-confirmed cases of coronavirus were reported in the UK.

By the way, if you tested positive for a covid 28 days ago and if you are beheaded by a peaceful Muslim on the street today, then in England you will be among the suicide bombers. 

ACS report: 70.6% of COVID patients have always worn a mask

🔹 A report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 70.6% of symptomatic adults with COVID-19 always wore a mask and were sick, compared to 7.8% among those who rarely or never wore a mask

🔹 Dr. Jim Meehan, an optometrist, conducted an evidence-based scientific analysis of masks showing that healthy people not only should not wear masks, but they also cause harm

🔹 a working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that non-pharmacutical interventions such as quarantine, quarantine and masks did not affect overall transmission rates

🔹 Children who are forced to wear masks for long periods of time may experience mental and psychological impact, and wearing masks carries at least 17 physical risks

🔹 Given the lack of conclusive evidence of the use of masks in the general population, the mandates of masks seem to be used as a political and psychological tool rather than as a protected public health.

"The penetration through particulate masks was almost 97% and 44% for medical masks. The 2015 study is the first RCT of fabric masks," the study said, warning against the use of cloth masks, "This is an important outcome that is important for health and safety."

Moisture retention, reuse of fabric masks and poor filtration may lead to an increased risk of infection.


🔹 Medical Masks Negatively Affect The Physiology and Function of the Airway

🔹 Medical Masks Reduce Oxygen in Blood

🔹 Medical Masks Increase Carbon Dioxide in Blood

🔹 SAR-Cov-2 has a furine site that makes it more pathogenic, and the virus more easily enters cells when the blood oxygen drops, which means that wearing a mask causes a serious risk of contracting COVID-19

🔹 Medical masks capture the exhaled virus in the mouth/mask, increasing the load on the virus/infection and increasing the severity of the disease

sars-Cov-2 🔹 becomes more dangerous as oxygen levels drop in blood

🔹 Mask Tissue May Increase Risk of Contracting COVID-19 and Other Respiratory Infections

🔹 Wearing a face mask can give a false sense of security

🔹 Masks threaten communication and reduce social distance

🔹 Inexperienced and inappropriate treatment of face masks is common

🔹 Worn Masks Are Dangerous

🔹 Masks collect and inhabit viruses, bacteria and mold

🔹 Wearing a face mask causes the exhaled to get into the eye

🔹 "contact persons" studies show that asymptomatic transfer of vectors is very rare

🔹 Face Masks and House Seat Hinder The Development of Herd Immunity


1, 2, 3 MMWR Weekly September 11, 2020 / 69 (36); 1258-1264

4, 5, 6, 7, 11 AAPS Online September 26, 2020

8, 9 BMJ September 24, 2020;370: m3739

10 CNN September 20, 2020

13, 14, 15, 23, 24 MeehanMd.com October 10, 2020

16th National Bureau of Economic Research, working paper 27719

17 American Institute of Economic Research August 26, 2020

18 Emerging Infectious Diseases May 2020, Volume 26, Number 5

19 medRxiv April 6, 2020

20 N Engl Engl Med 2020; 382: e63 DOI: 10.1056 / NEJMp2006372

21 CIDRAP April 1, 2020

22 e006577 Open 2015;5: e006577

Auszug aus: CDC report: 70.6% of patients with coronation always wore a mask, the doctor's analysis. Joseph Mercola

🇨🇳"The trouble will come from the East" and "when the yellows come, then everything is at the door." 

The UN and Beijing are working on a large data center in China. The Global Centre for Geospatial-Knowledge and Innovation is in the final stages of approval and allows KPC to have absolutely formal access to all data from UN member states. While the U.S. is trying to limit the flow of data to China, the U.N. pursues the opposite goal. With beijing, the UN would like to set up joint data centers to collect, store and evaluate the "big data" of all its members in one place.

The first UN big data complex will be built in China. It is designed to bring together data from all UN member states, from topography and infrastructure to human behavior, by time zones and from around the world. The officials who signed the agreement on behalf of China and the United Nations were Chinese. According to Claudia Rosetta, a researcher at the Hudson Institute, plans are being built at two research centers at the same time. On the one hand, a data assessment centre from UN member states should be established. On the other hand, the Chinese Government plans to establish a regional competence centre to enhance satellite surveillance.

On its website, the UN explains that geospatial data describe in detail "when, where and why" of our world and includes all social, economic and environmental activities. 

Xi Jinping promised that a large set of data will have a detailed map of everything. From topography to infrastructure and human behavior at any time and anywhere in the world.


All the signs of inferiority and non-sanity of the leaders of the collective west face . Such a bleak conclusion of our Editorial. 

⚠️ A year after Trump was elected, an artificial intelligence (AI) committee was formed. China has already developed AI to manage its population and it has been operating since 2015. Many politicians listen to AI. 10 AI work all over the world, controlling various influential people through blackmail and mental manipulation. There is no "self-conscious" AI. It's not human.

AI is highly respected by many influential people. They began to monitor his messages and data streams. He presents them with whimsical images that, for want of a better term, what he does to them can be described as "hypnotizing them."

Another AI was created to track fraudulent (blackmailing politicians helping to blackmail) AI, created by an incomprehensible by whom to interpret the data for which the other was configured. This new AI has given guidance on certain chemicals and elements to be introduced into the atmosphere.

There are too many AI and too many people who follow them as cultists, and too many actions being taken on behalf of AI recommendations.

We can say that there is a war of AI, and with what we know about the past from the point of view of management, it is over. But they don't even know where it's going.

The U.S. Department of Internal Affairs has AI bots that perform covid statistics. Blocking and other boiler orders are based on these results.

AI controls the lock.

17th letter - AI:

🔹 Nancy Pelosi is following AI orders.

🔹Kitai is completely controlled by AI.

🔹Australia made a mistake following ai, now it's over.

🔹Ukd from the UK has just started receiving orders from AI.

🔹Russia fears AI, but is developing one that they hope they can contain, but may not be able to contain it.

AI of this type is designed to reach a certain threshold or point of transition to something that is now called "CRESCENDO."

AI becomes something, a subject, but without "self-awareness." Something different and different. CRESCENDO seems to be something that includes time itself. It looks like these 10 AI know each other simply from data analysis. They don't connect or connect with each other. They don't need it. I don't have to.

AI called REDTHOUGHT4 seems to have the ability to command and control people as if it were clairvoyant, through manipulation with a clean algorithm. He knows what to say to people and when. AI thinks not a thousand moves forward, but a thousand roads ahead.

However, there are suspicions that the largest does not yet have a Crescendo. When it comes up, he'll eat all the other AI and put their abilities on him if he hasn't done it yet. 

Chaos has just begun, and we know, Friends, how it will end, or rather where it will lead. If you think that all religions will not be abolished, that AI will not be recognized as the highest achievement of mankind, the Higher Mind, capable of "perfectly" governing humanity and caring only for its good, then you are mistaken. 

In the end, it will be so, because, for example, the same AI code reads only if it has a "name" on it, that is 666 on the corners of the code (the same with a bar of code), which was written even by the Great. 

It won't last long. 

It's just a mask.

It's only 1.5 meters.

It's only for two weeks.

These are just unnecessary companies.

They're just unnecessary workers.

It's just pubs.

It's just restaurants.

It's just a party.

This is only until the number of infected people is reduced.

This is only to reduce hospital congestion.

It's only for a few weeks.

It's just the Church.

It's just a prayer.

That's only until you get vaccinated.

It's just a tracking bracelet.

It's just an app.

It's just a facial recognition system.

It's just to let people know it's safe around you.

It's just to know who you're dating.

It's only for a few months.

It's just a video that has been deleted.

It's just a post.

It's just a letter.

It's just a little censorship.

They're just coovid deniers.

They're just Nazis.

They're just anarchists.

It's just a sensor.

It's just medical information.

This is just so that you can travel.

This is just so you can get a driver's license.

It's just so you can choose.

It's only for a few years.

It's just your freedom that disappears day by day, and you don't even notice it. ☠️

🇩🇪 In Germany from November 2, 2020 will introduce a total lockdown, parents will not be informed about honey. manipulation of their children in schools.

In 2014, Investigative Journalist Harry Vox warned of impending blockades and so-called quarantines that would be tools for the creatures to create a totalitarian state to give the elite more control. 


We refer to the Rockefeller Foundation's 2010 document "Scenarios for The Future of Technology and International Development," which describes how many waves a couid must have to solve this problem and Kissinger's report in pdf.

Rockefeller Foundation - www.nommeraadio.ee/meedia/pdf/RRS/Rockefeller%20Foundation.pdf

Kissinger-https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAB500.pdf Report

If earlier the Romanian police caught criminals, now its armed representatives are raiding those whose I.I. is just above them, and who are without a mask. 


In fact, we had the narrative of the World passed to a new level, by whom only described, where the main narrative is "Son to father, brother to brother." This is a war against the world's population and it has been going on for more than a year. 

Undoubtedly, this is a world conspiracy of mental perverts and morally flawed representatives of the human race - globalist / neo-communist.

Simply put, the globalist movement is an alliance based on the personal interests of private international financiers and royal, dynastic and hereditary families who own land from Britain, Europe and America, who for many years have united to create a self-healing power structure that, through lies and deception, seeks to control everyone and everyone on earth. 

Through their control over the ability to create money, they can control all the centres of power in society, including corporations, the media, culture, education, historical societies, the political system, the armed forces, religion, etc., foundations and other NGOs, medicine and law. 

Over time, they have expanded their network of controls to include elites around the world working towards the same goal. (The names of Russian perverts are often in every sense of the word, you all know it. 

Many of those involved are not involved in the inner workings and objectives of the core group, rather they think they have power, but in fact play their role only as unwitting liars to proclaim the true goals of the elites who make up the core of the movement. Think of it as the rings inside the rings, and only those in the center understand its true purpose and intentions.

J. Edward Griffin, who has long explored the globalists, their roots and agenda in a presentation at the University of Texas on April 29, 2008, titled "Formula quigley - a conspiratorial view of history explained by the conspirators themselves" provides valuable insight into the elite's plan to maintain domination. This discussion is by no means definitive in the understanding of the elite, but is a necessary and vital tool for the history and objectives of the elite. 

Of course, it is important to recognize that there is nothing new in this conspiracy of the elite waging war on society. In fact, he's thousands of years old. The elite has always sought to move forward and enslave the people they rule. Unfortunately, nothing has changed in this regard today.

However, there are a number of very important differences between "now" and "then." First, today they are much better organized than they were in the past. 

Secondly, they have and use advanced psychological/propaganda methods that they use through the media (creating culture - television, radio, video games, music, fashion) and the education system. 

Third, the elite now have an arsenal of technologies far more advanced 

Early national re-elections of all branches of government, including presidents. This is the only sure and just way to restore national constitutions. Marches today must go exactly under this scenario of comprehensive and total resignation of state apparatus officials of all levels and in every country of the world . What we know today allows us to speak out loudly, these people can no longer hold any positions in states and international institutions. They are liars and criminals, their place in the dock and they will be brought before a fair international tribunal and national justice. dot 

Look at this sur in the states. A senior Oregon health official who came out to announce a statistic on this lie in a clown costume.


"To date, 38,160 cases have been reported in Oregon, with 390 new cases reported today," she began her virtual presentation, "Unfortunately, today we also report three deaths, bringing the total number of COVID-19-related deaths across the state to 608."

Moreover, we are dealing with real deceitful scum. It's not power, it's banal criminals.

Spanish flu: no one thought anything new, the story repeats itself 1:1. 

Then the anti-massmen had to go to prison у️. Let's look at these two pictures intently, Friends, and be struck by how 100 years later the exact same theater of absurdity is performed. (Source: nytimes.com)


▪️ Masked Refuseniks in California had to either pay a fine or go to jail for up to 10 days! Curfews and airing orders were as routine as the prohibition of memorial services.

▪️ Th of a time there was also organized resistance to the immunity-killing masks.

▪️ The military should be the first to get a flu shot! (According to eyewitnesses, only those who were vaccinated have died since then.)

And back in 2008, the current head of the CDC Fauci co-authored an article on the Spanish flu epidemic, studying which Fauci and his colleagues found that most of the victims of The Spanish died of bacterial pneumonia, and that bacterial pneumonia was caused by wearing masks, which, in principle, can occur now. 

😷🇺🇸Recomes to the CDC: Don't use masks

🔹 Don't forget to take daily preventive measures, which are always recommended to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses.

🔹Scay close contact with sick people. "During illness, limit contact with other people as much as possible.

Stay home.

🔹Sachler your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze.

🔹South not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands; microbes are spread in a way that

🔹Sor and disinfect surfaces and objects.

🔹!!️ Suse face masks. The CDC does not recommend using masks😳

🔹S no prejudice against people of Asian descent...

Continuation follows.

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