Royal South 21. Part 3. 

Royal South 21. Part 3. 

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"Hitler's dad" or diplomat?


 Judy Byington, April 18, 2014

Two girls testified that Pope Francis raped them during child sacrifice rituals. Eight eyewitnesses have confirmed the charges, according to figures presented this week at the Common Law Court in Brussels. The rituals of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult took place in the spring of 2009 and 2010 in rural areas in Holland and Belgium.

 Pope Francis, according to records obtained from the Vatican archives, participated in the satanic rituals of child sacrifice while still a priest and bishop in Argentina. A senior Vatican official, a former employee of the Vatican Curia, presented these documents to the court. About such suspicions of the Vatican's satanic activities, this news from ABC:


 A document entitled "Magisterial Privilege", proving the involvement of the Jesuit Order, is submitted to the court by the chief prosecutor. The entry dated December 25, 1967 states that each new pope, upon taking office, is obliged to participate in the rituals of the Cult of the Ninth Circle with the sacrifice of a newborn child and the use of his blood.

 From a speech by the chief prosecutor to 5 international judges and 27 jury members: “Documents from the secret archives of the Vatican, presented in court, clearly indicate that for centuries the Jesuits, in accordance with a clearly outlined plan, performed the ritual murder of newborn babies with subsequent consumption of their blood. These actions stemmed from their perverse notions that in this way they extract spiritual power from the blood of the innocent and thereby ensure the political stability of the papacy in Rome. These acts of genocide were systemic and legalized. Since at least 1773 they have been carried out by the Roman Catholic Church, Jesuits and popes. "

 Two witnesses claim that in childhood they had to observe child sacrifices, which took place with the participation of Pope Joseph Ratzinger. According to Vatican court records, since at least 1962 Ratzinger has participated in child sacrifices as a "Knight of Darkness." Ratzinger was assistant chaplain at the German concentration camp Ravensbrück during World War II. Children for the murders were supplied from the death camp. The Nazi Order of the Knights of Darkness - the Waffen SS - was founded by Hitler in 1933 and combined in its idea ancient pagan occult beliefs about the power of human sacrifice.

 Chief Prosecutor: “Survivors of this ritual described how newborn babies were cut into pieces on a stone altar and eaten. In the rituals of the 1960s, some children were forced to rape and maim other children and slit their throats with ceremonial daggers. ”

 According to eyewitnesses, Pope Francis, former Pope Ratzinger, Jesuit General Adolfo Pachon and Archbishop of the Church of England Justin Welby participated in the rituals of the Ninth Circle Cult with the rape and murder of children. There is also evidence of involvement in these rituals by Supreme Court Justice Fulford, members of the British royal family, including Prince Philip, Dutch Cardinal Afrinka, Dutch Queen Wilhelmina, her family and consort King Hendrick, the Belgian royal family and the founder of the Bilderberg Club, Prince Bernard.

 Documentation for issue # 232 of The Canada Gazette, dated December 26, 1942, Ottawa, was also filed with the court. Apparently and unfortunately, the Canadian government and the Privy Council in London have granted the Dutch royal family exclusive immunity for any criminal, civil or military jurisdiction. What have these world leaders done to free themselves from any law?

 The attorney general presented alleged links between the British, Dutch and Belgian royal families in the disappearance of Mohawk children from a boarding school for Indian children in Brantford, Canada. In 2008, a mass grave of children was discovered on the grounds of this school. When the remains of a young child were discovered, experts from the ITCCS tribunal were barred from further excavation.

 Since then, more than 30 mass grave sites for children have been discovered in Indian boarding schools across Canada. The Catholic, Anglican and United Churches of Canada, the Canadian government and the Crown of England have denied ITCCS requests to excavate the graves.

 Chief Prosecutor: “This week there was strong evidence of the crimes of the Catholic Church against children. The Catholic Church is the largest group in the world and appears to be in cahoots with governments, police and judiciary around the world. ”


 Yesterday, five judges of the international court moved the trial to a closed session. A closed court investigation this week took place at an undisclosed location over a notice that the Vatican had dispatched a special Jesuit assassin strike force to disrupt the trial.





 Judy Byington, 28 May 2014

 The head of the Catholic Jesuit Order, Adolfo Pachon, announced his resignation this week after the International Common Law Court in Brussels proved his connection to the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifice. Over the past month, five judges "reviewed numerous eyewitness testimony and data from the Vatican archives, which quite accurately link Pachon, Pope Francis, former Pope Ratzinger, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby with the ritual rape and murder of children that occurred as recently as it was announced in yesterday's bulletin of the International Tribunal for the Crimes of Church and State ...

 The prosecutor in court said: “The strange remarks made by the Pope last week during his Middle East tour that“ Sexual abuse is already a satanic mass ”shows that he understands that child rape in his church, in which he himself participates are satanic rituals. We consider the Pope's remarks an indirect admission of guilt and further evidence of his participation in this heinous crime. "


 “The pope’s talk about Satanic Black Masses is a manifestation of the lowest kind of sadistic insensitivity,” agreed Ruth Leopold, a 51-year-old American who went through the torture of the Catholic Satanic Black Mass. - Any idiot knows that even the very mention of such a trigger word [anchor, trigger - approx. transl] as the "Satanic Mass" will re-traumatize the victims of these rituals. Maybe his words were said so deliberately, since we accused him of participating in the rituals of the Cult of the Ninth Circle with child sacrifices. It was at this time that he resigned. "


 Last week, the court announced a hiatus for several days after receiving information that another planned ritual of child sacrifice by the Cult of the Ninth Circle was scheduled for August 15, 2014 in the underground crypt of Marie-Rens-du-Monde, a Roman Catholic cathedral in Montreal. Canada...





 Judy Byington, June 7, 2014


 About 800 bodies of severely emaciated children were found buried in a septic tank of Irish nuns ...

 Sadly, more than 350,800 children buried in Catholic mass graves pale in comparison to the number of victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests around the world. As of November 2013, there have been over 10 million cases of child sexual abuse by Catholic priests. These 10,077,574 cases are only a small fraction of the crimes committed. According to experts, only 10% of victims of sexual violence decide to report their experiences to someone, and only 10% of these reported cases go to trial.

 The International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State ICLCJ offers citizens and employees of the Crown of England and the Vatican who are willing to testify and testify under oath against Vatican officials and officials who committed crimes, amnesty, as well as a reward for providing evidence in the amount of 10,000 euros or about 13 660 dollars.

 In an Irish mass grave at a now defunct Catholic home for unmarried mothers, the bodies of children between two months and nine years old were found. According to death reports, the smallest, fragile and malnourished children died no later than 1961 from malnutrition and infectious diseases such as measles and tuberculosis.


 The "Assistant Monks" who organized this mass burial were in charge of St. Mary's Mother and Child Home in Tuam, north of Galway. The Catholic "home" was renowned among other similar establishments in Ireland for its four times higher child death statistics. Single mothers were punished as “atonement for sins,” forced to abandon their children and work for two or three years without wages.

 ... Catholic officials have always denied receiving payments for so-called "adoptions" and insisted that the supporting documents were lost in the fire.






 Judy Byington, June 12, 2014


 Marks on the bones of nearly 800 children found in the septic tank of Roman Catholic nuns indicate they were ritually murdered, an Irish police source said this week. A whistleblower told five judges of the International Common Law Court (ICLCJ) in Brussels that forensic experts confirmed that the beheading and dismemberment of babies in this mass grave resemble typical signs of ritual murder. Death certificates were issued last week for 796 Irish children aged two months to nine years old, whose remains were found in the septic tank of St. Mary's Catholic Mother and Child Home in Tuam.

 Evidence has emerged linking the deaths of these children to representatives of the world's elite, united by the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifices ...

 Yesterday, the Irish government and the Roman Catholic Church could begin the process of hiding evidence by closing the mass grave site, declaring it the subject of their own "investigation." “This is a common practice of departmental cover-ups,” according to a June 11 declaration by the International Court of Justice ICLCJ in Brussels.


 Hundreds of protesters marched yesterday in Dublin to Irish Dale, Parliament, demanding a full investigation with powers to prosecute. Two seven-year-old girls presented a petition signed by 30,000 people in Ireland and around the world to Irish Justice Minister Francis Fitzgerald and Children's Minister Charlie Flanagan. It requires a judicial investigation into the activities of institutions run by the state and the Catholic Church for single mothers.

 “We give the government a petition,” Dasha Klyanitskaya-Hilliard and her friend Juliet Bruce Merzuk told the ministers, “so we can understand why other children were not treated like us - with love and respect, which is the right of every child.”

 The protest was organized by an initiative group of citizens called “Justice for Tuam's Babies”. “It was sad, but people came together to honor the memory of the little lives that were lost through abuse,” said Kevin Annette. It was a protest of restrained anger. People would not have come out if they had not been outraged. "






 Judy Byington, June 27, 2014


 According to eyewitnesses, the date of August 15 is of great importance in the series of annual sacrifices of children for Canadian and Irish cathedrals, although regular child sacrifices timed to coincide with the new moon take place there. Cathedrals are located on the lines of tension of the geological energy of the Earth. Those who believe in these concepts of pseudoscience believe that a special resonance of psychic or mystical energy occurs at the points of intersection of these lines. The rape and murder of innocent people in such places is believed to attract evil spirits to participate in the rituals, thereby giving the practitioners of these rituals a sense of power over others.






 Judy Byington, 11 July 2014


 As Peter McKilvey, a former UK child welfare manager, told BBC reporters last week, at least 20 high-ranking government officials have acquired children as "pieces of meat" to abuse them. According to McKilvey, for many decades, representatives of the world elite hid the facts of sexual abuse of children of deputies and government ministers: “I would say about 20 high-ranking officials, plus many more who knew about it and were able to prevent, but did nothing for this. "

 In 2011, the death of UK celebrity Jimmy Savile broke a conspiracy of silence about an international pedophile network made up of the world's elite. Informants say about 40 UK MPs or peers were aware of or participated in it. Members of European royal families, American, Canadian, Australian and British businessmen and politicians were included in it. The extensive network of members of the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifice extends to all of Europe, Australia, Canada and the United States.


 Former British detective Mar Williams-Thomas was investigating Savile, who had a reputation as a sexually-motivated child hunter. Savile's sexual assault is now known to have harmed hundreds of children. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth and was a frequent visitor to members of the royal family, including Prince Charles.

 “The Exposition Is The Other Side of Jimmy Savile,” a documentary that appeared on the Internet, says: “There are other pedophiles in the BBC with ties to the royal family, police, government, judges, social services, medical facilities, Hollywood and the music industry. Of course, we know about the Vatican, but these perverts are not only in the Catholic Church. These filthy bastards are everywhere. They must be identified and castrated. "






 Judy Byington, July 16, 2014

 The Catholic Church and drug cartels are making huge profits by supplying children to an international network of Satan-worshiping pedophiles - businessmen, politicians and members of the royal families of Europe. Since May this year, more than 34 witnesses have testified before the ICLCJ in Brussels about child sexual abuse and child sacrifice practiced by the world's elite in the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult. Five international judges reviewed evidence against members of this community, including the main defendants - Pope Francis, former Pope Ratzinger and Queen Elizabeth. In 2013, the ICLCJ found Queen Elizabeth and Pope Ratzinger guilty of crimes against humanity and issued an arrest warrant.

 The European mafia, known as the Octopus or Ndrangheta, has been said to make a lot of money by providing drugs and children to the highest echelons of power in the Catholic and Anglican churches, Queen Elizabeth, members of royal families, European, Canadian, Australian and American politicians and heads of state. corporations. “The Catholic Church is the largest supplier and trafficker of children in human history, making billions every year by selling newborns from Catholic orphanages, orphanages and other hidden sources,” Antonio Barrero testified before five ICLCJ judges. "In Spain alone, between 1940 and 1980, the Catholic Church raised more than $ 20 billion in revenue from the sale of more than 300,000 children."






 Judy Byington, August 16, 2014


 Great Britain began to wake up after news of the satanic crimes of a celebrity - Jimmy Savile, who sexually abused children.

 A London court during the trial revealed how Dutch intelligence officers supplied pedophiles with children from the UK to Amsterdam for sexual abuse. Among the recipients was convicted child killer Sidney Cook. One of the murders of a child from a children's boarding school on the British island of Jersey was shot by him on camera as a plot for a film. Jersey was and remains the sole property and control of Queen Elizabeth. In this video, Bill Maloney's film "The Sun, Sea and Satan":

 Jimmy Saville spent the end of his life on the island of Jersey. Hundreds of children have been victims of Saville's satanic sexual abuse. Witnesses described how, intoxicated, children were taken to sex parties organized by representatives of European governments. As stated in the UK Sunday Express on January 12, "not only politicians were involved, but many celebrities who have close ties with parliamentarians and influential businessmen."





 Judy Byington, September 14, 2014


 Anthony Kidman died Friday after fleeing Australia when he was accused of child sexual abuse and murder in Sydney's elite pedophile community. A month earlier, Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the Australian State of New South Wales Police and the Royal Commission on Child Abuse. She described how Kidman sexually and physically tortured her throughout her childhood. When the commission began to investigate, psychologist Kidman suddenly left the Sydney University of Technology, with which he had not parted for 43 years, and the Royal North Shore Hospital and settled in Singapore, where he died. His family declined to comment on the incident, and the Singapore police launched an investigation into what they attributed to the unnatural death.

 Yesterday Barnett expressed her opinion on Kidman's death - he is “the main culprit behind my abuse, Anthony Kidman died after I filed an official complaint accusing him of rape, torture and murder of children in Sydney's elite pedophile community. As a child victim of a mind control program, I feel like he was sacrificed for not being able to program me effectively.

 Kidman was responsible for ensuring that I never divulge the activities of members of the pedophile network, which I witnessed as a child, - said Fiona Barnett. - He failed to do it. The news of Kidman's death affected me as someone who went through intensive treatment. I know there are other victims of Kidman's crimes who may not have gone as far along the healing path as I did. My guess is that the news of Kidman's death could seriously affect them. It can even trigger suicidal thoughts ...

 My application, submitted last month to the Australian Royal Commission on Child Abuse, details two episodes in which Kidman subjected me to gruesome physical and sexual abuse. But there were even more serious crimes Kidman committed against children as a member of Sydney's elite pedophile community. I have sent this statement to the International Court of Common Law in Brussels. "


 At the age of three, Fiona Barnett found herself at the mercy of an extensive network of pedophiles in Australia, where children were the subject of sexual exploitation, objects of recreational hunting.

 “On the afternoon of October 28, 1975, my sixth birthday, I was taken to a forest near Kayama,” Barnett said. - I was injected with a drug. I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was dark. I lay naked like a sprawled bird on the picnic table with my arms and legs tied to it. The adults took turns coming up to me ... A large group of people arrived in trucks. They carried rifles and a pack of hungry Doberman dogs. I was told that a group of naked children huddled around was my responsibility. I had to run and help them hide. Every child I cannot hide will be killed and given to the dogs to eat. They painted someone's back with paint, someone's chest, and then let us go. I directed the children towards the nearest hill. It was about the second or third hill, to the limits of which the hunt for us will take place. Shots rang out, and the children around me began to fall. Having lost hope of saving other children, I ran to save my life. "


 According to Barnett, the pedophile network included psychologists such as Kidman and John W. Gittinger, the one who developed the famous personality test among psychiatrists. In an interview with the Independent Australia newspaper, Barnett said that when she was a child, Gittinger tortured and raped her.





 Judy Byington, November 7, 2014


 Archbishop Gerald Cyprian Lacroix of Quebec is officially appointed Cardinal by Pope Francis at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome on 22 February.

 Ottawa police, Interpol operatives, journalists in Rome, members of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, the European Parliament, investigators of the International Common Law Court in Brussels contributed to the writing of this article.

 Two children were raped and killed with the participation of Pope Francis on 22 February.

 The murders took place in the basement of the Jesuit headquarters next to the San Lorenzo Piscibus church in Rome. According to documents submitted to the ICLCJ, the Italian mafia Ndrangheta provided these children for the Ninth Circle Cult of Satanic Child Sacrifice ritual through the Vatican office.

 Kevin Annette: “We received information that children were killed at the headquarters of the Catholic Jesuit Order. According to one source, the boy was sacrificed around midnight in the presence of Cardinal Lacroix and Denis Lebel. In the evening of the same day, a little girl was killed by one of the "high ranks". We assume that the head of the Jesuits, Adolfo Pachon, was meant.

 Cardinal Lacroix, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Denis Lebel, members of the Ninth Circle Cult and the Ndrangheta mafia were already in the works as guilty of the ritual sacrifice of two children in Westmont, Quebec, on August 15, and in the death on September 28 of the head of the Criminal Police Department. related to human trafficking, Kala Gadbana. They are also suspected of shooting soldier Nathan Cirillo on October 22 in the capital of Canada. Information from our sources comes from the Ottawa Police, Interpol operatives, journalists in Rome, members of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, the European Parliament and the Order of the Jesuits in Rome. "

 In Quebec, in August, some Ninth Circle Cult members in preparation for another sacrifice of two children were arrested by the police, with the participation of ICLCJ and the late head of the Ottawa Trafficking Crimes Unit, Cala Gadbana. Evidence gathered at the scene of the latest crime included blood samples from a stone altar, metal instruments of torture, ceremonial swords and video equipment with child pornography materials. One of the suspects later admitted that in a special room at McGill University in Montreal, two children were prepared for murder. The informant was taken under protection and taken to the ICLCJ court in Brussels.


 The ICLCJ's ​​recent experience of pedophilia and murder investigations will help European Interpol arrest 1,027 suspects from six countries involved in the Ndrangheta mafia and the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult. Then 30 Romanian children destined for ritual sacrifices were rescued and more than 2 tons of drugs were seized. European Interpol completed this nine-day operation on 28 September.

 The arrests by Interpol and the Canadian and Italian police departments investigating child sacrifices received no media attention at all in Canada or the United States, but a press release from the ITCCS tribunal reads: “Government announcements of new police powers and media hysteria that ensued after the incident with Cirillo, they were intended to serve as a distraction of public attention from the participation of Lacroix and Lebel in child sacrifices, information about which could easily undermine the position of the Harper government. The participation of Denis Lebel is vital now for Harper's party to win the upcoming elections in Quebec. "

 The Vatican and the Canadian government, with the involvement of the Ndrangheta, are implicated not only in the Canadian and Italian child sacrifices of the Ninth Circle Cult, but also in the recent deaths of two Canadian police officers. Kevin Annette: “The head of our unit in Brussels believes that the head of the Human Trafficking Crimes Unit in Ottawa, Kal Gadban, was killed because of his willingness to investigate the rituals of the Ninth Circle Cult in Canada. On Monday, October 20, ITCCS tribunal leaders received evidence of a child sacrifice committed in February in Rome with the participation of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Denis Lebel and the Archbishop of Quebec, now Cardinal, Gerald Lacroix. The demonstrative murder of police officer Nathan Cirillo occurred two days later.

 Annette: “In the end, this cover costs a lot of money, which means that the Ndrangheta crime syndicate was brought in, which supplies children for use in the rituals of the Cult of the Ninth Circle. We suspect the Ndrangheta hitman killed Police Inspector Cal Gadban in Ottawa on September 28, after he helped prevent a child sacrifice scheduled for August in Montreal. Apparently, Gadban knew about the participation of Denis Lebel and Gerald Lacroix in the rituals of the Cult of the Ninth Circle and planned to press charges against them. For me, Gadban's death confirms that federal politicians in Canada are associated with the Catholic Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifice, and an honest police officer who worked with the ITCCS tribunal could not expose their crimes.

 The ICLCJ has recognized Pope Francis, executives from Cargill, Sinclair Oil, Cameco Uranium, the European mafia money laundering bank HSBC, and the Ndrangheta crime syndicate as implicated in the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult. In a press release from the ITCCS Tribunal it is said: "Big Money" has attracted the Federal Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Lebel. The business of these companies depends on his decisions. The leaders of these companies, such as Cargill, Sinclair Oil and others, are involved in the exploitation of children and the sacrifice of children in the rituals of the Cult of the Ninth Circle. ”

 As an informant told the court, “The child sacrifice in Rome was performed at the Jesuit-run San Lorenzo youth center on the day that Pope Francis conducted the ceremony of Lacroix's consecration to cardinals. And this was not the first child sacrifice performed in San Lorenzo. February 21 and 22 - the ancient Roman celebrations of Feralia and Terminalia, during which animals and children were sacrificed in memory of the dead. "

 Children are regularly abducted, raped, tortured and murdered in the Vatican-led Cult of the Ninth Circle. This was testified by more than 60 eyewitnesses who, since 2011, testified in the ICLCJ court. Cardinal Lacroix was a member of the infamous Catholic Society of St. Pius X, created by Archbishop Bernard Felle and linking the Vatican to the Ndrangheta crime syndicate.






 Judy Byington, November 11, 2014


 “The abduction, exploitation, torture and murder of large numbers of Aboriginal Indian women and children on the west coast of Canada appears to be organized. These criminal activities are financed by the drug trade and organized through collusion of officials, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Vancouver Police, lawyers, clergy, doctors, politicians, social workers, investigators, judges, military, media workers and high-level officials the Canadian government, the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Churches of Canada ... "

 From the memorandum of the International Tribunal for Crimes of the Church and State (ITCCS) dated February 2, 2011.

 According to a former Catholic Cathedral employee in Vancouver, Aboriginal Indian children are kidnapped, taken to private yachts, abused, killed, and disposed of in the ocean outside of Canada's twelve-mile territorial waters. This involves representatives of the Catholic clergy, businessmen, judges, military and politicians involved in the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifices. An eyewitness to the murder of a child testified at the International Common Law Court in Brussels this week. It turns out that for years, members of the West Coast Ninth Circle Cult, united in a community called the Twelfth Mile Club, have moored their expensive yachts in West Vancouver without fear of prosecution for their crimes against hundreds of missing Aboriginal women and children.

 Kevin Annette: “The Vancouver Police and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are involved in child trafficking and protect the interests of these unhealthy wealthy people. The latest eyewitness report confirms what people in Vancouver have been telling me for years. The city is a major center for the trafficking of children and the "Snuff Industry" - filming real-life murders for profit. The way this system of child killing by the authorities is covered shows that it is possible that the participants can be traced back to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. "

 The ICLCJ has recently launched an investigation into the crimes of members of the Twelfth Mile Club, the Satanic Cult of the Ninth Circle, the Vatican and their direct accomplice, the Italian Ndrangheta mafia. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Prime Minister Denis Lebelle and Quebec Cardinal Gerald Lacroix are implicated in these crimes ...


You don't have to be seven inches in your forehead to understand that Jorge Castner's book Purgatory was based on the biography of Earl Lucian Pulvermacher, and the film about Pia XIII is a translation of the book into cinematic language.

The Priest Earl Lucian Pulvermacher (April 20, 1918-November 30, 2009) was an American sedevacantist who was proclaimed Pope Pius XIII of the True Catholic Church in 1998.

Pius XIII: a fictional character or a historical person?

STS will show a television series about the Pope, the prototype of which was the antipapa Earl Lucian Pulvermacher.

Despite the fact that The character of Jude Law, Pius XIII, named the producers of the series "Young Pope" a fictional hero, the history of Catholicism knows a real person with that name.

In 1998, the priest Earl Lucian Pulvermacher, who belonged to the divisive current of the Sedemacanists, was proclaimed by the adherents of the True Catholic Church by Pope Pius XIII.

Catholic missionary, a member of the monastic order of Capuchins, The Head of the Capitals, in the 1970s, gradually moves to the position of extreme traditionalism. The reason was the reaction of a part of the Catholic clergy and personally L. Pulvermacher to the changes in the Catholic tradition, which occurred as a result of the Second Vatican Council of 1962-1965.

L. Pulvermacher breaks with the Order of Capuchins and becomes in opposition to the official Vatican.

In the mid-90s of the 20th century Fr. Lucian comes to the conclusion that the Roman pontiff John Paul II is a Freemason, and therefore his election by the pope in 1978 are invalid. Based on this, and on the fact that the rulings of the Second Vatican Council contradict the Catholic faith, he concludes that all subsequent popes are also invalid. 

In his opinion, Paul VI, John Paul I and John Paul II physically occupied the Roman throne, but were not true Roman pontiffs. Pope John XXIII, who convened the Second Vatican Council, also ceased to be a Catholic through his heresy, and thus the pope, Pulvermacher argued. 

Thus, in accordance with his theory, the throne of St. Peter after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958 remained vacant. 

From this came the name of the sect of Sedevacantists, to which L. Pulvermacher belonged: in the Catholic tradition, the period in which the Holy See is not occupied by a legitimate pontiff is called Sede Vacante ("under the vacant throne", with the vacant throne).

Gradually, the idea was formulated to restore true Catholicism through the election of the "real" pope.

In 1998, the election of a new pontiff was held. Pseudoconclave lasted 24 hours, voting took place on the phone. It was attended by a few numerical adherents of the divisive organization, created with the participation of Pulvermacher, the True Catholic Church. As a result, the only candidate was elected - Lucian Pulvermacher.

Anti-pope Pius XIII died in 2009. Even during his lifetime in the True Catholic Church, as is often the case in divisive communities, there was further division.

Religious teachings and sects. handbook

The Sedevacantist movement is a number of autonomous groups, usually hostile to both the official Catholic Church and each other. All Sedevacantists are united by the non-recognition of the ruling Pope. The Throne of St. They consider Peter vacant, from where the name of the current comes from (Latin sedes vacans).

Reasons why St. The throne is considered vacant can be called different. Most Sedevacantists believe that Popes John XXIII and Paul VI fell into the heresy of modernism and thus deposed themselves. All subsequent popes are also considered illegal, as they were elected after the reform of Pope Paul IV, (1970), under which cardinals over 80 years of age cannot participate in the election of the Pope. Some Sedevacantists also consider other popes illegal, such as Pius XII or Liberia.

The Sedevakantists have their own bishops, some of whom have received chirotonia from the Old Catholics, whom the Sedevacantists consider heretics. Others were ordained by the Vietnamese Archbishop Ngo Ding Thuku or his bishops. (Ngo Ding Thouk himself was excommunicated twice from the Catholic Church: in 1976 and 1983).

Some groups of sedevacantists even elect their own Popes. One such anti-pope was Gregory XVII (Spanish Bishop Clemente Dominguez Gomez). Another anti-pope, Pius XIII (American Capuchin priest Lucian Pulvermacher), does not even have a bishop's san. However, he has appropriated the right to ordain bishops and presbyters, arguing that the Pope may grant the Presbyterian the privilege of teaching the Sacrament of the Priesthood (the Catholic Church does not know such teachings).

According to The Polish Journalist Robert Nogetsky, there are now more than 10 anti-popes in the world.

"Hitler's dad" or diplomat?

Pius XII (Eugenio Pacelli) - Pope from March 2, 1939 to October 9, 1958

The publication of data on the activities of Pius XII during the Second World War for decades sought the victims of the Nazi genocide . 
The Pope was enthusiastic about Adolf Hitler's rise to power and did not protect priests who opposed the persecution of Jews, in many cases the priests helped representatives of different nationalities to escape the Nazi concentration camps. The Guardian published similar material. The pontiff sympathized with the leader of the Third Reich, the historian and journalist John Cornwell wrote in a 1999 book about Pacelli, "The Pope of Hitler: The Secret History of Pius XII."

Pacelli's guilt is not only his actions after the outbreak of World War II. While still a cardinal, he worked for many years to conclude a concordat with Nazi Germany. The document, many of which are still in force, was signed in 1933. In accordance with the concordat, Germany recognized the Vatican's freedom to deal with church issues and authorized the access of priests to hospitals and other state institutions. The Vatican, in turn, renounced the right to form political organizations and agreed to a ban on clerics' membership in parties.

The Holy See, concluded the concordat, de facto made a deal with the devil despite the fact that Nazi ideology and christian values are incompatible.

Concordat signing ceremony between the Vatican and Nazi Germany, July 20, 1933. Such a business acumen for the signing of documents Pacelli apparently found during his work in Germany - from 1917 to 1929 . During this period he was there papal nuncio and established personal and working contacts with the communists and Nazis, others at that time in Germany simply did not exist, and this is a fact of history.

Pius XII refused to openly condemn the genocide of Jews by the Nazis. 

There are many myths about the secret archive of the Vatican, whose real name will be Archivum Secretum Apostolicum Vaticanum. This archive contains historical records and documents of the Holy See dating back centuries. All these printed materials are in the personal possession of the Pope himself. This archive was officially separated by Pope Paul V from the much larger Vatican Library and was inaccessible to the uninitiated until 1881. Only that year Pope Leo XIII opened the archive for public access and more than a thousand of the researchers have since been granted access to certain documents every year. However, most of the archive remains completely closed and no outsider is allowed to approach it, this applies, in particular, to all documents that were transferred to the archive after 1939. These include private records of prominent church figures after 1922. 

You're going to ask yourself why all this is done?

According to church information, the Vatican's secret archive probably has a staggering total length of racks of 85 kilometers, which store about 35,000 documents. But this is only part of the entire collection, which is listed in a special catalog. The publication of the index, partially or completely, is officially prohibited! Presumably, the oldest of the existing documents dates back to the end of the 8th century AD, and thus it will be more than 1200 years old. Pope Francis may hand over new still-classified documents relating to Pope Pius XII (1876-1958).

There are several authors who have studied the history of Pope Pius XII, one of whom is David Curtzer. He spent seven years in the archives and concluded that the Vatican was involved in the promotion of fascism in Europe. Kertzer, who works at Brown University in Rhode Island, USA, studied numerous historical documents from the Pya XI (1922-1939) period and concluded that the pope had made agreements with Mussolini to protect the interests of the church. To do this, the church remained inactive under the nascent propaganda and state-sponsored anti-Semitism.

Only the release of the documents of Pope Pius XII, whose rule lasted in 1939-1958, can give great evidence of the Vatican's cooperation with National Socialism in Germany and personally Adolf Hitler . Pius XII is a big fan of Aloisic , the Editorial Board likes to so affectionately call Alik (Adolf Hitler), the pontiff is also called knowledgeable people Hitler's pope. It was after the Second World War that Pius XII acted against the Nazis, although he never made any comment on the Holocaust. Honest explorers such as David Curtzer are seen by the church as troublemakers. There is nothing new here, all the same as today treat people who with documents in their hands say: show the virus and give the composition of the vaccine with all the documentation. You either are a conspiracy conspiracy or turn away and remain silent. Keep quiet, and we're moving forward. In addition to explosive contacts with the Nazis, other secrets are hidden in the archive, such as the 60-meter scroll on the trial against the Templars, which began in 1307 and lasted for several years. Another important document is the decree of Pope Leo X in 1521, according to which Martin Luther was excommunicated because of his interpretation of the Bible. There are also letters to the Seventh Dalai Lama, an appeal to protect missionaries in Tibet.

The secret archive is controlled by members of a secret Organization of the Illuminati. Various secret societies, such as the secret Masonic lodge Pi-2, are quite active in the Vatican, and many of today's high-ranking officials are undoubtedly members of this secret society. One of the Vatican's greatest mysteries, which should refer to other hidden records, is the correspondence between Emperor Nero and Apostle Paul. Nero seems to confirm the existence of Jesus Christ and reports on his biological descendants. The blood line of Christ has long been said to date back to the mythical king David and Noah. The bloodline of the Mervingers appears to be composed of direct descendants of Jesus Christ, and this line must still continue in some European royal houses. Another secret to be locked up is a device called "Chronosor." This is the invention of the Italian priest Pellegrino Maria Ernetti. With this device, it is assumed that you can see the events of the past on a special screen, and Ernetti is rumored to have managed to capture the crucifixion of Jesus. The car was hidden somewhere in the archive after he was killed by Jesuit priests. In addition, there is evidence of the true existence of legendary religious artifacts, such as the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, the crown of thorn or the Shroud of Turin. Presumably, some of these relics are somewhere in the archive or there is a description of where they are hidden. Another closely guarded Vatican secret is Fatima's third secret. In 1917, three children from Portugal received mysterious prophecies and survived several visions of the Virgin Mary - this was witnessed by thousands of eyewitnesses. The last of the three prophecies has not yet been revealed to the world. Although it was partially published in 2000, most critics believe that it was not a genuine third secret. It relates to the ambiguous evidence regarding the terrible events of recent times, such as the events of the cataclysm associated with the approach of Nibiru, or the nuclear catastrophe described in the biblical Apocalypse. Dark secrets, rumoured by conspiracy theorists, also include numerous magical and occult texts and spells, as well as formulas for bringing and proving the existence of demons and classified information about exorcism. 

Black Masses are held in underground rooms, and systematic abuse of children is a topic that pops up over and over again. According to the Museum of Erotica in Copenhagen, the secret archives also contain the largest collection of pornography. Beneath the car park in the Vatican is a 52-mile-long library of racks with rare documents, some dating back to the 8th century, and the number is in the tens of thousands - if not hundreds of thousands. No one knows exactly how many. This is the Vatican's secret archive. Its contents are secret and carefully guarded from the prying eyes of the outside world. No one, except the curators, can enter its huge vaults: even the owner of the Archive, the Pope himself, may not be allowed inside it.

What secrets does this ancient repository of power and knowledge keep?

We may be here soon to tell you some details by visiting this library over the coming weekend. In the meantime, study and think on three blocks of this material. 

Thank you reader's attention) 

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