Daily 7 issue of the magazine  'Murzilka'. 

Daily 7 issue of the magazine  'Murzilka'. 

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'

Pictured: Dafydd Rockefeller, Gates' dad, David Rockefeller Jr.

Friends, can any of you explain to us if COVID-19 appeared at the end of 2019, why were countries' orders for testing kits placed on the World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) website back in 2018?

The Russian Federation placed an order for "COVID-19 diagnostic test tools and devices" worth $20,843,01 and requested 35,111 units of what was called "COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Instruments and Apparatus"

The World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) is developed by the World Bank in collaboration with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNSD) and in consultation with organizations such as the International Trade Center, the UN Statistical Office and the World Trade Organization. 

🇺🇸In Americas and other Westerners now so, Friends. 


It was foolish and naive to think, opening the gates to those who discovered that this nonsense would never go back there.

You're 16 times more likely to die of diarrhea than a couid, but you don't wear a diaper on your ass.


Cardiovascular disease (CDC) is the leading cause of death worldwide: for no other reason, so many people die each year, as from THE CCC. WHO estimates that 17.9 million people died from the GCC in 2016, representing 31% of all deaths worldwide. 85% of these deaths were due to heart attack and stroke. 

Let's raise the question why WHO is not concerned about so many deaths due to the GCC and has not introduced special measures to control people predisposed to the disease, which in fact can be called a passive crime, which has caused such serious consequences as the death of 18 million people, and bring a visual elementary math, that would make you understand that there is a covid.

🔹Cardiascular diseases - 16 million deaths

🔹Diarea - 1.6 million deaths

🔹Automobile disasters - 1.2 million deaths

🔹Suicid - 800,000 deaths

🔹Covid - 100,000 deaths

We do not see in the circumstances only one thing, why this person has not yet been arrested and waving his claws in the TV studios 📺? Or you have to arrest someone from the administration first. You just explain the algorithms of the legal system of the most democratic country in the world - the United States 🇺🇸 

Marina Abramov with Jacob Rothschild stand in front of Thomas Lawrence's painting "Satan Calls His Legions" (1797).


"Dinner of spirits" is an action of Marina Abramovic, in which the artist applied records on the walls of the art gallery, using instead of paints a solution, the main ingredient of which is blood.

And to whom the Editorial Board asked the question 🙋 ♂️ 

At least a specialized agency and colleagues from a similar unit, similar to the security services of the Editorial.

Adam Schiff is a political figure.


1 Early period

2 Career

3 Family and personal life

4 Sources

Early period

He was born into the Jewish family of Edward and Sherrill Schiff.

In 1982 he received a bachelor's degree in political science from Stanford University.

In 1985 he received his doctorate in law from Harvard Law School.


He practiced privately.

From 1987 to 1993, he was the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Central District of California.

In 1994, he was a candidate for the California State Assembly.

From December 2, 1996 to November 30, 2000, he was a member of the California State Senate from the 21st Circuit.

He has been a member of the U.S. House of Representatives since January 3, 2001.

In 2003, he voted to invade Iraq.

In 2007, he advocated the recognition of the Armenian genocide.

In 2014, he was involved in the investigation of attacks on a diplomatic compound in Benghazi.

In 2015, he supported Saudi Intervention in Yemen.

In 2015-2019, he was vice chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Since January 3, 2019, he is chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

It's time for Adam to explain what he was doing at Chateau Marmon. He is said to have drugged a 13-year-old boy and, thinking he had passed out, raped him. The boy was not unconscious, he was dead. Anthony Bourdain then heard a noise. He was on three bungalows below. The workers told him about the dead child and Schiff. And that's when Anthony Bourdain killed himself.

Ed Buck, Hillary Clinton, dead from Ed Buck's los Angeles home

Also, according to rumors, there is an interesting video with Schiffy and, like, as it should soon see the light. Pelosi presumably has a copy of the video, unless stolen with a laptop on January 6, 2021. Then throwing all the state secrets in the workplace in the offices of the Capitol all fled saving their worthless in practical terms of the benefit to the State of the Body. 

Ed Buck with ...

on the right, Ed Buck is Schiff's friend...

The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Chief Impercer Adam Schiff.

US Patent for Coronavirus Patent (Patent # 10,130,701 issued November 20, 2018)



The present invention relates to an attenuated coronavirus comprising a variant replicase gene, which causes the virus to have reduced pathogenicity. The present invention also relates to the use of such a coronavirus in a vaccine to prevent and/or treat a disease.


Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), the aetiological agent of infectious bronchitis (IB), is a highly infectious and contagious pathogen of domestic fowl that replicates primarily in the respiratory tract but also in epithelial cells of the gut, kidney and oviduct. IBV is a member of the Order Nidovirales, Family Coronaviridae, Subfamily Corona virinae and Genus Gammacoronavirus; genetically very similar coronaviruses cause disease in turkeys, guinea fowl and pheasants.


In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation published Scenario for the Future... in which it described an impending global pandemic that would lead to authoritarian control over people, which would then intensify after the pandemic.

In 2020, they will issue a guide to creating this world of control with step-by-step guidance. They say that life cannot return to normal life until the world is "closed" under authoritarian governments.

We do see that Bill Gates and many other people around the world are immediately taking control in unprecedented ways, using vaccine identifiers, microchips that will be implanted to people, requiring the wearing of face masks, social distancing, forced blocking, extreme contact tracking. and so on.

Part of this top-down control is the strict censorship of every voice of doctors, scientists or other experts who criticize what is happening.

Adam, is this your new Corona 👑 game? 

But it's a scam Adam. fraud. It's time to realize that you are in the middle of a global crime and you're standing in your official account and advertising fraud? That's not the hardest question the Editorial board has just asked you. We have questions that are even more complex and very substantive. We'll set them up next time. 


Adam, by dressing up as an advertising agent of the product, are you familiar with the composition of the advertised product👇? 


The composition of the product is absent 🖕, as indeed there is no everything that should be in the annotation to the product . 

New Interview by Dr. Suharit Bakdi ! 

Suharit Bakdi, M.D. in Microbiology and Epidemiology, Emeritus Professor, Gutenberg University in Mainz, Director of the Institute of Microbiology and Hygiene (1991 - 2012) USA, Germany


In a new interview, Dr. Bucky openly says that the current vaccination is a mass extermination of the world's population. He talks about PCR, the mechanism of mRNA vaccines and the effects of mRNA vaccine vaccination.


Adam, you and all readers with a legal background editorial offers to calculate the possible term of imprisonment for the scene - the action on the last photo (advertising a dangerous drug for U.S. citizens 🇺🇸). Applications are accepted in our telegram channel and has no time limit and your fantasies, do not deny yourself anything but compliance with the rules of decency. 

Everyone knows that human corpses are used to create vaccines. If accurate, it's aborted material. However, the truth is also that vaccines contain mercury and aluminum.



ten years ago: " just asked Prince 


Andrew about Epstein Island." 🤦🏻 ♂️


Trump 🖕is a good dancer 💃 in company with Epstein. Apparently, he is not the one who is said that a bad dancer 🥚 🥚 something interferes ...

Bill Gates: 

- Depopulation through compulsory vaccination: Environmentally friendly solution !

Dutch doctors who soberly look at the situation with a "boiler pandemic" are deprived of licenses and practices.

Inspectorate of Health and Youth of the Ministry of Health, Social Welfare and Sport. 

Dear Mrs. Berkelaar, the inspectorate has already informed you with a letter of relevant laws and regulations regarding the provision of irregular medical care. The Inspectorate recently received reports that you are deviated from RIVM's professional standards and opinions regarding the treatment and counselling of COVID-19 infections... you would provide medical certificates allowing people without masks to travel on public transport... The inspectorate expresses concern about your behavior and its impact on patients and on the control of COVID-19... So I would ask you, as a home doctor, to ensure that your applications meet the standards... The inspectorate may consider submitting your license for review to the health board.

Some of them rose well on the covid, for the first time in History reaching the price of his fortune of 200 billion dollars. 

While those who understand little about the world continue to worship new medical rules and blockages, poorer and less than the latest savings amid upcoming new lockouts, Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world, has become richer than ever. In the second half of August 2020, it crossed a mark previously unseen in nearly four decades that Forbes tracked the net value of assets: given that Amazon shares were up 2 percent as of Wednesday afternoon, Bezos's net worth rose $4.9 billion, making the 56-year-old man the first person in the world to save $200 billion.

As of 1:50 p.m. Eastern time on Wednesday, Amazon's founder and CEO was worth $204.6 billion, nearly $90 billion more than Bill Gates, the world's second richest man, who is currently worth $116.1 billion, whose medical advice, despite the fact that it has nothing to do with medicine, is for some reason listening to the world , and which also continues to get rich until you lose the last.

It should also be noted that the two men who made good money on what was called one of them the "Covid Pandemic" were very familiar with the paedophile, a fascist eugenic practitioner who had been saving his sperm and kept it in jars, paedophile Epstein - the contacts of both of them were in jeffrey's Black Book, who did not kill himself. 

⚠️ All gates-Epstein's connection and what they were doing. 

Microsoft founder, philanthropist and richest man In the world Bill Gates was associated with the late financier Jeffrey Epstein. Their close relationship was reported by The New Yorker back in 2019, which received emails from MIT Media Lab directors saying that the convicted sex offender "gave instructions" to Gates to donate $2 million to a research lab in October 2014.

The two are known to have met, including a meeting in New York in 2013 that preceded Gates' trip to Palm Beach on one of Epstein's private jets. It is also known that Gates' former chief scientific adviser was appointed an alternative executor of Epstein's will. 

Despite this, a spokesman for Gates told Business Insider that "although Epstein persistently harassed Bill Gates, any history of business partnerships or personal relationships between them is categorically untrue."

However, flight records, general interests in biotechnology and internal emails do not lie. The two men had more in common than meets the eye. Both had a common interest in eugenics, a perverse form of science that seeks to genetically modernize the human population (think of the RNA vaccine against the cooida that reprograms your DNA). Bill Gates speaks openly about depopulation, and Jeffrey Epstein was passionate about creating a genetically superior race, using his sperm to impregnate selected women. According to scientists who spoke with Epstein, he expressed interest in impregnating up to twenty women at a time at his ranch in New Mexico to create "genetically superior" children from some of the most successful people in society. 

NBC reported that it was a shock to us that the Gates-Epstein connections were coming to light.


In connection with quite the above, we consider it our duty to re-bring what our source told us about Epstein's ranch, as it finally connects all the points in this story: 

"Tonight, I was at a party with a friend I'll call "Frank." Frank is quite rich and has very good connections thanks to his work, which I will not go into details for obvious reasons. Towards the end of the meeting, he invited me into his office, and we were just chatting nonsense when he talked about Maxwell's arrest: "You know, the public misunderstands everything."

I was obviously intrigued, so I decided to continue. Here's my recollection of what he said to me then:

Epstein and Yizlen were not just sex traffickers, but the owners of a major secret operation. The island he owned, little St. James, was at the center of it all. Although there is a mansion and several other objects scattered on the surface, they are nothing more than a distraction.

When the FBI finally obtained the appropriate search warrants after his final arrest, what they found was like "something from a sci-fi movie." Beneath the surface of the island is a massive compound "imagine a nuclear bunker on steroids."

A dormitory the size of a football field with hundreds of beds. A huge warehouse for storing food/water/fuel and other different items. School, cafeteria, even a recreation area with tennis courts, ping pong tables, basketball hoops, etc.

There was also a medical facility - and this is where everything becomes really strange. Row behind a number of cryogenically stored sperm and eggs. Carefully organized and with tagged samples - albeit under a pseudonym (e.g. RJ150709).

Researchers believe that sperm and eggs have been donated by numerous visitors to the island, although to date they have not found any information that links specific people to conker samples.

🇺🇸 Another "doctor" is probably the most influential "virologist" on the planet after Bill Gates, whose name is in the on-board journal of Epstein's paedophile plane, his wife Melinda Gates said that blacks should be vaccinated against kovid first, immediately after medical professionals. 


🇮🇱A little review of G/G's names from Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book: 

Gaetani, Gelacio. Count Gelacio Gaetani comes from one of the oldest families in Rome. The Gaetani family (also known as Caetani) have introduced Mira to 3rd P-ap, including Pope Boniface VIII. Gelacio is a wine specialist and owner of a vineyard that works with celebrities. 

Gaetani, Rufreido: Roffredo Gaetani was the Italian Earl, Prince and Duke who died in a car accident in 2005. Roffredo attracted public attention when he met Ivanka Trump in the 1990s. Brother Gelacio.

Gallman, Cookie: Cookie Gallmann is a best-selling author (5 of her books were bestsellers), poet, environmentalist and activist. Owns 98,000 acres of cattle ranch in Kenya, which she has turned into a nature reserve.

Mario Garnero is a Brazilian banker and entrepreneur who is considered the "father of an ethanol car" and chairman and major shareholder of Brasilinvest Group, a $700 million banking firm. Garnero has very deep connections at the top. He was/is a personal friend of Jacob Rothschild, David Rockefeller, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Henry Kissinger, Helmut Schmidt and many others. The following website establishes a striking link between Garnero, Epstein and others source:


Brief summary: Recording producer Damon Dash (former co-founder of Roc-A-Fella Records with Jay-') allegedly raped a supermodel who worked for Naomi Campbell at a party hosted by Garnero ,source:


Garnero is called the "Rothschild pawn" who tried to help Alesio Neves come to power, and who put "Brazil's economy minister frontman George Soros Arminio Fraga (who was president of the Central Bank of Brazil from 1999 to 2003) who worked for the Soros Foundation."

Gallia, Harriett: Harriett Jagger is a stylist and former fashion director of Tatler, a fashion magazine owned by Conde Nast (the parent company of Vogue, G.E., etc.). 

Gillford, Lord and Lady: Lord Guildford is Patrick Mead, 8th Earl of Clanville. He is a businessman who serves on the board of directors of Soma Oil and Eurasia Drilling Company, where he served as chairman. Eurasia Drilling Company (Eurasia Drilling Company) is owned by Russian billionaire oligarch Alexander Japaridze and billionaire Alexander Putilov.

Ginsberg, Gary: Former executive vice president of global marketing and corporate relations at Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, the world's fourth-largest media group before the division in 2013. Ginsberg was a close confidant of Rupert Murdoch and Peter Chernin at News Corporation. Ginsberg also served in the Clinton administration for the White House Bar And the Justice Department. Ginsberg arranged for Rupert Murdoch to meet with the Clintons as well as Obama. 

Ginsberg is currently making your children stupid and is a member of the Board of Directors of New Concepts for Public Schools, which develops curricula for students in New York City. Their Network for School Improvement Initiative is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. New Visions also has ties to the Carnegie Endowment, which donates millions of dollars in "training" grants to children. Ginsberg is also a friend and speechwriter for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Goldberg, Ellen: President of the Santa Fe Institute, an organization in New Mexico that employs Nobel laureates, members of the National Academy of Sciences, and MacArthur Fellows. Goldberg is also a research professor in the Department of Biology at the University of New Mexico. Dr. Goldberg is a member of the National Science Foundation's Biology Advisory Committee and the National Advisory Council on Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the U.S. National Institutes of Health, which injected/responsible for the blocking. Goldberg holds a doctorate in genetics from Cornell University College of Medicine.

Gulandris, Dmitry: Founder of The Cycladic Group, which invests and creates a business. Spent 8 years at Morgan Stanley in his private equity group. Gulandris is the Executive Director and a member of the Board of Directors of Knightsbridge Schools, which has three schools (KSI Montenegro, KSI Bogota and KSI Panama), each of which is a primary/secondary school for students aged 2-18 years.

Hazell-Ive, Claire: Hazell-Ive helped Maxwell and Epstein acquire children by using her position as president of the National Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse in West Suffolk (NSPCC). .

Hissom, Robert and Andrea: Robert is the founder of Aspen Capital Partners, a large real estate management firm. He's a friend of Prince Charles's. His ex-wife Andrea is known to have remarried Steve Wynn, the billionaire Las Vegas hotel mogul. Prince Harry was Wynn's guest at his Encore resort. Andrea and Wynn are close friends of Donald and Melania Trump, source: 


Dustin Hoffman: Famous Hollywood actor. Hoffman has been repeatedly accused of sexual assault, including underage, source: 


Another hoax was uncovered in early August 2020 designed to intimidate people with the death code and catch up with panic. 

A popular Twitter account claiming to be run by an Arizona State University professor who "died of a coir" on Friday was a carefully thought-out hoax. 

Although the account, called @sciencing_bi, has gained some notoriety in Twitter's scientific circles, this cowid professor never seems to have existed at all. For months @sciencing_bi wrote on Twitter about their battle with the covid and that in April they were forced to teach how they fight the covid at Arizona State University. Early last week, @sciencing_bi tweeted that he needed help in the covid survivor Facebook group to combat misinformation about COVID-19. This account talked a lot about social justice, the legacy of the professor as a member of the Hopi tribe, about pederastia as a normal and perfectly acceptable phenomenon in academia and their fight against the "dangerous virus" of the covid.

On Friday, Betanne McLaughlin, founder of MeTooSTEM, announced that @sciencing_bi "died of COVID-19" and tweeted a long thread about @sciencing_bi.

"Who else will tell me I'm not strong enough? That there are big fights ahead, that I have to do better," McLaughlin tweeted. "Who else will be there to publicly accuse me of being soft towards NIH and NSF? She wasn't nice. She was strong and worked so hard."

However, ASU (Arizona State University) told Motherboard in a statement that in recent days they had not had a single professor/teacher who died of COVID-19. As a result, Twitter suspended McLaughlin's account and @sciencing_bi, and the Hopi tribe told Motherboard that he was not aware of any professor who matched the description of @sciencing_bi who died of COVID-19. Professor @sciencing_bi, in fact, was another deception designed to inflate the horrors on the topic, and was developed by several members of the academic community.

"Unfortunately, it looks like a prank. We have been investigating this since this weekend and are unable to verify any contact with the university," an ASU spokesman said by email, "We have contacted several deans and faculty and no one can identify the account or who may be behind it. Some of the past comments published by this person are questionable, such as teaching in April. The ASU resigned in March. The man also mentioned the salary cuts. We haven't made any wage cuts here. We also didn't have anyone, like a family member or friend, report a death to someone at university."

However, on Friday, McLaughlin tweeted a memorable thread about Hopi's @sciencing_bi account and culture: "She said she should have received Hopi's mascot for health as a gift for, but she left. The irony is that the talisman of health is running out."

The hopi chairman's office, whose alleged member was the owner of the @Sciencing_bi, said he had not heard of a member who worked as a professor at ASU who had recently died of a couid. 

Shortly after McLaughlin tweeted the news of @sciencing_bi's death, condolences were received from people in academia who said they knew the professor behind the account; they all seem to have been deceived.

Jacqueline Gill, an associate professor at the Institute of Climate Change at the University of Maine, tweeted that "my friend @sciencing_bi passed away yesterday from complications of covid-19 after a brutal four-month recovery period. It wasn't consumables. It wasn't an acceptable fee to do business." Jill later tweeted that she had never met in person with the person behind the account, and that she made sure the account was a hoax: "Now I am convinced that @Sciencing_Bi was a fake account. I feel very sorry for those of you whose trust has been used. It's evil.""

A Twitter spokesperson said McLaughlin and @sciencing_bi's accounts had been suspended for violating Twitter's spam and platform manipulation policy:

"You may not use Twitter services in a way that artificially enhances or suppresses information or engages in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people's twitter experience."

Read /see also about another brazen video of fake news about the "horrors" of the 👇

We hope many people understand that soon we will start talking about TV companies and "journalists". 

⚠️ Tests on the covid do not talk about absolutely anything, except that all people once had something sick.

CENTERS FOR Disease Control and Prevention CDC. (USA). Coronavirus Disease 2019. (Updated June 25, 2020):

A positive test result indicates that you may have antibodies from the virus that causes COVID-19 infection. However, there is a possibility that a positive result means that you have antibodies from a virus infection from the same family of viruses (called coronaviruses), such as one that causes a cold.


🇨🇳The main threat to the world comes from non-con globalizers and from China (CPC). 

On page 18 of the outbreaks, pandemics and other Rockefeller Foundation, China is set as an example not only to the states, but to the entire steel world:

"However, several countries have done so

China, in particular, quickly imposed and forcing mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as the instantaneous and almost airtight sealing of all borders, which saved millions of lives and stopped the spread of the virus (H1N1)."

What is it, but not proof of the ligaments of PDA-necons, whose purpose is to bring the whole world to its knees and make him ask for vaccines and chips? 

If you add to this undisguised praise from the Rockefeller Foundation of China the financial involvement of Soros in the Wuhan laboratory, the arrest of Dr. Liber, who created a transistor less than the virus, worked there, along with his two Chinese colleagues, the puzzle of Chinese interest in the pandemic becomes more obvious and unbreakable. 

Everything you wanted to know about the covid and what's called a boiler pandemic, and what you were afraid to ask

In Davos 2019, globalists were concerned that globalism was collapsing because of nationalism, and all globalist billionaires agreed that they needed a global crisis next year to save globalism. This is where the false pandemic crisis with covid19 came from. Schwartz openly acknowledges that the multinational banks he represents want "another World War II crisis," so "they" want to create the same level of crisis for which they will offer solutions. 


The lockstep author admits that he is working on a Human Tracking program funded by SalesForce that uses mobile phones to track people. However, he says they can see anger rising in the goy from their blatant abuse. He acknowledged that the globalists were concerned about the freedom movement, pointing to a possible retreat if we resisted. 

Schwartz complains that the public no longer trusts the big technological espionage, there is a "crisis of confidence", so selling plebs to the program of tracking contacts is difficult. But "they" also believe that using a hoax of a deadly boiler threat will force people to trust globalists out of fear


Schwartz wrote the film's screenplay for the report - a film about a "preliminary crime" that suggests that the government can arrest dissidents, arguing that they may commit a crime in the future. Contact tracers for the coviid are, in fact, similar to the Stasi police preliminary investigation - even people without symptoms who were only close to others who tested positive for a covid, who also had no symptoms, were treated as asymptomatic pre-crime.

He also says that the hoax will last 2 years in the intensive mode in which we are now already, and 5 years if the intensity is less. 

The author of lockstep likes lockdown. According to him, the air is cleaner. 

When the second wave hits, the government will resettle many (will put in concentration camps) people (but not him and his fellow Kabbalists-eugenists)

In 2010, Schwartz wrote a book, "Scenarios for Future Technology and International Development," which was published by the Rockefeller Foundation. Lockstep describes a global pandemic leading to an international economic downturn and repressive authoritarian control. 

"Even after the pandemic disappeared, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities has remained and even intensified. To protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems, from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and growing poverty, leaders around the world have taken power into their own hands. Citizens voluntarily renounced part of their sovereignty - and their privacy"

Schwartz was born in 1946 to Clara and Benjamin Schwartz, Hungarian (as well as Soros) Jews who were in concentration camps and lived in a camp for displaced persons in Stuttgart, Germany. Covid is literally the brainchild of the same far-left Jews who created the fear that New York would be underwater by 2020 during the climate change hoax.

Now the inventor of covidohaos Peter Schwartz reacts to his own hoax and says it was a hoax.

Freudian reservation of the deputy chairman of the Security Council? 


"The topic of vaccination should be at once relevant all over the world. As soon as the drug or a group of drugs will be presented, which will be effective. 

Otherwise, it will be impossible to spread this disease."

Highlight the key points of this stint.

First, the turnover about vaccination, rather than the treatment of covid, "should be at once relevant all over the world", where the key is "immediately" and "all over the world." 

We have this association with gates, who, in the words of one WHO official, "is treated as head of state, not only at WHO, but also in the G20", that "after an outbreak, it is important to act quickly - even faster than it used to be." 

Think about it, and understand who is who and where we all go together with these figures. 


Ghana's president reads out a document from the Rockefeller Foundation demonstrating that all governments have fulfilled orders around the Covidarum-19, previously developed by the elite. 

This seems to be the fourth president to die after similar revelations. John Atta Mills died Tuesday at a military hospital in Accra shortly after news of his illness emerged. ... President Mills died five months before the end of ...

The president of the West Suffolk National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Child Abuse (NSPCC) helped Epstein and Maxwell select children for the sex abuse of the elite. 

The woman on the left is Claire Hazel-Ive. Her name is on Epstein's Lolita Express flight log. 

Lady Clare Ive, 4th Countess of Ive (in Jeffrey Epstein's black book is referred to as "Claire Hazel-Iviag"), married to a billionaire heir to the fortune of Guinness, Count Edward Guinness. Their main home is the Elveden estate, located near the Norfolk-Suffolk border, although they also have significant assets in Ireland and Canada. Elveden Hall was the main location for several major films, including Stanley Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Shut".

Claire Hazell-Ive - Lady Ive - worked for Gisele Maxwell in the US and that she (Ive) bought children for Maxwell, says survivor of paedophile Maria Farmer.

According to a study by the newspaper, Hazell-Ivy was among Jeffrey Epstein's guests at the zorro ranch in New Mexico, where she was seen next to a paedophile.

According to flight logs, Claire Hazel flew on the Lolita Express 32 times, traveling with Epstein to New Mexico, Ohio and St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Most interestingly, she is president of the West Suffolk National Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse (NSPCC). 

Maxwell attended all major children's competitions in the U.S. to select children for Epstein, who was probably involved in the most high-profile crime in the U.S. in the 1990s - the murder of JonBenet Patricia Ramsey, winner of children's beauty pageants in the U.S. 🇺🇸 

We hope you now understand the broad focus of the flow of child trafficking in the United States, that even the president of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Child Abuse (NSPCC) is involved.

Epstein in Antarctica visiting penguins in October 2020. 


Murzilka in 4 newscasts. 

Lady Gaga on the walls of WHO: "Thank you very much, Evan-Hugh Evans. You're a miracle. I'm really speechless. I want to thank everyone who is on this challenge today. Thank you so much, Dr. Tedros. I can only speak for my own behalf and my mother.


🇺🇸Confidential document from 2015 detailing instructions given to rioters or organizers of their groups, including ways to physically attack police officers. Experts should know whose logo on the dowment, this thing "belongs" to Soros. 


Dear Grandpa 👴 

Internally we feel many are fascinated by reading 📖 the seventh issue

 'Murzilka'. And as always, we are very happy to deliver you pleasant minutes from reading and funny pictures. Don't switch... 

ℰ𝒹𝓂ℴ𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓈

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