Royal South 21. Part 1. 

Royal South 21. Part 1. 

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VATICAN CITY, January 14 In the eyes of the world's media.

Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI received a coronavirus vaccine, the holy see's press service chief, Matteo Bruni, said on Thursday.

"I can confirm that as part of the Vatican City Vaccination Program, the first dose of coVID-19 vaccine from Pope Francis and the honorary pope has been introduced to date," a Vatican official told reporters.

We do not advertise or comment on these actions of the Vatican and personally the pontiff, just the Editorial Board remembered this Event in connection with our rebounds below and we decided to put in the headline of the day last Event beginning 2021. 

Previews of the Editorial recommended for a fascinating reading in the warm May days and the coming weekend . Our team usually reads such fiction 

at night, as a soothing soul, good sleep and pleasant dreams 😴 


On August 3, 1977, the 95th session of the U.S. Congress opened hearings on allegations of abuse related to the CIA's TOP-SECRET Consciousness Control Research Program, called MK ULTRA. On February 8, 1988, MK ULTRA victim Kathy O'Brien was secretly rescued from the slavery of consciousness by intelligence insider Mark Phillips. Their attempts to achieve justice for seven years were halted by THE NATIONAL SECURITY. "Trans-Formation of America" exposes the truth of this criminal abuse of the unconstitutional "National Security Act" of 1947.

United States Psychopathocracy

Selective translation of the book "LIFTING THE VEIL. An Investigative History of the United States Pathocracy»

The translation is made and checked by source:

This article presents a selective translation of the book "BEFORE THE WORLD. Investigation of the history of the United States of Psychopathocracy." 

Its author, the American journalist Timothy Silver, using open publications in such well-known newspapers as the New York Times, The Washington Times, The Sunday Daily Star, The Independent, The Guardian, The Telegraph, etc., collects in a single picture fragments of disparate information about the secret global satanic cult.

Chapter XIV provides an excerpt from a speech by one of the leading American psychotherapists, Coydon Hammond, in which he summarizes his experience with patients who are victims of the cult.


Investigation of the history of the United States Psychopathocracy

Investigated and written by Timothy M. Silver

"I know the potential that exists to create an all-out tyranny in America. We must ensure that this agency and all the agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under appropriate oversight, so that we never cross the edge of this abyss. The chasm from which there is no return."

- U.S. Senator Frank Church, 1975


NOTE: All materials in this investigation are backed up by more than 500 footnotes and references to reliable sources.


Quoted in the British newspaper "The Guardian" by Dan Ellsberg: "Edward Snowden: Getting Us Out of the United States of America," June 10, 2013.



"Opening the Veil" is the best study that reveals the deepest levels of deception in our world. The author uses highly reliable sources with links that confirm almost everything that is presented here. If you don't have time to read the entire book, review the highlighted fragments and don't miss Chapter XIII, which presents indisputable evidence of the existence of a cult created by psychopaths who are determined to control our world. You will learn how they manage to hide all this from the public. It is worth reading to all who want to be aware and build a bright future for themselves and their descendants.

"The problem of Psychopathocracy seems to be so extensive and complex that it is certainly terrifying. Fortunately, the solution to it is quite simple. It starts with awareness and non-participation. Ignorance is the basis on which the Psychopathocracy system is based. It's really simple. Awakened people can make a choice and stop holding on their shoulders this pyramid of "criminal power" by refusing to grease the gears of its mechanism. We must collectively redirect our money from the big banks to support local entrepreneurship instead of transnational and courageously telling the truth."



Chapter I: "War on Terror" is a fraud

Chapter II: One-Party State

Chapter III: Psychopathy, Power and Politics

Chapter IV: Operation Paperclip

Chapter V: MK-ULTRA

Chapter VI: Operation Gladio

Chapter VII: Mockingbird


Chapter IX: Phoenix Program

Chapter X: Iran/Contra

Chapter XI: Succession of Power

Chapter XII: Pedophocracy

Chapter XIII: Cults and Child Abuse

Chapter XIV: Mind Control Through Trauma

Chapter XV: Psychopathocracy

Chapter XVI: Solutions

Chapter XVII: Awakening



It's been a little over a year since I first read about the CIA's MK-ULTRA program, also known as the Mind Control Program, which explored the vast possibilities of "biological behavioral engineering." I was shocked by the depth of the horror suffered by the unsuspecting victims of this programme. It was separated from the post-war Nuremberg Process for only a decade, which stated that never again should scientific experiments on people conducted against their will be conducted.

I was impressed that nothing was changing in the Agency (CIA), even after repeated congressional investigations into its illegal, unconstitutional activities under the MK-ULTRA project, and was concerned about the glaring fact of total ignorance of the program by the general public. The most disgusting thing is that this program, documented despite the CIA's own claims to the contrary, has yielded significant results.

As an aspiring historian, I looked under every stone related to secret intelligence and other taboo topics of history, and began publishing my research on a blog called "The History of the Peoples." Since then I have read dozens of books and thousands of articles in the media, interviews, research and archival documents in my search for knowledge.

I soon came to realize that I was not just studying a series of unrelated abuses and financial crimes of the secret Agency, but was uncovering an organized destructive network operating in secret. Such a bold statement requires proof. I suggest you consider more than 500 quotes from publicly available sources that I have provided here and come to your own conclusions.

Whether this will be an addition to topics you are already interested in, or even if you feel animosity towards the idea that there is "something wrong" with the United States, I urge you to come across this information without prejudice, openly, and be prepared to include it in your picture of the world.

The book "Opening the Veil" is structured in such a way that two striking problems in the current United States system are first addressed. Then we will move back to 1946 to shed light on the origins of these problems. Let's put together information about psychopathy, its attitudes to politics and power, my own conclusions from this information and questions that give food for thought. In the final part of the book, we will piece together the pieces of the puzzle and determine the actions we could take to correct the situation.

With gratitude to my readers,

Timothy M. Silver

A documented autobiography by Kathy O'Brien, victim of the government's Monarch Consciousness Control Program, run by the Central Intelligence Agency.

This translation of Katie O'Brien's book "TRANS-FORMATION of America" 

you can download as a readable and printable file with illustrations in PDF format (as part of the collection "Ritual violence and control over consciousness. Satanism in the modern world") 

Actually, the book "TRANS-FORMATION of America" is its "Second Part". Autobiography of Kathy O'Brien, sex slave of the level "Presidential model".

The brief "First Part" is a foreword by Mark Phillips. It is necessary, but the first chapter of it, in which Mark talks about "control of consciousness" and justice in American society, advise you to read fluently and immediately move on to the next chapter, where Mark outlines his biography and the story of Katie's salvation.

The psyche of a person can be broken into several independent personalities. In this state, a person - a victim of this influence - spends his life switching in these personalities from one to the other. If this process is controlled by someone from the outside, then the switching takes place on a conditional signal, a command. 

"Presidential Model" Kathy O'Brien lived this life as a pogram-controlled slave.

The book consists of a description, in the most eerie details, of the sexual perversions of the hosts Kathy O'Brien. Translating these descriptions, giving this translation some form of literary text is not so easy.

In general, it is a very hard-to-perceive material. Taking you together with the main character to the top of the American political Olympus, he will lead you to the bottom of the abyss - in such an abyss of meanness, meanness and cruelty, which is difficult to imagine.

But this is the bottom you need to see, this chasm you need to know. In order to assess where the propagandists of the famous way of life with green passports and the way of thinking 💭 from plastic glasses in schools are lured.

Another book - a good way to test yourself: what thoughts and feelings will be born when reading such episodes? Will the inside stir the boast and low curiosity. Or vice versa, it will cause disgust and pain.

You can just say:



This book contains descriptions of crimes in detailed sexual and anatomical details and is therefore recommended only for adult readers.



TRANS-Formation of America is a documented autobiography by Kathy O'Brien, a victim of the government's MK-ULTRA consciousness control program, in particular its "Monarch Project" program conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency. Kathy O'Brien's book is the only evidence of its kind that has been made public. At CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, a white stone is carved with a quote from the Scriptures and works of St. John: "And the truth will make you free." This statement, the agency acknowledges, is an absolute reality. The institution in which this stone inscription is located is the world's most successful creator of lies for the purpose of psychological warfare.

If religion warns of the existence of evil and encourages people to beware of it, then all is well. But the water always mutates today. Sometimes the Church side with evil (Vatican/Holocaust), and what is evil becomes subjective. 

There is a great misconception that traditional education (indoctrination) and mainstream media function to form a human personality. But de facto, humanity as a whole is a scapegoat of free erotic fantasies of several hundred people 

Vaccinated apes make up 60% of the population, in the near future will be taught to despise the unvaccinated and consider them "bad" and "evil", and 10% (psychopaths/sociopaths) are already taught to do so. 

Apatas are not necessarily evil, they are just obedient, but they make up the majority, and this is the problem of humanity. Our task is to keep them awake and awaken, lulled by mainstream media and social media, who have fallen asleep under the media- sings. 

Vatican and mafia remove witnesses of child sacrifices (translated from English)


We have removed some fragments of the text from this material.

History is made not by "transnational corporations," "committees," parties or even governments, but by specific people in these systems and structures. People who are united with each other by their common spiritual qualities, addictions, and objects of worship. Only by tracking these qualities and objects of worship can we explain to ourselves the conditions around us.

The material is dedicated to children who are now or in the past victims of the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifices - rape, torture and murder committed by representatives of the Vatican and the global elite. And also in memory of the more than 50,800 missing children who have been buried in 34 Catholic mass graves across Canada, Ireland and Spain. The perpetrators of these crimes continue to live carelessly without any responsibility for them.

Our prayers are for these innocent children, and we must stop this children's Holocaust, which continues to be carried out by church, state and corporate leaders.


Eyewitnesses who testified during the preparation of the International Court of General Law in Brussels were killed, died for mysterious reasons, missing or imprisoned without charge. The number of these witnesses - victims of the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Children's Sacrifice - numbered 14 before the beginning of last week, when the criminal syndicate of the Ndrangheta came into the case. A few days earlier, in cooperation with members of the ICLCJ (International Court of Common Law), the Montreal police arrested two adherents of the Cult of the Ninth Circuit

in preparation of children's sacrifice.

The Ndrangheta worked with the Vatican branch and arranged for the supply of children for the ritual rape and murder that occurs during the Ninth Circle Cult. Five judges, 27 lawyers and more than 60 witnesses and officials of the ICLCJ court, including the Secretary of the International Tribunal for Church and State Crimes (ITCCS) Kevin Annette, were blacklisted as enemies of the Ndrangheta.


 The hit list of the mafia's customers included the Vatican hierarchs, Queen Elizabeth, well-known personalities in business circles and other members of the Ninth Circle Cult. Since 2010, these members of the world's elite have been the subject of judicial investigations by the ICLCJ.


 The latest victim of the Vatican, the organizer of the Cult of the Ninth Circle, was the investigating magistrate of the ICLCJ. He went missing after he submitted documents from the Vatican's secret archives to the tribunal on July 3. One of the documents called Magisterial Privilege stated that each new Pope, before taking office, must undergo the ritual of killing an infant with the use of his blood (killing the baby and drinking his blood) during the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifices. Eyewitnesses to these ritual killings by the Vatican hierarchs testified before the ICLCJ.


 As a child, Chief Louis Daniels of the Cree tribe witnessed the murder in one of 80 orphanages for Indian children established under the authority of the Catholic Church (in total, more than 50 thousand children died, were killed, tortured and went missing in such institutions). Chief Louis Daniels planned to testify before the ICLCJ, but in February 2006 he died in a Winnipeg hospital for an inexplicable reason, although everyone knew him as a perfectly healthy person. Daniels has called for a boycott of the government's investigation into deaths in Indian boarding schools, calling it the "Truth and Reconciliation Bleaching and Washing Commission."


 Herriet Nahani of the Squamish tribe became the first witness to a murder in orphanages to agree to make the accusations publicly. She was about to testify before the ICLCJ, but was imprisoned in Surrey, where she died of pneumonia in February 2007.


 Nora Bernard was the first Aboriginal Canadian who decided to sue the Catholic Church for crimes committed in the boarding school where she spent her childhood. Bernard was killed in December 2007 before she could testify. Her murder remained unsolved.


 Jony Bingo Dawson of the Tsimshian tribe witnessed the removal of 10 children from a Catholic boarding school in British Columbia by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in October 1964. Dawson planned to testify before the ICLCJ and was picketing the Anglican and United Church in Vancouver, denouncing the Canadian government's refusal to investigate the killing of children in orphanages. On December 9, 2009, Dawson was beaten by the police and died the next day. The official cause of death was alcohol poisoning, but the autopsy report indicated that no alcohol was found in his blood.


 Ricky Laval of the Cree tribe witnessed police beat Bingo Dawson. In the spring of 2010, he spoke about this in a radio interview, and after that he was found dead, "from a blow to the chest."


 Former pupil of the boarding school William Combe of the Salish tribe was one of the eyewitnesses to the withdrawal from the boarding school by the British royal couple of ten children, his friends. He died following a radio interview in February 2011 in which he spoke about the kidnapping. Immediately after the interview, perfectly healthy William Combe was ordered to come for a medical examination at St. Paul's Catholic Hospital in Vancouver. There he was given an injection, from which he ended up in a coma. Several hours later, without the consent of his family members, Combe was disconnected from the life support system. Combe also planned to testify before the ICLCJ.


 In May 2012, Harry Wilson of the Nootka tribe was found dead on a street in Vancouver. Before that, he gave an interview on local radio and named those who killed children in the boarding school where he grew up. He, too, did not have time to appear as a witness before the ICLCJ court, as he wanted.


 In the same year, Kevin Annette felt the heavy hand of Queen Elizabeth and the Vatican. In London, he participated in an action dedicated to the investigation of children who died in Canadian orphanages, was detained and spent the night in prison, after which he was deported without any charges. Rejected by the courts of Canada, Annette (and his civic organization ITCCS) spent 20 years collecting information and evidence of child killings for submission to the international court. The evidence is presented in the book Hidden No Longer by Kevin Annette.

A year later, in March, the Belgian politician M.P. Laurent Louis was harassed and arrested following his revelations of pedophilia practiced by members of the Belgian parliament. Louis was an active supporter of the ICLCJ and his investigations involved prominent members of Belgian society in the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult. Louis' interview is featured in this video.


 In October 2013, Steve Finney (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada) made a disclosure about Queen Elizabeth's connection with the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifice and 50 thousand children tortured in Catholic boarding schools in Canada. This initiative ended with the unprecedented resignation of Pope Joseph Ratzinger. Steve Finney was also arrested without charge.

 police and spent three days in jail, but worldwide protests by Kevin Annette's civic organization helped to free Steve Finney.


 In 2013, British citizen David Compan fell victim to the same confrontation with Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip and other members of the global elite. He was arrested twice, as was his wife. Kompan was planted with drugs and imprisoned at London's Royal Mental Health Center, the same place where British soldier Vivian Cunningham was arrested a year later for the same "crime" of revealing the truth about the fate of children in orphanages. After several days of protests by angry citizens, Kompan and his wife were released. Kompan spoke about this arrest in this video.


 In May 2014, British soldier Vivian Cunningham was injected with drugs and forcibly hospitalized at the Royal Mental Health Center in London. His "crime" was that he dared to ask the authorities to issue an arrest warrant for Queen Elizabeth based on the materials of the ICLCJ court. Cunningham was held in a mental hospital for a month without charge.


 On September 1, the ICLCJ court begins a long-term investigation into the connection with the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifices of the Vatican hierarchs, members of the royal families of Europe, the CIA, HSBC Bank, Cargill corporations, Sinclair Oil, Cameco Uranium, some well-known politicians and representatives of big business.


 The public organization International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) established the ICLCJ International Common Law Court to investigate the murder of 50 thousand children in Catholic educational institutions. Investigative materials are multiplying and already include the testimony of almost 60 witnesses about the international supply chain of children for ritual sacrifices, as well as entertainment parties with hunting for children, which took place in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. In 2013 and 2014, the ICLCJ brought charges of crimes against humanity against the Catholic popes Ratzinger and Francis, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, General of the Jesuit Order Adolfo Pachon and 27 other members of the world elite.


 Common law courts in the United States, Canada, Ireland, England, Belgium, Holland, Germany, New Zealand and Australia have indicted government, ecclesiastical and corporate officials that include human rights violations, fraud, conspiracy, trade children and murder.


 The International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State and the International Common Law Court have established common law courts with 450 officers in nine countries, while in the United States, county sheriffs have established common law courts in 31 states. More than 800 people participate in 24 local branches of the common law courts coordinated by three Field Secretaries: Kevin Annette (North America), George Dufort (Western Europe) and Cameron Mottus (Asia and Australia-New Zealand).


 In Canada, the ITCCS is involved in the process of creating the Republic of Kanata as a new national entity, a state, as reported by Interim Councilor Colin Sullivan. The flag of the Republic of Kanata will be hoisted at a public ceremony in Winnipeg ...


 Those wishing to participate in Common Law community groups can contact the ITCCS Tribunal and the ICLCJ in Brussels by e-mail: 😎

Judy Byington, author of "Twenty-Two Faces: The Life of Jenny Hill in Her Twenty-Two Personalities" 

A therapist, a community activist, a journalist whose articles about the international network of child exploitation are published on hundreds of websites and blogs. Director of the Family Mental Health Counseling Centre. ... The information has been deleted to avoid violation of paragraph 4.2 of the rules for the use of the server. If you have anything to report on child abuse, please email Judy to: ... The information has been deleted to avoid violation of paragraph 4.2 of the rules for the use of the server.

We propose to sign our petition to Congress to investigate the CIA's activities on the control of children's consciousness under this link: 😎

Written by Judy Byington


The International Church and State Crime Tribunal was established on the initiative of Kevin Annette. The Tribunal is tasked with publicizing the facts of child abuse and bringing those involved to justice.

The Tribunal has more than 450 common law officers in 13 countries.

Kevin Annette is a former pastor of the United Church in Canada. While working as a clergyman, Kevin Annette came into contact with one of the church's most tragic mysteries. From communication with representatives of the Indian population, he learned about what was happening in boarding schools for Native American children - institutions established under the leadership of the church and the state.

His own investigation of this church activity and attempts to make public information about it turned into a personal tragedy for Annette: he paid for it all that was in his life - family, work, position, name.

In the prologue to his book "UNRASKY. Exposing the powers that be," Annette writes:

"Years have covered the truth with blackberries, tall maples and elms, but hastily piled earth. However, like craters from shells that recall past wars, the common graves, strewn the landscape, tell the story of what really happened in the cold corridors of boarding schools.

Many children are buried here.

Under the cover of night, tiny bodies of tuberculosis patients and beaten children were unloaded here. The youngest victims were infants born to rapists who wore a cross on their chests and broadcast about God. Sometimes, fearing that their crime would not come out, the rapists burned their own children in school stoves. Undoubtedly, some of them even offered prayer. And the other children watched from the outside or held the oven door..."

In order to finally break the spirit of the natives of North America, Indians, throughout the twentieth century, Indian children - especially the children of the chiefs - forcibly taken away from their parents, placed in special boarding schools, and there subjected to spiritual and physical destruction.

It happened not in some dark Middle Ages, but right now, in our time, the time of computers, Martian expeditions, film festivals and fashion shows.

Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Canada, Ph.D., President of the Royal Canadian Society Duncan Campbell Scott commented on the first results of the program launched jointly by the state and the church:

«... If these savages do not come to our boarding schools voluntarily, they will have to be forced by the law to do so. The church will have no other choice. It is true that the mortality rate of Native American children dying in our schools from tuberculosis is very high, but it is in line with our department's policy of finally addressing the Indian issue..."

More than half of the children died in boarding schools - a total of about 50,000. From infections, hunger, beatings, torture, rape, heartbreak...

Starting with the genocide of Indian children in Canadian church boarding schools, the INTERNATIONAL Tribunal of ITCCS, organized by Kevin Annette, in his investigation went on a global network of child trafficking, providing "living material" for rituals of the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifice.

About the trade of children in the form of cupboards and other utensils we made material for a small number of readers, attached photo cabinets, a famous name, strangely got into advertising cabinets at sky-high prices, probably this topic of the Editorial is worth considering in more detail and detail. 

 Transcript for Testimony of Ritual Killings of Children in Belgium (English)


Published by the International Court of Common Law, Brussels.

 Copyright ITCCS 2014 All rights reserved.

My name is Anne Marie van Blijenburgh. For twenty four years my husband was Kees van Korlaar. Together with his three brothers, Kees van Corlar is part of a criminal organization known as the Octopus Syndicate (ed .: in Holland, this is the slang name for Ndrangheta, the modern Italian mafia). They have operated from 1960 to the present day. By order of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, they organized the torture, rape and murder of children in public places. They organized this through juvenile detention centers [juvenile colonies] in the Netherlands.

 These centers offered to the Dutch court to transfer some teenagers, children for a certain period of time at the disposal of Queen Beatrix as workers. The centers were glad to have such cooperation with Bektrix, as with a very famous public figure. All formal issues of the transfer of children were resolved in consultation with a high-ranking officer of the court of Queen Beatrix.

 From these children, a child was selected who had neither a family nor relatives. He was sent by train to Zwolle, where he was taken to a building that was equipped as a hotel. It was not a hotel, although many people in the lobby gave the impression that it was a working hotel.

 The child was put on the table and given some kind of narcotic drink to drink. There was a building near this "hotel" where the spectacle took place. People were sitting in the hall, at a certain moment they brought this child in, tortured, raped and brutally killed in front of them.

 The audience revolved around Prince Johann Friso, Queen Beatrix's second son. I was told that Johann Friso was kind of crazy and had an unhealthy interest in young children. The psychiatrist was with him every day. His name is Guus Pareau Dumont.

 Queen Beatrix paid for these murders. Together with Johann Friso were his friends and relatives, so that the whole building was filled with the most famous people in the Netherlands: ministers, high-ranking officials. The members of the syndicate actively contributed to their invitation to this event, where they photographed these people, so that later they could be able to blackmail them for their own purposes.

 Question: Could you name someone present?

 The people I recognized were Prince Johann Friso, his psychiatrist Gus Paro Dumont, I recognized Johann's wife Mabel Wisse Smit, she was there with the old man, I think it was George Soros, I recognized Mr. Donner [Donner], the former Minister of the Legislative Department, ..., I recognized Mr. van den Emster [Emster], he was the head of all judges in the Netherlands for many years, I recognized Dick Berlijn, the former head of the Netherlands War Department. I recognized one very famous journalist. I recognized Carla Eradus, the wife of the psychiatrist Friso, Karl was the president of the court in Amsterdam, the judge. I recognized Mark Rutte, he was the Prime Minister of the Netherlands at the time. I recognized Geert Wilders, at that moment he was the head of the political party PVV and the head of the Dutch parliament.

 There were about fifty people every time I was taken there. I've been there three times. Every time I saw them kill a child. Two boys and one girl. I believe they were children from the Netherlands, I think they were brought from juvenile detention centers.

 Question: You said that the officials of the detention centers thought that the children were eaten?

 I asked a journalist for the Telegraph newspaper in 2005 or 2006 if it was possible to publish information about what was happening in the newspaper. The journalist told me that he checked my story by examining all the detention centers for juveniles in the Netherlands and spoke to people in those centers where they believed the children were being sent at the request of Queen Beatrix's court to work. Some of these people thought that Queen Beatrix ate these children, because no one ever heard of the children sent to Zwoll on the train.

 Question: Do you know what happened next with the remains of the murdered children, where are they buried, what did they do to them?

 Yes, unfortunately I know. They were first thrown into a cooling container behind that building. After several performances, the container was delivered to Belgium, there was a piece of land on which the children were thrown into a pit.

 Question: Do you know the name of this place in Belgium?

 I have to see him, I found him, but I have to see him.

 Question: What would you like to see as the result of all this?

 I want these criminals to be imprisoned forever.

 Question: You said that you did not receive any assistance in the Netherlands.

 Never, no, it's terrible, from 2004 to the present day. I spoke with every police officer I could talk to, with every official, with representatives of Interpol, I was in court to testify for an indictment in court and to investigate the case. The court told me that this is not my problem, but a problem of society, and the court does not consider it necessary to order the prosecutor to conduct an investigation. I did my best. I think everything stops because Queen Beatrix and the Dutch court are involved. And everyone who tries to investigate something is given a hand, because Queen Beatrix does not want it.

 Question: Are you ready to testify in this case in another court, say, in the Common Law Court?

Yes. I have no objection to this. I am very, very indignant. If you saw what I saw ... It will always stay with me. I can't get away from it because it's one of the cruellest things I've seen, it's terrible, it's really terrible. Idiots. Once, when I was returning to my house, my husband took me (he was selling drugs), gave me the opportunity to see. On that trip when I came to my senses after the murder of the child ... I began to cry. My husband said, "Don't worry, they are orphans, they are just rubbish, it doesn't matter if they are killed." It's horrible. I cannot describe it. These people sat there and watched ...

 Question: Is your husband still alive?

 He is alive and he is still killing children. If you just think how many people they've killed since 2004, ten years later, they kill maybe ten or twenty people a year, if not more, that's terrible. I showed the police four locations in the Netherlands that they use to hide the bodies of the people they killed. Never, never a single policeman will look there, they are afraid.

 Question: Can you name these four places?

 Yes, I can name them, I can show them, I will let you know about them by email. But the criminals know that I told the police, they had every opportunity to hide the evidence, but I know two places in which it would be difficult for them to do it ... As a rule, in the Netherlands, when traces of a murder are found in a house, the police send 20 or 30 people to investigate. But when I tell the police that I know four places in the Netherlands that are used as a cemetery and that each may have 20 or 50 or even 100 bodies buried, no one is going to organize a search in those places.

 Question: Can you tell us your name and today's date? You are welcome.

 Today is the 5th of June 2014, my name is Anna-Marie van Bliedenburg.

Copyright ITCCS 2014 All rights are protected.

Catholic popes and children's sacrifices 


From the press releases of the ITCCS Tribunal.

The material is dedicated to children who are now or in the past victims of the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifices - rape, torture and murder committed by representatives of the Vatican and the global elite. And also in memory of the more than 50,800 missing children who have been buried in 34 Catholic mass graves across Canada, Ireland and Spain. The perpetrators of these crimes continue to live carelessly without any responsibility for them.

Our prayers are for these innocent children, and we must stop this children's Holocaust, which continues to be carried out by church, state and corporate leaders.

The investigator disappeared after filing evidence to the International Common Law Court in Brussels that Pope Francis Bergoglio and ex-Pope Joseph Ratzinger performed child sacrifices during the rituals of the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifices. The missing investigator provided testimony from 14 witnesses who did not manage to testify before the International Common Law Court (ICLCJ) because they were killed, died of unknown cause, were imprisoned or a mental institution without charge.


 The Ndrangheta Gangster Syndicate, which is organizing the supply of children for the rituals of the Cult of the Ninth Circle, has issued a black mark to key officials of the ICLCJ, including Kevin Annette. Apparently, representatives of the British royal court wanted to get their hands on Annette. Canadian pastor, Annette, was due to arrive in Ireland this weekend to participate in the ICLCJ trial. The subject of the investigation was to be the remains of almost 800 children - victims of ritual violence, buried in a sewer

 Catholic mother and child home in Tuam.


 On August 15, in cooperation with the Montreal police and the ICLCJ court, two members of the Cult of the Ninth Circle were arrested, presumably preparing another child sacrifice.

 After their arrest, another member of the Cult of the Ninth Circle was identified and the dates of the rituals of the cult by representatives of the global elite were clarified. The arrested cult member was granted protection, and five judges and 27 representatives of the ICLC court were kept under wraps for their safety.


 This was a necessary measure. The Ndrangheta crime syndicate works with the Vatican to supply children for the sacrifices of the Ninth Circle Cult. The Ndrangheta, at the behest of the Vatican, issued his "order" to kill key officials of the ICLCJ court, including Kevin Annette.


 As Secretary of the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), Kevin Annette has been investigating the murders of children by members of the Ninth Circle Cult since 2011. A police source in Belgium says: “There is evidence that Ndrangheta was charged a price for Annette's head. My informants say that this task is entrusted to the Holy Alliance. " (The Sacred Alliance is a special Vatican service that maintains assassin spies on its staff.)


 Annette has faced threats on several levels before. According to a source in the Irish National Police, the Irish government has agreed to extradite Annette at a Special Administrative Prison in London after he would have arrived in Ireland this weekend to open an independent investigation into the sacrificial killing of children in Tuam.

 In July last year, the bodies of 796 children were found in the sewer of the Catholic Mother and Child Home of St. Mary in Tuam. The murders were associated with the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifices, created under the auspices of the Catholic Church. Popes, cardinals and representatives of the world elite participated in the rituals of the cult, including the hierarchs of the Anglican Church (the state Christian church in England) and members of the British royal family. An Irish investigator told the ICLCJ: "The forensic experts say that all the killings followed the same scenario, the decapitation and dismemberment show that they were ritual killings."


 The ICLCJ formed a commission tasked with defining the role of the Ndrangheta crime syndicate and major banks in money laundering from drug trafficking and international child trafficking. Annette was due to travel to Ireland this weekend to begin investigating the commission, but had to reroute travel to exclude Vatican sympathizers or Crown jurisdictions. Annette said in an exclusive interview today: “I am conducting an independent investigation into the activities of the Ndrangheta and major banks to launder drug money and international child trafficking. But the ritual killings in Ireland will continue as scheduled on September 1st. ”

  In 2014, five international judges and 27 representatives of the ICLCJ are working overtime. The tribunal said it would provide key evidence for the trial of Pope Francis, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Jesuit General Adolfo Pachon no later than September 1, including their involvement in the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult.


 The ICLCJ did not expect their informants to be killed after July 3. The investigator disappeared after providing the court with documents from the secret archives of the Vatican. One of them, called the Magisterial Privilege, argued that every incoming Pope had to participate in the killing of babies and drink their blood during the ritual of the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifices.


 Some of the sixty eyewitnesses who testified before the ICLCJ indicated that the rituals of this cult were performed in the presence of Pope Francis, the former Pope Ratzinger, General of the Catholic Jesuit Order Adolfo Pachon, Queen Elizabeth and some Catholic cardinals. In February 2013, the Tribunal's guilty verdict

 against 30 representatives of the world elite, including Pope Ratzinger, was handed down a few days after his unprecedented resignation. Pope Francis recently announced that he could step down.


 Another document from the Vatican archives, submitted to the tribunal, showed that in January 2012, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, by order of Queen Elizabeth, destroyed evidence of the murder of children - victims of the Cult of the Ninth Circle. Two eyewitnesses testified that when they were children, they were present during this murder in the basement under the west wing of the Mohawk Orphanage in Branton, Ontario, Canada. Two eyewitnesses claimed to have seen a six-year-old girl, gagged, tied to an altar, repeatedly raped, killed, gutted and dismembered. Her blood was drunk by nine participants in the ritual, dressed in red robes, among them was a member of the British royal family.


 Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip were convicted by the ICLCJ in 2013. The British royal couple were found guilty of the disappearance on October 10, 1964, of ten Canadian children from a Catholic orphanage in British Columbia, Canada. The parents never saw their children again.


 Since 2008, 32 mass graves of children have been discovered at Catholic children's boarding schools across Canada. The remains of the Mohawk children were found in a mass grave in Brenton, Ontario. But none of the 32 burials were recognized by either the Catholic Church or the Canadian government.


 Another mass grave of children in Spain involved Pope Francis, who collaborated with the military junta during the Argentine’s Dirty War, when thousands of children of political prisoners disappeared from Catholic orphanages.


 Seven eyewitnesses were killed shortly before their scheduled testimony before the ICLCJ tribunal. Six British and Canadian citizens were illegally detained by order of Queen Elizabeth.


 Kevin Annette said: “My friends Chief Louis Daniels, Harriet Nahanee, Nora Bernard, Johnny Bingo Dawson, William Combes, Ricky Lavallee and Harry Wilson were killed while Steve Finney, David Compan and his wife Laurent Louis and Vivian Cunningham were forcibly drugged and imprisoned. Only because they all wanted to make public the rape, torture and murder of children. They are indeed martyrs and prisoners of conscience at the hands of the Vatican and the British crown, trying to hide the crimes of the Cult of the Ninth Circle. "


 The International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) has established common law courts with a total of 450 staff in nine countries. In the United States, common law courts are organized in 31 states. Common law courts in the United States, Canada, Ireland, England, Belgium, Holland, Germany, New Zealand and Australia have launched investigations against government, church and corporate officials for human rights violations, conspiracy, murder and child trafficking.


 More than 800 people are activists working in 24 local common law courts, coordinated by three clerks: Kevin Annette (North America), John Dufort (Western Europe) and Cameron Mottus (Asia and Australia-New Zealand). The Brussels office can be contacted by email:😎


The International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State was created at the initiative of Kevin Annette. The Tribunal sets itself the task of making public the facts of violence against children and bringing those involved in it to justice.

 The Tribunal has over 450 common law officers in 13 countries around the world.

 Kevin Annette is a former United Church pastor in Canada. While working as a minister, Kevin Annette came into contact with one of the most tragic mysteries of the church. From communication with representatives of the Indian population, he learned about what was happening in boarding schools for Indian children - institutions created under the authority of the church and the state.

 His own investigation of this activity of the church and attempts to disclose information about it turned out to be a personal tragedy for Annette: he paid for it with everything that was in his life - family, work, position, name.

 In the prologue to his book “THE UNREPENTED. Exposing the powers that be ”Annette writes:

 “The years have covered the truth with thickets of blackberries, tall maples and elms, and hastily heaped up earth. However, like shell craters that remind of past wars, mass graves dotting the landscape tell of what actually happened in the cold corridors of boarding schools.

 Many children are buried here.

 Under cover of night, the tiny bodies of tuberculosis patients and battered children were unloaded here. The youngest victims were babies born of rapists who wore a cross on their chests and spoke about God. Sometimes, fearing that their crime would not float out, rapists burned their own children in school stoves. Undoubtedly, some of them even offered prayer at the same time. And the rest of the children watched what was happening from the side or held the oven door ... "

 In order to finally break the spirit of the aborigines of North America, Indians, throughout the twentieth century, Indian children - primarily the children of the leaders - were forcibly taken from their parents, placed in special boarding schools, and there they were subjected to spiritual and physical destruction.

 This did not happen in some dark Middle Ages, but right now, in our time, the time of computers, Martian expeditions, film festivals and high fashion shows.

 Duncan Campbell Scott, Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Canada, PhD, President of the Royal Society of Canada, commented on the first results of the program launched jointly by the state and the church:

 “... If these savages do not come to our boarding schools voluntarily, they will have to be forced to do so by law. The church has no other choice. It is true that the death rate of Native American children dying from tuberculosis in our schools is very high, but it is in line with our department's policy aimed at finally solving the Indian question ... "

 More than half of the children died in boarding schools - a total of about 50 thousand. From infections, hunger, beatings, torture, rape, heart failure ...

 Starting with the facts of the genocide of Indian children in Canadian church boarding schools, the ITCCS International Tribunal, organized by Kevin Annette, in its investigation went to the global network of child trafficking, supplying "living material" for the rituals of the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifices.

Vatican and mafia remove witnesses of child sacrifices 


From the press releases of the ITCCS Tribunal.

The material is dedicated to children who are now or in the past victims of the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifices - rape, torture and murder committed by representatives of the Vatican and the global elite. And also in memory of the more than 50,800 missing children who have been buried in 34 Catholic mass graves across Canada, Ireland and Spain. The perpetrators of these crimes continue to live carelessly without any responsibility for them.

Our prayers are for these innocent children, and we must stop this children's Holocaust, which continues to be carried out by church, state and corporate leaders.


Eyewitnesses who testified during the preparation of the International Court of General Law in Brussels were killed, died for mysterious reasons, missing or imprisoned without charge. The number of these witnesses - victims of the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Children's Sacrifice - numbered 14 before the beginning of last week, when the criminal syndicate of the Ndrangheta came into the case. A few days earlier, in cooperation with members of the ICLCJ (International Court of Common Law), the Montreal police arrested two adherents of the Cult of the Ninth Circuit

in preparation of children's sacrifice.


The Ndrangheta worked with the Vatican branch and arranged for the supply of children for the ritual rape and murder that occurs during the Ninth Circle Cult. Five judges, 27 lawyers and more than 60 witnesses and officials of the ICLCJ court, including the Secretary of the International Tribunal for Church and State Crimes (ITCCS) Kevin Annette, were blacklisted as enemies of the Ndrangheta.


 The hit list of the mafia's customers included the Vatican hierarchs, Queen Elizabeth, well-known personalities in business circles and other members of the Ninth Circle Cult. Since 2010, these members of the world's elite have been the subject of judicial investigations by the ICLCJ.

The latest victim of the Vatican, the organizer of the Cult of the Ninth Circle, was the investigating magistrate of the ICLCJ. He went missing after he submitted documents from the Vatican's secret archives to the tribunal on July 3. One of the documents called Magisterial Privilege stated that each new Pope, before taking office, must undergo the ritual of killing an infant with the use of his blood (killing the baby and drinking his blood) during the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifices. Eyewitnesses to these ritual killings by the Vatican hierarchs testified before the ICLCJ.


 As a child, Chief Louis Daniels of the Cree tribe witnessed the murder in one of 80 orphanages for Indian children established under the authority of the Catholic Church (in total, more than 50 thousand children died, were killed, tortured and went missing in such institutions). Chief Louis Daniels planned to testify before the ICLCJ, but in February 2006 he died in a Winnipeg hospital for an inexplicable reason, although everyone knew him as a perfectly healthy person. Daniels has called for a boycott of the government's investigation into deaths in Indian boarding schools, calling it the "Truth and Reconciliation Bleaching and Washing Commission."


 Herriet Nahani of the Squamish tribe became the first witness to a murder in orphanages to agree to make the accusations publicly. She was about to testify before the ICLCJ, but was imprisoned in Surrey, where she died of pneumonia in February 2007.


Continuation follows...

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