Royal South 21. Part 2. 

Royal South 21. Part 2. 

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Nora Bernard was the first Aboriginal Canadian who decided to sue the Catholic Church for crimes committed in the boarding school where she spent her childhood. Bernard was killed in December 2007 before she could testify. Her murder remained unsolved.


 Jony Bingo Dawson of the Tsimshian tribe witnessed the removal of 10 children from a Catholic boarding school in British Columbia by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in October 1964. Dawson planned to testify before the ICLCJ and was picketing the Anglican and United Church in Vancouver, denouncing the Canadian government's refusal to investigate the killing of children in orphanages. On December 9, 2009, Dawson was beaten by the police and died the next day. The official cause of death was alcohol poisoning, but the autopsy report indicated that no alcohol was found in his blood.


 Ricky Laval of the Cree tribe witnessed police beat Bingo Dawson. In the spring of 2010, he spoke about this in a radio interview, and after that he was found dead, "from a blow to the chest."


 Former pupil of the boarding school William Combe of the Salish tribe was one of the eyewitnesses to the withdrawal from the boarding school by the British royal couple of ten children, his friends. He died following a radio interview in February 2011 in which he spoke about the kidnapping. Immediately after the interview, perfectly healthy William Combe was ordered to come for a medical examination at St. Paul's Catholic Hospital in Vancouver. There he was given an injection, from which he ended up in a coma. Several hours later, without the consent of his family members, Combe was disconnected from the life support system. Combe also planned to testify before the ICLCJ.


 In May 2012, Harry Wilson of the Nootka tribe was found dead on a street in Vancouver. Before that, he gave an interview on local radio and named those who killed children in the boarding school where he grew up. He, too, did not have time to appear as a witness before the ICLCJ court, as he wanted.


 In the same year, Kevin Annette felt the heavy hand of Queen Elizabeth and the Vatican. In London, he participated in an action dedicated to the investigation of children who died in Canadian orphanages, was detained and spent the night in prison, after which he was deported without any charges. Rejected by the courts of Canada, Annette (and his civic organization ITCCS) spent 20 years collecting information and evidence of child killings for submission to the international court. The evidence is presented in the book Hidden No Longer by Kevin Annette.


 A year later, in March, the Belgian politician M.P. Laurent Louis was harassed and arrested following his revelations of pedophilia practiced by members of the Belgian parliament. Louis was an active supporter of the ICLCJ and his investigations involved prominent members of Belgian society in the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult. Louis' interview is featured in this video.


 In October 2013, Steve Finney (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada) made a disclosure about Queen Elizabeth's connection with the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifice and 50 thousand children tortured in Catholic boarding schools in Canada. This initiative ended with the unprecedented resignation of Pope Joseph Ratzinger. Steve Finney was also arrested without charge.

 police and spent three days in jail, but worldwide protests by Kevin Annette's civic organization helped to free Steve Finney.


 In 2013, British citizen David Compan fell victim to the same confrontation with Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip and other members of the global elite. He was arrested twice, as was his wife. Kompan was planted with drugs and imprisoned at London's Royal Mental Health Center, the same place where British soldier Vivian Cunningham was arrested a year later for the same "crime" of revealing the truth about the fate of children in orphanages. After several days of protests by angry citizens, Kompan and his wife were released. Kompan spoke about this arrest in this video.

In May 2014, British soldier Vivian Cunningham was injected with drugs and forcibly hospitalized at the Royal Mental Health Center in London. His "crime" was that he dared to ask the authorities to issue an arrest warrant for Queen Elizabeth based on the materials of the ICLCJ court. Cunningham was held in a mental hospital for a month without charge.


 On September 1, the ICLCJ court begins a long-term investigation into the connection with the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifices of the Vatican hierarchs, members of the royal families of Europe, the CIA, HSBC Bank, Cargill corporations, Sinclair Oil, Cameco Uranium, some well-known politicians and representatives of big business.


 The public organization International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) established the ICLCJ International Common Law Court to investigate the murder of 50 thousand children in Catholic educational institutions. Investigative materials are multiplying and already include the testimony of almost 60 witnesses about the international supply chain of children for ritual sacrifices, as well as entertainment parties with hunting for children, which took place in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. In 2013 and 2014, the ICLCJ brought charges of crimes against humanity against the Catholic popes Ratzinger and Francis, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, General of the Jesuit Order Adolfo Pachon and 27 other members of the world elite.


 Common law courts in the United States, Canada, Ireland, England, Belgium, Holland, Germany, New Zealand and Australia have indicted government, ecclesiastical and corporate officials that include human rights violations, fraud, conspiracy, trade children and murder.


 The International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State and the International Common Law Court have established common law courts with 450 officers in nine countries, while in the United States, county sheriffs have established common law courts in 31 states. More than 800 people participate in 24 local branches of the common law courts coordinated by three Field Secretaries: Kevin Annette (North America), George Dufort (Western Europe) and Cameron Mottus (Asia and Australia-New Zealand).


 In Canada, the ITCCS is involved in the process of creating the Republic of Kanata as a new national entity, a state, as reported by Interim Councilor Colin Sullivan. The Republic of Kanata flag will be hoisted in a public ceremony in Winnipeg ...

Ritual violence practised by roman Catholic hierarchs, members of royal families, well-known politicians, government representatives and big business, united in the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Children's Sacrifice 


From the press releases of the ITCCS Tribunal.

This review contains press releases published on the Child Abuse Recovery website in the author's section, Judy Byington 


History is created not by "transnational corporations", "committees", parties or even governments, but by specific people in these systems and structures. People who are united with each other by their common spiritual qualities, attachments and objects of worship. Only by tracing these qualities and objects of worship, we can explain to ourselves the conditions of life around us.




 Judy Byington, January 6, 2014

 “I saw Joseph Ratzinger, the former Pope, kill a little girl,” said an eyewitness victim of the Black Mass at the International Tribunal for the Crimes of Church and State. - It took place in a French castle in the fall of 1987. It was terrible and happened more than once. Ratzinger, Afrink (then a Dutch Catholic cardinal) and Prince Bernard (founder of the Bilderberg Club) were among the prominent figures who attended the Mass. "

 From the 1980s until now, an act called Crimean Solicitations has been in effect, according to which Catholics are excommunicated and even sentenced to prison if they complain or ill-treatment by high-ranking Vatican hierarchs.

 However, it became known about the use of children by the Catholic elite in black masses. In 2014, there were 9.9 million victims of sexual assault by Catholic priests worldwide. In addition, 139 respondents to the 2007 Extreme Violence Survey reported that they were abused as children, at least one of whom was the victim of a Catholic priest as the object of a satanic ritual. According to survivors, children are usually killed during satanic rituals and black masses.

 The founder of the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State, Kevin Annette, collected evidence for the 2014 ICJ investigation, proving that the highest Vatican hierarchs held black mass with child sacrifices. On October 28, 2013, testimony was obtained from the Dutch physician Toos Nijenhuis that as a child she witnessed the murder of a child in which Ratzinger, Afrink and Bernard were involved (in this video:

 Details of the 9.9 million victims of violence by Catholic priests have not yet been released by the Vatican, even after a UN request. If an internal investigation into the violence of priests ever becomes public, it is likely that it will not include information on the victims of the murders. Several witnesses reported the killing of babies by Catholic nuns and priests - these cases were never tried in court.

 “There were newborn babies. Many of them were premature, and I knew that they were going to be killed, ”a former Catholic nun testified. She was taken to a monastery at the age of 14; her attempts to escape were unsuccessful. She was punished, for example - locked in a coffin for 9 hours, hung by her wrists for several days and deprived of food and water. By her own admission, she "became a mechanical doll, a creature that belongs as the property of Rome" (this video is here:

 Pope Ratzinger stepped down last February after the International Court of Justice in Brussels found him and 29 other members of the world's elite involved in the case of 50,000 missing Canadian children. “We are preparing several investigations for the ICJ for 2014,” Annette said in a recent telephone interview. "One of them is in New York on satanic ritual abuse in the Catholic Church."

 Cases of murders of children without guardians almost never go to court. An example is known when a Catholic Jesuit priest ordered to bury a baby alive under the floor of his mission school of St. Mary near Omak, PA. Washington. The Jesuits ran their own boarding schools in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska until they closed after being sued by 500 victims of child abuse.

 Another example, October 3, 1997. With a growing number of witnesses describing the deaths and even murders of children at a Catholic boarding school in Alberney, Canada, Constable Jerry Peters said: “We could never investigate all the deaths of students in the school. It would be too much of an investigation. "

 The Jesuits are a Roman Catholic military order with a history of 500 years. Jesuits believe that they can commit any crime, and it will not defile their soul in any way. Obviously, they believe that their souls are not desecrated by the crimes committed in boarding schools. Catholic priests avoided murder charges, as with those 500 victim-witnesses. They contributed their $ 166 million to the largest sexual assault trial by a Catholic priest [to try to hush up the case].

 Another murder, committed by Catholic priests and nuns, was charged against Ratzinger. Part of the evidence presented to the ITCCS tribunal was the testimony of Irene Favel. “They threw the baby in the oven and burned him alive,” said Irene, 75, recalling the horrific experiences of her childhood at Muskovegan boarding school in Saskatchewan, Canada. - We heard the cry "Oooh!", And that's it. And they smelled fried flesh. "

 This school was one of 80 schools run by the Canadian government and mainly by the Catholic Church. Since 2008, 29 mass graves of children have been found in Canadian boarding schools. Annette was denied permission to excavate these mass graves.

 Another fact of genocide, which did not cause any legal consequences, was published on December 5, 2013 in the Alberni Valley News. The surviving victims said that in addition to physical and sexual abuse, they were used as test subjects in experiments by the American and Canadian governments. More than 1,300 children in Alberni boarding schools have been subject to a decade of tests to examine the impact of malnutrition on children's health. “We are used to selling balls for leftover food,” recalled one of the victims. - Hunger. I will always remember what it means to be hungry. "

 In 2007, 513 respondents to the Investigation of Extreme Violence described their experiences as ritual abuse and mind control. Catholic Jesuit priests or "Enlightened Ones", such as those who abused 500 children in American Indian boarding schools, are featured in the investigation as mind control experts. The Jesuits were Hitler's consultants before and during the war. The practice of Black Masses, inherited from the Babylonian-Egyptian child sacrifices to the God of Moloch and used in Hitler's concentration camps, later became the basis for the CIA's mind control programs. Illegal experiments on children began in the 1950s with the involvement of Nazi specialists in Satanic rituals in the United States and Canada.

 Jenny Hill of Garden Grove, Calif. Testified to this in her biography: Twenty-Two Faces: The Life of Jenny Hill in Her Twenty-Two Personalities (Tate, Oklahoma, 2012) ... [information removed to avoid violation of clause 4.2 of the terms of use server "" - ed.]

 In this video, Jenny Hill describes how she witnessed the rite of child sacrifice on the summer solstice on June 21, 1965, the murder took place under the supervision of a Nazi mind control specialist who was brought to the United States to work for the CIA: http: // www.

 There are eyewitness accounts of two Black Child Sacrifice Masses similar to those described by Jenny Hill. They took place near the Vatican in Rome. At the age of 12, as a woman from San Diego said, she was taken by a girl to the catacombs near the Vatican and there she saw the sacrifice of a 3-4-year-old boy who was under drug intoxication. Another witness told about a similar satanic rite in the same catacombs of the Vatican.

 One Black Mass was the subject of a US court hearing. Catholic priest Gerald Robinson was convicted of the murder of a nun in the sacristy chapel on Holy Saturday before Easter in 1980. During the ceremony, he carved a satanic symbol into the heart of Sister Margaret Anne Pal with a knife. Investigators reopened the murder case when Toledo's Catholic priests were charged with child sexual abuse.

 In December 2013, Catholic Pope Francis Bergoglio ignored a UN request and did not provide data on the Church's involvement in child trafficking. Bergoglio left Ratzinger under his protection at the Vatican, refusing to assist the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in investigating cases of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

 What can be done now?

 "We are preparing several common law lawsuits," Annette said, "and will let survivors of the violence come forward with their stories."

 Information about abuses by the Catholic Church can be brought to the attention of Kevin Annette's lawyers:

 ... [the information has been deleted to avoid violation of clause 4.2 of the rules for using the server - author]

 The surviving victims of the CIA's mind control experiments are asking Congress to investigate this activity. They argue that these government programs are still ongoing.

Kevin Annette has documented hundreds of pieces of evidence in the 50,000 missing children case in The Hidden No More. The book can be viewed free of charge at: or





 Judy Byington, January 10, 2014


 Will the Queen of England be allowed to obstruct justice?

 Queen Elizabeth facilitated yesterday's imprisonment of British citizen David Compan. He was forcibly held under anesthesia in the Imperial College Mental Hospital. No charges were filed.

 What was Kompan's crime?

 Attorney Kompan has secured the issuance of an arrest warrant for the royal couple in Brussels for their involvement in the disappearance of ten children. On February 25, 2013, six international court judges found Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip guilty of removing ten Native American children from Kamloops Canadian boarding school on October 10, 1964. After that, no one saw the children, they disappeared without a trace.

 If members of the elite move away from responsibility for child trafficking, then how can we be sure of ourselves and our children?

 In Brussels, the ITCCS International Tribunal for Crimes of the Church and State opened a criminal case on behalf of the absent relatives of 50,000 children. ITCCS was organized by Canadian Pastor Kevin Annette at the request of the leaders of the Indian tribes of Canada. Prior to the establishment of the international court, all efforts to bring to justice those responsible for crimes against children were in vain.

 The prosecution ran into problems. In 2012, Harry Wilson, the first eyewitness to tell the public about his discovery of a dead teenager, died under mysterious circumstances. He received severe head injuries.

 28 mass graves of children have been found at boarding schools across Canada. In November 2013, another was accidentally discovered by pipelayers. Children's mass graves have not yet been excavated, despite the fact that Annette and a team of specialists, including one from the Smithsonian Institution, discovered human remains several years ago.

 Victim witnesses described how school staff gang-raped, starved, killed pregnant women or "naughty" teenagers by beating them and keeping them without food or water. Children were exposed to smallpox infection, and were given to police and politicians for prostitution in exchange for cash payments.

 Children have also been the subjects of experiments, including drug testing, conducted in association with pharmaceutical companies such as Eli Lilly, Upjohn, and Bayer. Pharmaceutical companies funded the United, Anglican and Catholic Churches, which ran 80 Indian schools in collaboration with the Canadian government and the British Crown.

 In February 2013, Pope Joseph Ratzinger was convicted in Brussels, prompting his resignation. Over the course of four long months, the court considered and indicted Ratzinger, Queen Elizabeth and 28 other members of the world's elite for crimes against humanity ...

 Ms Windsor did not respond to the November 2012 subpoena, which does not yet refute the evidence presented in court and the findings that thousands of Canadian children, her nationals, were abused and killed in boarding schools.

 In July 2012, a whistleblower told Annette the following: he was an employee at the headquarters of the Church of England in Toronto and was involved in efforts that were made by representatives of the British Crown in Ontario, the Canadian government, Anglican, Catholic and other churches to "commission from London" block the exposure of crimes.

 The largest burial was located at the school for children of the Mohawk Indians in Brantford, Ontario. In July 2001, one of the victims filed a lawsuit against the Church of England and the Crown. Judge Haynes of the Ontario Supreme Court dismissed the case on the grounds that the lawsuit was prohibited by the 1953 Royal Act.

 Charing Cross Hospital Social Worker Elizabeth Scully, upon request from the ITCCS tribunal, confirmed that Mr. Kompan had passed the clinic's records, but declined to provide further information.

 Recently, an English law was passed allowing those who are considered to be "fixated" on public figures such as members of the royal family to be imprisoned indefinitely. This was perceived by the public as "dastardly police-state law", you can learn more about this here:

 Officials from the ITCCS tribunal called on employees of its branches in 21 countries to protest and demand the release of David Compan and invalidate the new law that is used to imprison innocent citizens without due process. Contacts: 😎

More information can be found on these links:,,,





Judy Byington, January 17, 2014

Catholic Pope Francis Bergoglio this week received a request from the UN about his involvement in child trafficking during the Argentine "dirty war" and about the Vatican's concealment of data on more than nine million victims of violence by Catholic priests.

 During the Argentine "dirty war" of 1976-1983, Bergoglio headed the branch of the Catholic Jesuit Order in Argentina. The victims said that they, like more than 30 thousand missing orphans, were included in the international network of sex trafficking and exploitation of children, including in the Vatican.


 “We intend to involve several prominent figures in the case of child trafficking and other crimes,” said Kevin Annette in a recent telephone interview. "Witnesses, including a former Argentine official, agreed to testify against Pope Bergoglio and other members of the world's elite in a common law court in Brussels."


 “The Pope, the British Crown and the Canadian government are blocking excavations at 29 children's mass graves,” says Kevin Annette. - Indians living on the reservation do not have any legal rights. In 2008, our dig at the Mohawk Boarding School, Ontario, was closed four days after the human remains were found. The Mohawk school records were closed by order of the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury London. "






 Judy Byington, January 21, 2014


 It was revealed this week that Queen Elizabeth, implicated in an international network of child exploitation, was transferring her stake in this “business” to Prince Charles as the legal successor.

 As the film by producer Bill Maloney, interviewing live radio for Britain's Column of News, recounts, a whistleblower Andrei recently told the Daily Express that he was prostituted for the British royal family in an international network of child sexual exploitation.

 Could this satanic ritual abuse by a network of global elites be directed at our children? If so, do they have connections to effectively cover up the violence?

 This international network of ritual exploitation of children includes prominent leaders in the British Parliament, show business, political, legal and medical fields ...


 The ITCCS Tribunal can have a long list of defendants in ritual child abuse cases if the state does not prosecute those accused of such crimes. For example, since the police refused to accept at least 138 of the 664 victim complaints against the late Jimmy Savile, a British celebrity, these individuals fought their own civil suits against the BBC public broadcaster. Savile, along with his friends from show business and the world of politics, sexually abused up to 1,000 people at night parties where satanic ritual child sexual abuse took place.

 None of these cases found a continuation in the form of criminal prosecution, although many were guilty of pandering to Savile. According to The Observer, the New York Times CEO was also among the accused.





 Judy Byington, January 29, 2014



 Last week, a witness filed a complaint with UK police that as a child he was used in satanic narcotic sex parties organized by high-profile European government officials. As reported in the British newspaper Sunday Express on January 12, "these are not only politicians, but also a number of celebrities who have great connections with parliamentarians and influential entrepreneurs."

 The witness stated that he was trafficked by Dutch intelligence officers to Amsterdam, where he was abused by a group of pedophiles, among whom was the (current) convicted child killer Sidney Cook. Cook (at the trial) said that he abused and killed teenagers in the Netherlands. The child abuse victim claimed that they were organized for the filming of Snaf Film (the film of the actual murder) by pedophile Cook and another teenager was killed there - this is a common practice of satanic cults. This event took place in a children's boarding school on the British island of Jersey. Jersey is the subject of sole property and political control of Queen Elizabeth.

 In 2011, production studio Pie'n'Mash Films released the documentary Sun, Sea and Satan about Satanic symbols, child abuse and murder on Queen Elizabeth's Jersey Island.

 Why don't we see reports of satanic crimes in the mainstream media?

 For centuries, Satanic child sacrifice and pedophilia have been practiced within secret societies. Our society, which has already become a fait accompli, has buried information about these disgusting rituals under a layer of denial and apathy. However, these crimes were not news to the world elite, they were covered by the church, the state and the mainstream of the media.

 This article on True Satanic Crimes in the UK recounts an explicit cover-up for the sexual assaults committed by British celebrity Jimmy Savile:

 Back in December 29, 1996, the Sunday Times reported alleged Satanic crimes that never made it to court. “Five witnesses spoke last week and described how black masses were held, in which children were killed in front of spectators, among whom were prominent members of Belgian society ... tentacles ... apparently extend beyond Belgium to Holland and even into America ... Police have long suspected that Dutroux, a convicted pedophile, was part of an international network that deals with kidnapping, sexual abuse of children and murder of children. "

 What can be done to protect our children?

 Survivors of the CIA's mind control experiments, such as Jenny Hill, offer some ideas. They made interesting comments on this petition to Congress to organize an investigation. To help stop the ongoing pipeline of these experiments, please sign the petition at this address:😎




 Judy Byington, February 21, 2014

 Yesterday, the father of self-proclaimed Satanist Miranda Barbour denied that his daughter practiced serial killing as part of a satanic cult. Nineteen-year-old Miranda Barbour recently confessed to the murder of Troy La Ferrara and at least 22 others as part of her contributions to the cult of Satan:

 "Satanism is a reality," Miranda's father admitted, however. “It's a growing cult that will go to great lengths to capture our children. You shouldn't get involved with the Church of Satan and worship him. "

 It is not uncommon to deny that members of satanic cults regularly commit ritual killings. And it was strange to see members of a satanic cult like Barbour confess to their crimes and find themselves accused in court.

 Up to twenty-four priests are believed to have participated in the 1984 Black Catholic Mass, during which the nun Margaret Pal was killed, but none of them were brought to trial, with the exception of Father Gerald Robinson. According to a January 14, 2013 article in Veterans Today, Robinson is serving a life sentence for the murder of Margaret Pal, and a new trial has begun against two more Catholic priests. The accuser bases their position on evidence that at least seven, and possibly up to twenty-four priests participated in the satanic ritual sacrifice in which Sister Pal was killed. But none of the priests was condemned.

 During satanic ritual sacrifices, children are raped, tortured and killed. One of the goals of this is to gain control over the minds of the young members of the cult. Often, those who commit a cult sacrifice their own children, who were born and were not registered. It is well known that young people get involved in rituals at a very early age. Miranda Babur admitted that she took part in satanic ritual murders from the age of twelve, in different places - from Alaska to North Carolina.

 Unlike Barbour, many other Satanic criminals are rarely caught. During the trial, prosecutors chose not to provide evidence against his fellow Catholic priests, according to the ombudsmen in the Robinson case. Investigative reporter Gordon Duff says he is confident that these priests “continue to practice Satanism in the church — torture, rape and murder. To this day, those who escaped punishment continue to do so in the future ”:





 Judy Byington, March 3, 2014


 Yesterday thousands of women, children and young people at Glasnevin Cemetery commemorated the victims of the Magdalene Laundromats, an Irish Catholic labor camp. Approximately 30,000 girls suffered psychological, sexual and physical abuse and died at the hands of Magdalene nuns. Cases of nuns killing newborn babies born to women kept in the Laundries have become known:

 Vatican and sisters of the Order of Magdalene

could at least apologize or pay compensation to the victims. Victims have been waiting for justice for 44 years. The scandal erupted in the 1970s, and the last "laundry" was closed in 1996, finally, in February 2013, on behalf of the Irish government, Enda Kenny apologized for the pain experienced by the women. He also promised to make available "a process to help women cope with this trauma."

 Why did this violence go unpunished for 44 years after it was exposed in the 1970s?

 As in the case of high-profile scandals involving the violence of Catholic priests, the sisters of the Order of the Magdalene feared to publicize negative information about the Catholic Church and its leaders. They were under the influence of an act issued by the Vatican called "Crimen Solicitationas". By this act, the Roman Catholic Church obliged every priest, bishop and every nun to defend the reputation of the Catholic Church on pain of excommunication. For Catholics, breaking this act means earning oneself eternal torment in "Hell".

 The Magdalene Laundries in Ireland, Australia and the United States have been used to punish unmarried young women - many of them teenagers - for premarital sex. Some of them were imprisoned in these institutions only because their Puritan families considered them too rebellious.

 The UN Committee Against Torture (UN Convention Against Torture) reviewed the Magdalene Laundromat case and defined it as "an utter horror: sadistic nuns tortured young women with impunity in the name of Catholicism."

 In a letter from Irish UN Representative Felis Gaer, it is said: “In particular, the committee received information from several sources that showed that the McAlice Report (the Irish government's survey of Magdalene Laundries), despite its length and detail, did not conduct a fully independent investigation into the facts. arbitrary detention, forced labor and ill-treatment ”.

 The title of a September 28, 2002, New York Times article: "Slave Labor in Irish Monasteries Like Scary Prisons: Victims of the Strict Moralism of Irish Catholicism." The review was based on Peter Pullan's film about Magdalene Laundries:

 The existence of these church labor camps run by the sisters of the Order of the Magdalene first became known to the public in 1970 with the discovery of the unmarked graves of the women who were held there. It took 43 years until last February when the Irish government apologized. The Vatican still hasn't reacted in any way.

 There is no exact record of the girls who were held and worked in the eight Magdalene Laundries in Australia, which were run by the Order of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd. The victims of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd also spoke of psychological, sexual and physical abuse and murder committed by Catholic nuns. The Magdalene Society in the USA, Philadelphia, existed in the 1800s and 1850s, but there is no available information on possible abuses that took place there.





 Judy Byington, 6 March 2014

 Pope Francis, head of the Jesuit Order, Adolfo Pachon, and Archbishop of the Church of England, Justin Welby, were summoned yesterday to answer charges of complicity and conspiracy to cover up evidence of rape, torture and exploitation of children. The trial against them and Queen Elizabeth is due to begin on March 31, 2014 at the International Court of Justice of Brussels.

 “We accuse Jesuit General Adolfo Pachon of the fact that the Jesuits have been involved in the exploitation and murder of children for centuries,” Kevin Annette said in a telephone interview today. “Even in the United States, the authorities have neglected to investigate the crimes of the Catholic Church. For example, in the spring of 2010 in Seattle, I met Clarita Vargas, an Aboriginal Indian woman who was raised as a child at a Jesuit boarding school in Omake, Washington. She said that in 1971, at the age of 14, she and two other girls were playing on the grounds of the Catholic Church adjacent to the school. They heard screams. Clarita and her friends looked through the side window and saw two nuns holding an Indian woman in tears. Two Jesuits were performing some kind of ritual with a newborn baby. One of them was holding a baby in his hands, and the other was reading a text from a book. The priest who read the text was the foremost among the Jesuits in this Indian school. “It was like a weird sacrifice ritual or something,” Clarita said.

 After uttering something that Clarita didn’t hear, the head priest nodded to the other, who placed the living baby under the wooden floorboards. Then they nailed boards in the floor above the child. Clarita never saw the child's mother again, but later it became known that the woman became pregnant by one of the Jesuit priests and conceived the child from him. Clarita told me that this priest was still alive and lived in a nursing home not far from where we spoke.

 In 2009, Clarita's lawyers pressed the local police, Sheriff Omaki and the FBI to finally excavate the school building where the burial took place. But they refused to do so on the grounds that before digging, they must first "get permission from the Catholic Church."

 As reported in a 2009 New York Times article, $ 166 million was spent on an out-of-court settlement of 500 victims of violence by Catholic Jesuit priests. The Jesuit Order ran boarding schools in the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Alaska. This amount was the largest investment of its kind for the Catholic Church. No charges were brought against the Jesuits, none of them was punished:

 “Of the 14 boys in my village who were forced to live in Catholic boarding schools, only the two of us survived,” said Canadian Indian elders Stee-Mas and Vakhtsek. “Five of my best friends were taken away one night and they never came back. Later we discovered their graves on the hill ... We were regularly lined up in robes on the altar. We were not allowed to wear underwear so that the priest could always ... Some children were burned in the ovens ... A British Columbia Supreme Court judge told us that our quest for justice is a fantasy. "

 Sti-Mas and Vakhtsek were tribal leaders and became representatives of the International Tribunal for Crimes of the Church and State (ITCCS). ITCCS created international courts in 2013 and 2014 to investigate the fate of more than 50,000 missing Native American children. This video describes childhood in one of 80 Canadian boarding schools for Indian children:

 “The clergy raped young girls and then burned their newborn babies in a furnace ... I was six years old when they took me out of my family ... They took my brother and sister too. I could not speak to my own sister on pain of punishment ... None of them ever went on trial for the death of a child .... Churches must leave our territory or face trial, ”the elders say.


 Pope Francis is disingenuous in his comments made yesterday. Italy's largest newspaper quoted Pope Francis as saying that the Catholic Church acted in a transparent and responsible manner on the issue of violence against victims by Catholic priests. In Ash Wednesday, Pope Francis reacted to a February 2014 UN report that criticized the Vatican. As shown in this February 5, 2014 NBC report, a permit was approved allowing priests to rape children:






 Judy Byington, 10 March 2014


 “Evidence of Queen Elizabeth’s involvement in the deaths of ten children appears to have been destroyed by order of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby,” Kevin Annette said in an interview today, citing a source in the office of Canadian Primate Fred Heetz. “My source said Hitz did as ordered and destroyed the evidence. Welby made the call to Hitu in early 2012, just after he was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury. "


 “Welby apparently instructed Hitu not to tell the police about the records linking Queen Elizabeth to the disappearance of ten Indian children,” Annette continued. “Plus, Hitu was ordered to destroy evidence of the deaths of the Mohawk children at an Anglican school. My source said that for the archbishop the reputation of Queen Elizabeth is more important than any criminal responsibility that he can force the destruction of evidence. "

 Queen Elizabeth, are the Catholic and Anglican Church authorities still withholding evidence of their child abuse?

 Prior to Archbishop William Combe's order, an eyewitness to Queen Elizabeth's abduction of the children claimed evidence in the form of human remains in a mass children's grave on the grounds of the Mohawk Tribe School in Brantford, Ontario.


 In his video testimony, Combe said: “I am one of the surviving children of the Roman Catholic Indian boarding school in Kamloops. I suffered terrible torture, mainly at the hands of a monk, Brother Murphy, who killed at least two children. I saw how he threw a girl from the balcony on the third floor, she died. One night I saw him and another priest burying a child in the school garden. After I tried to escape, he locked me in a basement in Kamloops and beat me, which left me with several fractures.

 On October 10, 1964, when I was 12 years old, we were visited by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. It was strange because they came simply, without any formal ceremony. But I recognized them, and the headmaster told us it was the queen. On the eve of her arrival, we were given new clothes and good food, for the first time in months. I was with that group of kids going on a picnic with her and her husband and some priests down to the meadow near Dead Man's Creek [lit. Bay of the Dead - approx. transl.]. It was weird because we all had to bow and kiss her feet in white lace shoes. Seven boys and three girls between the ages of 6 and 14 were taken away by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. Since that day, none of us have seen them again, even when we became adults. "


 It has happened in the past that supporters of the ITCCS tribunal have fallen silent, although their testimony has survived. After William Combe chose to act as the primary witness against Queen Elizabeth at the 2013 Brussels trial, he died suddenly in the Catholic Church's St. Paul's Hospital. Combe was perfectly healthy, but he was ordered to come to a hospital in Vancouver "for tests," where his health immediately deteriorated. He died of unknown cause on February 26, 2011. His video testimony, recorded for submission to the international court, can be seen here:

 Combe, not the only witness killed. Johnny Bingo Dawson was beaten to death by three police officers on December 6, 2009. What was his crime? His group was picketing the Church of England to protest the unexplained disappearance of 50,000 children from Canadian Indian boarding schools.

 Ricky Laval is the third victim. He witnessed the beating of Bingo and died suddenly, for an undisclosed reason, on January 3, 2012.


 All those who have committed crimes against humanity, even those who have a high status in society, must be held accountable, otherwise society will sink into lawlessness and chaos, where no one will feel safe.

 “We ask all people of conscience to remember and act not only for the children who are currently suffering and dying at the hands of church-protected rapists and drug dealers, but also for the countless children who are no longer alive,” said Kevin Annette at the tribunal. ITCCS. - Those who have evidence relevant to this matter, let them submit it to the Office of the Civil Prosecutor of the court at ...

2014 is declared a Day of Silence, dedicated to efforts to stop the Church's violence against children. The ITCCS Tribunal and its affiliates are inviting people to knowingly join them in prayer for abused children.




 Judy Byington, March 13, 2014


 Yesterday Pope Francis named five Catholic priests guilty of child abuse. To these victims, the perpetrators of which are labeled as heartless, there are hundreds of thousands more victims of Catholic priests.

 “Recently published documents show that Francis, like the vast majority of his colleagues, is involved. It’s painful to say, but it’s important to understand if children are safe in this global empire led by Francis, ”said Barbara Doris, director of SNAP, the 15,000-member American Society of Abused Priests.

 Pope Francis Jorge Mario Bergoglio was Archbishop of Buenos Aires from 1998 to 2013 and President of the Argentine Bishops' Association from 2005 to 2011. During this time, Francis was silent about the phenomenon of sexual abuse of children by priests in Argentina.

 Francis "for the protection of the Catholic Church" extended an act called the Crimen Sollicitationas. This law, under threat of excommunication or even jail time, prohibits Catholics from releasing information about Catholic priests involved in sexual assault.

 Francis announced five cases of child abuse by priests:

 1. Julio's father Cesar Grassi - Grassi was convicted in 2009 of molesting a boy from the orphanage for street children that Grassi founded.

 Following Grassi's conviction, Jorge Mario Bergoglio (now Pope Francis) ordered steps to be taken to convince the Supreme Court justices of Grassi's innocence. This interference is believed to have been one of the reasons that Grassi remained at large for four years after his conviction.

 2. Father Ruben Pardo - in 2003, a priest with AIDS raped a boy, was hiding from law enforcement in a priest's house in the diocese of Buenos Aires, which was then headed by Jorge Bergoglio.

 3. Brother Fernando Enrique Pitsochi. The victim discovered that the offender escaped justice from Argentina to the United States and made a personal request to Jorge Bergoglio to release him from the Crimen Sollicitationas act. He communicated his request through Bergoglio's personal secretary. No help was provided.

 4. Father Mario Sasso Napoleon - in 2001, after being diagnosed with pedophilia, he was treated in a church prevention center, Sasso was appointed pastor of a very poor parish with a public kitchen-dining room in the diocese of Zarate Campana. In 2002-2003, he raped at least five little girls in his bedroom in the kitchen-dining room. In 2006, Sasso is in prison, but still not convicted. The girls' parents asked for help from Jorge Bergoglio, then he was the head of the Argentine archbishop's association. That kitchen-dining room was only 25 miles from the Bergoglio residence. Bergoglio refused to meet with the girls' parents.

 5. The Rev. Maria Kalos Gona - Gona was a priest under the direct supervision of Jorge Bergoglio. In 2001, two girls complained that Gona had shown undue interest in them. Gona still works in his place, now he is a deacon and a priest at the hospital - this suggests that, perhaps, Bergoglio considered the accusations credible, but decided to demote him, and not remove him from the ministry.

 New documents released by SNAP show how Jorge Bergoglio, the current Pope, dealt with the sex crimes of his subordinates in Argentina. During this time, Bergoglio concealed documents, the names of the accused priests, crime statistics and did not try to take any action or apologize to the victims.


 Pope Francis was accused of trafficking children from Catholic orphanages in Argentina in the 1970s during the "dirty war". The former member of the military junta provided the court with detailed recordings of Jorge Bergoglio's meetings with the junta and agreed to come out of hiding in Spain to testify. The junta was responsible for the murder of over 50,000 political opponents, and their children were transferred to Catholic orphanages. The trial will begin at the International Court of Justice in Brussels on March 31, 2014.





 Judy Byington, April 5, 2014


 “The Canadian government has finally admitted to committing genocide on tens of thousands of its children,” Kevin Annette said in a telephone interview today. “It outrages me that they kept it a secret for so long. I knew about this 17 years ago when I found statistics on almost 50,000 missing children in the public library. "






 Judy Byington, April 5, 2014


 "A document from the closed archives of the Vatican Library, called the Magisterial Privilege, gives the Pope the authority to kill children during satanic rituals," Kevin Annette said in a telephone interview today. - According to this document of December 25, 1967, each new pope, upon taking office, is obliged to participate in the rite of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult, during which a newborn child is killed and his blood is consumed. A copy of this Act is now accepted as evidence in court proceedings. "





 Judy Byington, 12 April 2014


 Witnesses said that as children, they saw the participation of the current Pope Francis and the former Pope Ratzinger in the rituals of the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifice, Kevin Annette said today. The ITCCS Tribunal is investigating the case at the International Common Law Court in Brussels, Belgium. The murders were said to have taken place at Carnarvon Castle in Wales and at an unidentified French chateau. According to a former staff member of the curia in Rome, children from Catholic orphanages are regularly used in the Satanic Cult of the Ninth Circle of Child Sacrifice. The rituals of the cult involve world leaders, including the current Pope Francis and the former Pope Ratzinger.

 Court documents filed this week contain records of Pope Francis running a trafficking and trafficking network for children from the Vatican. Three witnesses claimed that a special office at the Vatican coordinated this global traffic. The children were supplied from the official center for family planning and foster care of the Roman Catholic Church.

 The specificity of this special institution, created for the exploitation of children, was described under oath by a former employee of the Vatican Curia. Another witness also presented in an affidavit to the court his knowledge of the structure of this child trafficking network. According to a third witness, Jorge Bergoglio was promised the position of head of the Catholic Church in Argentina if he arranges for the supply of children for this criminal network. They were orphans left without parents after the murder of 150,000 political prisoners during the "dirty" Argentine war. This witness is a former Argentine junta official hiding in Spain who has extensive records of Jorge Bergoglio's negotiations with the Argentine military junta.


 Child trafficking charges are not new to the Catholic Church or the Vatican. The BBC documentary covers a 50-year-old scandalous story of child trafficking by the Catholic Church in Spain. More than 300,000 babies were taken from their parents:





Continuation follows...

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