Nuremberg Code (1947)

Nuremberg Code (1947)

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

The Nuremberg Code was adopted by the Nuremberg Tribunal after the Nuremberg trials of Nazi doctors in August 1947.

In this process, the glaring facts of monstrous medical experiments on millions of people are revealed.Children, women and prisoners of war in concentration camps were "animals" for Nazi medics. Well, who will ask the animal his opinion or desire to participate in scientific research ? Who will explain to the animal about the possible consequences of this or that experience? Of course, no one will do that.The Nuremberg Code was the first international document to describe the principles of human medical experiments, introducing ethical standards for medical experiment scientists.The basic principle formulated by the Nuremberg Tribunal under the Nuremberg Code is that a person must have voluntary informed consent after providing him with complete information about the nature, duration and purpose of the experiment; How and how to do it. about all the perceived inconveniences and dangers associated with the experiment and, finally, the possible physical or mental health consequences of the subject who may be involved in the experiment. The principles outlined in the Nuremberg Code have become the basis for many international and national human health research legislation.Consider, for example, the Russian Federation, because the author of the material is well acquainted with the legal and documentary part of this part of the 1/6 territory of the world. You as conscious citizens can extrapolate to their federal and local state and provincial laws. Heard they in different jurisdictions can be different, that is slightly different from each other. In one, for example, there is an electric ⚡️ chair 🪑, and in another instead of a chair lethal injection. I assumed not claiming. 

And so, Part 2 of Article 21 of the Russian Constitution proclaims: "No one may be subjected to medical, scientific or other experiments without voluntary consent." At the same time, we see from this norm that medical experiments without the voluntary consent of a person fall into such categories as torture, violence, cruel and degrading treatment. In Articles 32 and 43 of the Russian Legislation on the Protection of Citizens' Health, we see a reflection of the principles of the Nuremberg Code. Article 32 establishes voluntary consent to any medical intervention: "A necessary precondition for medical intervention is the informed voluntary consent of the citizen", and in Article 43, the voluntary consent of a person to experiments is established: "Any biomedical examination involving a person as an object can be carried out only after obtaining the written consent of a citizen. A citizen cannot be forced to participate in biomedical research. When consent for biomedical research is obtained, the citizen should be provided with information on the objectives, methods, side effects, possible risk, duration and expected results of the study. Citizens have the right to refuse to participate in the study at any stage." I suppose enough general words from me and historical examples, especially in the materials below it's all substantive, very specific, in chronological sequence described and connected documented by friends!! This is quite exhaustive preliminary material based on statistics and just one contract. The material for the claim in the respected court in New York, the material worthy of the U.S. Supreme Court 🇺🇸, I personally think so, since the national security of the United States is the prerogative of the U.S. Constitution and as a consequence of the U.S. Supreme Court 🇺🇸. And all of these acts relate more to the previous U.S. administration and President Trump. He did not hand over the case to the new President of the United States 🇺🇸. 

And this is very serious. 

Or the course of my thoughts is not correct in principle? Or the course of my thoughts is not correct on the merits of the question ? 

Interesting to know your opinion ! 

I will add to understand the seriousness of the moment: any individual or company, regardless of its capitalization and fame, the position in the society of the United States and the world at large, continuing to participate in such events - scams in any form, is at risk. You are actually in a high-risk group to become not only a witness to a serious criminal offense, but also an accomplice and a defendant. In order not to be unsubstantiated and not to spread the unjustified expectations of the sanctity of honor on the personality of elites and entire nations, on the principle of belonging to the various citizenship statuses on the passport (citizenship of the citizen on the passport) and since all my material golden thread passes through Nuremberg 2-0 to remind: 

Surprising, it is softly said, pitying your ears, the behavior of representatives of the United States, Britain and France in Nuremberg during the trial of the Nazis. 
Representatives of these countries sat down at the judge's table together with Stalin's cannibals, in order to judge Hitler's cannibalists for cannibalism. So maybe the leaders of the Western world did not know with whom to sit on the table of judges? If they didn't know that, then they're idiots? If they knew, then the criminals. The West betrayed democracy even then in Yalta with Stalin. And not only in one Yalta, but also in Nuremberg. You sat down at the same court table with the communist executioners, the West thus wrote off all the crimes of communism and gave the Central part of Eastern Europe to rape in a perverted form Joseph Dzhugashvili-Stalin, justifying it by the fact that he saved it and now has the full right to use it at his discretion. Is that true? Absolutely so. 
Western leaders sat down at the same table with Stalin's cannibals to do justice, as a result of which they themselves become cannibals and cannibals after a while. And then the Soviet comrades from such accusations insured themselves, pretending to be mentally and physically disabled ... Maybe someone thinks it's possible to repeat this trick in the 21st century again I don't know 🤷🏾. But I guess no one else will be able to pretend to be an idiot pretending to be an ignorant and innocent person in the line of duty who understands what he's doing. So I'm kind of out of business in the internet age? The idea of a good communist then good : the main Hitler criminals to exterminate without trial. So to speak, wet in the toilet. But it was not the criminals who were interested in Stalin or their crimes. Stalin had to destroy those who accused the Soviet Union of preparing aggression against Europe. But you can't destroy all of them: many of them are in the territories not under Stalin's control. How do you shut their mouths? Answer: fear. Doesn't it remind you of anything? That's why Stalin started the Nuremberg Process. Stalin showed all the former Hitler generals, admirals, officers and diplomats: here Ribbentrop, before me he is innocent. On the contrary, he brought to Moscow such a paper, which I gladly approved with a signature of 58 centimeters. But I hang Ribbentrop so I don't talk too much.Here Keitel and Jodl, they did not fight on my territory, did not make plans against my country, and invented fantastic projections of the campaign to India. I hang them, too. For the same reason: not to talk.But the criminals Of Manstein, Gooderian, Paulus, Galder, Ceitzler and thousands more are cute. If it is easy for me to hang those who did not fight on my territory, then on anyone who was on Soviet territory, I cook up. Talk too much, and hundreds of my witnesses will find you personally in all that is required for the death penalty. And to write a memoir is like this: Russian fools to take over Europe did not prepare and because of dementia could not plot this.The German generals understood and accepted the rules of the game. Here is a sample of the behavior of the understandable Field Marshal: "On January 9, 1946, F. Paulus made a written statement to the Soviet government, in which he exposed the specific culprits of the outbreak of the Second World War, told about their atrocities and atrocities in the occupied territories" (VIJ). 1990. No 3. 52-53). This is exactly what Comrade Stalin needs. And here witness Paulus appears in Nuremberg: "Everyone in the room expected that the German Field Marshal in a worn-out military uniform with torn uniforms would come in. But Paulus appeared in a black suit, with a white shirt with a butterfly, in lacquered shoes." 
In this spectacular exit, or rather - a trick, a double abomination. You are a captive German Field Marshal. You're captured during the battle. Keep the dignity. Appear in his uniform, let's torn and worn out. Don't take lacquered pins from the hands of Beriev's twirl. Think about the merits of you discharged a foreign suit from the warehouse of the NKVD. You served Hitler. He was promoted to Field Marshal. The Marshal's rod didn't embarrass you. Wide lamps on his pants wore - did not blush. And now you're shy? From Nuremberg, you will be returned to the Soviet POW camp to spend time in prison. Are you in the camp among the other captive generals in a white shirt with a butterfly flaunting?And then the Soviet abomination: for what merits of the fascist dress up? What such feats in the glory of the Soviet Motherland made POW Paulus, that he was given new pants ? And at the same time and a jacket. For what valor POW Paulus sparkling with glittering stybleths? Here sits in the dock Wilhelm Keitel, the same Field Marshal. He's wearing an old uniform with a sporme, no signs of distinction and awards.Why didn't Keitel's Soviet comrades do it in lacquered pins? And Goering in his uniform. And Jodl. Why don't you dress them up in new pants? And because they say not what Comrade Stalin needs.On the next page "Military History Journal" describes without hesitation, as after the court session the chief Soviet prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials, the future Prosecutor General of the USSR Comrade Rudenko Roman Andreevich in his office feeds Paulus lunch: Eat, bitch, deserved! And by lunchtime you know what's supposed to be. In that article, written by a witness of what is happening, about vodka is not forgotten. However, it is said that Paulus poured vodka and drank with a glass, and nothing is said about Rudenko's comrade and other comrades. To know, non-drinkers have picked up...You can't paint a picture. Comrade Rudenko, the chief Soviet prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials, Comrade Paulus, the same one who "Barbarossu" invented, in his office water sings: you will be the right line to bend - in five more times will be written.

If we did not know this behind-the-scenes nastiness, then still the appearance of Field Marshal Paulus at the trial and his speech said the same: a comrade tightly forged.

Or rather, in Russian, - edicyed.

And all the other Hitler generals and field marshals have learned. Before them, Stalin broke the ridge of the old Russian criminal world. Stalin drove the thieves en masse. But not everyone has learned. Many thousands went to death without changing the thieving law. And Hitler's generals and Field Marshals overwhelmingly accepted the principle: it is better to learn than to suffer. They wrote memories with a clear sense of coolness that wailed from the axe above them. They knew that a case had been brought for everyone, and if necessary, The Soviet comrades would make hundreds of witnesses. And the witnesses will confirm everything they are told. Therefore, the German generals wrote memoirs so that Soviet ideologues (as well as investigators of the IGB and executioners) do not annoy.Soon the Nazis themselves came into the taste, appreciated the delights of sucking. They themselves understood: such a game is in their hands - write about their brilliant abilities and Russian inferiority, you will be immediately glorified to the whole world and in Moscow will be published, communist historians will refer to you as the greatest authority. Is it bad?And here we are recommended to refer to those authorities : Guderian, they say, wrote nothing about the preparation of the Red Army for the attack ... And Manstein claimed that the Red Army was not ready to advance... It's the same as listening and reading analytics on your desk today...

And we will not refer to these gentlemen in this matter. We're going the other way. We will say this: the scoundrel Guderian, stained with blood and frightened to death, wrote this and that in favor of the Soviet executors of the sentences; Saving his skin and ass, the cowardly sadist and executioner Manstein at the prompting of the Communists kept silent about some details and something, to put it mildly, perverted ...On June 22, 1941, Hitler addressed the German people and declared that the war against the Soviet Union was forced, preventive, to save Germany from the inevitable Soviet aggression.

No one objected? 

After the defeat of Germany, Stalin declared that the Soviet Union was an innocent victim, that no aggression against Germany was planned. Only three objected: one German minister, one field marshal and one general. And they were hanged.The rest of the Nazis did not object. The others did not protest.Conclusion : Hitler's generals were overwhelmingly cowardly, uncharacteristic, unscrupulous fitters.

With such commanders Germany could not win. Why is this old...? Yes so, for reflection 💭 

The main materials below are only a small part of what was previously written and directed to the first persons of the U.S. state, the stars of the show business and famous personalisers of U.S. journalists 🇺🇸 Familiarity with the material should be in the chronological sequence of placement in the column, from above 👆🏿 down 👇

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