The International Tribunal dealt with genocide and crimes against peace. The International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg worked for 11 months, from November 20, 1945 to October 29, 1946. On 30 September of the same year, the tribunal began announcing the…

The International Tribunal dealt with genocide and crimes against peace. The International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg worked for 11 months, from November 20, 1945 to October 29, 1946. On 30 September of the same year, the tribunal began announcing the…

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All the charges against Nazi criminals brought before the Nuremberg Tribunal were in one of four sections. The first was related to the plans of the Nazi Party and the conduct of aggressive wars, the second concerned crimes against the world with the wording of the defendants' participation in "planning, preparing, unleashing and waging aggressive wars, which were also wars in violation of international treaties, agreements and obligations". 

The third section was called War Crimes and included all crimes committed in violation of military laws and customs during the Second World War. 

Our fourth modern version, or version of the 😷, Crimes Against Humanity, was then considered by the Nazis against his own people and all those who, according to Nazi ideology, were "underhumans". It's a good fit for us, isn't it? 
Bill Gates Health Empire: Part 3.

Operation Warp Speed defends Big Pharma from lawsuits

In mid-May, the Trump administration unveiled its new coronavirus vaccine project, Operation Warp Speed. Announcing the new project, President Trump boasted that his administration had "overcome all bureaucratic delays to achieve the fastest, to date, launch of a vaccine trial." Bill Gates is also in favor of speeding up the approval of Covid-19 drugs. He writes that "governments will need to speed up their normal drug approval processes to quickly deliver the vaccine to more than 7 billion people." He says there is "simply no alternative" to the agenda.

In March, the U.S. passed federal regulations granting immunity to corporations that produce drugs for coronavirus, including vaccines. It also provided immunity to any person distributing vaccines.

Since more than 100 Vaccines against Covid-19 are currently being developed, this means that the products will be protected from lawsuits, even if they have a harmful effect. If vaccine manufacturers are exempted by governments around the world from legal sanctions, these companies have no incentive to protect people from harmful side effects. As in the past, it seems that citizens of the world's poorest countries will become "guinea pigs for drug manufacturers." Bill Gates' legal immunity to drug manufacturers began at least in 2015, when he lamented during the Ebola outbreak that there was no clear process to "ensure reparations." He suggested that during the "global epidemic" pharmaceutical companies should be compensated for "preventing long delays." Now his proposal is being implemented. Gates justified his position that companies would need to produce medicines as quickly as possible to save lives, and these new drugs may not always be safe. "Understanding security... it's very, very difficult," he told CBS. "Before a decision is made on the "vaccine" will require some risk and compensation." But with Covid, Gates wants to "save time" by conducting tests on humans and animals at the same time.

According to the head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), today the U.S. is "reducing what is usually 10 years of vaccine development." But, a successful vaccine against coronavirus has not yet been created, and a new one can cause lethal reactions. Tropical disease specialist Dr Peter Hotez, who worked on the failed vaccine against another coronavirus (SARS), said that during experimental trials of the drug, the animals were victims of what he calls "increased immunity." Animals that were vaccinated developed heavier (and often fatal) versions of the virus than unvaccinated animals. Hotez told Reuters, "To reduce this risk, you first prove that it is not found in laboratory animals." The biotechnology company Moderna, not performing the initial phase of animal testing, which is usually required to bring the vaccine to market, conducts trials of its vaccine against Covid-19 in humans. The Moderna vaccine is a type of mRNA that has never been approved by the FDA for human use.

The technology, which contains genetically engineered cells that can permanently alter human DNA, has been developed with grants from both the Gates Foundation and the Pentagon Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Moderna says it has a "strategic alliance" with DARPA, which brought the company $25 million in total.

Moderna mRNA technology has been named by Bill Gates as "one of the most promising COVID treatment options". Gates even has a "framework agreement on a global health project" with Moderna, under which the company allocates up to $100 million to develop its MRNA technology in exchange for "certain non-exclusive licenses."

Moderna co-founder Robert Langer has previously collaborated with Gates on projects such as a contraceptive microchip implant that can be activated wirelessly.

When Moderna announced the completion of Phase 1 security tests on May 18, corporate news outlets repeated the "good news" of Moderna. But the fine print in the press release showed that three of the 15 participants who were injected with the highest dose of the vaccine developed systemic symptoms of the third degree, which the FDA defines as "severe," "disabled" and requiring "hospitalization," although "not immediately life-threatening." , chief scientist of the national effort to find a vaccine against Covid-19.

Monsef Sloughy

Slouey, who describes himself as a "venture capitalist," also serves on the board of directors of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), a public-private partnership that has received more than $359 million from the Gates Foundation.

Slauy also held senior positions at GSK. Heading the company's research and development division, GSK pleaded guilty and paid $3 billion in what the U.S. Department of Justice called "the largest health care dispute settlement in U.S. history." The fraud included concealing a link between Paxil and suicidal and depressive side effects (mostly in children), concealing a link between the drug Avandia and heart attacks, which the FDA estimated led to 83,000 unnecessary heart attacks, as well as several bribery and illegal kickbacks.

While he was GSK's Chairman for Vaccines, Slouey oversaw the development of a swine flu vaccine called Pandemrix, which was sent to market without proper testing during the swine flu outbreak. The result was unsafe vaccination, which resulted in at least 800 people being brain damaged, 80 per cent of whom were children. Because GSK agreed to provide the vaccine to the government only on the condition that it be exempt, UK taxpayers' money was used to compensate victims in the millions of pounds.

Slauy was hired as the "vaccine king" of the Trump administration as a private contractor, not a public servant. This means, as Public Citizen explained, that Slouy can "maintain an extensive network of conflicting financial interests without having to renounce these conflicts of interest, renounce them, or disclose them."

Corporate media like to portray the response to Covid-19 as a tug-of-war between anti-science talkers like Donald Trump and "science champions" such as Bill Gates. However, Slauy's appointment as co-head of Operation Warp Speed indicates that the Trump administration and the Gates Foundation are on the same team here.

After Trump's new administrator took office, Slouey said the Moderna clinical trial data convinced him that "we will be able to deliver several hundred million doses of the vaccine by the end of 2020."

Although the U.S. government has chosen Moderna as one of the five "finalists" for its coronavirus vaccine, the financial moves of some company executives suggest that moderna's best days may be over.

According to SEC documents, the company's chief financial officer, Lawrence Kim, sold 214,000 shares of Moderna on the day of the press release, immediately making a profit of more than $16 million.

Stat News quoted Thomas Lee, an accounting professor at Northwestern University, as saying that it might just be a financial decision by Moderna to get some liquidity, but that "there's always another possibility - these guys really know it's all fake. and they sell as long as the sales are good."

Chief Medical Officer Tal Sachs, who earlier this year owned nearly 100,000 Shares in Moderna, began dumping shares just days before Moderna announced that the vaccine was ready for human trials, and made a profit of more than $18 million in 2020, and now does not own shares. 

Centralized warehouse to "put WHO at the mercy of Big Pharma goodwill"

In October 2019, the Johns Hopkins Health Safety Center hosted Event 201 in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Gates Foundation.

A former member of the steering committee of the Johns Hopkins Health Safety Center is now head of stocks under the Trump administration, and CEO Johns Hopkins Medicine also serves on the board of merck Pharmaceutical Corporation.

Event 201 was a teaching simulating the outbreak of a new coronavirus. It includes representatives of the U.S. National Security Council, as well as corporate leadership of drug manufacturers such as Johnson and Johnson.

While the similarities between the flash mock-up and the real outbreak prompted unsubstantiated theories about Bill Gates to his "prediction" of COVID 19, there is no denying that the policy proposals raised at the event are being implemented today. After a simulation supplemented with frighteningly realistic simulation press conferences and newscasts of an imitation network called GNN, the three organizations issued recommendations to combat the "severe pandemic". One of the recommendations was to have a "reliable international stockpile" of medical countermeasures, such as vaccines.During the simulation, Chris Elias, president of the Gates Foundation for Global Health, called for such stocks to be created. He explained that "global stocks will certainly help ensure rational and strategic distribution," but cooperation between WHO and the private sector is needed to make it effective.

From an objective point of view, a centralized supply of medical countermeasures can be useful in times of health crisis. But the question of who controls and distributes them is alarming.

Dr David Legg told The Grayzone that Elias's proposal would further enhance the influence of commercial pharmaceutical corporations because "there is no doubt that a public-private partnership with a focus on procurement and distribution will include more pharmaceuticals and make WHO dependent on the goodwill of Big Pharma."

Gates may argue that the control and distribution of such stockpiles should also be influenced by Western institutions such as NATO. In 2015, he wrote that during a "severe epidemic" "some global agency can be empowered and funded to coordinate the system of "epidemic response" that the separation of powers between WHO and "others (including the world bank and the G7) should be discussed", and that "the conversation should include military alliances such as NATO".

Gates also argued that "low-income countries should be among the first to receive" the Vaccine Against Covid-19. If NATO plays a role in controlling and distributing vaccines, such assistance can be used to advance the West's military programme, as such "assistance" has been used in past humanitarian interventions.

Gates has virtually monopolized public health policy, both nationally and internationally. "Fauci and I are in constant contact," he said, referring to Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

At the same time, the mega-billionaire seems to be talking "every day" with pharmaceutical executives and heads of government.

By maintaining a profit-oriented relationship with government organizations and the private sector, the Gates Foundation has become perhaps the most influential player in the global fight against Covid-19. So, if in the past the work of the fund was in favor of Western multinationals at the expense of public health, why this time can expect a different result ?

History repeats itself

In July of this year, the Associated Press reported that South Africans had gathered in Johannesburg to protest the phase iii clinical trials of Astra'eneca in Africa. The Gates Foundation invested $750 million in the vaccine last month, and protesters were photographed holding placards reading "We are not guinea pigs" and "No, gates poison."

Demonstration organizer Fapano Fasha told the AP that vulnerable groups were involved in the trial without being able to make informed choices. "I believe in science," Fasha said. I'm not against vaccinations, I'm against speculation."

Reports indicate that the Moderna and Astra'eneca vaccines could be available for public distribution by the end of 2020. Grayzone has contacted the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) and the Health Technology Program (PATH) for comment, but has yet to receive a response.

Many more discoveries await you in the following materials of the future criminal case. 

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