Fragment of article part 2

Fragment of article part 2

 Stefano Skoro, Bachelor of Science, M.D., Ph.D., 2018 Nobel Prize in Medicine. "Translated from Italian by"

That's really what's really going on. THE PCR tests of The Drosten and the Pasteur Institute, two tests that are considered the most reliable (although neither of them has passed external validation), both use the gene E test, although the Drosten test uses it as a preliminary test, while the Pasteur Institute uses it as a final test. According to the authors of the Drosten test (8. Corman VM et al., Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR, Euro Surveill. 2020 Jan 23; 25 (3): 0000045.), the test for E-gene is able to detect all Asian viruses, thus being at the same time very non-specific (i.e. detects all viral strains at once) and a limited geographical area (Asia). Again, the Pasteur Institute test, one of the most common in Europe, uses the E-Gene test as a final test, although it is now known that the sars-Cov2 virus, which is thought to be circulating in Europe, will be different from those circulating in Asia. And then, in April, WHO changed the algorithm "... recommending that the test can now be considered positive, even if only a dose of gene E (which is likely to detect all Asian viruses!) will give a positive result." ( 9. Engelbrecht T, Demeter K.,COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientically Meaningless, Jun 27 2020, p.21.

It is clear that all this is needed only to create false test results, and to incite social panic associated with the explosion of asymptomatic "disease" Covid! The fact that the Covid-19 smear test is designed to produce a variety of false positives was first discovered in China when an article was published on 5 March 2020 (thus relating to tests conducted in February) and reported that the false positive results amounted to 80.3% (10.zonghua L et al, Potential false-positive rate among the 'asymptomatic infected individuals' in close contacts of COVID-19 patients, 2 0 2 0 Mar 5;4 1 (4):485-488. d o i: 1 0 . 3760 / cma.j.cn112338-20200221-00144)

It is noteworthy that after the explosion of the "pandemic" the Chinese newspaper withdrew this article! But the official sanction for inefficiency and complete unreliability of the Test on Covid-19 came from an unexpected place - the European Union. In a working document of the European Commission dated 16 April, that is, after the peak of the pseudo-pandemic, the European Commission states:

"Timely and accurate tests on COVID-19 are an integral part of the fight against the COVID-19 crisis ... Once on the market, device performance can be confirmed, i.e. approved by additional tests that confirm manufacturer specifications, such as in reference laboratories, academic institutions or national regulators.Such verification is not mandatory by law, but is strongly recommended for public health decisions." ( 11.European Commission, Working Document of Commission Services, Current performance of COVID-19 test methods and devices and proposed performance criteria, April 16 2020.) One would expect that there would be a certain standard, a fundamental testing methodology, to be tested and pre-authorized. After all, this is not a "voluntary" object left to the management of the free market, but a tool that was necessary to justify the actions of governments to impose the worst dictatorial closure and violation of civil and economic rights, which can be remembered in the memory of all the living!

On the contrary, this is the situation described by the EU Commission itself:

"We now have 78 devices based on OT-PCR... 101 antibody detection device and 13 to detect antigens. ‘’

Of these 78 devices, some of which were imported from China, none have ever been pre-tested or authorized, in other words, confirmed. And only 3 of them. «... documents from the Pasteur Institute, the Hong Kong Faculty of Medicine and Charite have been under internal validation, i.e. certified as valid by the manufacturer itself, i.e. even they have never been validated or authorised by any independent or public body. Also:

"The most important information regarding OT-PCR methods for detecting SARS-CoV-2 is the sequences of oligonucleotides (primers and probes) used for cDNA amplification ... except in a few cases, we were unable to find information about the actual sequences of primers and probes used in the devices."

In other words, as far as the authorities know, devices in circulation can contain anything.

And the same level of insecurity also applies to serological tests (antibody tests) not only because, as we have seen above, there are more than 100 different types of tests in circulation without any prior evaluation or resolution, but also because the basis of the serological test is the same fundamental limitation. Namely, the lack of a reliable standard due to the lack of virus secretion. When we talk about serology, we're talking about antibodies, and everyone probably thinks that certain antibodies exist for each virus. However, nothing more distant from reality than this assumption, does not happen: antibodies, which are found in the serological study - are only two species - IgG and IgM, the latter - early immune responses, and IgG - late. Now, if there are always only two of them, how do you know if they are produced on SARS-Cov2, rather than a cold or emotional tension, bruising and so on? Theoretically, these antibodies are extracted from the serum and subjected to the same PCR methodology that was used for smearing to see if they are activated by contact with SARS-Cov2. But since, as we have seen, SARS-Cov2 has never been isolated, n it is just an artificial laboratory design, the result of a serological study is a simple batch of antibodies that is probably activated or not activated completely randomly, without a real connection to the alleged virus that is the alleged cause of Covid-19.

In short, we have entrusted an end to our freedom to such uncontrollable, never-confirmed and never-sanctioned tests, be it smears or serological tests (antibody tests)! All the world's media are shouting that this supposed pandemic has already claimed the lives of more than 750,000 people. We know that this number was also very inflated: the deaths of very old people (80 years) and very sick (2-3 fatal pathologies). Death due to any serious pathology they suffered was designated only as death by Covid-19. Because patients, even after the autopsy, tested positive, because of an unreliable test. Or even, such a verdict of death they received without any tests.

However, even if it did have 750,000 deaths from COVID-19, they would clearly be within the norm of the number of deaths from respiratory diseases.

Every year, these official statistics show that almost 7 million people worldwide die from respiratory diseases. The 750,000 deaths attributed to Covid-19 in the last 6 months, even if they doubled (which is unlikely since the current covid-19 mortality rate is falling sharply worldwide), would result in approximately 1.5 million deaths. This is still well below nearly 7 million deaths per year from respiratory diseases (and of course all deaths claimed as Covid were deaths that in past years would have been classified simply as deaths from respiratory diseases).

Finally, EU statistics also confirm that the current mortality rate is absolutely normal: As of the end of July 2020, according to EuroMoMo, the official agency that monitors mortality in the EU, there has been no increased mortality across Europe, with the exception of a slight increase in Spain and Portugal, including countries theoretically very hard hit by the pandemic, such as Italy and the UK.

Therefore, everything would be fine if not for destructive and dictatorial political and economic decisions.

Stefano Skoro, Bachelor of Science, M.D., Ph.D., 2018 Nobel Prize in Medicine. "Translated from Italian by"

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