Fascism and the U.S. Army defend the U.S. Constitution 🇺🇸. They stand next to you in an underground tunnel under the Capitol. They are the ones who saved you personally and the country on the night of January 6th to 7th. 

Fascism and the U.S. Army defend the U.S. Constitution 🇺🇸. They stand next to you in an underground tunnel under the Capitol. They are the ones who saved you personally and the country on the night of January 6th to 7th. 

It was rescued. 

⏳ ተ𐍂𐌉ଓ𐌵𑀉ꤕ ⚖️ Ⴝ𐌳𐍅Ⴝ 🎙

Which of my readers served in the U.S. Army or another army? 

Which of my readers ran a cross every day for about 10 km in full ammunition? I guess none of my readers did it and saw only the office and the set with the TV camera . . . I served and ran every morning until dark in my eyes for 10 km at the training ground near Brandenburg, jumping, crawling in the mud like these U.S. Army soldiers. I know what it is. What total masks or distances are we talking about 🗣in your nominations? 

Can you at least for a moment descend from heaven to earth and imagine the absurdity of these demands? 

This is freshly baked footage of 🎞 U.S. Marines. 

While you fantasize incomprehensible configurations of people's wardrobe, people just do the usual daily work. 

Do you like to read articles in a warm crib? Then try to do it on an iron bed with springs, order one, it will deliver you and put in the boiler house 🏠, and to it a springless mattress, it will add you the pleasure of reading. 

It is very easy to forget, and in the 1930s Adolf Hitler and members of his National Socialist German Workers' Party were considered radicalized, but were not yet considered a threat to the world. But it is even easier to forget that Hitler had more than a few outspoken supporters in the United States. Next, I will present pages from American history that are rarely talked about, but they serve as a reminder that extremist ideals can prevail anywhere, at any time. And the Constitution will be powerless if the army does not come to you as on that ill-fated night of the Orthodox Christmas of Christ on January 6/7. 

1) German-American Union 

Much of the Nazi ideology revolved around the purity of the German "race", and Hitler clearly understood that it could be used to influence German migrants living in enemy territory. Just four months after he came to power in 1933, an organization known as Friends of the New Germany was founded in America. In 1936, it was reorganized into the German-American Union, which included only persons of German origin, and there were about a quarter of the total population in the United States. 

The leader of the German Union, Fritz Kuhn, was dubbed the American Fuhrer. Doesn't it remind you of anything? 

Putin makes life extremely difficult for me by imposing new restrictions on access to information on the Internet. If it weren't for my very cunning tricks, I wouldn't be able to provide you with a lot of stuff for days. The copy function is closed, the original photo is not loaded, you have to reshoot the screen. I feel like I'm in a real siege of nazi Germany in the 30s, or the USSR of the 70s. When I was crossing the border of the Czech Republic / USSR hid in my suitcase with a double bottom anti-Soviet books 📖 presented to me by the father of my friend Yugoslav journalist Predrag (I do not remember the name of my father). The friend's name was Pribic Predrag. I am a soldier and I am fighting for my and your freedom. Although it seems to me you absolutely don't care about anything... It seems that I should be baptized (Russian proverb) , I am an atheist and believe only in facts and common sense, so I will continue, regardless of your attitude to yourself, to the country and to good people, like me. 

Tough? I didn't promise you to be your swady. I have done and I am doing everything for democracy. I don't care about the characters, and if I see mistakes, I see disaster, I won't be silent for the sake of my skin. I'm going to make my point back up by the facts. My right to do it is your right to block me. So did one well-known journalist for you earlier, now I sent him myself away for a long time along with his crippled studio lies in Rockefeller Plaza . And I will continue to do so against any person I see as a deliberate lie. For example, blocking is very simple, so did one venerable Lady with a confirmed account. I don't know her real motives, I'm not interested. I will find mutual understanding and new communication. Because I don't clog the brain 🧠 spam like other chumps. I give stuff that nobody does, I know it. If he doesn't understand to someone it's definitely not my problem. I do not undertake to cover topics familiar to me and generally consider people all knowledgeable fools . About Fools has been great stuff before. I will continue for those who want to hear and understand. 

In order not to arouse suspicion, the members of the organization tried to behave like true American patriots. They often held their meetings on national holidays or on the birthdays of U.S. presidents. However, the fact remains that American citizens gave Nazi salutes, shouted "Heil Hitler" and behaved as if they were full members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Fritz Kuhn was exposed by journalists in 1937 and imprisoned for two years for treason.

2) Nazi summer camps

In 1936, the German-American Union began to make a concerted effort to advance Nazi ideology in the hope that the United States would support Hitler or even become an ally. 

Among the most troubling projects of the "German-American Union" is the summer camps for American teenagers. They were not directly related to Hitler's infamous youth program, but the similarities were egregious. Parents and children greeted the Fuhrer and wore Nazi armbands. 

Summer camps existed all over the country, from New York to Los Angeles. There were sixteen of them in total. They were closed shortly after the outbreak of World War II. 

Anti-Semitic sentiment was extremely high in the United States at the time, and such programs were intended to introduce racist and fascist ideologies in America. Children between the ages of 8 and 18 learned German and took part in military exercises. Nazi ideology and German heritage were, in fact, represented as part of one whole, and most U.S. citizens of German descent were receptive to the idea. 

3. New York Nazi Community 

Of these summer camps, the most famous was Camp Siegfried, located in the small town of Yafank, New York. Small city houses were originally built as bungalows for holidaymakers. All those who wanted to buy land in the city, should, first of all, be of "German origin." Many of the main streets were named after Hitler, Goebbels and other prominent leaders of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. 

Even after the outbreak of the war, pro-Nazi sentiments continued to flourish in Yafanka. On its streets were Nazi parades, where near the American waving SS flags. The inhabitants of Yafanka even created a huge fence in the form of a swastika. 

Although the city was eventually captured by the FBI after the war, it managed to preserve the houses that were built for pro-Nazi holidaymakers. And even today in Yafank live mainly people of German origin. 

4) Rallies in Madison Square Garden 

The headquarters of Friends of the New Germany, and later the German-American Union, was located in New York, making the state a center of pro-Nazi activities in America. In early 1934, the predecessor organization held rallies at Madison Square Garden. Their participants threw up their hands in Nazi salute, shouted slogans and carried banners with words like "Stop the Jewish domination of Christian America." 

The most famous of these meetings took place on February 20, 1939, when the German-American Union was at the peak of its power. The rally was called "Pro-America"; more than 20,000 people took part in it. 

The German-American Alliance was dissolved after the United States declared war on Germany in late 1941.

When I talk about the loss of conscience and after it professionalism, I mean this kind of photo before your eyes. When I talk about the elderly idiots playing in New York in October 2019 as a pioneering dawn, with a commercial scenario of suspending many provisions of the national constitutions of the democratic countries of the world and the United States, under the guise of fighting the fictional disease of humanity with these inflamed heads, I also mean this photo and the essence of such gatherings. 

Who can protest this saying? Apparently one of your citizens - he is a golf fan will be able, saying that it was with Ukraine 🇺🇦 in 2014 in the location of the Apennine. I hope there are no short-sighted idiots among my reader. Although there is another specialist in electronic tracking systems ... he will also come up with something, referring to the harm of natural marbled beef and necessarily in his own defense will do it loudly from the studio in Manhattan, and journalists will help him. 

5) Is this a familiar face? Is that Bush? What is he so happy about? 

 The CIA and the MK Ultra project have not been read by anyone? 

And Prescott Bush, a.k.a. A.K. senator, a.k.a. the father of the future U.S. President George W. Bush, had mutually beneficial business dealings with German companies that were directly linked to Hitler's rise to power? 

The secretive nature of this connection for decades has helped her not to attract undue attention. 

When it was eventually exposed, the question arose 🙋🏼 ♂️: Should Bush be tried for war crimes? His company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Enemy Trade Act. 

This relationship not only helped finance the war waged by the Nazis, but also may have laid the foundation for the bush family's fortunes. The question is now in 2021. 

And you guess what questions will soon begin to ask grown-up children if they have the Internet and good logical thinking on the projects of Putin and his gangsters war criminals with American companies and banks. Do you think they can't pick up the words of the late hero McCain, where he directly says something like this: "Putin bought the White House? 

6) Nazi radio 

As you understand, I don't need to place a fascist cross or sickle and hammer next to this face. Sit next to a few more faces hung by a fascist swastika, arrange them in a portrait and give to the press. But I don't know this man and I don't do it. All I do is : Angela Dorothea Merkel, born Kasner, Putin, Trump and beyond, a long list.

Fascism was not considered a bad word in the 1930s, unlike today. However, the vast majority of Americans feared fascist regimes and tactics. After German paramilitaries and townspeople took to the streets on November 9, 1938 (the infamous Crystal Night), the results of the poll showed that 94% of U.S. citizens disapproved of fascism, despite the anti-Semitic sentiments that permeated American society at the time. 

Nevertheless, there were those who defended and supported Hitler. 

They included Father Charles Coughlin, a Catholic priest and radio host with a multimillion-dollar audience. Coughlin won the trust of so many people by attacking "bankers" during the Great Depression. Eleven days after Crystal Night, he spoke on the air criticizing the Jews. He claimed that German Jews encroached on Christian property and contributed to the spread of communism. 

Shortly thereafter, his show was canceled, but it managed to cause damage. Coughlin became a hero of Berlin... America. The owner of the radio station reported that after the cancellation of the show, several thousand people surrounded the building where the studio was located, and began shouting slogans "Don't buy anything from the Jews", "Down with the Jews" and so on. Is this new? It's a well-forgotten old. New invents and embodies Elon Musk . Everything else is a parody in a modern arrangement. 

7) American Eugenics Roots 

Eugenics is a key component of Nazi ideology. Many believe that this concept originated with the advent of the Nazis, or at least in Europe, but in fact the birthplace of eugenics is America with its most outstanding scientific and business leaders of that era. And we know about the birth of fascism - fascism is Russia. And do not confuse God's gift with the European egg . 

Funded by honourable organizations such as the Carnegie Institution of Science and the Rockefeller Foundation, many of America's most respected scholars have developed theories of "racial science" at the behest of their corporate sponsors. The data were corrected and forged in order to expose the "non-white" races as genetically defective and subject to destruction. 

This "science" gained notoriety in the early 1900s and became an important part of Hitler's ideology. At that time, the United States began to pass laws concerning eugenics. Hitler studied them carefully, allowing him to formulate anti-Semitic positions using medical and scientific terms. He once confessed to one of his subordinates: "I have studied with great interest the laws of several American states that deal with preventing the reproduction of people whose descendants are likely to be of no value or a threat to race." Oh, how cute are my expensive pindos and pindos (!) 💃🌵🕺

8) The failure of the American press 

After Hitler came to power in 1933, much of the American press was puzzled by how to present it to society. In a couple of years, a small Nazi movement has become an influential political party. Many newspapers thought that Hitler would abandon his expansionist rhetoric. Some reporters even claimed that it would bring peace and prosperity to Germany. I can add, given the udd the knowledge I have gained on the part of American journalists, figuratively: Mountain sheep 🐏 also thought ... however, he continued to thrash his horns bluntly in the frontal battle of the competitor for the female lamb. 

The Christian Science Monitor praised Germany's "peace, order and civility" and reported that their correspondent "did not notice anything unusual" while in the country. The same thing is happening in Moscow, for example in 2016. An American journalist can't understand why a store of military ammunition discounts in honor of Trump's victory. The same Misunderstanding happens in 2020. An American journalist tells of overcrowded hospitals in Moscow on the part of the corona 👑 virus . The same thing happens when giving an interview to RT Simonyan, then yes the most misunderstanding occurs when the Russian vaccine is injected by a journalist from the United States 🇺🇸. And such misunderstanding 98% of 100% possible . Even your former U.S. ambassador to Moscow, McFaul, is a blatant nonsense and engages in meaningless verbal anonymity in sparring rounds with Simonyan, singing his writing on Twitter or Facebook in one sentence trying to analyze the situation with Russia. Believe your friends!! It looks extremely clumsy, not professional and ridiculous. Do not teach your educational institutions such a specialty as communication with modern bandits. All training is sharpened from European rules. As long as there are no real pros on the Russian track, such pros as the new US Secretary of State Tony Blinken, you will play one fight after another. That's what's been going on for the last twenty years. Tony, you know: one in the field is not a warrior!! 

The New York Times reported that the political situation in Germany had undergone significant changes with Hitler's rise to power. The New York Herald, for its part, stated that stories of atrocities committed against Jews were "exaggerated and often unfounded." 

Much of this can be explained by the skillful influence of the Nazi regime on the foreign press, as well as the profound misunderstanding on the part of the Americans of the nature of Hitler's problem with Jews. Many U.S. newspaper editors have characterized it as a conflict between ideologies and different political views, not the race of people and those who want to destroy them. But history doesn't teach you anything. You walk and step on the same fascist rake framed by Putin. Exactly everything mirrors 🪞 only more sophisticated rake than Hitler and Stalin. So I want to stop admonishing 🗣 yes take the bat and show up in Rockefeller Plaza and spread these studio cages with parrots ... To the devil's mother. Excuse me, but I have Italian blood 🩸 flowing, which is not noticeable who I paint in the portrait most of all 😆

9) Celebrity Support for Fascists 

American pilot Charles Lindbergh was considered a hero in the 1930s. In 1927, he made his first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1935, he was accused of kidnapping and killing his young son. In addition, he was a supporter of eugenics and a close friend of the French scientist Alexis Carrel, who also believed in her. 

In a 1935 interview, Lindbergh said, "You can't avoid the fact that people weren't created equal." He then discussed Dr. Carrel's core ideas of "purity of race." Lindbergh's radio performance in 1939 dealt a final blow to his image. In the course of it, he expressed the opinion that the "penetration of the lower blood" into the pure race can be contained only by weapons. 

The American industrialist, car factory owner and inventor Henry Ford also held anti-Semitic views and sympathized with the Nazis, allowing members of the German-American Union to work in their factories and hiring Gestapo thugs to crack down on those employees who tried to join the unions. I hope not for me to tell you what Henry did to Lee Iacocca and who is Lee? Conrad Hayden, Hitler's biographer, claimed that Ford provided direct financial support to the Fuhrer for a total of at least $340,000. Ford even paid for the reprinting and distribution of racist false pamphlets, "The Protocols of the Elders of zion," across the United States. It's not freedom 🗽 opinion, you know? We have beyond the harsh lessons of world history, but in the U.S. there is no law banning the ideology of fascism, communism, in the U.S. does not even have these definitions. I have never heard of these definitions from the US media. I heard it from Madonna at the Women's March, from Scarlet heard. But the media are shamefully silent and look in their total lies disgustingly covering this phenomenon . Let's have frank discourse, stop replacing words with convenient sterilizing meanings. Maybe it's not, but what I see is that way and I don't think so! So sees the great Robert De Niro, however, he does not seem to know this exact definition. It's not just crazy journalists and TV companies. It's a small knowledge with the name of insufficient professionalism given Putin's hybrid operations. Or fear? Let's gather professionals and give them the protection of the state! But you can't live like this, pretending that nothing's going on. There's a war going on! And it's been going on U.S. soil for a long time 🇺🇸 

10) Long-term influence 

In politics and culture, the words "Nazis" and "Hitler" were used as a comparison with those who abused or tried to subdue others. Nevertheless, the relatively short-term flirtation of individuals of U.S. citizens with The German poisonous ideology has long-term consequences today. Now American Capital and Hollywood are playing exactly the same games with Putin. Europeans are even worse, the village they are geographically closer and weaker. What do we want to repeat? 

Racist movements and neo-Nazi groups are thriving in the U.S. thanks to both direct support from the Kremlin and the Trumpists. This is a new phenomenon in the U.S. since 2016 - Trump's adherents, so-called patriots. In fact it is hidden fascism. Hitler's failed attempt to establish world domination has given many of them a new focus in the face of Putin/Trump/Merkel/Schroeder/Alternative for Germany and other elite rabble-rouses. Their ideology is quite understandable and what is happening in 2020-2021 only laid bare their true instincts and goals. Although they are carefully concealed under the mask of concern for humanity. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC; Southern Center for The Legal Protection of the Poor), as of 2016, neo-Nazi organizations still exist in every U.S. state. 

The conscience of the CIA and fbi is also not clear. Not to mention professionalism. If the country (the U.S. 🇺🇸) and the democratic world as a whole need a reboot, then the reboot is needed in the area of new En-Day laws on the negative phenomena listed by me briefly. The reboot yesterday was necessary in the field of quality public administration and the same professional staff. No need to touch people's lives and brazenly climb into their bed and wardrobe, without any good reason. Just do not need to terrorize small medium-sized U.S. businesses with various fantasies and restrictions, without any good reason!!

It is the people, the population of the United States, the U.S. business, that allows us to move the endless cavalcade of armored limousines to work, as if it were a star wedding or a star funeral 🪦 

And yes, hello Sikorsky!! Well, you get me, I suppose, 

Thank you for your attention!

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