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In the continuation of the daily theme of total lies . 

Why did the American media mislead and fear American citizens and politicians in the spring and continue their destructive actions to this day? What good reasons have they had and have today to engage in information sabotage? 

Back in the spring, I and other professional people, including in medicine, doctors with a world-renowned name screamed. They were shut, blocked in various resources. The American media, like an international organization run by an Ethiopian dancer, has become a home studio for Gates, a fauci conman and other rabble-rouser looking for an easy way to profit. Journalists of news programs are at the forefront of these troglodytes. 

"The only way to fight the plague is honesty" (Albert Camus)

Leading virologists and epidemiologists in the spring concluded that the official information about the coronavirus is not true! 

John Ioannidis, professor of virology, epidemiology and statistics at Stanford University, said that "the data collected by March 2020 on the number of infected people and the very development of the epidemic are extremely unreliable in the form of information issued by the media. Information about the spread of the virus, Ioannidis said, is a "fiasco of evidence."

"Three months after the outbreak, most countries, including the United States, were unable to verify large numbers of people and no country had reliable data on the prevalence of the virus in a representative random sample among the general population. This evidence fiasco has created enormous ambiguity as to the definition of COVID-19 fatality. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported 3.4% mortality rate was horrendous and made no sense, the scientist wrote.

The only case when the entire population was tested was the Diamond Princess cruise liner and its passengers, quarantined. For those tests, the mortality rate was 1.0%; they were mostly elderly people.

A group of French doctors also confirmed Ioannidis' calculations, concluding that the lethality of COVID-19 is not significantly different from that of SARS caused by previously known coronaviruses. The problem of COVID-19 is "probably overrated", french virologists believed back in March 2020, noting that the world at that time spread four different coronaviruses, which infected, often asymptomatically, millions of people, but who are at the same time low fatal. It's just a leak of some kind of flu stamp, concocted by Putin's bandits and poured into the eyes of 👀 the world and the ears of medics this stuff. 

A group of American and Chinese virologists, in an article published in the world's most authoritative medical journal, Nature Medicine, presented data on the Chinese city of Wuhan (Hubei Province), where COVID-19 was first recorded. The risk of death in areas outside Hubei Province was 0.85% and 1.2-1.4% for the city of Wuhan, which correlates well with Professor Ioannidis' data.

Leading virologists also questioned claims that the population was not immune from COVID-19. The international medical portal BMJ, citing studies of leading international scientists, writes that the vast majority of coronavirus infections do not lead to symptoms. Sergio Romaniani, professor of clinical immunology at the University of Florence, says most people infected with coronavirus do not show symptoms. Romanjani's data was based on a study conducted in a completely isolated village with a population of about three thousand people in northern Italy.

Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford, said: "There can be no doubt that COVID-19 is capable of spreading much wider... However, the quarantine (lockdown) will bankrupt all of us and our descendants, and it is unlikely to slow or stop the spread of the virus, as the gin has already been released from the bottle."

Professor Knut Witkowski, who headed the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at Rockefeller University for 20 years, was categorical. According to him, "more than 90% of people with a positive test result did without severe symptoms, so there was no reason to talk about the "lack of immunity" in the population." Austrian medics were also in solidarity with him. The Centre for Medical Statistics at the University of Vienna analyzed mortality data in Austria for the first decade of April and concluded that the COVID-19 death curve "approximately corresponds to "normal" mortality among men and women in certain age groups." In other words, most people who tested positive for coronavirus died, as they say, from old age.

"Reports of young and healthy people who have died from coronavirus were false on closer inspection," said Swiss Propaganda Research (SPR), an independent Swiss research group. Many of these people either did not die from COVID-19 or had serious backgrounds (e.g., undiagnosed leukemia). The same was written by the British The Guardian and the Spanish portal Gool.com. And only the national freaks without any medical education that captured the national television studios of the United States continued to terrorize America's own population. 

As of mid-April, overall mortality in the United States and most European countries remained within severe seasonal epidemics of SARS and influenza. With regard to the high mortality rates, for example in northern Italy, scientists tended back then to conclude that the cause was air pollution and legionella (a bacterium that causes acute infection), as well as the low level of health and care for the elderly, including panic.

The overload of health systems in the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain and Italy, observed at the time, was not unusual. In 2018, hospitals across the U.S. were also filled with common viral flu patients

; a state of emergency was declared in Alabama. Planned operations in local hospitals were cancelled, patients with other diseases were not accepted. California was declared a "war zone" and those who had the flu were treated in hastily set tents.

In the same year, the intensive care units in Milan were "completely clogged" with influenza patients.

In December 2019, the UK's National Health Service delivered an extra "temporary beds" to 52% of its hospitals to cope with the influx of influenza. Most of these hospitals have temporary beds left since last year. In November 2019, British experts warned that the UK's National Health Service could not cope with seasonal influenza.

In Spain, the flu overwhelms hospitals almost every year. In 2015, patients were lying in the hallways. In March 2019, Spanish hospitals were filled by more than 200%.

Where did the frightening death figures from coronavirus come from in American journalists? 

Lothar Wheeler, President of the German Robert Koch Institute, said at a press conference on March 20: the cause of death with a positive test in Germany, the authorities officially consider coronavirus, despite the presence of other diseases.

The fact that this is the case in Germany, confirmed the German virologist Hendrik Strick, citing the example of a 78-year-old man who died of heart failure without the slightest lung damage, but was included in the statistics of deaths from coronavirus. "Official data from the laboratories show that the virus spreads much more slowly than claimed... The authorities and the government refused to carry out the necessary investigations and "complicate" the information," German media reported. And I declare not without reason: Putin's Merkel is a komsomolskaya bitch, a participant and an active member of the international YPG (organized criminal group) 

What about the supposedly exponential increase in coronavirus infections?

The fact is that the number of tests in many countries is increasing exponentially. In most countries, the ratio of positive tests to the total number of tests was either constant (5-15%) or very slow.


Then even the criminal and professional team from WHO agreed with the leading virologists, they simply had nothing to oppose the fak-there. Contrary to its initial statements, AT the end of March, WHO determined that there was no evidence of airborne transmission. And the leading German virologist Hendrik Streck did not find either airborne drop or contact pathway.


At the same time around March 2020, the causes of frightening disease statistics were told by american doctor Scott Jensen, he was then a senator from Minnesota. On April 8, he told Fox News that the cause of death in the death certificates indicated coVID-19, which he considered to be "complete nonsense." The fact that the American insurance system Medicare pays $13 thousand for a patient with coronavirus and $39,000 if this patient is connected to a ventilator. And I remember Trump running on the airwaves and splitting the ventilator. I remember all the MSNBC broadcasts, they all like the overbloams rushed with these ventilators without realizing not being in production not in medicine. 

Jensen said at the time that he had received a seven-page document with instructions indicating how to fill out death certificates diagnosed with COVID-19 without a laboratory test confirming that the patient did have the virus. The doctor should write that the patient's death occurred, possibly (probable) or presumably (presumed) from the coronavirus. Those hospitals that follow the instructions will receive three times as much money. Jensen demonstrated the instructions live.

Do you understand what you've come to? 

You are murderers and criminals (!) 

And the Swiss research group Swiss Propaganda Research published a special investigation at the time, which reported on numerous cases of uns supported dramatization of the coronavirus epidemic in the world media. The Swiss epigraphed their investigation: "The only way to fight the plague is honesty."

But this is not about the American media. 

In general, this crime of the century should be dealt with by the U.S. FBI 🇺🇸 

Materials I draw from open sources, and before knocking my finger and forwarding, I check everything carefully. And the fact that American TV companies gave old canned 🥫 overcrowded hospitals of yesteryear and in general hospitals with paid artists - extras of sick supposedly covid, the fact is already known. This fact only needs to be documented and a criminal investigation into the specific cunts in the TV that have arranged a national disgrace ultimately with their destructive irresponsible activities. And January 6 was the culmination of your talentless U.S. service. But the deal will end only on January 6, unless you are kicked away from the national studios. Shame on 🙈 

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