Part 1 It turned out the laws of nature can not be deceived, where the conscience goes away, and with it leaves as a rule and professionalism is also possible.

Part 1 It turned out the laws of nature can not be deceived, where the conscience goes away, and with it leaves as a rule and professionalism is also possible.

Friends, today is great material with detailing. Free people believed until 2020 that it is possible to mock and violate the rights of citizens only in dictatorial regimes. It turned out the laws of nature can not be deceived, where the conscience goes away, and with it leaves as a rule and professionalism is also possible. And the election cycles of presidents and prime ministers are not a panacea for dictatorship. Our case is a medical dictatorship, and essentially medical fascism. It has been a year since the crime of the century, carried away by its novelty and creativity garden masses of public servants, police and medicine. A year of obscurantism has e tracked, but the questioning of the main suspects in the organization and implementation of the totalitarian coup is postponed until their capture, suggest an analytical dossier for the future tribunal.

Now the CDC, the US Federal Disease Control Agency, has confirmed in a statement that it has lied to a gullible public from the start of the "pandemic". Also, a disclosure from the chief of science at Pfizer. Plus, the statement of the new adviser to the US president on k19.

 University labs are suing CDC for Covid fraud: the virus does not exist and is fictional.

 "Stanford, Cornwell and five other UCLA labs" found C19 to be fictional, fictional, not a virus and sued the CDC for coronavirus fraud, "said Rob Oswald, PhD in Virology and Immunology at Cornwall University.

 “So, we are dealing with the next strain of influenza, like every year. C19 does not exist and is fictional. I believe that China and the globalists orchestrated this COVID (flu disguised as a new virus) hoax to bring about global tyranny and a worldwide police totalitarian surveillance state, and this conspiracy involved massive electoral fraud.

 I have a PhD in Virology and Immunology. I work in a clinical laboratory and have tested 1,500 presumptive positive C19 samples collected here in Southern California. When my laboratory team and I tested with Koch criteria and SEM (scanning electron microscope) observation, we did not find Covid in any of the 1,500 samples. We found that all 1,500 samples were mostly influenza A and some were influenza B, but there was not a single case of Covid and we did not use the B.S. test. PCR.

 We then sent the remaining samples to Stanford, Cornwell and several UC labs and they found the same results as we did WITHOUT COVID. They found influenza A and B. We all then spoke to the CDC and asked for viable COVID samples, which the CDC says they cannot provide as they did not have any samples.

 As a result of all our research and laboratory work, we came to the firm conclusion that C19 was fictitious and fictional. The flu was called Covid, and most of the 225,000 who died died from concomitant diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, emphysema, etc., and in the presence of these diseases they got the flu, which further weakened their immune system, which was the cause of death. I have yet to find any viable C19 sample to work with.

 We have seven universities that lab-tested these 1,500 samples and are now suing the CDC for C19 fraud. CDC has not yet sent us a single viable, isolated, and purified sample of C19. If they are unable or unwilling to send us a viable sample, I say C19 is not, it is fictional. The four research papers that do describe genomic extracts of the C19 virus have never been successful in isolating and purifying samples. All four articles written about C19 describe only small fragments of RNA that are 37 to 40 bp in length, which is NOT a VIRUS. The viral genome is typically 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs.

 An evil like Covid must be everywhere, why hasn't anyone in any laboratory around the world isolated and purified this virus completely? This is because they never found a virus, all they ever found were small pieces of RNA that were never identified as a virus.

 With a state as bad as Covid must be everywhere, why has no one in any laboratory around the world ever isolated and purified this virus completely?

 This is because they never found a virus, all they ever found were small pieces of RNA that were never identified as a virus. "

 But all of you must have noticed that the new White House administration in Washington held a liturgy on February 23, mourning the victims of the corona virus. Candles were burning 🕯, it seems like 500,000 candles were burning. Like in the song ; candles were burning on the table candles were burning 🕯. What was it, you may ask, if there is no virus? And this is the result of the friends' broken procedure for the transfer of power in the White House. Apparently this is the first time in American history that the outgoing US president did not transfer business to his successor, he had no time to break away from his beloved golf club in Mar-a-Lago. There are five tennis courts, a swimming pool on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, a spa, in general there is a lot of things in order to justify not transferring affairs to the new US president. As you understand, this is not even a plant 🏭 and not to transfer the Coca Cola company, it is still a country with ministries and special services.

 Meanwhile, the same US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), aka the Russian Ministry of Health, is ending the hysteria over the coronavirus. The center suddenly radically changed the official view of the virus.

 The CDC has released new guidelines that say asymptomatic Americans do not need to get tested if they are young and healthy. Even if they have been in contact with people who test positive for the virus.

 On its website, the CDC says "if you have symptoms of COVID-19 and want to be tested, call your doctor first. Most people are mildly ill and can recover at home without medical attention and may not need testing."

 An analogue of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation advises to treat covid like any other disease. If you are sick, stay at home. It will probably be all right. This is because, for most people, covid is a mild disease. However, if you are so sick that you need treatment, seek medical attention.

 The CDC frankly reports that only 6% of deaths have a cause of death from COVID-19. The remaining 94% had another 2-3 serious illnesses, and the overwhelming majority were at a very old age.

 The center officially announced that 9,210 people died directly from the coronavirus out of all 153,504 deaths. This is a lot, but the coronavirus is neither a pandemic nor an epidemic. Yes, covid is dangerous, but mostly for people with very poor health. That is, those who have multiple serious concomitant diseases or are at an extremely advanced age.

There is no doubt that the WHO, funded by the Bill Gates Foundation and his wife Melinda, lied, and the WHO director, Ethiopian Tedros Ghebreyesus, also lied: a man with no medical education with a very dark reputation in all nominations, he just derailed the world.

 This official is a Marxist from Ethiopia, became the head of the World Organization three years ago. It was his officials who claimed that about 3.4% of all reported cases died from COVID-19 worldwide. In comparison, seasonal flu usually kills less than 1% of those infected. However, it was the WHO statement that caused widespread panic. Further, all the world's media have applied their faces and languages ​​to the cause of mass psychodiagnostics. And the RF is no exception. That's how it all started in 2020.

 It is still not known exactly what percentage of people who died from covid in 2020 would be alive if panic and hysteria were not specially inflated. As the official statistics 📊 come out later. And also it should be borne in mind that it was not a folk fun - a game, but a real special operation, then information resources from YouTube to Instagram seriously blocked alternative information or, in simple words, blocked the truth of scientists, doctors and just responsible citizens.

 How could this have happened or happened?

 That's how :

 EVENT 201 took place in New York on October 18, 2019. This project was called a "pandemic" scenario. It was developed and was being developed by the real devils for a long time.

 Participants, let's boldly call them persons involved:

 Johns Hopkins Center for Health.

 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation at

 World Economic Forum.

 Translation of an 11-minute video with a short summary at the end of the plot.

 All characters and companies are real, they are legal entities and individuals, we get to know them, not yet personally.




 Johnson & Johnson

 Gates Foundation

 hotel business

 Johns Hopkins University (one branch in Italy, one branch in China)

 ANZ Banking Group

 American Sanepid (CDC)

 China Sanepid (CDC)

 Johns Hopkins Health and Safety Center

 World Bank.

 Translation of an 11 minute video

 EVENT 201

 It started among healthy looking pigs. (actually it started among human-like pigs)

 Months ago, maybe years.

 The new corona virus has quietly spread among the livestock.

 Gradually, the farmers began to get sick.

 INSCRIPTION: South America.

 Infected people showed symptoms of respiratory disease

 - from mild, flu-like to severe pneumonia.

 Serious patients required resuscitation, many died.

 CAPS - Coronavirus Associated Pulmonary Syndrome - Corona virus associated with pulmonary syndrome.

 The virus was transmitted through the air.

 Experts agreed that the virus must be quickly brought under control, otherwise it could lead to a severe pandemic on a global scale if it spreads across the globe and affects people everywhere. An emergency meeting on the CAPS pandemic has been called to discuss recommendations for action in these conditions.

 Anita Tsicero, Johns Hopkins University Health Center:

 The Commission is composed of highly qualified professionals from the fields of business, healthcare and civil society.

 Dr. Kathleen Rivers:

 We anticipate a doubling of cases within a week and sixteen times at the end of the month if we cannot stop the spread. It is estimated that there will be half a million cases and an exponential growth of diseases. Within three months, 10 million people can get sick.

 Tom Inglesby, Johns Hopkins University:

 It will be a severe pandemic and it can only be stopped by the joint work of global business and government.

 Yabani Bello, Negro immunologist

 We've known about CAPS viruses in animals and humans for decades. But have not been successful in making a licensed vaccine. Of course, new technologies can help, but it will be difficult. I am not optimistic about making a valid vaccine during this pandemic.

 2:02 Antiviral drugs and essential medicines need to be distributed globally.

 Tom Inglesby, Johns Hopkins University:

 How should governments, businesses, international organizations allocate and distribute medicines to the people who need them the most?

 Adrian Thomas, businessman, Johnson & Johnson:

 speaks very illegibly

 ... for global funds to have a centralized mechanism financially, financially to be able on behalf of countries ... and secondly, it is important for the business sector and manufacturers to know what is needed and where it is needed, and who makes the decisions.

 Sofia Borges, UN:

 I think the countries that are most affected are middle and low income countries with unequal access to technology and finance, countries where the UN has worked, blah blah blah ...

 Christopher Elias, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

 The truth is that we do not have the logistical capacity even with the help of the UN ти to bring it all to one place and act. I think that cooperation between organizations and the private sector is important here, which produces what is needed every day. You need to understand where the necessary is produced and where it needs to be delivered to the people who need it most.

 Eduardo Martinez, UPS Foundation

 Emphasizing the point that cooperation between suppliers or businesses that produce what is needed can make the whole process efficient ...

 Avril Haynes, former U.S. National Security Advisor

 The question is whether this international mechanism can really promote (advocate) a commitment to do everything as quickly as possible to give people the feeling that if they invest more, they can better protect their own people.

 Jane Hulton ANZ Bank:

 To be perfectly understood, most of these industries have already committed and will be performing contracts. It never happened that the producers of a product did not have a consumer for their goods. So the first thing to do is .... countries (national governments cannot regulate this) ... Governments must declare a state of emergency and cooperate with existing producers of goods.

 Stephen Redd, US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Epidemic and Disease Defense Center. I think it is unlikely and I agree that countries are unlikely to contribute much in terms of the required reserves globally, without leaving large portions of what they need for their populations ...

 4:46 am CNN special message

 Chen Huang, CNN announcer

 Health organizations make recommendations for travelers:

 Some countries have a poor (safety) level due to the existence of strong foci of infection. As a result, the tourism sector suffers losses - minus 45% of bookings, many flights are canceled. Countries in which the tourism sector is very large suffer losses. Travel bans and trade restrictions have a huge (negative) impact.

 Tom Inglesby, Johns Hopkins University:

 National leaders, business and international organizations are teetering on the brink of a worsening disease that is spreading because people are constantly moving around the world, despite trade bans (they move), otherwise it threatens with huge economic losses.

 Tim Evans, former World Bank Group (World Bank)

 If you think the UN can do all of this, then I'm afraid we are suffering from a delusional disorder about the power of the UN.

 It is very important to force these industries and trade organizations, which are decentralized, but have collective responsibility and accountability, they need to be supported by public leaders.

 Martin Knufel, Lufthansa

 It is important to define the necessary travel and less important, we must clearly define this. Otherwise, if our reservations drop 25% over time, the airlines will go broke.

 Christopher Elias, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

 There are many problems in this highly interdependent world. We have to measure the limit of flexibility to keep things working. I think that only the private sector is capable of doing this. The UN can coordinate, but only manufacturers know how, where and how much, speed (decisions) is important during a crisis.

 George Gao, China, Center for Epidemic and Disease Defense

 At the moment when we need money, where is this money? The state can provide some, the private sector some, but now you need real coordination! Centralization!

 Latoya Abbott, Marriott International (Hospitality)

 Hotels suffer devastating losses due to travel bans ... Hospitality makes 5% of GDP (gross national product)

 Stephen Redd, US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Epidemic and Disease Defense Center.

 Governments must do things that are outside their historical tradition ... we, figuratively speaking, must be on the warpath ...

 Brad Connet, "Henry Shine"

 We must not underestimate the power of entrepreneurship. We need to increase subsidies from governments for production, everything can happen quickly, so a wartime plan is needed ... Martial law that stimulates change very quickly.

 8:14 am CNN special message

 Countries react in very different ways, especially how to manage the overwhelming level of misinformation and misinformation from the Internet. In some cases, Internet shutdowns are done in order to stop panic. Misinformation undermines efforts to control panic during a pandemic.

 Tom Inglesby, Johns Hopkins University:

 How much control over information should be, and who should control, and how you can effectively defeat false information. And what if the false information comes from companies or governments?

 Hasti Taghi, NBC Universal

 I consider it very important that there is a concise and effective communication with all medical organizations where patients are treated and monitored, so that there is no mass panic.

 Matthew Herrington, "Aidelman"

 This is the moment when all social media platforms have to go out and participate in neat lighting, partner in scientifically and medically correct lighting, shove the genie of disinformation back into the bottle - it can be done.

 Lavan Thiru, Responsible Financier of Singapore.

 The thing that we haven’t said yet, and I think the time has come to talk about it, one hundred forceful measures of governments against fake news.

 Jane Hulton, ANZ Bank

 Personally, I don’t think that forceful closure of information resources is practical or desirable. We have several strategies that should work. The first is Floods (information) - relying on trustworthy resources and supplying them with the necessary equipment and facts to broadcast them. And we also need to think about the technological aspects of this

 (*** ambiguity - may mean information suppression technology, without announcing punitive government measures)


 The results of the 201 pandemic were disastrous. 65 million people died in the first 18 months (one and a half years). The epidemic was not big at first and seemed easily suppressed, but then it began to spread in poor areas and giant cities. From that moment on, the pandemic became EXPLOSIVE. Within 6 months, the disease existed in almost every country. The global economy fell. The gross national product fell 11%. Stock exchanges around the world recorded a drop of 20% to 40%. Businesses did not take out loans, banks did not give loans. Everyone hoped to at least survive the storm. Economists have predicted decades of negative effects from the pandemic. The loss of trust in governments and the media could last even longer. We want to ask, "Does it have to be so awful?" ... What can be done to reduce catastrophic losses?

 We believe that you can. Are we, as a global community, ready for the hard work of preparing for a new pandemic?


 Do you think friends, are these people ready to stop themselves without special services and proceedings? Are these people ready for the hard work of PREPARING THE NEW PANDEMIC? 2021,2022,2023 receding into the horizon of eternity?

 There may be some translation inaccuracies and misprints, please treat with understanding.

 Long videos of the same event

 1) PANDEMIC EXERCISE: Medicine (56 minutes)

 2) PANDEMIC EXERCISES: Trade and Travel (34 minutes)

 3) PANDEMIC EXERCISES: Finance (37 minutes)

 4) PANDEMIC EXERCISES: Communication and epilogue (36 minutes)

 5) PANDEMIC EXERCISES: Analysis of EVENT 201 in hot pursuit and conclusion (41 minutes)

 And at the end of this performance in 5 acts, a vision of EVENT 201 from Professor Simon, tortured by YouTube.

 Since we are talking more about the events that took place in New York and the United States 🇺🇸, smoothly moving from literature to statistics, as the author of the material, I make a liner to the first part and state the sad reality: the consequences of these games in the pioneer lightning of elderly idiots, mostly illegal quarantines around the world are obvious and understandable to all professionals. The children did not attend school for months. During this time, the level of domestic violence rose sharply. The economy went downhill. Tens of millions have lost their jobs. Poverty and misery are sweeping America.

 Worst of all, even after the Center's revelations, the national media continue to lie, fanning fear among the population, carrying out an order to fool Americans and hiding the mistakes of the authorities. Are these mistakes? The question is rhetorical.

 It's time for everyone to open their eyes and abandon the flow of lies .. Return to our normal life Friends!

 At the moment, anyone who calls for new blockages and other violations of constitutional freedoms and personal rights is either a villain or a dark and terribly misinformed person.

 We, responsible citizens, have nevertheless rolled these criminals away and can be proud of it. And now the statistical truth, about which few people know in such detailed details or so:

Continuation follows...

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