โณ แ‰ฐ๐‚๐Œ‰เฌ“๐Œต๐‘€‰๊ค•ย โš–๏ธย แ‚ฝ๐Œณ๐…แ‚ฝ ๐ŸŽ™

โณ แ‰ฐ๐‚๐Œ‰เฌ“๐Œต๐‘€‰๊ค•ย โš–๏ธย แ‚ฝ๐Œณ๐…แ‚ฝ ๐ŸŽ™

ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ฯฎษฯŠฦ€ฯ…ฦ–ั”ย ำผ



Biden paid tribute to the half-million Americans who died of coronavirus.

"Today we celebrate a truly gloomy, heartbreaking chapter. 500,071 dead. More Americans died in the year of the pandemic than in World War I, World War II and the Vietnam War."

"We, our country cannot and must not allow this to continue"


โœ… I'm just in shock. What data do you use? Or is it Putin's fiction?ย 

Do you look at your stats? Where are these dead? Who gives you the data?ย 

What are you doing? I give you an automatic account every second!ย 

Which 500.071 died from the crown ๐Ÿ‘‘ ? Who counted? Or have you written everyone down in this article? What war? What's going on in your country?ย 

2020 statsย 

We estimate that by the end of 2020, the population of the United States of America was 332,524,270. In 2020, the population of the United States of America increased by approximately 2,485,194. With the population of the United States of America estimated at 330,039,076 at the beginning of the year, the annual increase was 0.75%.

Below are the key figures for the United States population in 2020:

Born: 4,158,492

Deaths: 2,719,522

Natural increase: 1,438,970

Net migration: 1,046,224

Men: 164,582,719 (estimated as of December 31, 2020)

Women: 167,941,551 (estimated as of December 31, 2020)

The population of the United States of America today in 2021 is an automatic counter.ย 

United States population counter

332 888 576


164 338 252

Male population (49.4%)

168 550 324

Female population (50.6%)

609 596

Born this year

1 213

Born today

398 656

Died this year


Died today

153 367

Migrated this year


Migrated today

364 306

Population growth this year


Population growth today

23-02-2021 02:32:10

Source: UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Population Division External Link.


What's wrong with coronavirus mortality rates?ย 

According to official statistics, the U.S. leads in the number of fatalities, but what do the numbers actually show? Yes this data is the same as stocking on the head from the CDC ... ((((

Genevieve Brian, deputy director of the Master's Program in Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University, has critically analyzed the impact of COVID-19 on U.S. mortality, using data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in her webinar titled "Mortality from COVID-19: A Look at U.S. Data."

From mid-March to mid-September, the total death rate in the United States was 1.7 million, of which 200,000, or 12% of the total number of deaths, are related to COVID-19. Instead of directly investigating COVID-19 deaths, Brian focused on the total number of deaths by age group and cause of death in the U.S. and used this information to shed light on the effects of COVID-19.

She found that the impact of COVID-19 on U.S. mortality can only be fully understood by comparing the total number of deaths in the United States.

After receiving data on the CDC's website, Brian compiled a graph that showed percentages of total age-related deaths from early February to early September, which included the period from when COVID-19 was detected in the U.S. to the time when infection rates rose sharply.


Mortality among age-related people before and after the onset of COVID-19 has not changed โ—๏ธ

Since COVID-19 influenza is considered to mainly affect older people, an increase in the rate of deaths in older age groups is to be expected. But they don't. You understand โ—๏ธ

Even with CDC data, this increase is not visible. In fact, the mortality rate for all age groups remains roughly the same. Then where did you get the deaths equal to the Vietnam War. This is even ethically wrong to do, let alone dry statistics data.ย 

"The reason we have more COVID-19 deaths among older people than young people is because older people simply die in larger numbers every day in the U.S. than young people," Brian said.

And I'll add, the cause of death is coVID -19 and give you distorted data on the table. And that's a crime.ย 

Brian also noted that both before and after COVID-19, 50,000 to 70,000 deaths were reported, indicating that this number of deaths was normal long before COVID-19.ย 

Thus, according to Brian, COVID-19 not only did not affect the mortality rate among the elderly, but also did not increase the total number of deaths โ—๏ธโ—๏ธโ—๏ธโ—๏ธ

How can you not hear that ๐Ÿฆป?ย 

Analysis of the data shows that, unlike the assumptions of most people, the number of deaths from COVID-19 is not a concern. In fact, COVID-19 has little impact on mortality in the United States โ—๏ธโ—๏ธโ—๏ธ

For many, is this a shock?ย 

How is it that this data is so far from your perception?

Brian looked at death rates by cause of death between 2014 and 2020. In 2020, COVID-19 caused a sudden increase in mortality. This is not surprising because COVID-19 appeared in the U.S. in early 2020, and thus the number of COVID-19-related deaths subsequently increased dramatically. Again, the cause is banal, the lie at the cause of death. It's clear to a child. If you have added deaths due to a new attack, then they are above normal. In this case, a simple arithmetic action takes place with a signย 

Analysis of mortality for specific causes in 2018 showed that the seasonal increase in the total number of deaths is the result of an increase in deaths from all causes. The top three "leaders" include heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia.

"This is true for every year. Every year in the U.S., when we see seasonal ups and downs, we have an increase in deaths for all causes," Brian said.

And the increase in the total population in 2020 presented at the beginning of this material someone bothered to count ? Or those that grew up not dying?ย 

Brian also reviewed data for 2020, during this seasonal period, the number of deaths associated with COVID-19 exceeded the number of deaths from heart disease.ย 

This is highly unusual, as heart disease has always been the leading cause of death.ย 

Breen more accurately analyzed this among the dead and found something strange. Brian compared the number of deaths for each of the specific causes during this period from 2018 to 2020 and received instead of the expected sharp increase for all causes there was a significant reduction in deaths from heart disease.ย 

What is even more surprising is that the sudden decline in mortality is observed for all other reasons.

This is 100% manipulation of the data of deaths of U.S. citizens ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ. This is the worst crime of the century.ย 


We see those who have eyes that this trend completely contradicts the pattern observed in all previous years.ย 

You are not confused that, the overall reduction in mortality from other causes almost exactly equals the increase in mortality from COVID-19 !?๏ธ

According to Brian, this suggests that the number of deaths from COVID-19 is deceptive. Brian believes that deaths from heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia could be attributed to COVID-19.ย 


It's not just deceptive. This is a real deception of U.S. citizens ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ, U.S. government ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ, acting U.S. President and Vice President of the United States ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ.

Otherwise, how do you understand these statements of officials about the deaths from COVID-19 in size exceeding the first, second world war and Vietnam war combined? What level do advisers prepare such a match?ย 

What do such statements look like for professionals?!

{{{ย https://t.me/rianovostiAmerica

All about the U.S. from @rian_ru

Biden and Harris and their spouses observed a minute of silence in memory of the 500,000 Americans who died of COVID-19. The southern facade of the White House was decorated with mourning ribbons and candles were placed on the stairs.}}}

All deaths are unrelated to COVID-19, the CDC classified simply as "deaths from COVID-19".ย 

Even patients who die from other major diseases but are considered infected with COVID-19 are considered to have died from COVID-19.ย 

This is the main explanation for why official statistics ๐Ÿ“Š deaths from COVID-19 shows you these 500, 071 thousand . At the same time, mortality from all other diseases decreased by about the same figure.

"All this indicates the lack of evidence that COVID-19 led to excessive mortality. The total number of deaths does not exceed the normal number of deaths. We found no evidence to the contrary," Brian concluded.

In an interview with The News-Letter, Brian raised the question of whether COVID-19 mortality was a misleading indicator because the infection could exacerbate other major diseases and even lead to death from other major diseases.

"If the COVID-19 mortality rate had not been misleading, we would have to see both an increase in heart attacks and an increase in the number of COVID-19. But reducing the number of heart attacks and all other causes of death gives us no choice but to point out some misclassification," Brian said.

In other words, the impact of COVID-19 on mortality in the United States is considered problematic only when it significantly increases the total number of deaths or the true burden of death in addition to expected deaths for other reasons. Since the total number of deaths from all causes before and after COVID-19 remained the same, Brian believes that it is unlikely that coVID-19 deaths are worrying.

Brian also mentioned that more research and new data are needed to reliably decipher the impact of COVID-19 on mortality in the United States.

During the conversation, Brian constantly stressed that COVID-19 is a serious national and global problem. But she also stressed that society should never lose sight of the bigger picture: mortality in general.

Brian explained that the death of a loved one from COVID-19 or other reasons is always tragic. Every life is equally important, and we should be reminded that even in a global pandemic, we must not forget the tragic loss of life for other reasons.

Listen to my dear friends !

In front of your eyes committed and continues the crime of the century, Breen quite calmly speaks about it.ย Officials do not want to understand the prepared speechwriter speeches and pronounce to a huge audience of the U.S. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ and the world frightening statements, exposing a comparative visualization of the dead in 2020 for various reasons of people, with terrible wars and the death of American soldiers heroes. This, It is blasphemy and real life in the parallel reality of a huge country!!ย 

How can that be? Or I do not understand something in the intricacies of directing this drama !ย 

Then lock me up immediately wherever you can.ย 

I don't want to have anything to do with this state of affairs.ย 

The sources of information I use that block this whole crazy year:ย 

According to Brian, over-exaggeration of coVID-19 deaths may be due to the constant emphasis on COVID-19-related deaths and the habitual disregard for deaths from other natural causes in society.

In an interview with The News-Letter after the webinar "Death from COVID-19: A Look at U.S. Data," Purna Dharmasena, a Ph.D. candidate in applied economics, offered his opinion on Brian's closing remarks. "At the end of the day, it's still a deadly virus. And there is an exaggeration or not, to a certain extent it does not matter," Dharmasena said.

When asked whether the public should be informed of this exaggeration of the mortality rate, Dharmasena said that people have a right to know the truth. However, COVID-19 should be constantly considered as a deadly disease to protect a vulnerable population.

News-Letter Editor's Note: Following the publication of this article in News-Letter, our attention was drawn to the fact that our coverage of Genevieve Brian's presentation "Mortality from COVID-19: A Look at U.S. Data" was used to confirm dangerous inaccuracies that minimize the impact of the pandemic.

On November 26, we decided to withdraw this article to stop the spread of misinformation that we noted on social networks. However, we, as journalists, have a responsibility to provide historical information. We decided to remove the article from our website, but it is available here in PDF format.

Written by Yanni Gu - YANNI GU - is studying at Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA).

Translated by Sergei Dukhanov.



The brazen lies and audacity of criminals are manipulators that American society and the new U.S. authorities are unable to cope with. It will go down in the history of the country and the world as the worst year of the 21st century . It is not even necessary to touch the memory of people who gave the most valuable, their young life for the material state of today's America, unfortunately did not preserve morality and elementary honor.ย 

Thank you for it.

ฯ’๐”ฌ๐”ฒ๐”ฏ ๐”๐”ฌ๐”จ๐”ข๐”ฏ ๐Ÿƒ

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