State biological and agricultural terrorists in the administration of the President of the United States 

State biological and agricultural terrorists in the administration of the President of the United States 

Bureau Tribule 


All the unappliatory statements of the Tribule Bureau have quite weighty arguments. You can get acquainted with them in the telegram channel _ Tribule Says_, you can ask questions, you can arrange a press conference on my terms, you can summon to court, here you can do whatever you want for your money 💰

We affirm today: the administration of the White House of Joe Biden and his colorful company of, lesbians and trances, selected precisely for these qualities, are people engaged intentionally in state biological and agricultural terrorism and deliberately destroying the US state. By the way, this concept is in Wikipedia, and their subordinate Soviet terrorist Ethiopian WHO sitting in Geneva, does not work well, he still has not removed this concept from Wikipedia, nor has he removed the concept of agricultural terrorism. This is exactly what the one-party bourgeois dictatorship of the us island is doing with two competing false factions in the house of the circus under the dome – the US Congress. Julius Nyerere, a Tanzanian anti-colonial leader, put it best: "The U.S. is a one-party state, but with a typicalLy American extreme, it has two."

We will only add briefly: in the decades following World War II, the Republican and Democratic parties have grown closer together, intensifying economic exploitation, brutality, and war to defend their disintegrating empire. 

And the statement that both of these parties steadily moved to the right is erroneous, here it is important to understand the meaning of the terms and hints right - left: the right is a hint of fascism, and the left is a hint of communism.

Both have the right to be and this is true. 

Perhaps we will now amaze so many readers, but right and left are one and the same, in our statement fascism = communism and communism = fascism. These two misanthropic ideologies are identical in theory and practice. And the two U.S. parties have embarked on a path of betrayal of U.S. national interests and are playing the same stupid terrorist game and carrying out a coup d'état in the U.S. Trump is the Kremlin's red-haired dumb animal and Putin's puppet launched this lie of the Beijing virus in the US together with Putin, Biden is a clinical idiot, the greatest marasmatic in US history, a communist to the core, a madman who has survived from his mind and a state terrorist continues this mega lie already practically killing his own citizens by the millions, all the elements of genocide on the face or ass we will now put on, who is more comfortable there and put it on. Mega lies and falsifications, civil terror against U.S. citizens. All these defendants, who have been pushing the current agenda with a false epidemic, rags on the face, injections and other lies and game for more than two years, are state and war criminals of the United States and the world. Dot. 

An article written by the great commander Joe Biden in 1992 shows how he swore allegiance to the New World Order system.

In the Wall Street Journal, titled "How I Learned to Love the New World Order," Biden, then a senator from Delaware, explained his plans to cede America's sovereignty to the United Nations and create a one-world government by "breathing life into the UN Charter."

Be prepared and make a plan. This may not happen this year or even next year, but no one makes plans for no reason, especially since such plans are aimed at forcing people to quarantine camps, and de facto to concentration camps.

In Canada, and perhaps elsewhere, the UN is preparing a free "distribution of medicines" in the form of military treatment and forced potion drills?! 

Not having time to work for a year in his new capacity, the "Biden team" has grown unprecedented for modern United States corruption and nepotism. Government posts, like Christmas gifts, flew from Biden into the hands of his relatives and drinking buddies from his favorite golf club. It is kinship or friendship that has become the determining criterion for appointment in the administration of the President of the United States. Here is just a short list of people to whom Joy gave high government positions.

The wife of Sullivan's assistant to the president for national security, M. Goodlnder, became an adviser to the Minister of Justice, and her younger brother Tom, certainly for his high achievements, took the post of Deputy Secretary of State. Oh yes, Tom's wife, Rose, became nothing less than deputy health secretary. One can only be pleased with John Sullivan, who has such talented relatives. But we won't be admired because Sallivan alone in the Biden administration.

Misinformation is a process in which people themselves isolate themselves and unconsciously participate in information or physical violence, self-isolate from their past, from each other and from participating in events in the present moment.

The weapons of the Communists have always been and remain well known – they are massive disinformation. The communist seizure of power by the left in the United States is extremely dangerous and it has so far succeeded. There is a systematic unconstitutional seizure of US power in all directions and positions. The plan is quite clear and clear – the creation of a new large prison of peoples (USA + Canada) on the American continent. They use multi-vector tactics of distractions in the information agenda 24/7 of the American media mouthpieces captured by them, creating a lot of distractions. Their main goal is to confuse people and the professional composition of investigators, to distract a large number of people and people's attention from the main events and from the truth. They try to shift attention from their evil to false narrative by creating fake scenarios that require a great emotional response. 

Here are the main tricks of war criminals inside the United States 🇺🇸 

🚩The struggle for the "rights" to abortion provokes an emotional reaction of the female part of the population and their rights; 

🚩Putin's war, with whom they are in cahoots with the NWO, over his actions in Ukraine. By the way, all these songs Boris Johnson with Ukrainian children, this is also a distraction and work on feelings of pity. The theme is selected 100%, try to accuse him of this. Not everyone can, but we can and Borya will stick his tongue in Barry's warm ass and they both won't stick him out of there and know well why they won't stick it out. That's how you stand with your tongue in your ass. In some ways, this provokes an emotional reaction that requires more government intervention, while ignoring their true insidious goals, at home, in the Oval Office itself, the U.S. and other administrations of the world's capitals. For the U.S., it's a plan to eliminate the state and destroy the U.S. from within, through the creation of hyperinflation, food shortages, a very serous balance of payments problem, and a collapse of the dollar 💵. Under this sauce of collapse, created by themselves of the crisis, they will try to switch to the digital currency of the Central Bank. As soon as this happens, a cascade of other processes, outright terror and political seizure of power in the United States will immediately begin; 

🚩 Here they are for the picture inspiring a surge in shootings inside the country and this causes people to focus on violence, so they cause an emotional reaction that supposedly requires more "gun control" and attempts to disarm the population; 

🚩 [Monkeypox and COVID19] is a 100% special operation. A well-designed and executed special operation of lies, in doing so they induce fear intentionally and cause people to focus on fear, provoking an emotional reaction that requires additional "state protection" and censorship against anyone who opposes their fake science; 

🚩Their eternal lamentations about "racism", in fact they divide people and cause an emotional reaction, in fact they seek to silenc more the truth through political correctness and social justice. By the way, black lesbian or faggot, we haven't checked there yet between his legs, in the person of the press secretary of the orderly and war criminal Joe, this is a candidate from the same clip, so that this stupid fuck does not strongly act as dumb as it, this is a small curly monster, children foolish journalists from the audience; 

🚩 The attack on the US Congress on January 6 is also a special operation of the left communists. The special operation and the murder of false Floyd, as well as the special operation and pogroms of US cities for the candidacy for Kamala, this topic also greatly distracted people and created an emotional reaction, this also prevented people from understanding that the 2020 elections are very powerfully falsified; 

🚩The CIA's discussions about UFOs make people focus on their Mega Lies and at the same time prevent people from realizing that right in front of their eyes is the WHO plan to take over all the institutions and constitution of the United States with one signature under the false pandemic treaty and deprive all other nation-states of sovereignty and subjectivity. 

🚩Inflation, food shortages, gasoline ⛽️ prices, diesel fuel for carriers, gas prices and generally price increases all depend on many factors. The price tag makes people fight for their pocket and survival. By doing so, they create an emotional reaction to their ability to increase state aid and steal budgets at all levels, from federal to local, the same money is used to bribe the media and other civil servants, de facto also criminals. So at public expense, they create their own terrorist network. And the whole situation is in the complex. 

makes an increasing number of U.S. and European populations dependent on government handouts. They're vile bastards, they wish us harm. Well, yes, for people who do not have special knowledge and training, perhaps they are good at all this and create distractions. But our special knowledge of their NWO plan and ultimate goals gives us a very big advantage and we all see and read their moves as an open book called A Handbook on State Terrorism. Knowledge of sociology and a number of other special knowledge gives us an unconditional and very greater advantage. The enemy continues to attack, but they have forgotten one important thing: We and our God of Truth have already won this war. Satan knows that God has already won, but this does not prevent him from trembling lying and sowing evil. Stay focused on the truth. We're winning this war, otherwise they wouldn't be trying to change the narrative so much. In a sea of disinformation, only the truth is our common great advantage and the only true companion against enemy tactics. Everyone understands why America is important, the United States 🇺🇸 will collapse and Europe will collapse, the whole world will collapse sliding into the abyss of totalitarianism. Everything is tied to New York and Washington, it is here that state terrorists sit and all evil is held here. Well, Brussels and Geneva. Be strong and keep fighting the distractions of lying! 

As a result of such actions, information is distorted. As a result, the population has a false impression and impression of the current state of affairs. All this leads to inaction and a radical change in life attitudes.

Spreading false information and misleading through incomplete information, or complete but unnecessary information, as well as distorting its context is the goal of misinformation and disorming.

Let's analyze in detail what misinformation and misinformation are.

Disinformation (French des - denial, information - message) - a concept used in the social sciences - is a distorted reflection of various aspects of social reality, the process of spreading such distorted messages. 

There are two types of Disinformation:

The first is unintentional Misinformation. This type is of an objective nature and is explained by the lack of facts, figures and other incorrect assessments of certain events, phenomena. 

The second type of Disinfection - conscious Misinformation - is the result of a conscious perversion of various aspects of social reality for manipulative and other purposes. 

Misinformation, therefore, is a product of human activity, an attempt to create a false impression and, accordingly, to push for the desired actions and / or inaction.

A disinformer is someone who intentionally or accidentally communicates distorted or knowingly false information. 

The disinformer uses the following methods: 

🚩misleading a particular person or group of persons (including an entire nation);

🚩manipulation (actions of one person or group of persons);

🚩creation of public opinion regarding some problem or object.

Misleading is nothing more than outright deception, the provision of false information. 

Misinformation is a way of influencing directly at changing the direction of people's activity.

There are the following levels of misinformation:

🚩strengthening the values existing in the minds of people that are beneficial to the disinformer (ideas, attitudes ...);

🚩partial or complete change of views on a particular event or circumstance;

🚩a radical change in the life attitudes of the opponent of the disinformer.

The disinformer creates a false, distorted, negative public opinion on a problem defined by himself.

When disinforming, the following actions are used:

🚩denigrating all the good that your opponent has;

🚩involvement of friends, relatives and relatives of the opponent in misconduct;

🚩undermining the prestige of the opponent and exposing the public at the right time to shame;

🚩the use of cooperation between enemies of the opponent and even the most vile and vile people;

🚩inciting quarrels and clashes with the opponent in his social circle;

🚩incitement of young people against the opponent;

🚩obstruction by all means of the opponent's activities;

🚩constraining the will of the opponent and involving him in meaningless actions;

🚩creating conditions for the moral decay of the opponent;

🚩generosity on offers and gifts for the purchase of information and accomplices, without saving either on money or on promises, direct bribery and bribes.

🚩blackmail and intimidate, bribery and even physical influence on the opponent;

🚩individual influence and imposition of goals alien to the opponent;

🚩spreading rumors, gossip and distorting the facts of information and reality.

🚩imposing emotional perceptions on the opponent that are beneficial to the disinformer.

These methods allow the disinformer to change the assessment of what is happening on the opponent's environment, develop defeatist moods, and, in the future, ensure the transition to the side of the disinformer of leading information influences. 

In the interests of the disinformer, a variety of information platforms are used: print press, television, radio, the Internet, scientific journals and even hacker attacks.

It's often unclear where the truth ends and the misinformation begins. Information is often interpreted to fit your worldview, influence your opinion, or lead to concrete results. When information comes from somewhere, it is difficult to catch it - there are usually too many things that prevent you from understanding what is happening. And people lose the "golden thread" of the essence of the issue or attention to what is happening. Half-truths and misinformation are created precisely to disorient people. They know something, they discuss what is what, but again and again they do not catch the essence. Shortened or distorting information, even if it was created with good intentions, in the end only increases the amount of misinformation capable of self-reproduction.

Use a rich arsenal 

all kinds of disinformation, ranging from open incitement to violence and the dissemination of false information designed to hurt the emotional strings in the souls of people, and ending with the deliberate distortion of information for the formation of public opinion. 

The disinformer often believes that he alone has the right to develop decisions and be responsible for them, and everyone else takes part in this process as viewers and conciliators.

The addressee of disinformation

Disinformation is not just about the source of lies, inaccurate information, and technology. The information process assumes the presence of both the sender and the addressee. Everyone is in the news, many are sitting – they are exciting, confusing from running monkeys across countries and continents, and already seem boring to us or deprive us of hope to meet with monkeys in person and negotiate with them. 

And if society wants to solve the problem of misinformation, then first you need to look at how you collect, sort and use information.

The target of misinformation is your emotions, limited knowledge, conscientiousness and inability to select information, as well as a tendency to believe everything that most corresponds to your personal professional and collective experience, your emotional preferences. This tactic exploits the desire to preserve one's privileges, for which people are willing to accept anything. Misinformation is used to slander, discredit the addressee, arouse suspicion and hatred towards him, increase disloyalty or indifference, dismantle old wounds and arouse a thirst for revenge. 

Therefore, any information can easily turn into disinformation if it is uncritically absorbed and also uncritically evaluated, based on the only principle - "this is a lie or the truth, depending on whether it convinces you (once again) of the correctness of your only correct point of view." 

Arlene Odergon writes: 

"The Austrian scholar Karl Kraus wrote: "First someone tells a lie or distorts information. The scale of misinformation then grows rapidly, and it becomes the starting point for building analyses and comments. When lies are ingrained in the minds of society, any expression of dissent or doubt can be perceived as a conspiracy, radicalism, or lies. If the lie can be exposed, it is seen as a single phenomenon that does not call into question all other interrelated facts. Misinformation is becoming the norm. And the truth is a kind of "collateral damage."

Misinformation and Our Cognitive Schemas

To somehow cope with misinformation, we as a person need to better understand the psychological mechanisms of this phenomenon. We easily believe what we are told if it meets our expectations, perceptions, and ideals. In process-oriented psychology, the concept of "boundary" (18), or perimeter, identity determines our perception of ourselves, the events that can happen, and our picture of the world. This "boundary" of identity determines internal beliefs and external landmarks. Beliefs are formed in the process of acquiring personal and collective experience, in the process of our communication with parents and teachers, religious figures, representatives of political ideologies or "experts". Boundaries determine our perception and consciousness, what information we are able to absorb and what passes through our filters, how we absorb information, what place we allocate for it, as well as how much we value this information and how we react to it.

Our internal "government" perceives information, interprets it, and sort of breaks it down into "files." Some messages we mark for ourselves as especially important, others as less important, and the rest as having come to us by mistake or do not matter at all. We sift through and organize information according to our ideals and belief system. We readily 'swallow' misinformation when it fits these internal guidelines." Unnoticed and easily digested, it carries poison. In this case, the addressee does not suspect that the reason was fabricated. The authors of disinformation not only successfully lied, but also reinforced future ignorance, creating the basis for further lies and new waves of misinformation. When a narrative of the current state of affairs threatens an established belief system or calls into question our own position, we gladly accept misinformation that can once again strengthen our faith. Misinformation is often exactly what we want to hear, so it's pretty easy to slip it to us. In order for fabricated information to look true, you do not need to make special efforts. Oddly enough, it is much more difficult to convey the truth to the addressee if it contradicts some myth or ideal based on internal beliefs and external guidelines.

Misinformation and ideals

We desperately swallow misinformation as our sincere ideals and dreams are at stake. We can't just give up our idealistic perspectives in order to look at things more clearly. Ideals make us human, give us purpose, give us a connection to values and forces that are beyond individual destinies. The less aware we are of our ideals, the easier it is to use them to sweeten the disinformation pill for us. Being aware of your ideals means doing everything you can to live up to them, not just putting yourself to sleep with them. Discussion in society often encourages us to adopt a certain point of view instead of carrying out a balanced interaction. Our problem is that we do not sufficiently differentiate and analyze our views. We stop halfway, supporting the conflict, instead of thoughtfully discussing the differences that have arisen. In this sense, "misinformation" tends to reinforce itself. Our curiosity, communication and discussion do not achieve the goal if we do not take into account the internal rules that govern our perception of information and our emotional reactions. When we are informed minimally or unilaterally, we are exposed to misinformation, which makes our position even more radical. If we are not interested in the deepest feelings that govern our perceptions and reactions, we are not able to realize and express our views when communicating with others. Until we fully trust our own perception, we paradoxically remain attached to it, losing the ability to fully reflect.

Misinformation is not just about someone misleading us. Misinformation is a process in which we often isolate ourselves and unconsciously engage in violence. We isolate ourselves from our past, from each other, and from participating in world events in the present moment. Disinformation tends to reproduce itself ad infinitum. To begin exposing it, a process is needed on a broad public scale, something like the Truth Commission, which would help humanity get out of its stories. To do this, we will need more than information. We need access to each other in our hearts, in personal relationships, and in the community.

To distinguish truthful information from misinformation, we need personal group awareness. Process-oriented psychotherapy, developed by Arnold Mindell, allows a unique combination of individual and group work. Through the awareness of one's perception, reactions and features of communication, as well as the polarization of roles and ghosts in the system, one can understand the mechanism of systemic interactions at the intrapersonal level, in interpersonal relations and in the community. As we begin to understand the process of interaction at the intrapersonal level, we are freed up, and it becomes easier for us to communicate with the outside world. We can also have the experience of interacting with a certain field that predetermines and includes this or that conflict. Focusing on the inner world does not replace work outside, but rather makes it possible. In this way, we are able to actively resolve conflicts both in our inner lives and in interpersonal relationships and in the life of society, rather than suffering by reproducing them again and again.

Arlene Odergon. "Hotel "War". Psychological Dynamics of Armed Conflicts" 

Not all the theses of the analytical Bureau Tribule can share with the author, however, his view is quite qualitative and clearly offers us a set of prerequisites for the latest Mega crime of the White House administration. 

         What's behind the terror?

        Attention to human rights

Human rights violations often go unnoticed or do not cause a noticeable protest in society. One of the reasons for this is this: we do not fully understand that violations occur systematically, do not understand their meaning and possible consequences. We tend to believe that the restriction of civil liberties is permissible as a last resort in a special situation, and at the end of this situation we hope for a speedy return to a quiet life. But we need to look at things from a broader perspective and see the hidden currents, linking together disparate facts and red flags.

As UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson stressed that human rights violations are harbingers of armed conflict. In her opinion, by responding to human rights violations in a timely manner, large-scale armed clashes can be prevented. Where human rights are violated and there is a persistent practice of violent control, an escalation of conflict is inevitable. If human rights violations are observed somewhere, it means that an even greater number of such violations go unnoticed, deliberately hide and do not come to the surface. These violations are often systematic, organized and explicitly or implicitly sanctioned by the Government.

When our inalienable rights are not threatened, we want it to always be so. We want intelligence services to work effectively to protect our security and freedom. Those of us who have survived the threat of life and terror know what it means not to be able to seek help from the authorities. The primary task and responsibility of the Government is to safeguard our security and to protect fundamental human rights. The main purpose of international law and law enforcement organizations is to facilitate this process and to inform the public about all cases of non-compliance with this requirement.

International law clearly distinguishes the struggle between States from situations where a State commits war crimes or crimes against humanity, for example, by resorting to intimidation tactics against civilians, including its own citizens. Although war is not humane, notions of international law have contributed significantly to the development of ethical and legislative frameworks for the protection of individual human rights in wars around the world, as well as the rights of civilians the rest of the time.

In 1945, in the wake of the horrific atrocities of the Nazi regime, the Nuremberg Tribunal defined crimes against humanity as systematic crimes against the civilian population, which can be tried anywhere in the world, regardless of the country in which the atrocities were committed. In 1948, the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which formed the basis of all subsequent developments on human rights and has since been increasingly integrated into national and international ethical and legal norms. The 1948 Genocide Convention and the 1949 Geneva Convention clearly delineated the rules of war between States and crimes against humanity.

Although the issue of human rights was increasingly becoming a public focus, human rights violations continued and armed conflicts continued unabated. Organizations such as Amnesty International, the World Organization against Torture and Human Rights Watch, together with the UN Commission on Human Rights, continuously monitor human rights violations around the world and seek to respond adequately to such incidents by sensitizing them to the public. Human rights activities include informing the general public about violations of human rights and international law. People also need to know how their own behaviour and emotions contribute to the use of terror and human rights violations that lead to armed conflict.

U.S. vs. International Law

The United States, as the only superpower in the modern world, seems to take the position that it does not care about international law and international human rights treaties— it places itself above international institutions.

Since September 11, 2001, this situation has been of growing concern in broad quarters in connection with the unilateral actions of the United States and the rhetoric about the "war on terror". Little by little, the US is trying to undermine the authority of the International Criminal Court by ensuring impunity for its citizens. They demand that any United States citizen accused of crimes under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (World Court) be returned to the country without any obligation on the part of the United States courts in respect of that person and without any consequences for him in the event that the American court fails to cope with its duties. Under the threat of denial of material assistance, the United States tried to put pressure on a number of countries to sign bilateral agreements designed to ensure such immunity. Among European countries, such pressure was exerted on Romania, Georgia, Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro. In an address to European countries, the European Union demanded that such agreements not be signed and adhere to EU principles, with the result that the Bush administration accused the EU of "discrediting all 'their' efforts to improve and restore transatlantic ties" .

Thus, using its military and economic power, the US can demand and ensure impunity for itself, which raises far-reaching concerns about the protection of human rights. The purpose of international law is to draw global attention to situations in which States unlawfully use force against their own nationals or aliens, and then to ensure impunity for those involved in it in their own territory. With unmatched power, the United States demands similar impunity in all countries of the world. Other countries, in case of their disagreement, are declared dissidents and can no longer count on compliance with international conventions on the conduct of war and human rights.

International human rights groups and the UN Commission on Human Rights have repeatedly alleged serious violations in connection with the detention of hundreds of people without formal charge or trial at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay. Among the prisoners there are children who were declared "enemy militants" . The "war on terror" has created such an atmosphere in society that many Americans accept the justification of such a state of affairs in exceptional circumstances. However, as we have seen, this is still the same age-old tactic of state terror, in which the instability of the situation is used to suppress civil liberties. None of the detainees in Guantánamo Bay were given the opportunity to speak in court, to meet with lawyers or relatives. No case has been submitted to the "competent tribunal", as required by the Geneva Convention. People were denied external monitoring of court procedures, and cases were decided to be considered in a military court. There are suspicions of the existence of death chambers there .


Looking back at the brutality and massive violations of human rights that have been committed throughout the past century and past decades, we may think that we cannot prevent violence at such an extreme scale of the problem. This scale is monstrous. We don't know where to start. Perhaps we are not interested enough, we do not know much, we are deceived, we are not confident in our abilities, we are busy, we would like to help, but we do not know what is required of us. On the other hand, we are constrained by the fear that some of the tactics of terror will be used against ourselves.

Where does the mindset that allows us to strive for superiority at all costs, torturing people to bend to our will, and to compile guidelines for practicing this? Preferring to think that this is some kind of monster living outside of us, some terrible ruler of a terrible, war-torn country, we only turn away from ourselves and from the real violence in this world. It is more comfortable for us to stay in a fairy-tale world, where the Scarecrow is waiting for us around every corner. We suffer in an atmosphere of suppression, we rebel against her, and at the same time we like her tremendously. Accustomed to a forceful view of the world, we limit the breadth of our thinking and feeling.

When we disagree with the generally accepted opinion, it can be difficult for us to express our point of view even in the company of friends, and it is a hundred times harder to do so in an organization, community or country. We learn to ignore our desire to change something. By the time such things reach our consciousness, we are already losing our temper and start rebelling, and this is the flip side of the same coin. It is very easy to distract us from our own immediate interests, which are to listen carefully to the deepest, barely noticeable sensations and impressions, as well as to realize our absolute ability to maintain a wide variety of opinions and constructive interaction between them. If we do not use our gift to combine contradictory experiences, we become slaves to a single mood, one faith or idea and as a result lose a healthy reflection and meaning of what is happening.

Repression and freedom of thought

Many people from Russia and those Eastern Bloc countries that were under the influence of the Soviet Union, such as the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Poland and Bulgaria, told me about their experiences: they felt that not only could they not speak freely, but over time, as they got used to the system, they began to notice that they could not think freely. I will always remember the story of a Russian who spoke about this process with sobering frankness. He gave a very detailed and thorough description of the dynamics of the decline in awareness, how the repressive system absorbs the human soul. He described the loss of the ability to think freely with such extraordinary liveliness that a couple of hundred listeners sat frozen on the edge of their chairs.

Such an accurate, detailed description of the process of loss of free thinking was in itself paradoxical and enlightening. Although he spoke of the loss of free thinking in Russia, his own comments pointed to an uncanny capacity for creative thinking. It seemed to tell not only about people from former socialist countries, but also about residents of many other parts of the world. In many states, we are accustomed to taking freedom of expression for granted and do not notice the gradual degradation of our ability to ask questions and think deeply about something. The reasons for this situation are rooted in our privileged position, which is why we do not want or are not interested in understanding the huge flow of information (and misinformation).

      Internalized suppression

The feminist movement has become a global phenomenon associated with the awakening from a collective trance, an unconditional belief that a woman's opinion should not be taken into account, her existence does not matter and she herself is someone's property. The women's movement was led by women themselves. This seems self-evident, but still the idea that the oppressed must free themselves is very important and fruitful. Liberation is not only about getting rid of the oppressor, but also involves the awareness of the oppressor within oneself. The process of knowing the inner oppressor in all its aspects can be very scary, painful, but necessarily brings liberation, since a person can no longer remain in the unconscious prison of his mind and heart. South African activist Steve Biko, who was destroyed by the apartheid regime, said: "The most powerful weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the consciousness of the oppressed."

Inner suppression occurs when an individual or group of people is attached to the voice of the oppressor sounding in their own soul – such an oppressor never leaves his victims alone. The oppressors acquire an ally who not only spies on the oppressed, but also lives in their minds. Internal suppression provokes a fierce protest both against the oppressor and against oneself.

We need to understand how internal power operates in each of us – we need to observe our reactions, to understand when this power reduces our motivation to stay informed or intervene in what is happening. Perhaps it also makes us feel isolated or cut off from any essential aspects of the inner and outer world. It dulls our creativity and desire to make personal connections. It paralyzes our curiosity. She invites us to relax, take advantage of the situation, have fun to the fullest. She tells us that we are stupid or other people are stupid. It calls into question our right to doubt or delve into a discussion of what is happening. A German proverb says, "Schuster, bleib bei Deinen Leisten" ("Shoemaker, take care of your soles"), urging us not to think about things that go beyond our social standing. This specter calls into question the education, gender, class, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic origin, cultural heritage and age of each individual. It guards our emotional stability, mood, mental health and loyalty.

     The Right to Dream and Diversity

Inner repression violates our freedom of expression even before we have time to pay attention to it. This leads to a loss of integrity and the spread of a chronic background of moderate depression. Depression helps us adapt to our situation, to feel helpless against human rights abuses in our communities and around the world. What we accept as the norm may be a type of moderate chronic depression. We do not notice how immersed we are in the dynamics of violent repression, regardless of whether we are trying to adapt, bend it to our will or protest, whether we feel insulted, humiliated, frightened, unnecessary, or strong and confident.

An unprecedented achievement can be called the knowledge of the limitations of this worldview instead of preferring a primitive picture of the world. We have had the opportunity to observe how such a picture of the world, where one side dominates the other, is supported by intimidation tactics that have a psychological and moral impact. Such a worldview affects political and economic events, the media and the entire field of interaction in our team – social and personal relations.

Whether we belong to an oppressed or dominant group, or identify with both sides of this interaction, some part of our personality continues to be aware of the imperfections of the situation and seeks to part with a worldview in which someone dominates someone. In this way we can discover the spirituality and richness of the inner and outer world.


I liked the film "The Truman Show" - american cinema of the late 90s of the last century, dedicated to the difficulties of overcoming the boundaries of our narrow worldview. Truman lived on the television show he was born and raised on, and the world watched his life like we follow the characters in a television series. But one day he began to suspect that he lived in a strange world, and began to listen to his inner impulses and the voice of the heart, which brought him too close to the boundaries of his television world.

In order not to spoil the TV show, others decided to stop it in any way possible. At first, he was encouraged to return to his daily business, then lies and misinformation were used, including fabricated news reports designed to explain the anomalies that he was able to detect around, and then he was deceived by his best (television) friend. He increasingly had to deal with terror tactics, and eventually he made a "death walk" across the sea in a terrible storm, which, according to the scenario, was supposed to return him to the shore, and then kill him.

The producer preferred to see him dead rather than aware, or, to use a milder interpretation, it was in the producer's best interest to stop him at all costs, and the task of the television character was to overcome the limitations of his old television personality, risking everything in order to become a real person and be on the other side of the scenery. His flat character was bound to become alive. As a result, the entire audience of the television show as one warmly supported the success of its dramatic event. What seemed to be a horizon was actually a wall with clouds painted on it on the edge of the set. And there was a door in it. When Truman got to it, he just opened it and walked out.

As it was all broadcast live, there was an explosion of applause, and on that cheerful and moralizing note, viewers began to switch channels.

The Ghost of Terror: Real and Ghostly Roles

In an unyielding, protracted conflict, terror encompasses the system as a whole. Everyone feels like an object of terror, and in the other he sees an oppressor. The system begins to work on the principle of endless resistance to the oppressor. Since no one wants to identify with the oppressor, the figure of the oppressor turns into a kind of ghost . This ghost cannot be localized by associating it with any region, group of people or individual. It's literally everywhere. Both sides of the conflict are suffering from terror. And the ghost itself has settled on the boundaries of our worldview, reliably strengthening them with its presence.

In conflict situations, it is useful to clearly differentiate the positions of the opposing parties. In the forum, positions can be designated as two places in the room from which representatives of both sides will speak. This method helps people observe and participate in the interaction of both parties, and not just feel involved in the conflict. The concept of "roles" introduced by Arnold Mindell helps deepen this interaction . A role is more than an individual's point of view. Any role requires many points of view that would allow it to fully incarnate and differentiate. However, personality is also more than a role. As you express your opinion within one of the roles, you may discover in yourself the features of another role and you may have the desire to move to another position at least for a second.

Roles can be thought of as nodal points in the hidden structure of a conflict. The roles have an archetypal nature: the oppressor and the oppressed, the self and the alien, the ghosts exorcising and summoning . I prefer to define the interaction of roles as a "deep structure" that manifests itself again and again regardless of the changing content. When each of the parties has experienced violence from the enemy, the resolution of the conflict requires serious work not only with the consequences of violence that took place in the relations of various groups at certain points in history, with the identification of responsible parties, but also with the hidden structure of the conflict between the oppressor and the oppressed, which reproduces itself again and again in history. The roles remain the same, only the people who perform them change . 

The Group Process: Terror, Isolation, and Society

Arlene Odergon. "Hotel "War". Psychological Dynamics of Armed Conflicts"

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