Battle of Ideas 💡 

Battle of Ideas 💡 

Communism is hatred, lies and stupidity 

Modern communists want to achieve commonality through the outwardly mechanical, coercive organization of society.  But the very idea of a commune, a community of people, that is, communism in the deep sense of the word is a great and eternal dream of mankind.

Tragically, materialistic communism is easier to implement than Christian communism. Materialistic communism can be tried to be realized through violence and coercion, regardless of the spiritual freedom of people and their sinfulness. In this way it is impossible to achieve spiritual community, but it is possible to create a new organization of society. Christianity, on the other side, recognizes spiritual freedom and therefore cannot believe in the violent organization of the community. When Christianity tried to organize a community like a medieval theocracy, ignoring freedom, it failed, and the plan was doomed to failure. Christianity recognizes the value of the human person and cannot organize a society that humiliates and denies the individual. Materialistic communism denies the value and significance of the human person. And this makes the task very easy for him. When communists accuse Christianity of not realizing itself in life and not bringing deliverance to mankind from evil and suffering, they do not see and understand the most important thing - the freedom of the human spirit, the impossibility externally and mechanically, to forcibly organize a perfect society and destroy sin. 

It was the bourgeois ideology that gave birth to capitalism that was optimistic and believed in the natural harmony arising from the play of private interests. Communism, and perhaps world communism, will be possible not because of the sinlessness of human nature, but precisely because of its sinfulness. And society will be radically rearranged by the forces of sin itself, if the truth does not want to rearrange it. Utopias are far more feasible than has been thought so far. Utopia can be perfectly carried out by sin itself. But the blame and responsibility for the evil that will come from here will lie with the "good" turned into rhetoric, and with the "good" who knew how to judge others, but lost the ability to judge themselves. Communism in its sinister and godless image is the fate of "Christian" societies and at the same time a reminder, a judgment that these societies did not want to make on themselves and which will be made over them. Communism, both as a theory and as a practice, is not only a social, but also a spiritual and religious phenomenon. And communism is as terrible as a religion. As a religion, he is the opposite of Christianity and wants to replace it. As a social system, communism could be religiously neutral. Like religion, communism brings with it a holistic attitude to life, solves all the basic questions of life, claims to give meaning to everything, has its own dogmas and its dogmatic morality, publishes its catechisms, even has the rudiments of its cult, it captures the whole soul and causes enthusiasm and sacrifice. Communism, unlike most political parties, does not recognize secularized, separate from the holistic worldview of politics. In the inhuman activity of communism, we meet as if with the switching of energy accumulated in the human soul by a long religious process. To serve the godless and anti-Christian idea of communism is the religious energy of the soul. If the Communists had succeeded in finally wringing religious feeling, faith and willingness to sacrifice from the human soul in the name of their faith through anti-religious propaganda, they would have made faith in communism impossible, they would have undermined their own existence and no one would have wished to make sacrifices in the name of the communist idea. Similarly, in the name of the anti-Christian idea, they use the Christian formation of the soul, the Christian ability to believe and to sacrifice. It is with sorrow that we have to admit that the Christians themselves of the bourgeois period of history have found much less energy and sacrifice than the Communists. The images of great saints and ascetics were abolished in the distant past. Christianity experienced a non-heroic, decadent period and thus prepared the successes of communism. Theoretically, communism is Marxism. Marxism is the obligatory symbolism of the Communist Party. 

Marx believes that the material economic process through the struggle of opposing forces will lead to the triumph of meaning, reason, logos, to the kingdom of freedom, to order, to the victory over necessity generated by spontaneous, irrational natural forces. This is a mad faith, for it remains incomprehensible why the spontaneous material economic process will not lead to the triumph of ultimate nonsense, slavery and darkness. The spontaneous material process itself is irrational and there can be no triumph of reason. But Marx sees a perfect communist society ahead, which will be the very embodied reason, justice and order, there will be nothing irrational, nothing unjust in it, life will be finally rationalized, panlogism will triumph. In Marx we find an amazing combination of thrill and consciousness of the fierce struggle of demonic irrational, polar forces in history, reminiscent of the rage of polar forces that Boehme saw in cosmic life, with an absolute conviction in the victory of reason, meaning, justice, order, organization in social life. It is attracted by this incomprehensible combination of demonic social irrationalism with social panlogism, a dark understanding of the past with a radiant understanding of the future. And the radiant future turns out to be inevitable, inevitable, the kingdom of freedom is deterministic. In the future, it is no longer the spontaneous economic basis that determines the life of human societies, but the social mind that has mastered all the elements. The dialectic of the material process leads inevitably to the kingdom of God on earth, though without God, to the kingdom of freedom, justice, power. By itself, the theory of economic materialism could not arouse enthusiasm, it would remain one of the scientific hypotheses. The enthusiasm is aroused by Marx's messianic faith. And this messianic faith finds its final expression in the idea of a messianic calling.

Marx's communism is the secularized Hebrew chiliasm. The chosen people are replaced by a chosen class. It was scientifically impossible to come up with such an idea. It's the idea of a religious order. Here is the core of the religion of communism. 

A soulless policy, not subordinate to a great idea, cannot ignite the souls of free people. The upper stratum of elites cannot remain detached from social life, deprived of a social basis, it must serve the social whole. Communism poses before the whole world the great problem of radical social reconstruction. The whole world is burning, thirsting for transformation, looking for a new, better life. Communism has a plan to reconstruct the life of the whole world, in which theory and practice, thinking and will are merged. And in this communism is like a medieval theocratic design. Communism subordinates the life of the individual to a great world superpersonal goal. He tries to turn life into a ministry of ideas. Official - dignitary feels like a builder of a new world. But this is the construction of the Tower of Babel, it fills the life of the last of the people with exciting superpersonal content. The economy is no longer a private matter, but a world affair. A person is forcibly freed from private life, he rearranges the world. Unusually fascinated by the bureaucratic world and we see it in every country. They believe the world has become plastic, that it can be sculpted as you like, how you want to rearrange. Communism denies the individual man, but it recognizes the collective man as omnipotent. Everyone is called to a collective reorganization of the world. 

The weight of past history, the traditions that were so strong in the West are now dropped, the creation of the world begins as if from the beginning. Freedom itself is forcibly taken away from the peoples of the West for the radical reorganization of the world. In fact, only the preservation of the status quo gives a sense of freedom, artificial change is real violence. Communism understands freedom not as an opportunity to be elected, an opportunity to turn right and left, but only as an opportunity to realize its energy as a madman, deciding to turn in one direction. Freedom of choice seems to them to be exhausting, undermining energy. 

Call teams of psychiatrists to all sick, looking at these freaks we have nothing more to add to the introductory part of the text. And below is not the theory, below is the real practice of these communist demons and what you have now read in our theoretical basis of what is happening in the world. 


1974, drama, melodrama, for adults. France 🇫🇷

The first film about the priestess of love Emmanuel. The plot of the sexual adventures of the heroine in Southeast Asia.

Do you have a dream 💭 Then we go to you 😂


The town hall is captured, the portrait of Macron flies from the balcony ... There is little left and Napoleon himself will fly from the balcony.

     Why did they take her blood 🩸?

In 13 years, Britney Spears only twice had the opportunity to appear in court over her guardianship. In both cases, she raised the issue that at one time a lot of blood was taken from her, and against her will.

Why and why?

It is difficult to say for sure and exactly why they took so much blood from her. But what is for sure is that the story that elites use blood for rituals is not a conspiracy theory. This story of blood and elites has even been put forward in the mainstream media. MSM once wrote that Lady Gaga left behind a bath full of blood. A bath at the hotel where she stayed. MSM promote the idea of using young blood to stay young. Films like Hostel II and Neon Demon and Fiction show elites bathed in blood to preserve their youth.

              A gift 💝 Britney.

Well, Britney's friend also 💝 a gift, so as not to be jealous. We know these two shalavas 😆

So, knowing all this, we can answer one simple question, Friends, why did they take Britney's blood?

            What's going on? 

The reasons for Grandfather 👴 lie in the bowels of ideas - this was known even by Plato. In the layers of explanations, one should not be content with superficial ones, but should strive for the root, most distant from the eye. The causes of historical crimes lie deeper than the existence of criminals, because behind the consciousness hides the subconscious, the human underground, and criminal communities are dangerous not even by the "great helmsmen" - the "godfathers" of the dominant mafia, but by the people who accepted such godfathers.

In order to understand the reasons for your destruction of the richest country in the world - the devastation of history that has occurred in a peaceful period of just a year and a half, it lies in the precedent of the destruction of Americans that has no reasonable explanation, falsely referring to some non-existent virus. It is you Grandfather virus 🦠 for his country and the world, a specific tyrant - a necrophile and a communist demagogue who gathered all the criminal army in the house. And do not say after in the office of the investigator that you are confused by a demon. 

In religious language, utopia and communism are the path to the apocalypse, the seduction of man by the devil, demonic promises, the exploitation of the underdevelopment of the human mind and base human qualities - lust, envy, theft, laziness. In the language of science, communism is illiteracy, incompetence, ignorance of man and history, rejection of them. There is also internal unfreedom, suppression of the personality, the nivellation of people.

Primitive your Bolshevik thinking Grandfather. You see the world of multicolor in two colors - Vaccine 💉 / Not Vaccine, this black - it's white. And the free world 🗺 Grandfather he is plural, obal, infinitely diverse. The pictures of your utopian communist paradise, not rooted in man, american society, or the nature of things, initially contain a false red facade of the house, violence and lies, they are necessary for you to break bones and minds that do not fit into the Procrustean bed of Bolshevik doctrines.

Why did the Christian prophets make almost no mistake Grandfather 👴, and the dommunistic ones were always and in everything? Because the teaching of Christ is human, and Bolshevism is inhuman. Inhuman in the literal sense of the word - in its practice and inhuman - in the figurative, in its theory, created without a living, real person with his passions, virtues and vices.

You decided in vain to compete with us in this discipline. In this discipline you are not Grandfather, in this discipline you are a child 👶 not reasonable.

You returned 💵 money for candles 🕯 to the US budget 🇺🇸 

People on TV, do you realize that many of you 📺 can shine not just a life sentence, but something less excruciating?

US patent 1957075, 2582678, 3630950Pfizer Inc. MORGELL741214 Aerial medical exp. drug no. 7378. The first patent came out in 1931 having to do with airplane spray equipment. The second one 1952 MATERIAL DISSEMINATING APPARATUS FOR AIRPLANES (OCR) Below are the links to Patent numbers 5514578A and 6245531, in case you are interested in looking…


Communist rape of citizens may soon begin in David's Sydney:

The minister told the Telegraph that the state should consider using the army as a more effective measure to control the spread of the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2.

"The government may have to become tougher at the micro level. This could mean tightening isolation, such as erecting physical barriers," an anonymous minister told the publication, "We have been offered troops, let's use them."

The fact that they are now rolling in Australia and trying to make Australia a role model for other countries is clear from the first part of our link ⬇️

🇦🇺 rockefeller Foundation is pure communist fascist evil and this is a fact that we have been trampling on for a long time and very substantively! 

In order for you to understand the depth of the special operation!

In Kratovo lived: S. Eisenstein, S. Prokofiev, M. Shahinyan, T. Tess, V. Berestov, V. Shainsky, N. Babkina, V. Talyzina, N. Bestemyanova and I. Bobrin. 

🚩🏴 ☠️ It was here that the members of the Cambridge Five lived in silence - Kim Philby and J. S. Simpson. Blake. The cost of one dacha in Kratovo even in Soviet times was measured in thousands of dollars. In the late 70-ies not the best cottage in this place could be "purchased" for 20-25 thousand dollars). 

For the USSR of those years a huge amount. 

By the end of the 80s, the population of the village "Old Bolsheviks" consisted mainly of descendants or even distant relatives of those who received these dachas in the 30s. In addition to them, there were also those who managed to buy them and get dachas in the subsequent years of communist power. Moreover, many people lived in the village almost constantly, the benefit of this allowed to do a very good infrastructure by Soviet standards (proximity to the railway, hospital, shops, communications, including telephone). 

Stalin worked for the Rockefellers 

Grigory Uratadze, a member of the Constituent Assembly of Georgia, who sat with Joseph Dzhugashvili in the same cell, in his book "Memoirs of the Georgian Social Democrat" claims that he "was the main financier of the Russian Bolshevik center."

- Stalin was engaged in organizational and technical activities and finances, - says the biographer of Joseph Vissarionovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences Alexander Ostrovsky. - Soviet schoolchildren were told a romantic version of how Stalin robbed banks and capitalists. It wasn't quite like that. In 1901-1907, he provided invaluable assistance to John Rockefeller Sr., the owner of the Standard Oil company, which produced oil in the United States.


The main competitors of Standard Oil were then considered to be oil companies controlled by the Anglo-French Rothschild dynasty, which monopolized oil from Baku. It was vital for the Rockefellers to reduce or stop shipping oil from Russia altogether. And then Baku suddenly became a "hotbed of revolution in the Caspian Sea." Stalin organized one strike after another at the enterprises owned by the Rothschilds and other oil producers. As a result of its activities, two-thirds of the oil provings were destroyed and exports fell to zero. But Standard Oil, taking advantage of the unrest in Russia, successfully returned markets for American kerosene, which were already lost in the fight against Russian oil.

Ties to the Bolshevik underground came in handy for the Rockefellers when their personal interests in Russia coincided with U.S. state interests. Wall Street tycoons sought to make the dollar the world's main currency. It is now the Federal Reserve System (Fed) that issues unsecured green papers, and buys anything with them anywhere in the world. But that wasn't always the case. At the beginning of the XX century, the dollar had almost no circulation outside the country. The world currencies were the British pound sterling and the French franc. American bankers were faced with the task of discrediting them.

... smashed Baku oil fields of the Rothschilds on the instructions of the ROCKEFELLERS

In 1913, the Federal Reserve System was created, and in 1914 the First World War began in Europe. Germany committed aggression against France, Great Britain and their allies, including Russia.

Germany in this case acted in the interests of Washington. This is usually little paid attention to, but in the late XIX - early XX century, the financial systems of the United States and Germany were very closely interrelated. For example, the major American banks Kuhn, Loeb & Co., Goldman Sachs, and Lehman Brothers were founded and operated by immigrants from Germany.

The initiator and vice-chairman of the Fed was the German immigrant Paul Warburg. At the same time, his brother Max Warburg headed the largest German bank "M. M. Warburg & Co.

" In addition, Max was an adviser to Emperor Wilhelm II, and it is known that it was he who persuaded him to war.

Banker William THOMPSON was the shadow leader of both the February and October Revolutions. The bank approved the coup loan. 
The Bolsheviks immediately have several additional financial channels. Yakov Sverdlov is preparing a revolution in Russia, and his brother Benjamin goes to the United States and somehow very quickly creates his own bank. Leon Trotsky is a revolutionary in exile, and his uncle Abram Zhivotovsky turns into a successful banker with international connections in his homeland. Vyacheslav Menzhinsky is a Bolshevik and future People's Commissar of Finance of the RSFSR, his brother Alexander is a major financier associated with the United States. 

He arranges hiding abroad from the tsarist okhrana brother-revolutionary Slava in the international branch of the bank "Lyon Credit".

Until now, all materials indicate that Ulyanov - Lenin made the revolution with German money. But where did germany of those years, which was waging a difficult war, have extra gold to sponsor the Bolsheviks. 

The Germans borrowed in the United States, received profits from supplies to the fighting states. German banker Max Warburg took them from brothers Paul and Felix, who controlled the bank "Kuhn, Loeb & Co."

American bankers had their own people in the tsarist government. For example, Finance Minister Peter Bark. When he lobbied on January 2, 1917, the first branch of the American National City Bank was opened in Petrograd. His first client was a 30-year-old Kiev sugar manufacturer Mikhail Tereshchenko, who received a loan of $ 100 thousand (at the current rate - $ 5 million). Tereshchenko immediately used this money for the February Revolution, after which he became Minister of Finance and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Provisional Government.

The new government immediately announced an amnesty for all political emigrants. From New York to Russia on the steamer "Christiania" returns Leon Trotsky. On the way, in the port of the Canadian city of Halifax, he was detained at customs. Trotsky was found to have $10,000 (at the current exchange rate of $500,000). Canadian police officers have never seen so much cash. However, they failed to understand this story. Trotsky was asked to release people from the administration of President Woodrow Wilson.

Boris Reinstein oversaw the Soviet government on behalf of and on behalf of the United States. It is believed that it was at his request during the purges of 1937 that investigators did not force those arrested to admit themselves to be American spies.

Kerensky received $ 2 million

To understand the importance of what was happening in Russia for the United States, let's substitute the fact: 

from July 26 to December 4, 1917, one of the most important people in the Fed, John Rockefeller's business partner, william Thompson, director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, was in Petrograd. He went to Russia, already having all the appearances and passwords to meet with John's old friend - Comrade Stalin.

With his arrival in the Bolshevik party began a major personnel change. While Lenin was wandering abroad, Stalin and Trotsky took to the forefront. Both on the same day entered first the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b), and then became members of the Military Revolutionary Center. 

Professor Anthony Sutton gives specific data that William Thompson gave at the disposal of the Bolsheviks $ 1 million, and at the disposal of Alexander Kerensky - $ 2 million. It should be borne in mind that one million of those dollars is about 50 million modern. Having received the money, Alexander Fedorovich did everything in his power to lose power. The historian believes that Lenin and Kerensky actually played in the same team, because their fathers were considered best friends. Kerensky's father was the director of the gymnasium where the young Volodya Ulyanov studied, and even illegally gave him a gold medal at the end of the course, although he had four in the certificate. It is quite obvious that without Kerensky's preparatory activities to weaken the Russian state structures, no October Revolution would have been possible in principle. And so during the storming of the Winter Palace killed only six people. Power itself fell into the hands of the Bolsheviks. 

Almost all the gold was taken out.

The hour of reckoning came after the Civil War. As part of the New Economic Policy, Leon Trotsky gave American companies the right to unlimited exploitation of the raw materials deposits of the Caucasus. And during the 10 years of the NEP's existence, Americans annually exported up to 90 percent of all extracted minerals.

Wall Street earned the main money in the usual way. 

The international branch of the State Bank of the USSR, with the filing of Leon Trotsky, included American banks such as Kuhn, Loeb & Co., Guaranty Trust, Chase National and others who had previously lit up on the financing of the October Revolution. On behalf of the State Bank, they supervised all foreign monetary operations of the Soviet government.

The currency for the export of raw materials went to the State Bank of the USSR, which in turn transferred money to deposit accounts in the United States in the same banks whose firms exported these raw materials. Thus, the exploitation of raw materials in Russia from Wall Street was worth nothing, but the profit was such that until now the leading banks in America refuse to provide data on their incomes relating to the 20s - early 30s.

Estonia and Latvia became customs "windows", they are still famous for this, gold went abroad through them. It was exported in tons under the brand name of a fictitious "locomotive order".

Heading for a short time the People's Commissariat of Railways, Leon Trotsky concluded a contract with the Swedish firm Nyudqvist and Holm for the purchase of 1,000 steam locomotives for 200 million gold rubles. Having received the money, which is about a quarter of the country's gold reserves, the Swedes shipped us only 36 locomotives. About the strangeness of the "locomotive business" wrote in 1922, the Soviet magazine "Economist". The article expressed bewilderment about such a strange way of management. After reading the article, Lenin asked Felix Dzerzhinsky to cover up the magazine 📓.

This Soviet caricature of French colonialism was happily printed by Washington newspapers 📰 

For such financial transactions - fraud with foreign circles in 1922, Roskombank was created, later transformed into Vnesheconombank (Andrei Kostin and his love Nail). The bank was then headed by 🏦 business partner of Trotsky's uncle - banker Abram Zhivotovsky Swedish banker Olof Aschberg. In his spare time from pumping Soviet gold, he was engaged in collecting Russian icons, the collection of which was later taken out of the Soviet Union with the special permission of Anatoly Lunacharsky.

A friend of the Soviet government, american businessman Armand Hammer also took out antiques, paintings, sculptures from the Leningrad Hermitage in boxes. In particular, he bought Faberge eggs at bargain prices and resold them in the West. Not officially maintaining diplomatic relations with the young Bolshevik Russia, the sponsors of the revolution communicated with the country's leadership through messengers. According to Anthony Sutton, together with William Thompson in 1917, the emigrant Boris Reinstein, who lived in the United States for 32 years, returned to Petrograd. He was Thompson's translator, and when he left, he immediately took the place of Lenin's personal secretary and head of the Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda. Apparently, he was left as a messenger. 

Later, Reinstein moved to the apparatus of the Comintern, which gave him the opportunity to travel abroad without hindrance. However, he would travel to the United States only once in June 1922. A matter of particular importance required his direct presence in the "headquarters". Having received detailed instructions, he returns and supervises the "Commission for the preparation of a project for the improvement of federal relations between the RSFSR and other fraternal republics", that is, the process of preparing for the creation of the USSR. 

Estonia and Latvia became customs "windows", they are still famous for this, gold went abroad through them. It was exported in tons under the brand name of a fictitious "locomotive order".

Heading for a short time the People's Commissariat of Railways, Leon Trotsky concluded a contract with the Swedish firm Nyudqvist and Holm for the purchase of 1,000 steam locomotives for 200 million gold rubles. Having received the money, which is about a quarter of the country's gold reserves, the Swedes shipped us only 36 locomotives. About the strangeness of the "locomotive business" wrote in 1922, the Soviet magazine "Economist". The article expressed bewilderment about such a strange way of management. After reading the article, Lenin asked Felix Dzerzhinsky to cover up the magazine 📓

This Soviet caricature of French colonialism was happily printed by Washington newspapers 📰 

For such financial transactions - fraud with foreign circles in 1922, Roskombank was created, later transformed into Vnesheconombank (Andrei Kostin and his love Nail). The bank was then headed by 🏦 business partner of Trotsky's uncle - banker Abram Zhivotovsky Swedish banker Olof Aschberg. In his spare time from pumping Soviet gold, he was engaged in collecting Russian icons, the collection of which was later taken out of the Soviet Union with the special permission of Anatoly Lunacharsky.

A friend of the Soviet government, american businessman Armand Hammer also took out antiques, paintings, sculptures from the Leningrad Hermitage in boxes. In particular, he bought Faberge eggs at bargain prices and resold them in the West. Not officially maintaining diplomatic relations with the young Bolshevik Russia, the sponsors of the revolution communicated with the country's leadership through messengers. According to Anthony Sutton, together with William Thompson in 1917, the emigrant Boris Reinstein, who lived in the United States for 32 years, returned to Petrograd. He was Thompson's translator, and when he left, he immediately took the place of Lenin's personal secretary and head of the Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda. Apparently, he was left as a messenger. 

Later, Reinstein moved to the apparatus of the Comintern, which gave him the opportunity to travel abroad without hindrance. However, he would travel to the United States only once in June 1922. A matter of particular importance required his direct presence in the "headquarters". Having received detailed instructions, he returns and supervises the "Commission for the preparation of a project for the improvement of federal relations between the RSFSR and other fraternal republics", that is, the process of preparing for the creation of the USSR. 

Australia. New South Wales . stratocracy. Background.

Military Plan to Protect Covid Hot Zones: To stop people from leaving, under the Greater Sydney plan, to learn how to live with covid until vaccination reaches critical mass, military checkpoints can be set up in "hot zones."

What is the level of influence of the oval office on this nature reserve, we also know well. 

"In 2017, 1255 people died of influenza in Australia, no one blinked an eye.

In 18 months, we've had 914 coronavirus deaths. In Australia, approximately 470 people die every day.

We have followed this path of alarmists before, receiving information forcibly from "experts" and "politicians" with virtually no evidence to justify their panicked conversations.

What's called, find ten differences!? 

War Communism Is One Difference 

🇦🇺 Sydney, Australia.

An employee of the TLDR Emergency Communication Center goes on leave due to the stress caused by people calling and talking about loved ones dying of an injection, a blood clot and so on, that there are more deaths from the vaccine than from the virus, and that the government is hiding it. Taken from some covid Facebook group. 

From a New South Wales ambulance worker:

🇨🇳💉🇺🇸Fauchi: "We had cooperation with some Chinese Communists."

We know bitch blya, asshole. 

💉☠️ Meep their faces. 

"... if we don't do [vaccinate everyone], new options will arise, and we will never return to normal life if we cannot vaccinate everyone." — The creator of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine, Professor Sarah Gilbert

This reductive evil lie of this evil woman vaccine seller will be remembered by history. Its leaky vaccine, in addition to killing and disabling thousands of people around the world, is putting directed immune pressure on spike protein, creating escape options in the virus population, and a huge number of breakthrough cases, undermining its wretched premise that an even more aggressive desire for vaccination will end the pandemic.

🇺🇸America (Wisconsin), 85 thousand viewers without a vaccination passport and social. distance at an NBA game.

Mainstream media will never publish such news, such news is censored, as they are not functional for the propaganda of terror.

Media schizophrenia

NBC: "There's no getting around the fact that we're in the midst of a pandemic.

NBC, 5 minutes later: Join us for our Fallon Show, an Olympic-sized show where everyone is already in the studio and waiting just for you, Friends, sitting next to each other without masks or any social. Distancing.

Ari, we have a clear understanding that even if you miraculously remain at large and avoid a fair investigation and trial for lying in the studio, you will be punished by decent girls. Decent ones will just stop giving you. You, bitch, will be shivering under the blanket for the rest of your days. 

If you want a more decent expression for yourself, then in our vocabulary there are also such: - quietly with myself I have conversations ...

🇨🇳 China does the whole world. 

China has used Covid testing kits to collect DNA (PCR tests are originally designed to collect DNA and are designed and, in the words of the Nobel laureate, their creator, PCR viruses are not "looking") for a huge number of people from all over the world.

🚩Our DNA is the most valuable thing you own, containing the most intimate details of your past, present, and potential future. It is your unique genetic code that can provide you with personalized medical care and individual harm.

🚩 Losing your DNA is not the same as losing a credit card. You can order a new credit card, but you can't replace your DNA. The loss of your DNA affects not only you, but also your relatives and possibly future generations.

🚩CPR views massive personal data, including medical and genomic data, as a strategic commodity to be collected and used for its economic and national security priorities. (Genomic data is a broad term referring to

to your entire genetic sequence–all your DNA)

🚩CPD is investing heavily in the "biotechnology revolution" and pursuing a national policy that prioritizes the collection of health data both at home and abroad in order to achieve its goal of becoming a world leader in biotechnology. The CCP has identified biotechnology as a "strategic emerging industry" and prioritized state support for its biotechnology

industries in national plans, such as the "Made in China 2025" plan.1

🚩In 2016, China announced a 15-year, $9 billion project to collect, analyze, and sequence genomic data to become a global leader in precision medicine—a process designed to provide customized treatments based on the genetic makeup, environment, and lifestyle of individual patients.

🚩In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, China has been actively selling Chinese testing kits #COVID19 around the world. And by August 2020, China's leading genomics company BGI said it had sold test kits to 180 countries in the past six months and set up labs in 18 countries.

Read more in pdf format

As you understand, Friends, it is now much easier for China to create diseases that target specifically those they consider enemies, while minimizing the impact on its own citizens.

Artificial intelligence and facial recognition technology will be used to monitor social distancing. Big Brother technology can also detect people with high temperatures and alert businesses to any violations. Complete control over people and encroachment on their lives - one big friendly seven .., sorry, prison.

Today's map of the protests in France.

Artificial intelligence will learn more about how to work with (and on) people.

AI can learn to identify vulnerabilities in human habits and behaviors and use them to influence human decision-making. 

Add here, Friends, the ability to control emotions with the help of EMR, "bigdata" (stat data obtained by AI about each user for more than a dozen years) and, therefore, the ability to control behavior, and you will see an almost complete picture of the possibilities of manipulation and forgery.

🇦🇺In Australia, people took to the streets: Sydney, Melbourne and so on. 

The reason is covid restrictions that exacerbate what can be exacerbated, have nothing to do with medicine and health, increase the distrust of the People watching this syur to the government, and are designed to support the implementation of the "Great Reset" agenda, which in turn aims to establish the NWO.

Today's rallies in Australia are a good sign and a good start.

They will confront the government and the media with the fact that people understand everything, as the main narrative accompanying the orders to block the system and force vaccinations is: "We are in control."

The rallies challenge that message.

Today, people at rallies have demonstrated that not everyone is afraid and the state is not as controlled by the situation as it wants people to believe. Tonight, television news will broadcast footage of police arresting individuals, and the message will be: "Police maintain control. We're still in control." 

If you are in Australia, be careful, Friends, when dispersing/leaving the city to return home, at this time the police will attack individuals and small groups of people to make arrests.

But it still doesn't matter because the precedent has already been set. 

Now millions of Australians have seen a large number of people at rallies, now they will feel more confident to take part in the next one. This guarantees even more people at future rallies and great potential for future political action.

And what's great about this particular reason is that it's really the reaction of the average person. The movement is not led or organized by any one person-banner, so the state cannot simply remove the leader and kill it all in the process.

Given the harsh censorship and police harassment these protesters have faced from the start, today's rallies are very impressive and courageous. 

It seems that about the same thing, but with a logical end, many countries can expect autumn by autumn. Unless, of course, those who serve the interests of the Swab clique, the so-called global kahal, are arrested from the management hub earlier. 

Tom Delay - The Ministry of Justice legalizes 12 perversions, bestiality, pedophilia, silences the Church. 

Former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay says the Justice Department has drafted a memorandum outlining a dozen "perversions," including bestiality and pedophilia, that it wants to legalize.

"We ... found a secret memo coming from the Justice Department. Now they're going to tackle 12 new perversions. Things like bestiality, polygamy, sex with little boys and its legitimization," Dylay said Tuesday on the Steve Malzberg Show on Newsmax TV. Not only that, but they have a whole list of strategies to persecute churches, pastors, and anyone who tries to defend their religious freedom. It's coming, and it's coming like a tidal wave."

The sensational Texas Republican announcement came four days after the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage is now legal in states, in all 50 states.

"They come with 12 new perversions ... LGBT [designation of adherents of pederasty and other perversions] is just the beginning. They're going to extend that to other perversions," the Texan said. This is just the beginning," DeWay said. In just the last few days across the country, [people] have made it clear to their elected officials that they are unhappy with us, that the Supreme Court is out of control, that we are in a quandary. constitutional crisis. We are indeed in a constitutional crisis. We have a president who completely ignores the Constitution, everyone bypasses it. We have the Supreme Court, which ... [considers] the Constitution a living document. And we have a Republican Congress that doesn't even understand the Constitution and the fact that they have the most power and can stand up and stop the other two branches. We have serious problems."

Well, what did you want with such a host in the title of the day. This is his program, moreover, he is not familiar with anything at all. 

The list of the former head of the largest farm. BigPharma, the most knowledgeable person in the field of vaccines, Mike Yidon to a family member who "doesn't understand":

Honey, I am deeply concerned that you don't seem to have read any of what I have sent you.

You're smart, and if you read this, you'd know that all the highlights of the narrative about this virus are lies. That's why I'm arguing that you certainly haven't read it. I always suggest that people pick the two weakest claims of lies and refute them. You didn't. You can't refute even the weakest lies.

Please read this article by an independent scientist from North America in full. He says the same thing as I do. He provides irrefutable evidence for several false claims.

Please consider how it could be that dozens of countries simultaneously abandoned their pandemic preparedness plans and yet adopted them, the same set of lies for the story of 2020?

Unfortunately, I must say that there is absolutely no reason for doubt. There is an internationally coordinated and criminal/malicious plan to use exaggerated and false perceptions of the virus.

Effects are all around us. Since it is no longer a natural phenomenon, it will not stop until those who promote it achieve their goals, whatever they may be.

You'll probably understand what I'm afraid of based on observations and logic.

If bright people like you and I do not stand up and stand together, I fear that we will inevitably witness free democratic societies become permanent totalitarian dictatorships. This is the best final state currently being offered. Nothing that looks a little like normality will now ever be resumed and returned. 

The freedoms of my children and your children will also be lost. Forever!!! 

As Huxley warned us, unlike political dictatorships, scientific dictatorships have no natural end.

Even what is left of our lives will never resume again.

You may remember watching a clip of grainy footage from Nazi Germany in "Peace in Time of War." People with empty faces kneel on the edge of the trench. A Nazi officer walks through a row, inserting a bullet into the back of everyone's head. They fall like rag dolls. As a teenager, I remember asking my dad, "Why don't they resist?"

He said he didn't know.

Now I know why.

People are too scared to leave these terrible thoughts alone.

Well, I'm still that young man who yells at people to get up from their knees.

I load my guns.

It's now without five minutes of midnight.

If vaccine passports are introduced on the territory, there will be no turning back.

And they will be introduced if we (you and I) don't get up. I don't mind loading my gun. I had a good life. If enough of us refuse to cooperate with them, this crime may stop.

If I don't get a response from you, this will be the last message you'll ever hear from me.

Love and sorrow,

Your Mike.

Don't despair Mike !  We insure !

A mystery that is 80 years old. Why did Russian soldiers use three pens in a canister?

Why three handles where you can do one? So reasoned numerous "rationalizers", decades trying to "improve" the world-famous canister. And the three handles didn't appear because there was nowhere to put the metal.

So why did the Russians make three handles on a canister of 20 liters? 

ᱬ𐍂. ተ𐍂ꤕ𐌳Ⴝ𐌵𐍂ꤕ𐍂 ᱛፑ 𐌉ᱚꤕ𐌳Ⴝ

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